. .~
Senior Favorites
St. Mark's
Done most for class ........... Steve Smith Done most for school ... Robert Musslewhite, Best representative of a St. Mark's man, ......... Byron Neuhoff Friend .................... Calvin Glenn Teacher's pet ............• Brian Hargrove Scholar ..................... Trevor Lain Most Iikely to succeed ....Robert Musslewh ite Campus agitator ............. john Mennel Wittiest. ........... " ....... Stephen Box Most unforgettable ............. jason Pratt Athlete .................. Byron Neuhoff Least appreciated .. . . . . . . . . Neeraj Sharma Politician ............. Robert Musslewhite Musical ................... Dillon Parker Flirt ....................... Alex Bednar Most unique .................. Mike Levy Future St. Mark's teacher .... Stephen Gilbert Most likely to make first million ............. Mike Weinstein
Best dressed .............. Stewart Stewart
Socialite ................ Keven McAlester
Artist ................... juan Fernandez
Always late ................... Chris King
Any requests' Yuppie .................. Stewart Stewart
Creative ............ '..... Patrick Denker
Outspoken ............... Patrick Denker
Energetic .................... Ted Nurre
Procrastinator .................. jon Stiles
Movie ....... , ........ The Untouchables.
Album ...................... Document
Car .................. Porsche911 Turbo
Personality .............. David Letterman
TV Show ... Late Njght With Davjd Letterman
Publication .............. Dallas Observer,
Sports Illustrated
Restaurant ......... : ............ Chili's
Food ......................... Mexican
Song ........ "It's the End ofthe World ... "
Comic Strip .................... Far Side
Politician .................... Gary Hart
Scandal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bioscam' 86
Actor ............ ', .. ,.,. jack Nicholson
Actress ................. justine Bateman
Book ........................ Catch-22
Musical artist .................... R.E.M.
Favoriteteacher ........... , ...... , Trice
Cafeteria meal .. " ....... Darren's Meat Pie
Concert ........................ R.E.M.
Greatest achievement of class .,. "Skip" Day
Best school feature ........ the construction
Favorite Hockadaisy ...... lulie Ann Sklaver
KelYou made things this year easier, interesting, and even bearable - but most importantly, you made them a lot less serious. Thanks, for everything. It's been . . . swell. I'll really miss you. Sandra
DaniellaThanks for being the best little sis ever. Behave yourself next year, don't do anything I wouldn't. Love, Darcy ~.~,~.,...'
Done most for class Done most for
Girls on car.
& testament I, Nil;ki Aljell; being out of rnyrninoaridof fat body do hereby bel'lueath
to RubySye,j-a house closer to us lnsteaq of inboonyville; DanaO'!a
R()bles-,)eniWesselman; JeniWessleman~Dana Cota·Robles; Monique
Agnew-a' bike as neat .as Pe'e Wee Herman's;, Cheryl Brown-an
lInwreckable car and a newboyfriend; Lauren "How to Beat
Procrastihation" book, long. straight hair, and permitted wave to a
disgusting stranger driving by; Katy Mitchell-my mother, a doctor's
appointment·tohaveTiger's cataracts checked, 24 hrs. of Pee Wee's
Playhouse onvldeo, voice lessons, and personal serenade (
the Look" by Prince; Jill Mathis-the destruction of the
driving jessons; the ability to wake upin the mornings without
someone's head off, .a m.uzzle for Roxie, an obsessively neat room male
and the ability to stay out of trouble without any supervision; Mark Averi~
--the realization that I'm the on Iy one for you; Susan Averitt-decisiveness.
cine hour free time vacation to come and see me, and a limitless
charge card; Ann entin; collection of past SMU yearbooks, a
courtesy pin, free phone calls between Dallas and Chapel Hill, and an
answered list of questions by you-know·who .
Ann Sklaver Dana Cota-Robles, Jeanne Simpson
• . . . • • • JU"'"
Best representative of a Hockaday student ........ Susan Taylor
Friend ....................... Judy Hsu
Teacher's pet .......... Evangeline Paschal
Scholar ................... KayTakenaka
Most likely to succeed ....... DarcyAhlberg
Campus agitator ............ Alison Gower
Wittiest . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Liz Noteware
Most unforgettable .......... Alison Gower
.Athlete .................... Becky
Least appreciated ........ Data Cota-Robles,
Judy Hsu Politician .............. .' .. ",: Mandy Lee
Musical .................. Bonnie Mahan
................... Courtney Nichols
Most unique ............ Alison Pachynski
Future Hockaday teacher .... Elizabeth Stuart' Most likely to make first million ... Darcy Ahlberg, Leta Mackey, Erin McBride, Katey Thomas Best dressed .............. Julie McArthur
Socialite ................. .. Carole Tart
Artist ................ Elizabeth Compton
last will
day of April, being of sound mind IVing i.tems to my friends who have my Hockaday career. To Rebecca Kyle, guy s, mydebate evidence and everything that goes with it. To Kristai Snelson, the responsibility of continuing the tradition 0; weekend fiestas. To Katherine Moore, my black book (you know what to do with it). To Daniela all the best wishes and luck fort he next three To Alison Henrion, negatives to certain pictures from mom's 19. To Nikki Hubbard, the code to the alarm on my house. To Denise Paul and Jen DeMarco, Forest Lane and dart guns. To nail glue and a new boyfriend. To lyn Montgomery,; a tape of Madonna', "Material Girl" and a swimsuit to leave at Dad's. To Wendy Underwood. her own house and some understanding. To Jenni Cockrell, MIKE, MIKE. AND MORE MIKE. To Katy Thomas, a full-time job as a drill teilm member. To Mary Walters, a key to my sealed lips. To Ben Smith, breakfast at Grandy's. To Annie DeliSi, a Jive hamster and a Depeche Mode T·shirt. To Steven Wright jokes in Cancun. To Trevor,
To Mom, all the love in the world.
newspaper cenSor. Censor newspaper, censor.
No more green plaid! Always late. Yuppie ... . Creative .............. . Outspoken ............. Courtney Energetic ................ Nikki H Procrastinator ........... Lauren Hudspeth Movie ........... Fatal Attraction, Lost Boys ...........' .......... Joshua Tree
Car ............................ BMW
Personality ............... Robin Williams
tv Show ....... _...... _. Thirtysomething
Publication ............. _ Dallas Observer
Restau rant ...................... .
Food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... Mexican
Song ....... "Time Warp/' "Margaritaville"
Comic Strip .............. Calvin &Hobbes
.................... Gary Hart
....................... ISAS '87
Actor .................... Charlie Sheen
Actress .................... Meryl Streep
Book ...... Great Gatsby, Catcher in the
Musical artist .......... . ......... Sting
Favorite teacher ................... Long
meal ................ Taco Salad Concert ........................... U2 Greatest achievement of class ... blood drivel graduation Best school feature ......... FineArts Favorite Marksmen Musslewhite, Patrick Denker
Stanford doesn't want the likes of you and neither does anyone else, Marksmen! Love, Mean Dean Jean
I,AI Bt;dn!lr,being ()fcorwded mind and
my worldly possessions to the following: to
·toschool; to John Mennel: hair clippers, graders, some twit music, and ~ pair of pincers; to Brian hoya's legend, tennis balls, and a modeling contract for Amy; to Doctor Stroube: neutered weas~ls, 'for sale' signs', the banana'mobile, a Bible, pic, tures of two smirking jerks, a little buddy, a broken fire extinguisher, and som(, sheets from the Best. Western; to Senator Ackerman: lakehouse blues, Morton Barnett, and colored undergarments; to Mike Macari: some pens with logos, Brother's pina, a KU, sweatshirt wlMatt Bush's plagiarized chem homework, and a yogurt factory; to lake Pratt: a sandwich, a gym locker that sme.lls like roses. and Darcy Ahlberg #; to Bob Abl.on: tickets to Sting's world tour(tloorof course) and a pickup tactics, brotherly love; to Ramsey Denker: all of Junior Loveland posters, John Candy jokes, and jell·o; to. Mike Newman: public school girls that actually eat at Jack,in·the.Box, cnem tests, no questions in my mind, and memories; to Jose Portela: eltiquette courses, dance lessons, and debate ability; to Annie Delisi: my pink shirt, shoes, my hairmousse, and and a positive attitude; to Mr. Mott: all my thanks; to Mr. Baker, I leave Stroube, one pen, and all my wisdom, .. ; .to Steve Sklaver and Pete Strelitz: a woody and animal mag netism; to John .sellars: chickens and oil and dinosaurs. and meals on wheels; to Mr. Adams: a kouros, a Picasso, and a date witl) my aunt; to Mr. Reichelderfer: my thanks, I mean .it; to St. Mark's: it CUrsing radioactive midget who will incessantly roam the to Ms. Brandenburg: my I leave Bufner and a less sincerest apologies for being such a jerk; to tense life; love the world; coilege, here I come.
r, Catherine lee Bell, being of sound mind and body, bequeath to the following people the items indicated in this, my last will and testament: Julie Abbey~dark hair, a smart. dog, a permanent chauffeur, sunblock; . Tiffany Bor/aug-an extra bed in my room, dean Keds, olle big yea-ya for you! Susan Taylor-a white Mia, a Honker & Dinger, a guy from CUi Gaby Jasin-a drummer, grits, lunch at Hungry Jockey; Maria Reyes-a live-in instructqr, coffee beans, waffle cones; Loren Bassett-long nalis,a of your own; Amy Fleischmann-joy.forever, new jeans, better m; Becky Miller-a computer, Rarles: JulieAnnSklaver-a Q·tip, a place to wear your formals; Adele Moore-a healed ankle, a real tan; Ruby Syed-Cisady v-ball team; Monique·. Agnew-brakes, Sur-anne lehner-dinner at Chili's, the abliity to do 3 thinl Lauren Hudspeth-a, "don't hate. me cause' I'm beautiful" ad; Gower-50 cents from the bet, a SUPERGREAT life; louise Kemp & Allison Davis--agreat time at UTr Rogers Hartman-driving lessons, credit at In' Wear, aday@S\J< Flags; RoxanneAltholz-a bigger dog, a better baby. sitter;Andy Gillentine-a car, tootsie pops, a better voice; Jason Pratt-a tennis ganie, a new hat, a place .to take your dates; Ted Nurre-some broken .Iights from Saida; Rob Bruant-fitness, 4 bacons & brown, privacy;' Greg Hutton-fitness, Big Red, a roller coaster ride; Jason Glast-fitness, a street tfiat both your parents don't live on; Brent Johnson-fitneS! sandwich; Chris Angarola-a t-shirt from
enior Statistics
St. Mark's
Name: Robert J. Ablon N ickn.1me: Bobby Amhition: fulfillment Admired for: VVe.1 klll'ss: deadlines
Name: Dan Adams Nickname: Plastic Man Ambition: anarchy Always: confused Admired for: laugh Weakness: monkey
Name: Dax Ainsworth
Last will
& testament
It seems rather odd that I, Brian Berger, am unveiling my will at a time when my will, your will, and everyone'swJllis5()rr;ewhere in Californi;, But do not worry--our disappointmentwill beOV,,!~o~)epywhat wil! 500n follow. So sit back, take your shoes oil, and enjoy! To Gary Cohen I leave cobalt, our coveted, yet stolen Ping~Ponglable, Int,ellivision Hockey games, made-up D&D g<lmes, my "skin,":good.times, and a Purple Sage abode. To Bobby Ablon I leave Temple Emanuel,Ellen Lewis, Mrs. Paris, drivmg lessons, a certain spoiled (I .. mean spilllfd) lunch; my Nova, my patience, a real vocabulary, an unauthorized quote, an endless Senior Year, a new arid freer future life. To Al<:x. Bednarllea",e a comb, SOme missing Letters, m~ny, maryy tennis and Soccwgames, anew car, a B.s. detector, a backhand,a preny girl, John S!,lIar~,b!"tler luSk, amore dIsci plined lifestyle. To Mik" Macari Ileavemyn~wBhon"l)ulllber, my special Handbook of H()me'lllork, rr;y ~occer abilitY,rr;y'~R'C;()llection, a new computer,' a voice!the'llible, German, .l1ew P'!nt,s(am~~chia U2 tic;lq;t, ,. new lock,lheFa;Bqys, and old, forgonenlJide&seekl<ames. To Mike
Lt!\IY.11t!3ve Pt!nte, Paul Bassman
, Yom~ippur$,icecubes;al'ld!UlIC h(i!ad torepl<iG!l the whit,?one,;J'o
I3ren M apl)lo
Nickname:' Daxipa'd Ambition: to be very rich and travel all over the world Always: short Admired for: good looks Weakness: women
Name: Chip Barnett Nickname: Choaf, Lumpy Ambition: to employ everyone who reads this Always: gullible Admired for: good nature Weakness: flirts
Name: Alexander Louis Bednar Nickname: Biff, The Professor Ambition: banker Always: .horny Admired for: voice imitations Weakness: practical blondes
Name: Brian David Berger Nickname: Bundles Ambition: to climb Mt. Everest and eat there Always: joking Admired for: uniqueness Weakness: I'm not
Name: Stephen Box Nickname: Shorts Ambition: The San Diego Chicken Always: mumbling Admired for: weird stuff Weakness: Heidelberg
Name: TOdd Chaffee Nickname: Ross, M. W. Ambition: to be financially stable, to be a world famous truck driver Admired for: the color of my bellybutton trash, my friendli ness Weakness: I am a hopeless romantic, leather and hot wax excite me
Name: Ron Chapman Nickname: Ronaldo Ambition: to maintain the right course Always: spending money Admired for: driving ability Weakness: impatience
Name: Gary Richard Cohen Nickname: Two Sheds Ambition: to become a st. Mark's librarian Always: watching sports on TV or sleeping Admired for: ability to drink a can of Coke in 6 seconds Weakness: chemistry labs
Name: Patrick R. Denker Nickname: Dinky-Twinkie
Ambition: to be a successful
point man
Always: never Admired for: facade Weakness: many
Name: Chris Flanagan Nickname: Flan Ambition: to marry Always: organized Admired for: neat notes Weakness: procrastinating
Name: Douglas A. Fordyce Nickname: Chuck(ie) Ambition: to figure it out Always: listening Admired for: independence Weakness: brunettes
Name: Juan Fernandez Nickname: Joseph, Ferny Ambition: the renaissance man Always: extistant Admired for: nao se (Portuguese: don't know*O ' Weakness: people
Name: Kirby Layne Fogel Nickname: Kirb or Layne Ambition: to live and work overseas cynical Admired for: Mein Kampf Weakness: no, not often
Name: Jean David Gachelin Nickname: J. D. Ambition: run a hotel Always: trying to get out of P.E. Admired for: ability to get out of P.E. Weakness: the opposite sex
Name: Anthony Moises Gallegos Ponce de Leon Nickname: Ponce/Moiz/Jose' Ambition: become Rodney D. Young sales rep. Always: hanging out Admired for: Playboy glasses Weakness: long scarves
Name: Robert M. Garrett III
Weakness: a frown
Name: Michael Martin Gravel "Nickname: Mic Ambition: famous National Geographic photographer
Always: pondering
Admired for: endurance
Weakness: procrastination
Name: Eugene Han Nickname: Eugene (Eng.lHan Johnson) Ambition: professor of theology Always: starting over again Admired for: commitment to my faith
Weakness: lack of self-control
Name: Brian Hargrove Nickname: Noch-master Ambition: retire at thirty Always: talking Admired for: honesty and con sistency Weakness: don't know when to shut-up.
Name: David Bryant Harper Nickname: Harp
Ambition: do something I like
and am good at Always: tired Admired for: nothing in particu lar
Weakness: temper
Nickname: Wax King Ambition: annex the United States into the Republic of Texas' Always: sarcastic Admired for: brilliance, good looks, personality, humility, lines on women
Nickname: TD
Ambition: rich
Always: lost
Admired for: my driving ability
Weakness: Suzanne
Name: Jeff Hawkins
Name: Stephen Gilbert
Name: Jim Henry
Ambition: to be satisfied Always: telling a joke Admired for: grades Weakness: taking school too seriously
Nickname: Jimbo Ambition: lawyer Always: laughing Admired for: being a good friend
Name: Andrew R. Gillentine
Nickname: (Smlargo-Lanzo-pop) actually, Codpiece
Ambition: to glow in the dark
Always: charming
for: modesty, thumbs
Weakness: pain, fear, and
general suffering
Nickname: Gilley, Spidey Ambition: to be President Always: conservative Admirffl for: everything Weakness: who me? none
Name: Carl Ginsberg Nickname: too many to list here Ambition: win the lottery Always: hungry Admired for: 6'11 Weakness: weakness?
Name: Darren Kasmir
Name: Mark Kim Nickname: Markoos Ambition: money Always: Korean Admired for: honesty Weakness: food
Name: Calvin Glenn
Name: Chris King
Nickname: Cal G Ambition: to be happy Always: apologizing Admired for: friendliness
Nickname: Cliff, Soulman Ambition: to get my baby dolls Always: late or absent Admired for: uncle's girlfriend
.Friq~y, JUlJe·;J,198~r.
Senior Statistics St. Mark's
Weakness: women
Name: Alan B. Levy Nickname: Big A, AI, Mo
Ambition: to marry wealthy
model Always: smiling Admired for: my uncle Sherman Weakness: pessimism
Name: Mike Levy Nickname: Don Larrimer Ambition: to have a big life Always: drooling Admired for: thin thighs Weakness: Vick's Formula 44-0
Ambition: success Always: already finished Admired for: gumption Weakness: smiles, all girls named Tiffany
Name: Jeff Ritter Nickname: Tex or Beef
Ambition: to make it through
college and get married Always: organized Admired for: responsibility Weakness: women, falling asleep in class
Name: Mike Macari
Name: William Henry Roberts
Nickname: Nick the Quick Ambition: to be Head of Upper School
Always: talking
Admired for: my car
Weakness: no comment
Nickname: Pickle Boy
Ambition: to marry someone
rich Always: procrastinating Admired for: sense of humor Weakness: lack of aggressiveness
Name: Keven McAlester
Name: William Richard Russell, Jr.
Nickname: Keeblono
Ambition: great writer
Always: procrastinating
Admired for: large chest
Weakness: younger women
Name: Kevin McCrea Nickname: Captain Crunch
Ambition: to be in charge-
everywhere Always: finishing number 2
Admired for: work ethic
Name: Colin Menter Nickname: Col
Ambition: wealth
Always: eager
Admired for: soccer
Weakness: apathy
Name: Christopher Mitchell Nickname: Mitch, Limp
Ambition: women
Always: able
. Admired for: charisma Weakness: weekends
Name: Robert Musslewhite Nickname: Musslehead, BOB
Ambition: President
Always: swimming and getting
into trouble with Chance
Admired for: shaved body
Weakness: women, speed os,
and women in speed os
Nickname: Rick Ambition: to discover the unified theory Always: distracted Admired for: physics achieve ment score Weakness: my car
Name: Seth Sachson Njckname: Stud Ambition: to be Headmaster of St. Mark's Always: thinking of myself Admired for: charm Weakness: women and good looks
Name: Sepehr Sekhavat Nickname: Sep Ambition: meet aliens Always: trying to find something better to do Admired for: respectful under standing Weakness: thinks too much for own good
Name: Neeraj R. Sharma Nickname: not applicable Ambition: yes Always: organizing Admired for: excellence Weakness: modesty
Name: Byron Neuhoff
Name: Aric Short
Nickname: B Ambition: join the FBI Always: quiet Admired for: honesty Weakness: too serious
Nickname: Moby Ambition: personal success and money Always: inside, (with Kerm, of course) Admired for: red hair Weakness: Renee
Name: Ted Nurre Nickname: T, T-bird Ambition: employee of the month Always: beating around the bush Admired for: size and slam dunking ability Weakness: wine, women, and song
Name: Dillon Joseph Parker Nickname: Oil, Oil- Ambition: money, fur combo Always: tired Admired for: nothing in par ticular Weakness: Nookie
Name: Jason Young Pratt Nickname: Searg, Splatt
Name: Steve Smith Nickname: Robespierre Ambition: write one good book and retire on island in Greece Always: deep in thought Admired for: sexy ankles Weakness: words, women, and
Name: Stewart Maco Stewart Nickname: too many
Ambition: to escape the grasp
of conservatism
Always: sarcastic
Admired for: skill w/a blender
and speed w/an iron Weakness: Tejano, twinkies, and necks
Wake up, Brian, wake up!
Name: Jon David Stiles Nickname: The Joke Monster Ambition: business empire Always: late Admired for: stoicness Weakness: shy
Name: Douglas James Stillings Nickname: W. OOI'gie Ambition: do ligl for a concerti tour Always: tired Admired for: lungs Weakness: moshing
Name: Andrew Saul Traub Nickname: Andy Ambition: lawyer Always: short Admired for: hair Weakness: being modest
Name: Jon Tyson Nickname: Jonnay Am bition: grad uati ng Always: carrying around lemmas Admired for: math Weakness: aversion for liberal arts
Last will
& testament
I, Erika lynn Bruce, being of sound mind (I think) and somewhat sound body, do bequeath the follOWing: Shannon Morse-an individual, tears, my phone number; Mo Agnew-doughnuts, a trip to Jamaica, freedom, a case; Lauren Hudspeth-a dream date, lunch at Chili's; Mary Walters-a long, hot relaxing bath and two Tylenol; Becky Miller-a wall, complaints, a great guy; Katy Mitchell-rubber shoes, a "pick on Erika patent"; Jill Palmer-a video of the Smurfs; Nicki Allen-a smile; Cheryl Brown-a neat locker, Doug, a trip to jamaica, help; Dana Cota-Robles-the real me/you, a date to prom, a black rose; Jill Mathis-a "pick on Erika patent," my Latin books; jA Sklaver-one week of organization, a cause; Amy Gilliam-my brain, a permanent selection of dates; Robin Greer-a handkerchief, a tan· ning salon gift certificate; Amy Fleischmann-the Wusman, complaints, an uncluttered life ... ; Jeni Wesselman-Madonna tickets, a river, my address and phone number, a conformist book ... ; Adele Moore-DAN, shoe polish, a cast, memories, a NEW boy ... ; Erica Fleischmann-my headaches, a nervous breakdown, luck; Jenn Falk-a tape with my voice on it so you can play it during calculus next yr., height, Cancun; the jRS-a B + in an honors course for exam exemption; Brenda Forman-a best
friend, good times, a forever ... ; Bruce Birk-the ideal girl; Marti Okon
the legacy, Kurt, forever ... ; the Bruce clan-an empty room, another car,
. momentos; jason-Dad, yelling, headaches, stationery, my phone num
ber; Mom-my unending gratitude, a weened cat. .. ; Hockaday-the memories (gooc;i and bad)-so long ...
Name: Peter Wykoff Walker II Nickname: Pistol Ambition: emperor of the world Always: hungry Admired for: my offal-brown jacket Weakness: I'm too bloody nice
Name: Mike Weinstein Nickname: Weeniesteeny Ambition: king Always: sarcastic Admired for: jumpshot Weakness: chickens
Name: Mark Edward Whitley Nickname: Marcos Ambition: grow fat with skinny wife Always: out Admired for: heinous crimes Weakness: ugly girls
Name: Peter Wilbert III Nickname: Pete Ambition: 1 million before 25 years of age Always: late Admired for: overcoming problems Weakness: the female sender
Name: Collin Wilson
waves Name: Eric V. Snyder
Nickname: Will/Col Will/CWI The Will Ambition: to be a winner Always: sarcastic Admired for: attitude Weakness: self-discipline
Nickname: Slyness Ambition: get through college and learn how to tie a bowtie Always: late Admired for: windtunnel, bold come-ons Weakness: you nger women
Nickname: Yankee Ambition: Republican nomina tion, 1996 Always: in the corner Admired for: boyish good looks Weakness: old money
Name: Kevin Zaletsky
I, lisa Casey, being of unsound mind and abused body, do hereby bequeath thefoJlowing to my comra.des: jennifer Hoose-a life size poster of Charlie Sexton, smurf vitamins, and a place to stay when Ann is on your back. Chad Beeler-friendship forever and another trip to Smith Ranch. Hunter Hill-dinner at the Mansion. Honey Jaffee-talks until all hours of the mornif)g .and a hot date. To the Acapulco. Bunch-we're having a reunion in.l0 years, including the guys from Houston (& New York & the Surferl that was out of control-just remember to keep me off of the table tops and away from Motley. Alison Davis & Louise Kemp-don't forget the bomb squad, T.exas OU weekend, '87, and New Year's eve ... we need to calm down. Ali, thanks for being there ... sorry about the competition. I'll come visit y'all in Austin. Maria Reyes-A.P. Chem. and long talks. We'll make it even if I have to become a nun. Lindsay Taylor-liT". There's too much to leave you except knocking on your window at 3 a.m. and a friend whenever you need me. Brookie Cohen-dinner at Ciao, and a long talk. Thanks for being someone I can relate to. Courtney Nichols-a double date and someone t'o rap with about everything from A to Z ... a kiddie grilled cheese basket and the night from Hell. Jeff Hawkins-the life of a yuppie. Mark Whitley-a scandalous relationship; Chip Barnett-a stega saurus & a hot California blond. Brian Cheek-Thanksgiving. Lee Straus-my undying Jove and friendship. Whenever you need me, I'll be there. Thanks; Steve Smith-what can I say except thanks. IlY. just wait until you see the phone bills. See you in Greece in '97. Find an island. Stewart Stewart -a deb ball (you can be my escort this time) and a ride in the back of my car (provided that you bring your mirror and hairbrush along, I'm sure.) Good luck. Beth Moore-Greatest UI Sis-you get 3 more years in ••••. Marla Cotton-good luck you're almost free. I'm sorry there isn't room to leave something to everyone-and anyways, I'm not dying, I'm just about to start living. Anybody want to join me! I'm off-Don't WOrry family, I'm not going too far aWilY. I Love Y'all. ..... Leese
I, Todd Chaffee, being of absent mind and feeble body, do hereby leave the following to those people listed, not meaning for them to redistribute, seli, trade, or mutilate the presents which I have . left them. Moises Gallegos: The Bimmer that I got my ticket in. Darren Kasmir: Some money for some decent clothes. Dan Adams: A Waterford crystal set. Mike Gravel: My sister, and my nail clippers, and my Mickey Mouse gumball dispenser. james Denny: My go-kart, and all of its receipts. Also I leave him my crash helmet, though it won't do him any good when the time comes. Aric Short: Free Sundays for the rest of his life, and iI keychain that won't rot in the sun. Sep Sekhavat: I leilve my sep, and my sep. I also think that he should have my sep, and I'll let him have all my can tabs for the chain in his car ... the Sepmobile! Doug Stillings: the only really heavy.metal tape that I have-"Amy Grant-Uck the Devil all over." Pete Walker: A razor, so that nobody ever has to see him looking like a fifty year-old peach again. Kevin McCrea: Nothin', 'cus he just fin' sumtin' kinky ta do wit' it. John Mennel: Fake barf for his back seat. Trevor lain: Some sexy college girl who wants him. Chance Miller: Beverage can wrap·arounds, $0 nobody can see the label. Calvin Glenn: My firstborn. Gary Cohen: The buttons on my shirt. Kirby Fogel: Ed Baum. Juan Fernandez: My second born, and those two tapes that Will took with him. Mike levy: All of my Gar stuff, including the slime, and the model spaceship. •
Senior Statistics Hockaday Name: Julie Abbey Nickname: Jewels, josephine Ambition: having hair of all one length Always: making gagging noises Admired for: hand dancing Weakness: procrastination
Name: Monique Agnew Nickname: Mo Ambition: to ride in Le Tour de France Always: in jail Admired for: making people laugh Weakness: worries about every- .
v-a 1984.
