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live at Algarve Smooth Jazz Festival 2022

Sunday, 8. May, 11:00 h


Der in Deutschland geborene Gitarrist, Produzent und Songwriter Nils lebt seit Mitte der 80er Jahre in Südkalifornien. Er besuchte das Musiker-Institut in Hollywood und begann danach als Toningenieur in einem Aufnahmestudio. Sein erstes Album „Blue Planet” erschien 1998 und fand großen Anklang. Nach einigen Kompositionen für Film und Fernsehen arbeitete Nils u.a. mit George Benson, Paul Brown, The Temptations, Rick Braun, Paul Jackson Jr. und Gerald Albright zusammen. 2005 kehrte er mit dem Album „Pacific Coast Highway” zu seiner Solo-Karriere zurück. Die gleichnamige Hit-Single war für mehr als sieben Wochen auf Platz 1 der Radio- und Verkaufs-Charts und wurde später zum meistgespielten Smooth Jazz-Song des Jahrzehnts (2001-2010) im US-Radio. Nach zwei weiteren Alben wurde er für die American Smooth Jazz Awards als „Best Guitarist” nominiert. Die Single „Jump Start” aus seinem Album „What The Funk?” (2010) stand acht Wochen am Stück auf Platz 1. Seine neueste Studio-CD „Caught In The Groove” erschien 2020.

German born guitarist, producer and songwriter Nils has been residing in southern California since the mid-80‘s. After visiting the musician institute in Hollywood Nils started in the 80‘s as an engineer in a recording studio. His first album “Blue Planet” was released in 1998 and received high acclaims. After composing for movie and TV Nils had the chance to work with George Benson, Paul Brown, The Temptations, Rick Braun, Paul Jackson Jr., and Gerald Albright among others. He returned to his solo career in 2005 with the album “Pacific Coast Highway”. The hit single of the same name was staying at #1 on the Radio & Records airplay charts and was later named the most played Smooth Jazz track on US Radio of the decade (2001-2010). After two more albums, he got nominated “Best Guitarist” at the American Smooth Jazz Awards. “Jump Start”, the first single from his album “What The Funk?” (2010), hit eight weeks in a role #1 of the Billboard Jazz Song Charts. His latest Studio-CD “Caught In The Groove” was released in 2020.

Nascido na Alemanha, o guitarrista, produtor e compositor Nils reside desde meados dos anos 80 no sul da Califórnia. Após frequentar o instituto de música em Hollywood, Nils começou a trabalhar como engenheiro num estúdio de gravação. O seu primeiro álbum “Blue Planet” foi lançado em 1998 e foi muito aclamado. Após ter composto para cinema e televisão, Nils teve a oportunidade de trabalhar com George Benson, Paul Brown, The Temptations, Rick Braun, Paul Jackson Jr. e Gerald Albright, entre outros. Em 2005 regressou à carreia a solo com o álbum “Pacific Coast Highway”. O single com o mesmo nome, que foi um hit, manteve-se no #1 da tabela de Radio & Records mais de sete semanas e foi mais tarde considerado a música do smooth jazz mais tocada na rádio dos Estados Unidos da década (2001-2010). Após mais dois álbuns, foi nomeado “Melhor Guitarrista” nos American Smooth Jazz Awards. “Jump Start”, o primeiro single do seu álbum “What The Funk?” (2010) esteve em #1 da tabela das músicas jazz da Billboard durante oito semanas consecutivas. O seu último CD de estúdio “Caught In The Groove” foi lançado em 2020.

Jonathan Fritzén ist der Sohn einer schwedischen Mutter und eines amerikanischen Vaters. Inmitten seiner musikalischen Familie wuchs er in Stockholm auf und begann schon klein, Schlagzeug zu spielen. Später fügte der talentierte Künstler Piano, Bass, Gitarre, Flöte und Gesang hinzu. Während seiner Ausbildung an der Royal Academy of Music in Stockholm erhielt Jonathan als einer der ersten Studenten seinen MasterAbschluss in Jazz. Mit 22 Jahren trat er bereits mehrmals im nationalen schwedischen Fernsehen auf und tourte mit einigen der angesehensten Jazzmusiker des Landes. Drei Jahre später nahm er sein erstes Album auf und war damit der erste schwedische Pianist, der eine Smooth-Jazz-CD veröffentlichte. „Piano Tales“ ist das nunmehr siebte Album des charismatischen Billboard-Chart-Stürmers.

Jonathan Fritzén was born in Stockholm to a Swedish mother and an American father. He grew up in a musical family and started playing drums as a young child. Later, the talented artist added piano, bass, guitar, flute and vocals. During his formal training at the Royal Academy of Music in Stockholm Jonathan became one of the first students to receive a Masters degree in jazz. By the age of 22 he had performed on national Swedish television several times and toured with some of the countries most respected jazz musicians. Three years later he recorded his first album and in doing so he made his mark as the first Swedish pianist to release a smooth jazz CD. “Piano Tales” is the seventh solo recording from the Billboard chart-topping musician.

