Volume L, No. 3

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VOL. 50, NO. 3

November 14, 2014


Homecoming 2014

Computer Science Courses Change

Push for MSJ Pool Renovations

CA legislation to increase access to CS courses

MSJ swimming and water polo teams address FUSD board

By Sayan Ghosh Staff Writer

By Ruiwen Shen Staff Writer

In September, the CA Legislature passed three pieces of legislation that aim to increase the availability of computer science courses in high schools across the state, as well as to create a set of standards for such courses. The decision is motivated by the high demand in the job market for candidates with computer programming skills and by the benefits of introducing high school students to the problem solving processes required by computer science, such as thinking algorithmically. The first piece of legislation passed, AB 1764, grants high school math credit to students taking computer science courses. Currently, a CA high school student must complete at least two math courses to graduate. AB 1764 will allow up to one mathematics course credit for completion of an approved computer science course. The next piece of legislation, SB 1200, aims to create a set of standards for high school computer science courses. The University of California and California State University systems will have to create a set of guidelines which can approve certain computer science courses to be recognized for admission into their universities. This will allow high schools to create computer science courses that will give their students skills to succeed in further studies of computer science and advanced mathematics at the university level. The third piece of legislation, AB 1539, intends to create a set of computer science standards for students from kindergarten through 12th grade. AB 1539 requires the California Instructional Quality Commission to collaborate with computer science experts to develop a set of content standards. Existing stan-

Parent Sharon Whaley and Seniors Catherine Ha and Austin Whaley, both swim and water polo team captains, spoke at the FUSD board meeting on October 22 to advocate for the renovation of MSJ’s pool. They brought up many of the pool’s shortcomings and compared MSJ’s pool to those of other schools. Regarding their presentation to the FUSD board, Ha said, “I think that our argu-

“It is a challenge to keep the accomplished programmers in my class challenged, but to also prevent the class from being too challenging for the beginners.”

-Charlie Brucker, Computer Science Teacher

dards developed by the Computer Science Teachers Association will also be taken into consideration. Currently, MSJ offers only one computer science class: AP Computer Sci-

See CS NEWS Page 3

Senior Homecoming Queen Mansi Shah and Senior Homecoming King Dustin Chiang

staff writer harshita gupta

“I would like to see a brand new pool for Mission, one wide enough and deep enough to play water polo in and hold our own swim meets...[the pool] has never been the priority.” -Senior Austin Whaley, Water Polo Team Captain

ments were pretty successful. The board is fully aware of what we want done and when we want it done. Going to the meeting was just a way to remind them that we’re not going down without a fight.” Among their arguments, they listed that out of all the FUSD schools, only MSJ swimmers and water polo players have to pay $3000 per season to rent the Ohlone College pool because the MSJ pool is too small for the water polo team to properly train in and too shallow to dive in. They also discussed the pool’s lack of diving blocks. Funds to go towards improving special day class However, according to the presenters, the Ohlone College pool is a limited and fairly inconvenient resource. The Junior Varsity teams cannot play any home games because of the time constraints for pool rental. Furthermore, there is a parking fee of $2 at Ohlone, which adds to the already staggering cost for water polo players, and the dimly lit areas leading to the parking lot can be dangerous after dark. The Ohlone pool will also be remodeled soon and will not be available to MSJ swimmers for practice during the fall 2015 season. Austin Whaley said, “I would like to see a brand new pool for Mission. One wide enough staff writer madeline zheng Personalized Christmas cards made using materials from the Resource Area for Teaching (RAFT). and deep enough to play water polo in and hold our own swim meets. I know I would appreciBy Madeline Zheng products are from donations from the Re- ate it if others fought to get one for me so I Staff Writer source Area for Teaching (RAFT), which speak to make an impact for future swimmers gives Singh’s class supplies such as stickers and polo players… There have been pushes for Special Ed teacher Sujata Singh’s class and shaped cutters. pool changes years ago….but it has never been is spearheading the effort to fundraise the priority.” proceeds that go towards the moderate to “This sort of skill develWhen asked if the swim and water polo teams severe disability special day class that she opment will directly benefit were aware of the captains’ initiative at the board teaches. This special education program was their employment chances in meeting, Junior Ashvath Balgovind, a member implemented last school year and focuses the future.” of the boys’ water polo team, said, “Yes, and not -Sujata Singh, Special Ed Teacher only were the captains pushing for new pools, but on building functional academic knowledge and life skills. most everyone from both polo teams were at the As the colder months approach, Singh Students have already begun making council meeting, and so were the coaches of all and her students plan to sell handmade cards on a daily basis, and they work in aquatics teams (boy/girls polo, and swimming).” Christmas cards as well as personalized So far, FUSD has not reached a decision rescarves in the few weeks before Winter See ED garding the MSJ pool, but all of the swim and waBreak. The materials used to make these NEWS Page 3 ter polo teams stand in support of renovation. ▪





Special Ed Classes Fundraise

girls tennis

open arms

hosa rlc

MSJ Girls’ Tennis Team ended the regular season on a strong note, beating every team to become the undefeated league champions.

Peer Resource has begun offering casualstyled peer counseling for students in its new program, Open Arms. Peer mentors are available outside B34 before school on Tuesdays and during lunch on Wednesdays. today

MSJ and Hopkins Jr. High students attended the California HOSA Region 2 Leadership Conference on October 25.





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