ARLIOS Brand Standards Manual

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Brand Standards Manual

GD2 | J. Dorn | Spring 2020

Brand Standards Manual V 1.0


Brand Standards Manual




1.1 Company

4.1 Typefaces

1.2 Purpose

4.2 Hierarchy

1.3 Values 23 5.0 TOUCHPOINTS 6 2.0 APPROACH 2.1 Target Market 2.2 Position 2.3 Mission

5.1 Digital Ads 5.2 Social Media Ads 5.3 Physical Ads 5.4 Stationary 5.5 Merchandise

10 3.0 LOGO 3.1 Lockups

5.6 Website 5.7 Mobile App

3.2 Minimum Size 3.3 Clearspace 3.4 Color 3.5 Imagery 3.6 Integrities

52 6.0 CREDITS

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Introduction Approach Logo Typography Touchpoints Credits


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We are Arlios company history Founded in 1933, Arlios built high quality and inexpensive camera equipment to give a wider audience the experience of photography. Ever since then, we have tirelessly worked to build a platform for millions of people to enjoy the beauty that can be found all around us.



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Purpose why this book? The purpose of this document is to help us work to establish consistent communications that build Company Name’s reputation in the many communities we serve. Adherence to these guidelines will aid us in creating materials that speak to our audiences while maintaining one, unified voice. Questions should be directed by email to the Company Name Corporate Office at


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Values why we do what we do We strive to produce high quality and confident equipment for the purpose of promoting harmony between Man and machine. Since 1933, Arlios has not ceased in refining the results of tireless research and understanding. Our focus is on the sutainability of our manufacutring process and the harmony engineered between out customers and our products. We want consumers to immerse themselves in their passions. Our goal is to make that a reality.



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Target Market sales expectations Arlios aims to market products to both professional and amatuer photographers from the ages of 16 and older. To giving a wide range of consumers the opprotunity to capture the beauty around them.



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Position where we stand Arlios is situated comfortably as the market leaders in photography. Leveraging this lead gives us distinct abilities to pass those benefits off to our customers. High quality, great customer service, and reliability are the pillars of our success.


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Mission our goal We are dedicated to high quality products and giving people the opportunity to capture the beauty in their lives. Their moments are precious and we are proud to aid them in their passions.



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Lockups brandmark The Arlios logo captures the ancient desire to pause and hold on to a moment in time. The unique “O� form is remenicent of a camera reticle used in focusing the frame on a subject.


The wordmark with tag line is used in limited circumstances. High contrast and in large placements only.

Brandmark with tagline

* demonstrates usage in white. Not to be used with dark boarder.


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Minimum Sizing visibility


The Arlios lockups must maintain visibility. To ensure it can be viewed, a minimum size is necessary. 1.00in


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Clearspace social distance Clearspace is the amount of area that must not be filled with content. The distance is measured with components from the lockup to maintain useful proportions.



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Color Palette using accents Arlios uses colors that evoke emotion and nostalgia. Customer’s memories are important and we aim for a palette that is calming and encourages remembering.


35,14,7,0 163,194,217 A3C2D9 543C + 4155U


22,53,33,0 199,136,144 C78890 500C + 2446U


80,70,61,76 19,25,31 13191F 532C + 546U


32,28,25,0 177,172,176 B1ACB0 4282 C + 7528U

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Color Usage applying the palette Colors can be applied to the Arlios lockup up in specific ways. Contrast is important to the legibility of the lockup. They may not be altered, and must be placed in these orientations. Lockups without a border may only be placed on a white or black background. When in greyscale, pure black and white will be used in either orientation.



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Imagery logo on photo The pairing of the lockup and photos it may rest on is necessary for ideal contrast and the overall visual message of Arlios. The logo can be placed in the 4 corners of an image. It is to be placed on areas that are out of focus or have no detail and must match or contrast the image’s color palette. It is never to be placed on any portion of a person in the frame. People in the frame must not show their faces. For verticle images, it can span across the image’s width.


