Month/Week / Day
People and Values
Jan (1-2) 01 - 09
Getting to Know You
Learning Objective/Learning outcome SWBAT:
Talking about the concerns of a teenager Offering advice on cleaning up a messy room Writing a journal
Carrying on a conversation with a new friend
Writing out a telephone conversation
Listening- Trace a cycling route on a map
SWBAT : Jan (3 - 4) 12 - 23
Reading- Scan for details and identify main ideas
Reading-Understand contextual clues
Summary—Use general terms
Apply process writing skills- Brainstorm
Introducing poetry
Identifying persona and point of view
Content Grammar - Subject-verb agreement
Sound system – ‘w’/w/
Educational emphases - Thinking Skills - Learning how to learn skills - ICT - Values and citizenship education Literature In The Midst of Hardship by Latiff Mohidin Grammar
Present perfect tense
Sound system – ‘v’/v/
Educational emphases - Thinking Skills - Learning how to learn skills - ICT - Values and citizenship education - Multiple Intelligences -Knowledge Acquisition - Preparation for the real world Literature Component – In The Midst of Hardship by Latiff Mohidin
People and Values Malaysian Tapestry
(5) 26 -30
Talking about different cultures in Malaysia
Making a group decision on building a
Positive and negative statements Past perfect tense
Sound system – ‘qu’/kw/, /I/ and /I:/
Reading passage aloud
Reading about Nettiquette
Listening- Note details and fill in the blanks in a text
Reading- Scan for details
Using a dictionary
Educational emphases - Thinking Skills - ICT - Values and Citizenship education - Multiple Intelligences - Knowledge Acquisition - Preparation for The Real World
Reading- Discover the features of informal letters and email
Literature Component – In The Midst of Hardship by Latiff Mohidin
Reading- Identify main ideas and supporting ideas
Summary- Sentence level
Writing an informal letter- Expand outline
Interpreting emoticon and email abbreviations
Introducing elements that constitute style in poetry
Read poems with feeling
Read about mood and tone in poetry
Identify mood and tone in poems
CHINESE NEW YEAR BREAK 31 JAN – 02 FEB 2014 People and Values Scale The Heights
Feb (6 - 7) 03 – 13
SWBAT : - Discussing different definitions of success
Talk about personal qualities needed to be successful
Role play- Stage mock interview with wellknown personality
Listening- Note details of short descriptions
Using a dictionary
Reading- Interpret non-linear texts
Grammar – Adjectives of Quality, Adjectives of Comparison Sound system – ‘r’ and ‘rr’ /r/ Educational Emphases - Thinking Skills - Values and citizenship education - Knowledge Acquisition - Preparation for the Real World Literature Component -In The Midst of Hardship
People and Values
Feb (8) 16 - 20
The S-Files
Environment Nature’s GiftMy Homeland
Feb (9) 23 - 27
Reading- Identify keywords and topic sentence in paragraphs
Making and expanding short notes
Introducing rhythm and rhyme
Reciting poems with correct stress and rhythm
Finding rhyming words
Composing a simple poem
SWBAT : - Talking about sports and why sports celebrities are admired - Discussion- Sensational headlines - Preparing questions for interviewing players - Exchanging ideas - Emotional and physical experiences related to sports - Exchanging ideas- Qualities that successful athletes are likely to possess - Reading- newspapers- Scan for details, take notes and complete a table - Listening- Identify tterms specific to a sport - Reading- Identify main ideas and supporting details - Reading- Understand contextual clues - Reading- Study structure of a newspaper reports - Reading- Understanding Journalist’s Triangle - Summary- Identify keywords - Apply process Writing Skills- Discuss and carry out research for a newspaper report - Retelling poem in one’s words - Creating own similes and metaphors - Understanding figurative language- Similes and metaphors SWBAT : - Talking about language used in advertisements - Making decisions regarding solutions to environmental problems - Reading for details/ reading guidelines for
Grammar – Prepositions of place, position, direction and association Sound system – ‘x’ /eks/, /ks/ and /z/
Educational Emphases - Thinking Skills - ICT Skills - Values and citizenship education - Multiple Intelligences - Knowledge Acquisition - Preparation for The Real World Literature Component -He Had Such Quiet Eyes
