GOALS FOR ST. MARK’S II Adopted by the Board of Trustees on September 18, 1990 GOAL 1 1. To identify, attract, and retain a diverse group of students who show promise of intellectual aptitude, scholastic motivation, wholesome character, athletic ability and extracurricular interests. 1.1
SPECIFIC GOAL To insure that any boy qualifying for admission to St. Mark’s, having a place in the school, and wanting to attend will not be prevented from doing so for financial reasons. 1.1.1
Action Step: Insure that financial aid assistance is available for up to 20% of the student body to receive in accordance with individual need.
Action Step: Review the formula and criteria by which financial aid is awarded and explore alternative programs outside the normal financial aid program to assist middle income families.
Action Step: Direct the administration to identify transportation needs for students on financial aid and to develop a flexible plan for meeting these needs.
SPECIFIC GOAL To aid in the retention of students by establishing strong programs to address special academic, emotional, and social needs. 1.2.1
Action Step: Evaluate the student-to-student tutorial program.
Action Step: Establish a fund to make financial assistance available to financial aid students for tutorial purposes and for psychological counseling.
Action Step: Provide advisors with the necessary training, time with students, measure of accountability, and avenue for information exchange to assure the effectiveness of the advisor system.
Action Step: Establish a student committee on ethnic diversity that includes students representing a wide range of ethnic backgrounds, not just minorities, and that meets periodically with the administration to discuss what can be
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done to make St. Mark’s a more broadly tolerant and hospitable school for all students. 1.2.5
Action Step: Establish a joint Hockaday-St. Mark’s committee, including members of both schools’ Boards of Trustees, administration, and faculty, to examine ways of increasing interaction between schools and between their respective teachers and students.
Action Step: Create a formal review committee to monitor closely each boy’s overall level of involvement in academic, athletic, and extracurricular activities. This committee should have the authority to mandate the elimination of specific activities from a boy’s schedule, if overload is causing stress or poor performance.
Action Step: Prepare and communicate to parent, student, and faculty communities a complete and definitive list of student support facilities and counseling opportunities.
Action Step: Offer faculty periodic workshops, conducted by trained professionals, to improve the ability of teachers to recognize existing and potential psychological problems in a boy.
Action Step: Include advisement as part of each teacher’s annual evaluation.
GOAL 2 2. To recruit and retain an inspiring, dedicated, and knowledgeable faculty. 2.1
SPECIFIC GOAL To expand the school’s faculty recruiting efforts. 2.1.1
Action Step: Maintain a research function to identify inspiring teachers on a nationwide basis.
Action Step: Encourage department chairmen to develop good working relationships with their local, state and national associations (e.g., National Science Teachers’ Association, Advance Placement Service, etc.) for identifying outstanding teachers.
Action Step: Recruit high-quality ethnic minority teachers who, in addition to being inspiring teachers, will act as outstanding role models.
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SPECIFIC GOAL To make St. Mark’s compensation package competitive with those of the best schools in the country by directing attention to the following concerns: salary levels, education of faculty children, retirement program, other benefit programs and quality-of-life issues. 2.2.1
Action Step: Instruct the Executive Committee to develop and to publish a plan for setting and evaluating compensation targets.
Action Step: Review the fringe benefit program so that the total St. Mark’s compensation package is attractive compared with the fringe benefits package offered by the best schools in the country, giving special consideration to the school’s contribution to the TIAA-CREF retirement plan and its medical insurance programs.
SPECIFIC GOAL To provide a stimulating atmosphere for professional growth and development, high faculty morale, and professional satisfaction. 2.3.1
Action Step: Increase the levels of endowed funds for mini-sabbaticals, lectureships, summer study, travel-study, etc.
