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Important food allergies


Hidden Arts District gem


Playing with the Electoral Collage


Mustangs look ahead to UCF PAGE 5


NOVEMBER 2, 2012 FRIDAY High 86, Low 64 SATURDAY High 81, Low 55




President Obama and Gov. Christie met with Sandy victims Wednesday.

Candidates prepare for home stretch SIDNEY HOLLINGSWORTH/The Daily Campus

Kurt Eichenwald spoke to a group of SMU students as a part of the O’Neil Lecture series on Thursday in Umphrey Lee room 241.

Celebrated author talks ‘500 Days’ MACKENZIE FERCH Contributing Writer mferch@smu.edu “Nobody has a monopoly on truth, and if we are so obsessed if we are so childish that we cannot try to hear things that we don’t necessarily feel comfortable with that don’t necessarily conform with what we want to believe then we are willfully making ourselves stupid.” Challenging audience members to both recognize and resist bias, Kurt Eichenwald explored more than his newest book, “500 Days: Secrets and Lies in the Terror Wars,” during the 2012 William J. O’Neil

Lecture in Business Journalism, which took place in Umphrey Lee Center Thursday evening. “I always used to say everyone’s going to hate this book the reason everybody’s going to hate this book is because one of the things that I know from reporting is almost never ­­— once you start digging into a story — does everything line up the way people want it to,” Eichenwald said. Weaving humor and personal anecdotes throughout his lecture, The New York Times best-selling author actively engaged audience members, igniting laughter among journalism students and professors alike, and ultimately encouraged them to realize that

“we are experiencing the death of knowledge in this country.” The reason for this apparent death, according to Eichenwald, is that while one used to have to actually make an effort in order to know a fact, “now, facts are sliced and diced and twisted and presented the way you want to hear [them].” Eichenwald argued “we are being suckered into” this alleged “business model” — this “recognition that if we reinforce what people want to believe, they’ll keep coming back.” “If you are reading something that doesn’t agree with what you walk into thinking, don’t assume you don’t need to read it – in fact, in all probability, that’s what you

need to read the most,” he said. Eichenwald identified bias not as opinion, but as “a refusal to look at fact,” and acknowledged biased readers as the greatest problem in the realm of journalism today. Thus, in composing “500 Days: Secrets and Lies in the Terror Wars,” Eichenwald strived not to allow his desires to shape or override his information, and devoted six years to the investigation of a mere 500 days. He urged audience members to delve into the thick text, to read it in its entirety and to decipher what and whose “secrets” and “lies” — both of which he refers to in the title of the book – for themselves. “What’s my bias? Nothing, this is just how it comes out,” he said.


Election will affect student loans, Pell Grants LEILA MUSTAFA Chief Copy Editor lmustafa@smu.edu The election is less than one week away, and whether the win goes to President Barack Obama or Gov. Mitt Romney, the election results will have an impact financial aid and student loans at American universities. However, college-aged voters might be more concerned with which candidate they believe will bring more jobs rather than improve their student loan plans. In 2010, Congress passed the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act, which included increases to the Pell grant scholarship, eliminated the federal guaranteed student loan program, capped student loan repayment amounts and changed student loan forgiveness periods for those who qualified. The federal guaranteed student loan program subsidizes student loans issued through private lenders. The Obama administration suspects that shifting away from subsidies to private loans will save about $60

billion over the next 10 years. The act invests more than $40 billion in Pell grants and increases the maximum Pell Grant award from $5,500 to $5,975 by 2017. Romney would alter what Obama has planned significantly if elected. His education plan “A Chance for Every Child” states that Pell grant dollars should be refocused to students “that need them the most” and aims to tighten eligibility requirements for the grants. Romney believes his plan to grant subsidies to private lenders would bring private lenders back to make for a more efficient system. In his plan, Romney mentions that Obama’s plans could drive tuition to continually increase, especially given Obama’s plans to relieve graduates of repaying loans after a certain amount of time. The Department of Education statistics under the Obama administration has seen an inflation-adjusted 12 percent increase in tuition at public universities. In an analysis from March 2012, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York estimated the national student loan debt to be $870

billion. Although this number isn’t something to be ignored, other numbers may matter more to college voters. Generation Opportunity, a nonprofit-nonpartisan organization, estimated that 64 percent of Americans aged 18 to 29 believe that the availability of full-time jobs is more important than lower student loan interest rates. The nonprofit also found that if the Sept. 2012 data about unemployment were adjusted for those who have never been employed before and seasonally hiring, the unemployment rate for those aged 18 to 29 would be 16.6 percent. College-aged voters will most likely not only focus on student loan plans, but also which candidate they believe can bring more employment opportunities. Elizabeth Dominguez, a senior mechanical engineering major, is voting for Obama. Dominguez works at a manufacturing plant, and said she believes that Obama would be able to produce more jobs for Americans specifically in manufacturing. She also said that his expansion of student loans and the money put into Pell grants are

a large factor in her decision. Vanessa Garton, a junior advertising major and member of SMU College Republicans, believes that creating jobs is more important than lowering student loan interest rates. She has already voted for Romney, and also has problems with Obama’s Student Loan Forgiveness Act. “The main problem is that our country will have more debt than before, causing a raise in taxes which creates more problems,” Garton said. For some students the economy is the most important part, and student loans aren’t an issue in their decision. Max Hirsh, a junior finance major, is voting for Obama because he believes Obama should see his plans for the economy through. “He spent the last four years setting up what he’s going to accomplish in the next four years,” Hirsh said. No matter the reasons for voting and no matter who is elected, the candidate elected in November will bring changes to financial assistance in U.S. colleges.


