The Northwest Passage, Vol. 53, Issue 3

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Meet your 2021-22 candidates

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A look back on NW events from the past weeks



Shawnee Mission Northwest Homecoming Issue Vol. 53 Oct. 7, 2021

Expires: Oct. 31, 2021

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Northwest Passage Homecoming Issue VOL. 53 Oct. 7, 2021

by: Ally Pruente & Macy Malik

With only two weeks remaining in the season, excluding the regional and state meets, everyone is feeling the pressure. Senior team captain Austin Oakerson knows that after irregularities of last year’s season, things are slowly beginning to move back to normal. “Last year everyone was just trying to get through the season without getting shutdown, which left last year [almost] forgettable and lacking some of our team culture,” Oakerson said. “This year, our usual team traditions are coming back.” In cross country, the two biggest races of the year are the regional meet and the state meet. Last year only the brother-sister duo of Paige and Shane Mullin qualified for the state meet and placed 3rd and 5th respectively. As they approach the end of the 2021 season, the team hopes to not only make it to the state competition, but to regain some of the glory of the past. “The team has been doing well,” Oakerson


said. “[The] majority of the varsity team [is] seniors and we all are ready to race our fastest as we reach the end of the season.” The seniors hope to leave their mark on the younger teammates. “Consistency has gotten better in our team,” Oakerson said. “Especially on the younger side. A lot of our newer kids are super dedicated, and are having fun with the team while still training hard.” The cross country team races next at the Carl Owczarzak Invitational at Johnson County Community College on Saturday at 9:30 a.m. On Oct. 23, the team will compete at the league meet at Rim Rock Farm in Lawrence at 9 a.m. Junior Owen Hooper runs alongside his teammates Oct. 2 at Baldwin City Golf Course. Hooper ran the course in 19 minutes and 43 seconds. “I hope to keep working on my stride and getting better,” Hooper said.

The varsity volleyball team is roughly over a month into their season with an overall record of 22-4 and a 6-1 record in league play as of Oct. 4. The varsity team will face SM North Oct. 12 here at home. Players have set goals for themselves and the team. “We have [the] main goals, [which are] to win substate, go to state and be a hard-working team,” sophomore Kate Reese said. “For myself, I just want to get better at volleyball, grow closer to my teammates and [be able to] learn from all of these experiences.” Reese thinks both she and the rest of the team has improved since last season. With fans at full-


Our Mission:

+ photo by Claire Moore

capacity this year, the team can use the crowd as momentum for their play. “[I think] my confidence [has improved],” Reese said. “As a team, we’ve all gotten stronger and now that we get to have a normal season, we get to experience new things and play different teams [in order to] get the full experience.” The team has a powerful offense and strong team chemistry making it difficult for other teams to compete successfully against them. “A lot of the girls [on our offense] are big and strong and [they] put up blocks that other teams don’t really compare to,” Reese said. “We [all] work as a family and we’re all best friends, so on the court it makes it easier to be more fluid.”

Mudgett said. “Every game we lost, I think we definitely could have won. I think [the chances of getting to the state tournament are] pretty wide open.” The path to get to the state competition consist of a playoff game, the regional tournament and then the sub-state tournament. The varsity team’s record is currently 3-2 with three regular season games remaining s. The Cougars play next at Gardner Edgerton on Oct. 15.

The purpose of the Northwest Passage is to relay important and interesting information to the community, administration and students of the Shawnee Mission Northwest High School. As a news magazine, the Northwest Passage will cater to the interests and concerns of the student body. Outside concerns and activities will only be covered if they somehow affect the school or students. The Northwest Passage is a 24-page news magazine. The paper will be distributed monthly as possible. Subscriptions will be available to the community for $25. The Northwest Passage firmly supports the First Amendment and opposes censorship. The content of the newspaper will be determined and created by the entire staff. When questions concerning word choice, legal problems or ethics arise, the editorial board and adviser will discuss the problem to find the solution. In these cases, the editor-in-chief and editorial board will have the power to make the final decision. Letters to the editor will be accepted and encouraged. The staff reserves the right to edit for grammatical mistakes, length and good taste. Letters may attack policy but not people. In no way will ideas or viewpoints be changed. The editor-in-chief(s) and editorial board reserve the right to refuse any letter.


