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Er möchte nicht musikalisch eingesperrt oder eingepackt werden. Es wäre ohnehin schwer, das zu tun, denn seine letzte CD – seine erste Veröffentlichung über sein eigenes Label SagiDarius Music – vereint wieder viele Elemente aus Hip-Hop, R&B, Pop, Rock, Gospel, Funk und Reggae. Der Künstler, der so unerschrocken alle musikalischen Grenzen überschreitet, heißt Eric Darius. Er wurde in New Jersey geboren, wuchs in Florida auf und lebt nun in Los Angeles. Seine ganze Familie ist musikalisch: Der haitianische Vater ist Bassist, die jamaikanische Mutter ist Sängerin und Pianistin. Der ältere Bruder spielt Schlagzeug und Trompete, die Schwester singt und spielt Klarinette. Eric selbst verliebte sich ins Saxophon, als er neun Jahre alt war. Mit elf tourte er schon weltweit mit Sonny LaRosa und America’s Youngest Jazz Band, mit 17, noch auf der High School, nahm er sein erstes Album auf. Später studierte er an der University of South Florida Musik und Wirtschaft. Mittlerweile hat sich der energiegeladene Saxophonist, der u.a. schon mit Prince, Mary J. Blige, George Benson, Carlos Santana oder Marcus Miller auf der Bühne stand, längst international einen Namen gemacht.

He doesn’t want to be caged or boxed in musically – and anyway, it would be hard to do so. His latest CD – his first release via his own label, SagiDarius Music – melds again many elements from Hip-Hop, to R&B, Pop, Rock, Gospel, Funk, and Reggae. The artist, who is fearlessly pushing all musical boundaries, is called Eric Darius. He was born in New Jersey, raised in Florida, and now resides in Los Angeles. His whole family is into music: his Haitian father is a bass player, his Jamaican mother is a singer and piano player. His older brother plays drums and trumpets, his sister sings and plays clarinet. Eric himself fell in love with the sax at the age of 9. Aged 11, he started touring worldwide with Sonny LaRosa and America’s Youngest Jazz Band and aged 17, while still in High School, he recorded and released his first album. Later, he attended the University of South Florida where he studied music and business. By now, the energetic saxophonist, who has shared the stage with artists such as Prince, Mary J. Blige, George Benson, Carlos Santana or Marcus Miller, has long made his mark internationally.


live at Algarve Smooth Jazz Festival 2022 Sunday, 8. May, 22:15 h

7 solo albums | 2 No.1 & 4 Top10 hits plus 6 Top10 albums at the Billboard jazz charts

Breakin’ Thru (2018)

Retro Forward (2014)

On A Mission (2010)

Goin‘ All Out (2008)

Just Getting Started (2006) Night On The Town (2004) Cruisin’ (2000) www.ericdarius.com

Ele não quer ser rotulado ou circunscrito em termos musicais – o que seria difícil de fazer. O seu último CD – o seu primeiro lançamento com a sua própria editora, SagiDarius Music – funde novamente muitos elementos do Hip-Hip ao R&B, Pop, Rock, Gospel, Funk e Reggae. O artista, que destemidamente ultrapassa todas as fronteiras musicais, dá pelo nome de Eric Darius. Nasceu em New Jersey, cresceu na Flórida e actualmente reside em Los Angeles. Toda a sua família está ligada à música: o pai, natural do Haiti, é baixista, a mãe, natural da Jamaica, é cantora e pianista. O irmão mais velho toca bateria e trompete, a irmã canta e toca clarinete. O próprio Eric apaixonou-se pelo saxofone quando tinha nove anos. Com onze já fazia tournées pelo mundo inteiro com Sonny LaRosa e a America’s Youngest Jazz Band e aos 17 anos, enquanto frequentava ainda a escola secundária, gravou e lançou o seu primeiro álbum. Mais tarde frequentou a Universidade de South Florida onde estudou música e economia. Entretanto, o energético saxofonista, que partilhou o palco com artistas como Prince, Mary J. Blige, Geore Benson, Carlos Santana ou Marcus Miller, há muito que se tornou conhecido a nível internacional.

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