Sandra Miller Jones SMSi Healthy Living Solutions, Inc.
Visit BlackBeautyLegacy.Org to join the movement to celebrate the contributions of many in the Black beauty industry. The organization is committed to illuminating the rich heritage and profound impact of the pioneers and is guided by the iconic legacy of the AHBAI Proud Lady.

Elena Dudley Oglesby: Championing Peace, Advocacy, and Wellness
Academic Focus on Global Understanding
Elena Dudley Oglesby is an enthusiastic student at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, where she is pursuing a degree in International Studies with a concentration in Peace, Conflict, and Identity. Her academic focus underscores her dedication to understanding complex global issues and the diverse cultural dynamics that shape human interactions. Through her studies, Elena aspires to contribute to conflict resolution efforts and promote peace-building initiatives, especially those addressing identity-based challenges in diverse communities.
Passionate Advocate for Social Issues
Beyond academics, Elena is deeply committed to advocacy. She has actively participated in initiatives designed to raise awareness about social issues, particularly those related to health and wellness. Her passion is further reflected in her work on a marketing campaign for Dudley Products, where she skillfully
promoted health-conscious products. This marketing experience not only sharpened her communication abilities but also allowed her to integrate her advocacy work with practical business applications.
“Elena’s fluency in Spanish enhances her role as both an advocate and scholar, enabling her to engage with diverse communities and foster open dialogues on pressing issues affecting marginalized groups.”
A Scholar with a Global Perspective Elena’s fluency in Spanish enhances her role as both an advocate and scholar, enabling her to engage with diverse communities and foster open dialogues on pressing issues affecting marginalized groups. As she progresses in her studies, Elena remains devoted to using her international studies and advocacy background to promote understanding, wellness, and peace on local and global levels.
About Dudley Beauty Cares, Inc.
Dudley Beauty Cares, Inc. is committed to upholding the legacy of Joe L. Dudley Sr. by offering education, resources, and support tailored specifically to Black entrepreneurs. Based in High Point, NC, we aim to provide the tools necessary for success, helping individuals thrive in both the beauty and business industries. Through mentorship, training, and community initiatives, our mission is to inspire, empower, and guide entrepreneurs toward financial independence and long-term success.

This Father Built A Non-Toxic Feminine Care Company For His Wife And Daughters
Demond Crump’s worst nightmare came true when his wife informed him that she was facing a serious health issue.
“I need a partial hysterectomy that was advised by my doctor and it caused heavy bleeding afterward,” Demond’s wife, Quiana Crump shared with Essence. “It was not too long after that my husband sought out a prototype of a sanitary pad that absorbed like nothing else on the market.”
Although she’d always fully supported her entrepreneurial husband in all of his endeavors through their decades-long marriage, Qiana said she wasn’t completely sold on the idea of him going into the feminine care business initially.
“As a woman, you know how men feel about periods,” she said, pointing out that menstruation conversations typically make men squeamish. “But he demonstrated what the product could do, I had complete buy-in.”
The prototype cost Demond $6 to produce and about a year to bring to market. Launched in 2019, Reign Pads touts their triple absorbency is like nothing customers have seen before. Demond adds: “What makes the sanitary napkins a game-changer is a hero material they’re infused with: graphene an ingredient that can help with micro-circulation, promote cell activity and support a healthier metabolism,” as detailed on the
brand’s website. “After speaking with ob-gyn’s and conducting deep research, I found that many of the chemicals found in feminine products on the market cause great harm over time.
He’s right.
“What makes the sanitary napkins a game-changer is a hero material they’re infused with: graphene an ingredient that can help with micro-circulation, promote cell activity and support a healthier metabolism.”
In 2016, TIME reported that some experts were greatly concerned that the chemicals used to make tampons and other feminine care products can possibly lead to toxic shock syndrome (TSS) and cancer. This information only reinforced Demond’s passion to produce an alternative, and he was confident he could make a mark in the industry, even from the beginning. He says this isn’t the first time he’d built a business from the ground up. Demond shared that his entrepreneurial drive started at an early age.
“I’ve been an entrepreneur since 1994 while in my twenties coming out of the United States military,” Demond said, explaining he left after realizing he could never have true professional autonomy while enlisted regard