Grammar – Conjunction s ‘although’, ‘though’, ‘either………..or’, ‘neither…….nor’ Sound system – ‘e’ /e/ and ‘u’ /^/
Mac (10) 2- 6
Do We Need Dams
Environment And Values All Creatures Great and Small
Mac (11) 9 - 13
summary writing Reading- Identify main ideas and supporting details Writing: Summary (55 words) Reading- Draw conclusions Reading- Identify cause and effect Writing- Describe a tourist spot Introducing personification Understanding figurative languagepersonification Write a simple poem
SWBAT : - Talking about importance of water and electricity in our daily lives - Identifying some facts about fresh water, electricity and dams - Exchanging ideas- Discuss the importance of water and electricity - Interpret table - Brainstorm for ideas to support/ oppose dams - Role play: speeches supporting/ opposing dams - Reading- Scan for details and gather information to complete a table - Listening- Identify statements as T/F - Reading- Identify main ideas and supporting details - Reading- Study structure of a speech - Reading- Identify cause and effect - Reading- Draw conclusions and complete a flow chart - Understanding imagery and symbolism - Writing a paragraph on symbolism in a poem SWBAT : - Talking about feelings with respect to different roles that animals play - Discuss the benefits of keeping pets - Talk about act of human cruelty towards animals - Suggesting ways to counter human cruelty towards animals - Listening- Note important details of a conversation - Reading- Scan for details and follow sequence of ideas
Educational emphases - Thinking Skills - Preparation for the Real World - Values and Citizenship Education - Multiple Intelligences Knowledge Acquisition Literature Component
Grammar – Modals ‘need’ and ‘should’ Sound system – Diphthongs: /ₔu/ and />I/ Educational emphases - Thinking Skills -ICT Skills -Multiple Intelligences - Knowledge Acquisition -Preparation for The Real World Literature Component QWERTYUIOP
Grammar – Conjunction ‘However’ Adverbs of Degree Sound system – Diphthongs: /eI) and /aI/ Educational emphases - Thinking Skills - Multiple Intelligences - Learning how to learn skills -Knowledge Acquisition - Values and Citizenship Education - Preparation for the Real World
People and Values
Mac (12) 16 - 20
Special People
Science and Technology Profile of Products
Mac / April (13) 30 Mac – 03 Apr
Reading- Study structure of a letter of appeal Reading- for main ideas and supporting details, to draw conclusions and differentiate fact from myth Writing- Summary (80 words) Writing a letter of appeal Apply process writing procedure Introducing messages and theme in a poem Identifying message/ theme in a poem Writing a poem in another genre (journal entry)
Literature Component QWERTYUOIP
SWBAT : - Relating personal experiences with disabled people - Expressing concern in simple language - Making statements with correct intonation and stress - Suggesting ways to solve problems faced by disabled people in the community - Listening- Note important details in a conversation - Reading- study the structure of a report - Understanding formation of compound words - Writing- Summary (90 words) - Expanding notes and outlines - Reading – Identifying point of view in a forum - Reading- Draw conclusions from facts given - Carry out reference work on facilities for the disabled in your town - Introducing elements of a short story - Identifying elements of a short story - Predicting outcome of a story MID SEM BREAK 21-29 MAC 2014
Grammar – ‘Adjective and preposition’ combination’ Use of hyphen (-)
SWBAT : - Talking about shopping habits and experiences - Exchanging ideas- Discuss a catalogue and make choices - Making enquiries about a product - Role play- Deal with a complaint
Grammar – Nouns functioning as adjectives Gerunds as complement of the verb ‘to be’
Sound system – Sentence stress and intonation Educational emphases - Thinking Skills -Multiple Intelligences - Learning how to learn skills -Values and citizenship education -Knowledge Acquisition -Preparation for the Real World Literature Component QWERTYUIOP
Sound system – Homographs and homophones
Scince and Technology Malaysian Industries
April (14) 6 -10
