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Avatar: The Way of Water
Avatar: The Way Of Water is the highly anticipated sequel to 2009’s Avatar. Being the highest grossing film of all time, Avatar left some big shoes to fill, but the second installment in the series did not disappoint. Arguably better than the first, Avatar: The Way of Water is visually stunning. Fans were skeptical of the three hour and twelve minute run time, but the film did not waste a second. The movie always keeps the watcher entertained, and the visuals make it hard to look away. While it was certainly beautiful and engaging, the plotline leaves a few unanswered questions, hopefully questions that will be answered in future installments (the creator has confirmed multiple sequels). Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldana (Jake Sully and Neytiri) give wonderful performances and really sell the movie, and once again, the visuals and CGI are stunning. The movie has already become the 4th highest grossing film of all time, taking over the place of Spider-Man: No Way Home, making a total of $2.024 billion. Anyone who has not taken the time to see this film is missing out on one of the best releases of last year.