iPhone app helps you stay fit
It’s not my “Baby, Baby”
Toughpad: Panasonic’s new solution for tablets
WEDNESDAY High 62, Low 41 THURSDAY High 64, Low 40
By STEPHANIE BROWN Staff Writer stephanieb@smu.edu
Support U.S. troops, veterans Please show your support for American troops deployed overseas by donating materials for care packages this Veterans Day Weekend. The U.S. Military Veterans of SMU will accept donations at Hughes-Triggs on Friday. On Saturday, donations will be accepted at the Veterans Club tent before the SMU-Navy game.
Health law is constitutional A conservative Washington appeals could ruled that President Obama’s controversial health-care law is constitutional on Tuesday. Last month, the administration filed an appeal to the Supreme Court, requesting that the court back the universal health-care mandate. The appeals court ruled that the key point of the health-care law that requires all Americans to purchase medical insurance by 2014 is constitutional.
Donate to help fight polio SMU Rotaract is hosting a project called Pennies for the Puple Pinkie Project against Polio this week on the West Bridge of Hughes Triggs. Students can donate loose change to organizations that will vaccinate children in third world countries against polio. When a student donates to Rotarac’s stall, club members will paint the student’s pinkie finger purple with a non-toxic dye as a symbolic representation of the fight against polio that still cripples children and families in third-world countries in Asia and Africa.
Voting begins for Initiative 26 Mississippi polls are seeing high turnouts on Tuesday as citizens go to vote on the controversial Initiative 26, or “the Personhood amendment.” This aims to legally define the beginnings of life at contraception, which would interfere with abortion, certain kinds of birth control, and potentially in vitro fertilization. Early polls seem to indicate it will pass, despite even some prolife groups and clergy calling it “too extreme.”
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The “Call and Response” documentary screening was followed by a panel Tuesday night in Prothro Hall.
Lecture brings light to human trafficking By CHRISTINE JONAS Associate A&E Editor cjonas@smu.edu
The opening footage is of small children, no more than five or six, offering “boom boom,” what they call sex, to men coming to buy them. These children are part of human sex trafficking that occurs around
the world. “Call and Response” is a documentary that combines interviews, information and footage of human trafficking with musical performances by artists such as Cold War Kids, Natasha Bedingfield, Imogen Heap and Five for Fighting, to educate people about human
trafficking and bring attention to this global problem. Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University held a screening of “Call and Response” Tuesday night in Prothro Hall. The movie was followed by a panel
See SEX page 6
When James Taylor wrote the lyrics for “Fire and Rain,” little did he know he would be describing a few of the elements that the newest tablet on the market can withstand. Panasonic launched its new rugged tablet, Toughpad, Monday night at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas. The Android-based tablet, which is available in a 10-inch and 7-inch model, is designed for those who work in harsh conditions while having to be incredibly mobile. According to a press release from Panasonic, the Toughpad is “ideal for highly mobile outdoor workers in markets like aviation, construction, field sales and the public sector where the environment is a constant challenge and the consequence of failure is significant.” This would be an ideal device for firefighters when entering a burning building, needing to know the layout of the building to rescue trapped victims.
An alternative, for which the device is already being used, is for soldiers in the military. “There are lots of Toughbooks in Iraq and Afghanistan today,” President of Panasonic Solutions Company Rance Poehler said. Since this tablet’s unique quality is its durability, Poehler demonstrated its resilience by tossing it across the stage, letting it skid to a halt in front of the audience. To demonstrate its durability even further, Poehler inserted the Toughbook into a foam soccer ball that he would kick in attempt to score on FC Dallas goalkeeper Kevin Hartman. Though Poehler didn’t score a goal, the new Panasonic tablet sure did. It still worked after withstanding the impact. “This device will be up and running over 98 percent of the time,” Poehler said. The Toughpad is more than just a durable device. It comes equipped with the latest advances in technology to ensure that those working in harsh conditions
See TABLET page 6
Forgiveness of student loans has serious consequences By ASHLEY WITHERS Editor in Chief awithers@smu.edu
Jessie Farrow, an Occupy Dallas protester who has been camped out for three weeks, owes the bank $12,000 on his student loan, an amount he can’t pay off since he is currently unemployed. “It was $40,000, and I’ve worked hard to get that down,” Farrow said. Farrow used to work as a welder before he lost his job. But while he doesn’t regret his decision to go to school, he feels like the interest rates keep piling on. “It would be so nice if they could just go and forgive them
all,” Farrow said. “I would like that a lot.” The idea of student loan debt forgiveness has garnered a lot of attention lately, particularly after President Obama announced his own student loan plan in late October. Obama’s plan would lower interest rates and forgive the debt on federal student loans after a certain number of years. While the Obama plan focuses only on federal loans, SMU economics professor Dr. Tom Fomby is worried about the type of mentality that could stem from a blanket forgiveness of student loans like the Occupiers are asking.
