2 minute read
Why Do We Serve?
A look into the service St. Mary’s does for the community
| Margaret Kathol and Kayla Hilzendeger
For public schools in North Dakota, service hours are not required. But here at St. Mary’s, 12 hours are required a year. ‘Service’ is in our mission statement: “St. Mary’s Central High School seeks to form the whole person by assisting our students to encounter Christ, to pursue truth, and to have their hearts awakened in joyful and life-giving service to others.”
The reason for our school’s emphasis on service dates back hundreds of years. “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40. I would like to point out that instead of saying brothers, Jesus said “least” brothers. He identifies himself with the most in need—the most sinful, sick, or weak people. Jesus intimately connects with these people, showing that each and every person has dignity. Our job is to see Jesus in those people in need and recognize their dignity. This is why service is so important. We want to imitate Jesus, the ultimate servant, in our life on Earth.
In Bismarck, there are multiple opportunities for using our time, gifts, and talents for service. One very prominent organization in our community is Ministry on the Margins, started in 2013. It was started by Sister Kathleen Atkinson, and is now run by her and the Benedictine Sisters of Annunciation. These kind and caring sisters offer a food pantry, hospitality, prison-to-society support, Christian worship, a night’s stay, and many other ministries every week. They run solely on volunteers and donations. In an interview with Sister Kathleen, I asked her why she thinks serving her community is important. She replied, “One, we are human beings and are meant to care for one another. We are plain created that way. Two, as Christians we are commanded to do that. It is even from grade school when we used to sing ‘They’ll know we are Christians by our love.’” Speaking on the best incentive is for volunteering, she reiterated the point that it truly is who we are created to be. “There’s the positive feeling; there’s the sense of purpose in seeing change being made. But I really do believe we are people that are meant to be in relationships with others not just for ourselves.”
Above: Ministry on the Margins is a local organization where SM Saints have been serving for years. This is such a fruitful way to give back to the Bsmarck-Mandan community!
The last thing I asked her was about volunteer opportunities for high school students at Ministry on the Margins. The food pantry is the main one, which is on Thursday evenings and Tuesday afternoons. Students also regularly assist with ice cream and bingo, activities that frequently need volunteers. These are not the only opportunities available, either. Sr. Kathleen went on to say, “We are very flexible in having people come and do things if students come up with a thing they like to do.” Yesterday, Ministry on the Margins hosted a Super Bowl party for the homeless.