KATELYN GOUGH News Editor kgough@smu.edu The 2012 presidential elections are only a weekend away, and both candidates are preparing their final push to sway voters before ballots are cast on Tuesday. With the series of debates ending only two weeks ago, both candidates are in the final part of their campaigns in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney have reached a final stretch during which they can do little other than watch what unfolds. “The election is very close,” Cal Jillson, a political science professor at SMU, said. “It still seems to be advantage Obama because he is leading in the swing states.” The fragile balance of advantage between the candidates is what causes the outcome of the election to lean one way, and ultimately shift at any time. Jillson explained that while Obama is expected to win the re-election, national polls still put Romney ahead one point. “That’s quite an advance for [Romney] the first debate brought his back to even,” Jillson said. After the close of the debates last week, voters had time to absorb and examine the opinions presented by each presidential candidate. Despite predictions for re-election, Jillson said Obama’s showing was not as strong as Romney’s showing. “Looking at the four debates together, they worked to Romney’s advantage,” he said. The presidential candidates sparred three of the four debates, and Jillson explained that the vice presidential debate was able to “stop the bleeding after Obama’s poor first debate performance.” “After that [VP debate] Obama came back and did better, narrowly winning the last two debates,” Jillson said. SMU political science professor Matthew Wilson, a colleague of Jillson, agreed that the debates gave Romney a needed boost, even if Obama made a comeback in the last two. “[The debates] are the reason that [Romney] has a chance to win on Tuesday,” Wilson said. However, when commenting on the most recent events of the last few days, Wilson said that

Hurricane Sandy has actually been “a bit of a boost” to President Obama as he “gets to play the national unifier role.” Wilson explained that while Obama had the opportunity to “be seen taking care of people,” it could hurt Romney’s final chances. “Romney had to scale back the campaign and virtually go off the air for a few days,” Wilson said. Beyond questions surrounding FEMA and government responsibility in disaster response, Jillson explained that the question for voters now rests on whether they want to see continuation or change. “The big choice here is between whether to continue the Obama program from the first term or to turn policy back over the Republicans,” he said. Jillson said that Obama “has not been clear about his second term agenda” and explained “the reason for that is big budget deficits that have to be brought down.” Beyond America’s economy, the healthcare system has and will be at the forefront of voters’ minds at the polls. Jillson said that if Obama is awarded a second term, his reelection will solidify his healthcare reform. Romney winning the vote will lead to the opposite. “If Romney is, in fact, elected,” Jillson said, “he will try to take apart Obamacare and generally stop its implementation.” Junior Amelia Johns also shared her commentary in the days before the elections. She said that the debates solidified some of the choices she had made about both candidates, seeing the importance of being an educated voter and “fact-checking.” “I think it is in all of our best interests to know the facts before we make any definite decisions about either candidate,” Johns said. “That is being politically active.” Johns echoed the sentiment of manySMUpoliticalscienceprofessors and professionals across the country that youth voters are imperative to the future of the country. Aside from being “a total landmark in terms of women’s reproductive rights,” the 2012 elections hold significant importance in several other policies affecting individual rights. “For all of us, this election impacts our healthcare, our ability to pay for college and our access to true equality,” Johns said. Elections will take place Tuesday, Nov. 6.



The Daily Campus

FRIDAY n NOVEMBER 2, 2012 He alth

Food allergies show to cause harmful reactions in the body less critical symptoms. People often think that they have a food allergy when they experience a disagreeable reaction to food, however only about 3 percent of adults and 6 to 8 percent of children have a clinically proven food allergy. How does the allergy occur?


The most common foods that cause allergic reactions are milk, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and eggs.

ALEXANDRA SPITZER Food Editor aspitzer@smu.edu Food allergies are often selfdiagnosed by people around the world who have experienced abnormal responses to food. Most of the time, however, this perception is classified as food intolerance rather than an allergy. A food allergy is not common but it can be serious. It can be caused by a variety of foods that respond unpleasantly to the human body

and its symptoms vary from mild to harmful and dangerous reactions. What is the difference between a food allergy and intolerance? It is common to mistake intolerance with a food allergy as the two often have similar signs and symptoms. The difference between a clinically proven food allergy and a food intolerance is that a food allergy is much more severe than

an intolerance and it can cause a wide range of harmful symptoms. Food intolerances are much more widespread than food allergies. They can occur in a variety of diseases and are triggered by different means from which food allergies are caused. Common types of food intolerances include lactose, food poisoning and toxic reactions. Food allergies can be severe and even life threatening while food intolerances are primarily limited to digestive problems and have much

Campus Events

A food allergy occurs when the immune system perceives a certain protein that a person consumes as dangerous and uses antibodies to attack the protein as if it were a virus or bacteria. An allergic reaction triggers two different components in the immune system. The first is an allergy antibody called immunoglobulin E, which circulates through the blood. The other component is the mast cell — a type of immune cell that is found in all tissues of the body, but primarily those that are involved in allergic reactions such as the nose, throat, lungs, skin and gastrointestinal tract. Food allergies tend to be hereditary. Generally, a person who has an allergic reaction to food often comes from a family who has allergies as well, although the family member’s allergies do not necessarily have to be food-related. Therefore, those that have parents with allergies are much more likely to develop them than those that do not. Before an allergic reaction can

November 2

What are the symptoms of a food allergy? An allergic reaction can happen immediately or it can take up to an hour after eating for symptoms to occur. Some of the first signs of an allergic reaction include a runny nose, itching of the skin or in the mouth, swelling of the tongue or difficulty breathing. Once the food begins to digest in the stomach, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain may begin to occur.