Jonathan Fritzén nasceu em Estocolmo, filho de mãe sueca e pai americano. Cresceu numa família de músicos e começou a tocar bateria ainda em criança. Mais tarde o talentoso artista adicionou o piano, o baixo, a guitarra, a flauta e a voz. Durante a sua formação na Royal Academy of Music em Estocolmo, Jonathan tornou-se num dos primeiros estudantes a concluir o mestrado em jazz. Com 22 anos, já tinha actuado várias vezes na televisão nacional sueca e feito tournées com alguns dos meus respeitados músicos de jazz do país. Três anos mais tarde gravou o seu primeiro álbum tornando-se assim o primeiro pianista sueco a lançar um CD de jazz. “Piano Tales” é a sétima gravação a solo do músico da tabela Billboard.


live at Algarve Smooth Jazz Festival 2022

Sunday, 8. May, 12:30 h

7 solo albums | No.1 & No.2 hit at the Billboard jazz charts

Piano Tales (2022)

Ballads (2017)

Fritzenized (2015)

Magical (2012)

Diamonds (2010)

VIP (2009)

Love Birds (2008) www.jonathanfritzen.com

Mark Jaimes ist ein zeitgenössischer Jazz- und R&B-Gitarrist, Komponist und Produzent aus London. Sein Spielstil verbindet die funky, mehrsaitige chromatische Lyrik von Grant Green und George Benson mit den elektrisierend-funky Rhythmus-Skills von Ronny Jordan und Chuck Loeb. Mark begann mit fünf Jahren Gitarre zu lernen und hatte seinen ersten Gig im Alter von neun. Nach mehreren Plattenverträgen in Soulbands entschied er sich 1992 für eine Karriere als Session- und Tourmusiker. Er tourte mit verschiedenen Künstlern, bis er 1998 nach einer Aufnahmesession mit Simply Red gebeten wurde, der Band beizutreten. Mark stand mit der Band fünf Jahre lang im Studio und auf der Bühne. Danach begann er eine Karriere als Produzent. Er produzierte Hits für verschiedene Künstler, darunter Simply Red und Luciano Pavarotti. Auch aus der Smooth-Jazz-Szene ist Mark nicht mehr wegzudenken – er hat mit Dave Koz, Peter White, Rick Braun, Richard Elliott, Chuck Loeb, Euge Groove, Mindi Abair und vielen anderen gespielt. Zudem ist er ein langjähriges Mitglied der Hausbands unseres Smooth Jazz Festivals. 2021 veröffentlichte Jaimes endlich sein erstes Solo-Album: „Hear at Last“. Er schrieb oder war Co-Autor aller bis auf eine Melodie des 11-Song-Sets.

Mark Jaimes is a London based contemporary jazz and R&B guitarist, composer, and producer. His playing style weds the funky, multi-string chromatic lyricism of Grant Green and George Benson to the vamping funky rhythmic prowess of Ronny Jordan and Chuck Loeb. Mark started playing guitar at age five and did his first gig age nine. After several record contracts playing in soul bands, he decided to pursue a career as a session and touring musician in 1992. He toured with various artists ‘til 1998 when after a recording session with Simply Red, was asked to join the band. Mark toured and recorded with Simply Red for five years, then embarked on a career as a producer. He produced hits for various artists including Simply Red and Luciano Pavarotti. Mark is also a regular on the smooth jazz scene, having played with Dave Koz, Peter White, Rick Braun, Richard Elliott, Chuck Loeb, Euge Groove, Mindi Abair and many more. Apart from that he has been a longtime member of our Smooth Jazz Festival bands. In 2021, Jaimes finally released his debut solo outing “Hear at Last”. He wrote or co-wrote all but one tune on the 11-song set.

1 solo album | JazzTrax’s Debut Artist of the Year 2021 | taught Gwyneth Paltrow how to play the guitar | longtime member of our Smooth Jazz Festival bands

Hear At Last (2021) www.facebook.com/ mark.jaimes.37

Mark Jaimes

live at Algarve Smooth Jazz Festival 2022 Sunday, 8. May, 20:45 h

Mark Jaimes é um guitarrista, compositor e produtor de jazz contemporâneo e R&B natural de Londres. O seu estilo combina o lirismo funky e cromático de múltiplas cordas de Grant Green e George Benson com as proezas rítmicas funky de improvisação de Ronny Jordan e Chuck Loeb. Mark começou a tocar guitarra com 5 anos e deu o seu primeiro concerto com 9. Em 1992, após vários contratos discográficos tocando com bandas soul, decidiu seguir uma carreira como músico de sessão e de digressão. Ele fez tournées e gravou com os Simply Red e Luciano Pavarotti. Mark é uma presença habitual no panorama do smooth jazz, tendo actuado com Dave Koz, Peter White, Rick Braun, Richard Elliott, Chuck Loeb, Euge Groove, Mindi Abair e muitos mais. Para além disso, é membro de longa data das nossas bandas do Smooth Jazz Festival. Em 2021 Jaimes finalmente lançou o seu primeiro álbum a solo “Hear at Last”. Ele compôs e co-compôs todas as músicas do conjunto de 11 músicas, com excepção de uma.

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