Listening- Note details of announcements Reading- Scan mail order catalogue Reading- Identify sequence of ideas in a brochure Using a dictionary Reading- Study format of a formal letter Reading- Identify main ideas and supporting details Writing- Fill in the form Writing- Summary (100 words) Writing- reply to a letter and respond to a complaint Using dictionary- Words/phrases describing setting, place and mood Describing the time and place took place (Setting and cross culture) Creating settings for short stories of your own
SWBAT : - Talking about industries in your hometown/ Malaysia - Exchanging ideas- Reasons for setting up certain industries - Discussing- Brainstorm for ideas - Reading quotations- Agree/disagree, giving reasons - Future studies- Discuss the industry of your choice - Listening- Note important details - Reading- Study structure of n article - Reading- Guidelines for writing an article - Listening- Note important details - Reading- Study structure of an article - Reading- Guidelines for writing an article - Listening- Identify given statements as T/F - Reading for detail, meaning and inferences - Library/ informational skills- Plot infrastructure on a map, using print/ electronic sources - Using contextual clues - Writing-Summary (100 words) - Writing- A friendly letter - Apply process writing skill- Write an article - Identify sequence of events - Writing- Synopsis of a story
Educational Emphases - Thinking Skills -Learning How to Learn - Skills Multiple Intelligences -ICT - Values and Citizenship education -Knowledge Acquisition - Preparation for The Real World Literature Component – QWERTYUOIP
Grammar – Preposition of time: since, during, until, within infinitives as objects of verbs Sound system – Stress in foursyllable words Educational emphases - Thinking Skill -Multiple Intelligences -Learning how to learn skill -ICT - Knowledge acquisition -Preparation for the Real World Literature Component The Fruitcake Special
People and Social Issues
April (15) 13 - 17
Say “YES” to Healthy Living, Say “NO” to addiction
People and Social Issues Mental Health
People and Values
April (16) 20 - 24
April (17) 27 - 30
SWBAT : - Talking about healthy lifestyle with friends - Talking about the consequences of telling a lie - Persuading youngsters to see the real dangers of drug abuse - Pronouncing words clearly and correctly - Listening- Note details to fill in the blanks and to do a stretching exercise - Reading- Note important details to complete a chart - Reading- Study structure of a paragraph in an expository essay - Reading- Identify main ideas in a text - Understanding contextual clues - Writing- Summary (110 words) - Expanding notes and outlines - Writing an expository essay - Apply process writing skills - Introducing plot structure - Reading and reflecting on a poem - Sequencing of events in a short story
Grammar – Colon (:) Prepositions of purpose
SWBAT : - Talking with each other about keeping mentally healthy - Pronouncing words clearly and correctly - Suggesting ways of coping with a problem - Listening- Note important details in a poem - Reading- Scan for details and convert information into a poster - Reading- Understand meanings and inferences - Understanding contextual clues - Writing- Summary (120 words) - Revising elements of a short story - Identifying twist endings - Distinguishing between first person and third person points of view - Retelling a story from another point of view - Writing short story based on pictures
Grammar – Adjectives as nouns Gerunds as objects of prepositions
SWBAT : - Talking about people with Down’s Syndrome and dyslexia - Making a decision based on agreement of
Grammar – Phrasal Verbs - Use of brackets
Sound system – Consonant Clusters: ‘sl’/sl/, ‘cl’ /kl/, ‘bl’ /bl/ and ‘fl’/fl/ Educational emphases - Thinking Skills - ICT - Learning How to Learn - Skills Multiple Intelligences -Knowledge Acquisition -Preparation for the Real World Literature Component – The Fruitcake Special
Sound system – ‘ps’ /s/, ‘sm’/zəm/ and ‘gn’ /n/ Educational Emphases - Thinking Skills - Learning How to Learn Skills - ICT Skills - Values and Citizenship Education -Multiple Intelligences -Knowledge Acquisition -Preparation for the Real World Literature Component – The Fruitcake Special
Of Down’s and Dyslexia
Science and Technology
May (20-21) 18 – 27
The Internet: Uses and Abuse