less of the amount of time he served. “So, entrepreneurship was something I always wanted to go after and achieve. And ironically, nobody in my family was an entrepreneur. Nobody. I just so happened to read a book that literally changed my life, Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice by Dennis Kimbro. I read that book as a young man, and that set me on my path to entrepreneurship, and I never, ever looked back since then.”
Over time, the New Orleans native launched a successful car detailing business, but he was forced to fold it following hurricane Katrina 2005. It was prom-
pted a life-changing move for him and his family.
“We re-located to Georgia because of the storm, and that situation further reinforced the importance of being a business owner. I knew that I could always rebuild anywhere I went.” Now, he says his passion lies in building his mission-driven company that aims to help further the fight for healthy feminine care.
“As a husband and father, my wife and daughters initially inspired me to start the company,” Demond shared. “Now, I’m working to fulfill a need that’s much larger than my family.”
The Crump Family
Reign Premium Feminine Protection
Our mission is to raise awareness by informing both teens and women globally who suffer in silence with pain, heavy bleeding, unhealthy menstrual cycles and the potential toxicity of tampon use.
Facts About Reign Pads
Soft Cotton Design
Reign Premium Sanitary Napkins have a soft cotton design, with a 3-dimensional layer, and leak guard sides for extra protection.
Inhibits Harmful Bacteria Growth

Help Your Organization Reach Their Financial Goals with a Reign Fundraiser!

1. Helps support the organization’s mission.
2. Helps raise community awareness.
3. Helps them reach their Þnancial goals.
4. Helps protect women and young girls
The Reign Innovative design offers ‘Nobel Prize,’ Graphene strip technology. This technology may provide health beneÞts to potentially help with circulatory health, cell activity, and metabolic health. In addition, it may help inhibit harmful bacteria growth.
Feel Secure and Dry
Designed with an air-laid blockade for extra protection against undesired leakage, our innovative technology is adept at moving the moisture away from the body, so you feel secure and dry.
Super Absorbency
Reign Sanitary Napkins are designed for super absorbency, absorbing up to 10x more menstrual ßow than traditional sanitary napkins.
Keeps You Cool and Dry
Offering even more protection, we have added a bottom layer with extreme breathability. This eliminates heat and undesirable moisture. The perforated bottom layer offers air dispersion to keep the area cool and most of all dry, eliminating the growth of harmful bacteria.
No Toxic Chemicals

"I loved the Jewel pads! They stay dry for a long time, they're comfortable and they don't move around! I wore them during a 14 hour drive to Florida and they kept me comfortable and dry. I did not notice any cramps. Thank you!"
Mary in Ohio
"In the middle of June, I wore the Jewel panty liners before my cycle came on. My cycle came on July 12th and it lasted until July 15th for that month!!! Normally, my cycle last about 10 days! These pads are very comfortable and absorb very nicely!! It also reduced my cramps!!”
Lakeisha in Georgia
For free samples or information about fundraising, scan the QR code.
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The breathable bottom layer also provides a durable adhesive without the use of toxic chemicals that are detrimental to a female’s most precious area, as well as the planet
Individually Wrapped
Reign pads are individually wrapped with a single strip tape closure design to keep the product secure and protected from any outside elements
"I have been using this Jewel Panty Liners since I got them in June. I have had hot ßashes since my early twenties. It has subsided the hot ßashes tremendously. They are the right size & very comfortable! I am a committed customer!”
Glinda in Texas
“Yes, I will scream it from the mountaintops. I love this product! My cycle length has decreased by 2 days. Also, I haven't had to take ANY Midol since I started using this product, the Þrst time in 10 years!”
How are Menstrual and Intimate Care Products Regulated?
Menstrual and intimate care products are used on and in some of the most sensitive body tissue, yet there is very little regulation over the safety of these products, and in many cases corporations are not even required to tell you what ingredients are used in these products.
Menstrual products (tampons, pads, menstrual cups) are regulated by the FDA as medical devices and intimate care products (douches, wipes, washes, sprays, powders) are regulated by the FDA as cosmetics.
Testing has found menstrual products can contain harmful chemicals like phthalates, dioxins, furans, parabens, triclosan, toluene, and more. Yet none of these ingredients appear on product labels—because they don’t have to. Nor does the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) require ingredients used in menstrual products to meet any kind of safety standard or ban the use of harmful ingredients from these products.
The Code of Federal Regulations Title 21, Subchapter H lists menstrual products like tampons, pads (including reusable pads), and menstrual cups as medical devices, but it does not include period underwear.
There are some labeling requirements for tampons, but it does not include ingredient listings. Labeling requirements include warnings about toxic shock syndrome and absorbency information. Tampons dispensed in vending machines are not required to meet any labeling requirements. Intimate care product like douches, wipes, sprays, washes, and powders are regulated as cosmetics under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The section that regulates cosmetics hasn’t been updated in over 80 years and is only 1.5 pages long.
Intimate care products can contain harmful chemicals like phthalates, parabens, formaldehyde releasers, and allergens like MI and CMI. There are no requirements for ingredients used in cosmetics to meet any kind of specific safety standard. That means ingredients known to cause or linked to cancer, birth defects, infertility, and neurological disorders, etc. are legally allowed to be used in cosmetics.
The entire How are Menstrual and Intimate Care Products Regulated? article can be found at: https://womensvoices. org/2021/05/10/how-are-menstrual-and-intimate-care-products-regulated/

