The Mini-Marque | Vol. 18

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Mini-Marque Volume


St. Mark’s School of Texas 10600 Preston Road Dallas, Texas 75230 214-836-8311

Mini-Marque VOLUME


Cover Design | Alex Geng | 8 Section Header Designs | Jonathan Yin | 8 Symbols Design | Liam Wilson | 8 Table of Contents Design | Xander Bowles | 8


From The Editors

ne of the greatest philosophers of the classical age, Aristotle, believed that the world could be represented by the four elements: fire, water, earth, and air. In the world today, these four elements take a variety of forms ranging from the plainest wooden box to the most complicated supercomputers, shaping our lives in big and small ways. Throughout the 2017-2018 issue of the Mini-Marque, the Design Team had the choice to be as complex or as simple as possible with their thoughts, transforming them into spreads that are based on these fundamentals. No matter how creative or intricate the designs are, a unifying theme holds the magazine together. Even this page and this text are formed by combinations of these elements. Society today is divided into very distinct categories based on race, ethnicity, and cultural background, just to name a few; however, it is the fundamentals of the four elements that connect every person in this world, regardless of what they look like or where they are from. It is these four elements that shaped the world and formed the species of Homo Sapiens. Through evolution and migration, each person has a unique set of traits, yet each has experienced how combinations of fire, water, earth, and air have transformed his or her life. Consequently, there is one thing that defines the human experience: the four elements. Sincerely, Alex Geng Design Editor


he foundation of this year’s Mini-Marque is built upon innovation and the four key elements. Earth, air, fire, and water are the essentials of our existence. After introducing the theme, I started to notice the four elements in my daily life. They were everywhere. From the swimming pool to the fireplace, the elements played a crucial role in shaping my day. Like the symbols that are woven into each of the sections, the unique personalities of each staff member are embedded on the pages and create balance by mixing with one another. I would like to thank the Design Team for their original work. Their spreads are true pieces of artistic innovation. A shout-out to the submissions team who rated pieces in an unbiased way and carefully edited pieces for errors. Mr. Clayman and Mr. Lange also played an important role in the magazine by helping coordinate announcements and the raffle. Special thanks to our sponsors, Mrs. Clayton and Ms. Frazier for sacrificing their free time to help us. Without their assistance, the magazine would not be possible. I am proud to present to you the 2018 edition of the MiniMarque literary magazine, featuring the artwork compositions from the St. Mark’s Middle School. Enjoy the voyage through the magazine and experience the voice of the St. Mark’s Middle School. Sincerely, Jeffrey Chen Submissions Editor

Photo|Adnan Khan|11 Dedication|Jonathan Yin|8

Dedication Meagan C. Frazier


n ever-flowing spring of vivacious smiles with one of the loudest personalities on campus, Ms. Frazier truly makes 10600 Preston Road a better place. Whether it’s a offering cheerful greeting at the crack of dawn, staying way past six at after-school meetings, supervising us as we wreak havoc in the lab every Wednesday afternoon, this magazine would not be possible without her. Thank you so much for your hard work, and good luck in Taiwan! We will miss you!


The Wave | Photo | Alex Geng The Wave | Poetry | Alex Geng The Heroic Dive | Nonfiction | Peter Orsak The Heroic Dive | Digital Art | James Singhal Drowning | Poetry | Zack Stone Drowning | Photo | Cooper Cole Chong-Nam Park | Digital Art | Will Spencer Chong-Nam Park | Nonfiction | Sky Park The Pond | Photo | James Singhal The Pond | Fiction | Matthew Fan Reflection | Photo | Baxter Perry-Miller Reflection | Nonfiction | Drake Elliott The End | Photo | Charlie Estess The End | Poetry | Max Vafa Underwater | Photo | Baxter Perry-Miller Underwater | Poetry | Jack Bickel Blood | Digital Art | Ekansh Tambe Blood | Poetry | Niles Harvey The Captain | Poetry | Silas Hosler The Captain | Photo | Baxter Perry-Miller

p. 2 p. 3 p. 4 p. 4 p. 6 p. 6 p. 8 p. 9 p. 10 p. 10 p. 12 p. 12 p. 14 p. 15 p. 16 p. 17 p. 18 p. 19 p. 20 p. 21

More Than a Swing | Digital Artwork | James Thomson More Than a Swing | Nonfiction| Max Vafa A Full Memory | Photo | Keshav Krishna A Full Memory | Nonfiction | Miller Trubey Rollercoaster | Photo | James Singhal Rollercoaster | Nonfiction | Blake Molthan Campout | Photo | Nicholas Koch Campout | Fiction | Enoch Ellis Lights Out | Photo | Aadi Khasgiwala Lights Out | Fiction | Adrian Lutgen Why? | Artwork | Arnav Lahoti Why? | Poetry | Adam Lai Starting a Revolt | 3D Design | Cal Graham Starting a Revolt | Nonfiction | Hugh Bonette Concerning... | Photo | Daniel Uglunts Concerning... | Nonfiction | Axel Icazbalceta Concerning... | Digital Artwork | Daniel Uglunts

p. 24 p. 24 p. 26 p. 27 p. 28 p. 29 p. 30 p. 31 p. 32 p. 33 p. 34 p. 35 p. 36 p. 36 p. 38 p. 39 p. 41


A Word With Wisdom | Photo | Ben Adams p. 45 A Word With Wisdom | Poetry | Silas Hosler p. 45 Advancements | Digital Artwork | Daniel Uglunts p. 46 Advancements | Nonfiction | Shreyan Daulat p. 46 The Weird Life of Joe | Digital Artwork | Lucas Williams p. 48 The Weird Life of Joe | Fiction | Nathan Meyer p. 48 Leaves | Digital Artwork | Shaan Mehta p. 50 Leaves | Poetry | William Fitzpatrick p. 51 Brotherhood | Poetry | Peter Orsak p. 52 Brotherhood | Photo | Sam Menendez p. 53 Diagon Alley | Photo | Murphy Paul p. 54 Diagon Alley | Fiction | Samir Mamtani p. 55 Devoured by Darkness | Photo | Keshav Krishna p. 56 Devoured by Darkness | Nonfiction | Spencer Burke p. 57 4th Grade Artwork Showcase p. 58 3D Design Showcase p. 60 The Great Divide | Nonfiction | Ekansh Tambe p. 60 Photo Showcase | Ekansh Tambe p. 62

Darkness | Digital Artwork | Shaan Mehta Darkness | Nonfiction | Austin Williams Searching | Poetry | Daniel Uglunts Searching | Photo | Alex Geng Aliens | Artwork | Kevin Evans Aliens | Poetry | Colin Smith What a Dog… | Fiction | Grant Jackson What a Dog… | Digital Artwork | Morgan Chow Time | 3D Design | Ethan Borge Time | Poetry | James Thomson The Neverside | Digital Artwork | Lucas Williams The Neverside | Fiction | Warner Hartnett

p. 70 p. 71 p. 72 p. 73 p. 74 p. 75 p. 76 p. 77 p. 78 p. 79 p. 80 p. 81


Photo|Alex Geng|8

Section Every living being today depends on water. Water is found in many forms, ranging from a tiny stream to the four major oceans. Humans have been able to harness the power of water and transform it into energy, making water more and more important in modern life. Pools, aquariums, and even daily appliances use the element of water. Without water, the evolution of humans could be a totally different story. Spreads in this section are smooth and use lighter and softer colors.


The Wave Photo | Alex Geng | 8 Poetry | Alex Geng | 8


Blue and crashing with white, Rolling and moving, never stopping, Swallowing everything in its path. With tentacles at its end, Grabbing the stray boats and people, Going up and down, Breathing life into the water. It will never stop, never cease. When the biggest wave comes, the biggest obstacle, Dwarfing everything it sees, We know life will never be the same.