After the allergens are absorbed and enter the bloodstream they reach the skin, which can cause hives, eczema and asthma. As the allergens continue to pass through the blood vessels a person can feel lightheaded, weak and a sudden drop in blood pressure that is called anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is the most severe type of allergic response. An anaphylactic reaction can occur when several problems in the body happen all at once, involving the skin, breathing, digestion, the heart and blood vessels. If it is not treated quickly, an anaphylactic reaction can be deadly. How is the allergy treated? The most common and effective treatment for a food allergy is dietary avoidance. However when this method isn’t possible certain medicines such as antihistamines are used for mild reactions and an allergy kit, which contains a syringe of epinephrine and antihistamine tablets, is used for serious reactions. While children can outgrow their food allergies, adults usually do not. It is important for those who have food allergies to notify friends and family of their condition in order to help avoid specific foods. It is also crucial to read all food labels to make sure that they don’t contain any food allergens.

Police Reports october 30


occur, a person must have already come into contact with the specific food that he or she is allergic to. During this initial encounter with the food, the body’s lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell) produce the immunoglobulin E that is specific for the allergen. The immunoglobulin E is then released and attached to the surface of the mast cells in different tissues of the body. After this process occurs, the next time that the person eats that same food, the allergens trigger the immunoglobulin E that is attached to the mast cells and causes them to release chemicals — mostly a substance called histamine, which is stored in the mast cells. This reaction creates a variety of symptoms that range from minimal to severe depending on the tissue that the chemicals are released from.



November 3

November 4

Game Truck at the flagpole from 11 a.m.to 2 p.m.

Meadows Prize Project Performance in the Kathy Bates Studio at 11 a.m.

Chamber Music Cookie Concert in the Meadows Atrium from noon to 1 p.m.

Faculty/Student Artist Recital Series in Caruth Auditorium from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.

SMU Aquatics American Red Cross First Aid/CPR Course at the indoor pool at Dedman Center from noon to 4 p.m.

3:52 p.m. Duty On Striking Unattended Vehicle: Phi Gamma Delta/3064 SMU Blvd. A student reported some unknown person struck his unattended vehicle over the weekend. Open. 3:56 p.m. Duty On Striking Unattended Vehicle: Moody Parking Garage/3063 SMU Blvd. A faculty member reported some unknown person struck her unattended parked vehicle. Open.

4:19 p.m. Duty On Striking Unattended Vehicle: Theology Lot. A student reported some unknown person struck her unattended parked vehicle. Open.

october 31 5:41 p.m. Theft: Virginia Hall. A student reported the theft of her bike, she believed the theft happened between Oct. 29 at 8 p.m. and Oct. 31 at 5:41 p.m. Open. 11:16 p.m. Possession of Drug Paraphernalia/Possession of Marijuana: Mary Hay Hall. A student was referred to the Student Conduct Office for possession of a drug paraphernalia and possession of marijuana. Closed.

The Daily Campus


FRIDAY n NOVEMBER 2, 2012 Gallery


Luxury hotel houses hidden Arts District gem KIAN HERVEY Copy Editor khervey@smu.edu The Buyer A man, wearing a light blue button-up shirt neatly tucked in his dark washed jeans, poked his head in the gallery. His brown leather boots clicked on the black floor covered in paint splatters and glitter. “My wife saw the painting outside and really liked it,” he said pointing to a canvas on the wall. “Is it for sale?” Artist in Residence Mikki Mallow quickly assisted him. In a matter of minutes, the impulsive wish of a wife was settled and Mallow had another sale under her belt. “With art you never know. It’ll be crickets in here one minute then lightning all of a sudden,” Mallow said. The Fairmont Hotel in downtown Dallas welcomes a host of guests ranging from local celebrities to politicians. Familiar guests are used to the fine tastings of in-house eatery Pyramid Restaurant & Bar and distinguished

customer service, but many do not know about the unique art experience the hotel offers just downstairs. The Gallery “We’re really in a sort of transition right now,” Mallow said. “We’re trying to get the word out there that we’re here.” Opened in 2009, the Ross Akard Gallery is an intimate, blank white space regularly transformed by local artists visions. Artists from the Dallas metroplex fixate their paintings, photos and creative merchandise on portable walls and moveable pedestals or racks to showcase their latest work. A bold, black stem and thorn logo covered a side window when the gallery recently hosted artist and entrepreneur Jeremy Biggers. “In a word, I’m an artist. I create art. That sounds cliche, but it’s exactly what I am,” Biggers said in an interview with FL1, an online platform dedicated to progressive culture. “I take pride in the creation process and growth, and not just in painting or within my brand or photography, I want to cherish the creative process and grow in all facets of life.”