GOAL 3 3. To offer students challenging and motivating instruction in a strong curriculum, to encourage students who strive as well as those who achieve naturally, and to review the curriculum continually in an effort to refine and strengthen it. 3.1
SPECIFIC GOAL To examine ways that the curriculum can help to insure that students will be equipped to respond to the political, technological, linguistic (communications), religious, ecological, cultural, and ethical challenges in the world. 3.1.1
Action Step: Reassess the cognitive demands of the curriculum and graduation requirements to determine whether they are in appropriate balance with the school’s affective goals of educating boys for service, leadership, and strength of character.
Action Step: Examine and report on the adequacy of curricular focus on topics like drug and alcohol abuse, community service, current events and issues, leadership training, sex education, etc.
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Action Step: Examine the curriculum in light of the multi-cultural nature of society and of St. Mark’s, being particularly sensitive to issues touching upon minorities.
SPECIFIC GOAL To insure regular, comprehensive, and objective reviews of the curriculum’s effectiveness. 3.2.1
Action Step: Involve the faculty in the development of evaluative criteria and a reporting format for measuring and communicating how well students are doing and how effective the program of studies is.
Action Step: Explore the formation of a Board of Visitors composed of prominent collegiate educators to visit the school on an annual basis for the purpose of suggesting programmatic improvements to the Headmaster.
Action Step: Review policies and procedures for student access to Honors and AP classes.
SPECIFIC GOAL To refine and modernize the school’s curriculum while maintaining emphasis upon the basic Arts and Sciences. 3.3.1
Action Step: Complete a written rationale and devise strategic plans for the effective use of the computer throughout all areas of school including the program of instruction.
Action Step: Establish a new faculty position for a technology specialist. This individual would keep teachers current with how computers can be most effectively used in their subject area, would train teachers in using computers, and would assist in the classroom when necessary.
Action Step: Acquire and maintain computer hardware and software to support the use of the computer in the curriculum.
Action Step: Create a sequential, integrated humanities curriculum for all four Middle School grades.
Action Step: Evaluate the entire science curriculum with the purpose of including ecological education throughout.
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Action Step: Consider the establishment of an endowment to offer students summer study grants to encourage independent study, research, and creativity.
Action Step: Develop and implement a sequential writing curriculum through all grades.
GOAL 4 4. To encourage students to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities and to review these activities periodically to see that they complement and enhance the school’s stated purpose.
SPECIFIC GOAL To define the role, quality, and number of extra-curricular activities and to clarify the relationship between the academic and extra-curricular programs at St. Mark’s so as to improve the balance between them. 4.1.1
Action Step: Improve the system whereby relevant faculty and administration (such as the Heads of School, class sponsors, and advisors) can monitor the demands made on the students, especially in the areas of: academic work, extra-curricular activities, school and community service, athletic involvements, and part-time employment.
Action Step: Formulate a policy with regard to the financing of student activities.
SPECIFIC GOAL To review the existing statement of philosophy for St. Mark’s athletic and physical education programs. 4.2.1
Action Step: Evaluate athletic and physical education programs to insure that they are consistent with the statement of philosophy.
GOAL 5 5. To prepare students for lives of leadership, citizenship, and service. 5.1
SPECIFIC GOAL To increase student leadership and participation in self-governance by encouraging all students to be involved in rule-making and school government.
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Action Step: Involve students and faculty in making a multi-cultural assessment of school’s program and environment (such as the recently developed NAIS procedure).
SPECIFIC GOAL To bring to the campus a larger number of outstanding visiting leaders, scholars, and alumni for major addresses and for small group discussions. 5.2.1
Action Step: Expand opportunities for students to take increasing responsibility, as deemed appropriate by the Headmaster and with the concurrence of the faculty, for the daily operation of the school. Action Step: Ensure that editorial policies for student publications and standards for student theatrical productions reflect the highest standards of conduct.
Action Step: Seek increased funding for this effort.
SPECIFIC GOAL To encourage students to develop habits of service to the school and community. 5.3.1
Action Step: Promulgate and periodically review policies governing service, including required and voluntary participation, internal and external programs, hours of service, faculty sponsors, etc.
Action Step: Evaluate the quality and appropriateness of the school’s service projects, as well as of each student’s participation in them.