Junior Tori Creason sets the ball Sept. 16 at Gardner Edgerton. The varsity team went on to win in two sets against Lawrence. “This season feels more real,” Creason said. “We’re sitting closer like we used to on the bench, we don’t have to play in masks, we can have fans finally, and we get to play more teams”.

The football team relies on the toughness of its players during both wins and losses. Defensive line coach Sedrick Cook reflected on the season. “My goal for this [varsity] team is to win,” Cook said. “After the first two games, the train is moving and I believe we have identity and [the] seniors are starting to lead as they are supposed to.” Leadership will be a key factor when it comes to the team’s success. Players step up and acknowledge their roles on the field. “For instance, [senior Blake] Reeder, he’s tough,” Cook said. “Guys know that he’s going to compete and he’s going to lay it on the line. [Senior Kayden] Pennewell, [senior Jack] Mudgett and [junior] Adrian Elsen are tough. When you have a few guys that are like that, it trickles down and it bleeds over to the whole aspect of the team.” Mudgett recognizes the team’s goal to make it to the state championship. Mudgett has played football since his freshman year. “There’s not a team that’s way better than us,”

Check out our latest content and online stories here on

publication Oversight: Stella Grist Editor-in-chief Ally Pruente Editor-in-chief


Content management: Managing editor veronica meiss copy editor morgan tate online editor grace logan photo editor claire moore asst. photo editor sophia mccraney Asst. photo editor: sidra sakati

Staff writers: yeretzy blanco macy malik izak zeller staff designers: ellie zeller adviser: susan massy


#7 senior Alex Rogers and #12 senior Luke Rogers runs out of the Cougar Sept. 3 at SM North District Stadium. The team runs out of the Cougar before home game. “Football is special to me,” Luke Rogers said. “It is a true team sport that takes everyone to win.”

@smnwdotcom + photo by Aubrey Hook

+ design by Ally Pruente

oct 7, 2021

04 | feature



Meet your 2021-22 candidates + by Yeretzy Blanco, Stella Grist, Grace Logan, Veronica Meiss, Morgan Tate & Izak Zeller + photos by Claire Moore, Josie Torres

Homecoming Queen

TAMARA HARRIS & DAMAR’E WEBSTER Nominated SMITH by Prom Committee Nominated by Boys’ Football What’s your biggest fear?

and Link Crew

A funny one is bandaids, I just What is your most frequently used hate bandaids. They really gross emoji? Just the smiley face, the ultra me out. smiley face, not the smirking one. If you could say one thing to

underclassmen, what would it be?

High school does go by fast, so just get involved in as many things [as you can], I wish I’d signed up for more things my freshman year. Enjoy it while it lasts.

What will you always remember about Northwest?

So many funny things just happen in the hallways and classrooms. Not even people you’re best of friends with, just the community.

Who has been your most influential teacher?

[Science teacher Debra] Brewer. Freshman year, I didn’t get the best grades I don’t think, at least to the standard of my parents and my personal standards. She showed [me] that you have to work hard in order to succeed and in that class I don’t think I worked as hard as I should’ve and it showed. I still think [about] that when I’m struggling.

NATALIE PETERSON & ANDREW BRAUN Nominated by Cheer and Spirit Nominated by National Honor Club Society, Spanish National Honor Society, The NW Passage, Student What’s the best movie ever Council and Dance Team made? That is so hard. I don’t know if If you could say one thing to the I can pick a specific movie, but rest of the senior class, what I love the Fast and the Furious would it be? movies, like all of them. They’re High school is the time of our lives really stupid, but I like them. and when we leave the school, I hope that everyone can look back If you could say one thing to and say that they accomplished the rest of the senior class, everything they wanted to what would it be? accomplish. Since we only have one year left together let’s just savor it, Who is your hero? and everybody have fun and be I’d say my late grandpa. He passed nice to each other. We still have away in 2015 from pancreatic a chance to make up a lot of cancer. He was very outspoken, good memories, so I think we generous and stubborn and he was should take that opportunity. very open minded.

Second Runner Up


Nominated by Choir

What’s the best movie ever made? It depends on my mood. I have one that’s athletic, My All American. I also love A Dog’s Purpose because I’m a huge dog lover.

Who is your hero?

[My dad] went through some troubles in his life and he fixed it. The things that I go through, I can relate to him. So the fact that he has turned out the way he has and the way he has overcome his problems really inspires me.

Nominated by Prom Committee and Link Crew

What is your most frequently used emoji? Just the smiley face, the ultra smiley face, not the smirking one.

