DC 09/30/13

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TCU defeats SMU in Iron Skillet

Don’t be afraid of CrossFit


New art displayed at Meadows


A rebuttal supporting Ted Cruz




SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 MONDAY High 88, Low 64 Tuesday High 90, Low 73


Big Tex returns to State Fair Mackenzie Ferch Contributing Writer mferch@smu.edu Fried. An adjective that manages to both capture the heart of the culinary scene of the State Fair of Texas, and pay homage to the fiery demise of Big Tex, a tragedy that struck the Lone Star state almost a year ago, on Oct. 19, 2012. A gem that enables the best of Texas history, culture and tradition to shine brightly for a brief period of time, the State Fair of Texas dates back to 1886. Serving as an early catalyst for growth in Dallas, the annual event has stood the test of time and continues to attract diverse and curious audiences of all ages and backgrounds, today. The 2013 State Fair of Texas opened 10 a.m. Friday, and runs through Oct. 20 at Fair Park in Dallas. “This year is our 127th state fair,” said Sally Wamre, public relations coordinator for the State Fair of Texas. “We have several new things that we know visitors will love,” Wamre continued. The highly anticipated revival of Big Tex, who has served as the official symbol of the State Fair of Texas since 1952, proves one of the boldest and biggest among these “several new things.” Originally constructed as an oversized Santa Claus for a 1949 Christmas function located in Kerens, a town 60 miles south of Dallas, Big Tex’s story is anything but ordinary. Fascinated with the notion of a “towering cowboy,” the State Fair of Texas paid a hefty $750 for the figure, which, in 1952, made its – or rather, his – debut as Big Tex at the State Fair of Texas. For almost 60 years Big Tex presided over Texas fairgrounds, growing into the literal “face” of the Texas State Fair, and greeting millions of fair attendees with an all too familiar “Howdy, folks!” and a wave. Yet, an electrical short located in the towering cowboy’s right boot set Big Tex ablaze last

Government shutdown would close Bush Library Katelyn Gough Assignments Desk Editor kgough@smu.edu Congress needs to make a decision on the federal budget before Tuesday to avoid a government shutdown. If that doesn’t happen, the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum will close, possibly early this week. Presidential libraries are run by the National Archives and Records Administration, and in times of past government shutdowns, the libraries have traditionally closed as well. SMU’s presidential library and museum would be one of 13 across the nation to be impacted. The Bush Institute and Cafe 43, however, would remain open, as they are run and

funded independently by the George W. Bush Foundation. In an interview with The Dallas Morning News, Bush Library spokesman John Orrell is quoted saying his office is “working on contingency plans” in the event of closure. It was also confirmed following the interview that closure is definite if a government shutdown does occur. The question for patrons has become one of ticket refunds -— The Dallas Morning News reported that 500-1000 guests daily purchase their tickets to the library and museum ahead of time. A solution has not been reached on the question of refunds. President George W. Bush has not released a comment on the situation.

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MACKENZIE FERCH / The Daily Campus

Big Tex returned for Friday’s opening of the Texas State Fair after a year of renovations following last year’s fire.

fall, forcing Texans to mourn the loss of a state fair legacy. “Big Tex will definitely be back in time for the 2013 State Fair of Texas. Big Tex is always there. He’s a tradition,” Wamre said last November, when the deadline for rebuilding Big Tex was established. In a press release issued Oct. 19,

the day of the fire itself, State Fair of Texas officials vowed to restore and rebuild Big Tex “so that he c[ould] once again fill his boots in time for the 2013 State Fair of Texas.” Despite obstacles and challenges, State Fair officials met their initial deadline and kept their initial promise.

