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Fried Chicken in Oak Cliff


Jae Crowder offers picks


Take responsibility for assaults


‘A Single Shot’ hits target PAGE 6


SEPTEMBER 20, 2013 FRIDAY High 81, Low 72 SATURDAY High 88, Low 63


British MP visits SMU


Julian Brazier discusses U.S., international relations, Syria conflict Katelyn Gough Assignments Desk Editor kgough@smu.edu SMU’s Maguire Center and the Division of Journalism welcomed British Parliament Member Julian Brazier Thursday. He spoke about one of the most important and current questions in international relations — Syria. He also provided views of the U.S. from outside the country’s borders. It was not Brazier’s first time on the SMU campus and also not his first introduction to SMU students. “Julian [Brazier] has been a great friend of SMU,” Journalism Chair Tony Pederson said in his introduction, noting Brazier is also an “expert on the history and rise of fundamental Islam.” Brazier has also had a very active and vocal role in the unfolding of the Syrian conflict. Britain’s decision to not commit to military attack in joint with the U.S. is one Brazier strongly supported. “If the enemy decides to raise the anty [on an initial strike]...then you’ve got to be willing to raise it too,” Brazier said. “I was one of the ones who was very concerned as to whether or not there was a coherent game plan. The enemy gets a vote too. You can’t simply commit yourself to a limited strike.” However, Brazier insisted that contrary to Britain’s current state in the affairs, “the securing of a U.N. motion...cannot be the absolute requirement.” He said “the best way to solve [Syria] is through negotiation...[which] now, by a very strange route, has taken place.” Despite Britain voting against Syrian attack, Brazier attributed America’s ability to engage in the recent viable negotiations to the fact that the U.S. is in a place to threaten legitimate armed power. “[The negotiations] are only made possible by the fact that [the U.S.]...has both the ability and the will to move forward with military action,” Brazier said. “[There needs to be] more dialogue, less threats, but that doesn’t mean you want to disarm.” The most important concern Brazier sees now, though, is not

REBECCA KEAY / The Daily Campus

Students mingle at the Study Abroad Fair on Wednesday.

Study Abroad enhances university experience Rebecca Keay Photo Editor rkeay@smu.edu

RYAN MILLER / The Daily Campus

British MP Julian Brazier was invited to speak at SMU by the Maguire Center and Division of Journalism.

whether military action should or should not happen. His concern is the more than two million Syrians who have become “cross-border refugees” in neighboring Jordan and Lebanon. “It’s destabilizing,” Brazier said about the massive influx of refugees. “We’ve got to get massive aid into Jordan and Lebanon [and] we’ve go to get military aid in...on a larger scale.”

Brazier shared his view on American decisions in international affairs — a view not only shared by many of his fellow members of Parliament, but also much of the Middle East. “Increasingly, the Islamic countries are seeing America as the enemy,” Brazier said. This creates difficulty in situations such as Syria when the U.S. seeks international

support for military action in a region already struggling with the balance of U.S. aid and U.S. interference. “There are other people who are powerful too,” Brazier said, specifically noting the web woven between the U.S., Russia and the Middle Eastern states, “and there has to be a feeling that you have to carry [these strong players] with you.”

Student Life

Habitat for Humanity lends a hand Hanan Esaili Contributing Writer hesaili@smu.edu Habitat for Humanity has a reputation of always showing up where help is needed, and since 2006 SMU has had its own chapter that’s been extending a hand. Originally founded in 1976 by Millard and Linda Fuller, Habitat was formed as a Christian housing ministry. With a mission to demonstrate the love of Jesus, the Fullers designed Habitat with principles that focus on shelter, advocate for affordable housing, promote dignity and hope and to support sustainable and transformable development. The SMU chapter is still fairly young and works with Dallas Area Habitat and Highland Park United Methodist Church’s Carpenter for Christ. These two organizations guide the SMU chapter on what events to plan and how to raise awareness and money on campus.

After the first year of college, many students start to decide whether they will study abroad or not. “A lot of people realize studying abroad is an important experience but are too scared to think about leaving SMU for an entire semester,” Taylor Goerke, a junior currently studying abroad in Copenhagen, said. Goerke is among the many SMU students who are studying abroad with the Danish Institute for Study Abroad (DIS) program this semester. “Yes, the Boulevards and rush parties are a blast, but this may be one of the last opportunities you have to travel and see the world,” Goerke said. Copenhagen is just one of the many study abroad locations SMU’s abroad office has to offer. Students have the opportunities to travel all across the world – South America, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, Asia and the Pacific Islands. There are more than 130 approved programs that SMU students can choose from when looking to study abroad. Cori Hill, an advisor with the SMU study abroad program said that, “with adequate planning, almost any student can study abroad…our programs cover most of the majors available at SMU.” While students work towards finishing their majors and minors while abroad, they

Student Leadership

Senate elects transfer, first-year representatives EMILY SIMS News Writer esims@smu.edu

Courtesy of Hayley Carpenter

Students working with Habitat for Humanity pose on top of a roof they’re rebuilding.

Each specific chapter follows the principles by recruiting volunteers to build homes and raise awareness for the need of affordable housing in the U.S. and internationally. Because Habitat is a nonprofit organization, volunteers allow the homes to

have an interest-free mortgage. Habitat provides the low-income families educational classes to learn how to manage their money. This grows the communities further than just building houses. “When you help out at a build, you get to see the house

built from the foundation to the roof and know that you directly contributed to that,” said Sorsha Huff, vice president of public relations. In the SMU bubble, students

HABITAT page 5

can also take courses that fulfill other curriculum requirements. The SMU abroad office makes every effort to make sure students have the chance to study abroad. Hill’s key advice is to start planning early. Studying abroad allows for students to learn in an entirely different way than they are used to at SMU. Devin Kerns, a junior who is currently studying abroad in Ferrara, Italy, is being completely immersed in the Italian culture. “Being in Ferrara is wildly enriching my study of the Italian language because almost nobody speaks a lick of English…No longer can I only turn my brain to thinking in Italian for only an hour every other day – I am literally forced to speak it all day, every day,” Kerns said. Senior Mackenna Scripps went on the summer SMUin-London communications program and along with getting six journalism credits to count towards her major, said she was able to “really feel like a true Londoner!” To find out more about study abroad opportunities for a specific major or in a specific region of the world, attend one of the Abroad 101 information sessions. They are held every Monday through Thursday at 4 p.m. in the Laura Lee Blanton Building, room 211. Students can also attend one of the abroad fairs that are held each semester or visit the abroad website at smu.edu/abroad.

The Student Senate welcomes five new first-year members and one new transfer member after Wednesday’s elections. First-year members include business and political science major Spencer Forrest, management major Alexander Porter, finance and public policy major Precious Osuchukwu, business and pre-med major Dylan De Muth and Greg Hopkins. Business management and psychology major Tanya Arora is the transfer member. In their own words, members tell why they ran for Student Senate: Dylan Du Muth: “I ran for Student Senate because I want to do everything I can to make sure that SMU can provide everyone

with whatever it is they need to make their dreams and passions in this world a reality.” Precious Osuchukwu: “I ran for Student Senate mainly because I care about the school and want to be a part of positive change around campus.” Alexander Porter: “I ran for Student Senate because I wanted to be able to work in the SMU community and stand out for it. I enjoy knowing that I am making a difference.” Tanya Arora: “I ran to provide a legitimate outlet for transfer students to voice their concerns regarding their experience and thus better insight into how we can become a more transfer friendly campus.” Spencer Forrest: “I really wanted to run because I love creating things, and furthermore I love seeing ideas come to life and make real change.”

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