For more than a month, Biggers’ Stem & Thorn art and clothing line filled the gallery with Americanainspired celebrity paintings and hiphop styled snapbacks. After studying graphic design at the University of Texas, Biggers never thought he would be showcasing his work in an art gallery. “When I talked to the guy [the gallery owner], he didn’t think I could do it. Opening night, I had 700 people come through here. The most the gallery had ever seen was like 300,” Biggers said. “All you have to do is tell me no. ” On opening nights, the gallery collaborates with the hotel to create an evening of culture. Hotel bartenders and caterers are brought into the reception area between the gallery and hotel Starbucks. Visitors flow between the breezeway and gallery sipping on drinks and absorbing artists’ work. SMU alum DeAndrei Hall saw Biggers’ exhibit from start to finish, attending both opening night and closing day events. Hall worked with Biggers at Dallas nonprofit tutoring agency Group Excellence while he

was an undergraduate at SMU and has been a supporter of Stem & Thorn ever since. Biggers Stem & Thorn exhibit closed on Oct. 2, but a portrait of him hangs in Mallow’s “I’m Seeing Someone” series now on display. Mallow is part of an even bigger gallery project at the Fairmont Hotel, the Artist in Residence program. The Artist The bright paints and colors of Mallow’s latest work, “For Your Amusement,” spread across the artist studio on level “O.” Fluorescent lights bounce off the hand-painted glassware shelved on a sidewall. The paint-splattered, modern graffiti and jewel-toned wine glasses are a souvenir favorite among guests. Huge canvases drenched in neon and bold lettering lay on an easel off to the side. “I just love how she keeps it so colorful in here,” Katie Norwood, public relations and marketing manager at the Fairmont Dallas, said. “Every artist makes the room so different. Her layout is just really great.” A Michigan native, Mallow moved to Dallas to attend the Art Institute and

KIAN HERVEY/The Daily Campus

A view of the Ross Gallery inside the Fairmont Hotel.

study interior design in 1997. After working in design for a few years, she launched her career as a solo artist. “Being so close to the Arts District, we wanted to do something that embraced the arts,” Norwood said. While similar artist in residence programs exist in New York, Wisconsin, Illinois and Maine, no other venue has an extreme focus on local talent like the Fairmont Dallas. “No other hotel has something like this — it’s the first of its kind,” Norwood said. Past gallery artists have included: Zach Saucedo, Hatziel Flores and Courtney Miles — all local artists

specializing in contemporary work. Saucedo’s abstract trees, Flores’ graffiti and Miles’ photography represent the range of art on display. “You’re not going to see work like this in a museum. You’re not going to see local artists in a museum,” Mallow said. “This really is a special place.” The gallery is open Sunday and Monday by appointment only. It’s open to the public Tuesday through Saturday from 10 p.m. to 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Visitors can also visit Mallow downstairs in her studio Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Her show, “For Your Amusement,” opens Nov. 3.


Director Rick Moore discusses ‘Wreck-It Ralph,’ animation work CHASE WADE A&E Editor cdwade@smu.edu The first movie Rick Moore, the director of Disney’s newest animated film Wreck-It Ralph, ever saw when he was a kid was The Jungle Book. From then on, Moore knew he wanted to work in animation. “After having that experience of seeing that movie in the theater with my family I knew, somehow, that I wanted to be involved in animation,” Moore said. “As a little kid, I didn’t know what that meant but I always pursued it will all my life.” Moore eventually graduated from the California Institute of Arts with a degree in character animation.

One of his first jobs out of college was working on the storyboard team for the legendary animated television series The Simpsons. “I was very lucky to be in the right place at the right time,” Moore said. “During the first season of the show, I was promoted to director because they were having trouble finding people that really understood the sense of humor and what the show was really about.” Wreck-It Ralph is an expansive animation effort that delves into the world of video games like no movie has ever tried before. Moore, who grew up loving video games, was the perfect fit to direct the feature. “I grew up with video games,” Moore said. “When I was a little kid,

Courtesy of Walt Disney Animation Studios

“Wreck-It Ralph” making friends as he game hops.

that was when the first video games were coming out, like Asteroids and Pong. I can remember seeing a Pong game in a pizza place growing up and it felt like you were in control.” Moore started working Disney’s animation department in 2008.

While there, a co-worker mentioned to him that the studio had been trying to crack open a picture that dealt with the subject of video games. “I was presented with a couple of options [and] videos games were something I certainly knew,” Moore

said. “I remember getting ‘the talk’ from my parents multiple times telling me that I was playing too much video games.” Moore eventually encountered the idea for Wreck-It Ralph. The rest was history. Ralph possesses a multi-layered storyline that features its main character jumping through games. Each jump challenged Moore and his animation team to create a uniquely different world. Essentially, there are three worlds prominently featured in Wreck-It Ralph. One in particular gave Moore the hardest time. “Sugar Rush, a mix between Mario Cart and Candy Land, was especially a challenge for our lighting and design team,” Moore said. “Funny enough,

I had to program the computer to make a Jolly Rancher, you know, look like a Jolly Ranch. It was much harder than it sounds.” While Moore was dealing with developing the unique worlds, more and more characters were being introduced to the story. At the end of the production, Wreck-It Ralph adopted 190 characters — the most for any Disney movie to date. “The Simpsons has a gigantic cast, so I’ll be honest, 190 characters doesn’t seem that much to me,”Moore said. “Like the Simpsons, Wreck-It Ralph is very ambitious and I’m never one to back down from a challenge.” See Moore’s hard work come to the screen as Wreck-It Ralph opens in theaters nationwide Friday.