& test~tl1@ht
Name: Margaret Rose Allen j
Nickname: Megatha Ambition: take joan Lunden's place/Good Morning America Always: smoking Admired for: being fat Weakness: fun Greenhill boys
Name: Nicki Allen Nickname: Nickers
Ambition: own a Malibu beach·
house next to a star Always: drinking diet coke Admired for: natural blonde hair Weakness: Mark Averitt
Name: Darcy lynn Ahlberg Nickname: Darcy Ambition: world domination Always: amused Admired for: talented hampsters Weakness: thunderpuppies,
Name: Cathi Bell Nickname: Ding-a-Ling Ambition: psychologist Always: laughing Admired for: good sense of humor . Weakness: math
Name: Barbara Bitter Nickname: Barb, B.B.
Always: putting my foot in my
math? Admired for: innocence Weakness: temper
Name: Pilar Blaske Nickname: Pil
Ambition: to be the best nun ever Always: in trouble . Admired for: daring Weakness: getting caught
Name: Tiffany Borlaug Nickname: George, Tiffer-Wiffer Ding-Dong Ambition: long hair Always: picking my nose Admired for: pseudo-stupidity Weakness: decisions
Name: Cheryl Brown Nickname: Cheg Ambition: find cure for leukemia Always: in jail Admired for: singing voice Weakness: lack of common sense
Name: Erika lynn Bruce Nickname: Bruce, Er, Irkutsk, EB Ambition: to make a mark on the world Always: working out, busy, "being organized," talking on the phone Admired for: tropical tan Weakness: candy
Name: Suzanne Bunn Nickname: Suz
Ambition: become a world.
traveling journalist Always: self-critical Admired for: putting everybody else 1st . Weakness: anything I can't have
Name: Jennifer Cockrell Nickname: jenni, Jake Ambition: to own a chain of clothes stores Always: working out Admired for: nothing Weakness: ice cream
Name: Brooke Cohen
Nickname: B. c., Frannie Ambition: make people happier Always: complaining Admired for: study habits Weakness: chocolate
Name: Elizabeth Compton Nickname: Dontcallmeliz Ambition: yuppiedom Always: somewhere else
Admired for: self-confident extroversion Weakness: freedom
Name: Audrey Dalas Cook Nickname: Aud, Audit Ambition: pastel adobe house by the mountains Always: eating raisins Admired for: ghost stories Weakness: security blanket named Duke the Spook
Name: Julie Cox Nickname: Jules Ambition: captain of U.T. cheerleading team Always: paranoid Admired for: fingernails Weakness: carlenogienics Name: laura l. Custard Nickname: Pudding, Mustard Ambition: to graduate Always: late Admired for: 5 years Weakness: laughing, a good story
Name: Stephanie Dammert Nickname: Nashy Ambition: to conquer my world Always: smiling, talking rocks Admired for: being relaxed Weakness: Cheetos & green eyes
Name: Annie Delisi Nickname: Deli Ambition: to marry a Russian Always: smoking & faux tap dancing Admired for: sense of humor Weakness: men w/horn rimmed glasses, grey hair & German accents
Name: Jennifer DeMarco Nickname: Jen Ambition: to enjoy myself Always: tardy Admired for: "courtesy" (ha, hal Weakness: fine guys, motorcycles
Name: Ellen Dutta Nickname: Phoebe, The Feeb, Aphrodite Ambition: to seek the Holy Grail Always: Admired for: honesty Weakness: too honest
To NicoleThe best artist in the whole wide world.. You've made my senior year the best.. Thanks for everything! Have a great three years.. Love, Lauren
nlo Hockad Name: Margaret Keller Ewton Nickname: Newton, Louise,
piano Weakness: chocolate to become the head Name: Laura Leigh Hahn of the Math department@ Nickname: L L Harvard Ambition: to have an answer Always: going out to the cabana next time someone asks, Admired for: my superior "What's the craziest thing knowledge of higher mathe you've ever done?" matics, my voluptuous lips Always: late Weakness: men Admired for: consistency Name: Amy Fleischmann Weakness: long hair Nickname: Db, Fleisch Ambition: to be the head Frango . Name: Kimberly Summer Haley Nickname: Kimmie, Lemon night girl Ambition: speak 7 languages Always: watching TV, sleeping Always: writes papers the day Admired for: grace they're due Brenda Deveraux Forman Admired for: getting A's on those Nickname: Bren papers Ambition: be a Weakness: chocolate, cheek achieve a year-round savage bones tan Name: Adrian Harris Always: picking out what to Nickname: Aids wear Ambition: to grow up Admired for: fast cool car, being taste in unusual music for: the practical advice Weakness: yogurt, guys in boots I give and Levis Weakness: reality Name: Anne-Marie Gillespie Name: Rebecca Ruth Hazan~ Nickname: Twinkle Cohen Ambition: go to college Nickname: Reb, Rebe, Becca Always: late Am bition: to grad uate from Admired for: neatness, tickets college Weakness: procrastination, being Always: chewing gum late, cops Name: Amanda Wayne Ginsberg Admired for: my attitude, deranged sense of humor, long Nickname: Mandy, Manda fingE:\rnails, and my car Ambition: to be an ambassador Weakness: chocolate, good Always: having fun looking guys w/green eyes & Admired for: staying out of dark hair trouble Name: Alison Henrion Weakness: boys Nickname: Ali Name: Alison Gower Amr.'tion: to survive Nickname: Gower Alwa ·s: dateless Ambition: June 4 Alw;Jv<;' manic rlQ,nrocc Admired for: my Weakness: guys for: extreme and pale eyes prowess in all Name: Kristen Howell Weakness: just about Nickname: Kris Name: Jennifer Gray Ambition: happiness Nickname: Always: with Doug Ambition: to be a piano pro Admired for: sticking with a fessor in college . Marksman - hal Always: too serious
Weakness: Name: Judy Hsu Nickname: Shoe ... Shubert ... Ambition: Nobel Prize or to grow four inches Always: smiling Admired for: towering height Weakness: Mom's cheesecake Name: Nicole Hubbard Nickname: Nikki Always: dateless, laughing Admired for: energy Weakness: strawberry shortcake, curly hair & blue eyes Name: Lauren Hudspeth Nickname: Quiche, Lo, Lawren Ambition: time management Always: smitten Admired for: occasional wit Weakness: procrastination Name: Gabriela Jasin Nickname: Gabs, Gabster, Gaby Ambition: to be Always: shyness Weakness: black hair and blue eyes Name: Jennifer Johnston Nickname: JJ or F Ambition: to be an Ironwoman Always: applying Carmex Admired for: triathlon prowess and aquatic abilities Weakness: aerobics Name: Rebecca Kyle Nickname: Beaka, Rebel, Reebs, Becca Ambition: to be forever young Always: motherly Admired for: hair, perpetual cheerfullness Weakness: temptation Name: Mandy Lee Nickname: Wen mhition: to become the first Green Beret at West Point Always: stressed (or eating, or sleeping) Admired for: wondrous athletic ability Weakness: lack of willpower (procrastination)
To anyone interested in helping a member of the class of 1988 fund his college education, fill in the check below. Date Pay to the Order of
Alison Pachynski makes a stupid look.
last will & testament I, Elizabeth Cornpton,will.ToAiGower, porcheS; James Taylor's hug; a ride to Scarborougn Faire; wbicneverseat you wafl~ in the~nof initjuity; a <:are~r in-tambourines, or at Tom Thumb,. Of with th~.Extremes,aniJt!le future. To Kel McCrack~D~' Thursdays; long~baire:d people,go~ story. tellers, 59¢. SigGulps, alld reserved seating<m the V streets. To Bonnie .Mahan, brightest of futureswitn Californians .and hours ?laydough. To Margaret Ewtqn, astrong~rstomach and WO(ldY ~lIenfjlms.T()Gaby jasir), !leahh and wbolesol11efun: To Sandra :Ramani, a snort aoil fun next year and future interviews of a morehero1c type. .To Caroline .~rlerin; limitless artistic inspiration and a little optimism. To Megan Mccracken,Mky the car to drive. to Planp; Kip's, and tp skip swimming. To Hockaday,many drops ofpaintaild a.few thank-you's.
tionists Handbook says "banana precious Silly someday break Fusters mumified Allen, a group of crazed, male aiJolescents and a map of DFW.... To the woman who has it all, Lauren Hudspeth, I leave one no·fuss, travel-size curling irontor the dense jungles of Norway ..• To my most discombobu lated friend, Shannon Morse, I leave my entire wardrobe (including that clothing which is ripped); .. Because sometimes you gOlla say... to you, Jill Mathis, I leave one terry cloth robe, a pair of chinchilla slippers, and a years supply of Grape Nuts ... To you, Kelly McCracken, I leave a dime store bracelet engraved with "Kel-horse," my mother'sclothing (which you may pass on to a certain someone), and a fountain around which to reel. .. And lastly to you, Jenni Wesselman, I leave pure thought, a candle forever burning, embroidered wings, and an endless blue sky in which to fly. I, Julie Cox, being of sounder mind than body, do hereby leave the fol lowing to the following, To Meredith Lightfoot, I leave the ability to say the "T" word without blushing and a ticket home just in case, heaven forbid, should have a good education in "Bevo l.and." To lenni Cockrell, I great tan and my ability to glow in the dark (if the ,healthy look )Alyson Montgomery, I leave a perpetual college appJica tranquilizer gun, so you can have all the excitement with I leave my English teacher/shrink I
for 012921
10600 01988
You can bank on it!
friday, ,lune3il?~~) •
Senior Statistics
& testament
about your heart when you've got brain damage?" I, laura leave to ... Brandon Mcinnis: season tickets & a limo, a real Janana chips & total cer~al,a running track. Annie Delisi: Russia,
a smile, reality pills, 3 day cards & shuttle.cock songs. Lindsav Tavlor: tick.
ets to Europe. Anne-Marie Gillespie: a,manicure, a maid & a
ment seminar. Alison Gower: badmitton raquet. Gigi HilI
rin: luck & sanity & all myoid notes. canine tripod: a leg. Katey I nomas: a
beach on the sun. Debbie lawrence: ,fun weirdness, a geek & a rubber rat.
Courtney Nicols: gum. Meredith lightfoot BeVo. Cecile Rogue: HAM
notes & reading assignments, a Texas accenLStephanie Dammert: an
Argentine diety. Rachel Leventhal: a prayer. Suzanne Lehner: freedom.
Virginia, Speck: Wood-I & Peg, Houston's club w!honey.mustard,
unlimited Goodbodies. Alison Pachynski: glasses that stay up. Eric Wilbur:
a car that stays fixed, hugs & ASponso(. Mike Rush: Mia's, ,long fits. Robert Geist: AT&T card, 7-11 & your witchlette. Amy Boris flecker, &€mbarrassing moments. Ashley Alexander: a hat shop, happiness, Diet Coke ,& 'burro",s, warmJuzzies. Mom & Dad: an unwrecked car,fewer grey hairs nowthat l'm gone, letters from Ca., a little time to yourselves, Marla: hugs & lots of love&.giggles.
I. Stephanie Dammert, of an intense
the following to my friends and all the
my insatiable lunchtime To I
for unannounced vis;ts. Delisi,1 leav.e a table at the Spaghetti
Warehouse, as well as gil, money and a parking space, so she will have no
excuses, To Kendra Rorrie, I leave my deteriorating uniform, and also my
best wishes for the next three years. I bequeath my luxurious, black hair to julte Cox, and also a seat in my car during third a beeper to laura Custard, so we can ~ometimes meet. To leave all the hexagonal stop signs in Dallas. To James Del and gratitude for his sympathetic ear, To my French loquacious nature. I leave spring break '87
keep the other .vacations. To Alison "
opera, my unfailing Sense of direction, and my
foot, I "iave my latin blood (I'm not sure she
formal pictures, and of course my friendship. To Dan Rudick I leave jokes
without punchlines, arms in which to fail asleep, and fondest memories. To
H-day I leave the best and worst times of 7 years of "studying " and
growth. My respect and admiration go to the teachers who helped and
pushed me to succeed. I leave my car, on loan, to Cri·Cri. My skill in
chaquetelleave to laVieja, may she one day be able tobeat me.
heart and soul to my family. For all those who knew me I leave my
and unique sense of humor. To the few who did not, I leave my
Annie Delisi, being of sound mind and body, do hereby Loosen: a grape leave the following things to the follOwing people: To arbor to produce raisins, a lunglong supply oLRothmans in the pretty boxes, mySpanisn.speaking ability,one date with a particular Scottish man, and her very own INTOURIST bus (complete with Brandon McGinnis: her own Lenin poster, a boyfriend wi some faux cigs,and 6 dozen raw oysters a! The aoot.To Alex: a full To Millie Saxon; a special deal with DuPonttoget a plastic Rachaeland a kiss. To Adrian Harris: Anne Se",too's talent Plath's morbid outlook, the ability to puff up ) the gift of being random, a string of beads to Verity, go!), and Temple Civic Theater leta Mackey & Pi! all 8 a.m. classes hamster, Elvis, for use as a coinpurse, a spot in "Home Beautiful" for your housekeeping talents, and a banana tree. To Anne-Marie Gillespie: a blue barge, a condo at UT, and someone else to bring you Diet Coke and chips at 2 a.m. To Mr. Gaillard: a collection of Lenin pins, and my vast chem knowledge. To Honor Council: a collection of black hooded robes meetings), and a life-long hex. To Debs: a spelling dictionary, a Ford easel, and a spot at Princeton. To Mr. Denker: shock probation in rectional institution of your chOice, with a very large, very mean room mate, who doesn't take any denkering (in other words, a little humilityl.1'o Mr.Duckworth: lawyer. To Temple High School; four more years of fun at Flaming U.
Name: Rachael Ann Leventhal Nickname: Rakal Ambition: to become headmis tress of Hockaday Always: getting my hair cut Admired for: being me Weakness: food, cigarettes Name: Meredith Lightfoot Nickname: Merd, Mer, Muff, Duke
Ambition: to be happy
Always: having rigors and
Admired for: healthy hair
Weakness: foreign or ethnic
Name: Fran Loosen
Nickname: Mme. X
Ambition: successful survival
living for Admired for: talent in the art of procrastination Weakness: men with long hair and accents Name: Bonnie Mahan Nickname: Bon Ambition: singer, Stevie Nicks' backup would be fine . Always: singing Admired for: evil wit Weakness: Stevie Nicks, ridicu lously expensive concert tickets
Name: Jill Mathis
Nickname: Jeel
Ambition: to live to age 20
Always: in trouble
Admired for: my morals
Weakness: fists, fire, & knives
Name: Julia McArthur
Nickname: .
Ambition: to live where it's
always spring Always: dancing Admired for: punctuality Weakness: mood-swings Name: Erin McBride Nickname: Erwin McBird Ambition: to live on the beach Always: laughing Admired for: driving ability Weakness: weekends Name: Shannon Elizabeth Morse
Nickname: Shane, Litly
Ambition: inner peace
Admired for: mherent grace
Weakness: ability to procras tinate
Name: Kennera Mullin
Nickname: Red, Tigger
Ambition: ressurection and/or
ascension Always: overshooting Admired for: creativity Weakness: good food and great movies Name: Ashley Newsom Nickname: Ash Ambition: to get married & have a baby Always: laughing Admired for: sense of humor Weakness: Padre Name: Courtney Nichols Nickname: Courters Ambition: barefoot & pregnant the time I'm 22 Always: loud Admired for: hair, voice Weakness: beautiful boys Name: Liz Noteware Nickname: Lizibean, Lizzard Ambition: winning the sexual revolution
making U-turns
for: being a redhead Weakness: brownie mix Name: Evangeline Paschal Nickname: EZ EV, Kimmie-Buff, Clytemnestra Ambition: to own a spandex wardrobe
Name: Padma P. Reddy Nickname: Ambition: doctor (pediatriCian) Always: smiling Admired for: friendliness Weakness: impatience Name: Cecile Roque Nickname: Cecilia, the French girl Ambition: work in an embassy eager to experience Aomlred for: her quadrilingual abilities Weakness: her sweet Name: Lauren Sanders Nickname: Hermal Ambition: never get caught breaking the law listening to loud music, fast, picking up guys for: willingness to listen, eyes Weakness: guys in the Name: Jeanne Simpson Nickname: Jean Bean Ambition: to be a supernova outwardly calm for: being a redhead Weakness: sleep Name: Julie Ann Sklaver Nickname: JA, J Ambition: to save the world Always: procrastinating Admired for: my opinion Weakness: chocolate
my car my driving skills Weakness: carbohydrates Name: Alison Pachynski Nickname: (none) it seems to be "Hey, wierdo" Ambition: to meditate under a oak tree running around naked Admired for: elbows Weakness: anything with the consecutive letters t-a-c-o in it Name: Denise Grace Paul Nickname: Dennis to become the supreme supernatural being of the universe Always: out of uniform Admired for: clearing the halls of underclassmen Weakness: my onlv weakness is temptation
.Three-headed monster made of ibrick.
To the faculty and staff of
St. Mark's: Thanks for a great 12 years.
-Shel, Darren, And Justin
Senior<Section '88
Name: Ruby Syed Nickname: Ruby Tuesday Ambition: surviving this year Always: smiling Admired for: neatness, supply of gum Weakness: Mrs. Field's cookies
Name: Kay Takenaka Nickname: Taki Ambition: to be happy Always: a la lune Admired for: lord knows what Weakness: chocolate, procras tination, long hair
Name: Carole Tart Ambition: entrepreneur Always: talking Admired for: determination Weakness: bad temper
Ready? OK!
Name: lindsay Taylor Nickname: T, Lansee Ambition: to be the 15t woman President of Iran
When you dare wear short skirts ...
skills Weakness: a diet coke & a smile
Name: Susan Taylor Name: Kelly McCracken Nickname: Kel, Kelhorse Ambition: Always: crastinat Admired for: Weakness: boys
Nickname: Lynnie Ambition: to be a solid dancer Admired for: performing
Name: Adele Moore Nickname:
Ambition: be the best I can be
Name: Becky Miller Nickname: Bam Bette Ambition: to show my
Weakness: temptation
Always: Admired for: harmonious voice Weakness: anything chocolate
Nickname: Snicki Ambition: to be a rebellette Always: living for Friday Weakness: getting caught
Name: Nicki Morgan
Name: Katy Mitchell
Name: Virginia Speck Nickname: V. Lee Ambition: 2 yr. w/out a ticket
Nickname: KT Ambition: to own my own hotel Always: asking "what if. .. ?" Admired for: natural blond hair Weakness: tolerance
Always: late Admired for: driving Weakness: road trips
Name: Alyson Montgomery
Name: Sarah Street
Nickname: Alymont, Aly, Aly-SON, AlMont Ambition: to become an FBI or CIA agent Always: neurotic Admired for: my ability to stay calm in high pressure situations Weakness: a completely locker and C1inique free
Nickname: Sar Always: smiling, laughing Admired for: friendliness Weakness: procrastination
Name: Lyn Montgomery
Name: Elizabeth Allison Stuart Nickname: Stu Ambition: astronaut Always: drinking Coco-cola intelligence Weakness: procrastination
Nickname: Ambition: to Always: talking Admired for: sense of direction Weakness: interrupting
Name: Katey Thomas Nickname: KT Ambition: to have more than $5 Always: obnoxious Admired for: tan Weakness: guys with great tans
Name: Wendy Underwood Nickname: Wendy Ambition: be all that I can be Always: confused Admired for: real blond hair Weakness: guys with gorgeous eyes and bods and personali ties and hair, etc. ...
°11 & testa en! I, len DeMarco, of psuedo sound mind and body, upon liberation from this educational institution do bequeath the following: Alison Henrion, the "not so bad for last minute" guys and a tour with U2 as a backup singer; Wendy Underwood, the Miss Texas crown, all the luck in the world, and your personal sit-com for the stories/jokes we all love; Lauren Sanders, an extended hand of friendship, sorry for all the '@#$; Kris Howell, a thou sand years of bliss for you and Doug; Alyssa Lary, the best of luck through Upper School; Kim Haley, a lifelong supply of lernon meringue pies and a box of safety pins; Nikki Hubbard, a date with Prince and a set of Ginsu knives; jenni Cockrell, a life-long position at the Body Shop, a neverending friendship, and many more ski trips; Ahlberg, for the girl who has everything, a pair of solid gold dart Montgomery, your name in lights, a new laugh, a your date at White Rock; Katy Thomas, aprivate bed to keep that Ca. framed cOpy of our list
Name: Margie Walker Nickname: Ambition: for: Weakness: temper
Name: Mary Walters Nickname: Mare Ambition: to be worried Admired for: chocolate-chip cookies Weakness: perfectionism
I'm going Johns Hopkins...
The spital?
No, the College ...
And I'm not going to be a doctor!
falls into vailing winds." This the unfortunately it was too late. His his face. He I ng for something , The calendar blinked a date. Suddenly music! His knuckles white, epi nepherine scored his veins. He saw a pounding heart like a palpitating' pagan drum within the jagged gaping grin,of a chest, ribs as teeth. The date was May 29. "In nineteen thirteen on this day Stravinsky's Le Sacre Du Prinlemps was first performed in Paris. ,It indted the audience into a bloody continued, but he rio!''' Mr. Denker if we could get back to the watched the lawyer's lips move silently as he farther and faster back into nightlike oblivion until the lawyer's office was a tiny spot of light at the edge of the universe and with each irrythmic pound of the pagan drums Earth sighingly accepted the tiny child as a gift and the little lawyer inside his office nothi,ng more than a pinpoint of light dimmed until he van ished and there was nothing left save the tiny child with her smiling and naked beating heart floating smoky up to heaven and blood into sighing Earth and the erratic thunderous pounding of the pagan drums.
Friday/June 3/ 1988
iggest Accomplishment
Hamster hain! Hamster hain!
Last will
& testament
Juan Mario Fernandez Vargas Martinez del Villar y d,,1 Valle Parker tar· quin slim bim wim tim lim tim rim fitang fitang ole biscuit barrel if I could walk that way Joneschul ehul chufTmremolinosooooh Iquite like that hrof nose concrete girder span ink shoe hose hair (lee heel basketball grey key lett", (raindrops keep falilng on my head) Joseph sleel mouse raus Herman house doughboy number link bolt clevis Benjamin (chuf chuf chuf chuD BukminslerfuJierene lorx z.ip zip (onlyonallernate wednesdays) Hrolhgar zipkin Lipsky auto division vision electric maps no chance perchance (to dream) interuption set Ihe(~bywherebyforegohere, tofore (yay, oh knickers) bOLlVIAN lawn master Smith (ruf ruf) excuSf7 liquid patch bun pub (why don't you he said knowingly) and then he is such in saucy sliva horse irridescent teacaken buffalo underwool Tlappper (taker) hug ashen naughty kiss Sf7quence askanceniiheib yes(?) wallabee aile yehudy gopher ripazapass eeeee (arghhh).lakemeimyours fudgerrrasp ugafuh (naught), being of being and meaning ~lJmea~ing, do (wa doo) hereby bequeath sheds, beds, screws (surplus), ambition, cognition, bail bearings,chips, pernisciousnessi slentor(theman and the myth), small gutteral noldes; ·and great many thanks (tanks, bank, rank(s) Manx to anyone I've ever known,and Ihose I will. Espedallylor.. (well, you know) . .,
I, Christopher Stephen flanagan, Jr" being oftiredrnil1d and abused body, do make this last Will and Teslament: To James Edward "Chip" Barnett, I leave a year's supply of refried beans. To Stephen Dennis Box; I leave an autographed picture 01 Angus Scott: To Douglas Abbott Fordyce and Michael Harrison Palmer, I leave lifetime member;;hlps in Ihe Dal/as . Observer Food Critic Club. I leave Robert.M: Garrett,1II <jlOd J~son Young Pratt in states of mela.ncholy. To James Naughton Henry; IIe~ve something big. To James Christopher King, I leave a workin~ alarm ~!ock. To Robert Willem Musslewhile, I leave an autographed picture of myself. To Byron W. Neuhoff, I leave a lif"time pass to Sea Island Bingo. To Stewart Mace ~avethebook: 1001 Excuses. To Mark E.Whilley, rleave the To Collin Wilson, I leave a sense of humor and the of "Meeester Veeelson's Booooks:' To my fraternal ~uhof( Flanagan, I leave a drool bib, wlth()llt afi~ ride to school, a pack of kleenex, and a lifetime supply of saltin"".Finaily, 10 my kind, patient parents (or do I need to say Mr. and Mts-Christie S.Flanagan??); I leave my thanks, my 101le, an empty room, and a quite house.
Abbey, J.-drinking potato chips Agnew, M.-getting the charges dropped Allen, M.-successfully avoiding saddle oxfords Allen, N.-being allowed to play volley ball wIthe guys at the pool Ahlberg, D.-graduation Bell, C.-making it through 6 years at Hockaday Bitter, B.-sanity Blaske, P.-applying for college Borlaug, T.-slice and bake cookies Brown, C.-getting the charges dropped Bruce, E.-getting through Latin IV AP Bunn, S.-graduating Casey, l.-surviving Hockaday Cockrell, J.-graduating Cohen, B.-surviving 14 years of Hockaday Compton, E.-JC spirit Cook, A.-learning how to correctly say monster Cox, J.-graduating Custard, l.-7-28-B6 Dammert, S.-scuba diving Delisi, A.-being elected President of House Council
DeMarco, J.-getting to school on time Dutta, E.-losing my shyness Ewton, M.-taming my parents Fleischmann, F.-getting into college .
Forman, B.-graduation
Gillespie, A.-passing French
• Ginsberg, A.-REM '86~17 in the suburban
Gower, A.-surviving
Gray, J.-composing a song
Hahn, l.-surviving Jr. year
Haley, K.-wrecking my car
Harris, A.-getting out of
Longview Hazen-Cohen, R.-surviving Kramer's class and 3 straight years with Girard Henrion, A.-Area V Preliminary Championships Howell, K.-Degree in procrastination Hubbard, N.-a 10,0 on a floor routine
Hudspeth, l.-ClSV-Norway
Jasin, G.-applying to college
Johnston, J.-being on Head mistress' List at least once in 8 yrs. Kyle, R.-5 quarters in a row lee, M.-qualifying for State in C-X junior year lehner, S.-a paper written on time
Leventhal, R.-graduation lightfoot, M.-surviving X-mas Formal '87 wlAlison P. Loosen, F.-downtown Dallas Mahan, B.-Modern European w/Jil! Skaggs Mackey, l.-applying to college Mathis, J.-no criminal record yet McArthur, J.-14 yrs. at Hockaday McBride, E.-surviving with my parents McCracken, K.-growin' hair til war's over Miller, B.-graduating Mitchell, K.-12 years at Hockaday Montgomery, A.-embarrassing Evangeline at the debate tournament Montgomery, l.-graduating Moore, A.-Stanford Morgan, N.-applying to college Morse, S.-getting into Williams Mullin, K.-13th archery medal Newsom, A.-surviving everyone else's wrecks Nichols, C.-qualifying for the Medal McClay Noteware, l.-getting back to America alive Paschal, E.-getting an A + in lifesaving Pachynski, A.-learning the words to Brave Sir Robin's song Paul, D. -Homecoming Queen Reddy, P.-doing homework 2nd semester Rogue, C.-11 V2 months in the states . Sanders, l.-passing Latin Simpson, ).-keeping my sanity Sklaver, J.-JV Volleyball Speck, Y.-graduation Stuart, E.-Best Tonk '87 Syed, R.-passing Chemistry Takenaka, K.-finding myself Tart, C.-graduating Taylor, l.-livingwlAnn Taylor, S.-moving to the Turquoise SRA level Thomas, K.-passing classes· Underwood, W.-Senior Miss Mesquite '88 Walker, M.-C in Chemistry Walters, M.-getting into Stanford
Hey guys! We finally made itl Always remem ber the great times we had &. keep in touch. There's too many friends to name in this space, but you know who you are, so bye for now, I'm really gonna miss you guys &. I love you all ... Ruby
55 1
Slo Mark's Ablon, R.-Amherst in a week Adams, D.-third in nationals Ainsworth, D.-cutting 20 Ibs. Barnett, C-SPC '87 Bednar, A.-football Berger, B.-can't remember Box, S.-completing every driving course known to man Chaffee, T.-still being alive after all I've done Chapman, R.-acceptance to Rice Cohen, G.-winning a free break fast sandwich in the Monopoly game at McDonald's Fernandez, J.-winning the race Fogel, K.-remaining alive Fordyce, D.-growing up Gachelin, J.-being here for 1 year Gallegos, A.-surviving Gilbert's jokes , Garrett, R.-building the perfect Gilbert, S.-surviving Senior year Gillentine, A.-graduating Ginsburg, C-Cum Laude Glenn, C-Kidtron Consulting Hargrove, B.-not going before the Discipline Council Harper, D.-All SPC Free Safety Hawkins, J.-puberty
Oh what a feeling ... Toyota!
