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Trespalacios, Malhi win student body elections
From left to right: Student Body President Elect Ramon Trespalacios, Secretary Elect Katherine Ladner and Vice President Elect Jaywin Singh Malhi celebrate their election Thursday night.
julie fancher Assignments Desk Editor jfancher@smu.edu After weeks of campaigning, the results for the SMU’s 100th Student Senate are in. The election results for president, vice president, secretary, and members of the Student Senate were announced Tuesday in the Hughes-Trigg Commons. The election polls opened Wednesday at midnight and closed yesterday at 5 p.m. A crowd of roughly 100 supporters of assorted candidates gathered in the Hughes-Trigg Commons eagerly awaiting the
results, as candidates made their way around the room. There was free food and refreshments for everyone there. “I’m feeling nervous, but excited for the student body because whoever they elected will be a great choice,” presidential candidate Ramon Trespalacios said just before the results were announced. Equally nervous and excited was secretary candidate, Lila Friedlander. “I’m a bit nervous, but no matter how it turns out I had fun running and I tried,” Friedlander said. At 5:15 p.m., the winners were announced. The referendum
formalizing enrollment guidelines for Student Senate candidates also passed. Katherine Ladner was reelected as secretary, while Jaywin Singh Malhi was elected as vice president. Ramon Trespalacios beat out current Vice President Zane Cavender and Anthony McAuliffe as 2013-2014 Student Body President. Although some expected a run-off in the three candidate presidential race, no run-off will occur because Trespalacios was elected with over 50 percent of the votes. “Thank you for your support,” Trespalavios said after the results
were announced. “We’re going to be doing a lot of things so I need everyone to get involved and be passionate.” Cavender was elected as a Dedman II Senator. Cavender said that while he was disappointed, he was impressed with all the candidates. “There are a lot of great possibilities, and I am going to do my best to work with incoming senators, incoming officers and working to do what needs to get done,” Cavender said. Following the election, student senators were announced and the newly-elected Student Senate posed for pictures and congratulated one another. “I am so excited. Above anything else, I am a Mustang and I am excited to have good communication, foster community and bring some change,” Trespalacios said. Newly elected Vice President Jaywin Malhi took pictures with friends after the announcement to celebrate his win. “I’m pretty excited. It’s nice to see that hard work and campaigning pays off,” Malhi said. “At the end of the day it’s not a popularity contest, but instead people are looking at the candidate and it’s a testament to the school that someone like me was elected.” Newly elected student body officers and senators will be inaugurated into the 100th Student Senate later this month. The new senate is expected to focus on communication, community and citizenship — Trespalacios’ platform positions.
student senators Cox Monica Finnegan, Jacob Watts, Kevin Shepley, Jade Noyce, Lee Downen, Kayce Pederson. Dedman I Jacob Conway, Elliott Bouillon, Megan Sunderland, Emily Dombrowski, Carlton Adams, Joshua Kezar Dedman II Zane Cavender, Fantine GIap, Hiba Ibad, Preston Hutcherson, John Bonadelle, Ryan Writt Lyle Caleb Pool, Katie O’Neil, Will O’Connor, Cindy Jo Santillan, Chase Harker Meadows Zain Haidar, Savannah Stephens and Anthony McAuliffe. Simmons Sarah Tuohy, African-American Ryan Stoker Asian American Tien Dang Hispanic-American Ender Barillas. International Winston Sher Student Governing Board Monica Finnegan Graduate Ricardo Mier
HughesTrigg says goodbye to Computer Corner LUCY SOSA Video Editor lsosa@smu.edu After 12 years of operation, the SMU Computer Corner is leaving its Hughes-Trigg location. April 4 is the last day to purchase items directly from the store. According to an email sent out to undergraduate and graduate students on March 22, SMU IT communications cite economic reasons for the closure. “We are evaluating options for providing the computer sales and repair services that have been provided by the SMU Computer Corner,” the email read. The Student Senate Governing Board is currently considering several options for replacing the storefront. Among the ideas is a spirit center. “We’d like to see it, whatever it is, here before the summer starts,” Travis Carlile, HTSC building manager, said. “So when incoming freshmen come into for AARO, they have something to come to.” While the storefront might be gone, students and faculty can still purchase software and computer products through the HiED, Inc. website.