The Daily Campus


Editorial Staff Editor-in-Chief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tashika Varma Managing Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rahfin Faruk SMU-TV News Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kent Koons, Molly McKone Assignments Desk Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashley Stainton Online Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shelby Foster Arts & Entertainment Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chase Wade Associate Arts & Entertainment Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parminder Deo Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Katy Roden Associate Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kelsey Charles Photo Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sidney Hollingsworth Associate Photo Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kathleen Strauss Style Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hillary Schmidt Health & Fitness Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anne McCaslin Parker Food Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alexandra Spitzer Opinion Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tucker Keene Chief Copy Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leila Mustafa Copy Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kian Hervey, Prithvi Rudrappa, Essete Workneh

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Don’t worry about Halloween costumes Brad Ray Contributor

Although it can feel somewhat odd to have Halloween on a Wednesday, it does have the distinct benefit of providing a full two weekends of festivities. Last year on Halloween my intramural flag football team had a game, and since I was the coach and captain I dressed up as June Jones — complete with all black clothing and a lei. However, this year I was free on Halloween night and so I took full advantage of it. I hung out at the ever-festive D11 with several of my friends and there were some great costumes. With Homecoming and float building such recent events, a friend of mine won the award for most terrifying costume — dressed as pomp (OK, she was a piñata, but piñatas aren’t scary). We had a Batman and Bane showdown, PSY and his dancing buddies showed us how to break it down Gangnam Style and Dez Bryant demonstrated how a professional drops the ball all night. Peruna even made a guest appearance with one of his handlers. I never really celebrated Halloween when I was growing up. To this day I can’t stand scary movies or any of the spooky parts of Halloween. You will never find me in a haunted house. The fun part about Halloween for me is dressing up and being someone you’re not for a day (or in the college setting: a few days). The annoying part of Halloween is the never-ending discussion about said costumes. The usual target is the nature of women’s costumes, which simply add “sexy” as an adjective to some other costume. People disparage others who use this one night to be something they usually are not, and totally unfairly. Although you won’t find me dressing up as a sexy vampire any time soon, I have no problem with people who want to do so. My friend dressed up as Magic Mike. Although I was slightly terrified when I opened the door and saw him wearing only a vest and really tiny Nike shorts, I applauded his creativity and self-confidence. People need to worry less about other people. If someone wants to dress up as a sexy vampire or Magic Mike, it’s not your place to tell them not to or to shame them about it. If someone wants to dress up as an undead axe murderer— well that would terrify me, but I would never dream of lecturing them about it. My high school was big on acting as morality police, and that is simply not okay. Although Halloween costumes are kind of a silly example, it really does highlight people feeling the need to worry unnecessarily about others. My own life is plenty busy and complicated enough that I don’t have time to spend worrying about other people’s opinions or choices. As the Roman poet Ovid once said, “Happy is the man who has broken the chains which hurt the mind, and has given up worrying once and for all.”


An electoral tie in which neither candidate gets to 270 votes would leave the election in the hands of the House of Representatives.

Media overstates possibility of tie in the electoral vote W. Tucker Keene Opinion Editor tkeene@smu.edu On Tuesday, Nov. 6, America will vote on who they want as president for the next four years, and then this whole election season should all be over, hopefully. Several media outlets have predicted that a tie in the electoral vote would be possible. A tie would lead to media dream scenarios that end up with a Mitt Romney- Joe Biden ticket because of how the process would then work. This would never happen. The theory is that in an electoral tie, 269-269, the presidential election would then be decided by the state delegations of the House of Representatives, and the vice presidential election would be decided by the Senate. Because Republicans have a large advantage in the House, and Democrats are likely to keep their advantage in the Senate, some in the media have fantasized about

the House picking President Romney, and the Senate picking Vice President Biden. For several reasons, this outcome is exceedingly unlikely. Firstly, while an electoral tie is theoretically possible the states would have to come down in a very odd manner. The most likely of the ties would be Romney winning Florida, Virginia,NorthCarolina,Iowa,Nevada and Colorado, and Barack Obama winning Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Mexico and New Hampshire. Given that Obama has had a pretty consistent lead in Nevada, and Romney is leading in New Hampshire, this doesn’t seem likely. For the states to break down like that would be very strange, as states that tend to have a slight Democratic lean like Iowa would have to break to Romney while states with a slight Republican lean like Ohio would have to break to Obama. There is a metric called the Cook Partisan Voting Index (CPVI) which measures the partisanship of states by their voting history in presidential

elections. A state with a D+4 CPVI for example would vote on average 4 percent more Democratic than the country as a whole. If a Republican won nationwide with 55 percent of the vote, he would expect to win that D+4 state with 51 percent of the vote. It’s this analysis which should show the above “tie” scenario to be unlikely. Ohio has a CPVI of R+1, whereas Iowa and Nevada have a CPVI of D+1. Therefore, while it is possible for Romney to win Iowa and Nevada, it would be pretty strange for him not to also win Ohio when he does so. The measure is susceptible to demographic changes or individual quirks in each election as well, so that could change it. Perhaps Romney is just too elitist for the blue collar Republicans of Ohio, and maybe that could blunt the slight Republican lean and give the state to Obama. However, Nevada’sincreasing Hispanic population has made the state less viable for Republican candidates, not more. Further, even if there is an electoral

tie, the two houses of Congress splitting their tickets would be very unlikely. Without question, the House would pretty solidly vote for Romney. But that decision is made first, and the Senate would have to wonder if splitting the ticket would be a good idea or if Biden would even want to do it. I would think that the Senate treat the election of a vice president more like a cabinet appointment, and vote overwhelmingly for the candidate chosen by the President, not voting on party lines. Ultimately, all of this speculation by the media about this prospect amounts to exactly that — speculation. It’s a lot like the speculation during the primary about the possibility of a brokered convention: it’s a fun exercise for the media to think about, but doesn’t have any real chance of happening. Keene is a junior majoring in political science, economics and public policy.

