St Mary’s
Students’ Union
Recruitment Pack
Contents Welcome from the Chair
page 1
About SMSU
page 2-3
SMSU’s Vision
page 5
SMSU’s Structure
page 6
The Role
page 7-8
How to Apply
page 9
from the SU President: Chair of the Board of Trustees
Dear Prospective Trustee, Thank you for expressing an interest in the role of member of the Board of Trustees for St Mary’s Students’ Union. Over the past five years, the organisation has experienced a significant positive transformation. We developed our first ever 5-year strategy that sets out clearly what we want to achieve by 2018, and are now in the consultation phase of our next strategic vision. We have undergone a governance review, are incorporating (Company Limited by Guarantee) by 31 July 2017, and are futureproofing our resources . We have restructured our finances, expanded our retail operation on campus, and have grown our income sources to enable an additional investment each year in developing our services for students. We are currently in consultation for a capital project to refurbish our SU building and facilities completely over the next two years, providing students with state of the art facilities and services. As you can see, we’re excited about our future and, in turn, we’re looking for amazing people who can take the Students’ Union to the next level. We’re looking for ambitious, enthusiastic people to help us develop and, in return, we promise you’ll join a team looking to become one of the best Students’ Unions in the UK. We hope that any questions you might have are answered in this recruitment pack. However, if you require any further information, or would like an informal conversation about the Students’ Union, please do not hesitate to contact the Students’ Union’s Chief Executive, Donna Smith, as follows: Donna Smith Chief Executive 0208 240 4131 Best of luck with your application, and we look forward to meeting you. Zander Lavall SU President (Chair of Trustees) 2
About SMSU We’re a Charity
St Mary’s Students’ Union is a registered charity with a turnover of circa £800k each year. SMSU sits at the heart of student life which encompasses representation, welfare, sports and societies, along with our trading services (a shop and entertainments venue). Our charitable objectives are listed below:
1/ To promote the interests and welfare of St Mary’s University students during their course of study by representing, supporting and advising them. 2/ To be the recognised representative channel between students and St Mary’s University and any external bodies. 3/ To provide social, cultural, sporting and recreational activities and forums for discussions and debate for the personal development of students.
Governance and Leadership SMSU is a democratic, membership-led organisation and all students at St Mary’s University are automatically members of the Union. The legal responsibility of the Students’ Union is that of the Board of Trustees, which is made up of three full-time Officer Trustees; two Student Trustees; and three External Trustees. The Officer Trustees and Student Trustees are elected each year by, and from, the student membership of the University. Officer Trustees take a year out of their studies (or immediately after graduating) to serve as a trustee and they can stand for re-election for a second year if they choose, but can serve for no more than two years. Unlike the trustees of most registered charities, the Officer Trustees are paid a living allowance and work a normal working week. The Student Trustees have all the responsibilities of being a trustee, but are still studying and fulfil their duties on a part-time and voluntary basis. The three full-time Officer Trustees are assisted by, and take direction from, SU Council which is made up of elected student representatives. The SU President is the Chair of the Board of Trustees.
About SMSU continued...
The Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees meets at least five times a year and is the governing body of the Students’ Union. The Board directs and steers the work of the Students’ Union and approves major developments relating to capital projects, governance, financial and management structures. The Board will lead on the development of the new Strategic Vision (2018-2023) and associated strategies. The Board is supported by three sub-committees which are chaired by Board members. The sub-committees cover many different aspects of Students’ Union activities and consist of the following: Finance, Audit and Risk Committee, People and Places Committee, and Service Development Committee. The current Board (2016/17) comprises the following members: Zander Lavall: Henry Morrant: Sam Cliffe: Orla Welby: Rochelle Gray: Veronica Fulton: Mark Griffin: Catherine Quinn:
SU President (Chair) Vice-President Community Vice-President Sports and Societies Student Trustee Student Trustee External Trustee (Finance and Risk) External Trustee (Higher Education) External Trustee (Alumni)
Management Acting as Secretary to the Board of Trustees and as delegated authority, it is the role of the Chief Executive to ensure effective and efficient strategic and operational leadership of the Students’ Union. In conjunction with the SU President, the CEO must balance the need to drive and deliver sustainable income streams whilst ensuring continuous improvement of student satisfaction, engagement and representation. The CEO works closely with the elected officers, supporting them to ensure that the vision, goals and core values of the Students’ Union are achieved. The Chief Executive is supported by a professional team which has specific responsibilities for implementing the day-to-day management of Membership Support and Engagement, Trading Services, and Finance and Business Reporting. The Students’ Union employs a full-time team of 7 permanent staff, 4 part time staff and supports over 1000 student volunteers.
Finance The Students’ Union has two main sources of income – an annual grant from the University and the income generated through our trading and charitable services. We are a charity and a nonprofit organisation. Any surplus generated within the organisation is reinvested into the facilities and services provided across the organisation for our members.