Action Step: Consider the requirement of a community service project for Upper School students, consistent with the school’s goal to teach students about service opportunities and organizations in Dallas as well as to expect them to perform some meaningful service of their choice as a regular part of the St. Mark’s experience.
SPECIFIC GOAL To maintain a Chapel program whose content is determined by the Chaplain with student and faculty counsel and with the full support of the Episcopal Diocese. 5.4.1
Action Step: Consider the development of a Chapel role of charitable outreach in our community and in the world.
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6. To assist students to gain admission to the finest colleges and universities for which they are qualified and suited. 6.1
SPECIFIC GOAL To provide effective counseling, guidance, and follow-up for students in the college counseling process. 6.1.1
Action Step: Develop means whereby the advisor system can be used to assist the college counseling office by providing curriculum counseling and by following up individually on the application process.
Action Step: Find more effective ways of involving senior advisors in the college counseling process.
Action Step: Counseling eighth graders more thoroughly on the Upper School curricular and extracurricular choices relative to college admissions.
Action Step: Maintain a system whereby the Headmaster receives a report from the Director of College Counseling following the end of the first quarter on the status of each senior.
Action Step: Coordinate college application preparation with eleventh-grade teachers. Develop means whereby those teachers act as an information resource for writers of letters of recommendation.
Action Step: Determine and adopt a plan of appropriate test preparation. Implement at appropriate grade levels.
SPECIFIC GOAL To encourage parents, students, alumni and faculty to become active and informed participants in the college counseling process. 6.2.1
Action Step: Develop an ongoing program to make Upper School faculty aware of ways their decisions can positively affect boy’s college-placement opportunities.
Action Step: Evaluate means whereby the alumni can effectively participate in the college counseling process.
SPECIFIC GOAL To increase St. Mark’s stature in the eyes of the colleges to which St. Mark’s seniors commonly apply.
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SPECIFIC GOAL To evaluate annually the effectiveness of St. Mark’s college counseling program. 6.4.1
Action Step: Establish a method for annually contacting recent alumni parents of St. Mark’s graduates in college.
Action Step: Initiate an appropriate fourth-year follow-up of St. Mark’s graduates.
GOAL 7 7. To operate the school on a sound financial basis at the highest level of efficiency consistent with the school’s programs and goals. 7.1
SPECIFIC GOAL To have in place a financial accounting and reporting system that monitors the fiscal and operating activities of the school and safeguards school assets. 7.1.1
Action Step: Establish a policy for the utilization and management of the evergrowing number of restricted funds and budgets associated with clubs and activities.
Action Step: Establish a policy and procedure to effect the collection of delinquent student loan payments.
Action Step: Establish an inventory of all school assets that reflects their state of repair and usefulness after completion of the Facilities Master Plan.
Action Step: Develop a financial model that will project different iterations of the annual school budget by altering variables.
Action Step: Formally adopt a policy that requires periodic review of the school’s financial status and annual budget by the Finance Committee and the Executive Committee.
Action Step: Develop a format to use in accounting for and reporting the status of the school’s large capital projects which are not included in the annual capital spending account.
SPECIFIC GOAL To determine and enhance the effective and safe use of the school’s assets.
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Action Step: Develop a system for monitoring and accounting for the efficient use of faculty, staff, and administration.
GOAL 8 8. To build and maintain facilities that are appropriate to the school’s program and goals. 8.1
SPECIFIC GOAL To complete the Facilities Master Plan. 8.1.1
Action Step: Develop plans for a thorough restoration and refurbishment of Davis Hall.
Action Step: Take steps to eliminate the PDD restriction on enrollment, traffic management, and internal landscaping.
Action Step: Develop plans for the conversion of 6055 Norway Road into the permanent Headmaster’s residence.
Action Step: Resolve the appropriate utilization of McDermott House and Higginbotham Hall.
