1 minute read
April 13
Prom Assembly
Celebrate prom in the Main Gym during seminar. Class themes are based on music genres.
April 13
Rep Show
Come see Antigone in the Little Theater at 7 p.m. Tickets are $5, or free with a student I.D.
Prom April 15
Upperclassmen can attend the dance at Children’s Mercy Park at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $25 per student.
Sanding a cutting board, freshman George Thornton works on the final touches of his project March 22 in Room G. One of the last steps of completing a cutting board is sanding the wood. “The sanding was nice,” Thornton said “I feel like I did a good job because I got a lot of compliments.” photo by Addison Griswold
April 22
April 27
May 1
StuCo Garage Sale
In the Cafeteria, all morning selling donated items from Northwest families.
Spring Mainstage Play
7 p.m. in Auditorium. Tickets are $10 or free with student I.D.
Honors & Awards
Recognize students in Honor Roll at 7 p.m. in the Auditorium.
Spring Band Concert May 4
Come see NW Area bands perform at 7 p.m. in the Auditorium.
1: Junior Erick Bachtle putts the ball April 3 at Sycamore Ridge Golf Course. When putting, golfer’s need to consider whether the putt is going uphill or downhill and what speed to swing at. “Before my putt, I think about which way and how much it is braking towards the hole so I can aim it,” Bachtle said. photo by Brody Carlson
2: Senior Jamon Beck pitches the ball March 30 at 3 & 2 fields. Pitcher determine the pace of the game based on when they pitch. “[My] favorite thing is having the ball in my hand and being able to control the pace of the game,” Beck said. photo by Ashley Broils

Spring Special May 5 7 p.m. in the Auditorium.
Come see the Cougar Classics perform at 7 p.m. in the Auditorium.
Spring Orchestra Concert May 9
by Kara Simpson