“The first thing that stands out to any economist in this is the notion of moral hazard,” Fomby said. “People need some skin in the game.” Moral hazard is a situation in economic theory that says people without personal danger behave differently than if they had to take a risk themselves. “For me, blanket forgiveness is out of the question,” Fomby said. “Why should we treat students any differently than any other person taking out any other type of loan?” Cindy De Jesus, an Occupy Dallas protester and a graduate of University of Texas at San Antonio, feels differently.
By CAROLINE FOSTER Contributing Writer cfoster@smu.edu
Coca-Cola, 7-Eleven launch Snowball app, raise awareness
By STEPHANIE BROWN Staff Writer stephanieb@smu.edu
Historian and recipient of SMU’s William P. Clements Prize for the Best Non-Fiction Book on Southwestern America Kelly Lytle Hernandez signs copies of her book, “MIGRA! A History of the U.S. Border Patrol” after delivering a lecture Tuesday evening in the DeGolyer Library.
holders had the plan to replace African slaves with Chinese immigrants. When Northern congressmen found out about this, they passed the Anti-Coolie Act in 1862. “By 1924 Congress had banned much of the world from legally entering the country,” Hernández said. This started the major trend of immigrants entering the United States illegally. To control the problem the U.S. Border Patrol was established that same year. What began as a disorganized and unfocused group turned into a much larger and stronger force.
student loan debt, and her sister is also fighting the same battle. “I’m actually most concerned about my sister,” De Jesus said. “She already has more student loan debt than I do, and she hasn’t even gotten her bachelor’s degree yet.” However, Fomby believes that despite the cost, education is still worth it and students are still getting a positive return on their higher education investment. He feels that blanket forgiveness of student loans will set a negative precedent. “If we do this for one generation of students, where does it stop?” Fomby said. “Who is to say you won’t do it again?”
social media
Historian discusses border control Kelly Lytle Hernández, author of “Migra! A History of the U.S. Border Patrol” made her first visit to Dallas to receive the William P. Clements Prize for 2010’s best non-fiction book on Southwestern America. Hernández received the award at the DeGolyer library where she also lectured on the evolution of the border patrol revealing why the topic of immigration is such a controversial one today. Andrew Graybill, SMU professor and director of the William P. Clements Center for Southwest Studies introduced Hernandez and awarded her the William P. Clements Prize that honors the late Governor William P. Clements. Graybill said of Hernández‘s work the book shows “[The] author’s tremendous prose style.” Graybill congratulated Hernández on the honor and mentioned other authors who have won the prize in the past including Ned Blackhawk and William deBuys. “Immigration is one of the most important issues of our time,” Hernández said as she took the podium in the dimly lit library. “For the past generation we have been a nation deeply divided by immigration.” The author reviewed the history of the Border Patrol in the United States, stating it began during the Civil War when Southern slave
“It’s not realistic to expect an 18-year-old to know how this decision will impact the rest of their life,” De Jesus said. De Jesus graduated in 2006 and still owes almost as much as she originally borrowed because of the interest that has accumulated over time. “I feel like I keep putting money into it, but it doesn’t go down as much as I would like,” De Jesus said. “After a while, it just feels like a scam. It is the banks that are really profiting off of this, and they had nothing to do with my education.” De Jesus is not alone. She says she has met several other Occupiers struggling with
“The Border Patrol emerged as one of the most important institutions in American political and social life,” Hernández said, According to Hernández, by the end of the 1920’s the Border Patrol decided to focus on Mexican immigrants. The earliest officers used the job for economic survival and to gain influence in the community. In the 1940’s the Border Patrol grew in numbers and influence because of WWII. Soon the Border Patrol became “America’s first line of defense of crime,” said Hernández.
