Valor Vogue shown with a 1337MFP 4-Sided Brushed Nickel Surround
Today’s contemporary design demands simple lines, pleasing proportion and interesting texture. Embracing these
Displayed with Solus Handcast Concrete Decor - learn more at
elements, the Valor Vogue is our latest expression of fireplace form and function with a meditative and artful flame at its heart. A culmination that proudly showcases over 100 years of Valor design evolution.
unique in both contemporary design and functionality. Engineered for performance, the Vogue efficiently produces radiant and convective heat for your living space. Zone Heating: Central furnaces burn a lot of gas in efforts to heat your entire home. By heating with a Valor you can efficiently heat the space you frequent the most, drastically reducing the waisted energy output in your home. Zone heating is a proven way to cut fuel consumption. Turn down your gas guzzler and turn on a Valor! With the Remote Blower Kit option you can even transfer up to 40% of the heat to another living zone. Radiant Heat: As pioneers of radiant heat technology, we take pride in continuing the Valor tradition and making the Vogue one of our most powerful heaters to date. Energy Efficiency: Designed to consume less fuel than the average gas fireplace, the Valor Vogue maximizes flame control and heat distribution, therefore providing the exact amount of heat that you want.
SMART CONTROL SYSTEM - STANDARD FEATURE The all new ValorStat Plus Remote Control gives you the power to select, adjust and program the desired temperature that you want. The built-in timer turns your fireplace ON to
Unlike conventional landscape fireplaces that are primarily decorative, the Vogue is
Fashion Meets Performance
warm your home before you wake up and can be programmed to turn OFF after you go to bed. The ValorStat Plus also has the ability to turn your pilot light ON and OFF from the programmable remote control. Saving energy has never been so easy! THE WISE WAY TO HEAT
NO POWER, NO PROBLEM Designed to provide efficient, radiant heat without a fan, Valor fireplaces are fully functional heaters that don’t rely on electricity. Precise fire box engineering enables the Vogue to distribute the perfect mixture of radiant and convective heat eliminating the need for a noisy, inefficient fan.
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Your Authorized Valor Dealer:
Shown with Ceramic Black Liner Kit (Fluted) and Reflective Glass Panel Overlay
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