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Nonfiction | Peter Orsak | 8 Digital Art | James Singhal | 8

t was one of my dad’s biggest days of his life: his 50th birthday. My parents said I could invite a friend, so I decided to invite my good friend, Will. Will and I were hanging out around the pool, playing with my dogs. One of my dogs, Xie Xie, is a plump, aged, and small black dog who loves to sleep and eat. If she’s not begging for food under your feet, you could guess she is probably in my parents’ bedroom sleeping on the floor. My other sorry excuse for a dog, Buddy, is an orange puff ball with the excitement of a five-year old at Toy Maven. At this time, he was maybe a year old and as big as your forearm. If you weren’t paying attention, you could mistake him for an overfed squirrel or an exotic fur bag, that was running and running until his little legs couldn’t run anymore. 4


At the party, both of the dogs were scoping out vulnerable adults with food in hand. As their eyes set on me grabbing the last slice of pizza, they both sprinted around the pool hoping I would give them a piece. As they turned the corner for a straight way, Buddy began slipping and sliding, disregarding the “no running at the

attempted to safely extract him from the pool, I unfortunately ended up splashing the party guests as well as Will. These adults, who already had a drink or two, found this entertaining, even though they were soaked head to toe. Through the splashing, I lost track of Buddy, but when I started to look around, I

“I saw the entire crash out the corner of my eye.” pool” policy. As he attempted to gain traction, he continued to drift closer to the edge of the pool. Unfortunately for Buddy, Xie Xie was right next to him and was also sliding toward the pool. The inevitable occurred: Buddy got pushed into the pool by his big sister. I saw the entire crash out the corner of my eye. Even with my dress clothes on, my instinct was to jump in the pool to save Buddy, who had never been in the pool before this evening. Now, you must know that I am not the greatest swimmer either, so I would ultimately be saving myself along with the puppy. As I

noticed that Buddy had somehow managed to get himself out of the pool without my help. Looking like a fool, I slowly dog paddled to the edge in search of the nearest towel and the quickest exit. To the thundering applause of our guests, I emerged from our pool in my best clothes soaking wet. While I did not find this amusing at the time, looking back on it today, I am glad I brought a little laughter to my dad’s big birthday celebration.


DROWNING He sits on a throne of skulls and stares at me. I try to move, but I can’t flee. He cradles his scythe in his hand as water rushes over me. I sin k wi t h a sereni ty.

Until I hit the sand, I want to make him let me free, But water rushes over me. Death is in command.


poetry | Zack Stone | 8 Photo | Cooper Cole | 8


ChonG-nam Park



uddenly, there was screaming. Screaming school, he took the equivalent of a GED and took a and the pounding of feet filled the college admission test similar to the SAT. He got into previously silent night air. A rush of budies Yeon Sae University (the third best college in South surrounded my grandfather, Chong-nam Park, Korea), and studied abroad at Taiwan University, and his family, separating them and pushing them where he graduated among the top 10 in his class along with the flow of humanity. My grandfather with a political science degree. found himself alone and the horde gone. Dazed and My grandfather lived through the Korean confused, he set out alone towards the border War, and had a few notable accomplishments. with South Korea and his freedom. Chong-nam The memories he most distinctly recalls from the Park, born on November 15, 1934, war were running for his life from "Dazed and confused, in North Korea, is one of the most North Korea and South Korea and interesting people I’ve ever met he set out alone, being separated from his family in because he had a hard childhood, a a stampede. Throughout Chong-nam towards the border successful adulthood, and plays an Park’s life, he worked as a teacher and with South Korea and a CIA agent. His favorite job was being important role in my life. As a child, his life mostly a CIA agent because there was lots his freedom." revolved around studying. He studied of traveling involved, there was good day and night. When he wasn’t studying, he had pay, and there was a lot of excitement. One of his to do menial work, like chopping wood or fetching proudest moments was finally arriving in South water. After my grandfather escaped to South Korea, after escaping from its northern enemy. Korea at the age of 16, he was put in an orphanage Digital Art | Will Spencer | 7 and studying once again became his primary Nonfiction | Sky PArk | 7 activity. Although Chong-nam Park didn’t go to 9




Fiction | James Singhal | 8 Photo | Matthew Fan | 8

he amber sun slowly crept up past the never-ending horizon as our eyes slowly became accustomed to the new found light. The slow ripples on the murky water gave a halo-like effect around the dreary campsite. Light poked through small openings in the dense tree cover and created small symbols on the ground. I slowly tried to leave my sleeping bag but the repulsive force of cold ensured that I would not leave its warm embrace. After half an hour more at rest, I convinced myself to leave the tents and go on an early morning hike with my friend, Rupert. We got permission to go hiking before embarking on an adventure. The leaves crunched beneath my boots and squirrels scrambled up trees to try to avoid me. It must have been at least half an hour by the time I realized I was walking alone. 10

It was so serene, I let my own mind go to the hyperkinetic beat of crunching and my own heartbeat. For some reason, I wasn’t worried. I just assumed he had gone back for breakfast and continued on my way. I wondered to myself if I should head back

The water’s reflection was so perfect. There was no movement on the surface, no fish in it, no animals drinking it. It was no bigger than a normal classroom but there was something off about it. It left me with two burning questions.: Why was there

“It had a blue tint and was blindingly bright, but instantly captured my interest.”

and get some breakfast, but I wasn’t hungry. Some time passed and I saw a glint of light come up from the ground around 50 feet away. It had a blue tint and was blindingly bright, and instantly, it captured my interest. As I closed in on it, I saw what it truly was. I could see my face looking at my real face, my own ghastly start, staring right back at me.

a pond here and why were the animals avoiding it? I thought that they just weren’t thirsty. My imagination took my fear of getting, hurt, so I dumped the normal water by a tree and filled the bottle up with the special water. I swirled it around a few times in the bottle and then took a small sip. 11


Photo | Baxter Perry-Miller | 6

Stepping out of the bus, the sharp hike continued, the weight of the pack wind hit me, “Winter was coming,” I started to increase, just like my urge thought. I grabbed my pack and already to end it all. Eventually, we reached a began to feel the oppressive weight promising campsite where we could put the bag forced upon down our torture me, like the force Except everything seemed more sacks and relax. My of a thousand suns. group and I began to dead and cold, just like my will We began to hike set up our A-frame down the trail in a shelter. Of course, to live. single file fashion the only knots we as Señor Evans instructed. A couple of used were nooses, everyone knows minutes in, I began to recognize spots they are the strongest and never from the trail, remembering the trees, come undone. We had lots of time and bushes, and rocks from last year’s hike. on our hands so we decided to take Except, everything seemed more dead a nice stroll on the beach where we and cold, just like my will to live. As the could clear our minds. We picked up

Nonfiction | Drake Elliott | 8

stones and flung them across the rest. We hustled into our sleeping bags murky and dark waves of Lake Texoma. and attempted to fall asleep. All was The time for dinner came and SeĂąor good until the sounds came in the night, Evans said that we would be cooking the sound of demons trying to crawl up quesadillas. We out of the burning constructed our The sound of demons trying to depths of hell. The own out of tomato sound would not go crawl out of the burning depths sauce, cheddar, and away. Closer and pepperonis. We would of hell wuold not go away. closer the sound then place them came until it seemed in the frying pan and watch the life to envelop my body, like the chill of slowly being sucked out of them by the demons surrounding me screaming, burning flames. They were good. After shouting, freezing. some more quality time on the beach I fell asleep. and around the fire, it was time to let our sore and tired bodies


The en d










Poetry | Max Vafa | 8 Photo | Charlie Estess | 7

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Death is always around the corner. He sits and waits with his shiny weapon.

Embrace it or hate it, Any day the grim reaper could meet you, So treat everyday Like your last. Never be afraid. Keep fighting Until your legs give out.

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Underwater Photo | Baxter Perry-Miller | 6 Poetry | Jack Bickel | 8

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Deep down below there is a world of excitement, something for everyone and not a single frightment. There is whole new world to explore, So what are you waiting for? There are rays and sharks and octopi, and even something that makes you say “Oh my!” And fish and coral and snails as well, and stuff that is just swell. There is everything from crabs to lobsters, down there there is no such thing as mobsters. And even the Nautilus that roams the ocean, its swimming puts you in a potion. We haven’t an idea what’s out there, but we know it’s cool, so you should care. It is simple; just throw on a mask. It is so easy, it’s not even a task.


Poetry | Niles Harvey | 8 Digital Artwork | Ekansh Tambe | 8

BL 26 18


Blood is the symbol of life as well as death. It shows us our mortality and our hate. We show our pain through it. Our bodies are filled by blood. When we say that our blood boils, we are connected To the inner hatred brewing inside us. The deepest depths of hell. A blood-filled hellish hate that fumes inside. It tells us everything we should destroy for our own survival. Blood is our connection to death. Wonder why its color is crimson red? It shows our anger and frustration. Our pure desire to kill rather than to be killed. Some people embrace it while others shy away. Some see blood as the burner of all. That it creates a feeling inside us that We can’t anticipate. We feel it inside us, but we can never determine What it will do. Blood is life and death, heaven and hell. Life itself.

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I am the captain of this boat. A ship of trial and error. I guarantee we’ll stay afloat With the help of every sailor.

The Captain Photo | Baxter Perry-Miller | 6 poetry | Silas Hosler | 7

I’ll drive this vessel anywhere Upon a sailor’s request. Doesn’t matter: sea, land, or air As long as there’s a chest. Why stop now? We’re so close To the place we’ve been longing for years. To the staff, I’ll raise a toast With a mug overflowing with beer. The truth is that the end is near And I’m not talking about our quest. I open my mouth with trembling fear Saying, “We’ve reached our very best.” There comes a point in a sailor’s life When his ship goes down in fire. After fighting through wars of hardship and strife, Sometimes he ought to retire.