all members regarding setting up a club Sound system – Consonant clusters: ‘cr’ /kr/ and ‘br’ /br/ Suggesting contents of club proposal Using a dictionary Listening- Identify statements as T/F Educational emphases Reading- Study structure and details of a - Thinking Skills club proposal Learning How to Learn Skills Reading for information, main details, Values and Citizenship Education supporting details and inference - Multiple Intelligences Writing- summary (130 words) - Knowledge Acquisition Carrying out extended writing and - Preparation for the Real World reference work to write a club proposal Literature Component – Introducing characters in a short story The Fruitcake Special Describing characters Writing simple descriptions of a character Phrasal verbs Use of brackets ( ) UJIAN OTI 1 (MID YEAR EXAMINATION) 4 - 19 MAY 2014 Grammar- Passive construction Talking about the benefits or dangers of using the internet Pronouncing words clearly and correctly Giving opinions on how the internet can be used beneficially
Sound system- ‘sp’ /sp/ Educational Emphases Thinking Skills - Knowledge Acquisition - ICT Skills Literature ComponentThe Fruitcake Special
MID YEAR BREAK 28 MAY -15 JUNE 2014 Science and Technology The Internet: Uses and Abuse
June (22) 16 -19
SWBAT : - Providing alternatives - Having a discussion - Reading: Follow sequence of ideas - Listening- Note important details and fill in the blanks - Reading- Scan for details to fill a diagram - Reading- Guidelines for an argumentative essay - Study structure of a speech - Reading for meaning and inferences - Reading- Interpret non-linear texts - Understanding contextual clues - Writing- Summary (140 words) - Reading- Draw conclusions - Writing- Report based on Internet survey - Introducing imagery in short stories
Grammar – Passive construction using ‘has’ and ‘had’ The sequence connector ‘later’ Sound system – ‘lm’ /lm/ and ‘m’/m/ Educational Emphases - Thinking Skills - Knowledge Acquisition - ICT Skills -Values and citizenship education -Learning How to Learn Skills - Multiple Intelligences - Knowledge Acquisition Literature Component Drama: Gulp and Gasp
Values Peace
Values Peace
June (23) 22-26
June (24) 29-30
July (25 - 26) 1 - 31 August (27 - 30) 1 – 31 September (31 - 34) 1 - 30
Describing imagery in short stories Writing a sketch based on a short story
SWBAT : - Talking about emotional reactions to conflict and peace - Talking about the family unit - Talking about newspaper reports and exchanging ideas - Speaking with the correct stress - Discussing- Media consumption habits - Discussing- Agree/disagree with the writer - Role play- Actors’ script - Reading- Scan for news to fill a table - Converting information into tables - Reading- Different viewpoints - Interpreting non-linear texts - Listening- Identify details and main ideas - Doing research- Nobel Peace Prize - Reading for inference, meaning and detail - Understanding contextual clues - Writing- Summary (140 words) - Writing- A brief description of lifestyle
Grammar – Future tense: Infinitives as Complements of the verb ‘to be’ ‘It’ or ‘There’
SWBAT : - Reading- Agree or disagree - Writing- to express views - Apply process writing skills- Brainstorming - Introducing themes and messages in short stories - Applying lessons from text to own life - Expressing feelings about the text - Retelling story from another point of view - Talking about the themes of a story - Writing the story in another genre - Writing own short story
Grammar – Future tense
Sound system – Stress sequence in questions Educational emphases - Thinking Skills - Learning How to Learn Skills -ICT Skills -Values and Citizenship education -Multiple Intelligences - Knowledge Acquisiton - Preparation for The Real World Literature Component – Drama: Gulp and Gasp
Sound System – Stress sequence in statements Educational emphases -Multiple Intelligences - Knowledge Acquisiton - Preparation for The Real World Literature Component – Drama: Gulp and Gasp GrammarTense- Present/past tense Tense- Past/ Future Active and passive voice Literature In the Midst of Hardship He Had Such Quiet Eyes GrammarSubject Verb Agreement Sentence Types-Simple and compound sentences Literature
QWERTYUOIP The Fruitcake Special
2ND MID SEM BREAK 12 -20 AUGUST 2014 October (35 - 38) 1-30
Writing Argumentative writing Literature Drama: Gulp and Gasp
OTI 2 FINAL YEAR EXAMINATION 13 OCT-27 OCT 2014 September (32) 3-6 November (39 - 41) 2 – 20
Writing Continuous writing Writing Continuous writing