Henry, J.-AII SPC Offense 1987 football . Kasmir, D.-learning to use the potty Kim, M.-graduating King, C-graduating Levy, A.-graduating , Levy, M.-no longer feeling threatened by Ms. Trice Macari, M.-8 years McAlester, K.-graduation McCrea, K,.-ReMarker turn around Menter, C-4 years
Mike Newman and Seth Sachson rest after a Hard gay's Night.
Mitchell, C::..graduating Musslewhite, R.-eleCted Student Council President All-American 5wimmif!g Neuhoff, B.-winning Penn Relays Nurre, T.-finishing Senior year Parker, D.-nose-blowing Pratt, J.-state '88 Ritter, J.-graduating Roberts, W.-Eagle Scout Russell, R.-800 on Physics Achievement Sachson, S.-my life Sekhavat, S.-didn't go totally insane Sharma, N.-avoiding nervous breakdown during CANpaign Short, A.-Georgetown Smith, S.-eating at Grandy's for five days ina row Snyder, E.-graduating (with a Calculus Stewart, K.-graduation Stewart, S.-mastering the art of stain removal Stillings, D.-being alive Tyson, J.-ARML,Gold Team Walker, P.-"The Book" Weinstein, M.-surviving Calculus Whitley, M.-surviving Padre Wilbert, P.-graduating Wilson, C-CANpaign Zaletsky, K.-graduation
Anne, thanks for making me feel like a senior! Next 3 years: take all of Mr. Long's classes for fun and all of Mr. Dumaine's blc everyone should be so lucky. Ciao! Love,LL
last will & testament. I, Douglas A. Fordyce; being of sound body and mind do bequeath the following on the event of my departure:To Nan'7)' and Edward fordyce jr.,. a clean, quiet room and a Get Out ofJail free pass for future use; to Russell Fordyce, the readinll collection he has already and' a jimmy; to Tild Fordyce, his 1.0;; toMike Pillmer,!\myGilliam; to Amy, larry lahn; to Robjn Greer, Pete Caly and happiness; to Robin Scott, acceptance into col· and .EIJllene;tojason.Pra\t, a wrecking ball and certain articles of hirkey weenies; to Mark Whitley, a kitten and an to TedUlle, hip Barnett, a real girlfriend; to Keven McAlester, membership to the Cburch .of Stipe; to Robert Garrett. a special relationship with Steve Pendelton; to J. T,Sutcliffe, the Mule, a real class with real students, and 2 aspirin; to Mr. Beall- Top)O Hair Hints; to Mr. Slyvester, invocation to Gel Electrophoresis Hall of fame; to Doc Browning; guiness Record for doaks; to Super.Sa\le,C=~rly'5,1e:ia~(), and C. ):5, a loss of revenue; to. Suzanne Lehner, 4 years of·fun alld position as t\mba~~dor to Bermuda; to the Administration, 40 students who worship Zeus, reild good moraltty plays, and don't gptoDan Adam's parties; to Collie James; 60 sacks; to Joey Neuhoff, no more parties; arld to Coach Reese, his offensive line calls back and a lightly-useo pair pi Sky,Blue Air Jordans with special turbo·boosters_ In the event that my departure is not eternal, the aforementioned articles are to be returned, and" 15% tax will be assessed,
I, Anthony MoiseS Gallegos Ponce de Leon, being variously referred to as "Ponce." '.rMoiz," "jose," etc., do hereby decree my last bill and sediment lasUhrili and cement. last quill and impediment. I'll get it sooner or later. Anyway, this is what everybody gets: To Dan Adams, who desperately needs one, I give my long black car, May he never be faced with rotting fruit again: To Rick Russell, I bequeath my car's CB radio. Maybe this one'li work! To Mike Levy, I give my long multicolored scarf. While this isa hardthingto part with, I won't be needing it where I'm going (and besides, I'll be getting a.new one). To Mike Weinstein, I give an auto· 'of Diane R,lgsdale; to Todd Chaffee. I give my cricket col decomposing conversation hearts candies, so he can talk once-with his girlfriend. To Sep Sekhavat, I leave my encyclopaedic knowledge of Doctor Who_ To Bonnie c., I leave my incredible conversa· tion skills and a large dose of Pigweed, To John Stiles,· I give my flair for noticeable clothing. To Mike Gravel, f leave an "Ie" to be added at the end, of his last name, and skill at calligraphy. To Will Wagner I leave my G.P.A. and college acceptances .. To Jason Pratt, a healthy serving of chorizo; to Dillon Parker ."e!. aveslrllz/' I give my ownership of Llama-Fresh Farms, Ltd_" To everybody;vho helped me get through all 6 years: Ortega, Beali, Reichelderfer"Mott, and even Holdridge; and of course Mom 'and tip my hat. Thanks, See you around.
Best Year St. Mark's Ablon, R.-s.enior Adams, 0.-1989 Ainsworth, 0.-1988 Barnett, C.-senior year Bednar, A.-junior year Berger, B.-1970 Box, S.-1972 Chaffee, T.-1988 . Chapman, R.-senior year Cohen, G.-1639 Fernandez, J.-senior Flanagan, C.-1988 Fogel, K.-4241 Fordyce, D.-senior Gachelin, J.-senior year Gallegos, M.-1890 Garrett, R.-senior Gilbert, S.-in Germany
Todd Chaffee, Master Chef.
Gillentine, A.-senior year Ginsberg, C."-senior Glenn, C.-senior Gravel, M.-'84-'85 Hargrove, B.-they've all been fruitful Harper, D.-junior Hawkins, J.-senior Henry, J.-senior year '87-'88 Kasmir, 0.-4241 Kim, M.-senior King, C.-senior Levy, A.-senior year Levy, M.-this one Macari, M.-1989 McAlester, K.-senior year McCrea, K.-senior Menter, C.-'87 Mitchell, C.-'85-'86 Musslewhite, R.-senior Neuhoff, B.-sophomore year
Who needs a will? !, Aime MarleGillespi~"plant()live
Mandy Ginsberg, not being of hereby the follow)ng to: Erin McBride:Sh'ld()w,50meon~!OC5tudy imd campfires with, cuckoo dock, the;ibi!itynott?dlls\foy b~dsi chairs, pos ters, and cars, a new blanket to replace the chiilrre99ne fromlhe Suburban fire, a blackey!,!, Julie McArthur:."1 a:msupl,\rlT\~lf'dSl!:1,l7iPat Qates: an unsoiled rabbit seat, a dancil1S partn!;,r, Ashley Newsom: a~ew.tongue;a guest spot on .Solid Gold, Mr:SteU'ssnoi!s,pliyslcs:exam,. Courtney '. Nichols; Your own style ofi:fand~g~'~bt fIline()rS!ellis,~mRtighter mem ories, Brook~Cohen; undervvear,Ricky andfVl<ittiil'sedlre5~Ower'c~rtaln, Su~anne tehner: JS6 '88; a~ Monopoly's;6arry Honolulu;' . • can'thearwhlltis!!oing on in .~~.lcolm/TJm'5bathroom wi, ,~ndab<!t. Jes!iicaKramer: .l,c
It's a bird ... It's a plane ... It's Doug Stillings! Nurre, T.-The Year of the Dragon Parker, D.-May '87· June '88 Pratt, J.-junior year Ritter, J. - 1988 Roberts, W.-senior Russell, R.-'86-'87-the year of no work Sachson, S.-1986 was a very fine year Sekhavat, S.-11 th Sharma, N.-1971 Short, A.-senior Smith, S.-1066 Snyder, E.-senior Stewart, K.-'87-'88 Stewart, S.-senior Stiles, J.-1988 Stillings, .0.-1987 Tyson,J.-1984 . Walker, P.-1986 Weinstein, M.-senior Whitely, M.-the year I'm out of here Wilbert, P.-senior year Wilson, C.-senior Zaletsky, K.-sool
wareh!;>us~P'>f\Y;C~bii1 Jasinf~olier
yJiot1? qtchthes<imeliO\lWii: ~lid,what?k nm()'~"or
'eror'lica Pes;jntes1 dog, La!Jq '~eatel:s; Salfy·Hor~how:·reflector..Stacy "•.'!Jirlsbeig:my"bility !o;litay of t~o"ib!, ••.fuil ! haveh~d.Jamie .Ginsherg:a. bOWle.n91i'\~o,l!~~P~>t l.t'lt!)oIIC (}f •... Spanish, all rn;. am()r:Mo!l'l and Dad:ta QUil1ta,r(<iil¥ll$.ree~~i "lyp~qnN
free Saturdayaftfi!rnoOn5; ;Inaward for survivillg ;iU.of il)yhiglilfnQol \fears,
Peace and Quiet So long.:..;: .. ., .
Court11.eyretty" //dreYOU"9' staYP_Bfondk
I; Calvin lames Glenn, being andsouncl body do leaveto my dearesffriends the follo\VingiteJrls: 19 [)anMagilo;y I leave all the ReMarks-A-Lot's created durlnghisJ!3,j~na.sfO:editor; to John Armour I leave my soul (only until graduation 011IuiJe3);.!Q.{)an Micbal.~~l Ileave all the b~5eballequipment 1never hads!;> that.l,e c~n ~h(;baseball jock I never wanred to be; to all those other. ReNlark~~ g~rsl.leave a.y~ar. iong subscription to Night Crawler and Ihope.they Will lear" all tht( trickS in this gUide; to )oel.Klein I leave .a bit of my childisnnllSs.si>tlial heon relax; sometimes (Keep cool Joel); and to anyone!~ve not mentioned J leave all the joy that can be had from the.daily scho()l~outine<.
drink-even on New Year's morn. To the Megan, I leave the auspicious duty of taking people morning hours. To Elizabeth Compton, I leave the r and I leave her Chuck. To Rebecc;) Kyle, a permam,nt BROWN NaSER'S HALL OF FAME right next to Seth Sachs, Annie Delisi and Laura Custard, I leave a book on reading contracts so as to avoid any further misinterpretations such as the ones that ensued while on the Hockaday lAC To Leta Mackey and Pilar Blaske; I leave the undis~ puted title ol"Best at Picking Up Older Me,,:' and the ability to "fumar:' in your room and not get caught (maybe not). To liz Notew"re;aforkto.hold up when making jokes, and the line, "Is that a problem?" To Meg Allen, I leave "The .Rocks"and many meetings .therein the future. To)eanne Simpson,' a date with Gene. Kelly or justsomeone;lier "type'.' andbf;~t wishes. To jule~ .Cox,I.leave 11 tUK.and a date with ~e anytime she wanlSlt as longa, there afe Freshm,en around to spread rumOUfS. To Doc Lawson, I leave.firstperi(Jd€\lemistryancl tlle.kip's.Big 6OY:Aildfi.nally,·ti).l~qail. lafd,!leave~cliRGKI~S,Br.tt finallyll€AV~(hl?l?"ful!y), . . '..
/ /clean up and put UP" -Ruth
Bonne chance in the remain
1.119 three years, and don't lose. your sense of liumor. Be 90041-1 Cove you-Kdly
Hockaday Abbey, J.-1988 Agnew, M.-senior Allen, M.-uh ... THAT year Allen, Ahlberg, Bell, C.-senior Bitter, B.-senior Blaske, P.-this year Borlaug, T.-senior Brown, C.-senior Bruce, E.-senior Bunn, 5.-'88 Casey, L.-summer '85 and '87 Cockrell, Cohen, B.-1986 Compton, E.-1969 Cook, A.-1985-86 Cox, J.-senior Custard, L.-every year's better Dammert, S.-sophomore Delisi, A.-they've all been good DeMarco, J.-1987-88 Dutta, E.-senior Ewton, M.-kindergarten/lOthl 12th Fleischmann, F.-senior/junior Forman, B.-sophomore/senior Gillespie, A.-'88 Ginsberg, A.-senior Gower, A.-senior sorta Gray, J.-freshman at Westwood Hahn, L.-9, 10, 12 Haley, K.-senior Harris, A.-senior Hazen-Cohen, R.-first semester junior year Henrion, A.-senior Howell, K.-junior Hsu, J.-1988 Hubbard, N.-senior Hudspeth, L.-1987-88 Jasin, G.-'87·'88 Johnston,J.-senior Kyle, R.-senior
'I, ~ik~Gral!eI,~ing of sound mind arid bOdy, do hereby write my last WiUand testament To. my brother Paul,.I,lealie iny entire collection of Bugs Bunny films; including [3ugs Does Dallas. To myparentst leave all my wor; 'ties" My sister, lille,shall r.eceive my c9mputer, which 1know she needsf()r coilege, my newTwentieth CenturY Unabridged Dictionary, my right tire, and my nose to keep asa paperweight. To my faVorite. pet, Amanda Esmo. relda Carmr,1ieeta(Ginger, for short),lleave my shoes and dirty socks:Jo~ Mills shall receive all my photographY,equipmenland my nudephotos.o[ . Ginger. ioDarren Kasmir I leave everYthing in my room that weighs o"er 100 Ibs~ To)am~s Denny lIeave my car, minus my right front tire, and' my ,crash hel l11et. lean;! thinkofanytning to give Trevor Lain right now, so he" ,snaUreceivewhateyer I rorgeVfo$ep, Sep; Sep,Se~havatlleave seven of. my Mick~YMouse wat.:;hesand.mymiddle',name. Tod Chaffee shall receive my sister and nothing more. T() Mike Levy I leave, my name so h~ can call himselfMike squared l.evy or Mike, .Mike ~evy or ekiMMike To everyone I forgot I leave mygianl Jefl lootrubber banana: Tnat's all
Walk this way. Lee, Lehner, S.-freshman Leventhal, R.-freshman/senior Lightfoot, M.-senior Loosen, F,";sophomore Mahan, B.-1986·87 Mackey, L.-senior Mathis, J.-junior McArthur, J.-senior McBride, E.-senior McCracken, K.-junior Miller, B.-senior Mitchell, K.-senior Montgomery, A.-junior Montgomery, L.-'88 when we graduate Moore, A.-senior Morgan, N.-senior Morse, S.-senior Mullin, K.-senior Newsom, A.-Aug. '88 Nichols, C.-senior
ART to
Paschal, E.-junior Pachynski, A.-if such a year exists, let it be foreward Paul, D.-my last Reddy, P.-senior Rogue, C.-senior Sanders, L.-senior Simpson, J.-2000 Sklaver, J.-senior Speck, V.-1988 Street, S.-senior Stuart, E.-'87-'88 Syed, R.-senior Takenaka, K.-senior Tart, C.-senior year, second semester Taylor, L.-still waiting Taylor, 5.-1988 Thomas, K.-senior Underwood, W.-senior Walker, M.-senior Walters, M.-sophomore
Well, it's that t,ime of year again when ninety Hockadaisies will make their way togradliation terrace and receive diplomas. It is also time for me to will various items from my high school career to those who most lovingly deserve them. I, !ennyGray, would firstlike to dedicate all of the dessert secret pal because of the many sweet things who want it, I have made copies of rr available lor you to take. As far as music ledicate the first playable oboe reed I ever had directors of the world who wanted perfection out of it, would also like to give all of the music I used to learn my audition musicfor college to the nearest bonfire. To my sister, ,I give all of myoid sweaters .since she.%orrows" them for several months. I would like to dedicate the street "Mullrany" to the invalids who named it and placed it geographi. cally for years of mispellings and lost drivers trying to find it. from my years _tHockaday, I am giving myoid textbooks to my brother for him to have fun with since he will not graduafeuntil1995. Finally, 1am giving my uni fdrms,and saddle oxfords to Goodwill because I don't think that they will be fashionable neXt year.
.' f,Li.tlra, Leigh Hahn, ,being of 'ne~Jy.elevated mind and heightened consciou,miss, bequeatl1th~ following as I leave: I leave ... To AnneZim· merrnanp, a siightly difftirentSt; Mark~sfromthe one My big sis i'1aria left rtle. lour years ago, and an ongoing frieMship,don't worry (write to me at Coliegea~dI'11 beyour friend f()feverll To gl'nee Vesecky, I leave another "$e~!oryear an~~(l~fUlly,a~6~ljer, ..seniOr!~.;~~reit,wjt?!'TI))?ilf)pa HoI:,' ,l~hil, He~vepne las\yea(~IHoc~~daYTwill)out <;;ovtJoun,!aJ~! To Mr. ~I')g; UeilY\'! anotol'lrPIli'QSOphy dass,~ f)1uch fun as 0~rsiln4lllany more. . ;I\appy't;rises,To; G~b,I':J~~ln;, r.n0re.goodthpughts.: ;tl1~n!<\i:TpEllel,l'," 'Dutta:.5evfral phonehumbef~,lotS 9f.luck'an(i a smile! To MilryWalters:il life, at college andtnewill poV{!i~,tQM absolutelYl!one of her homework ,,:,0,1\, it,IS! ONCE. i • ToMr.B.laYr.!es:,arlOther great actress to overlook, To Ad~ian Harris and Annie Delisi: a chaperorie,lO Ibs.; anel Al.Lof Stephell's jOkes-,I,lEAVE them, period!To Jules Cox-my curfew at SRD, ,UT.To Kevin.Haw~ins: a handbook-"Howto Look Cool Even If You're Not,and She Knows It:' To Mr.,Pittrnary.;..a pianist.ToStephen Leggatt-a pair of JRilntyhose. To Stepnen Gilbert:"a day off <unscheduled by Polly!), a new car; and lots of love. To Stephen Jones ... (just kidding.) To Alexa Hughes .a graduation tea party someday (no you don't have to RSVP); To Maria Mar· will-Many thanks-you helped more than you know. To the rest, .1 leave.
artmouth with Cal G
Best Course
Hockaday Abbey, J.-IIAM Agnew, M.-Zoology Allen, M.-Spanish V AP Allen, N.-Saxon junior Ahlberg, D.-Debate Bell, C.-Psy'chology Bitter, B.-HAM Blaske, P.-Hawthorne to Hemingway Borlaug, T.-HAM Brown, C.-Hawthorne to Hemingway Bruce, E.-Government Bunn, S.-AP Modern European History Casey, L.-Philosophy Cockrell, J.-HAM Cohen, B;-HAM Compton, E.-Studio Art Cook, A.-Age of Anxiety Cox, J.-Monuments Custard, L.-Southerners Dammert, S.-French Delisi, A.-AP Modern European DeMarco, J.-2Oth Dutta, E.-AP Biology Ewton, M:-Russian Historyl Chemistry Fleischmann, F.-Sophomore English w/Dr. Gower & Psychology Forman, B.-Spanish Gillespie, A.-Monuments Ginsberg, A.-Steller's physics class-Iazer show Gower, A.-Junior PE足 senior year! Gray, J.-HAM Hahn, L.-AP American History/ 10th Honors English Haley, K.-Monuments Harris, A.-20th Century Lit. Hazan-Cohen, R.-HAM . Henrion, A.-Comparative Anatomy Howell, .K.-Government Hsu, J.-HAM
Hubbard, N.-HAM Hudspeth, L.-Monuments Jasin, G.-Pre-Cal Johnston, J.-Hawthorne to Hemingway Kyle, R.-Gower sophomore year Lee, M.-Kramer's AP American History/HAM Lehner, S.-Spain in Turmoil/ American History Leventhal, R.-Monuments Lightfoot, M.-20th Fiction Loosen, F.-Monuments Mahan, B.-HAM/Photography/ Video Mackey, L.-Hawthorne to Hemingway Mathis, J.-Comparative Anatomy' McArthur, S.-Spanish IV McBride, E.-Physics w/Steller McCracken, K.-HAM Miller, B.-Pre-Cal Mitchell, K.-Calculus w/Bradley Montgomery, A.-American History/HAM Montgomery, L.-Monuments Moore, A.-AP American History
Morgan, N.-HAM Morse, Mullin, K.-HAM Newsom, A.-Physics w/Steller Nichols, C.-AP Modern European Paschal, E.-AP American Histor' Pachynski, A.-AP Biology Paul, D.-HAM Reddy, P.-HAM Rogue, C.-HAM/Southerners Sanders, L.-Social Problems Simpson, J.-Lunch
Sklaver, J.-Comparative
Anatomy Speck, V.-Geometry-not Street, S.:-Southerners Take Their Stand Stuart, E.-Geometry Syed, R.-Spanish/ Monuments Takenaka, K.-summer Creative Tart, C.-anything w/Long Taylor, L.-Literature Art and Society Taylor, S.-Geology I Astronomy Thomas, K.-HAM Underwood, W.-2Oth Century Walker, M.-Urban Studies Walters, M.-Southernersl American
oh, Madame qui est toujours dans les vapes.
La vie est absurde, mais n'oublie pas que tu es sexy, seduisante,
et attirante.
Love French V - Gaby, Kelly, Kay, Laura Leigh,
Lauren, Ashley, Mandy, Jenni, Meredith, Julie
keMa;'k~~/i:riiiica;l· Friday, June 3,1988
Need we say more?
St. Mark's
Ablon, R.-A.P. English, Spanish II Adams, D.-Spanish I with Egues Ainsworth, D.-Law Barnett, C.-A.P.European History Bednar, A.-Debate, U.S. History Berger, B.-5th grade science Box, S.-Precal with Ashby Chaffee, T.-Astronomy Chapman, R.-A.P. American Government and Politics Cohen, G.-Spanish I (Egues) Fernandez, J.-any English course Flanagan, c.-A.P. English Fogel, K.-Greek Literature (a.k.a. English 12 with Mr.· Hicks) Fordyce, D.-Senior Mule Topics Gachelin, J.-Algebra Gallegos, M.-English 11-H Garrett, R.-Government Gilbert, S.-A.P. English
Gillentine, A.-Astronomy Ginsberg, C.-Lunch Glenn, C.-BC Calculus Gravel, M.-Earth Science Hargrove, B.-History classes Harper, D.-Geology/Astronomy Hawkins, J.-A.P. Government Henry, J.-Law in American Society Kasmir, D.-the obstacle one Kim, M.-Senior English King, C.-Acting Styles levy, A.-Music History levy, M.-Foxworth's English 8 Macari, M.-Geology McAlester, K.-A.P. French McCrea, K.-Studio Band Menter, c.-A.P. American Govern IT! "':1t/ Pol itics Mitchell, C.-Literatu ref Law Musslewhite, R.-A.P. French Neuhoff, B.-Geology Nurre, T.-18 holes at Pebble brook Parker, D.-Beall's English 12 Pratt, J.-European History
Ritter, J.-20th Century Literature Roberts, W.-Geology/ Astronomy Russell, R.-Advanced Physics Sachson, S.-Social Problems Hockaday Sekhavat, S.-Astronomy Sharma, N.-A.P. European History Short, A.-Macroeconomics/ A.P. European History Smith, S.-Music History, Ulysses, Law in American Society Snyder, E.-English 12 Stewart, K.-Urban Studies Stewart, S.-Earth Science/Law Stiles, J.-Leadership/Western Civilization Stillings, D.-Computer Tutorial Tyson, J.-Keyton's Pre Calculus Walker, P.-Literature, Art, Society Weinstein, M.-English 12 Whitely, M.-Spanish II Wilbert, P.-Music History/ 20th Century Fiction Wilson, C.-U.S. History laletsky, K.-French IV
Senior Mule Topics
leaves great
appreciation and clean
blackboards to
MSe JeTe Sutcliffee
A day in Mr. Mailer's English class.
Last will
& testament
I, ,udy Hsu, being out of mind and soon out of Dallas, do hereby bequeath the follOWing; To Evangeline Paschal, (everyone's fav bangy. bush·woman) I give one electric-yellow bow and brakes for her driving machine. To Mandy Lee (Mands), I give my wornout pair of platform shoes, one striPed manini, and SPf 36. To JenniferJohnston, I give one cropper (make that two), a box of grease pencils, and tape to seal my mouthshut. To Rebecca Hazan·Cohen, I leave Borges, Neruda, Lorea, YERMA ... To Ellen Dutta (Phoebe), I give one 5mall747 from Hawaii and a can of Raid. To Jenni Gray, I give my admiration for her determination-' GOOD J..UCK! To Lauren Hudspeth, I leave breakfast on her physics desk. To Shana Intille, I give Louie and his serenades. To Alison Pacllynski, I give salamanders and a bus ticket from Plano. To AIYsOn Montgomery, I leave yoga classes to calm her spirit, cure her of her neurosis, anda bombdetec tor. To Kay Takenaka, I leave my calculus book with the pages miSsing. To Julie Ann Sklaver, I leave muchos gracias for the muchos favors. To Steph anie Dammert, I leave chocolate cake and a European Ian. To Becky Mil· ler, I leave an ads agency and a Hockadaycomputer. To Tina Lin, I give the DCBC gang and a hug. To lillian Huang, I leave camp memories and a hug. To Kristen Hendrix, I leave my address for her to write. ToMs. Buehring I give one great big THANK YOU and fibroblastic cells. To Dr. Saxon, I give my thesis on Byron. To Mr. long, I give my awe and admiration. And to Hockaday, I give my appreciation,lOd my good·bye. I, Nikki Hubbard, being of not 50 sound.mind and dilapidated body, leave the following things 10 the following pe(jple;Alison Henrion~Ticket to New Port Beach. A fine guy from Florida. Book about howto flirt. Uf~ supply of rice cakes. Wendy Underwood~Container of Cheez Wiz. Chance to wear j.5,B. dress.A joke that has a real punch line. Alexis Can· nally-Neon pink lipstick. Kim Haley-A normal boyfriend. New swim suit. A pan of bacon grease. Nail glue and a proposition. Jenni Cockrell-Black daughter. A bleh·fleh. A crazy person with a big knife in a long hall. A new finger. My brother's friend Chris. Pencil for Mike's eye· lashes. Nail glue. Jen DeMarco-A radar detector. A ticket to Germany. A motorcycle. Mike Wick-A OUija board. Denise Paul-A phone book (just for the guys in Padre). Chris' real phone number.Darcy Ahlberg-A police car in front of your house. A bet and a T.hunderpuppy. Dry spell. Hot tub. Lyn Montgomery-A satisfactory relationship. A real laugh. A part in a Broadway play. Harry McShane-MOl! Katey Thomas-A fine guy from California. Possessed Kitty. A mop for Peter's cedar closet. Part on "All My Children." Chris Mitchell-My "Woman To Woman" book. Some creativ· ity. A short term memory. Keith Power-Girl with black hair and green eyes. A ouija board. Marne Kaplin. Mark Capaso-Protection from Alison. Pack of cigarettes. Honeymoon with Alisha. I, Lauren Hudspeth, being of lazy mind and body, do hereby bequeath the following. To Monique Agnew: air conditioned (or heated) car, a sister in San Diego. To Nicki Allen: a hairy husband and a job as maid to the stars. To Dana Cota·Robles: money so you don't have to get a job and future ClSV children. To Mandy Lee: a 6'8" boyfriend and a pair of.platform shoes. To Jill Mathis: a cute, small redhead, a visit to Pyros Anonymous, and the ability to choose between Brad and Camden. To Kelly McCracken: few familiar faces at Williams and a 5 on the Calculus AP. To Katy Mitchell: a roommate who loves to read, a 23-year.oldprom date, and someone else to bug. To Shannon Morse: a LeBaron convertible, a birthday party, and a husband who won't bore you. To Liz Noteware: a roommate with occasional wit, beepers on your sunglasses, and an unbreakable watch. To . Julie Ann Sklaver: a ReMarker. To Ruby Syed, unlimited plane trips to Lon· don. To Jeni Wesselman: a compact car, a strange look, and no siblings. To Nicole Ginsburg: a certain English teacher, an early breakfast at IHOP, and the ability to last three. more years. To my teachers; my thanks for putting up with late assignments. To Mark: Hoyas tickets, boxer shorts, that autograph, and no retainers. To Mom and Dad: a clean room, gas in the car, and an invitation to visit me in Washington (please call first). I, Gabriela lasin, being of an altered state of mind and an aging body, do hereby ration my estate to the following privileged few: to Gig; Solis-I leave a sweater, given to me by Amy Talkington; to Cath; Bell, I bestow the ability to (for once) enjoy an art class. To Alison Pachynski, I leave a long line of heart·broken men. To my childhood companions, Brooke Cohen, Brenda Forman, and Susan Taylor: a fish pond, a gas mask, and Pips, respectively. To Meg Allen, I leave a breath offresh air. To future AP French classes" a sense of humor. To Kelly McCracken, I leave 20 long·haired scalps. To my fresh friends Carrie Johnson, Allison Connally,' and Jennifer Keller, a good time in years to come. To Mandy Ginsberg, Tuesday nights with the Daylights and Spencer. To my brother, I leave theabilityto be anti· social. To Kyle Thomas, I give my heart. And last, but certainly not least, to , Loden Abrom?, I leave the best memories that I have; Austin, Tuesdays, carpe diem, Mary Poppins, Bryan Street, Pink Floyd, nights wlAmy Talk· , ington ... the list goes on. This is my last dying will and truthful testament.