Who has been your most influential teacher?

[Science teacher Debra] Brewer. Freshman year, I didn’t get the best grades, at least to the standard of my parents and my personal standards. She showed [me] that you have to work hard to succeed. I don’t think I worked as hard as I should’ve and it showed. I still think [about] that when I’m struggling.

ALLY PRUENTE & BEN NASH Nominated by Cross Country, NHS, and [The NW Passage]

What will you always remember about Northwest?

I will always remember room 151. I have cried in this room, I have slept in this room, I have had some of the best high school memories that I will always carry in this room. I’ll definitely be back.

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? 110% Eggo Waffles, those things are just the best. I’m a butter and syrup kind of gal. Occasionally I do put chocolate chips and whipped cream on my waffles, but that’s usually better on homemade waffles.

Nominated by Croc Club Exec Board, Spirit Club and Dog Club

What’s the best movie ever made? That’s a tough one. I think either Space Jam or Grown Ups because during sophomore year, me and my friend, [senior] Drake Schotland, watched that movie almost every day.

If you could say one thing to the rest of the senior class, what would it be? I would say thank you for all the memories. You will not be forgotten.

What will you always remember about Northwest? I’ll always remember the culture just because I didn’t really realize how much different middle school to high school would be. You get a lot more opportunities and get more involved in everything.

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First Runner-up

Homecoming King


Nominated by the Girls’ Tennis Nominated by Photojournalism, [team] and student council Student Council, Cheer, Prom Committee, Sources of Strength What’s the best movie ever and KUGR made? The Notebook. It is literally a What’s your favorite song? cinematic masterpiece, it’s so Favorite song is “Freebird” by great. Lynyrd Skynyrd. It’s my hype song anytime I’m going to like a school Who is your hero? event or something that I need to My late grandma. Before she died, she was the most positive get hyped for. I’m playing that on the way there. person in the world and I feel like that’s just how you should If you could say one thing to the go through life, with positivity rest of the senior class, what and optimism. Just thinking of would it be? the good rather than the bad It would definitely be thank was all she did. you just for being by my side for four years of high school, going through all this together and staying strong.

BROOKE BRUMMER & ELI LAURENT Nominated by CCC Exec. Board Nominated by Girls’ Volleyball, National Honors Society, ChickWhat’s your favorite song? fil-a Club and Math NHS “Mr. Worldwide” by Pitbull

If you could say anything to the What’s your favorite song? rest of the senior class, what “Love Story” by Taylor Swift would it be? Who has been your most Thank you for the experience influential teacher? and being such a great class.

What will you remember about Northwest? [I will miss] the sense of family and school spirit. It’s always a good time at Northwest and I feel like everybody wants to be here and make the most of it.

Sarah Dent, 100%. I’ve had her for four years and throughout those four years, I’ve always been able to come to her for anything and she has helped me through a lot of stuff.

Nominated by KUGR, Young Democrats, Choir and Dog Club

Who is your hero?

My grandma [is the] most incredible and inspirational person I know.

What is your message to the rest of the senior class? The theme is galaxy.

What will you always remember about Northwest? The spirit, pride and sense of family. And Giacalone dressing up as a lumberjack at an assembly.

Nominated by Croc Club, Spirit Club and KUGR

JANMEET SINGH & CHRIS RAMSEY Nominated by Sources of Strength

Nominated by BPA, orchestra, and Math NHS


If you could only eat one food If you could only eat one food for for the rest of your life, what the rest of your life, what would would it be? it be?

Penny Snead

Burritos. Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

What’s your biggest fear? Who is your hero?

What is your message to the rest of the senior class?

Who has been your most

You gotta ball up if you know what influential teacher? [Science teacher] Debra Brewer. I mean. That’s my final answer. Brewer What will you always remember has been the most influential, about Northwest? just because she’s taught me When I found the first seven so much more than I walked seasons of Supernatural in my into her freshman biology class locker thinking I’d learn. I think I’ve gotten so many life skills and just learned how to be a better person every single day.

Nominated by Dance Team

What’s your favorite song? I love all of Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream” album.

If you could say one thing to underclassmen, what would it be? Enjoy all the time you have at Northwest, you don’t realize how much it all means to you until you don’t get all of it.

What will you always remember about Northwest?