Won was the battle; fought was the war, Dimming was the light. Instantly, I collapse to the floor Right after saying, “Goodnight.”




Photo | Alex Geng | 8

Section Air is the most elusive, yet also the most common of the four elements. It is all around us, affecting our daily lives by letting all organisms do what most take for granted: breathe. All living beings harness the air and use it everyday. Humans have been able to control this element and use it to drive the earth as a whole forward. Spreads in this section are filled with light colors, flowing and smooth. The variety of the media in this section translates to the many forms the air can take.


More than a swing

Digitl art | James Thomson | 7 Nonfiction | Max Vafa | 8


hat if I told you that the one thing I looked forward stretched up so high, I lost sight of it in the clouds. The rope hung to most every November was seeing an inanimate from a stupendous branch with colorful fall leaves hanging object? Every year, my family goes to Nashville, on both sides. I immediately began thanking my dad for this Tennessee to spend Thanksgiving with my grandparents on my tremendous swing. mother’s side. Even my cousins meet us there, and we all always After all the thanks, I hopped on and began swinging so high have a great time. My dad, my cousin Zach, and I spend most of that I felt like an airplane. From that day on, that swing would our time outside, playing football and basketball and riding bikes always be the highlight of my trip. Last year, my 19-year-old and mini-motorcycles. But the one thing I always looked forward cousin, who was now a little heavy, was playing on the swing to the most was the silliest of them all: the pogo swing. This pogo when I heard a loud crack. The branch that the tire was attached swing was unlike any other toy I had ever played to snapped in half and the red and orange leaves with. It made me fly high, and I could spend countless “All my fell off in a waterfall of color. I went to make sure hours each day just going up and down. That was, memories that my cousin was okay, and when he gave me the however, until the pogo swing broke under my thumbs up, we both started laughing hysterically. with it uncle’s weight. As I watched it fall, all my memories It was the pogo swing all over again, except I could flashed with it flashed before my eyes. I was crushed; it find the humor in it now. before my felt like I had lost a family member. Seeing that I This time, my entire family took action and eyes” was really upset, my dad decided to take action and began looking up how to build a new tire swing. create something even better. He promised me that The rest of the day was spent building the best if I would just spend the rest of that day playing in the treehouse, tire swing the world had ever seen. This swing went higher then by tomorrow he would have the most amazing replacement and was even more fun than the original. But what makes this for the pogo swing. All day I was curious, excited, and nervous for story so near and dear to my heart are the memories I obtained what was in my near future. from building that swing. The way my family came together to The next day, I came into the backyard to see a new tire fix something we all loved showed me that sometimes difficult swing. It was beautiful: the giant tire looked brand new and experiences can lead to an even better outcome. I still look sparkled in the light as it swung from a blue and red rope that forward to playing on that tire swing to this day, and I cannot wait for Thanksgiving this year! 25

A Full Memory in A Small Park photo | Keshav Krishna | 7 Nonfiction | Mi ller Trubey | 8

34 26


t was the beginning of summer, and the summer days were as summer dads had gotten promotions; parents divorced. We were the only ones to days should be in Florida, swelteringly hot with water burning down in keep the Eagles going. drops of heat. A new baseball season had just started. Games had been When the game started, the heat was a furnace, and the anticipation played, bases were loaded, kids were nervous, dugouts were ready to was pain. Jack laid out the first two players. We went three and out as explode, and the heat was bearing down and the sea of red and green. The well. Looking back at it, I am surprised how anyone could miss a ball with hit was off. “GO, GO, GO,” I was yelling at the top of my little lungs. I was on an abnormally large bat and more than ten seconds to swing. Around the first sprinting with all my might, second was just in front of me,third, and eighth inning, the score was zero all. “We’re ok Eagles, we’re ok.” Jack and I I was headed home. The benches blew up, the sidelines of on-looking kids tried to encourage our team, but words seemed hopeless. Our first out came were shaking with intensity...until the ball was caught. It hit like a bullet to seconds later. The whole benched moaned.“It’s only the first,” I had said. Our the chest, every kid there that day froze. It was the greatest catch in sixsecond pitcher walked right by me to sit down. Two outs, one left. We’d seen year-old pick up baseball game history. The ball went sailing a few feet from worse, then I realized I was up, never mind. Now if I was an amazing hitter, the thrower, but that was enough to tag out third. “Ball Game,” shouted the I would have been confident as I headed up to bat, but I wasn’t. I was not a seven-year-old empire. The final score was 4-3. good hitter. Nevertheless; I took my stance and with sweat melting off me, I don’t think I had ever had a devastating moment in my life, just a the pitcher threw the ball. With the heat surrounding me, I saw Jack hanging collection of minor setbacks. The Golden Bears had beaten us in the first game over the dugout rail, a hazy glow of white with red seams, and a bat that of the tournament. At least, we thought it was needed to make its mark. “SWING! SWING! SWING!” Jack and I tried to Everyone held their breath. The heat froze ice the Golden Bears. We didn’t have jerseys. All we knew was that our next game was at four encourage our team, cold, the sun looked on, the air opened a path the following day. Our team of the Proud Eagles in its invisible wall, and then. CRACK! The ball but words seemed would be ready. Our spirts were bigger than our pounded off the bat and rifled up, up, and away. plastic slugger bats. I decided the team needed Up it went and tore open the air, streaking higher hopeless. a pep-talk. “Hey,” I said, “All we need is a win to and higher, and then, it bursted through the top stay in the tournament. There’s nothing to be worried about. The parents only of the sky, a rocket. Eeryone stood up, frozen. It was all silence until the ball show up at the final game.” We all made a pact: play to win. It really wasn’t drifted over the trees. “We won, we won!” Jack and everyone else came a pact, but we didn’t know any better. I had called all of our teammates to blasting off the bench. All of our friends and enemies were shouting for us. meet before dark. We gathered, half-awake, half-sleeping. All of us looked The yells were sirens, and the jumping was thunder against the ground. around to see who had come, everyone. The band of Eagles was a tight group. I still hold this memory to be one of the all-time favorites. We may We discussed the game all night, the game-plan that no one would follow, and have won the championship; we may have lost. I really didn’t care about the wild dreams of a win. The trees bent and broke in order to hear. The small what happened in the last game as long as we did it together. I still know fire built with flashlights whispered all night long. The heat that we had felt Jack and a few other players from that field that started it all. Jack was my washed away in a river. Our group was calm, cool, and collected as the night only teammate from the start, and he is still my only friend from those glory dropped away, “Eagles on three, One, Two, Three, EAGLES!” We had helped the days. Our friendship got us through hard times, because we always looked team through a mental and physical loss. for the good in the bad. Going forward with this memory, I will try to find The following afternoon, the crowds of red and white took their seats. the best part in a world of pain. Now our lasting hope continues because of The players took their places on the field. “This game is what we’re here to those summer days. It isn’t the finish that mattered to us; it was the journey, win,” said Jack, our star pitcher with a mean 20-mile fast ball. Jack had been a journey that is far from over. with me for two seasons, our original team had all left: parents had moved;








co a



Photo | James Singhal | 8 Nonfiction | Blake Molthan | 8

My 28


t s r

















t was a windy summer afternoon, and the roaring of the After a few hours of log flumes and teacups, it was finally time carts plus the sound of screaming girls echoed across the to go to the “big boy” rides, and I decided that maybe I wanted highway. Sweat was beading down my back like the melting to stay on the little kid rides a bit longer. Above four feet five me rocket-popsicle I had in my hand. Thoughts were racing through my towered a moderately sized, gothic-styled sign that said, “Batman: little eight-year-old head. There were so many things that could go The Ride”. I was awestruck by the magnitude of the roller coaster. wrong today: What if the ride falls apart while I am on it? What if the The ride roared past with a banshee-like screech, and the ground restraints unlock in the middle of the ride? There is no way these quivered below my feet as if it too were shaking in fear by the ride’s rides are safe, that’s like a thousand feet tall! Didn’t some lady die on intimidating layout. It was at that point that I realized that, in a few one of the rides? As we pulled up to Six Flags, I realized that I had two minutes, I would be on that ride, conquering the dream that once options. Option A: Ride the rides and get it over seemed like a nightmare. I strolled past the with, maybe have some fun, or maybe hate it for self-height checker, under the sign, through the “and the ground outdoor garden, and finally, entered the tunnel. the rest of my life. Option B: Not ride any of the quivered below rides and be ridiculed and humiliated by all We made our way through the winding maze of of my friends and family. Big difference a queue, and the ride roared past us once again, my feet, as if between the two, but I decided to causing the building to lightly vibrate, and the it too were take my chances and go with option lights above us began to swing back and forth. shaking in A. This ride didn’t go upside down once or twice; it fear” “This is it,” I thought to went upside down five times, five more times myself as we passed through than I had ever been upside down on a roller security and through an coaster. overcoming aroma of cotton candy and lit “Alright little man, stand up real quick,” the ride attendant said. cigarettes. I got up and noticed that the operator was wielding a big metal For the past six months, I had been pole with little increments on the side of it. He placed me next to the preparing myself for this moment. If I was pole, and it was at this point when I realized my mistake. The height committing to this, then I had to go all or requirement. I was only one inch away. One inch was how close I was nothing. Nothing was going to get in the way of to riding that ride. One inch was what stopped me from having fun. One my big day. Nothing was going to stop me. I was inch was what made me despise my short height every day for the on top of it. I was ready, and there was nothing that next four years. One inch was what sent me running off crying. would turn me back now.