988 Senior College Index
Sf. Mark's
last will
& testament
Not so much to leave,.but mo,." to take with as I, Darren Kasmir, go fond memories of fond things of fond events, bl"h·blah·blah, (Excuse the cliche). I, being of sound mind,&c., &c., don't wish to cheapen any parling words by leaving my friends obscure reference•... (cynicism is so easy when no really good ideas. bubble up). No, it's bettEc'r fitting that I casl my pockdful of aspirin (sorry, aspirations) off to those I'm leaving here. Uck. To my dear friends,lleave you with that slice of character of mine I've traded fpr yours. I leave you whatever you'll have. ,Wait a minute, here it comes- ... Here come the warm jets: tapocketa, pockela, peep. . those chev..y wax things, heimglyphs, tombstones, .3 collection of Swanson TV dinners (the '
Ablon, R. - Amherst Adams, D. - Tulane Ainsworth, D. - Wake For est Barnett, J. - UT Bednar, A. - Vanderbilt Berger, B. - Duke Box, S. - Trinity (Conn.) Bush, M. - UT Chaffee, T. - SMU Chapman, R. - Rice Cohen, G. - Duke Denker, P. - Duke Denny, M. - UT Fernandez, J. - Rice Flanagan, C. - Duke Fogel, K. - Flanklin Fordyce, D. - Duke Gachelin, J.D. - UT Gallegos, M. - NYU Garrett, R. - UT Gilhert, S. - Princeton Gillentine, A. - Arizona Ginsberg, C. - Duke Glenn, C. - Dartmouth Gravel, M. - Arizona Han, E. - Liberty Hargrove, B. - Babson Harper, D. - Washington and Lee
Hawkins, J. - Trinity (Conn.) Henry, J. - Washington and
;..,.., .~
I, Rebecca Kyle, bei~g Qf deviolJs mindaild tortllr~U5 body, do hereby bequeath the folloWing to the follOWing: to Jeanne Simp50n~\he ability to recognize a red light; to Gigi Solis-red lipstick and. BuffY's song; to Jenny Miercourt-gossip around the block, a newmusical buddytoworship, and quick loss of the Miercourt tolerance; to Janelle Quintans ..... a French speak. ing Raggedy Ann; to lorien Abroms-the abili£Y to be on time to photog· rapny and a bigger song repertoire; 10 lindsay TaylOr':"Bufiy the Cheer· leader luck; to Suzanne Lehner-late night phone conversations. a friend whenever'You might need one; to <;kl'.",'r_.kr,,,,,,lp,;pp of poetry, the ability 10 sludywhilel'm around, study hall gripe sessions, a real man, and 45¢ for the candy machines; to Mary Walters-rubber bands to replace stee1 bars, ilnd p relationship (thaI's capi· talized, in itali~s, underlined twice); to. AilisonHenrion~yoursecret wan· nabe wish granted; to Alison Gower~a Sonic Burger, fluency in French, and a brown nose (like mine); to Darcy Ahlberg-anotherfaceon the map, . Nashville nights, a benevolent dictatorship, the ability to fall faithfully in . love, and a well:kept secret; to JohnnYGibson-:my toes~a zerbert, and a much·needed but well·hiddencombonation; to Julie Cox-memories of Austin nights and the ability to forg!?! Ihe mornings, Kempenski nights (as if there been enough), a holy burn covered with duct tape to ,.,nnprnb.'r me by, the ability 10 see yourself clearly, and a four year pass to MM; to Rachael-the boy next door and a new nickname; 10 Meg-all the dogs, cats, and teddy bears you can handle; to M e: Bucher-what can I l11 give youthat you don't already have? Just my thanks ;and a brand new advisee group; to Mom-chauffeur privileges for 3 years and an excuse for. avacation. I would leave youallthe be,t 'of my Imre.but you already have' that, so, instead, I'll leave alook on the bright side,theallliity to avoid old a'1d boring, and lots of memories. I will miss youalL To anyone who has ever wanted it; I. leave my hair, and to Hockaday, after tw~1ve years of the good. the bad~nd the administration coupled with constant cpmpanion. ship, I l e a v e . ' . sound mind. nor body give to. thase that not necessarily mine. laura' sHlls; Allison Gower-a ".isit r own.a.slow metabolic rate an under active thyroid: leta Macke\'& Pilar Blaske~9 lives; and , .Immunity from' all laws. Bonnie Mahan~whisped bangs, [oren Bassett, Maria Reyes, lousie Kemp, Allison Davis, & Beth Garvish-a.life supply of Diet Coke .and an annual trip \'0 Acapuko,Akiko Kashiba.....il better year. Julie Ann Sklaver-appreciation from SI. Mar~s for everything she has do.ne ·,foi them and a vacation hOllse in South America. KateI' Thomas-a surfer. Annie Delisi.,.-my easeL Brandon Mcinnis' closet, many cats, a stable life, a icki Morgan-c-working Tarot Walker.....the ability to get up 'before 8:.10 Mclnnis.....a shock.,absorbent. jogging l) a day. Fran loosen-a house in and an alarm clock. ,Anne·Marie .ttpntinn.w,nlino billionaire·husband. a rainbow Stephanie Troedel'-an answer· ing machine. Audrey -:ook-a personal gym 'equipped for 101 sports. Rachel leventhal':"a pi yer .and life in the slow·lane. ]eanneSimpson someone who deserves ',er. Virginia Speck-inflated tires and "a few." Mary Walters-a calculus assignment sheet.
Kasmir; D. - Wesleyan Kim, M. - UT King, C. - UT Lain, T. - UNC Levy, A. _. American Levy, M. - UT Macari, M. - Duke McAlester, K. - Harvard McCrea, K. - Johns Hopkins Mennel, J. - Brown Menter, C. - Arizona Mitchell, C. - Austin Col lege Musslewhite, R. - Princeton Neuhoff, B. - Occidental Newman, M. - Emory Nurre, T. - Undecided Palmer, M. - ClaremontMcKenna Parker, D. - Wesleyan Pratt, J. - American Ritter, J. - Vanderbilt Roberts, W. - Colorado Russell, R .. - Rice Sachson, S. - Arizona Sekhavat, S. - Brown Sharma, N. - Duke Short, A. - Georgetown Smith, S. - Brown Snyder, E. - Vanderbilt Stewart, K. - UT Stewart, S. - Princeton Stiles, J. - SMU Stillings, D. - Loyola (La,) Traub, A. - UT
Tyson, J. - Princeton
Walker, P. - Rice Weinstein, M. - Georgetown Whitley, M. - UT
Wilbert, P. - Undecided Wilson, C. - Arizona Zaletsky, K. - UC at Berkley
he College Game
American: A. Levy. Pratt Amherst: Ablon Arizona: Gillentine, Gravel, Mentor, Sachson, Wilson Austin College: Mitchell Babson: Hargrove Brown: Mennel, Sekhavat, Smith Claremont-McKenna: Palmer Colorado: Roberts Dartmouth: Glenn Duke: Berger, Cohen, Denker, Flanagan, Fordyce, Ginsberg, Macari, Shanna, Emory: Newman Franklin: Fogel Georgetown: Short, Wein
stein Harvard: McAlester Johns Hopkins: McCrea Liberty: Han Loyola (La.): Stillings
NYU: Gallegos Occidental: Neuhoff Princeton: Gilbert, Mussle white, S. Stewart, Tyson Rice: Chapman, Fernandez, Russell, Walker SMU: Chaffee, Stiles Trinity (Conn.): Box, Haw kins Tulane: Adams UC at Berkley: Zaletsky UNC: Lain UT: Barnett, Bush, Denny, Gachelin, Garrett, Kim, King, M. Levy, K. Stewart, Traub, Whitley Vanderbilt: Bednar, Ritter, Snyder . Wake Forest: Ainsworth Washington and Lee: Harp er,Henry Wesleyan: Kasmir, Parker
For St. Mark's Seniors
there is
JamesN&A Meredith
1988 Senior College Index Hockaday Abbey, J. - Vanderbilt Agnew, M. - University of San Diego Ahlberg, D. - Georgetown Allen, M. - Boston College Allen, N. - Pepperdine Bassett, L. - Pepperdine Bell, C. - UT Bitter, B. - University of Dal las
Blaske, P. - UT Borlaug, T. - Duke Brown, C. - Millsaps Bruce, E. - Washington Uni versity Bunn, S. - SMU Casey, L. - SMU Cockrell, J. - Texas Tech Cohen,-B. - Barnard Compton, E. - Stanford Cook, A. - Brown Cota-Robles, D. - Brown Cox, J. - UT Custard, L. - Mills Dammert,S. - Pomona Davis, A. - UT Delisi, A. - undecided
Demarco, J. - University of
San Diego . Dutta, E. - Cornell Ewton, M. - UT Fleischemann, A. - Wash ington University Forman, B. - Tufts Garvish, B. - Tufts Gillespie, A.M. - UT Ginsberg, M. - UC at Berk ley Gower, A. - University of Dallas Gray, J. - Rice Hahn, L.L. - Oberlin . Haley, K. - Emory Harris, A. - SMU Hazan-Coben, R. - SMU Henrion, A. - Williams Howell, K. - Southwestern Hsu, J. - Stanford Hubbard, N. - Wesleyan Hudspetb, L. - Georgetown Intille, S. - UT Jasin, G. - Wesleyan Johnston, J. - TCU Kashiba, A. - Pepperdine Kemp, L. - UT Kyle, R. - Texas A&M Lawrence, D. - Princeton Lee, M. - Princeton Lehner, S. - Georgetown Leventhal, R. - University of North Texas Lightfoot, M. - UT Loosen, F. - SMU Mackey, L. - UT Mahan, B. - undecided Matbis, J. - Davidson McArthur, J. - UC at Santa
McBride, E. - Stanford McCracken, K. - Williams McInnis, B. - Sewanee Miller, B. - UT Mitchell, K. - Purdue Montgomery, A. - Smith Montgomery, L. - Universi ty of North Texas Moore, A. - Stanford Morgan, N. - University of Mississippi Morse, S. - Williams Mullin, K. -Lewis & Clark Newsom, A. - UC at Santa Bad:ma
Nichols, C. - Davidson Noteware, L. - Stanford Pachynski, A. - Wesleyan Paschal, E. - Stanford Paul, D. - UT Reddy, P. - Washington Uni . versity
Reyes, M. - Emory Rogue, C. - Sorbonne Sanders, L. - Emory/Oxford. Simpson, J. - Harvard Sklaver, J .A. - University of Pennsylvania Speck, V. - Hollins Street, S. - University of Pu get Sound Stuart, E. - Vanderbilt Syed, R. - Baylor Takenaka, K. - Stanford Tart, C. - Vanderbilt Taylor, L. - UT Taylor, S. - UT Thomas, K. - Texas Tech Troedel, S. - University of North Texas Underwood, W. - TCU Walker, M. - Mary Baldwin Walters, M. - Texas A&M Wesselman, J. - Lake Forest
The College Game
[f •., . •-
Barnard: Cohen Baylor: Syed Boston College: Allen Brown: Cota-Robles Cornell: Dutta Davison: Mathis, Nichols Duke: Borlaug Emory: Haley, Reyes Emory/Oxford: Sanders Georgetown: Ahlberg, Hud speth, Lehner Harvard: Simpson Hollins: Speck Lake Forest: Wesselman Lewis & Clark: Mullin Mary Baldwin: Walker Mills: Custard Millsaps: Brown Oberlin: Hahn Pepperdine: N. Allen, Bas sett, Kashiba Pomona: Dammert Princeton: Lawrence, Lee Purdue: Mitchell Rice: Gray Sewanee: McInnis Smith: A. Montgomery Sorbonne: Rogue SMU: Bunn, Casey, Harris, Hazan-Cohen, Loosen Southwestern: Howell Stanford: Compton, Hsu, McBride, Moore, Noteware, Paschal, Takenaka
~ ~ Texas A&M: Kyle, Walters TCU: Johnston, Underwood Texas Tech: Cockrell, Thom as
Tufts: Forman, Garvish
UC Berkeley: Ginsberg
UC Santa Barbara: McCar
thur, Newsom University of Dallas: Bitter University of Mississip pi: Morgan University of North Tex as: Leventhal, L. Montgom ery, Troedel University of Pennsylva
nia: Sklaver
University of Puget
Sound: Street
University of San Diego:
Agnew, DeMarco
UT: Bell, Blaske, Cook, Cox,
Davis, Ewton, Gillespie, In
tille, Kemp, Lightfoot,
Mackey, Miller, Paul, L.
Taylor, S. Taylor
Vanderbilt: Abbey, Stuart, Tart Washington University: Bruce, Fleischmann, Reddy Wesleyan: Hubbard, Jasin, Pa chynski Williams: Hene ion,McCracken, Morse
It's me, Alan II. Levy. I just momentswith me. Thepast twelve years at SVMark's happen!n'. Now to remember justa select few. 10 my good buddies, Woman am;! Sachson: thanks for being around. The real excitement in illY life began with Alicia.. J have decided to le!lve her my horses; To Debra, my Green pal, I leave you all of my possessions (except forthehorses). You have.been.a.tru!'friend, and Iloveya'fo tl)at, OKAYII.Soshul u~no", 'cause your in niywlillTo Matt "The Kurz Man:: Heave you one hundred dollars. Do with it as you please! Right now Heel like. ending aU thispoo badoo, 'cause I'm real, real tired. /' m just very glad that I havecompleted every-level of this silly game we call high school at St. Mark's. I'm !30in' JO coilege to find mea real woman (but one.that doesn't keep chickens in her' backyard)!
I, Michael Wolfgang Levy, being of never mind and every body, by here do leave the following folks with the following stuff: to the Josten's sales H'l a lobotomy; to Bobby (Ablon) references to drugs, alcohol, and sex; Kevin (laletsky) a humorous noodle; toCalvin (Glenn) a can of Middle Schooler Repellent; to Todd (Chaffee) a loyable stuffed Ga" doll; to Moises (Gallegos) a real pig for modelling purposes; to Mr. Beall a moment's rest; to Mr. Benke a pass to see Police Academy 5; to Kirby (Fogel) a slightly used consecrated Dremel; toMike (Gravel) a light bulb that will never burn out; to Gary (Cohen) a copy of !-low to Dress.Coo/ Like Me and Booch by Ch,)lz;' to Patrick (Denker) a lovable goose and.a cricket bat; to Juan (Fernandez) an inflatable Melvin (w/8-ball) for hours of amusement; toDarren (Kasmir) a duck and two pelicans; to Sep (Sekhavat) a leash for little Sep and a 'What's All This, Then?' T-shirt; to James (Denny) a tamarino factory and.a map ofth" city; to Trevor (Lain) a twenty.dollar gift certificate to the strange food store, all myoid Wham! albums, and a retainer for that goofy dog of to my parents my room to deal with as they see fit, and my dog, Tufty, bites peoples lips; to my sister her own bathroom to schmutz up as and lastly to Kelly (McKnight) I leave everything intangible plus that we might want to
Meredith Lightfoot, ready to move on to higger and better th;nm to bestow. Mrs. Charlson, I leave you a much quieter and advisee group. Jennifer Aquaviva, I leave you the best of wishes for your next 3 years. Stephanie Dammert, maybe I should leave you some of my common sense. Nah-/ don't have any to Karla Hagen, Ien.trust you with the knowledge of how truly bizarre can really be. and lots of secrets. John Mennel, 1leave you my total disdain for physical exertion and liberal lovin' commies. Sep Sekhavat, ·1 leave you .the love of Allah and a gun shot wound. Alison Pachynski, I leave you the best of wishes for a wonderful year at Wesleyan. Enjoy it, I'll miss you. You're a groovy person. should have told YOll sooner and more often. Well, Iguess you also need some w"ltzing lessons. Jeanne Simpson, Ihope we leave each other in a better frame of m)nd than when we meet every morning in the M-mobile. James Denny, hmmm-I leave you well-versed in the ways of school girls. I guess I don't have to leave. any goldfish or ferns; you with you. To the entire Senior Class, I leave all my love and best es. I hope college is a wonderful experience for you all. Mama and Daddy, I leave you experts in the fields of flying bodv slams and the claw. Who are we kidding? I don't need to leave much; stantly.. Ilir0n'1ise.1 love you all.
ReMarkerifourcast ,friday, June 3, 1988
Senior Section '88
funniest Incident
One more move and you're dead!
Last will
& testament
I, Fran toosl'n, being of obviously deranged mind and worn-out body, do hereby donate the following to said people in light of my last will and testament Annie Delisi: a raisin brokerage, a one-way ticket to the U.S.SK, a novel on the art of Denkering, , ,also a big kiss, a lifetime sup ply of dog-hair cigarettes, and a 'collection of stupid, hysterical stories that nobody understands, Brandon Mcinnis: my body and the talent for faux , smoking-that's alii need to say. Pilar Blaske: a bottle of Pronto aneLsmok ing permission. , . a Hoover and a fashionable pair of glasses. Leta Mackey: Half of what I gave to Pilar and a REAL key to my closet. Loren Bassett: emancipation of your wild side and a diet that works without the wait Adrian Harris: money for that special operation-ten years and measurements will tell. Debbie Lawrence: a trip to Cali to acquire the laid backedness you deserve. jeanne Simpson: New York, California sunshine, and a decent agent ... my love and respect. Nicki Morgan: a book describ ing what the H'" is wrong with two decent-looking, well-educated young Daisies without dates ... and a bottomless tank of gas. Brad Lengyel: Pepperdine, my mother, a cure for the S. Anorexia, a residence at the nudist colony, and permanent pass to Starck. Anne-Marie Gillespie: a first date with a Marksman, money for cover charge and dinner, a trip to Abilene in a Bonneville Brougham with a working ~ereo and refreshments supplied by "Craig" Lengyel; my love and undying desire to be "so thin." Rachaelleventhal: a new role model-Edie's dead. junior Hall-H.B.D.: a permanent overnight and the imagination to use it well, the tricks of the trade, and the skill to avoid definite bust. The Marxmen: an automatic, fully functional ego reducer, my favorite plaid skirt (since half of you will feel it fashionable someday), and a house in Glen lakes to prove your vast wealth and superb WI) taste. Millie Saxon: a snap-on appendage for Rachael the Dog. Shirley Rose: all the unknown memories to make your hair turn gray. T. L Gaillard: a crisply ironed polyester shirt, a big pink bow and add-a beads to match_ And last, but certainly not least: Mr. Dan Umbarger: an accent coach, some real humor, a book of real philosophy, and a real sense of what Algebra II is-I think you know what I mean.
Abbey, J.-getting stuck in Saida elevator Agnew, M.-the track meet ~ Allen, M.-my life Allen, N.-on the way home from Jason's w/Kara-"Oh my God!" Ahlberg, D.-Spring Break '88 Bell, C.-watching the blonde at the pool hall Borlaug, B.-stuck in Saita elevator Blaske, P.-falling on ice and having a concussion Brown, C.-taking boat in Austin Bruce, E.-freshman yr. softball Bunn, S.-cramming 4 people into Shana's Ferrari Casey, L.-Acapulco adventures Cockrell, J.-paint fight with Denise Cohen, B.-pool night w/Michael Compton, E.-Arlo's band rebel yelling Cook, A.-mortish on Highway 1 Cox, J.-life Custard, L.-anytime wi my close friends Dammert, S.-"Big Spender" Spring Break '88 Delisi, A.-summer 1987 DeMarco, J.-driving home using my cruise control (my cruise control doesn't work) Dutta, E.-discovering that Roxy the Voodoo doll was male Ewton, M.-almost row-boating wlTolich in the Black Sea Fleischmann, F.-go carting
Gillespie, A.-Fran hitting Millie's car Ginsberg, A.-FIRE in Erin's suburban Gower, A.-Gee, it was all so funny! Gray, J.-asking in Spanish class who Ms. McMurray was Hahn, L.-escaping from march ing practice wi Alexa in the rain Haley, K.-8th grade Hannukah chapel Harris, A.-making St. Mark's cheerleader Hazan-Cohen, R.-excuse me, Suzy! Henrion, A.-trunk of car and Igora Howell, K.-being carried through the sprinklers on Graduation terrace Hsu, J.-Julie Ann's party Hubbard, N.-reading introduc tion to Woman to Woman in Tarry House Hudspeth, L.-stolen kimono summer '87 Jasin, C.-Mary Poppins with Lorien Johnston, J.-bowling shoes scandal ,'87 with Shannon Morse Kyle, R.-"Aren't ya gonna sing to me?" -Spring Break '88 Lee, M.-driving to Julie Ann's party w/Evangeline Lehner, S.-the train Leventhal, R.-my entire life Lightfoot, M.-balloon fight w/Alison P.
I, Jill Ann Mathis, being of genius mind and average body, do hereby ,bequeath to Dana Cota-Robles-my robe, my ukulele, Gomer, and a banana; to Ruby Syed-a lifetime appointment at the hairdresser; to Katy Mitchell-a thin red line, my Snuffalupagus, the custody of Roxie Ann Mathis, a "My Buddy" doll, and the shadow of THAT statue; to Cheryl Brown-a professional-sized chessboard, a summer home in Pensacola, .and a great big straw; to Shannon Morse-a message in a bottle, the custody of'any rodents I might possess, and my seat belt; to Liz Noteware a Tuesday night gig at a las Vegas piano bar; to Erika Bruce-there is nothing I can leave to you, for you are the essence of perfection; to Lauren Hudspeth-my knife, the Padre cup, the hand in marriage of an Air Force officer with a 2 week honeymoon in Tucumacari; to Monique Agnew-a fire-proof wardrobe and your very own private jet; to Nicki Allen-my sleaze mobile, a Hooound Dawg, a 'Quicky Mop', and the funds for a new Xanadu club; and finally to Jeni wesselman-I leave to you the answer, my friend; you know where it's blowing.
MS. B.
In appreciation of the truly serious things you've done for (to?) us over the years, we shall return next year with . .. 4 SHRUBBERIES!!! (Not too tall, Not too expensive) The Infamous Four Alison, Mandy, Ellen, Judy
Loosen, F.-running into Millie's car w/AMG .Mahan, B.-Bud singing w/Stevie Mackey, L.-Pilar falling on ice and getting amnesia Mathis, J.-me catching on fire McArthur, J.-dangling from gate w/skirt up to my armpits McBride, E.-when Julie got her skirt caught on the top of a lO-foot tall chain link fence and then tried to jump down McCracken, K.-fountain
Schneider Plaza
Mitchell, K.-sniffing salad
dressing at Dalt's
Montgomery, A.-leaning into
Father Mossbarger's uncut
wedding cake
Moore, A.-warming up Mr.
Gaillard's assembly seat
Morgan, N.-any limousine trip
Morse, S.-any Pre-cal test
Mullin, K.-flying frisbee tackle
Newsom, A.-poisonous plants
in Padre
Nichols, C.-Sfuzzi-3-20-88
Paschal, E.-driving to the
Pachynski, A.-Funky Town
Paul, D.-Janine's nap time
during Phys Sci (w/a little bit of help)
Reddy, P.':"X-mas formal
Rogue, C.-telling people I
expected a baby-for child's development class!
Sanders, L.-ZBT-Aug. 1
Speck, V.-Fiji party w/BC
Stuart, E.-being friends with
Patrick Denker
Syed, R.-Katy's expression at
her 18th bi rthday party
Takenaka, K.-sitting on Carl
Ginsberg'S shoulders on
senior day
Taylor, L.-2:00 a.m. and a dead car Taylor, S.-windshorts at day camp Thomas, K.-when Jenni crashed into a tree on a bike Underwood, W.-c'oming to school during Spring Break Walker, M.-hiding in the back seat of my own car
Heading to the Eastern seaboard to raise other people's blood pressures. Mandy and Alyson
Funniest Incident
'Last will &lestament
St. Mark's Ablon, R.-Denker's old ya yaka yaka Adams, D.-boat trip to Rost Ainsworth, D.-Nicole Cole at Giora Netzer's Barnett, c.-Garrett's 'wax job with Fordyce Bednar, A.-South Garland with Bakes Berger, B.-school Box, S.-Chip's "drive路thru" Chaffee, T.-driving trouble free from Houston, and putting a hole in my tire 50 feet from home Chapman, R.-singing "God Bless America at Carol's and in Acapulco Cohen, G.-beef and no beef Fernandez, J.-existi ng Flanagan, C.-Chip and the hot tub Fogel, K.-strutting on the stage as a woman at ISAS '87 Fordyce, D.-Padre '88 Gachelin, J.-graduation Gallegos, M.-A.P. Spanish Garrett, R.-hot tub in Maine Gillentine, A.-Hockaday loveland assembly Ginsberg, C.-lisa's Glenn, C.-Sex Day '88 Gravel, M.-banana surprise Hargrove, B.-switching dates with Kent Harper, D.-video madness with little brother Hawkins, J.-Mike and Mrs. Grunsfield Henry, J.-playing cop behind Collie Kasmir, D.-revelation Kim, M.-French IV King, C.-;day after Homecoming '87 levy, A.-working at KFC levy, M.-playing "Commando" with Patrick while Mr. Kasmir fed invisible fish Macari, M.-almost being killed at Fat Boys concert McAlester, K.-Chip and the hot tub McCrea, K.~stripper for larimer Menter, C.-physics class fl
Mitchell, C.-bear hare Musslewhite, R.-Jimmy egg; sick dog Neuhoff, B.-Palmer asking out Mrs. Grunsfield Nurre, T.-Rhoades Alderson wiping floor Parker, D.-nights of fate Pratt, J.-Nelson's leg Roberts, W.-"Do you have a problem with egging cars?" Russell, R.-has yet to come, I'm sure Sachson, S.-U.T. '88 Sekhavat, S.-water balloons summer ... Sharma, N.-San Antonio 3/4/88 Short, A.-Sergeant Kurtz and Jean Smith, S.-doin' the
Chicken" with Bob Mussle颅 white Snyder, 'E.-Matt Bush gets ... um ... tipsy on Forest/watching people ice skate with Jeff Lark Stewart, K.-January 1, 1988 at Dave's Stewart, S.-Jason's Deli Stillings, D.-"Huh, huh, huh ... what?" Tyson, J.-eight days of hard work Walker, P.-biking accident on White Rock trail Weinstein, M.-H. H. with AI, B, and M. W. Whitely, M.-Whaml concert Wilbert, P.-the day after Wilson, C.-Chip's hot tub Zaletsky, K.-the "Jerome"
O.K.-you little friends, you-I don't really know what to say, only because there's so much I could say, but I think that maybe I LOVE YOU is enough ... yep that pretty much says it all. So ... bye-bye, I'll miss you guys and oh yeah, I LOVE YOU: always, MRA.
of no路longer-sound mind imd body, do hereby Padre Cinco-towels. sheets, a toilet, niildew a,nd sleep. Ashley Newsom-many sketchy 3 a.l11. sh(?pping spree at Circle K, a hOltub a watch. twins at Bermudas. clear vision. the
Katherine Moore III Jeni- Good Luck at Lake For.. est. III miss you! Lauren-Thanx for listening this year. Be sure to enjoy college life. ILY Both Katherine
Most Valuable Part
of St. Mark's
St. Mark's
My, what big cans you have!
