Winning shot propels SMU to NYC
Dallas goes gluten-free
LGBT seat good for SMU
Handler to perform in Dallas
march 28, 2014 FRIday High 82, Low 46 SATURday High 77, Low 48
Courtesy of Monica Finnegan
Monica Finnegan, candidate for vice president.
Courtesy of Ramon Trespalacios
Student Body President Ramon Trespalacios, candidate for re-election. Courtesy of William O’Connor
William O’Connor, candidate for vice president.
Courtesy of Anna Norkett
Courtesy of Chase Harker
Anna Norkett, candidate for secretary.
Chase Harker, candidate for vice president.
Courtesy of Elliott Bouillion
Elliott Bouillion, candidate for secretary.
SBO candidates introduce themselves President Meredith Carey Contributing Writer “Aren’t you the president? I’ve seen you in the paper,” said the faculty services worker who approached Ramon Trespalacios in Einstein Bro’s Bagels. Trespalacios, current student body president, listened to the man’s security concerns, stating he would be sure to bring it to the Senate’s attention. Being recognized on campus is not unusual for Trespalacios. He’s at every basketball game in Moody Coliseum, cheering wildly in the student section in his signature lobster costume. Trespalacios, an international student, tour guide and engineer, makes an effort to know the pulse of the campus. Now, Trespalacios will run unopposed for a second term as Student Senate President. Mia Kim, the other candidate, a graduate student, has removed herself from the race. Kim will serve as the Law Senator. “I wanted to bring the graduate voice to the Senate,
President Ramon Trespalacios Senior Favorite Professor: Rachel Goodman, Lyle Favorite Hobby: SMU Athletics Events
but with Ramon, I feel that the graduate interests will be equitably heard,” Kim said. “This change in the election does not reflect concession but rather consolidation of causes.” Trespalacios will be pursuing his masters in operations research as part of the Lyle School of Engineering’s 4+1 combined undergraduate and graduate program. The senior from Cuernavaca, Mexico, is running on a platform of continuity, relationships and inclusivity. Trespalacios says his current strong relationships with the administration and knowledge of the Senate will eliminate a presidential learning curve in the fall semester. “It is easier for actual, lasting change to occur over long periods of time,” Trespalacios said. “He will more easily be able to continue the momentum of change over the next year,” Kim said. One of Trespalacios’ focuses is on diversity, branded as
Vice President Jehadu Abshiro News Writer Juniors Monica Finnegan and William O’Connor, and sophomore Chase Harker are running for the Vice President seat. Finnegan, an accounting and communications major from St. Louis, has served as Chief of Staff and Speaker for the Student Senate. One of Finnegan’s goals is to bridge the gap between administrators and Senate. “If Senate doesn’t have a close relationship with administrators, nothing can get done,” she said. “I seek to formalize the relationship.” She wants to implement a parking solution, increase community space, student basketball tickets and communication for students. Finnegan is trying to increase community space by working on the Hughes Trigg Task Force. The task force is working on brainstorming renovation ideas for making Hughes-Trigg more
student-friendly. Her hobbies include rollerblading and outdoor activities. She has been to SMU in Taos six times. Finnegan also enjoys going to SMU basketball and football games. “School spirit is really big for me,” she said. She plans on going to graduate school after graduating. Finnegan doesn’t plan on pursuing politics as career, however she might revisit politics after she retires in service of the community. O’Connor, a computer science and economics major from Fort Worth, has served as First-Year Senator. He said he wants to make SMU a better experience from “Start to finish.” This is a three-part plan starting with Mustang Corral. “A lot of students say Mustang Corral is a good experience because you’re so miserable,” O’Connor said. “I think we’re better that.” The second part of his
Secretary Jehadu Abshiro News Writer Anna Norkett and Elliott Bouillion are running for 20142015 Student Senate Secretary. Norkett, a sophomore from Flower Mound, Texas, has served as Membership Chair since February 2013. “I love serving the community that has given me so many opportunities and great memories,” she said. “From my experiences as Senate Membership Chair and other roles on campus, I have gained the knowledge and skills, including efficient organization, clear communication and effective execution, necessary to be a successful secretary.” Norkett, an economics and public policy major, wants to increase awareness and accessibility of Student Senate affairs among the student body if she wins the secretary seat. “To accomplish this, I will ensure the website is always up-todate with weekly minutes, Student Senate updates and all contact
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Monica Finnegan
Chase Harker
Will O’Connor
Anna Norkett
Junior Favorite professor: Gregory Sommers, Intermediate Accounting, Cox Favorite hobby: Rollerblading
Sophomore Favorite Professor: Kate Canales, Lyle Favorite Hobby: Spontaneous Urban Adventures
Junior Favorite Professor: Mark Fontenot, Lyle Favorite Hobby: SMU basketball
Sophomore Favorite Professor: Michael Lusztig, Dedman Favorite Hobby: Going to concerts
information,” Norkett said. She also plans on restructuring the way Senate office hours work so that senators are located in places constituents can easily find them. “For example, Cox senators could hold their office hours in Einstein’s, a centrally located place business students often frequent,” she said. “This will allow you to better voice your concerns, find out how Senate can help you, and unlock the resources available to you and your organizations.” Norkett’s hobbies include going to concerts, dancing and service activities. Her favorite type of music is alternative. Sophomore Elliot Bouillion, finance major from Houston, has been involved in student senate for two years. He served as a First-Year Senator, as a PreMajor Senator and is involved with the both the Scholarship and Communications Committees. His three main objectives are to improve community involvement, academic development and communication.
SECRETARY page 3 Secretary Elliott Bouillion Sophomore Favorite Professor: Liliana Hickman-Riggs, Lyle Favorite Hobby: Playing guitar