Photo | Nicholas Koch | 8 Fiction | Enoch Ellis | 8




ature is a wonderful place to reflect on one’s life. So during the campout, that’s exactly what I did. We arrived at the campsite sometime in the early morning. I couldn’t know the actual time seeing that I preferred to just be “alone” with nature, just existing, relinquishing control of everything: all fears, all needs, all things I had yet to accomplish. I knew that a fire would be the tool which I would use to free myself from my wants and desires. (And it would look cool, I’m a bit of a pyro). As if by magic, I found myself hauling loads of dry, splintering woods to the campground. I noticed a weird feeling I had never felt before, a twinge of unexplained sorrow. As if suddenly the sun went out, I felt like someone who really cared about had died and I hadn’t been able to say goodbye. It then became known to me that this thing I was feeling was directed towards the wood I was carrying. The trees had been alive once; they had once flourished beneath the warm rays of the Sun. Then we showed up. We polluted this once beautiful land, and now all that was left was either rotted, dead, or some unholy mixture of both. I could hear the wood calling out to me. “Enoch, help me, Enoch.” the wood whispered, “save me from this living hell.”

I realized the unknown horrors of the life of wood. Doomed to live, die, rot, burn, then be devoured by the very offspring it lived and fought to produce. I had now arrived at the campsite with the talking wood. I put it down in the pile. I was disheartened by the fact that we couldn’t start the fire until it got dark. I knew deep down in my heart, the wood was watching me. I unsuccessfully tried to clear my mind by going down to the lake and skipping rocks. I wasn’t really there, I could feel myself floating out of my body, being sucked into a tree, experiencing its life. I watched a boy chop me down, and let me rot. There I stayed for what seemed like eons. A different boy came and picked me up, put me in a pile, burned me alive, and then I was back in my body. We were starting the fire. I watched, unmoving, as Xander started it. The small, innocent match growing up so fast, becoming a devil, killing all it laid hands on. The talking wood was somehow first to be eaten alive. I heard it begging for mercy; it’s begging falling on deaf ears. At last it was quiet; the wood was no more. I saw an ember jump from the spot of the wood. Almost by magic, it drifted toward me and imprinted itself on my leg. I knew that was its final resting place, where it would leave a part of itself in my leg for eternity.

“Save me from this living hell.”


Lights Out


Photo | Aadi Khasgiwala | 7 Fiction | Adrian Lutgen | 8


couldn’t see a thing! I groped around in the darkness until I A wave of vapor like a strong dose of laughing gas hit me. I touched something bulky. The lights flared on again, leaving staggered back from the invisible force but regained my balance. me blind for a second. When my eyes finally opened, I stared “Interesting, very interesting. Pity.” He muttered under his breath. into a pitch-black shirt that rippled with muscles hidden beneath. In the next moment, he drove me to the ground from behind with Slowly, I looked down at the figure’s waist. Directly in my a move that would have put any wrestling coach in a good mood. gaze was a midnight black belt that seemed to have once been I squirmed around like a fish caught in a net but to no avail as he branded, but all signs of it were gone except for the rich texture clamped a steely half-nelson around my neck. I heard him mutter, of the leather. There were rough, uneven engravings of skull and “pleasure,” as if this were the last time I would see him. Another crossbones littering the length of the belt at uneven intervals. A wave of anesthesia hit me, but this time, I succumbed. stained snickersnee clung to the man’s belt while a gun hung on All my energy was sapped. I felt the cold metal of the barrel the other side. The figure’s athletic shorts were dark navy and had lock into my head and embraced the heat from the man’s breath. two yellow lightning bolts racing down either side. The man’s legs Finally, he pulled the trigger. A second later, I opened my eyes and were stocky and built like a wrestler. On both of his feet rested I heard cussing behind me. The gun was jammed! I burst free from shoes with a color that matched the man’s shirt. On the side of his hand with adrenaline I never knew and spun around to grip the each foot that faced away from his body was gun. We wrestled like rabid animals for an intricately crafted wing. Slowly, I forced "Well hello there," the stranger said in a control of the gun. As we rolled toward my head to look upwards into the face of the the wall and through the maelstrom of peculiar voice to match his outfit. limbs, I glimpsed a lightswitch mounted figure. I was surprised when my eyes fell upon the face of a man who was no older than 19. on the wall. I burst from the cocoon of The man had a bold chiseled chin with a hint of fighting and blood to jump and knock out stubble riddling his lower face. He had a tan complexion and a long, the lights. I ran along the wall until I fo und a door, yanked the jagged pink scar that crossed from his right cheek to the bottom door open and sprinted, not looking back. A bellow of rage echoed of his chin in a half-moon-like route. His mouth twitched slightly throughout the building. I risked a glimpse behind me and saw the as if out of amusement. Over his eyes and nose lay a piece of jet snickersnee arcing towards my back. “No one messes with ME!” black metal that looked like a VR machine except for a hole in the he screeched, running after me. True to his reputation, the blade middle of it. A circle of glass with a tinge of green covered the hole. stuck straight into my heart. I lurched up from my bed in a cold “Well hello there,” the stranger said in a peculiar voice to sweat. match his outfit. His voice sounded like two rough metal plates sliding over each other. “Time to go to sleep.”



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Why? Why do we go to school? To learn? Seems like the Internet teaches me more. Why do we learn history? To not repeat the same mistakes as done before. Why do we make our bed? To be tidy and appealing, Yet, no one has seen my bed besides me and my family. Why do we wear clothes? To stay warm. Yet, we still do it in the summer. Why do we do these things? I guess we just do.

artwork|Arnav Lahoti|7 poetry| Adam Lai |8


3D Design | Cal Graham | 8 Nonfiction | Hugh Bonnette | 8

Starting a RevolT



t was the first day back from spring break, and I was willing to do whatever it took to reach it first. But I didn’t know where it was. The entire lot had been reorganized, with new playhouses and all the toys scattered everywhere into new areas. Padrig and I, the two speediest kids in the grade, knew what was about to happen. This would be a hunt for the “it”. The shiny, yellow Tonka toy truck. We stared each other down before we were let loose. Right as Teacher Barb opened up the doors that lead outside, Padrig and I started sprinting. Now a quick backstory: Four-year-old me was obsessed, and I mean obsessed, with trucks. Unfortunately, this wasn’t unique to just me. Padrig Greene and I bonded on the first day of school over our love of trucks. We would play with this one bright yellow truck (with painted eyes and a dumper on the back) together every day at recess in perfect harmony and it was amazing. But that friendship wouldn’t last long, our love for cars was a double-edged sword; it would eventually tear us apart. The day before spring break, I decided I was done

sharing my recess pastime with Padrig. I took the truck at the end of recess, and unbeknownst to Padrig, hid it under the big, purple, playground slide. Oh, I was a genius four year old. Padrig found out about this and was extremely angry as well as confused on why I would do this to a friend, but I didn’t care about his feelings as long as I got to keep the truck. I concocted the master plan to come back after break and claim the toy as mine for good. But back to the first day. We took off, racing for the holy grail of playground toys. As preschoolers, since the other kids saw Padrig and I take off in search of something obviously valued by us, the rest of the kids followed too. Now picture this: a train of four year olds running behind me yelling and laughing and throwing turf everywhere. I thought this was pretty scary, but that didn’t matter to me. Nothing mattered except this toy. Padrig took a sharp turn to the right. I followed, and there it was. My sole reason for coming to preschool. The Tonka truck, in all its glory, was sitting there untouched by the turf and right up against the

fence. Padrig and I both bolted, with twenty other kids behind us. This is where my downfall begins. Padrig beats me to the toy, and I know i can’t give up. I decide to pull something so wild, it might just work. “GET HIM!” I screamed at the top of my four year old lungs. All of us started running after poor Padrig Greene, who was clutching the toy till his hands turned white. We caught up, and Padrig was barraged with astroturf and high-pitched screams as he fell to the ground. I wrenched the toy from him, and I felt like the king. All that glory washed down the drain when a commanding voice belonging to Teacher Barb told me I had to sit out for the rest of recess. I could tell you Padrig and I would get over this and become great friends later, but he always hated me for turning the playground kids against him and somewhat ruining his recess life. Now that’s how you start a revolt!