See BOOK page 6
As the holidays approach, Coca-Cola and 7-Eleven are working together to raise awareness for the World Wildlife Fund’s polar bear habitat conservation efforts. The largest beverage company and the largest convenience-retailing chain unveiled a new application called Snowball Effect. This app is part of their Arctic Home Campaign, Tuesday. The Snowball Effect application, is compatible with all generations of the iPhone and generations three and four of the iPod Touch. It allows users to challenge friends to snowball fights on social media platforms such as Facebook. Users who check into 7-Eleven stores and download QR codes on Big Gulp and Slurpee cups allows them to
grow their snowball to win prizes such as an iPad. The grand prize will be awarded to the user who collects the greatest amount of points by using the Snowball Effect application, which is a trip for two to the Arctic. “I think it’s a good idea because so many people are online and use social media that it could be a great way to raise awareness and help the polar bears,” sophomore Mary Dole said. To help raise awareness, Coca-Cola now offers white cans of Coke, which are exclusive at 7-Eleven stores. Also, 7-Eleven has a limitedtime Sprite Snowball Blast Slurpee flavor to help save the polar bears’ Arctic habitat. Users can download Snowball Effect application by visiting Apple’s App Store, ArcticHome. com/7-Eleven or by scanning QR codes on Slurpee and Big Gulp cups. The Snowball application will be available from now through Dec. 31.
• Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Health & Fitness
The Daily Campus
Learn the truth about your food A new iPhone application lets you see what is really inside the products you buy By BETHANY SUBA Health & Fitness Editor bsuba@smu.edu
You’re late for class and you want to grab something healthy on your way out the door. Preparing anything will take too long so you open your cabinet and grab a Special K cereal bar. Healthy, right? Wrong, at least according to the new iPhone application Fooducate. Fooducate is an app created by Hemi Weingarten, a high technology executive and father of three who found it difficult to make rational decisions about what to feed his family. Weingarten decided to do a little research on health and nutrition and he, along with a team of parents, dieticians and technologists, created a take anywhere, personal grocery advisor for people and their families. The application allows people to scan the barcode of a product and then shows them its food grade, the number of calories and the percentage of people who like the item. Fooducate tells people what is misleading about the product and lets them see alternate choices as
well as compare their item with another item they may want. It lets people see the information manufacturers don’t want them to notice. “We want people to make food choices based on full disclosure,” Weingarten said. “The more people know, the better food they will eat, the more the food industry will make an effort to improve.” The fooducate system is graded on a system that looks at the products’ nutrients, ingredients, category and processing. The lowest grade a product can receive is a D, and the highest is an A. That Special K bar mentioned earlier received a D on the Fooducate app. The app advises consumers that the bar contains trans-fats, even if the label says zero; it is not 100 percent whole grain; there are 2.5 teaspoons of sugars per serving; and only a tiny amount of real fruit. When asked to see some alternate products the app lists a Strawberry Crunch PowerBar as a much better option, a B+ on the grade list, even with its 240 calories per serving.
Campus Events
Photo illustration by SPENCER J EGGERS/ The Daily Campus
Fooducate provides nutritional information immediately to your phone.
Shelley Smyth, a nutritionist and consultant at Medi Weightloss Clinic, has not used the app herself but has read about it the other day and is interested to see what all it can do. “I think if [Fooducate] can be accurate it would be awesome,
Police Reports NOVEMBER 7
WEDNESDAY November 9
Ocean of Pearls: Sikh Students Association presents “Ocean of Pearls” followed by free Indian food at 7:00 p.m. in Hughes-Triggs Forum. An Evening with Madame F: an artistic expression of the Holocaust at 7 p.m. in Prothro Great Hall in the Theology Quad.
but I think it would be difficult for something like that to be 100 percent accurate,” she said. College students, especially freshmen who are away from home for the first time, may find it difficult to pick out packaged foods that contain the best
November 10 The Fred Wendorf Distinguished Lecture Series: Dr. Rita Wright will give a lectured called “Mapping Places: Trade, Diplomacy and Warfare in the Ancient Near East” at 5:30 p.m. in Hughes-Trigg Central Ballroom.