Former student body president moderates panel
Hip-hop humanitarian to perform on campus Saturday
eric sheffield Video Editor esheffield@smu.edu While many students were submitting their votes for a new student body president on Wednesday evening, Patrick Kobler, the 2009-2010 SMU student body president, was moderating a career panel designed to help students penetrate the politics and policy job market. The event, Hilltop to Hilltop, was presented by the Hegi Career Center and was hosted in the HughesTrigg East Ballroom. More than 50 people attended. Five speakers, four of which graduated from SMU and one that Kobler calls an “honorary graduate,” provided counsel for students through moderated questions and an open Q&A session for students with high aspirations. “Having graduated from SMU myself not too long ago,” Kobler said, “I feel that the school’s graduates are not just well-rounded, but actively want to help people.” Much of the panel’s advice revolved around activities students can get involved in while they’re still in school to make their paths to Washington easier. “Leave no stone unturned,” Warren Seay said. “Take as many opportunities as you can and apply for as many programs as you can while you’re here at SMU.” Seay had several internships before graduating from SMU in 2010, including two in Washington, D.C. He’s now the president of the DeSoto ISD board of directors. Seay believes that the reason he has been able to have so much success at such a young age is due
to his work ethic. “When you’re young, you have to work ten times harder than anyone else around you,” Seay said. “If you’re supposed to work until eight, you have to work until 10 if you want to get noticed.” Other board members were in agreement with Seay. Rob Johnson, a 1997 SMU graduate, managed two campaigns during the 2012 presidential election – Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry – but he wasn’t always doing such meaningful work. “My first internship, I was taking this dude’s laundry to the cleaners,” Johnson said, “But I didn’t complain about it. I worked hard and I got noticed.” Johnson feels that the ability to stay modest is important in any internship and the rest of the panel felt the same. “We all step into internships thinking we’re going to change the world in our first six months there,” Hannah Abney, director of media relations at the Bush Institute, said, “But there are a lot of smart, talented people out there who want to do the same thing.” Abney sees some of these smart, talented people every day, working as interns at the Bush Center. Many of these are SMU students. But Abney says that once you get your foot in the door with an internship, the hard work needs to continue. “You can always tell who is a worker and who is just there because they want to put it on their resume,” Abney said, “First impressions really make a big difference.” Abney, a 2002 SMU graduate, didn’t begin her career at the school wanting to work anywhere
Julie fancher Assignments Desk Editor jfancher@smu.edu
KENT KOONS/The Daily Campus
From left to right: Warren Seay, Anne McDonald, Rob Johnson, Dennise Garcia and Hannah Abney, the members of the career panel.
close to Washington. She was a vocal performance major, but her junior year she had a vocal chord injury that required surgery and could never sing the same again. She decided then to pursue her backup plan, a communications degree, and ended up spending a semester abroad in Washington D.C. Four years later, at age 24, she was named the assistant press secretary to Vice President Dick Cheney. “Stay the course, but let life take you where it will,” Abney said. “You can make all the plans you want, but sometimes that’s not where you end up.” Another panelist, Anne McDonald, who works in Laura Bush’s office, echoed that sentiment. “My cousin, who worked in the Gore/Lieberman campaign, helped me land my first job, in the Bush Administration of all places,” McDonald said. “You never know how a job is going to land into your lap.”
The panel, which also included Dallas Judge Dennise Garcia, dismissed after a quick presentation about Hilltop on the Hill, a program sponsored by the communications department that takes 10 to 15 students to Washington D.C. for four days during the fall. “It’s not a tourist trip,” said Candy Crespo, the assistant director of the Maguire Center, which helps promote the event. “It exists so that when you’re ready to graduate and move up there, you’ve already got a network in place.” Students seemed generally pleased after the panel. Several student senators including Parliamentarian Travis Carlisle attended. Carlisle, a senior majoring in economics and public policy, is looking at jobs in sales for when he graduates, but he acknowledges that one day, he might find his way back to politics. “I might end up in Washington down the road,” Carlisle said, “And this panel, it just provided so much help in case I do.”
Engineering and Humanity Week kicks off its events with “Barefoot on the Boulevard” this Saturday April 6 from noon to 5 p.m. The student-organized event, sponsored by Students For a Better Society and the SMU Sustainability Committee, will be located on the Bishop Boulevard lawn, just by the flagpole. Barefoot will feature students bands, food and booths to educate students on
environmental organizations. At 4:30 there will be special performance by Emmanuel Jal. Jal is a former Sudanese child solider and now hip-hop humanitarian whose international hit “We Want Peace” has received support from celebrities such as George Clooney and Alicia Keys. Also performing will be SMU’s Southern Gentlemen, JSpear and Dan Howard. “We are putting this together so we can encourage the student body to be involved with environmental organizations at SMU and in the DFW area,” said Barefoot organizer Jennifer Lauren Smith.
Engineering & Humanity Week April 6 Barefoot on the Boulevard Special performance by Emmanuel Jal April 8 The Water Tap: A Water Distribution Camp Lecture — Global Challenges: A View from the Trenches; free and open to public; Caruth Hall April 9 The Water Tap Outdoor workshops and exhibits Seminar — A View from the Field: What Is It Like to Work in a Humanitarian Crisis; free and open to public; Caruth Hall; 1:30 p.m. Panel — Water and Women: The Ripple Effect; free and open to public; Caruth Hall; 4 p.m. April 10 The Water Tap Panel — Refugees and Water; free and open to public; Caruth Hall; 5 p.m.