The day before spring break, I decided I was done sharing my recess pastime with Padrig...


Concerning the Reasons for My Transition from Supporter of the Galactic Empire in the Original Trilogy to Supporter of the Galactic Republic in the Prequel



Nonfiction | Axel Icazbalceta | 8 Photo | Daniel Uglunts | 8


o this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause,” execute all Jedi in the galaxy. He did not fail to deliver: “Execute Senator Padme Amidala claimed, but I had not taken Order 66.” [2] Is it not clear fascism for a person to eliminate the statement in its true context. For many years, I had political opponents with an order for execution? It is a clear been a fervent supporterof the Galactic Empire, but some abuse of power and totalitarianism for the Sith supreme leader of my recent experiences and questions have led me to of the Senate to execute the Jedi guards of the peace. The wonder where my true allegiance stands: Galactic Empire fascism of Sheev Palpatine is clearly one of the many factors or Galactic Republic? Even with the great influences that I that doomed the Republic to collapse. Secondly, it is key to have encountered in my Star Wars fandom and history, I have examine how Palpatine fabricated the Clone Wars to create now made my decision to become a fervent supporter of the instability in the galaxy and rise to power. He led the Separatists Galactic Republic, for I have found that Palpatine was the true by using an alliance with the commander of the Separatists. A reason for the collapse of the Republic, not the key character in the latter two Star Wars movies of structure of the Republic. the prequel trilogy, Attack of the Clones and Revenge The Separatists, of the Sith, Count Dooku, leader of the Separatist Firstly, Palpatine is clearly a fascist dictator who used his tremendous influence in the galaxy the Empire, and armies is controlled to some extent by Palpatine, for his own gain. Consider his use of the clone “With his master, who was secretly Supreme the New Order are troopers. He used the clone troopers to force Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, Dooku conspired to the entire Senate to applaud the Declaration of both the Republic and the Jedi so that Totalitarian and overthrow the New Order, “Others, notably the senators the Sith could reclaim their former dominance.” who signed the Delegation of 2000, personally [3] Palpatine, who was made Supreme Chancellor Fascist. disagreed with the speech, but felt the need to solely for the purpose of leading the Republic was support it for their own safety, because of armed men inside taken over by Palpatine and Dooku. “Consequently, [Dooku] and the room who would shoot if they dared speak out.” [1] This his Sith Master, Darth Sidious, funded Sifo-Dyas’s army of clone restriction of free speech to a government proclamation is troopers, instructed the Kaminoan cloners to add Order 66 to the textbook fascism, allowing only for one political ideology to clones’ inhibitor chips (which Sifo-Dyas originally intended to be stand. Secondly, if Palpatine would force Senators to follow his a safeguard against any treacherous orders given to clones).” [4] speech, it is clear that free speech will be heavily restricted, In light of the fabrication of the Separatists by Palpatine, could if not wiped out; however, this is exactly what we see in the there be anyone who says that the convenient development original trilogy. Also, we must examine how Palpatine treated of the Clone Armies at this time was due to the Jedi, the defenders of the galaxy. He famously, or should coincidence? I say infamously, created Order 66, which was an order to


Clearly, Palpatine was a master manipulator who was playing Despite my past allegiance, I now see how Palpatine was four-dimensional chess against his cunning competitor, Sheev the cause of the fall of the Galactic Republic, and that there was Palpatine. Palpatine’s manipulation of the Republic and the no need for the Empire. While Darth Vader is still my favorite Separatists created just the right event for his character, it will strictly be because of his rise to power: the Clone Wars. Palpatine's manipulation of the Republic awesomeness and power. I have seen that Thirdly, the Republic could have solved and the Separatists created just the while I admire the Imperial Military, if I must the infighting in the galaxy by passing laws right event for his rise to power: the choose a side in this franchise, it must be with that were bipartisan to planets with varying the Republic. Even with the new governments Clone Wars. sizes of economies. The largest infighting in in place, the Republic is still the best: the the Republic was caused by the maltreatment Separatists, the Empire, and the New Order of the Outer Planets by the Core Planets. The Republic planets are totalitarian and fascist, the Rebel Alliance was immensely were in deep chaos: “For centuries, a deep-rooted hatred and destructive to the galaxy, and I have not been seen enough from distrust would grow between the galaxy’s outer fringes and the Resistance to make an educated statement on it. Without the cosmopolitan Core, with those in the hinterlands gradually a doubt, if it had not been for the meddling Darth Sidious, the coming to believe themselves the victims of social and economic Republic would have been very effective to this time in the Star injustices.” [5] This problem is very similar to those facing Wars’ franchise. Republicans and Democrats here in the US. As with most political problems, common sense and bipartisanism will solve it. Also, Scan QR code “The [ineffieciency of the] Judicial Forces in protecting outlying for citations territories, who were often withheld in intervening after many far-flung worlds refused to provide the Core Worlds with profitable deals.” [5] Clearly, this shows that the Core Worlds have been abusing the outlier planets for decades. This could easily be solved with a few laws to protect these worlds that would gain support from any rational senator. Without a doubt, all the conflicts in between the different worlds can be solved with bipartisan laws that all sane and compassionate senators will support.


Digital Artwork| Daniel Uglunts

| 8


Earth 42

Section Earth, the planet we live on, the place where every known living being is contained today, ranges from the fine sand beaches of the Bahamas to the rocky, snowy mountains of the Alps. Green trees, multi-colored flowers, dark mountains, and all human life are all living and thriving on the Earth. Evolved from 4 billion years ago, the Earth will be our home forever. Spreads in this section are very bold and use darker, warmer colors to show the power of the Earth.


The Strong One they called me “Living at free will” Emotionless, yet loud Is something I am still But the things that occur in the past Have a way of getting cast Again and again into the pond of events Smart,yet humble Working with ease But there I stumbled And that’s where I freeze Reputation is not a quality But a useless tool Others can try as hard as they want But the brain is what tells a boy he is cool Today is a new day Only I can make it awesome Shedding hate and adversity away Will make the better days come


History is never a bad thing We should learn from previous events Or find the positive outcomes Rather than hiding evidence I now realize my faults Which are pretty much the same Selfish, proud, and stubborn For I am the only one to blame Living is a privilege Thank God we’re on this Earth Thank Him for a family Or say goodbye to birth The Strong One they called me Living at free will “Emotionless,yet loud” Is something I won’t kill

A Word With Wisdom

Poetry | Silas Hosler | 7 Photo | Ben Adams | 6

53 45

advancements through the ages Nonfiction|Shreyan Daulat|7


Digital Art|Daniel Uglunts|8

e humans began our journey as a single bacteria, eventually evolved into primates, and now we are exploring other planets and inventing things previously unimagined. Humanity began in East Africa around 280,000 years ago. We have developed ever since from cave-dwellers to space explorers. Human civilization formulated from innovation, determination, and achievements. However, there have been many obstacles and hardships we have faced in order to be the people we are today. The most significant turning points in ancient and medieval history are the Neolithic Revolution and the life of Jesus Christ. The first major turning point in human history was the Neolithic Revolution. Also known as the Agricultural Revolution, the Neolithic Revolution lasted from 8000 BCE to 3000 BCE. It mostly took place in Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus River Valley, and China. The people who were involved in the Neolithic Revolution were the Sumerians, Ancient Egyptians, Assyrians, and Babylonians. The Neolithic Revolution was the wide-scale transition of many human cultures from a lifestyle of hunting and gathering to one of agriculture and settlement, making an increasingly larger population possible. For example, before this monumental event, most humans were nomadic hunter-gatherers who followed resources such as herds of animals and flowering plants around like a lioness following her cubs. However, after the


Neolithic Revolution, humanity changed for the better. People started to settle in one place, creating civilizations and systems of government. Humans also no longer had to follow resources around and, as a result, there was a huge amount of food surplus. Because of this surplus in food, fewer people were kept hungry and the economy grew. Also, since humans stopped being hunter-gatherers, there was specialization, which led to more variety. Lastly, these settled communities permitted humans to observe and experiment with plants to learn how they grew and developed. This new knowledge led to the domestication of plants. They also took a part in the domestication of animals. The shift from hunter-gathering to farming was one that benefited everyone. Clearly, the Neolithic