What is Graphene?

Graphene is a novel material that has extraordinary properties, which can be used not only for the preparation of other new compounds based on it, but the possibilities are endless in various fields. The importance of this discovery was so great that the scientists who discovered it received the Nobel Prize in physics in 2010. One of the most important uses of Graphene are found in the Medical field. Graphene is almost transparent and light. Graphene offers excellent properties as a thermal conductor.
Graphene has an antibacterial effect. Bacteria does not grow on it. Graphene is also a good electrical conductor. Graphene is fully capable of withstanding ionizing radiation. So, it can be applied in the healthcare field.
These and many other features make this the material of the future for fields related to medical, construction, architecture and many other sectors. Graphene is very useful to treat cancer cells. As this material ab sorbs infrared light, the irradiation of the radiological
Photo Credit: Nanografi
treatments with which the tumor is treated acts directly on the damaged cells, without affecting the rest of the body.
Graphene was incorporated as a material associated with dental implants. This prevented bacteria from clinging to it. The objective was to protect the patient against infections, eliminate the application of antibiotics and reduce the risk of treatment rejection.
Graphene sheets are more efficient and cheaper for purifying water efficiently.
These sheets don’t allow the impurities to pass through it.
Graphene is important to improve applications in medicine: cancer therapies, disease diagnostic tools, tissue engineering, implants, water purification, DNA sequencing, biomarker, transfer of genetic material, as well as in the combined field of biomedical imaging and neuroscience.
The entire article about graphene can be found at:https:// nanografi.com/blog/applications-of-graphene-in-medicine/

Say YES! to a large network of doctors.* Always choose Blue.
You have options

We can help you explore health insurance options for you or your dependents from top companies such as Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Humana, Aetna, United Healthcare, and Cigna. Options include:
+ Individual and family plans, for those under 65 years old.
+ Supplemental short-term coverage, to help with a temporary need.
+ Medicare plans for those who qualify, such as those over 65, disabled, or have other special circumstances.
Individual and family plans
If you are 18 to 64 years old, you may be eligible to enrolled in Affordable Care (ACA) coverage, sometimes called Obamacare. The yearly enrollment period for ACA enrollment is November 15 through January 31. However, you may be able to get ACA coverage outside of the yearly enrollment period if you have special circumstances, such as loss of job based health insurance, change in marital status, low household income or others.
Short-term plans
If you qualify, this is a good option when you have a temporary need. Once you sign up, coverage usually begins the next day.
Medicare plans
If you are Medicare eligible, we can help you choose the Medicare option that is best for you. Our agents can help explain the differences between Original Medicare, Medicare Supplement, and Medicare Advantage plans. Since we know that Medicare can be complex, we explain your Medicare options in ways that are easily understood.
We are here to help, at absolutely no cost to you. Just contact us and we can help you find the right plan for you and your family.

If you qualify for Medicare, you may be able to enroll in the best plan for you right now:
+ If you are turning 65 within the next three months.
+ If you are already 65 or older and have not yet selected the best plan for you.
+ If you are disabled.
Questions? Contact us at:
SMSi Healthy Living Solutions Inc. 51 E. 4th St. Suite 1702 Winston-Salem, NC 27101 smjones@smsi-net.com +1 (336) 406-2278

Sandra Miller Jones, President and CEO Healthy Living Solutions, Inc. (SMSi) Lead Agent