2:28 PM. Criminal Mischief: Pi Kappa Alpha/3035 Dyer Street. A staff member reported damages to the second floor ceilings. Open. 2:34 p.m. Criminal Mischief: Pi Kappa Alpha/3035 Dyer Street. A staff member reported damages to hallway doors and two room doors. Open.
The U.S. Military Verterans of SMU ( a new student veteran organization on campus) will be accepting donations for care packages for troops deployed overseas in combat. These care packages should arrive for the holidays! Please donate portable snacks, books/magazines, and toiletries in support of our troops. (Monetary donations will go toward purchasing care package items and shipping fees.) Donations will be accepted:
8:30 p.m. Criminal Mischief: McElvaney Hall/6000 Bishop Blvd. An unknown person damaged a ceiling tile. Open.
7:59 a.m. Theft: Dedman Center for Lifetime Sports/6000 Airline Rd. A student reported theft of his backpack containing a laptop computer. The theft occurred on 11/7 between 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Open.
nutrition. Fooducate is a way to help people choose items that are healthy, and provide better options for their favorite, not so healthy, items. “I think [Fooducate] would be really helpful,” Catherine Leslie, a freshman at SMU, said. “For me I would probably use it for foods, like boxed foods, or if I had a sweet tooth I would use it on foods that are not as good for me to find the best one.” The Fooducate website has a blog that posts information daily on new nutrition imposters and other nutritional news. The blog was designed to provide people with tips and tricks to help make anyone a better shopper of nutritional food. Fooducate was created to help people learn the truth about food products and Weingarten says that he has received a lot of positive feedback. “People can’t believe that their cereal is 40 percent sugar by weight, or that their mac n’ cheese is colored with yellow number five, a synthetic carcinogenic dye,” he said. “It opens their eyes to what’s really in their food.” The app was originally created for the iPhone, but now works on the iPod touch, iPad and Android OS version 2.2 and up. The application is not funded by any food manufacturers, supplement companies, diets or any other diet pills. For more information on Fooducate visit its website and blog at www.fooducate. com.
Students live meat-free By PARMINDER DEO Contributing Writer pdeo@smu.edu
Experienced and beginning vegetarians alike know the lifestyle can be difficult. Some say it is harder to stick to their diet once they are in college. “There are several types of vegetarians—lacto-vegetarians, who will consume dairy; ovovegetarians, who will consume eggs; pesca-vegetarians, who will consume fish; and vegans, who do not eat any animal products or byproducts,” SMU licensed dietitian Claire Florsheim said. A non-meat lifestyle offers countless benefits. Studies have shown a vegetarian diet helps with maintaining a healthy weight, reducing the risk of food-borne illnesses and sparing animals’ lives. Umphrey Lee and Mac’s Place offer many different food options for students with dietary restrictions. Students with dietary restrictions are encouraged to talk with chefs and managers are available to meet with students one-on-one to discuss alternatives that will meet the student’s particular needs. Students can also meet with Florsheim to discuss their dietary needs. “Healthy on The Hilltop” is a new station that started in the fall of 2011. This station offers complete vegan and gluten free meals. The International Station was also launched in this fall and has a greater number of vegetarian options and allows students to customize their entrées,” Director of Residential Dining, RFoC, Kyle Wilson said. If you are looking for students with similar interests, the newly founded Vegetarians Taking Action is an on-campus organization promoting a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. “VTA has introduced me to other vegans and vegetarians around campus,” sophomore Jennifer Smith said.
The Daily Campus
By JOSH YONIS Staff Writer jyonis@smu.edu
Courtesy of SMU Athletics
The Irish defeated five ranked teams, including two wins over Connecticut, the defending
coaching and did analyzing for ESPN and CSTV while also serving as a scout for the New York Knicks. Doherty returned to coaching at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Fla., as the head coach of the Owls. In only one season, Doherty turned around a 10-18 record from the previous season to a 15-13 record with an outstanding 14-6 record in the Atlantic Sun Conference. Then, Doherty left the Sunshine State for the Hilltop for the 2006 to 2007 season. In his first season, the Mustangs started 11-3, finished 14-17, and rose in the RPI rankings 60 spots. It took a few years for the program to truly rise but in Doherty’s fifth season, the Mustangs had their first 20win season in over a decade. “Chemistry was a huge part of it,” Doherty said. The Mustangs made it to the semifinals of the CollegeInsiders. com Tournament (CIT). SMU ranked seventh in NCAA in field-goal percentage, 13th in three-point percentage, and 38th in free-throw percentage. “Our offense is like June’s football offense: the spread offense, it’s a read-and-react offense,” Doherty said. The Mustangs only have four returning players who totaled for 28 points per game last season. “We have a lot of talent, but we’re very inexperienced,” Doherty said. Doherty will begin his sixth season here at SMU Friday night at Moody Coliseum at 7 p.m. against McMurry University.