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Imagery logo on photo The pairing of the lockup and photos it may rest on is necessary for ideal contrast and the overall visual message of Arlios. The logo can be placed in the 4 corners of an image. It is to be placed on areas that are out of focus or have no detail and must match or contrast the image’s color palette. It is never to be placed on any portion of a person in the frame. People in the frame must not show their faces. For verticle images, it can span across the image’s width.



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Integrities thou shall not The Arlios lockup is to be treated in the ways stated previously. This way, brand unity is maintained and the Arlios aesthetic can be preserved.

Maintain high contrast. No religious imagry.

No sterile environments.

Do not alter the Arlios lockup in any way. Adhere to the rules for placement on images. The following are examples of incorrect usage. This list is not comprehensive.

No clearly staged scenes. Do not center the lockup.

Do not place lockup on non-brand colors. Only use tagline lockup with white or black backgrounds.

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Integrities thou shall not The Arlios lockup is to be treated in the ways stated previously. This way, brand unity is maintained and the Arlios aesthetic can be preserved. Do not alter the Arlios lockup in any way. Adhere to the rules for placement on images. The following are examples of incorrect usage. This list is not comprehensive.

Only place lockup on photographs

Maintain 100% opacity

Do not show human faces.

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Typefaces font choice These typefaces convey sofistication, confidence, beauty, and refinement. When paired together they encapsulate the voice Arlios conveys to customers. The print, web, and mobile app voices are seamless with Gotham Medium, Light, and DINPro Light.



Gotham HTF Ultra Gotham HTF Ultra Italic Gotham HTF Black Italic Gotham HTF Black Italic Gotham HTF Bold Gotham HTF Bold Italic Gotham HTF Medium Gotham HTF Medium Italic Gotham HTF Book Gotham HTF Book Italic Gotham HTF Light Gotham HTF Light Italic Gotham HTF XLight Gotham HTF XLight Italic Gotham HTF Thin Gotham HTF Thin Italic

DINPro Black DINPro Bold DINPro Medium DINPro Regular DINPro Light

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Heirarchy how to use it



Gotham HTF Medium


gotham htf light


DINPro Light. Lorem ipsum is dummy text used to show how copy will look. dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Id porta nibh venenatis cras sed felis eget. Integer eget aliquet nibh praesent tristique. Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Ultrices neque ornare aenean euismod elementum. Egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu. Ac ut consequat semper viverra nam libero justo. Enim eu turpis egestas pretium aenean pharetra. Elit duis tristique sollicitudin nibh sit amet commodo nulla facilisi. Nec tincidunt praesent semper feugiat nibh sed pulvinar. Fermentum posuere urna nec tincidunt praesent semper feugiat.

DINPro Light. Lorem ipsum is dummy text used to show how copy will look. dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Id porta nibh venenatis cras sed felis eget. Integer eget aliquet nibh praesent tristique. Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Ultrices neque ornare aenean euismod elementum. Egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu. Ac ut consequat semper viverra nam libero justo. Enim eu turpis egestas pretium aenean pharetra. Elit duis tristique sollicitudin nibh sit amet commodo nulla facilisi. Nec tincidunt praesent semper feugiat nibh sed pulvinar. Fermentum posuere urna nec tincidunt praesent semper feugiat.

2X To make text easy to read and digest, the typography has to follow specific guides. Headline Gotham HTF Medium, 30 on 30, 0 tracking, sentence case subheader Gotham HTF Light, 15 on 30, 0 tracking, miniscules Body Copy DINPro Light, 11 on 15, 0 tracking, sentence case Distance between subheader and body copy must be twice the distance between the headline and subheader

Enim eu turpis egestas pretium aenean pharetra. Elit duis tristique sollicitudin nibh sit amet commodo nulla facilisi. Nec tincidunt praesent semper feugiat nibh sed pulvinar. Fermentum posuere urna nec tincidunt praesent semper feugiat.

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Introduction Approach Logo Typography Touchpoints Credits

Source appreciation The production of this piece would not have been possible without the generocity of the artistic community. Unsplash, Creative Market, Adobe are just a few who’s contributions were necessary. Critique and feedback from the Design Department and collegues was invaluable and a critical component to this publication.

Š Taylor Smith 2020, All Rights Reserved.


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