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HART presents ‘Loves of Elaine’
A special stage production of “Loves of Elaine” will be performed at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 10-11, and 2 p.m. Feb. 12 in the Fangmeyer Theatre at the Haywood Arts Regional Theatre in Waynesville.
After local leading lady, Lyn Donley, found a trunk full of love letters written to her mother, she knew it was too good to not share. When we are young, we see our mother through narrow lenses. She is our whole world, and we think we are hers. As adults, our relationships with our parents change and we grow closer, yet often there forever remains a mysterious unknown side to them we crave to know, but usually never will.
But, what if your mom leaves behind clues to a life you never knew about? Clues that make you see her in a whole new beautiful light? Donley found such clues after losing her mother a few years ago. In fact, a whole treasure trove of love letters.
Slowly, she uncovered decades of love and passion her mother had hidden from her and together with her friend, CJ Deering, wove the missing pieces of her mother’s tapestry in the play, “Loves of Elaine.”
Ready to try theater?
The Haywood Arts Regional Theater in Waynesville is currently offering a wide variety of classes in the theater arts for all ages, young and old. Whether you are just starting out or want to hone your skills, HART has opportunities for you.
Sign up your youngest one or grandkid who has a ton of creative energy but doesn’t know how to focus it yet. Or sign up that young theatre enthusiast who is looking to learn more and find a group of like-minded friends that will last a lifetime. Or maybe this is the sign you have been waiting for to finally gain the courage to step on stage. Whatever the desire, HART has a class that is waiting for you.
Classes run through March 2. HART prides itself on offering reasonably priced classes so that they can keep the arts alive in Haywood County. Browse the selection of spring classes at harttheatre.org and sign up today for a chance to change your life and discover your hidden talents and passions. For more information, contact Artistic Director Candice Dickinson at 646.647.4546 or email candice@harttheatre.org.
This show is rated PG-13 for strong language. Tickets are $20 for adults, $10 for students. To purchase tickets, click on harttheatre.org or by calling the Box Office at 828.456.6322. Winter Box Office hours are 3 to 5 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. ALSO:
• Open call for auditions at the Haywood Arts Regional Theatre (HART) in Waynesville. There will be auditions for the following productions: “Every Brilliant Thing” (Feb. 11) and “Elephant’s Graveyard” (Feb. 12). For more information and/or to sign-up for the auditions, click on harttheatre.org/auditions.