Open carry laws make us feel more afraid Trevor Thrall Contributor tthrall@smu.edu Starting yesterday, those licensed to carry a concealed firearm in Oklahoma are now allowed to sport their guns for the world to see. They can show them off in either a fashionable belt or a shoulder holster, which I’m going to predict will be a booming market in the near future. Surely Louis Vuitton will have a case for my handgun by the time Texas catches on to openly carrying firearms. Because there are only 14 other states where this flashy use of weapons is legal, I do have to congratulate Oklahoma for its ability to go against the liberal grain at this point in time. And honestly, I am all for the

right to bear arms in whatever way you please. I’m all for doing anything to keep the government from exerting too much control on personal choices. But just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. I’m not sure if I’m just speaking for myself here, but knowing that I’m near a gun always makes me uncomfortable. When I see one on a police officer’s hip, I can’t help but think that this guy is human and he might just snap into insanity if he has to hear “Call Me Maybe” one more time. So, the thought of going to IHOP and seeing a bunch of elderly men I don’t know sitting in the corner booth talking quietly and displaying guns makes me a paranoid mess already. Why do they all have guns?

Are they actually a gang posing as older conservative men? What will happen to their waiter if the service is bad? Did they escape from the nursing home? Needless to say, that would not be a positive dining experience. And it takes a lot to damper a trip to IHOP. Fortunately, this will all be avoided if these Second Amendment supporters realize that they will be just as safe by keeping their guns concealed. What I don’t understand about this whole situation is why people were so determined to show off their guns that they were able to change the law. Is the time and effort used to get this law into action really worth being able to have a gun out in the open? It’s not like the citizens weren’t allowed to have

the guns before. Essentially, these people rallied for the right to scare their peers. The advocates are claiming that crime will be reduced because criminals are less likely to strike when responsible adults are also armed. In other words they want to throw their weight around to make sure that people don’t step out of line. I don’t know why, but I have a hunch that Oklahoma is about to start seeing a lot of really short men with beer bellies flaunting their guns. All I can say is that I hope the folks in Oklahoma can appreciate the symbol of the law without feeling the need to act on it. Thrall is a sophomore majoring in journalism.


Ray is a senior majoring in mechanical engineering. He can be reached for comment at bray@smu.edu.

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Guest columns are accepted and printed at the editor’s discretion upon submission to dc@smu.edu. Guest columns should not exceed 500-600 words and the author will be identified by name and photograph. Corrections. The Daily Campus is committed to serving our readers with accurate coverage and analysis. Readers are encouraged to bring errors to The Daily Campus editors’ attention by emailing Editorial Adviser Jay Miller at jamiller@smu.edu. Courtesy of MCT Campus

The Daily Campus






Mustangs to take on 4-0 UCF

Danica Patrick discusses journey to NASCAR

billy embody Staff Writer wembody@smu.edu SMU is coming off a big Homecoming 44-13 victory over the Memphis Tigers that moved the team to 3-1 in Conference USA play, but this week is an even bigger test waits for the Mustangs in Orlando. The University of Central Florida Knights are 4-0 in C-USA play and are in the driver seat for the East Division title and a right to go to the C-USA Championship. SMU has recently been on a roll in almost every facet of the game and that has head coach June Jones thinking positive. “We started with the possibility of winning the Baylor game that we could get on a roll and be a BCS [Bowl Championship Series] kind of team. That’s always what you want to come into the season thinking,” Jones said. “We’re going to have to play our best game, but we can beat them and we can win.” During the last three games, running back Zach Line has lead the team with 417 yards rushing and an average of 5.7 yards per carry and three touchdowns. Line’s ability to run the football has helped Mustangs’ quarterback Garrett Gilbert have some of his best performances. Gilbert has thrown for over 600 yards, had a completion percentage over 65 percent and has scored seven total touchdowns the last two games. SMU will need Gilbert’s best game of the season to beat the talented UCF team that is giving up just 21.4 points per game. “I think this is the most talented

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Food No time to make an ad too busy making sandwiches NY SUBS

team we’ve played with skill and the big guys. We’re going to be in a real physical game,” Jones said. SMU’s defense has battled all year with injuries in the secondary, but the defense has set the tone every game for the Mustangs and will need to be extra tough Saturday night. “Guys have done a great job of stepping up and knowing that they have shoes to fill. That’s a sign of a good defense,” linebacker Cameron Rogers said. SMU has some undersized, but extremely athletic linebackers that have been leading the charge all season. SMU is tied for the national lead in turnovers (27). UCF’s running game has been very effective this year with Latavius Murray rushing for 538 yards on just 73 carries. That adds up to a 7.4 yards per carry average. “Their offensive line is going to be one of the top that we’ve faced in conference and they’ve got a lot of good backs, big backs,” Rogers said. SMU is No.2 in the country in time of possession this year — averaging

over 34 minutes with the ball a game. Keeping the ball away from Murray and UCF quarterback Blake Bortles will be crucial to getting a win. The defense will have to get the ball back to the offense so the team can pound UCF’s defense with Line and wear them down. “We just want to be able to contain them and get a lot of pressure on them. We pride ourselves on being a very fast and blitzing team and we’re going to stay the same,” Rogers said. Gilbert’s emergence the last couple games has been due in part to senior receiver Darius Johnson having his best games of the season as well. Against Memphis, Johnson went over 140 yards receiving including a 70-yard reception that set up a Line touchdown. If SMU wants a victory in its biggest game yet this season, the team will need Johnson to perform and takeover, which will set up Line to wear down UCF and rip off big gains. SMU and UCF are set to kick off in Orlando. at 6 p.m.