“Our offense is like June’s football offense: the spread offense, it’s a read-and-react offense” -Matt Doherty National Champion. Doherty coached three more future NBA players. In 2000, Doherty returned to his alma mater to coach the Tar Heels. UNC went 26-7 and although they were ranked number one during the season, the Tar Heels made an early exit in the NCAA tournament. Doherty had two more AllAmericans and future NBA players on his squad. After a successful recruiting class of three future NBA players that would lead UNC to their 2005 National Championship, the Tar Heels only made it to the NIT. For the next two seasons, Doherty took a break from
Female Athlete of the Week By AUSTIN MANIERRE Staff Writer amanierre @smu.edu
Senior Christine Elliott is due for yet another big season for the Mustang ladies basketball team. Elliott has already been named to the Conference USA Preseason Team, and her successes are likely to continue. Over her three-year career at SMU, she has already proven to be a leader on the team. In each of these three years, she has led the team in rebounds. Elliott also led the team in scoring and in blocks last year with an average of 10.5 points per game and 29 blocks. When asked what it takes to be able to post numbers like these, Elliott answered, “You’ve got to have passion.” She cited having passion to score on the offensive side as well as play defense on the other end as essential factors to her success. In addition to her success, another thing that causes Elliott to standout on the squad is while nearly all of the teams’ players are from Texas, Elliott came from Wichita, Kansas, to play for the Mustangs. She cites having family in the area as an important reason for coming to SMU. In addition, she also mentioned the coaches as another big factor that contributed to her decision. Elliott will be one of a few seniors who will play an important role for the Mustangs this season. This senior leadership will certainly be a powerful asset to the team that could lead to a strong season for the Mustangs. In talking about the team’s potential for the season, Elliott said, “I’m just ready to go.” Her excitement and passion for the game should lead to yet another big season for the 6 feet 3 inches forward. The Mustangs and their four senior leaders face another
Who Caught Our Eye
Coach of the Week June Jones is the resurrecting coach of college football and Head Coach Matt Doherty is the resurrecting coach of college basketball. “I love building things” Doherty said, referring to building up many programs. This is Doherty’s 21st year of coaching and his 11th as a head coach. Coach Doherty is 67-90 in five seasons on the Hilltop and 157-161 overall as a head coach. Doherty graduated from North Carolina in 1984 with a degree in business administration. In 1982, Doherty started alongside Michael Jordan on the National Champion squad. Doherty started his coaching career at Davidson College, in Charlotte, N.C., as an assistant coach. After three years in Charlotte, Doherty moved west to Kansas Univversity for a seven year stint as an assistant under Roy Williams. The Jayhawks averaged 29 wins per season and made the NCAA tournament all seven years while Doherty was there. He recruited eight McDonald’s All-Americans, coached five AllAmericans. Eight KU players under Doherty went on to the NBA. Doherty went north in 1999 to South Bend, Indiana to coach the Notre Dame Fighting Irish. In their first season with Coach Doh, the Irish had their best record in a decade. The Irish finished 22-15 and were the runner-up in the 1999 National Invitational Tournament (NIT).
Wednesday, November 9, 2011 •
MICHAEL DANSER/ The Daily Campus
Christine Elliot shot 53.7-percent from the field last season, averaging 27.0 minutes in 29 games with 28 starts
challenging schedule this season filled with matchups against some tough Conference USA squads. These matchups include playing a UCF team that went 22-11 last season and went on to win the C-USA tournament as well as another away matchup against a Houston team that went 16-0 last season against Conference USA opponents.
The Mustangs will yet again be hosting its “Hoops for the Cure” tournament Nov. 25 and 26. To start off the regular season, SMU will host Alcorn State in Moody Coliseum at 2 p.m on Nov. 12. Look for Christine Elliott to lead the team throughout the season as she’ll play a big role for the Mustangs.