& testam~nt
mind and body,in,l(mbc;>c 1,.Kelly McCfacken, hereby out my estate: to Candace Englander-:-t~p position in the "j hate the· world" dub, lots '0' safety pins, my goofiest grin, the.amazing mystery daisy dad, the center of attention. To Ell;zabeth 'compton-never.ending $.59 super big gulps; lifetime supply DQ napkins, enough dicey Thursdays 10 keep you entertained til you're 39 (and thenacouple young boys who idolize you and hang on your porch). To CJayMcNear (you're the bees knees, but so am I)-the perfect world andllll\.batco[1:le~ with it. To Dana Cota-Robles-Iif" On .the ROila, love, peace; and 'narmony. To .Megan McC-thestrength and skill to endure three years as an only child. To Stephen Box-the squat rack, as much good luck as I can spare. To Chan ning Henry-skipped Mustang practicli!s.; To Alison GOVlier--a sawed-off Big Boy head for your garage; no more wars (so you caqgrow your hair for ever). To Shelly Gray-road trips in Rac1ne, a dozen gnomes. To Robert Musselwhite:-someone to scare al)d i\nl1oyyo.tJ as rnuchas Ido. To Tiffany Bodaug-Iong hair, my vaslmusit knowledge. To Lauren Hudspeth-a new procrastination partner, charge of the Bev fan·club. To Steve Smith-some clingy new socks, your own pair of bowling shoes. To Stewart Stewart-a peisonal maid to clean up after you (so I don't have to) and to iron your a hair dryer, To John Mennel-permanent invinci· Lorien Abroms-loads of GREAT wholesome fun, n Clay, and lohn Branch-remember, you guys are in this so long-Kel.
some more restaurant as this year's, and one hell of a you think and a box of Captain enther, my legend to win the big one; to D. Mark Kim, an apple; to Carl Ginsberg, a scholarship to homa State University, Chris Finley, ,md a Maverick.Celtic matchup in the Finals; to Gary Cohen, SM fried chicken and a dream date with Julie Ann Sklaver; to William Roberts,my girlfriend; to Kirby fogel, more pictures to doctor; to Colin Menter, our championship trophy from trash can filCes; to Gavin Roy, a ranch in Wyoming; to 5<;:ott Reed, a Car that won't burn; to Jason Villarreal, moving lips; to the Wmldertwins (Magilow & Armour), the Megaband and Joel Klein to break in next year; to Dan Adams, a new lawgh and my Ranger .season tickets; to John Mennel, a haircut and some conserVative politics; to Clayton Orr, the firstchairtrombOne seat in Studio Band,you(probably) should have.had this year., .nah; to Eric Young, anotlier year to po.und on Bowles; to Mr. Pittman, a REA~ lead trumpet and Robert .Musslewhite; drummers who, know their 'place in the world; someone as nice as me to torment. you at college; 10 The ReMaiker, my sections, ,First Place award, and, of course, Justine Bateman; to my (oi most of them, atleast), rny deepest appreCiation; and to St. I,leave.'
Ablon, R.-ReMarker Adams, D.-KRSM Ainsworth, D.-camaraderie Barnett, C.-the fact that thev're separate Bednar, A.-plays, debate Berger, B.-my ping-pong table Box, S.-my friendship with Candhorse Chaffee, T.-the cockroaches, and the apparent freedom Chapman, R.-college preparation Cohen, G.-the ping-pong table in the Commons Fernandez, J.-its persistence Flanagan, C.-free time Fogel, K.-the clothes I acquired Fordyce, D.-sense of Gachelin, Gallegos, M.':"a to study Garrett, R.-they're separate Gilbert, S.-the faculty'S care Gillentine, A.-my education Ginsberg, C.-grey shorts/blue shirt Glenn, C.-it's small Gravel, M.-personal insights gained Hargrove, B.-their HUMBLE NESS
\'ou sure you want to go to college this year, Will? Harper, Mitchell, Hawkins, Musslewhite, Kasmir, D.-the clothes cafeteria food Kim, M.-the tuition Neuhoff, B.-leaving King, C.-my diploma Nurre, T.-reputation levy, A.-the bathrooms Parker, D.-that they are separate levy, M.-the dress code Pratt, J.-memories . Macari, M.-that it's over Ritter, I.-people, opportunities McAlester, K.-great friends Roberts, W.-teachers McCrea, K.-the freedom Russel, R.-the great librarians Menter, C.-graduation certificate Sachson, S.-the sex life Sekhavat, 'S.-serious college prep Sharma, N.-the stress factor Short, A.-the Smith, S.-Film and/or education Snyder, E.-umm ... Stewart, K.-homework, Wheeler Stewart, S.-sense of humor Stillings, Tyson, Walker, P.-the freedom
Weinstein, M.-the
Whitely, M.-that they are
separate Wilbert, P.-absolutely nothing Wilson, C.-bragging rights Zaletsky, K.-the copper roofs Dax Ainsworth and Jeff Hawkins on couch. and locker 336
It's 3 a.m.
The night watchman is about.
And do you know where
your children are?
Check The ReMarker room.
...we're always there.'
ReMarkerlfourcast . friday; June 3/ 19iJ8.
Most Valuable Part
of Hockaday
Abbey, J.-the bookstore Agnew, M.-friends Allen, M.-off campus privileges Allen, N.-the friends live made Ahlberg, D.-friends Bell, C.-friends Bitter, B.-frienc Blaske, P.-the food Borlaug, T.-magenta crayons Brown, C.-friendships Bruce, E.-the education 1 have received Bunn, S.-the clout Casey, L.-my education Cockrell, J.-education Cohen, B.-dress code .. Compton, E.-weekends Cook, A.-education Cox, J.-Tarry House and Diet Coke Custard, L-the Dammert,
Delisi, A.-the
made here DeMarco, J.-graduation Dutta, E.-the relatiQnships with
teachers Ewton, M.-Junior donut pick-ups Fleischmann, F.-facilities and qualities of education Forman, B.-the education Ginsberg, A.-our wonderful forest green apparel; my friends Gower, A.-There's just too much to list! Gray, J.-the chance to be what I can be Hahn, L.-open-mindedness Haley, K.-pool-side tanning for Seniors Harris, A.-the friends I've made Hazan-Cohen, R.-I'm still trying to find out Henrioo, A.-Tarry House pool Hsu, J.-the people, the pressure that brings out the most the memories Hubbard, N.-Senior privileges Hudspeth, L.-preparation Jasin, G.-the uniform Johnston, J.-our mascot Kyle, R.-my friends
lee, M.-the' friends I've made (lunchroom table discussions) lehner, S.-the challenge leventhal, R.-my uniform Lightfoot, M.-co-ed classes loosen, F.-friends made Mahan, B.-the physical appear足 ance and grounds Mackey, L.-the food Mathis, J.-my friends here McArthur, J.-the friends I've made here McBride, E.-the awesome parties/canteens in Tarry House McCracken, K.-the cultivation Miller, B.-friends and teachers Mitchell, K.-friends Montgomery, A.-the opportuni足 ties, the long-term benefits, and the friends Montgomery, L-Senior privileges . Moore, A.-education Morgan, N.-friends Morse, S.-the teachers Mullin, K.-opportu nities Newsom, A.-parking lot attendant man Nichols, C.-faculty Noteware, L-tulips by the parking lot Paschal, E.-educational opportu nities Pachynski, A.-green grass Paul, D.-the new carpet in the cafeteria Reddy, P.-high priorities held everyone Rogue, c.-my friends and the friendliness of the teachers Sanders, L.-facilities . Simpson, J.-people Sklaver, J.-my teachers Speck, V.-Boarding Dept. Street, S.-friends Stuart, E.-pre-school Syed, R.-the friends I made Takenaka, Tart, C.-friends Taylor, Taylor, S.-14 years Thomas, K.-the people Underwood, W.-faculty Walker, M.-my friends Walters, M.-education
Dr. Campfield, You've been more than an advisor, you've been a best friend. Thanks for driving me to St. Mark's during lunch (May '86)-a true friend in a true emergency! Love,LL
Stop the world-I want to get off!
&······test~irii~nt· ...."y·t·)%"}< ..
Most Embarrassing Incident
I, Lyn~,~ingli~aIlYVQj~4fli¥opJ~)dandbOwlingsh<>6; ~rebYbequeaththefollowing:Katy .T~~;tM b;lq;ainshopper aWilrd and a beach: Alison Henrion,.'ittowto'FlI!f'c1~ .and the gUy you deserve. Nikki I-lubbard, .Harry Shaoe. ; .#0 yo\.! wa!)! anything elsel KiIl1 Haley, lemon meringue pie, theG~Driver Award, .and.a visit to Aw Shucks. Darcy Ahlberg, the ability togo for 2 hours without a guy. jen ~Marco,.a motorcycle because they are·so. ,:and an apology for the Alex deal. Oenilie Paul, anyhononhat.coold possiblYequal 51. Marks' Homecomil)gQueen ... anda !)lght wlthWaco, maybe? Marlo Cotten, a major part i/1 the musical next year•.Martin Tull,.a night out with the door man, an .affair with Tiffany Newsom, and a spot on the weekend gossip column. Jenni Cockrell; an everlasting tan .and her own fashion store. Wendy Underwood, an "I'm from~" I,shirt, the ability to move front car seats, a pig, the Miss America title, a dinnerat Dall's, this time j'lIleave the tip and your nUll1ber. Lena' Inoue, lots of fun at NT next year. Victoria and julie Anne, my love and a ride 10 school sometime-I'm Off. Mark, fun times next year! Watch out! Mom and Dad, all mYutmost.thanks and love. Ido Jove you!!!! To everyone, it may not have been what Ithoughtit would be, but I wouldn't do it again. TA TA!
I, Adele Moore, on my last leg, bequeath all my belongings to my friends in this vast and diverse world.To my parents, I leave my eternally spotless room, and my ability to make quick and decisive decisions. To my broth· ers, Dan and Tom, I leave my memories of eet, yo, and lumsy. To my sister Rita, I leave my self·confidence. To my sister Mary Clare, I leave. my undying love and thanks for being a great big·sister. Moving on, I leave tne .Hockaday student body the pleasure of still being here. To golfing friends, Terri, Vicki, Christi, Harry, Scott, etc., I leave my flowered shorts. To the AjGA staff I leave my inability to take a joke. To Erika Bruce, I leave my con fidence and my innumerable boyfriends. To Suzanne Lehner, I leave my tears and tribulations and Boing Boom Tshak. To Amy Gilliam, 1 leave my incredible brainpower. To Carlyn Henry, I leave my ability to sing "La Samba." To Liz Noteware, I leave myyellow history binder. To Carole Tart, I leave my ears. To Scott DeSerrano, 1 leave my phone number and direc tions how to dial. To Mr. Umbarger and Mr. Helmuth, I leave the memory of my exposed toes. To Madame Bucher, I leave my tears, fears, and final happiness. To Mrs. Charlson, I leave my Pre-cal book. To Dr. Lawson, I leave my frizzy hair: To Or. Koch, Ileave.a book of puns. And most of all, I leave the Hockaday Golf Team my golf clubs. Finally, in conclusion, I would like to thank all who have crossed my path during my life.
I, Nicki Morgan, possessing a mind not fit to comprehend economics, nor a body fit enough to run "the Mile," leave.my ability' to survive campusing to Leta Mackey, along With·all those wonderful memories at Wind Ridge. I will that what little ability J have to get to class on time be given to Anne-Marie Gillespie, .also I would like to will her a clean car throughout the entire night of graduation this year. Pilar Blaske and Adrian' Harris, you may share the curse of the "Shadow Dancer" in Longview. Fran Loosen, Loren Bassett and Bon Mahan, I leave California to you, but only for one year, then you're going to be forced to share it with an ex Rebelette. I will Hockaday my car keys (since they have them anyway),.a real boarder's parking lot, perpetual taco salad, and an immortal tripod dog to guard senior hall. Bon, I'll will to you all the luck that I lost along the way, and of course, the jag of your dreams. For my parents and family, you are left with my remains after June 4th to dispose of at the nearest college . campus of your chOOSing.
.1, Shannon Elizabeth Morse, being of wandering mind and unimpres, sive body, do hereby bequeath the following to: Elizabeth Stephenson: Jed. Liz Noteware: my marvelous sense of direction, brownie mix, lemnis cates, my mental stability. Dana Cota·Robles: unlimited airline tickets to Tucson, my RoPo book, discombobulations. Jill Mathis: my Paddington, mornings. Katy Mitchell: a silk plant, sunfish sailboat and lessons, various injuries, a convertible (or else no one would go out w/us). Lauren Hudspeth: QUICHE, bowling balls (the kind of your choice), jorn, bangs, RMCC (RIP), extended "likes." Amy Fleischmann: a shower curtain, my hat, my driving skills, trashcan punch, paralysis. jeni Wesselman: candles, privacy, sailing lessons, the scary place, the "feel mobile," a collection of INXS greatest hits. Monique Agnew: the police forces of Dallas and Austin, a golfcart, Peter Tork, fish, cheese pancakes, THE party. Erika Bruce: unlimited supply of red things for your car, my room, Vergil's Aeneid. Actor's Workshop juniors and Sophs: the Knights of Nih. Matt Hart: ·my fence, my unparalleled skill and grace, the man at the tollbooth, no traffic on I-3D, an island. Walker Robinson: my dog. jed: not my room or a car, my tapes, my ability to yell, fingernails. Mom and Dad: a quieter house, a year's supply of steak, my car, less laundry. Finally, to everyone I leave my thanks for all the support given, a wish of good luck and happiness in the future, and mostly, all my love.
I, Jennifer Johnston, being of a somewhat sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath to the following: Rebecca Hazan·Cohen-a life dedi· cated to the works of Borges and Neruda; to Angela Morrow-Cliff Notes to the Exorcist; to Clayton Orr-a million·dollar recording contract; to Renee Vesecky and Aric Short-a book entitled 1001 Things to do in Dallas; to Brenda Knighton-a team of Grace Cornelius'; to Tori Webb-3 more successful years; to Katherine Rogers-a successful senior year, a trip to Arkansas, a Mercersberg sweatshirt, cowboy boots, my betting tech niques, all my towels, and lane #2 (finally!); to Evangeline Paschal-athletic prowess, admirers in California, surfboards, canoes, job at Pine Cove; to Edward Oitmar-a better attitude; to Becky Miller-Edward Oitmar; to Eric Snyder-a plane ticket to the state of New England; to judy Hsu and Mandy Lee-jobs at Taylor's; to William Roberts-assertiveness; the swim team-a perfect record next year, and a banquet not held at the Celebr,a tion; Mom and Dad-a clean room, peace and quiet; Ron Chapman:"" bowling shoes, a lifetime parking pass at Texas Stadium, a gourmet chef; a lifetime supply of Carmex, dinners for two at Valentino'S, tacos al carboh, ·irinnite trips to TCU, and all the success and happiness life can bring!!!l
Hockaday Abbey, J.-"Julie go snack bar" Agnew, M.-paying $80.00 at the "gas station" Allen, M.-Christmas Formal '84 Allen, N.-July 4, 1987-Kara's house Bell, c.~too many to name Borlaug, T.-the bike accident Brown, c.-arrested at the fair Bruce, E.-freshman year softball -bra episode Bunn, S.-too many of them to choose Casey, L.-Padre freshman year Cockrell, J.-night out with Nikki, Mitch, and Dax Cohen, B.-RUN! Compton, E.-Poor David's conversation Cook, A.-getting into a stranger's car-mistaking him for a friend Cox, J.-Austin with Rebecca Custard, L.-S.R., 7-11 w/Rob, spitting on Richard Dammert, S.-meeting a stranger wearing only a towel Delisi, A.-Loveland DeMarco, J.~Arcadia with Jenni and Jack D. Dutta, E.-the urine lab in AP Biology Ewton, M.-Moscow airport bathroom Forman, B.-sleepwalking in the 8th grade Ginsberg, A.-mushroom haircutl . William Lynch in Tim's backyard Gray, J. ..:pulling the stand apart at assembly Hahn, L.-having to ask, "Which Stephen?" Haley, K.-splits with skis under ski lift Harris, A.-being compared to the Gero Crucifix Hazan-Cohen, R.-4/12/87;
Hubbard, N.-breaking into Darcy's house Hudspeth, L.-Berlin '86 Jasin, G.-State with John Smither Johnston, J.-"Hi, Officer. Would you like a cinnamon roll?" Lee,M.-waiter at Mario's, 5th round at Districts last year Lehner, S.-the fish bowl Lightfoot, M.-when my shirt flew up at SM-thanx Sep! Loosen, F.-limo in front of Stark wiS. E., N. M. Mahan, B.-who knows? Mathis, J.-that train McArthur, J.-making puddle in white rabbit McCracken, K.-I'm perpetually blushing Miller, B.-having a softball game held up while nature called Mitchell, K.-the 15 forgotten minutes at Shannon's party Montgomery, A.-the great Victory Party car wreck Montgomery, L.-Loveland '87 Moore, A.-the New Generation Morgan, N.-Rockport/postMonctezumas Morse, S.-falling over the dog fence
Mullin, K.-I think I've blocked it out Newsom, A.-running over median with John, Julie, and David Nichols, c.-my mom and my knees Noteware, L.-thigh-highs biting the ground, Christmas Formal '87 Paschal, E.-Alyson at the debate tournament Pachynski, A.-Shall we tell them, Meredith? Pa.ul, D.-"Can I have my hand stamped?" Reddy, P.-at Jack in the Box Rogue, C.-falling down the stairs at Christmas Formal '87 Sanders, L.-8/8/87; 10/31187 Simpson, J.-wearing the kilt Speck, V.-Phil Collins Stuart, E.-failing P.E. Syed, R.-walking out of the shower in Jamaica Takenaka, K.-not standing at Founder's Day Tart, c.-Preston Hollow bust Taylor, L.-2/6/88 Taylor, S.-"Hi, Tommy" to Mr. Neuhoff Thomas, K.-never mind! Underwood, W.-no music to sing to
w... M.-the sheets
Henrion, A.-biting Mark Capaso Howell, K.-James walking in at U.T. Hsu, J.-30 people, 1 elevator, Padre
Robert Musslewhite and Trevor lain have their first day 4fowI8 m the dumps.
Moira-Break a leg over the next three years, but don't let it break your spirit. nl be here for your graduation. Patrick-Good luck in a small town. Don't forget March 18, 1997. Stewart-You're naturally adorable. What else can I say? Ed-Stay out of trouble. You'll have to get a new secretary next year. live long and prosper. I love you all. -Elizabeth
M sf
Embarrassin Incident
Nikki and Irian contemplate life.
St.. Mark's Ainsworth, D.-ending lesbian bar in Arizona Break 1988 Bednar, A.-red underwear at Denise's Berger, B.-school Box, S.-three horses on Valentine's, '86 Chaffee, T.-hotel room steeplechase Chapman, R.-"Would you like a cinnamon roll, officer?" Cohen, G.-dropping Rebecca Hazen-Cohen Fernandez, J.-German II (zipper speech) Flanagan, C.-ISAS '86 Fogel, K.-rolling a quad with many onlookers standing by Fordyce, D.-Susan Padre Gachelin, J.-Homecoming with Carol Gallegos, M.-Skip Day Garrett, R.-wax king Gilbert, S.-the close of Dec. 14,
1985 Gillentine, A.-Hockaday Loveland assembly Ginsberg, C.-Usa's wedding Glenn, C.-Sex Day '88 Gravel, M.-summer '86 Hargrove, B.-occu r daily Harper, D.-Holland Hall hell raising Hawkins, J.-at U.P. pool with Jue Kasmir, D.-Bible reading Kim, M.-ripped pants King, C.-getting put in A.P. Study Hall . Levy, A.-waking up New Year's '87 Levy, M.-caught streaking at Golden Acres Macari, M.-knee in McAlester, K.-New Year's Eve (pick one) McCrea, K.-Colorado Menter, C.-none Mitchell, C.- "Rann~tta-Gate" Musslewhite, «.-dual blow; "biting" S.c. in 7th grade; CN on New Year's Eve Neuhoff, B.-kissing Eleanor
Nurre, T.-ISAS '87 Parker, D.-can't remember Pratt, J.~whenever Hargrove wins Roberts, W.-dating Tara Flowers Russell, R.-never happens ... Sachson, S.-not getting into Harvard Sekhavat, S.-bowling at Don Carter's Sharma, N.-Low Budget 11 Scumdance ' 8 7 , Short, A.-"Do you have ~ny why I pulled YO\Jo,ver?" Smith, S.-when my preschool class found out that I really wasn't the Bionic Man Snyder, E.-through the bleachers or caught with Emily by Mom Stewart, K.-Dec. 31, 1987 at Dave's Stewart, S.-flooding bathroom in Padre Stillings, D.-getting kicked out of Kip's Tyson, J.-fencing Kenny Mai in assembly Walker, P.-biking accident on White Rock Weinstein, M.-U.T. on weekend 86 Whitely, M.-that fat Wilbert, P.-Kevin's Wilson, C.-getting beat up in front of my mom Zaletsky, K.-Iosing the blue shirts or wearing a skirt
Go ad you own hair!
t:;> Hey Marge, last
(l night I played cards with some African natives. f) Oh, Zulus? QNo, iJ. ...... I won!!! ....
[ast·..• will
I, Kennera Mullin, being of mind. and sun-bronzed body, do hereby leave all the following to ones I love.-To Annie Delisi: a slop· watch for our next play, a loving boyfriend, and .. : my hair (Lord knows you've earned Ihem all)-To Elizabelh Stuart: a cancelled dub member ship card marked with a single letter (can you guess?), Kirk, cookie monster, a lasting friendship, success, and a lifetime I.V. supply of "Coke, The Real Thing'" ---To Margaret Ewton I leave: an FM stereo for your car, my GUS tolerance level, and.all my Bolshoi tapes-To Kay Takenaka: hours to each day, sweet freedom, and peace of mind···To Alison Gower: Kip's, a little respect, and that Nam yo ho whosils-To Amy you know who, all the answers to the SAT, a steadier stream of and my address on the West coast-To my lillie sis': three (lIlt;:;t;lnriinQ ;lrhif'vpmpnt(;_To Caroline BarJedn: Vivarln, homework, Ruth, and the keys to ~,r.n,''--.Tn Lyn dahling Montgomery: Some curtain calls and man-To Anne Zimmermann: Stephane (he's all 'lDursJ-To Hot Rod and Mr. Ed: the graveyard shift in Colorado, let's keep On the back burner for awhile, OK?-To Patrick Denker: a radar detector and a c~r that works, continued crazy ideas, Joyce's autograph, room for two (someday), and a wholclotta love-To Stewart Stewart: a Big hug and an endless supply of Rice Krispie Treats -To Bono: my hand in marriage To All: courage and underslanding.
Robert Musslewhile, being of worn out mind, sound body, and chlori, nated hair, do hereby bequeath the following: to Chance Miller, a new car, the Empire Stale Building in a bathroom, some help from Gramps,a pole and a lucky weekend; to Chip Barnett, a dual blow, and asuicide to Keven McAlester, a drawing of a tennis racket and a in a to Jim Nadalini, a sick dog; to Sean Gallagher, a shaved a game and fast swimming; to Jennifer Storey, a normal blanket, a.house in Dal/as, and great memories; to Catherine Marcus, an NCAA Championship; to Carlyn Henry, a really groovy song and a deep cqnversa· tion; (0 Jessica Kramer, another party at Casa Kramer and your first kiss; to Collin Wilson, a lanand another girl's mad boyfriend; to Jen Unterberg, an a")azing quote; 10 Amy Hoey, a Homecoming to remember; to Stanton Henry, everything you need to know about women and a trip to Phila delphia; .10 john Koppman,a membership on Mustang; to Jason Pratt, a good haircut; to Stewart Stewart, a haircut, period, and a council argu ment; 10 Sieve Smith, a funky·chicken dance; to Steve Box, a cut-off tie and some snorts; to Kelly McCrac~en, a better attitude; to Megan Kramer, a nighl c:ut with Jimmy; to Channing Henry, mo.re meets in Philadelphia and a midnightrendez,vous; to Brooke Cohen, some whines in Crested Bulte and the best kiss ever; to Courtney Nichols, love; 10 Mike Palmer, , an ego anda 3,wheeier; toTrevorlain, an schedule; to Ted Nurre, another night helping you-know-who; to the Studio Band, SOme trumpets, drummers, and a reason for stopping; to Ryan Bowles, a chair you never fiII;to Randalll-Joldridge,seven people who say I did; to Warren worth,~ deG~l1tsw~at,:r;to Ri~k Hartzell, un ",rupJt. bartheen;toBarry , Wernick;·thetlirone, too many early m~tings, artd the Commons ral; to John Broady and Jeff Abramson, the real power next year; 10 Pat Barta, . some Mr.Pibb and a million slides; to the St~dent Cc some donuts, and a party at Club Countach; to Paul Ken.Merten,.asepse.of humor and a. million cashe banzai; to ChnsFlanagan,a date with Teri Anderson; place called Garden Inn; to George Hague, the. virtue of Dallas Cowboys bumper sticker; to Robert Ablon, the New York Kevin McCrea, the Fourcast; to Shirley Miller, a college other Ihan Yale; to St. Mark's,a legacy and a big thanks;.to Cum Laude, the shaft; 10 the Class of 1988, the best of luck; tolysbel Musslewhite, the best seven. years of your life, hundreds of boyfriends, and your own phone line; 10 Mom and Dad, my curfew, a quiel house, relaxation, a two· bacon breakfa, original canoe, the most thanks of all, and a bill for college! To all good·bye.