All of the teachers, I haven’t had a single teacher I genuinely thought didn’t care about me. So just how much the teachers care about all of their students.

First Runner Up



I feel like I’d have to eat something that would give me nutrients to survive. Let’s go with potatoes. They could keep me alive.

Who has been your most influential teacher?

Mr. Guldin, an English teacher in middle school. On the first day of 7th grade, [he asked] whether we thought middle school should be two or three years. I wrote it should be two since middle school was supposed to be the worst [elementary, middle, and high school]. He said, “It doesn’t have to be” Ever since I’ve tried to live life not just to get through but [to make it] worth living.

Nominated by BPA, The NW Passage, Link Crew, Photojournalism, Young Republicans Club and Chick-fil-A Club

What’s your favorite song?

I’d have to go with “Come on Eileen” by the Dixie Runners.

What is your biggest fear?

Failure, I’m not really afraid to try but you know, failure is always scary.

Who is your hero?

It has to be my grandmother on my mom’s side. She’s been on her own for the past 30 years, and she’s a very strong woman. She’s been a really good role model for me.

Second Runner Up

JORDAN SOGAARD & PEDRO GONZALEZ Nominated by Business Professionals of America (BPA) and Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA)

What is your favorite food? Sonic tater tots

Nominated by Cross Country

What is your favorite food?

My favorite food would probably be spaghetti because I’ve had it so much.

Who is your most influential If you could say anything to the teacher? rest of the senior class, what Coach [Justin] Stigge. He’s my would it be? cross country coach. He’s always Make memories now, while you can.

If you could say anything to underclassmen, what would it be?

helped me out.

What will you always remember about Northwest?

How it just helped me come out of my shell. I’m definitely a different Get involved and go to events. I person than I was in middle school really regret not doing that. because of Northwest.

+ design by Livi Nagorka


Oct. 7, 2021

06 | month in photos

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Photo 3

Photo 2

ON THE WEB Visit to read these stories and more web exclusive content

Forks Down: Maps Chocolate and Coffee Shop Co-Editor-in-Chief Ally Pruente’s experience at Maps

Photo 1: Blocking the opponent, junior Photo 2: Senior Emma Roth holds two Chilton Bondurant steals the ball Sept. cups of flour Sept. 19 at Shawnee 23 at Shawnee Mission Soccer Complex. Mission Park. Everyone at MuckFest was Bondurant plays the positions of attack- given cups of flour to throw. This is the ing midfielder, winger and striker. “The first year MuckFest has been back since most important thing for these positions COVID-19. is exploiting space in dangerous of the field and creating opportunities to score Photo 3: Freshman Ella Watson puts the ball Sept. 14 at Sycamore Ridge Golf Course. Watson shot a 50 at this 9-hole tournament. “All the players are super supportive and know how to have a good time,” Watson said. “Overall, I had a great year and I’m looking forward to the next three.”

New Kids on the NW Block Find the full length interviews of all the new NW staff members here.

Homecoming Court Follow up with our Homecoming story and read the full interviews with your 2021 Homecoming Court.

in photos

month in photos | 07

Photo 5

Photo 6

Photo 4 Photo 4: Senior Ben Mendoza swings on an giant soccer ball Oct. 1 in the front parking lot during the Homecoming Parade. The boys’ soccer float placed first for the best Homecoming float. “I felt ecstatic when I heard we won at the football game because everyone was already so hype,” Mendoza said. + photo by Josie Torres

Photo 5: Senior Raquel Ramirez puts Coach Renee Chambers’ daughter Kolbi on her shoulders Sept. 24 at SM North District stadium. Kolbi comes to the games and cheers for the cheerleaders while learning the steps. “She brings us closer and it’s another thing for us to bond over,’’ Ramirez said. + photo by Sidra Sakati

Photo 6: Doing her floor routine sophomore Chloe Carter poses Sept. 10 in the Main Gym. Carter’s preferred event is the floor routine. “My floor routine allows me to express most of my unique skills that I like the most,” Carter said. + Photo by Sydney Jackson

+ design by Stella Grist & Claire Moore

“[Getting crowned] was a really cool experience. It’s surreal. I’ve seen people up there before but it was really cool to finally be a part of it. I’m really grateful for everyone who got me here.” - senior Chris Ramsey With his mother looking on, senior Chris Ramsey reacts to being named the First Runner Up for Homecoming King Oct. 4 at SM North District Stadium. + photo by Josie Torres


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