Men’s Player of the Week By NICK KARAGEORGE Staff Writer nkarageorge@smu.edu
Jeremiah Samarrippas is a sophomore guard on the SMU Men’s basketball team from Bartow, Fla. As a freshman Samarrippas played in all 35 of the teams games and started 30 of them. He averaged 7.4 points, 3.4 assists and 2.2 rebounds per game while shooting 42.1 percent from the floor and an impressive 38.5 percent from three-point range. In his first season with Mustangs he ranked third on the team in average points scored, first in assists and first in steals with 1.3 per game. Samarrippas proved that he is a valuable and reliable player on the court to Head Coach Matt Doherty who gave him 30.7 minutes per game, which ranked second for the team. As a freshman, Samarrippas helped the Mustangs to their best record since the 1999 to 2000 season with 20 wins and 15 losses. The Mustangs received a bid to the CollegeInsider. com Tournament (CIT), in the tournament the Mustangs advanced to the Semi-Finals where they were eventually defeated by Santa Clara who would go on to win the tournament. Samarrippas highlight game of the tournament was against Jacksonville in the second round when he shot 5-8 from the field and a perfect 3-3 from three point range for 16 points to along with three steals, four rebounds and a steal. Samarrippas did not just play well in the post-season though, while playing at in-conference rival Tulsa’s gym Samarrippas maybe put up his most complete game of the season where he scored 13 points to go along with six rebounds and six assists.
MICHAEL DANSER/ The Daily Campus
Jeremiah Samarrippas led the Mustangs in assists 15 times and in steals 16 times.
In that game, Samarrippas threw an assist to Robert Nyakundi who drained a three pointer with 1.1 seconds left in the fourth quarter to win the game in buzzer-beater fashion 59-58. Success against Tulsa came again at home later in the season when he recorded six steals which tied a record for the most steals by an SMU player
in a C-USA game. Samarrippas and the Mustang basketball team will look to continue last season’s success on the court with a victory when they host in-state rival McMurry at 7 p.m. on Friday. Samarrippas was elected by coach Matt Doherty as a captain for that game along with fellow teammates Nyakundi and Shawn Williams.
• Wednesday, November 9, 2011
The Daily Campus
Where have all the engineers gone? A Publication of Student Media Company, Inc. Editorial Staff Executive Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stephanie Collins Editor in Chief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashley Withers Managing Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarah Kramer News Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bridget Bennett, Andy Garcia News Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meredith Carlton Associate News Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Patricia Boh Arts & Entertainment Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Natalie Blankenship, Chase Wade Associate Arts & Entertainment Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christine Jonas Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E’Lyn Taylor Associate Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Erica Penunuri Style Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shelby Foster Health & Fitness Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bethany Suba Politics Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jessica Huseman Opinion Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brandon Bub Chief Copy Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tashika Varma Copy Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meghan Sikkel, Katie Tufts Photo Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spencer Eggers Associate Photo Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sidney Hollingsworth Video Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summer Dashe, Sydney Giesey, Wesleigh Ogle, Ali Williams
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Alumni Corner
Reflections on Homecoming: post parting syndrome The alumni guy
Andy Barrett, this, buddy, is for you. Homecoming came and went faster than Eric Dickerson this past weekend. I visited with Eric, too, tried to get him to suit up for the game. The guy could still play, although at 50, he’d probably only get 1500 yards this season. After all, he’d only get to play in four games. Rick Larson I love Homecomings and reunions as much as I love Christmas. At all three I gorge on them like a bear on salmon right before hibernation. Like the bear, I feast on the festivities and then disappear into my cave when the whole thing is over with. It was good to hear from a dear classmate on Sunday afternoon who professed the same “blueness” once they folded the tents and Saturday, fittingly, gave way to the Sunday morning gray. “I’m not waiting on a lady,” I heard Mick Jagger sing in the distance, “I’m just waiting on a friend.” I hate the shortness of Homecoming, the compacting of time and energy and the franticness of trying to catch up with this person whom you haven’t seen in 20 years while trying to catch up with this other person you really want to talk to. I was talking to one Fiji brother on Saturday, turned to greet another, and then looked up and both had vanished, vaporized into another conversation, pulled