European Culture. For example, a lot of European politics were based on Christianity. Along with politics, Christianity influenced many other things. Christianity also influenced many wars. A notable series of wars that Christianity influenced was the Crusades. For example, Christians understood the Crusades as a path to salvation for those who participated.Many years later, the Pilgrims strongly believed that the Church of England and the Catholic Church had strayed beyond Christ’s teachings. As a result, they went on a pilgrimage on the Mayflower. Jesus Christ is a central figure in Christianity and is emulated as the incarnation of God by many Christians all over the world. It is true that there were other significant turning points in the ancient and medieval worlds, such as the invention of writing and the fall of Rome. However, the two turning points presented above altered the course of human civilization more dramatically than any others. One thing is for certain: if these monumental turning points didn’t occur, the world would be a very different place. Revolution created a massive change over time from which we have never turned back. The second major turning point in human history was the life of Jesus Christ. Jesus was born in Bethlehem circa 4 BC and died around 33 AD. His mother, Mary, was a virgin who was married to Joseph, a carpenter. There were many places associated with Jesus’s life, some of which are Palestine, Canaan, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Jerusalem, and Rome. The life of Jesus Christ was most known for the promotion of monotheism. For example, before the birth of Jesus Christ, monotheism was limited to Judaism and polytheism was very popular in Rome. However, after the life of Jesus Christ, Christianity thrived and grew to control most of


The Weird Life of Joe


Fiction|Nathan Meyer|6 Digital Artwork|Lucas Williams|7


n a mysterious rain forest, a wombat was creeping along the dead plants, looking for a meal. It suddenly heard a loud “GRrrrGRRrrGGRRR!” With its hair standing on end, it listened again. “GGGRRRRRRRRrrrr!!!!” It came from below him. He looked down. “Ggrrrrrrrrrrr.” The wombat felt hungry. He found an emerald in the mud on the bank of a river. “Yummy!” he thought as he stuffed it into his mouth but soon spat it out like a dog who had just dumped three huge globs of jalapeno pepper sauce into its mouth. Joe, the wombat picked up the emerald to get a closer look at it. Suddenly, a huge “FLARPP” sounded throughout the forest. With dark clouds looming above, it was like one of those scary rides at Hollywood. Steaming in the blazing heat, the trees seemed to moan, “YYOU SSHHALL NNOTT PASSSSSS,” their leaves drooping like overdone noodles. Joe scurried back to his home, a shelter he had made of branches. He had painted a picture of a super hero on it! Who has better protection than that!? Until the weather cleared up. Joe took a nap, twiddled his thumbs, ate some stuff, and had a staring contest with a guy Joe had drawn on the wall (He always won!).. Joe finally got out of the house and went over to Bob the cat. Bob snarled, telling him he was either going poop or was scared. Joe went over to Kevin the rabbit’s house, and Kevin’s eyes were blazing with fury. Gesturing wildly, Joe tried to pat him on the back, but he fell over. Weird, until Joe realized that what he had thought was Kevin was only a cardboard picture of him. Oddly enough, when Joe went back to Bob’s house, Joe found a radio that made a snarling noise. When Joe went back to Kevin’s house, two grinning, rainbow-colored newts were standing there, the cardboard gone. When Joe touched them, they puffed up like puffy pillows and started running away, grabbing some stuff along the way. Drat! Joe ran after them until he walked straight into into a trap. A net was flung over him. Joe fought like a miniature wrestler until his world went black. Joe woke to a glimmering candle and a huge muddy footprint. He jumped up and saw footprints leading into the dark, scary part of the Jungle. Joe followed the paths in the darkness. Suddenly, something croaked, and a gate appeared behind Joe. A huge bull frog jumped out of the darkness. It suddenly backed up into the darkness. “FLAARPFFLLLARP! Aaahhhhhhhh.” The frog stepped out of the darkness. It said “Flerr ber der ber der burta burt?” “What?” Joe said. “Dab yothe speke disa languge?”

“What?” “Do you speak this language?” “Yes” “Ok my name is Burp. I come from the Nerfiderd village. I am lonely. Will you be my friend?” “Sure, I will be your--” and Joe slipped on some slimy substance on the ground. “Whoop, that’s my… uhh…that’s my, umm… can we talk about this later?” “Seriously? Do you think that I want to be your friend if you put Weird stuff on the ground?” He muttered. “ Um maybe,” before running away while crying.. The bullfrog had dropped some little shells. Joe picked them up and put one to his ear. Joe could hear the ocean’s voice whispering in his ears. As the wind kissed the leaves of the trees, disaster struck. The ground erupted with lava and trees fell. This was exactly like one of those cartoon movies where everything blows up, except it’s without pretense. Joe saw the frog not far away, but despite the frog’s despair, Joe had to run. Joe ran for his life. He ran past the stinking pond scum. He ran faster and faster. He finally stopped, and looked back. There was a BIG mess. Joe suddenly heard the sound of angry bees. Joe ran as fast as he could. He dodged a log, climbed up a tree, startled a baboon, jumped onto a bear, and finally stopped at the edge of a cliff. Joe looked back. OH NO!!!!! An eagle snatched Joe from above and then a baboon jumped from a tree and grabbed Joe. The baboon was swinging through the forest when, all of a sudden, thousands of wasps came and stung the Baboon. They turned toward Joe. Suddenly, a bear snatched Joe and then dropped him into a river. A huge fish bumped into him and sent him sprawling on the little hill nearby. A cheetah picked Joe up and flung him into a tree. A huge colony of ants surrounded Joe. He jumped over them and landed in the river. Joe was safe. No baboon, no wasps, no bears, no ants, no snakes, no – wait a minute, what’s that gurgling noise? He looked down, and heard the hoot of a night bird. He made out two yellow eyes and 30 shiny teeth. Alligators!!! Joe swam out into the brilliant light. He bumped into a monster with mud clinging to his feet. Wait, what? Thee bir was flying! Joe saw a cave nearby and crawled into the dark pit. A small light was lit, allowing him to see a dark figure in the distance.






Po Di etr gi y ta | l W Ar ill tw ia or m k F | itz Sh pa aa tr n i Me ck ht | a 8 | 8


There are too many to count, Yet we still try to understand how many there are. They can be green, orange, or yellow, But never anything vibrant, Yet we call them “beautiful.� We flourish then perish, Then a newer takes our place, Yet we look to them in awe. We are leaves to a onlooker. 51

Brotherhood There is a silence before the storm. Surrounded by the brothers you never had. Every single man on this field is willing to put themselves in harm’s way for one another. These are the bonds I strive for. Not held by romantic love or genetic resemblance, but by true friendship and camaraderie. A bond like no other, just you and your ten newly adopted brothers. Bonds like these aren’t most prevalent in the glory of winning, but in the face of defeat. Looking around the huddle after the time expired, I saw tears, I saw anger, and I saw regret. In the locker room, lockers were being rattled, helmets slammed, and the language was foul. Some attempted to blame their teammates, but we all truly knew we could only blame ourselves. Brothers fight, not out of hatred, but out of love, a love like no other. 60Not chocolates and roses love, but love from an unbreakable bond


Photo | Sam Menendez | 7 Poetry | peter orsak | 8

61 53

Diagon Diagon Alley Alley


8 i | mtan a M r Sami | 7 on | i t c aul P Fi y h Murp o | Phot



gasped as I saw the amazing place filled with stores and hearty meal in the Leaky Cauldron and had butterbeer, a famous vendors called “Diagon Alley”. My cousin and I ran through butterscotch drink in Harry Potter. Later, we went to the wand the cobblestone streets, racing to get to the candy shop, store. My cousin decided to get an imitation of Hermione Granger’s Honeydukes. We heard our parents calling to us as we dashed wooden wand, while I chose Lord Voldemort’s bone wand. The in between the many cobblestone buildings with mystical, wands could, in certain places and with specific gestures, control whimsical products that I had only seen in the movies. When I some aspects of the park. We ran around for hours, searching for got to the shop, my cousin was already waiting for me with her places to use them, but, unfortunately, we couldn’t find any. hand on her hip. “Over here!” my cousin called, after hours of searching, “I “Come on!” she called as I approached, “Hurry up!” I sped up found a spot!” and reached her as we entered the glorious heaven of sweets. I ran over and watched as she pointed her wand at a spot in Our parents had only given us ten dollars each, so we had to the store window and made the crazy gesture that was shown make sure to only get the best treats. on the cobblestone floor. As she did, "We dashed in While she went to the taffy section, I made I watched as dolls moved around in a between the many my way to the best section, the chocolate play and the entire window changed. cobblestone buildings with section, and marveled at the tremendous Everything moved intricately and mystical, whimsical with the utmost precision to tell selection of chocolate. When we met up products." at the register, I displayed to her the the story of the Hallows. They were chocolate frogs and other delicacies I had three brothers who had cheated chosen. She, in turn, showed me the assortment of taffies and Death and were rewarded with amazingly powerful gifts. After jelly beans she had selected. We put our items on the counter it stopped, we searched for other places that our wands could and got ready to pay. The cashier turned around and smiled affect. We found a spot that spat fire, an area that was drenched, down at us as she rang up our sugary delights. I shivered at the and many other exciting places. goblin costume she wore as we walked out of the store. “Wow!” I said to my parents as we got in the car, “That was “That was weird,” I told my cousin, looking back at the amazing. When can we come back?” cashier through the window. “Do you think that the cashier was “Not for a while,” they said, smiling, “but we’re glad you wearing a costume?” enjoyed it.” “Probably,” she responded, “Goblins aren’t real. They only With that promise in my head, I fell asleep, the taste of exist in stories.” butterbeer and chocolate frogs in my mouth, and For a while, we walked around, looking at different stores with dreams of goblins and dolls dancing around while searching for our parents. When we found them, we ate a Diagon Alley as Harry Potter tried to stop them. 55