SMSU’s Vision Strategy, Mission, Vision and Values Mission To support, develop and represent students at St Mary’s University; to make their lives the best they can possibly be - a positive, self-defining era providing a firm foundation for the rest of their personal and professional lives. Vision By 2018, St Mary’s will be a student-centred university and SMSU will make a positive impact on the life of every student by providing dynamic, member-led services which deliver the best possible experience of all of the small and specialist Students’ Unions. Strategic Aims 2013-2018 1/ To create effective student representation across campus 2/ To support students throughout their university experience and beyond 3/ To encourage and build a strong community on and off campus 4/ To provide effective, open communications with students and to increase student-focused marketing opportunities 5/ To be a professional organisation and to increase the number and quality of commercial services for students 6/ To develop a diverse range of student activities that enhance personal development, skills, enterprise and the student experience Values Student-led / Passionate / Supportive / Inclusive / Unique You can find out more information about our strategic plan and governing documents/ statements at
SMSU’s Structure
Chief Executive Officer Deputy CEO
Shop/Admin Manager
Marcoms Manager
Sports/Societies Administrator
Finance Assistant Shop Assistants x4
Governance SU Council
Trustee Board People and Places sub-committee
Staff Team
Sports Development Team
Finance, Audit and Risk sub-committee
Executive Committee
Societies Development Team
Service Development sub-committee
Liberation Committee Events Committees
*Staffing subject to change and dependant on 2017/18 University Budget Round
The Role Role title: Student Trustee
Required expertise: (desirable) interest in student policy, representation, activities, management. Responsibilities: As a member of the Board of Trustees: Be a Charity Trustee and Company Director of SMSU. Lead on the charity’s strategic vision and development. Be responsible for the charity including compliance and development. Scrutinise and approve new policy, capital projects and major governance developments. Hold the Officers and CEO of SMSU to account. Attend a minimum of five meetings per year. As a member of the Board Sub-Committee x2: Monitor all of the finances and business reports of the charity Oversee the charity’s risk-management processes and report financial health to the Board of Trustees at regular intervals. Assist the CEO in budgeting and strategic financial planning. Ensure all strategic and annual operating plans are financially appraised. Test the Business Continuity Plan and ensure its ongoing development. Attend and prepare for four meetings (per sub-committee) per year. Other responsibilities: Attend events, networking opportunities and training events as an ambassador of the charity. Attend any other meetings as required such as the Disciplinary Committee, Elections Steering Group, tender interviews and Appointments Committee. Attend SU Team training and development days. Benefits: Experience of strategic management of a charity. Experience of being a Company Director. Experience of managing and implementing direct change to the charity and university. Bespoke training and knowledge transfer with regard to charities and Students’ Unions. VIP entry to all SU events
The Role continued... Person Specification
Essential Competent use of IT skills. Proven ability to communicate and explain information to members of the Board and other stakeholders. Analytical and evaluation skills - demonstrating good judgement. Understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship. Good communication and leadership skills. Desirable Demonstrated knowledge and experience of charity practices. Dedication to the organisation’s cause and objectives and willingness to act as the charity’s ambassador to external bodies, charities and companies. Knowledge of the HE sector and/or Students’ Unions/student movement. A team-oriented approach to problem solving and to management.
Time Commitment The Board meets at least five times a year. You will also be a member of two sub-committees which will meet four times a year. Meetings occur at 4:30-6:30pm in the SU Building.
Remuneration Trustees are volunteer (unpaid) roles. However, the Students’ Union will reimburse any expenses related to travel or accommodation costs incurred by attending meetings or conferences on behalf of SMSU. Trustees are offered VIP access to all SMSU events and dinners.
How to Apply Application is via email to the SMSU CEO: e: Please include: 1. A recent CV 2. A covering letter outlining why you wish to apply, and what skills/experience you can bring to the role 3. The trustee’s declaration (confirmation that you are eligible, by law, to become a trustee)
Key Dates Applications close: 12pm - 27 April 2017 Interview: 4 May 2017
Essential Reading CC3: The Essential Trustee: What you need to know
CC10: Hallmarks of an Effective Charity
We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Organisation name* (as it appears in your governing document)
Trustee eligibility and responsibility By completing and signing this form, you declare that you: A) are willing to act as a trustee of the organisation B) understand your organisation’s purposes (objectives) and rules set out in its governing document C) are not prevented from acting as a trustee because you:
have an unspent conviction for an offence involving dishonesty or deception
are currently declared bankrupt (or subject to bankruptcy restrictions or an interim order)
have an individual voluntary arrangement (IVA) to pay off debts with creditors
are disqualified from being a company director
are subject to an order made under section 429(2) of the Insolvency Act 1986
have previously been removed as a trustee by the Charity Commission, the Scottish charity regulator or the High Court due to misconduct or mismanagement
have been removed from management or control of any body under section 34(5)(e) of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 (or earlier legislation)
are disqualified from being a trustee by an order of the Charity Commission under section 181A of the Charities Act 2011
You also declare that:
the information you provide to the Charity Commission is true, complete and correct
you understand that it is an offence under section 60(1)(b) of the Charities Act 2011 to knowingly or recklessly provide false or misleading information
your organisation’s funds are held (or will be held) in its name in a bank or building society account in England or Wales
you will comply with your responsibilities as trustees - these are set out in the Charity Commission guidance ‘The essential trustee (CC3)
(if applicable) the primary address and residency details you provide are correct and you will notify the Charity Commission if they change
Personal benefit If your organisation pays (or will pay) any trustee for being a trustee OR any trustee or person connected to them for providing goods and services, you declare that this will:
be in the organisation’s best interests
be lawful and authorised
help the organisation carry out its purposes (or be a necessary by-product of it carrying out its purposes)
SIGN HERE (within box)