散打 十二回合 / Nothing could bring you down(試閱本)

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Nothing Could Bring you Down

涂 皓欽/散打/十二回合 就算這樣是我, 也希望你知道,你看到的一瞬, 是我與自己數以百計的扭打和斟酌。 Even if this is how I am, I still want you to know that the wink you glance is the endless struggles and deliberations between me and myself.

Fear not. awaiting a chance to fight back.

( Nothing could bring you down 01 / 550mmx400mm / mixed media on paper / 2009 )

( A hug / 270mmx210mm / pen on paper / 2007 )

/ 2007 )

( My angry / 270mmx210mm / pen on paper / 2007 )

在零散的畫布和紙張上,一日一日,毫無目的只是反覆的堆著痕跡, 有時候很希望這是厚度,在一定程度的堆疊後會有著改變, 但可惜不是,這些畫看起來很可笑。 2008.08.07

( Nothing could bring you down 02 / 520mmx400mm / mixed media on paper / 2009 )

住人 ( In my body 01 / ( a4x2 pencil on paper / 2009 )

住人 ( In my body 02/ ( a4 pencil on paper / 2009 )

我想我了解你的哀傷 ( Don't need to talk / 550mmx400mm / mixed media on paper / 2009 )

( Noise rain/ 270mmx200mm / pen on paper / 2005 )

住人 ( In my body 03.04 / ( a4 pencil on paper / 2009 )

墜落( Down / 10f / acrylic on canvas / 2009 )

( Nothing could bring you down 03 / 1050mmx800mm / mixed media on paper / 2009 )

( Disorder 01.02 / 270mmx210mm / pen on paper / 2005 )

脖子系列 ( The neck 01.02 / 300mmx300mm / mixed media on paper / 2009 )

脖子系列 ( The neck 03.04 / 300mmx300mm / mixed media on paper / 2009 )

微語者( malicious whisper 02 / 550mmx400mm / mixed media on paper / 2009 )

過於滿溢的愛( A weight about love 01 / 650mmx500mm / acrylic on canvas / 2009 )

沉默二六( 26 / 650mmx500mm / pen on paper / 2007 ) appear

雙子系列( Twins x 50pics / 650mmx500mm / pen on paper / 2003 )

( Away , Shot , Sea / 270mmx200mm / pen on paper / 2005 )

黑海 ( Noise 03 / 750mmx560mm / mixed media on paper / 2009 )

ĺ°?äş‹( Little things / 270mmx200mm / pen on paper / 2005 )

盜賊 ( Thief / 270mmx200mm / pen on paper / 2005 )

大爆炸時代 ( Boom / 1300mmx1300mm / acrylic on canvas / 2009 )

Running After Soul

散打 Nothing could bring you down (本書主要截錄 2005與2009年 手繪型式作品 ) 作者/設計/編輯出版 製作協力 編輯協力 翻拍協力 信箱 網址 印製 出版日期 定價 ISBN

涂皓欽 Hao-Chin Tu , a.k.a Smoky Tu 卡五盎 Car5on , 落伍雜誌 詹惠婷 Kay , 涂傑恩 Gene Tu 陳建宏 Jellyboss smokytu@gmail.com http://www.flickr.com/photos/saygoodbyetoeverything/ 英倫國際文化事業股份公司 2010年3月初版 450元

版權所有/翻印必究 Copyright©2010 by Hao-Chin Tu Publish by WDN / But,Super Soft studio Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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