Devoured By Darkness

photo | Keshav Krishna| 7 Nonfiction | Spencer Burke | 8



nce we entered the room filled with mossy As we continue to move through cobweb walls, cobwebs, and old-worn down tables and covered passageways, rats withred gleaming eyes chairs, I saw a bat fly past quickly out to the glare ferociously at us. The dusty cobblestone steps doorway where he met the moon. The smell of rotting continue until a rotted door with an ancient, rusted flesh tears into my nostrils as I hear the faint sound knob appears. Yet to my dismay, hisses and scuttling of wolves growling in the distance. The darkness come from door, as an screech comes from the room. attacked us, only to be fought by a small flickering We turn to back away a moan of pain come from candle. the room in front of us. As we walk in, we see a huge Suddenly, a crunch from the room below. We room littered with mountains of gold. Yet one figure, start to back away from the door only a ragged human, wearing bones from an to hit the dusty old silver armor of an old BODIES, VICTIMS, OF MONSTERS assortment of creatures, was muttering knight. Then we hear a scream and watch THERE ARE ONLY RUMORS OF, incantations. As he was muttering the our thief, Porky, fall down into the endless MONSTERS WITH WINGS, FIERY incantations, the earth around him was abyss, devoured by darkness. We still have BREATH, AND A SCALY BODY. turning green as ghastly figures, arose a job to do though so we start to move from the ground, stained in blood. As more forward into the darkness, finding the bodies, victims, and more creatures arise, our party slowly backs of monsters there are only rumors of, monsters with up to the door as we see monster, a fiery red-eyed wings, fiery breath, and a scaly body. Monsters with scale-covered dragon. We start to run back through teeth the size of swords and scales the size of shields. the rotted door, over the burned bodies, into the These monsters, fabled in the most ancient of tales, outside, where the sunlight streamed through the are known to have killed all attackers with one fiery doorway as we rushed out onto the snow-covered breath. ground.



4th Grade Paintings


3 Michael Finn Mateev Mostafavipour Whit Edwards Roman Carter Whit Turner J.B. McKinney Benjamin Standerfer Samuel Blumenthal Pranav Danda


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9








3d Design 1 | 3d Design | Max Vafa | 8 2 | 3d Design | Will Shoup| 8 3 | 3d Design | Brett Honaker| 8 4 | 3d Design | James Singhal| 8 5 | 3d Design | Anashay Monga| 8








The Great Divide


ur country has never been more divided on extreme weather and treacherous conditions in no the issue of immigration. The debate over the man’s land, without another soul in sight. The agents construction of a wall to secure the border were kind to share their views on border security, with Mexico tops the headlines. This Photo project the every day challenges they face, and their captures the fence, the culture, experiences. It was humbling to meet Inspiring and heartbreaking and the people along most of the the many friendly residents of Mexico stories were told, and 1900 miles of US Mexico land border and the United States and to document through the lens of a camera. The the impact the border has their perspective on the border. The existing border passes through on citizens, residents, residents extended warm welcomes, mountains, hills, desert, plains, and the insight into their daily routines immigrants, and agents rivers, canals, sand dunes, cities, and was invaluable. I got a sense of the drug unfolded. oceans. situation first hand, hearing it from the Over eleven days and three people whose lives have been affected. trips, I witnessed, among other things, Border Inspiring and heartbreaking stories were told, and Patrol agents doing a fine job. Several agents the impact the border has on citizens, residents, risk 70 their lives to serve us and spend their day in immigrants and agents unfolded.

scan this qr code to see the rest of ekansh’s photos online

photo|Ekansh tambe|8 nonfiction|Ekansh tambe|8




Photo Showcase Photos|Ekansh Tambe|8

73 65

“ 66

You start feeling empathetic towards...people after listening to their stories and the hardships they go through.� - Ekansh Tambe


Fire 68

Section First discovered by our ancient ancestors, fire has now become an essential part of life. It was the original source for humans to live. Food was made with fire and fire gave heat and light. Today, fire is still one of the most important elements. Fire is used as a signal as well as a source for traditions. It is still used in modern technology to remind us of the importance of fire. Spreads in this section have bold, bright colors which create a striking contrast with other sections.

Photo | Alex Geng | 8


D D N a D on i a g fi i c t r a ti l r o k A n r k | t



n ne e

A r us k t | in S h Wi a a ll n i M am e h s t a | | 8 8


s s s s


hopped out and looked up at the blue sky, as blue as the streams of a glacier. The mountains of Hong Kong rose around me as I walked towards the field on the soft red running track. A good day—Halloween in fact—unfolded itself around me as I acknowledged my coaches and peers. Practice ran by smoothly, until one specific play. I was fielding on first base when the ball was hit. High and long, the hit was beautiful and accurate, way over my head. A man on third, I looked around and up to analyze the area around me, and saw him twist his thigh to run. Meanwhile in the outfield, a smooth catch was made after a quick bounce. Immediately, it was flung towards third, and my coaches instructions rung throughout my brain, “When the runner is running home from third with the ball in the third baseman’s glove, the catcher is forced forward from home to chase the fielder, so the first baseman must cover for him.” The ball at third was too late to catch the runner, causing that classic play to be set up: ‘the squeeze’. Home was clear in my sight as I sprinted towards it. In the middle, the runner. On either side of him, the catcher and the third baseman. Back and forth went the ball, trapping the runner as I glided into home base on my feet, glove up and ready. Time seemed to slow down as his arm whipped, ball rotating, almost cliché in it’s perfection. For a quarter of a second my mind

derailed. Is that my dad pulling up to the field? A quarter of a second was plenty of time. Glove—Eye—Darkness. The ball flew like a hot knife through butter into my glove, but too high, just too high. I should have seen it coming, but it rebounded and DARKNESS. More cliché than the perfect ball was my awakening. Like a scene from a film, I awoke to blurry vision, with what appeared to be a crowd of people around me. As I came to my senses, a thought entered my mind: It was Halloween. As the reality of what had happened came to me, I was filled with rage. What would I do? I had an awesome costume planned, and I was so excited. But no, the world had to be against me. Injured on Halloween, one of the most important days of the entire year! What could I do? As life teaches every child with time, life is never a straight line. I ended up having an awesome Halloween, and I dressed as a boxer. Everyone was amazed by my makeup. Trust me, they were even more dumbfounded when they found out that my black eye was real!

“I was filled with rage. What would I do?”

In the chaos of the storm, Many of us fall And are expelled from here. Many will leave this place, Their home. But, After the chaos of the storm, The blinding rain pouring down ceases, And the terrorizing blasts of thunder stops.



We live.

I live.

I survive. I prosper.

r a e S

g n i ch 73







I wasn’t around back in the old days, But I know what happened and the history. I know how they treated people like me, Like we weren’t human at all. Like we were aliens. I still don’t understand why people could do such things, To people they didn’t know. We were doing just fine in Africa, Until they came and messed things up. Took us away from our families, Just to become a slave for them. You put us on a boat, and took us to a place we never knew. Made us work hard for hours upon hours. And rest for none. And while we were doing the work, They’d sit back and relax. But still to this day, We are fighting for respect. I just guess they still think we’re aliens.