Although the unveiling of Big Tex was scheduled to take place at 2 p.m. Friday, opening day of the 2013 State Fair of Texas, the revamped cowboy was positioned in Big Tex Circle Thursday morning and made his debut a


STudent Life

Students comment on Faculty-in-Residence Naomi Bowen Contributing Writer nbowen@smu.edu Next fall, 11 faculty members will move into newly renovated apartments in residence halls in hopes of increasing student engagement and creating a family atmosphere. The faculty, including four who have already moved in, will bring with them their spouses and children ranging from two to 14, said Jeff Grim, assistant director of Resident Life for Academic Initiatives. The goal of the program is to get “students to see faculty members not just as instructors, but as community members with passions, aspirations, families, pets and hobbies,” Grim said. Similar programs exist at Harvard, Vanderbilt and Rice. The SMU website said similar programs contribute to higher retention rates and more satisfied students. Will Power, SMU Meadows Artist-in-Residence, will move in with his wife, Marla Teyolia, who also works on campus, and their six-year-old twins, Omar-Sol and Sophia. Powers said their move was a family decision and he is excited for his children to grow up interacting with young college age students. “My children will be able to have and take their university experiences and those expectations


ELLEN SMITH / The Daily Campus

The Residential Commons system, including the Faculty-in-Residence program, is scheduled to open in August 2014.

as normal,” Powers said. Grim believes moving families into the dorms “will help SMU students feel like they are part of a literal family.” Powers agreed having his children in the dorm would help contribute to a family atmosphere. He said students have always reacted with enthusiasm to being back around children. Powers also thinks it’s important students remember they are role models and hopes “it will remind them

of how they are also acting as an inspiration for younger kids.” However, not all students agree this will feel like a family. SMU sophomore Lauren Marmolejo said having a child in the dorm might make her uncomfortable, especially with some of the wild first-year behavior that happens in the dorms. Arin McGovern, a member of the Residential Commons Leadership Board, will live in the commons next year and is helping to develop the student

experience with staff and the FiR. McGovern, along with other student leaders and administrators, wants to make sure the FiR stay as mentors. “The faculty positions within the residence halls do not serve as disciplinary positions,” McGovern said. Professor of Music Thomas Tunks will move into the commons next year with his wife, Jeanne, and they aren’t looking to re-

COMMONS page 6

ANNA CLARKSON / The Daily Campus

Students gather around a craps table at Friday’s Casino Night event.

Students unite at The Union’s Casino Night YUSRA JABEEN Associate Online Editor yjabeen@smu.edu Saturday night, students rolled up their sleeves, and dices as they tried their luck at SMU’s The Union’s Casino Night. Screaming with joy at winning a game or groaning in disappointment at losing them, students gambled with “fun money” at different casino games such as blackjack, roulette, craps and many others. The Union organized Casino Night to welcome the first-years to SMU, enhance their experience at SMU, make it a place they end up loving and enjoying, and hopefully call it “home,” said Becca Brady, president of The Union. “I live for Casino Night,” Richard Song, a management science and finance major, said. Izzy Estment enjoyed the Casino Night. “I was better at the games than I thought I would be,” she said. The dealers at the Casino Night were trained professionals, part of a premier casino party company called Aces Wild Casino. They taught students how to play the games and guided them by providing them with winning techniques. Alikhan Karimi, an SMU first-year, remarked that the dealers were hilarious, friendly and seemed to love what they were doing. Casino Night was held in the

Mack ballroom at the Umphrey Lee Center. The ballroom, lit in hues of red, blue and green and the up-beat music boosted the energetic vibe at Casino Night. Students broke out in random dance moves while standing at the “casino-quality” tables and showed a liking for the atmosphere in the ballroom. “Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, which made the experience at the Casino Night much more amusing,” SMU first-year Meghan Klein said. Klein said she liked gambling at Casino Night more than at an actual casino because the dealers were more cordial and there was less pressure because they were playing with “fun money” and not actual money. Casino Night was part of Peruna Mane-ia and was funded by the First Six Weeks Committee, which provides engaging entertainment mostly for the first-year class. The idea behind Casino Night was to provide a unique experience to students in a “substance-free environment,” Lindsey Koch, adviser for The Union, said. Students could also turn in their “fun money” and buy raffle tickets for prize buckets worth as much as $500. The prizes and the event were co-sponsored by Exhale Barre, Yoga and Spa, Rockfish Seafood Grill, Urban Taco and Becks Prime Restaurant.

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