I, Byron Woodford Neuhoff, being of weak mind and body do hereby leave these things to the follOWing people. To Alan Neuhoff and Barry Steeleman I leave a free meal at Brogans followed by death by a hurricane. To my par"l'nts I leave patience with Alan, and to Alan I leave patience with my parents. Tq Mike Palmer I leave my driving ability, and plenty of money for bail. To number one. I leave a perfect house. To number four I leave plenty of kleenex, and all of my musical talent. To St. Mark's I leave a new 'chapel, a new lower school, a new fine arts building, a new science wing, a new football field, and a new track. To Austin Neuhoff I leave all of my throwing talent,. and Cliff's Notes on how to read a defense. To Tom Neu hoff Jr. I leave a house in.Sea Island, and a pay raise. To Jim Henry I leave a successful football carrier. To Alan Schoelkopf J leave my pole vaulting skill, and great success in stagecraft, and athletics. To Susan Taylor I leave .Ihe rest of my worldly possessions, my patience, my ability to be quiet, my tan, ,my blue eyes, and myability to
I, Brooke Cohen, leave to lisa Casey: .Iots of men to love and leave. Mandy Ginsberg: Matt Finn. Suzanne lehner: the ability 10 be mean every once in a while. julie McArthur and Erin McBride: more time to become doser. Ashley Newsom: a friend to take walks to the park with, a road block, and a baby. Courtney Nichols: Clay's friends and a dance club for you and Lindsay 10 own. Viq;iniaSpeck: a double date with two boys. Carole Tart: someone who will listen to you talk withoul inlerrupting you and someone tq gossip with. lindsay Taylor: a kiss from Ben lett and David Kennedy and lessons in walking up stairs. Susan Taylor, Tiffany BorJaug, Julie McArthur, ard Elizabeth Stuart: Congratulations on surviving 14 years of Hockaday. R()bert Musslewhite: a retraction of the statement that you bit me. Keven MCAlester and Doug Fordyce: Fabricadabra. jenny Good. man: las Man~nitas, laceless shoes, and an invilation 10 visit NYC next year. Janelle Quintans and Shannon McCutchin: great memories of the trio. Robin Greer: a secret junior pal who is as nice to you as you were to me. Megan Kramer, lorien Abroms, Katherine Fowler, and Mary Horter stine: the best senior year. Hayes Miller, Ginger Neuhoff, and Allison Con ; good times to come. Mark Felder: a big hug for keeping me sane this Mnmmv ,nn Daddy: many thanks and lois of lovE'. And to Hockaday, my life.
Best Date
St. Mark's
May I help youl
Ablon, R.-6-3-88 Adams, D.-4/29/87 Ainsworth, D.-JSB '88 BarneH, C-2/13/88 Bednar, A.-Cristal-10-31-86 Berger, B.-6/3/88 Box, S.-Babs Chaffee, T.-Andrea Kalan/ Homecoming '87 Chapman, R.-Junior Symphony Ball '88 Fernandez, J.-the one that happened on ... Flanagan, C-11 /29/69 Fogel, K.-6/3/88 Fordyce, D.-La Botica Gachelin, J.-Carol Tart (Joke) Gallegos, M.-Homecoming '88 GarreH, R.-J.5.B. '88 Gillentine, A.-ask Betsy or Jenny Ginsberg, C-1O/31/87 Glenn, C-ROTC Ball at Thomas Jefferson Gravel, M.-'86 Christmas Dance on moped· Hargrove, B.-New Year's '88 Harper, D.-Michelle Terry ,Hawkins, J.-any date with Suzanne Henry, J.-Kelly Laird Kasmir, D.-imported, pickled, purple ones Kim, M.-Homecoming '87
dressed up with nowhere King, C-12/31/87 levy, A.-B.D. with Angie H. levy, M.-7/26/87 (5. Kubrick's b-day among other things) Menter, C-S/7/70 Mitchell, C-Homecoming '87 Musslewhite, R.-New Year's Eve '88 Neuhoff, B.-Sea Island '87 Nurre, T.-is yet to come
Maybe they're singing...
Parker, D.-Arts Prom '87 PraH, J.-sophomore and Homecomings RiHer, J.-Homecoming 1986, 1987 Roberts, W.-still to come ... K. R.? Russell, R.-me to know, you not to find. out Sachson, S.-New York '87-Kaki Sekhavat, S.-Christine M. Sharma, N.-6/3/71 and 6/3/88 Short, A.-anything and every thing with Kerm Smith, S.-never had one Snyder, E.-4/4/88 Stewart, K.-Cassie/Dena Switch Stewart, S.-Symphony Debutante Ball Stiles, '.-October 10, 1592 Stillings, D.-New Year's Eve 1986/87 Tyson, '.-7/5/87 Walker, P.-no such animal Weinstein, M.-summer of '87 Whitely, M.-can't remember Wilbert, P.-34S688 Wilson, C-YOLANDA Zaletsky, K.-May 6, 1987
JulieThanks a lot for being my big sis, sure was swen of youl Cood luck next year and for ever after. a Europe trip, ana tneimpetus to Saunders I leave my senior year, " To Macol M:Stewart and Catherine L Clark I leave my sophomore year, a great one. To David Pillmani leave a lame rhythm~ctionand some incomprehensible sound equipment. To John BeaU I leave more bawd)' lOp ten lists than he could ever imagine. To RandaiJ Holdridge I leave I senior grades and .comments. To David V. Hicks I leave a school full punk kids. And to the rest of my teachers I leave a reprieve from CUI up antics, I apologize fort hose, but I enjoyed them, To the Ciass Of '88 J leave the sound of music. To the Class of '89 Isimply leave. May the executor of this will see that the rest of my belongings are deep fried and served in the cafeteria .along with "Darren's Meat Pie:'. Finally, may my remains be entombed in the '65 Chevy Van, and buried 'neath Thackery Park
KellyOkay so I'm cheap and only bought one, sorry! Cood luck to you too and thanks for being my real big 'sis. I love ya both! Love, Megan /I
Best Date Hockaday Abbey, 1.-311 Agnew, M.-Hot Tub Dartv with Alan Allen, M.-with the BIG bed; Padre '88 Ahlberg, D.-Stephen and Andy Bell, C.-New Year's Eve '87-'88 Bitter, B.-Aaron Blaske, P.-Breakfast with our Deep Ellum friends Borlaug, T.-12/31/87 Brown, C.-The Double Date Bruce, E.-Bruce Birk (scary) Bunn, 1985 Casey, L.-The night from hell 2/13/88 Deb Cockrell, I.-Mike Wick Cohen, B.-New Year's Day night 1987 Compton, E.-Valentine's '87 Cook, A.-Chris Mayer Cox, J.-Alison GowerChristmas Formal '87 Custard, l.-R. G. 1/19/88 Dammert, S.-Grant McDaniel Delisi, A.-Yalta, U.s.s.R. DeMarco, I.-Padre '88 Dutta, E.-Mr. Renee from Coiffure Continental Ewton, M.-the Vienna Mods, Yalta Ginsberg, A.-Jaguar crushed w/Eliiot/JSB '86 w/Beale Gower, A.-I think I need at least one first Gray, J.-Christmas Formal 1987 Hahn, L-Stephen Hafey, K.-Matt Sharratt Harris, A.-Peter Wilbert Hazen-Cohen, R.-Christmas Formal 1986 Henrion, A.:-Spring Break 1988 Howell, K.-Doug Hubbard, N.-I wish I had one Hudspeth, L-7/28/88 Jasin, G.-Christmas Formal '87 Johnston, J.-JSB '88 Kyle, R.-Bob-or was it Kevin? Anyway, Coca-cola c'est ca 3/30/88 lee, M.-cruising Belt Line and seeing "Cinderella" lehner, S.-JSB '88
last will & testament Perfecting the Reichelderfer walk. leventhal, R.-Haven't had one lightfoot, M.-James Denny Julie Ann's party-Nov. 6 loosen, F.-Denny's on Central Don Mahan, B.-Culture Club Summer of '8S/l.A. Mackey, L-breakfast with our Deep Ellum Cafe friends Mathis, J.-the Double Date McArthur, J.-Jesuit Home comirig '86 with Jerome McBride, E.-JSB '88 McCracken, K.-huh? Miller, B.-6-4-87 Mitchell, K.-Wennibago Montgomery, A.-Arts Magnet Prom 1987 Montgomery, L-Noger Ireland Moore, A.-Eric Snyder Morgan, N.-Christmas Formal Morse, S.-Matt Mullin, K.-the Bridge Newsom, A.-JSB '87 Nichols, C.-Debutante Ball wiS. S.-2/13/88
NotewaFe, L-Iack thereof Paschal, E.-Mr. EI Paso, the teeth bonder (just kidding) Pachynski, A.-June 29, 1987 greetings, Sam Paul, D.-Mike Palmer, Homecoming Reddy, P.-Christmas Formal '87 Rogue, C.-probably my Prom date. Sanders, L-1/20-24/88; 3/12/88 Simpson, J.-lack.thereoL: Sklaver, J.-6/4/88 ....... ~. Speck, V.-still waiting Street, S.-Charlie Ratcliffe Stuart, E.-Stephen Bessler Syed, R.-yet to come Takenaka, K.-6/25/70 Tart, C.-Vandy '87 Taylor, L-Homecoming '86 Taylor, S.-Sea Island '87 Thomas, K.-June 4, 1988 Underwood, W.-JSB '88 Walker, M.-Tom Quigley Walters, M.-another time, another place
Final notes: MYK-thanks for the midnight tree climping lessons ... ELLEN-No more tantrums, ok? We'll survive, the lunches weren't that great anyway ... MARY-Stop StUdying!!! JUAN-thanks for Mr. Moe (the hot dog). Patrick, you've made life in teresting for us spectators ... Darren (Pat, Mike, Juan, all of you) I like your poetry_ Keep in touch, I need to stay crazy! Kay-Ia vie est absurde .... and Mick, stay in Dallas, it's closer to my house! To every one who's been Real to me ... I'll miss you. Love, Laura Leigh- - - - - - - - ,
I, Evangeline Paschal, being of mind and body (I won't bother to qualify these), would, if I could, leave the following things to the following people as I go in search oifame, fortune, and romance: To Jennifer Johnston, a canOe a position as a Pine Cove camp instructor, a 10 year supply of Carmex, fun with me this summer, many calls from X the Owl, and milny thanks for being such a pal. To Mandy Lee, our DE·bate ev (to burn), an electrified guppy, a dream' date with Mr. Yount, a snow ploW, visits to me next year, co-directoiship (with me) of The Univer-sal Center for Deterence of the Detrimental Effects of New Agers, a healing crystal collection, and success next vear. To Alvson MontEomerv. more. sweet dreams, co-ownership red lights again friends who Lena wiki and many calls from Xthe .Eof a good time next year, a and many men to worship you, To you and Lisette nex.t year in .debate. To Judy Hsu, a bigger book bag just RebeccaH'llan-Cohen, a PhysicslsPhu(1laboratoryset. To Shana bllssful lifeY;ith Luis the. Latin lover. in Ii!!rra del fuego. To Willingham, manysuccesses in the n"xt three years,T0 Lish".Bel!, d~te with Michael Jackson (your every fantasy come true). To Samantha Bergman, her brother'ssuccesses. To the, NFLers, VICTORY, and to Moms and Pops, some peace alJP quiet, all my love, and a big WAH!tiasta la yistal
is all the Same color ... to Nikki Hubbard-Harry, what more could you ask for?, ..to Darcy Ahlberg...:.not just a Dr Pepper but a Dr Pepper plant, a 1974 brown Nova asa step up from your car, a bet for a doughnut that you can't win, and "Rock-a-bye Baby" on 45, , ,to Margaret Ewton-a carton of Marlboro Liehts and strategic study halls .. ,to Jen DeMarco-the hard top to your car (thoroughly cleaned with foamingliquidJ, another to Padre, a dollar for anything at Montecarlo's, an endless loop of "1 Good:', .. to Kim Haley-a lemon meringue pie and a prize for dragging on Preston. , . to forrest Jackson-a. set of handcuffs, some whips, and a video camera ... to Mike Palmer-my hand in marriage and a calendar of the dates of my , . to Katey Thomas-California classes, and tan men, . fun of your accent, . love
Faculty Friends Delisi, A.-T. L. Gaillard, "Jamming" Jill Skaggs DeMarco, I.-Lawson, Daniels Abbey, Dutta, E.-Buehring, Bucher, Cavitt Kramer Agnew, M.-Majeski, Ewton, M.-Kenning, Lawson Patrizi, Kmieciak, Long, Allen, M.-Butcher, Levering, Card, Lawson Bucher, Lawson Fleischmann, F.-Lawson Allen, N.-Rainwater, Bradley, Forman, B.-Hill, Lennon Saxon, PE Dept. Gillespie, A.-Coyne, Don Ahlberg, D.-McMurray, Lawson, Ginsberg, A.-Butcher Beuhring, Long, Bradley Gower, A.-Lawson, Lorenz Bell, C.-Long, Coyne Gray, I.-Long, Rhoda Bitter, B.-Majeski, Knighton, Hahn, l.-Dumaine, Long, Lawson Bucher, Campfield, Kramer Blaske, P.-Don Haley, K.-Long, Lorenz Borlaug, T.-Bucher Hazen-Cohen, R.-Long, Lawson, Brown, C.-Majeski, Lawson Butcher
Bruce, Henrion, A.-Bucher, Long
Bucher Howell, K.-Lawson,
Bunn, S.-Brown Bradley
Casey, L.-Long Hsu, J.-Buehring, Saxon,
Cockrell, J.-Cavitt Patrizi, Lawson Cohen, B.-Hill, Martin Hubbard, N.-Bucher, Long Compton, E.-Brady, Harrison Hudspeth, l.-Cavitt, Lawson Cook, A.-love them all lasin, G.-Walker, Long Cox, J.-Roark, Lombardi, Lorenz· ~Johnston, J.-Gaillard, Knighton Custard, l.-the Academy Kyle, R.-Bucher, Roark, Awards list .. _everyone Grahnquist, Gower Dammert, S.-Lorenz, Brown, Lee, M.-Bucher, Buehring, Butcher Kramer, Walker, N.
Well aren't you special.
last will & testament Patty Reddy, being of not-so-sound mind and exhausted do hereby will the following items to the following unforgettable To Giggy (Gigs) loeb, I leave a STRONG pair of contacts So that can See taxis, coming and me from 10 yards away, a yearly pass to "sub it" in NYC, either more patience or a year away from her parents, Starlight Express and Chorus Line soundtracks, lots of gossip, the daily "Days" scoop, a "savage" tan (but not like my beef jerky tan), and (I' ticket to see me next year in either LA. Or 51. louis. To Sarah Street-Kirk from Graham, Pink Floyd, lNXS, and Cure tickets, a better, longer, less embarrassing speech for the next athletic ballquet, arid a big thank you!or your friendship. To Audrey Cook, I leave, a huge hug for your, kindnes5,.a long awaited, planned-but-never-did-ski trip together withsomefineSanta Fe or Califor. ni,! dudes, neon green race skis and orange'l:Iootsi~'1dl: next year. To Katey Thomas (KT}-a bigdoub.le;sparkle, bus ticket to Mineral salon, so
1,leff.Ritter, being of somewhat sOundmind'and, .. bused body.do hereby leave; to William Roberts: driving lessons and <ilicense that can't be taken away, and the woman ofhis dre,ams; to ROI1 <Chapmaf!: head cheese, , and a house in Cozumel; toMatt Bush.: I~!lie,a!)d money to pay for Jason's; to Sly: an alarm clock that works, a car thaI gets himlo school on time, a baby carriage; to Edward Dittmar; a.real girlfriend; to Aric Short: ?l'nee and maybe a tennis career; to Mark Kim; the right to keep someone else awake in class next year, another sun tanning partner, and a girlfriend; to Jason Glast: a basketball coach and a room with Barry on all BB trips; to Barry Wernick: a basketball coach and a room with Jason; 10 Marwin 'Mu' Brown: a basketball coach, a new walkman and a new taste in music; to
Hurd Flowers: and a friend; to Michelle Bf{ call you late at night, and the next door and a school easier than ESD; to Ms. Sutcliffe: a mule and my thanks; to Mr. Pittman: some good drummers a'nd theStqclio Band; to Mr. Beall: someone else to help coach tennis for him; to Mr. Stutsman: a com· puter and a class that both work; to Ms.. Trice: peace a'nd quiet, another elf to help, and my sin!Cere gratitude and thanks; to my sister: three more years, an empty house and parents that love you dearly; t<l !v1om & Dad: all my love and thanks for everything, and an extremely long te!ephone bill; it's been fun, it's been great, it's been hell, thank God it's finally over; goodbye!
Katherine Rogers: a blinkmobHe, to. Mr. Seay:a new book of Fame Luttrell: .3 friend to talk to, and someone she will feel filum; to Coach Merte": some decent swimmers next.year;. to Mr. Dono van: my thanks for being my friend and advisor fortwo years; to Allison Montgomery: a car bomb that wor~s; to Warrenfoxwonh: someone wh.o will getthe yearbook doneontime; to Moby and Kerm: a suggestion to get out of the house; to Eric Snyder: .an alarmclocl<, a cradle, and an 8-fo()t basket.so he can.ii1et like Micha~1 Jor~ati; IQBrentJohnson: the Yearbook· and some help; to Mrs.Tric~: my thanks for being one of the best teachers I've ever had; and finally, to my, mother anlifather I leave the most impor. t.ilnt of all:. my.u l1dying love,lmd resPect for aU they ~ave done for me and aU that theywill:
What am I supposed to do with these?
Lehner, S.-Bucher Leventhal, R.-Long Lightfoot, M.-Saxon Loosen, F.-Rose Mahan, B.-Catterson, Mackey, l.-Don, the guard Mathis, J.-J- R., Doc McArthur,
McBride, E.-Butcher
McCracken, K.-Long, Lorenz,
Roark Miller, B.-Majeski, Bucher, Campfield, Smoger, Bradley, Rhoda Mitchell, K.-Bradley, Lawson Montgomery, A.-Rainwater, Anthony, Kramer Montgomery, L.-Long, Blaydes, Campfield Moore, A.-Bucher, Lawson Morgan, N.-Rose, Don Morse, S.-Long, Lawson Mullin, K.-Dumaine, T_ L. GailGirard Newsom, A.-T. L Gaillard, Cavitt Nichols, C.-Martin, Hall, T. L. Gaillard Noteware, l.-Lombardi Paschal, E.-T. Walker, N. Walker, Kramer Pachynski, A.-Buehring Paul, D.-Bradley Reddy, P.-Patrizi, Moreland Rogue, C.-Cavitt, Lombardi, Harrison Sanders, l.-Patrizi, Catterson, Simpson, Long, Lawson Sklaver, J.-Bucher, Butcher, Saxon, Long, Rose, 1. L. Gaillard Speck, V.-Butcher Stuart, E.-Hill, Long Syed, R.-Butcher, Long Takenaka, K.-Kramer, Saxon, Walker, Bradley, Umbarger Tart, C.-Bucher, McMurray, Long Taylor, l.-Long, Hill Taylor, S.-Seay, Girard, Kramer Thomas, Underwood, Walters, M.-Patrizi
To the best Upper School
Educational Assistant
this side of the Danube:
Ms. Brandenburg, this one's
for you.
acult Friends St. Mark's Ablon, R.-Holdridge, Young Adams, D.-Ortega, Mott Ainsworth, D.-Trice, Beall Barnett, Holdrige Bednar, A.-Adams, Baker, Hartzell, Reichelderfer Berger, B.-what? Box, S.-Seay, Smith, C. Chaffee, T.-Doc Hartzell Chapman, R.-Stutsman, Trice Cohen, G.-all except Larrimer fernandez, I.-all of them (really) flanagan, C.-all fogel, K.-Benke, Livengood, fordyce, Sylvester Gachelin, I.-Trice, Owens Gallegos, M.-Beall Garrett, R.-Doc Browning, Doc Hartzell, Mr. Beall Gilbert, S.-Mr. Holdrige, Mrs. Gilbert Gillentine, A.-Holdrige, Benke Ginsberg, c.-most of them Glenn, c.-too many to name them all Gravel, M.-Benke, Hold
Here he comes, just a walkin'
Last will & testament Before my stay here is over. ,1, Cecile Rogue, have a few things toshare with my friends. To Shana lntille, I give muchissimas gracias lor being such a friend and hope to see you next year, il you ever come back from Argen tina! Alyson Montgomery, I leave you all my grate/ulness lOr your advice, your hospitality and I wish you the best in college next year, Akiko, thanx for being the wonderful person you ar~, and lor being so understanding, Suzanne Bunn, I'm so glad I know you and I hope you join me in France this summer! samira Shah;Anna Sha/ir, EmilyJohnson, lena Inoue,1 wish you the best lor next year, I'll mis.s you! To the whole Senior Class, Lilope have a wonderful time in college, and I·thank you for sharing thi: To Mrs, Cavitt. I want to tell you how much I armrf'riatpd
A picture is worth a thousand words. Hargrove, B.-entire
Roberts, W.-Donovan, Seay, Harper, D.-Reese
Trice, Sutcliffe Hawkins,
Russell, R.-Mr. Henry, I.-Mott and Mr. McCarthy, Mr. Scott Kim, M.-all of 'em Sachson, Mott Do'novan King, C.-Holdrige, Mott, Cavitt, Stutsman Sekhavat, S.-Beall, Donovan, Levy, A.-Benke, Hosie, Benke Turnipseed. Sharma, N.-ffDoc" Browning, Levy, M.-Beall, Benke J. T., Reichelderfer, Macari, M.-Dennis the Menace, Donovan Dave? Short, A.-Trice, Donovan McAlester, K.-Trice,
Smith, S.-Beall, Keyton, Hartzell Mott, Keyton, Adams,
Snyder, E.-Holdrige, Adams, Holdrige, Card
Owens McCrea, K.-Pittman, Stewart, S.-Holdrige, Seay, Trice Stiles, Menter, C.-Foxworth, Mott,
Stillings, D.-a few Doc Hartzell
Tyson, J.-Keyton, Baird Mitchell, C.-Donovan, Trice,
Walker, P.-Hague, ScoU, Benke Sutcliffe
Weinstein, M.-Donovan, Musslewhite, R.-Hartzell,
P. Newman Keyton, Holdrige, Merten,
Whitely, M.-Ha! Hal Ha! Wilbert, P.-Trice, Keyton, Matt
Neuhoff, B.-Donovan, Owens Donovan, Mott, Nurre, T.-Seay, Benke, Holdrige . Parker, D.-Beall, Pittman Pratt,1.-Reichelderfer Ritter, J.- Trice, Sutcliffe Zaletsky, K.-Holdrige, Beall
e ReMarker gives its sincere thanks to the departing
members for their
ervlce t. ark's. ED
I, William R.Russell,Jr. being 01 reasonably sound mind but pretty unhealthy body, leave the following items to show my appreciation for all you have done: To the librarians 01 SI. Mark's, r'leave a copying machine that works, To Richard Mason, longtime compatriot, I leave my Physics Achievement score (now you have near-perfect scores!), and my fantastic TI·30 SLR calculator. To Moises Gallegos, I leave a perfecI copy olTime and theRani (not that I have one) and a Car Wars boxed set of hisvery own. .Ieaveafew blankvideotapes to PeteWalker,but ihen I'll be seeing you, Chapman and Juan Fernandez in Houston (hQw about you Calvin?). To Mr. McCarthy I leave the ever·elusive BUG·FREE astronomical equip me!)t, and Mr;· Scott can haY", a bronzed. plaque of my Phvsics Achieve· ment score to put pn ruswall:ToMiss Goode II shOQt future lackll!ste~ Af15panish students with. works out; you'll geta{ree trip to the Middle Keyton,lleavea neon sign withtbe.word HWHY1" embla;;:oned red leiters, and a fresnerosof his ~rY ow~.' ean Adams getsa DOQt\o,the ~ei!d! and <l daily homewqrkp!annim All my 8.BS frjendsget nothing, I,dm)'! .know their real names.poug.Stlllil'g;.;' gets a copy ofTURBQ 4.(), .~nd Mri/'Mailergets to keepcopi~ oh:ilhny papers; to showto fUlure~hissesat \'Vhateversshool heel1dsup w.orklngat Gpod Luck! Andy lustfielth:~n ha~emydementia taf.lCs,an~ the .offisial copyright to HD, Finally. nw p~r~n~ get$Z5,OOOin back tuition, and.I11~I1Y thanks. Grandaddy, this !lraduationis foryou.S.orry
YO\lc?uldn'tmakei ., ..••.• ,.. '
. ..• . ,.' .'.
~UreQ'Sl!I.I~r$i,~ing of abused mind and lazy bod';',
leave fol: lowing: to;Suli. 131~li'ar~l1e)!~r.ending problems t.o s.olve~- mefli~ uniform, lib:. noJiIlcations,cofrupuon, poles to slide down, Chinese. fire arms, l.ong distanGe .pilis, Jo;ludyHsu"";meetings in Padre, life supply of cafeteria lunches, stories, To Cheryl Brown & Mo Agnew-a yard full 01 (.or sale Oemarco-~yrs. .01 friendship & hard times, Padre st.ories & ,t Ewton..,-'men bands, hour:Lof philosophy class, Commerce. To Kris Howell-monuments o/'Dug, philo. class thrills, To Merne benchwarmer, allergy pills, chili con queso, 50 white mt. tops, stock jn Circle K.To Amy~long distance ph.one con vas, lI, man y, womaniV> dog V, cat, .blue paint, Eng, papers, 2,22:80, Labor DaY'!l5, Padre & more Padre, il y, To Mat Bennett- "rats, big #%' rats, wl#%* this big," 3-12·88, Spring Break '88, Garfield, late night rendezvous, dark cloth. ing 8< flashlights, Marine father & mother as a psychologist, Mikhail, tickle fights, condo in Padre, walks on the beach, showers, The Wall, best friends lorever, "THIS MUST BE LOVEll"
items to the lollowing leave a copy 01 How to be a Smoldering have Masculinity, but since he doesn't need it instead. And a chemistry set. To Darren I Mouse paraphernalia except my boxers. To don't want it. To Meredith Lightfoot J leave a in my harem. To Alison Pachynski I leave a green field with loIs 01 flowers and a big tree. (But you'lI have to give it all back once the aliens land.) To Moises Gallegos and Rick Russel I leave the Tardis, the Enterprise, a 30 scarf and a transporter, To Pete Walker: henna kouso, To john Tyson I a priceless collection 01 original post impressionist paintings. Enjoy. To Neeraj Sharma I leave India. (But you'll also have to give that back,) To Gary Cohen I leave my left ear and my doormat. (You can keep them.) To Mike levy and James Denny r leave the sincere hope that they do know what they're doing, II not, that they at least have enough know what they're looking for. To Trevor I leave my keyboard, airbrush, dog, rn"nh::mrrrl1:)r
ReMarkerifourcast friday, June 3, 1988
Ie St. Mark's Adams, D.-State '88 Ainsworth, D.-Houston in summer of 19.127 Barnett, c.-Crystal Pistol with Colin Wilson Bednar, A.-Togafests '87 and '88 Berger, B~-Mr. Bachelor's final
Last will
& testament
I, Neeraj R. Sharma, being of an incomprehensible stale of mind and an unmentionable state of body, do hereby, forthwith, whereas, herelofore and whynotdeclare this my last Will. and Testament (no fuhdamentaiisl reli' gious connotations implied). Therefore; as I am supPosedly s(lcial protocol and tradition,to leave theihings of this mortal, (which I think is pretty cheap, considering that I deserve to keep the afore· mentioned possessions), I shall leave the. fOllowing wlongings andjor esoteric concepls to the following individuals, 'organizations andlor Iran· seenderital entities, uhless of course, they dorn deserve anything, in which case I shall leave them the knowledge that theyare worthless and Ihis hor. rible. rUn'On sentence: Therefore once agail1' I leave to Robert "Doc" Bro",ning, my most heaitfelt .admiration,.eter!)al thanks fo'r his 1n"""'1II0J1 more interesting punctuation for his nam~ and all the money I enlbE~zzlled ~~Npaign; to.all of my teachers;lmY"ltern~rqratefulness and an raise; to J. T. Sutcliffe,my tl1anlss, lo,!:e i3nd .se>me beachfront prop, to next year's CANpaign Chairs, my stash of Vivarin and the !:Jest of to the Math Team, the left side of mybr<iin,a Ir¢e Pronto Lube and a year of Cable TV; to the FilmScx;, larger alldience>; financial success and fond memories of Low Budget II·Scumdance iS7;to'.Tl1e Breakfast Club," 11,000 Grandy'S Sinnamoney Certificates; to everyone I've ever played miniature golf ",ith, a high score and the feeling of defeat; to Doug Stillings, earplugs; to Trevcir Lain, an Indian restaurant and a standing invitation 10 dinner at my house; to John Mennel, my. moderately right.wing political tendencies and a lifetirne membership in the Young Republicans Club; 10 Robert Musslewhite, Meadows forms and Low Budgetfliers; 5000 each; to Calvin Glenn, a position as CEO of IBM and a.lifetime subscription 10Jhe Fuurcas!; to Stephen G;(be,rt, my sense of humor and plethora of willi· cisms; to Scott Reed, non.vegel,lrian peanuts; my copy of The Constitution of tile Rus"ian Soviet Republic; to my parents, the rest of my worldly a cruise on the Caribbean; and to 51. Mark's, $35,000,000 a in the Zurich branch of Societe de Banque Suisse, (I number to Mr. MOl!, because he
on, Caffee, T.-Halloween '87 Chapman, R.-6/16/88 Cohen, G.-Israel '86 Fernandez, J.-attending Flanagan, C.-Madonna concert Fogel, K.-Todd Stevens in 7th grade attacking me Fordyce, D.-Doc-O-Rama Gachelin, J.-Homecoming (bad) Gallegos, M.-being born Garrett, R.-j.S.B. '88 Gilbert, S.-Christmas Formal '87 Gillentine, A.-ask Betsy or jenny Ginsberg, C.-graduation Glenn, C.-Sex Day '88 Gravel, M'.-life with j. Hargrove, B.-The Harper, D.-losing to Hawkins, J.-border stop with Henry, J.-beating Greenhill 33-0 1987 Kasmir, D.-Michael jackson "Thriller" concert Kim, M.-Biology striptease
King, C.-New Year's Eve party Levy, A.-summer of 1985 Levy, M.-Vergamann's student council upset 'Macari, M.-watching Matt Bush get beat up in Kansas McAlester, K.-Padre '88 McCrea, K.-ISAS '87, SPC Volleyball '87 Menter, C.-Soccer, S.P.c. Mitchell, C.-ON
Musslewhite, R.-Padre '87 or relay at Nationals Neuhoff, B.-pool ball Nurre, T.-1/S CS7 rules Parker, D.-Steve, Jan, 10, 1986 Pratt, I.-Colorado solo Ritter, J.-Canpaign Game '87-'88 Roberts, W.-life Russell, R.-I forgot Sachson, S.-jessica-'86 Sekhavat, S.-in the hall before English 9 Sharma, N.-birth Short, A.-6/1/87 and 4/1/88 Smith, S.-birth Snyder, E.-"May I sit down?" Stewart, K.-junior graduation . party/the week Stewart, S.-Shotgun Schae Stillings, D.-getting burnt with Brian Tyson, Walker, P. -lost J-/ouse II
and tennis player with size J j feet who moves with the quickness and which 1possessed; to Mr. Donovan: my congratulations for ~uccess, dealing with my constant barrage of problems: to my brother: my scent, my height and my waistline; to my parents: peace and relaxation because I'm finally out 01 the house; to Miss Renee VE!secky: my watcrbed, my outgoing personality, my dancing ability and iny cats; to her mother: , my left foot; to the rest of her family: peace and relaxation because I'm finally out of the house; and last 0'1 all, to Colin Campbell: my sincere belief ' that 1 have succeeded.