very boy and his sister dreams about having a dog in their afternoon, we noticed that there was a cage for small dogs leaning life, just like Alyssa, my twelve-year-old sister, and I did. against the wall, next to the Christmas tree. Our souls filled with Leadership, happiness, and love come with adopting a furry, glee, but then our father told us the heartbreaking “news,” saying four-legged friend. After all, a dog is a man’s best friend. However, that although the puppy cage had come in, Clarabelle wouldn’t there was one and only one thing keeping us from getting a cute arrive in Dallas until ten days after Christmas. The hopes of hearing canine. According to my parents, Alyssa and I weren’t “responsible” and seeing a ringing bell on the collar of a puppy plummeted enough for a mutt. So, until my sister and I could demonstrate to to misery. Later that night of Christmas Eve, Mommie Pearl, my our parents that we could be accountable for a puppy, Alyssa and I grandmother, who was all for getting a dog, arrived at our house wouldn’t be walking anything or picking up droppings anytime soon. and would be staying with us for the holiday season. After she had Honestly, I don’t know how long my sister gotten settled, my sister and I noticed that she and I had been begging our mom and dad for a had dog treats, play toys, and even some puppy. After witnessing how much joy a friend’s cute little puppy outfits on her bed. Excitement Slowly but four week old puppy brought to his family, yet again filled our hearts. eagerly, my sister and I were determined to double It was crunch time. Christmas morning Alyssa and down our efforts to get along. Leading up to was approaching us by the hour, and we had December, our family sat down and talked about to get to bed so Santa wouldn’t see us. Milk was I got out adopting a puppy. We ultimately decided to buy poured, cookies were baked, showers were of bed and from Keystone Puppies, a pet adoption service taken, dinner was eaten, “goodnights” and tiptoed in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Clarabelle prayers were said, and after one last check to the was the name of the pooch that we wanted. of the Google Santa Tracker, Alyssa and I were handrail. Her coat was a silky caramel color, and her fur ready to fall asleep. However, as much as looked as soft as clouds. Clarabelle’s beautiful, we tried to, the anticipation in our bodies for glossy, hazel eyes made her look like a newborn. getting a dog was so high that going to sleep Man, oh man, even more of a reason to be on our best behavior! was nearly impossible! Moments later, I heard the sound of bells The winter months were nearing us. Brown and red leaves jingling in the family room. Slowly but eagerly, Alyssa and I got out vanished from the ground, and tree branches were leafless once of her bed and tiptoed to the handrail. One look was all it took for again. After October and November had passed, it was tears of joy to flood my eyes as a one-month-old Cavapoo puppy finally December! Christmas was quickly approaching us, and named Clarabelle sniffed around the family room. Alyssa and I had done all we could to show how much we had matured to our parents. Then the day came: Christmas Eve. In the

What a Dog Will Make You Do

Fiction | Grant Jackson | 8 Digital Artwork | Morgan Chow | 7

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7 8 | | n o e s g m r o o h B T n s a e h m t a E J | | n y g r i t s e e o D P D 3


Time Like the devil itself Turning us to death Downfall of all Nothing withstands All will fail eventually To time The fire of the devil Fire of death, fire of time Burns all, nothing escapes, none but time Time outlasts all For it is the supreme command All obey the laws of time Time is king, the ruler Commander of elements Takes us to death Back to the grave To where we came from Nothing can escape the grasp of time 79

The Neverside


Digital Artwork | Lucas Williams | 7 Fiction |Warner Hartnett | 6


couldn’t see a thing. The aura of his malicious intent blinded magic. not only those around him but also himself. Good comes My sole wish is to free him from his burden, and although from good, and evil comes from evil. Yet, to harm a man like I was blinded by his aura, I will never forget his warm smile. us, one who is just blinded by the luster of greed and power, Now when I look in his eyes, under the veil of the darkness would it make us just as evil? Especially an old friend? that clouds his mind, I can still see the kind fire burning softly Ever since he was a boy, Draven was pushed away just and faintly. There is still hope. because he was different. Of course, he was no ordinary But the only way to free him is to strike him in the boy. Draven had powers, the ones used by practitioners of heart. When I face him now, at the point of the Neverside magic. However, unlike sorcerers, he did not need a chant and Earth’s beginning, I begin to feel fear. I sprinted toward to cast magic, for he could move tables with a wave of the Draven, sword in hand; here I go. hand. These powers were told to be similar to the powers The wind blew hard all around me, yet all was quiet. I let of Terra the Brave, a legendary sorceress who proved that the drift of wind guide me to my target. It seemed as though magic is a force for good. Unfortunately, Draven’s the universe was by my side, collaborating, helping father was the king of Evel, the mightiest kingdom me. A surge of confidence burst in my veins. It was in Rivendale. His father tried to keep his powers destiny that brought me to Draven. As I lunged at quiet, but the people of Rivendale soon learned of “Draven him with my sword, Vashana made a desperate the prince’s powers. effort to launch me off course; yet, I, too, have would According to the legend, Terra lived in a land powers. I easily threw her back with a flick of my never where magical beings and humans dwelt. It was eye. That’s when I felt my blade pierce his chest. filled with chaos and mayhem, for the magical give up” And there was light, and there was Draven. beings swept across the land. They did not desire The reason Draven was not harmed was that to live in the same world as humans, and there Draven would never give up. When I struck him were many brutal wars which led the human with my sword, a small gap opened in the veil of race to almost meet its end. However, there was a very darkness that clouded his mind. His positivity leaped through powerful sorceress named Terra. The sorceress sacrificed the breach, and in doing so, spread throughout the outside herself so that many more would live on. In doing so, she of his body, creating a pure light. The darkness was sealed separated magic and non-magic by casting the magical away. However, if he committed more crimes, it would engulf beings into another dimension, the Neverside. She used the him once more. magical power from the depths of the Earth. With a welcoming smile, we embraced for what seemed An evil sorceress named Vashana used Draven’s ability like ages. Then we set foot for Evel and would arrive by for evil uses. She took Draven’s sister, Katarina, and by doing nightfall. Draven would be reinstated king, and I, Darius, would so, Vashana’s will became Draven’s forced duty. She used him be made his advisor. to do many horrible things. Draven was forced to steal, harm, As we walked the halls of the kingdom side by side, I and wage wars upon once friendly allies to create mortal knew it was worth it. It was worth everything, enemies. Each and every time he committed evil deeds, his to be friends again. soul grew dark. As Vashana grew rich, she achieved the power to locate the area where Terra learned the ancient 81

Mission The Mini-Marque is the middle school literary magazine, inspired by its upper school predecessor, The Marque. The purpose of this publication club is to allow self-expression while also showcasing the work of our middle school Marksmen. This 100% student publication requires a great deal of responsibility and accountability. It encourages independence and provides critical real-world connections. Throughout the production process, we strive to cultivate the skills of writing for varied audiences and purposes, creativity, collaboration, organization, layout design, advertising, publication, and evaluation.

Colophon The Mini-Marque is a multimedia magazine created by the St. Mark’s School of Texas Middle School (grades 5-8). The magazine is printed 8x6 with perfect binding in 4cp on 130# Polar Bear Velvet Cover with soft touch and Spot Clear UV. The text is printed in 4cp on 100# Polar Bear Velvet by Digital 3 Printing in Dallas, Texas. The statement fonts are Efesto and Taurus. The font used for titles is Orosko, and the text font is Autobus. The magazine is designed using Adobe InDesign, with most graphic art created using Adobe Illustrator (Creative Cloud). Some pictures and graphic art were adjusted in Adobe Photoshop. Publication work was done on Mac desktop computers and personal laptops. We chose the theme of the four elements in order to allow an equal opportunity for all grades to contribute work. 425 copies were printed for distribution. As always, the Mini-Marque is free of charge to

Memberships and Awards Columbia Scholastic Press Association (Membership) National Scholastic Press Associaltion (Membership) CSPA Gold Crown Award 2017 CSPA Gold Crown Award 2016 CSPA Gold Medalist 2016, 2017 CSPA Gold Circle (Photo/Illustration) 2016 CSPA Gold Circle (Typography) 2015

Copy Number:

of 425

Special Thanks David Dini, John Ashton, Dean Clayman, Nick Sberna, Suzanne Townsend, Ann Dilday, Paul Di Vincenzo, Kevin Boone, Jason Lange, Scott Gonzalez, Tim Mank, Lisa Brandenburg, Donna Mullett, Cindee McMahon, Tim Davies, Suzuko Davis, Lynne Schwartz, GayMarie Vaughn, Ray Westbrook

Advisors Danielle Clayton (Submissions) Meagan C. Frazier (Design)

Design Alex Geng ‘22 (Editor) Jonathan Yin ‘22 Daniel Uglunts ‘22 Liam Wilson ‘22 Shaan Mehta ‘22 Ekansh Tambe ‘22 James Singhal ‘22 Xander Bowles ‘22 Morgan Chow ‘23 John Tagtmeier ‘23

Thomas Goglia ‘23 Svanik Jaikumar ‘23 James Thomson ‘23 Aadi Khasgiwala ‘23 Lucas Williams ‘23 Chase Fisher 23 Branden Song ‘23 Nat Fisher ‘23

Submissions Jeffrey Chen ‘22 (Editor) Wills Andren ‘22 Ethan Borge ‘22 Spencer Burke ‘22 Max Chaung ‘22 Darren Xi ‘22 Nicholas Koch ‘22 Matthew Fan ‘22 Blake Molthan ‘22 Anashay Monga ‘22

Lars Ochs ‘22 Enoch Ellis ‘22 Miller Trubey ‘22 Bijaan Noormohamed ‘23 Keshav Krishna ‘23

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