Courtney Madden Staff Writer courtneym@smu.edu Danica Patrick, one of the first female faces in NASCAR, spoke at the PwC SMU Athletic Forum Luncheon Series on Wednesday at the Dallas Hilton Anatole. While most young girls played with dolls and toys, Patrick shifted gears and started behind the wheel at the young age of 10. By the time she was 16, she moved to Europe where she competed on the professional racing circuit and returned when she was 19. “My dad raced cars when I was little so every Sunday night we would go to the dirt track and watch him,” Patrick said. “Well I don’t know if we would watch as much as we would pick up little pieces of clay and make balls out of it.” Patrick always grew up around racing, but never thought about the money part or the future in it. Her journey was not easy, but she persevered as a minority in the sport and has made history. “If you want to be good at anything you really need to learn how to push through and know it’s going to be difficult,” Patrick said. “When you get knocked down you have to get right back up.” On the subject of being knocked down she was asked about her incident at her previous NASCAR

Associated Press

Danica Patrick spoke to students at Texas Motor Speedway Thursday.

race at Kansas Speedway. A driver was apparently hitting her car “one too many times.” “I heard in my headset he was doing it because I was in the way so I decided when I saw him I was going to take him out,” Patrick said, followed by a laughing audience. As Patrick went in for the kill, she did not get the outcome she wanted. “The opportunity arose and I sucked at it,” Patrick said. “I actually ended [up] taking myself out too.” Talking to her impossibly-hard to-get a-hold-of boss is a challenge, but Patrick was trying to plan on how to say sorry for wrecking the car once she gets the chance.

Patrick has gotten to work and drive for some big names, currently including Dale Earnhardt Jr. “It helps a lot when people like Dale and Tony [Stewart] have said nice things about me over the years. I think everyone along the way needs to have someone to look up to,” she said. People like Earnhardt Jr. have impacted Patrick’s life by giving her confidence, even when she did not need it. However, people like him have never been a “role model.” “I always knew that I wanted to be the first me not the next someone else,” Patrick said. Patrick will race in both series this week at Texas Motor Speedway.


Garrett Gilbert plays in the SMU vs. A&M game on Sept. 15.

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ACROSS 1 Bright-eyed 6 Student of Socrates 11 “The Mentalist” network 14 Cut over 15 Get ready to surf 16 Last word?: Abbr. 17 Stallone’s garden supply? 19 Halifax head 20 Lively dance 21 Cage, for one 23 Movie theater appliances 27 Casually mention, with “to” 28 Sacred structure 29 Buck 31 Influential sports figure 32 Brewery flavoring 33 Beginning to cure? 36 French article 37 Lacking 40 To benefit 41 Cubs’ spring training city 43 Prominent periods 44 Cádiz cohort 46 Post office flier 48 Allied leader 49 “Gave it my best” 51 News source since Dec. 1881 52 Musical inadequacy 53 Feudal lord 55 Wine flavoring 56 Santa’s risky undertaking? 62 First name in dictators 63 Eliminate 64 Ryder rival 65 WWII carrier 66 Domingo, e.g. 67 Hides DOWN 1 Hand holder? 2 Rural expanse 3 Changed-mymind key 4 Encouraging word


By Gail Grabowski

5 Unsolicited opinion 6 Doesn’t wing it 7 Like a boring lecture, probably 8 Río contents 9 A.L. East team, on scoreboards 10 Low tie 11 Movie about artificially grown bacteria? 12 Lineage 13 See 58-Down 18 Seconds 22 Storm harbinger 23 Old Testament poem 24 Wistful remark 25 Fast-talking salesman’s training materials? 26 Jewelry item 27 To boot 29 Dome cover 30 Drops (out) 32 Hand-holding group dance 34 Oater orphan 35 Mashie and niblick

Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved

38 Decided in court 39 Add some meat to 42 Kolkata’s locale 45 Avril follower 47 Polecat kin 48 Saltimbocca herb 49 How much sautéing is done 50 Warty amphibians 51 Subject for Archimedes

53 Buyer’s aid 54 “Based on that ...” 57 Source of iron 58 With 13-Down, errand runner’s destination 59 2002 Chapter 11filing flier 60 Track 61 2002 British Open champ


The Daily Campus


what can


do for


monday, january 7 through wednesday, january 16 WHAT IS J TERM? January Term is designed to provide SMU students with yet another option to pursue their academic goals through a focused learning opportunity and a smaller class size. This concentrated program of study allows motivated students to enroll in one course (most are 3 credit hours) and productively use this “down time” prior to the start of the spring semester.

HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? Students pay a reduced tuition rate of $1,100 per credit hour, same as for summer term 2012. For J Term 2013, the total cost of one 3-hour course is $3,300 and no extra fees are assessed (with the exception of travel costs and special fees for two courses). Payment is due by Wednesday, December 19, to avoid a late fee.

WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? Any SMU student in good standing is eligible to enroll in a J Term course. Please note that this is a rigorous undertaking and requires commitment and high energy to successfully complete 3 credit hours in 8 days. Class days include nearly 6 hours of instruction as well as significant work outside of class. Are you up to the challenge?

ARE THERE SCHOLARSHIPS? DOES FINANCIAL AID APPLY? For the first time, a limited number of tuition assistance scholarships are available for J Term. Also, most SMU merit scholarships are available in pro-rated amounts for 3-hour courses. Those receiving SMU Need-based Grant or Opportunity Awards may be eligible for grant funding of $150 per credit hour; however, Federal and State funds are not available for J Term. Contact your financial aid advisor for details and see special application forms on website.

WHEN DO CLASSES MEET? For J Term 2013, classes start on Monday, January 7 and conclude on Wednesday, January 16, with one “free” weekend in between. Most classes meet during the day, from 9 am to 12 noon and from 1 to 4 pm. A few courses are held in the afternoon and evening, from 2 to 5 pm and from 6 to 9 pm. HOW DO I ENROLL AND WHEN? You should first meet with your advisor to select your J Term course and up to two alternate choices. Then visit the website for instructions on submitting the special J Term application form as soon as possible for best consideration. The initial deadline is Wednesday, November 21. After Thanksgiving, you will be granted course permission so you can then enroll through Access.SMU.

Cox School of Business MKTG 3310

Marketing Concepts Charles Besio

Dedman College of Humanities & Sciences ANTH 2301

ANTH 3301/ SOCI 3301

ANTH 3388

CHEM 1304

Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Faith Nibbs Health, Healing & Ethics: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Sickness & Society Nia Parson

WHERE IS SMU-IN-PLANO? Just 20 miles north of the Dallas campus, the Plano campus is located off the North Dallas Tollway at 5236 Tennyson Parkway near the Shops at Legacy and several major corporate headquarters. There is plenty of free parking available.

SOCI 3345

Media Ethics & Gender Debra Branch

SPAN 3374

Topics in Spanish-American Civilization: Issues Surrounding Spanish & Spanglish in the U.S. Joy Saunders

COMM 3321

Communication in Global Contexts Sandra Duhé

FILM 1301

Genre Studies in Spain: The Novel of Transition to Democracy Olga Colbert

The Art of Film & Media Kevin Heffernan

FILM 1302

STAT 2331

Introduction to Statistical Methods Tony Ng

Media & Culture Derek Kompare

FILM 3310

WL 3390

Italian Cinema Brandy Alvarez

Screen Artists: Films of Alfred Hitchcock Rick Worland

MSA 1315

Mass Media & Technology David Sedman

THEA 2319

Fashion, History & Culture Claudia Stephens

CRCP 2310/ MSA 3330/ MSA 6330/ CSE 5390

Nature & Code OR Special Topics (in Santa Barbara, California)

SPAN 5335

Warfare & Violence: The Anthropology & History of Human Conflict David Wilson

Lyle School of Engineering

General Chemistry II David Son

EMIS 3340/ CSE 4340/ STAT 4340

Statistical Methods for Engineers & Applied Scientists Leslie-Ann Asmus

EMIS 5390

Special Topics: Ethics in Engineering David Reid

ME 2310/ CEE 2310

Statics Elena Borzova

ME 2320/ CEE 2320

Dynamics Yildirim Hurmuzlu

ME 2331/ CEE 2331

Thermodynamics José Lage

ME 2340/ CEE 2340

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies Usama El Shamy

ME 2342/ CEE 2342

Fluid Mechanics Paul Krueger

ENGL 1365

Literature of Minorities Bruce Levy

GEOL 5399

Special Topics in Earth Sciences: Assessing Geological Hazards (in Kingston, Jamaica) Matthew Hornbach

HIST 2311

Out of Many: U.S. History to 1877 Edward Countryman

HIST 3311

The Nineteenth-Century American West Andrew Graybill

HIST 3364

Consumer Culture in the U.S. Alexis McCrossen

PHIL 1301

Elementary Logic Matthew Lockard

PHIL 1317

Business Ethics Nenad Popovic

PHIL 1318

Contemporary Moral Problems Ken Daley

PSYC 1300

Introduction to Psychology Michael Lindsey


COMM 3300 Free Speech & the First Amendment Dan Schill

CSE 1340

Introduction to Computing Concepts Kenneth Howard

Meadows School of the Arts ARHS 3383 ASIM 1300/ CSE 1340

The Ancient Maya: Art & History Adam Herring Fundamentals of Creative Computing/Introduction to Computing Concepts Ira Greenberg

CALL 214.768.3657

Special Dates: Dec. 14–22, 2012

Ira Greenberg

Simmons School of Education PRW-1 1101

Personal Responsibility & Wellness (One Credit Hour Only) Donna Gober

HDEV 2201

Discovery: Fitting Into a World of Difference (Two Credit Hours) Dawn Norris/Karen Click

HDEV 2308

Career Development Theory & Practice Darin Ford/Regina James


The Fine Print Some courses have prerequisites Some qualify for GEC/UC credit. CF credit not available for J Term. Afternoon/Evening Courses Meet from 2–5 pm and 6–9 pm. Travel Study Opportunity Additional fees and costs TBD. Instructor permission by Nov. 9.


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