I, Stephen Christian Smith,being of Picassoesque mind and body, do hereby bequeath the following stuff to thesehere folk;To Mom and Dad: a quiet" house, the car, and my recipe for macaroni and cheese. To Dillon Parker: some new boots, the dregs of the Commando Mix; a lifetime mem, to sUr1l1. Tienl1., and a loan for Europe. To John Mennel: a haircut! u die and another wide tie. To Oh,lknow, a muzzle for Shotzy and an alarm dockthat works. To Macol Stewart: lotsaf salt andlinieand the color, blue, To Catherine Clark: cardoors that open autotnatically. To ica Kramer: and a spare tire from Harlingen: To Meg Allen:. a bad Courtney ~ichols; SteWart; Stewart, .andStewart. 'or that hectic L.A. traffic. To.GioraNetzer: apublish. millions and the last laugh iltall.oil.ls.To Kelly NlcCracken: grilled cheese, Morrissey, .and the milkmah.ToSandace Englander: a car ",ash, the color black, !l frat dude, and sOme Thunderbird action at Lee Park. To S~ephen Box; a SNACKBAR'll; squat rack,some' muddin' lires for H~II, und Heidelberg! Iq Mr. Beall: l11yfir:stbook (lord know5,-when that wiUbe!). To Seaweed: 10 Ibs,ofgrO!ind,rQundtofili those darn lat pockets once and lor aU. Finally, to myself: a$OOd'night's ' sleep. Amen, brother.
Weinstein, M.-Pat O'Brien's 87 Whitely, M.-cheeeeyup Wilbert, P.-4 wheelin' Wilson, C.-Skinhead rebellion Zaletsky, K.-Senior Skip Day
Just back from a potato sack race.
There's an H in
You don't spell it the way it spectal Thanks to Jeff Abramson
Most Memora Ii Incident
Last will Kyle, R.-Austin with Julie any time; Spring Break '88 lee, M.-Hawaii lehner, S.-Meowie leventhal, R.~"the ultimate evening" lightfoot, M.-AP American History wi Kramer loosen, F.-bust '86 Mahan, B.-Mom reading /lIt's You It Mackey, L.-Iosing Ca downtown Mathis, J.-Austin '87 McArthur, J.-REM '86 in Suburban McBride, E.-Padre '88 McCracken, K.-Stewart's
There's a signpost up ahead: You are
Abbey, J.-"the Padre experience" Agnew, M.-Fair Day Allen, M.-4/28/88; beach Hip Allen, N. -the kiss'7/1/87 Ahlberg, D.-Spring Break '88 Bell, C.-Padre '88 Blaske, P.-Iosing car downtown Borlaug, T.-Spring Break '88 Brown, C.-Austin '87 Bruce, E.-Regional Convention 1987 Bunn, S.-cramming 4 people into Shana's Ferrari Casey, L.-Border Stop bustedJeWs parents, summer '87 Compton, E.-James Taylor's Cook, A.-Lake Tahoe '87 Cox, J.-Austin with Rebecca Custard, L.-Homecoming 'B6 Dammert, S,-coming home '86 Delisi, A.-being imprisoned in a hotel room for missing dinner DeMarco, J.-Padre Island police Dutta, E.-being stranded in the
entering 81EVOIatmd!
Maasai mudbog in the middle of the night Ewton, M.-Buchard Hotel w/Annie and forman, B.-Colorado '87-'88 Gillespie, A.-Texas/OU weekend Ginsberg, A.-La Quinta-Mary and Julie's great escape Gower, A.-I can't remember Gray, J.-getting through a piano in the midst of exams Hahn, L.-almost-Marksman Ball '87 Haley, K.-Mike Palmer Harris, A . ...,New Year's Eve '87 Hazan-Cohen, R.-11 luggage searched for a bomb Henrion, A.-jilting David at Homecoming '86 Howell, K.-evening of the Chief Bootalazy speech Hus, J.-SMU concert 1987 Hubbard, N.-Alison's lake house Hudspeth, L.-death of RMCC
6/3/86 Jasin; G.-Austin Johnston, J.-6/16/86
Miller, B.-Division I game vs.Greenhili Mitchell, K.-Monique's Montgomery, A.-Julie party/the scavenger hunt Montgomery, L.-Dalt's '87 Moore, A.-the Pawn Shop Morgan, N.-Europe Morse, S.-death of RMCC K.-getting to see the original "Starry Starry Newsom, A.-Padre '88 Nichols, C.-Padre '88 Paschal, E.-'Venus" Pachynski, A.-summer at Cornell Paul, D.-the ride back from Mexico Reddy, P.-ball-girling for Virginia Slims Rogue, C.-Julie Ann's party/AFS week-ends Sanders, L.-Labor Dav '851 Spring Break '88 Speck, V.-wreck 1986 Street, S.-Cayman Islands '88 Stuart, E.-3/5/88 Syed, R.-October 30 Takenaka, K.-John Mennel's eggthrowing Tart, C.-freshman year at JAM's Taylor, L.-Itdonut run"
8/29/86 Taylor, S.-telephone call at Byron's Thomas, K.-California Spring Break '88 Underwood, W.-jSB '88 Walker, M.-Spring Break '88 Grand Canyon Island Walters, M.-welcoming Alison Gower
AI I Love Va'!
Let's waltz 4· er.
&·····testament "OO!lgStH!i~~'belngOf~~.~undini~leavethef~II;'Wingf~i!ad-'
gets tothosem,:,ybe n~ So d¢seiyj~ l~h~J{(lmSt.Ma*'$ and !>eyond ..... :roQan~Il)~;,J leaVel00poU'~50fco~fl?r t~iougher mpmin~~ AI\ll<.~~a(;1 give you all th\lgitlsJ kl1O\Vi To ToddCliaffe/il; I give I11Y mellowest tape ... Idon'thave one, SO!ry,you t:an alw~ys buy one, Patrick . Denker: I leave you a normal.outfil. To .Gilvin I Jea.ve il blal'lI, (iisk in a compUter. Chris Mitchell: I leave you our Spanish teacher. Neeraj Sharma: lIeave you my rock shirts, don't wear.them backwards .. The ever late Jon Stiles: I give you my clock and watch. ToJonTyson: I leave Hockaday. To J. 1. Johnson and Eugene Han: 'give you both my Satanic Bible and Hell Awaits tape. Mike levy:.lleave you my Barber. To Kevin Zaletsky:.1 leave my 5.0.0. tape, Moshin' Ivy. To the teachers at St. Mark's: I leave Seth Sachsonand Brian Hargrove. To Andrew Traub: I leave Eugene Han, may pestered. Thomas Bowers: I leave you my razor. Peter ou my Thrash t'lpesor is itMoSh.·To allthe people outside of Dr. Schlaks' class before class I leave tWo words, "NOT" 8< "MOSH," say em with pride. To Star Bradford: 1 leave my job jf you can keep il. for your little brother Tom I leave 'a file so he may get out of jail SQfl1eday. To Brian Richardson: J leave Wayland's wa,rm fuz.zy jar, the 10v~ly little Boston song. To Steve Postlewaite I leave Nikky.
and a baseball come home to; to _ a cold one; to Chan.ce Miller and South Padre Island;to Adrian Harris Massimo's and someone to make sure your hands are on the table; to Jenny Gaillard someone to play wlher hair, an invite to dinner and my girlfriend; to Brad Telford Trader Vic's, the gardenia's, a bigger back seat for the rolling ghetto, a trip to St. Tropel and a twinkie for your lunch box; to Courtney Nich()ls a smile, laughter, Wood· stock, privacy, a basket offlowers, a thunderst()rm, a train ride, my love and a trail of stones to glow in the moon light; to lyIacol a life of younger guys, a slice, the next four years and a S€curity blanket for ""henl can't be there; to my mother quiet and S€renity, a third dog, a famllythat isn't quite so sensitive and hopefully the chance to receive in return all the love, care and support that you have given me.
Virginia Lee Speck, being of sound state and mind as well as aerobic
fitness, will the following to my cloS€ friends and·family. To Laura Custard,
driving lessons in being a defensive driver, and my bud linda. To Brooke
Cohen, a date for Round·upnext year, a t;arthat will not go above 65mph,
a boyfriend that lives in your own town, and an endless friendship. To
Audrey Cook, a boyfriend with a nice common name-not Gary, a group
of people with no relations with Texas A&M..and a permanent table @
Judge Bean's. To Mandy Ginsberg, a boyfriend that Joy approves of, a
Texas accent just like mine, and permission to drive my car)¥hen it is
parked @ yOur house, To Adrian Harris, endless trips to. Hillsboro with a
boy Who dips snuff, a car that is safe to drive and rklein. To Debbie
,Lawrence, a dr/yer's license that says you're 21,a husband that majors in '
calculus, a~an e.ndless supply of those spare tires fort hose bumps in the
road.T() BrandonMclnnis, a boyfriend that is not a loud mouth, an endless
supply@Cabana,ard a roomm~te who wears (without asking).all of your
dothes.To ~hleyNewsom, a family IiketheWaldens, ~rongankles, and
knr:es alort!l.\\iithSOllle caffeine to do aerobics with, and a h()usenexttq
. Nelson.T()Cowtfley Nidiols, a boyfriendthat dresses like aTeian; driving' lessons, T0Sar;ih ~treet, .a date with thenatives,ala,rge shower,I·20after 6p'I11" a~~.trip.to the Caymans. To Carole Tart, ~Io~g.lasting relationship; a car that \'Ou understand which hasaroadmaPrand a natiVe in Santsfe: T!;!lil1dsay T~or,permission to drive afteJ~arkaloneand on rexas-OU Vi~~end.ToMargieWalker, a boyfriend that. lives inthe statE' ofT('xas,a rqommale whq cannot live in a messy room, and 1·35 or 1·20 any. time after 9p.m"fn~ many thanks for putting up with me for 3 years.,To Caroline Barlerin,f'at;Kettle, and a safe lime@ deb parties. To Sue Shirley, the HungryJoc~ey, driving lessons, friends who are on time, and many letters nexty~r.To~atherine Perot and Shannon Mc:Cutchin, a trip 10 the park with condimel)ts,adisco lilled with Saudi men, a seafoam restaurant that serves meat pi~, a.nd a disguisable handwriting. To Susanna Urschel, a place@fieldhockeycamp and a jeep that won'l run. To my mother and father, a. childthat comes in on time-that is before sunriS€, a child that d.ives w/outshowing their picture, and many thanks for .all that you have given me. To my grandmother, a gift that you say thanks for and that is all, longevity, and a grandchild that loves you very much. To the 'light of my' life-,Bubba, a steady relationship and job, a new lock on your door, a child that has pulled as much as you and I combined, a sister who can get into . college on her own, and a.siter with whom you can rock on.-ILY Adios-, Virg.
H.L Humprey had I) ~. and bingo 'IrI8S his name足 0, he also had a eat, 'vIhat \tI8S the eat's ntme?lSexpieces and Bill go to the Movies and get lots of Popcorn and Coke. Or \tIeS it nuff? I can't remember.
It \tI8S the same feeli ng I felt 'vI8tchi ng one of Channel 13'$ best telechefs demonstrating the more delectable 'w'Sys to prepare CO'W brains. He cradled the grey lumpy masses and bathed them in 1ukeW'srm to cold 'vI8ter iterating and reiterating the necessity of a thorough cleansing before eati ng them. Call me: 361-lI fE
Injured? Sore? Hurt? Speedy James Xpress Col mal Ambulanre/24 Hour Servlce777-2850 FOR SALE Armpits
by the dozen! Get'em 'w'hile they're 'vIarm! Notify Big Becki's Glee Haven!
Need sleeves? Pant legs or dance lessons? Call Trev-of-all- Trades! Luchtime 777-6577
30 miles, Ai Lcon. 'YI 1 big tubes portable toilet, cellophane seab. Fred Boing - Culvert 777-2050 J
Lessons on plJSChic nose blo'vli ng, organ 'vIeildi ng, je110 smelti ng other big things? Call the great EL KABHAR, he has the answr for you & us all.
Ti betan Mountai n Guide 1 Big Shoes; excellent smeller. The Arnazjn' Kirby 777-1 H 3 'y/
Cheese-filled croiSS6nts
FLO HYMEN is alive and and she is currently paving the streets of Seattle as 8 cattle baroness' for cool photo, info & fall club form, send in three best fingerpnnts.
Hate home perms? Rush to Mike's Perm-o-Rama for the curl of your dreams. 777-4079 Need a lift? Call Juan's Great forkllft - quick service 'vIlth a sombrero 'vIhiskerkiss 777-1933
What's more exciti ng than a barrel 0' beesviax? Fun 'YII buckets & housepets! Studio portraits also done and framed. Visit the E. fun Hut and bring a cake & party hat. Hake $3 overnight ~ Sell everythi ng! Disci pH ne anything and enjoy it! Send onl y $3.00 & can EKBI-777 (before 9pm on odd days only)
Boudoir & Insect Photography. I also do raei ng stri pes. Call Myk's North Boathouse 777-5718
love to the whole nutty bunch, Mr. Weiner
cal G is sill 9 and
small ears.
THE fOUNTAIN Of YOUTH in pre-packaged, eatty to use green bottles Discovered in catacombs underneath my house. For free sample and bonus toast & toaster, c811 AMG Ponce de Leon 777-0054 Bored? Run to Ali & Herd's Salon for the Mentally Off Balance. 7-9 vkdys.Bring lunch. Goodnight Slimy Sal, ho'w"s your leg? Iloose as 8 goose in four door caboose.lPau Pau fran足 say? 1 say - og./is that the end I see on the horjZj)o?lQh, ...~, Fred, Goodbye then. Tell Julio I'll get the royalty check to hi m later
路.~~ ~~\
\~\\\~ ~'
t .
. I~~ ~4iP,0 ~~
Senior Follie
'Ibis Is Jeff Abramaon IBobby Ablon). He spent 423 houra wrIt ing, typing. and compdtng 317 pages of solid text, tliliI year's Senior F01l1es. He knows.he's only a junior, and juniors don't usually wrtte Senior Follies. but this year the seniors were just
too lazy to do It themselves. Look at them _
DurIng bta flnaJ. year at St. Mark's, Joe Senior ty'eddy Nurre} haD to deal with many complexities en route to college. Here he finds our beloved College Counselor. Paul B. Mott III (Steve Smith). Joe lecuns that the college process Is just a game. while Mr. Mott can't help but wonder jf he only had a broad- bralnl
On hand to welcome Joe are the Mayor of Munch.kinland (Kevin Zaletsky. centerJ and the Coroner-Examiner (Andrew Traub. left) who pronounces the librarian not only really dead. but really most sincerely dead. The Munchkins then rejoice and break into song: "Ding Dong. the witch Is dead... " Confused. cautious. and concerned. Joe need not worry.
Special TIumks to Jeff Abramson • Spectal Thanks to Jeff ~ramson •
'Thanks to Jeff Abramson •
• •
friday; June 3; 1988
Exit The Dra on
SenIora Dax: AInsworth. Jon StOes. and Mike Palmer 'WOuld mth
er 81t around and drink Texas Select than work on wrtttng Sen
Ior Follies. Those apathetic bumsl
When the admtpldorul pt'OCl!88 beeoma too much. Joe Senior nearly goes insane. and he finds himself in a strange. vaguely fa miliar land. The libmrlan (rrevor Lain) here subjects the poor Munchktns to her instructional words of wisdom before she Is unsuspecttngly crushed by a yellow bulldozer which falls from the sky.
1here to protect him Is Sister Rachel (Mike Levy). his waitress for the evening. She tells him to take the bowling shoes off the dead librarian and to wear them himself. Suddenly. a voice Is heard. a cruel and spiteful one. Sister Rachel is forced to tell Joe about the Wicked Which of the West Coast (Patrick Denker). Mean Dean Jean the Rejecting Machine, Admissions Director at Stanford and College Counselor at Hockaday. It seems that Joe has just landed the dozer...on her sister. Finally. Sister Rachel sends Joe on his way to the Wizard of Oxford, apparently the only one who can get Joe into College. Thanks to Jeff Abramson •
'Thanks to Jeff Abramson •
Senior Follies 1988: Exit The Dragon
This Is Ground Control to Mr. Mailer (Chris Flanagan). Seeds of Time class has begun. The Wicked Which of the West Coast is not about to let Joe Senior get aWay with her sister's shoes. She calls in the specialist, guaranteed to put the group ofJoe, Mr. Mott, Mr. Reichelderfer ffodd Chaffee), and Mr. Hicks (Doug Fordyce) to sleep for a while.
In his dream, Mr. HiCks fancie~ himself an emperor in Greco Roman days. By his side is his trumpeteer (Jeff Ritter). Soon Mr. Hicks 1s betrayed; he is stabbed to death by each of his Sen ate compatriots, even his ever-loyal supporter, Randall (Jeff Hawkins).
Fed up and determined to go to the college of his choice. Jeff Abramson kills the witch. Joe and his friends then proceed to the Emerald City. where they find the Wizard, Mr. Hague (Collin Wilson). Though he can satisfy the other three. Mr. Hague can not offer Joe admission to college. It looks like maybe there really is no entry for Joe.
eff Abramson • SpectaJ Thanks to Jeff Abramson. Special Thanks
While asleep, each member of the Gang of Four encounters a dream sequence. Mr. Reichelderfer 1maglnes a gigantic bust of the underground Freshmen Comons, where he finds twenty smoking culprits. With the help of his loyal German assistant, Frau Brandenberg (Dillon Parker), he disciplines them all.
Back at the witch's castle, with her monkeys and the four eap tured travelers, Mean Dean Jean proudly shows off her half completed buildings with copper roofs, all abandoned mid construction. Joe finds a familiar face, that of a zombie-like Dan iel Pereira (Moises Gallegos) condemned to work for the Clark Morris Construction Company. Blazoned on the witch's shirt is the message to Joe: for St. Mark's seniors there is NO ENTRY into college.
Finally, at long last, Joe Senior discovers the secret. Mr. Seay (Stewart Stewart) informs Joe that Bill Marmion (Steve Box. right) is Yarsa, Mr. Seay's alien frind. Telling Joe to "pack up his surf board. It's time to blast off," Mr. Seay gives Joe a ride to college in his spaceship. Still, it is important to remember that. at St. Mark's, there is no free ride.
to.llter Abramson. Spec1al Thanks to Jeff Abramson • Special Thanks ~ Jeff Abramson • Spec1al Thanlm to Jeff Abramson • Spec!al1hanks to Jeff Abramson
'& testament
I, Ruby Syed, will the(ollo';Vil1g items: to Katy MitcheU, I leave: a certifi cate for WINNING two cirde,.tije 111;>",e to a~kYOU KNOW WHO out, a thought for the day, and THEHar~fa<::e CollegEOH,andbook; to Jill Mathis, I leave: a few extra poundsto keep you ff?mi:J1r;>wingaway, a job as a reggae dance instructor, andyourFAVO~lTE'l:iaiidre~r;J<:> Nicki Allen, I directions to my house; .my \/ollevi>all.exPMiSe, banana mamas, Noteware, Ilea\!e:a~~hat you <:;;;inalways sleep on; I, I leave: adateto,theformal that you actually like; to Morse, I leave: my ,abil\!),a! playing pOpl; tOCathi Bell, ,I leave: the Casady YB ,team; to GabYJilslr",lle,;I,;e:,anendless:sopply of food to satisfy your hunger; to Amy Fleisc~mann, I leave: an endless supply of gum; to Noreen, I leave: all my Iipst!tkfand my mattress; to Seema, I leave: my collection of her ugly pictur~ia~dall my books, cuz I know how much you love to read; to Shaheen, I leaVe: my plaid skirts for t~1i! future, my yellow bag, and enough luck to makei!; to !'Iiki, Ileavli!:'my red glasses, camera, Mrs, Field's cookies; and a husband; 10 my parents, I leave: my thanks for everything you've done for me and all my love.
following: forever friendship; Kennera Mullin-ticket' to Portland and naUU'Jl"',>; Nicole Morrison-patience to cope with your little sister; Alyson gomery-peace of mind and tranquility; Judy Hsu-bottled sunshine to brighten your days like you've brightened mine; Janine Steiner-case of Eggo waffles;· Julie Chun, Tina and Vincent Lin.--years of magic and mayhem; Laura Leigh Hahn-long hair and a glorious writing career; Amy Hemphill-mental fortitude to combat seniorit ever your heart desires; Darcy Ahlberg-litter country; Pa,trick Denker-n;Jore bow ties and present-thanks for .the memories Karate Club-a children to
, I, Cilmle Tart, ofsoundl]'lindan~body,dobequeaththefoUowing: Julie'
A~beY:-:clifetirrie supply
of Sltirpees&~aIlSi.\r) salad: loren Basset;.;,Rob lowe. Tiffany Borlaug.-anotherdtivllfsed"O<;ourse&Pop ~ocl<s:AI.ison Gower:-Slick Rick, Brooke Cohen,~,ill,the cahdy in Miss Mac'soffice, a plane ticket to St.lqllis, &goO(IIime~jf! lilY; Alis()O Davls-:-an()ll1er d<;lle with ~ichard" ia,"B'! Cilmaro, a Btly ridi~ga:!lJotofcyCle;a Casey Clyce IRifl).Gabyjasin'"-Duran Duran,. a Milrl<sman;(liee)leeJ, & another Am. Gov!, .;Iass. Amy Fleischmann-painting lessons., Maria Reyes...;a window, bruises, Gold Am. Express for shopping, 7.Eleven!,& a perfect boyfriend, Virginia Speck-La Botiea & a new Grand Wagol'lrieer for all your roadttips. Beth Garvish.,.,no more stress &a trip to WoodberryForest. Susan Taylor & Byron Neuhoff-new relationships, yams, cherrypie flIling,& jason's Toll house cookies. Susan Taylor-thefish from Mr. HO,rton's r30<:h, an electric guitar, & wild times at UT. Louise Kemp-a "malicious" girl & Ted. Ted Nurre & Stephen Box-the caves in France & teachingjobs al Lamplighter, Brian Hargrove-another jar of nerds & suckers! MargieWalker-anotber European trip with Dee, Pete & Forrest! Florentine lYfrom the Mafia M,m! Brian King-a paladal estate in HP, preppy Olen's dothing store (King and Son), & Billy Bryan's Country We~tern Club, Alan Schoelkopf-3 years added to your age. Robert Musslewhite,-razors foryour arms and legs, an Oiympic gold, & fun times at your lake house. Samantha Holloman-3 Betsie-ME! I'M YANDY BOUND!! Mom & Dad-· and all my
I, Susan Taylor, being of absent mind and awkward body, do hereby leave: Tiffany Borlaug: my decision·making ability~ my patience, my tapes, long hair, and a mass'lve phone bill next year, Julie'Abbey: death by a lawn· mower, an infinite Visa limit, my cheerfulness, and a dork. Calh; Be.!I: a honker & a permanent rock, scissors, paper playmate. Mary Walters: a Polo bathroom & cooking ability, Carole Talt:apel sqUirrel & a never ending supply of Kool·Aid. Alison Davis: many new & unsolvable hangmen challenges. Julie McArthur: the ability 19 ROAR,RIlbe!::ca Kyle: at least one awkward night & a cherryslurpee. Gaby,jasin:a tile? stand & control of Pips. ElizabethSchoelkopf: my, vocabulary skills & walking style. Robin Greer: an autographed bean, Byron by tickling, marwtrips to Austin, &my ability to run a mile. Kong & eternity with adltz. Ted Nurre: package of Turk, Palmer: an ego & a big lollipop. Andy GiUentine: a car. ropher Broom: complete access to the books in our garden room for your reading plea sure, Brian King: the King Ranch, Chris Weber: my basketball net &an end· less supply of chocolate chip cookies: (::hris Flanagan: notoriety as Kin'g Studmuffin. Chance Miller: my dancingtalents &a Mexican poncho, Collie, James: a ballet partner & my parking abilities, Matt Kessler: a servant to spit shine your car & a place on Desco. Alan Schoelkopf: an M&M & quarter back stardom, Courtney Comer & Elizabeth Hairston: alifetime supply of Grandy's cinnam(ln muffins & my s~illin hitting every chuckhole from WiI· son's to Meadow. lindsay Taylor: the Eyes of Texas & 4 years with a dork. Natalie luCk & thanx for beingmy own Iii' sisterto lovcand My Driveway: my~indsighLMy Class: to fight with, thanx & a vote decision. Claire:' my astronaur suil. 'Myself: my Mom: a dean room, ,the, bird, 10 hug., daily, erving, uneaten love.
at the Future Holds for the Class of 1988 "'ark' 5
Compiled by The ReMarker staff
ReCently, the Class of 1988 hera 1ts'10-year reun ion. Only a few people were unable to attend and our staff was able to get an update on all their recent activi ties. John Mennel is an herb farmer and Peace Corps worker in Albania. Darren Kasmir has"earned to coordinate his clothing and is now a cover model for GQ. Aric Short has been searching the world for Moby Dick. David Harper had a chance in Super Bowl XXXII to score the winning touchdown for the 49'ers, but fifth-string defensive back Andy Gillentine runs off the bench to make a brilliant diving interception, sav ing the gave for Buffalo. Several members of the class have returned to work at S1. Mark's. Gary Cohen has become an overly positive librarian. Chris Flanagan now teaches English 11 and Seeds of Time. Bobby Ablon has become a P.E. teacher, Jeff Hawkins has replaced Paul Mott as Director of College Placement and he also vies for the attention of young Ursaline girls with Eric Snyder. Stephen Box replaces Angus Scott as Physics teacher and helps Steave Seay create the Yarsa Fan Club. Finally, Brian Hargrove does odd jobs around the campus, still trying to please the facul ty in any way possible. Dillon Parker impersonates St. Mark's Fine Arts teachers for a living. D~lD "The Mad Laughter" Adams has become the best professional wrestler in history, bringing op ponents to their knees by just laughing. Brian Berger got on the wrong bus and wound up in Butte Montana, thereby missing the reunion. While there, though, he saw Carl Ginsberg sit on the bench as a backup center fo the minor league Butte Gold-diggers. A few other classmates also missed the reunion. Mike Levy wouldn't show up, since Rick Verga mann couldn't attend. Todd Chaffee was not al lowed in, as he wa$ at the hospital after pegging bouncers Chris Mitchell and Kent Stewart with water balloons. Jon Stiles showed up two weeks late. When he did arrive, he finally turned in his Eng lish paper to Mr. Hicks. Stewart Stewart would have been there, but he just didn't know what to wear. Sadly, Kevin Zaletsky was smashed by a yellow bull-dozer. He left his shoes to Mike Levy, after all, Kevin "didn't need them anymore; he was dead." Chris King writes bad poetry about Michael Jor d.1Il. Pete Walker has moved to Japan and has become a famous ninja expert, plotting his world domination scheme. Juan Fernandez was committed after becoming a pyromaniac, due to his eventual disgust over continual paperwork. Mike Palmer has become the head of a cult, as his devout followers believe that he is a demigod. Moises Gallegos owns a chain of stores specia lin zing in 17-foot multi-color scarfs. Meadows Foundation President Neeraj Sharma has recently filed his 452nd lawsuit against Morning News editor Kevin McCrea.