Action Step: Develop plans for the construction of the Alumni Commons, new locker rooms, additional sports facilities, new Administration Building, and new central plant.
SPECIFIC GOAL To develop a Landscape Master Plan complementing the Facilities Master Plan that is responsive to the requirements of the school’s PDD, to the school’s ownership of residential properties bordering its campus on the north, to the age and usage of St. Mark’s students, to the interface between 6055 Norway Road and the campus, and to the need for optimal playing field space. Special emphasis should be placed on developing a first-class baseball field and easily accessible, centrally located play areas. 8.2.1
Action Step: Hire a landscape architect to develop a Landscape Master Plan.
SPECIFIC GOAL To maintain the facility in excellent condition. 8.3.1
Action Step: Prior to the installation of a new mechanical plant, study carefully the energy saving possibilities in this new installation to ensure the lowest possible operating costs over time.
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Action Step: Determine the appropriate staffing level for maintain the new buildings and improved grounds. Budget for this level of staff support.
GOAL 9 9. To provide sufficient financial resources for the school to meets its goals and to expand the school’s financial base as necessary. 9.1
SPECIFIC GOAL To maintain an effective and innovative Development Office. 9.1.1
Action Step: Establish quantitative and qualitative targets for the Development Office on an annual basis. Use these targets to evaluate the effectiveness of the office, to provide a decision-making process, and to determine the appropriate office staff size to meet these targets.
Action Step: Revise, modernize, and expand the database on current and potential St. Mark’s donors.
SPECIFIC GOAL To establish a Development plan tailored to the needs and potentialities of the entire St. Mark’s constituency. 9.2.1
Action Step: Study the possibility of creating a number of programs offered to alumni through the Alumni Association.
Action Step: Program the new A. Earl Cullum, Jr., Alumni Commons and the new athletic facilities to optimize their use by students and alumni.
Action Step: Provide an effective plan for alumni to enhance the education of students currently enrolled at St. Mark’s. Involve alumni in Career Days, student service projects, the Robert E. Dennard Visiting Scholars Program, and admissions and college counseling activities.
Action Step: Encourage faculty attendance and participation at alumni events.
Action Step: Establish a Planned Giving Program using alumni and parents in the fields of insurance, law, accounting, and banking to serve as an advisory board and development board.
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To develop fundraising strategies to ensure the completion of the Facilities Master Plan and the Landscape Master Plan in accordance with St. Mark’s policy to raise one dollar of endowment for every dollar of capital.
Action Step: Develop events and programs to nurture and embrace past trustees.
Action Step: Host a special annual event for major donors.
SPECIFIC GOAL To develop a marketing and public relations plan which creates internal and external communications systems to promote the school. 9.4.1. Action Step: Establish an assertive media campaign and additional vehicles, as identified by the school, to assist with providing a public awareness of the school on a local, regional, and national basis. 9.4.2
Action Step: Create a visual identity program for St. Mark’s for the purpose of marketing, publicity, correspondence, and public recognition. (Campus maps and identification should be part of this).
Action Step: Create a four-color marketing piece to replace the old black cover viewbook, and generally redesign the admissions application and packet.
GOAL 10 10. To explore opportunities to use St. Mark’s to benefit the broader community in ways consistent with prudent management of the school’s fixed assets and personnel. 10.1
SPECIFIC GOAL To establish policies for the use of school facilities by groups outside the school community.
SPECIFIC GOAL To establish a practical workshop for school teachers throughout North Texas using St. Mark’s as a laboratory school and selected St. Mark’s faculty to staff the workshop. (St. Mark’s Teachers Institute).
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SPECIFIC GOAL To establish a selective, tuition-free summer program of outstanding academic caliber attracting the most qualified students throughout the Dallas area. (St. Mark’s Summer Science Institute).
10.3.1 Action Step: Gain support for this program from local public school superintendents. 10.3.2 Action Step: Seek financial support for this program from businesses and foundations in the Dallas area. 10.3.3 Action Step: Recruit and appoint appropriate staff.
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