Several class members have entered the world of show business. Calvin Glenn has become a star on Sesame Street. Doug Stillings does technical work for several heavy metal bands. Jim Henry has be come a star in commercials, appearing as the Stay-Puff Marshmellow Man. Keven McAlester has replaced Dick Clark as host of "American Bandstand." Chip Barnett has become a major star, acting in such films as "The Stumbling Man" and "Death by Accident." Fi nally, of course, Stephen Gilbert has become a fa mous stand-up comedian. J.D. Gachelin has just been divorced from the former Carol Tart. She complained that he talked too much. Doug Fordyce and Teddy Nurre have become owners of Mule Manufacturing, Inc. Alex Bedner now owns the nation's larges chain of catillions and charm schools. Mike Macari has become the silent partner in several business operations. Dax Ainsworth gets a job working for the Plano Police Department. Matt Bush receives high praise from Mother Te reasa for his charitable work and his kind disposition. Patrick Denker becomes editor of the James Joyce Weeklyand is still waiting for Godot. James Denny becomes a clown in the Ringling Brothers and Barmun and Baily Circus. Kirby Fogel 'decided to row his way to college in Switzerland and was never heard from again. Robert Garrett still sings the blues in cement shoes supplied to him by Ma~k Whitley, close per sonal friend of Gilad Block. Mike Gravel has become the Governor of Arkan sas and has created a photo essay of the Arkansas Ra zorbacks. Eugene Han loses his ministry in yet another P1L scandal. Mark Kim earned a place in the 1992 Olympic Volleyball team, but quit to study Calculus. Dr. Trevor Lain is now working towards his seventeenth degree at the University of North Carolina, all paid for with the Morehead Scholarship. Alan Levy, Michael Newman, and Seth Sachson journey to Isreal and are never heard from again. But rumor has it that Mike. Newman had him self committed to an institution after having reccurring dreams about 3000 Justine Batemans attacking him. Meanwhile, Jon Tyson develops a mathematical scheme to destroy the universe ...just for fun. Colin Mentor was on hand creating a photo-essay for Time magazine. Andrew Traub launches his takeover bid for Ap ple Computer, but Mike Weinstein has already ac quired all the stock. Jeff Ritter breaks all previous records playing basketball for the Binningham Hams. In his spare time, Peter Wilbert actively pro motes gun control and Robert Musslewhite is an equally strong proponent of prohibition. On a similar note, Sep Sekhavat lanuches his mayorial campaign with the slogan "Say nope to dope, but yep to Sep." Several members of the class have been honored for their works. Steve Smith's first novel, The English Award, went straight to the top of the best sellers list. Dillon Parker's first album, Side Effects, reached
What the Future Holds for the Class of 1988 platinum status in less than a month. Historian Ja son Pratt received the Pulitzer Prize for his work, The Decline and Fall of Western Malaysia between 1911 and 1913. Rick Russell leads a group of phys icists to the discovery of the anti-quark particle. He re ceives a Nobel Prize in Physics for that discovery. The entire class congratu~ted Byron Neuhoff on
his marriage to Susan Taylor... Way to go B!
Mter the reunion. several members of the class of
'88 found Collin Wilson. in the fume hood with.
Polly Urethane. '" By the way. there were still no Seans allowed.
Special thanks to Jeff Abrahamson and William
Roberts' mother who organized the reunion.
A History of Change
Last will & testament
St. Mark's and the Class of 1988 in Transition I, Katey Thomas, will the following thi ngs to the following people: Nikki Hubbard-Q-tips to dean her ears so that she can hear me. Lyn Mont gomery-a chance to dance with Solid Gold, Wendy Underwood-a live pig to put in her backyard. Jen DeMarco-a motorcycle todde up and down Forest Lane with Julian.. D~rcy Ahlberg-my car (when I get one) because she deserves it morethao any of us.. Denise Paul-.my consent to marry Patrick, Alison Henrion-$5 that lowe her year round. Kim Haley lifetime subscription to the tanning salon, silly putty, my hairspray and curling iron, and finally one left fake eyelash. lenni Cockrell-a .chance to meet Aerosmith, bike riding classes, Spaceballs T-shirt, 12 liters of Dr Pepper,Cop)Jertone face I~nning lotion, an EXTRA STRONG pair of hose for thenextformi;lland. a lifetime supply oLhot dogs, grapefruit andlon:.a. . tos,Patty .Reddy..,.Scorpion tapes and one more road trip to Mineral WeJJs on graduation'S7. Hey, Patty, let's go shopping. Oebbie Lawrence-my mother and one free ticket or Amtrak toPomona.Arine-M~rie GiUespie 20 speedil'lg tickets. tauraCustard-achal)<;e 19 write a book called /jow T9·.ee.. ~~~e!9 Rre;:S91!r;geNiltp il?dNotG~1 il)Troubl"" C~hi Bel!-;7!1 feal bQyfriel1d~nd • a;super~re~flllme;atlfT; TO.a.ll:t9.eBli><lrders:Qolxl·luck, ChiqlS1TomY\'<lie~ls:.:::more letters fro.m TeXils.!.iistlYllea.ve to Alexis Conellysomemor:ej')ink lipslickIhisis KT signing o/f, ... ADIOS!
Last year, there were no Jack hammers and yellow bulldoz ers at St. Mark's. The old campus stood on the brink. however, of great change and a new look.
To create Is to destroy. and destroy they did. Fences went up. and buildings went down, as Phase I of the Mas ter PIan proceeded. .
l"or tile 1988-89 school year. a neW chapel and a modern. neady-completed Lower School will add a beautiful bell tower and copper roofs to the St. Mark's campus.
Last year, Junior class Presi dent. Jason Pratt, dared any one to Enter the Dragon. The class of 1988 then vowed to change the emo tional atmosphere on cam pus, to foster positive spirit to accompany the new build ings. Hard labor is the key to suc cess, and seniors found much work awaiting them in the first semester. For the:; seniorS like Dax Ainsworth, pictured here. the mental and emotiop- at strain was often overwhelm· ing. . The storm is now over. and the seniors are freshmen once again. SO long, st. Mark's. It's been hardl
I,Milrg1e Walker,being of!iQmewhat.soundbo<lyand min(i;'willthefol lowi[jg prized possessions to;thoseJ have encountli;!red during my Hocka daycare~r:,tQ VirginiaSpeck,)~in. aWago",eerthat runs ou~side.oLthe shop,atriptotlJeCaymanlslan(/s'(andColoradoll, and a roommate as stressedouta~ I have ~nfi>r3yearsl TlJamdorputting up with me, Rock On! To Adrianli~rrjs, I will my ability to!\3inwe.ighl at the sight of folxl! I win ~rahStreeta trip totheC'lymanls!ands,avisit with Tesla;thanx.for al\\('!ysooing there,you!iilly:(Jiit!Tpf>atty f{eddy, Iwill the desire to out:ofLatin.ToAnne Marie Gillespif)jcraziness/insanity, health, I Abilf)!je,Sh<ikespeareIMozart;<lndadmissior\ to Rice University. To Carole Tart,! wjllo~rfaux name,lillT()bin.ToAudreyCook, I will a house in Taos, and ()fl.:ourseahusoondwith astral')ge name. I wlli Carrie Boren the ability to RockOI')!througoher senior year at Hockaday. To the Hockaday Swim Team'\"liViII victory over Highland Park as well as free admission to Bowl Dallas!To B;arbaraBitter, I wmat~niadegree.in chemistry, and a very small family! To Debbie lawrem;e,dwilltneabilitytoquit worrying. To Nicki .Morgan, IwiUacareerin.~()n()mics.an(,lnew.hair, .50.1 can ha.\lehers.And to Momaod Daf:!, fl/Vill allt~ joyandhaPpiness.ofaBluebird, and four relil)(ing years aftf)rl.gradilatefrom coliegeLThanx;Mom and Dad, 1.loye ya~lI!
friday/June 3; 198.8
What the Future Holds for the Class of 1988 Hockaday Compiled by Rebbeca Kyle
Our beloved thespians.
& testament
I, Mary behind the cake every better the very own ring. To Gig; Loeb: an appreciation for men in uniforn1 and, although as yet unbeknownst to you, my superior knowle<:lg~ on the lo'ss 01 innocence. To Ka!herine Moore: all the guys you~arit. To-Iulic 1bbey: "thocccr" and enough money to shop forever. To Dill:CY· Ahlbelg: the ability to market Hamster Art and make millions, mor~ enlightening experiences, and an acceptable. answer to the question. "What do you do?" To Erika Bruc.e:.the continuing' reputation oftheSB team, aggressive. ness, and a dictionary in which the word "PERFECT" does not appear. To Stephanie Dammert: the love of places other than Dallas. To Alison Gower: the basis for a great story in your Hockab<;iok. To l.aur~ leigh Hahn: the ideal man, a watch, and freedom. ToShanalritille: eternal admi· ration (and wonder) for the ability to deal with basketball:To Lil Noteware; money for a (ull·page.letter.To Becky Miller: your own locker for the next four years. To Susan Taylor: unburned rice-krispietreats, a lighted path to the trashcans, Tom Selleck. To Sam Preston: the eternaitesponsibility of finding me a date. To me: fun. .
Julie Abbey has started an international bea.:.h shop you know Paris, Tokyo, Padre. Monique Agnew and Cheryl Brown are the chief wardens at Austin Jail. There's no place like home_ Darcy Ahlberg bought an island in the Pacfic and crowned herself benevolent dictator. Meg Allen wrote a best-selling novel entitled My Delinquent Dates -- A True Story. Nicki .!Olen has been touring the United States with Olivia Newton-John. Loren Basset is a world class tennis champion. Cathi Bell makes professional laugh tracks when she's not running her tobacco shop. Barbra Bitter Iives.in the country with her 14 kids. Pilar Blaske and Leta Mackey began their own maid service: After winning the Nobel Prize, Tiffany Borlaug returned to Hockaday to coach soccer. Erika Bruce is the national president of BBYO and in her spare time sells a video tape on how to pitch a softball. Suzanne Bunn is the new mayor of Waco and has okayed the city as a test site for thenno-nuclear weap ons. She hopes to have completely annihilated the city by May, 1999. Jenni Cockrell owns and operates a combination tanning salon/gym and has been a driving force in mak Hockaday a co-ed schooL Lisa Casey is the L'Oreal hair dye model because she's worth it. Brooke Cohen is the hostess of the nation's hot test game show "I Don't Understand - Do You?" Elizabeth Compton was last seen starving i the streets of Santa Fe with her.oil paints. But that was be fore James Taylor found her, hugged her, and married her. Audrey Cook coaches the men's Olympic volley ball team. Daua Cota-Robles gave up philanthropy and is now a vicious (and successful) Wall Street mogul. Julie Cox was the nation's leading gynecologist, but she was arrested last year under charges of bigamy -' - she still can't figure out how she got caught. Laura Custard, because uf her love for Hockaday decided to follow in her mother's footsteps and is pres ently the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees. Stephanie Dammert serves as tl-!e ambassador to Peru where she recently opened a Club Med to -- uh - boost the country's economy. Alison Davis is the Diet Coke spokesmodel. Annie Delisi smuggles contraband sailor suits from Moscow infO Temple where she leads the Social ist Party. We just hope the moral majority doesn't ("'md out. Jen DeMarco joined the Hell's Angels with her boyfriend and is fondly known as Harley Mama. Ellen Dutta is living in Kenya while studying marine biology -- quite a feat. Margaret Ewton defected to Russia. Amy Fleischmann is the president in charge of mints at Marshall Fields.Brenda Foreman is the spokeswoman for Bain de SolieL
Beth Garvisb appeared on "Saturday Night Live" and started a revival of the famous skit "The Whiners". Anne-Marie Gillespie is a Toni and Guy hair technician. Mandy Ginsberg is now a world class soccer player by day and is still a Deep Ellum groupie by night. Alison Gower returned to Hockaday as Head of Upper School and takes time out to teach AP French
V. Jenni Grey is a world-famous concert pianist. Laura Leigb Habn has spent the last ten years making millions writing cheap, trashy novels. Now she is going into semi-retirement to marry a pet hip pie with long hair. Kim Haley opened the world's largest beauty shop along with a line of clothing called "Leave Nothing to the Imagination." Adrian Harris just published a book of short sto ries and poetry entitled Hypochondria and Me. She is also reprtedly dating a member of Menudo. Rebecca Hazan-Coben still hasn't woken up af ter prom. Alison Henrion is still looking for her high school sweetheart when she's not tubbing in Colorado. Kris Howell owns a bowling alley decorated with construction paper professions of love created expressly by her husband, Dug. . Judy Hsu is the model for Pearl Drops' Tooth Polish -- that winning smile did it again. A top scientist found a way to tap Nikki Hub bard's energy. She is now the power source for New York City. Lauren Hudspeth still makes a practice of steal ing other peoiples dates at fonnal events. Sbana Intille has not been seen or heard from since she left for Argentina after graduation. Rumor has it that she is a groupie for a male basketball team there. Gaby Jasin is quiet now. She found that not talk ing attracts more long-haired band members. Jennifer Jobnston still dates Ron when she's not coaching junior swimming. Akiko Kasbiba won the Pulitzer Prize for her book on fashion. Louise Kemp became a skinhead at UT, presently has a mohawk, and lives in Deep Ellum. Rebecca Kyle spends her days rewriting fairy tales so that they have even happier endings. She spends her nights cashing quarters across the country with boys named Bob. Debbie Lawrence works for the revolutionary cause in Mexico. Mandy Lee has pennanent entrepreneurial job as Mickey Mouse at Disney Land. Suzanne Lebner has created a German colony outside of Columbus, Indiana she wanted the best of both worlds. Rachel Leventbal became a nun two weeks after graduation. Meredith Ligbtfoot lives in Gennany with her Mexican husband and two Gennan lovers. Fran Loosen returned to Hockaday and took over Shirley Rose's position as Head of the Boarding De partment
What the Future Holds for the Class of 1988 Julie McArthur can be seen on the front cover of Vogue. If you're ever in Spain, drop by and see her. Erin McBride is a proud Hockaday mother and sponsers our chapter of MADD. Kelly McCracken is the world's leading critic and hasn't cut her hair since graduation. Brandon Mcinnis is the Editor-in-Chief of "Inches" magazine. . Bonnie Mahan· has been cutting albums for years now. Last week she released a co-single with Stevie Nicks. Jill Mathis is the talent coordinator of te revival of the "Donny and Marie Show," She looks for unusu ally talentless singers. Becky Miller heads the Olympic softball team but is in jeopardy of being removed because of her ten dency to hold up the game when nature calls. Katy Mitchell went back to her position as the International Vice-President of Motel 6 -- she'll leave a . light on for ya! Alyson Montgomery had a nervous breakdown at 19 in a Baskin Robbins. There were just too many flavors to choose from. Lyn Montgomery stars off Broadway in the one woman revival of "The Wizard of Oz." Adele Moore won the women's golf champion ship last year and is presently taking the year off due to the bones she broke in a sky-diving accident. Nicki Morgan, because of her love of Chemistry, now works as a pharmacist at Tom Thumb. Shannon Morse opened a clothing store called "Granola R Us" featuring 43 different shades of brown. Kennera Mullin hasn't been heard from since she headed west of the Rockies to Portland paradise to fmd her destiny and broaden her horizons. Ashley Newsome created her own aerobics vide otape and replaced Jane Fonda on the best-seller charts. Courtney Nichols has been working for the De partment of Public Safety for the last 5 1/2 years. She plans to quit as soon as she has issued as many tickets as she received during her junior and senior years. Liz Noteware is the fearlesss leader of the OCM, the opening of closed minds. Alison Pachynski is happily lost in the 60's with the Knights who say NIH. Evangeline Paschal leads the moral majority and was responsible for putting Jim Bakker, Jerry Fal well, and Gary Hart behind bars. Denise Paul has opened up her own skeleton and snake paraphanalia shop.
LL--Thanks for being the greatest big sis . .. the best posters ever held up by a fresh.. man locker in Hockaday history I "/magineJ!1 & "Pictures of Lily"
but she swears she doesn't remember it. Maria Reyes owns her own aerobics studio and thereby supports her husband, Scott. Cecile Rogue is the French liason to Moscow where she lives with her American lover. Lauren Sanders has been seen wandering around Padre. She doesn't know where she's been, but she has pictures. Jeanne Simpson wrote, directed, produced and starred in last year's blockbuster hit "Redheads Have Even More Fun." Julie Ann Sklaver would be the president of the United States, but the constituents are undecided and in sist in having a revote. Virginia Speck has three daughters who board at Hockaday, all of whom wear white bows in their hair. Sarah Sreet went back to Africa, got her hair braided, and filmed a remake of" 10." Elizabeth Stuart is the president of the national Star Trek fan club. She has also recently designed a spaceship powered by the heat emitted from underneath refridgerators. Ruby Syed lives in Jamaica and spends her time photographing the natives. Kay Takenaka left Stanford after overdosing on California free air. Carole Tart joined the Peace Corps but dropped out immediately upon discovering that it was not a so rority Lindsay Taylor kept growing out her hair and played Cousin It in the remake of "The Addams Fami ly." Susan Taylor, who now works at Hockaday as a preschool teacher, still keeps baby pictures of Byron with her at all times. Katey Thomas opened her own tanning salon and is now even browner than she was in high school. Stephanie Troedel works with the Fort Worth Rodeo as a rodeo clown. Wendy Underwood was crowned Miss Universe last month after winning -- you guessed it -- the swim suit competition. Margie Walker is a parole officer and has been assigned to followed Leta and Pilar. Mary Walters flunked out of Texas A&M after a semester adjusting to fun. She now writes joke books. Jeni Wessleman is the mother of 17. She began her own commune and is the head of Bower Power Na tional. Patty Reddy married Chris from Mineral Wells,
(hmmm)lthe BEST DJ on KRSMIFrench verbs & ice cream bars-what a combo.li'/I miss youII Ole LL . .. (look out Oberlin here she comes) I"Tradition lives on" . .. Love, Anne
';lark' Edward mar . wonderful things to leave to several of my comrades: to my parents I'd like to leave all of thegood stuff, 'cause they surely aeserveit; 10 Brian ·Cheek a good roommate; 10 Chip Bam,," anew car every 6 months, and a new inSllmnce record; to Kevin /v1cAleSler, a sloic smile: .to future soccer teams of S!;" Mark's, my lightning spe"d; to Courtney O'Brian, odor·eaters and a driver'S license; to Kelly Matus, a receiptfo~ a new ring; to Usa Casey, a mouthpiece; 10 Courtney Nichols, a surrogale; 10 S. P.. Island, ·plenly more hispanic cops; 10 JClhn Whitley, a deer lease with dancing girls; to Ann Whitley,aneterf1~lIydirly kitchen; to Taylor Cheek, some stories; to CollinWilson,double lt3wilh~heese,two la(gefries and a coke; to the no", extinct!:;,J!" plenty offakel,D/s.; to !lie far East, plenly of minors; to Ashley Newsome,adatewilhEdBa.up'; ohyeah, to Chip Barnell, plenty to chewon;to Sieve Box; 19 dOllars;for everyone else, sorry Iforgot; I'll jusf lay here now, ..
I,Peter Wilbert,ofunslable and mind, hereb)(leave my worldly POSSessions JO the following: To Milchell· a ,351 magnum, a lawyer for Renetlagate, part ownership in a NewOlympic Pizza, protection BigR, many more chicken dance e>\periences, and good luck, To Palmer. money for cool lessons, a bookJ:mliesand excuses, Keith Jackson's starting positi9n, and a oe",jeep witn .inslructions on how to . drive the car, and.rny scaron my fore.head, and luckl)ecause You need it! To>Kenl Stewart ~ ~!lirlpasttheageof 13. equipmenlfor another New Year's party, partownership in 'A NeW Olympic Pizza, condolen~s for losinglhe pool marathon, anolher.jaguar,.and good luck. To Chris . ·more ~xcuses fOJyol); fulure . latearrivals, Vanessa, my station wagon renlace your terrible car, height to play at Huffines and MlK and lots of luck; T() Brian. (Bri-Bri) Hargrove - Vivarins or coffee, Ihe cars and scholar ships offered 10 me byBarry Switzer and jimmy johnson, luck with Brooke and·in the future. To Bobby Walker· a football scholarship 10 Noire Dame, and mv position of fullback, and a whole lot of Juck al SL you love, to Disney
1, Collin WilSon, be/ngof sound mind and ",hite body do hereby bequeath Ihe foliowir>g items tothefoliowi f1S people/Kev!nla hummina sunburn, heidelberg, 6 dollars afw graduation, stale che:e:;e,I'l)oldy bread, howaboullhe l!~nagin?a donut runIChancela,t<>ga/Sqvjarks boxersl . Whitleyllt3 with fhe:ese, . another hainus crime, Greek warfare/Boxl snow snQes, a ~loodpressure ma"hine, force 10, Blondie and Red/Bob/ ciominl?s rapsession,it bO.ltle of nair, one Student Council me€lingwhere I am.ol1 time/Ted/a girl "'he.is maxingout,a squat rack; a dream lovers trade/Chip/a yellow hOi tub, a no hitter, L~sdous lindalNelsonla parking spot.at TR2,anoth!?!rjace to face. meeting with my fatherlChrislsauce, skilolliessonsi a casket. for brandy, one large orange drink, poopo to you, a ; molta camp allst~r practice jersey/Leete/a Ninlendo baseball remalchl, Lou/acceptance to. Heruys Dental School,anight at thetiddy flop/Ware/I· just one moretasna~letooth face guard, a fal hanging Ninlendo ~'hl'ate it" curve ball,aT)Udance, rpore bragging about .5t.. Marks/Blake/a tan,·' 10,000. mani~S:~i a $imonand Davidlale night checking ,,:ccounl, a girl at W;,;shingtQna~d.Leelhatt;lQesn't·bark or fetch Slicks/Mary/a snack bar, Pictionary .PIl)sllosb/~riodical. squirts/Pratt/knowlegge about anything ot.her lha'! "",rt?stling, the If,lOscripts lO.all of the 198.8 Channel 13 speci,dsl P~lmer/drivinglessons/Meglachicken grissler;a pine cone .necklace/ :eyla date with .J:d Saum; a serious unargul1lentative conversation, a "zzle for Josey, an ankle br'i'ce/Erin/a muzzle for your brother, a gentle in the ribslKalherine F/A diaper, bologna/Abbie/one more snuggle freernovie tickels,a liquid Drahoil'ljection+a knee off a carpet cleaning m,,:chine(Mag!!e,. nOl;l1'1e)l~eslief<lpencil sharpener,1. mean a sausag~grindE;!r/¥itcb/a'R0I:Ji!,~'1):9sterpuflching bag/lWymondfa Collin Wilson.flunc~ing bagl~iry.)asoni.Marwjn, Tis, !lo»:ers,Leete/the green lightT pl~.n.tY of w",(e drills/Mr Mott/my junior. '. dilla she:eUJT Sutcliffe/lhe m.u!e'lIilriousp~rabOlic functions,plenly of fire to "fireupV with/GRHHag~el201)11 be<:\ker ottiCl, a tyiolil,"amega. phorie. alift;time. membership to.'h~fJfteen TenGang'rnilwsYZim;IMiss TricelThelove Song of j Alfred .l':rufr()Ck/Mr MamsiflaYl:>r,!1Je best.of luck inhoops and everything else next. ye~r/Coach.9l.rq/~el!~ sal!'!Y,te!Ja<;iou~ defense,. success. after St Marksl/v1rHQldridg~/~l)1e'insideinforl)1ati(ln .. regarding next years senior class, a ~~ ofHardcandiesfoh I almostforgol, . . CathyfjeUand Julie Abby,; phone numbersfor Snake and Lou/Mr Hicks/a ~ballneck!lng license, a million thanks/DOc Hartzeil/manchiid ('Iiffs! !WQRoc~",alffreethro'YS, best of champs tape/Mr Seay/lifesize space sh!Jltleslil1ger,asurtb9ard:l- tasty waves/Juliet/a new bikini. my phonelt, a fr,,*. stargazing BBQ/Mr Bealilhopefullyone installment on time (I'm a!m~t fini!h~d)/Jon Stiles/The}oke Mon>!ers HandbOok/Corrine/a shop. pingsprer,..at N~imans, a dorm room with Lauren, access to my car at all limes,,, posilive~lfil)1age,lotsofloveICarterl2 more years of Hell, custody ofMini andCammie (until further notice), alilhe girlfriends that I neverhad,all of mom~apd pop's preS$ure and suPPort. a homerun swing, .all of my~?d~rwearI.Mom/Pf:!aceand quiet, Carter.to rag on, a body madEi ofpill(}wSOll rny.bedll':op/a .balanced checkbook,. a left hand dribble, .a • pull up ''J''(l1oddft),~(llellitedjshoperator's manual, bdgl]rer days (Ihj!(e's ··.·.~t. ~(),~a ~rtY in.;thfi!re.S!>rnE!Where):
o Q