into another circle of friends by handshakes and hugs, time seemingly frozen while the sunshine, fittingly, beamed golden rays of light on men and women who I have always seen as golden, come rain or shine. I just said simply, “Dammit, I miss my friends already.” “Yeah, me too,” he said. I wanted to keep my friend on the line for as long as I could, just like I wanted time to stand still on Saturday, which it did for a little while. I gazed at the surreal sight of a golden fall sunshine beaming streams of rays through those now-grown oak trees on all those golden friends of mine, golden through years of rain or shine. Those friends, like those oaks, were solid and tall and proud as we hugged and conversed and laughed beneath them. I want to do it again. This week. In an attempt to become SMU’s oldest freshman, I wasn’t content with just the tailgates and the football game. Afterward, I helped close down the Barley House with some new SMU friends, various students who I met while taking my stepson and his buddies out on the town. I’m the oldest man to go on Spring Break, too. Thomas Wolfe was wrong. You can go home again. Fort Worth’s fine but it ain’t home, the Hilltop’s home but it ain’t mine no more. Once a year, though, it’s all of ours. Rick Larson, the Alumni Guy, is a 1981 graduate of SMU as well as a member Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. He has been a stockbroker/investment banker for 26 years. He can be reached for comment at richardelarson@gmail.com
SUBMISSION POLICY What good is freedom of speech if you’re not going to use it? Would you like to see your opinion published in The Daily Campus? Is there something happening on campus or in the world you really want to say something about? Then The Daily Campus is looking for you! E-mail your columns and letters to dcoped@smudailycampus.com or to the commentary editor. Letters should not exceed 200 words in length and columns should be 500-
700 words. Submissions must be in either text format (.txt) or rich text format (.rtf). For verification, letters and columns must include the author’s name, signature, major or department, e-mail address and telephone number. The Daily Campus will not print anonymous letters. A photograph will be required to publish columns. The editor reserves the right to edit for length, spelling, grammar and style.
Opinion Editor
Last week the SMU Tate Lecture Series was fortunate enough to host Neil Degrasse Tyson. Tyson is a renowned astrophysicist Brandon Bub who has worked hard to show people (Americans especially) about how amazing the world of science is and that knowledge of the universe is something we ought to be actively pursuing rather than eschewing. I always enjoy listening to Tyson speak, and some of the points he made really struck a chord with me. According to him, this country’s universities graduate 50,000 engineers a year. Compare that to the nearly 500,000 graduates each year who inevitably become lawyers, accountants, and professionals of all other stripes that generally tend to avoid the world of science. There’s certainly nothing wrong with graduating with a liberal arts degree (or at least I hope there isn’t because that’s exactly what I’m planning to do). But I do find it striking the numerical division that exists between liberal arts majors and engineers. Why exactly does this happen? A recent New York Times opinion piece, “Why Science
Majors Change Their Minds (It’s Just So Darn Hard)” seeks to answer this question. The data the opinion piece offers is even more striking than the numbers Tyson proffered: “Studies have found that roughly 40 percent of students planning engineering and science majors end up switching to other subjects or failing to get any degree. That increases to as much as 60 percent when pre-medical students, who typically have the strongest SAT scores and high school science preparation, are included...That is twice the combined attrition rate of all other majors.” The common stereotype is that people switch out of engineering and sciences to study less intensive subjects like English. I can certainly understand how such a supposition comes about. Hard sciences like chemistry and physics are generally incredibly dense subjects that you can’t just do halfway. However, the liberal arts aren’t necessarily easier; they’re certainly different from the sciences, and I’ll be the first to admit that it’s definitely a lot easier to “BS” your way through a class about Jane Austen than one about fluid dynamics. But if you’re studying a subject the way it’s meant to be studied, it’s supposed to be difficult. I put tremendous amounts of time into the coursework for my classes, oftentimes going above what the assignment might call
for, simply because I know that otherwise I’m not going to learn as much. I’m of the mindset that your studies in college ought to be taxing and overwhelming no matter the subject. The idea of “coasting” seems antithetical to the purpose of the institution of college in the first place. But I still don’t think that goes to fully explain why so many people switch majors. Grade pressures are obviously important; even if a student is up for the challenge that science classes provide, grades are nearly universally lower in these classes in comparison to a lot of the liberal arts fields, the reasons often being that introductory science classes are designed to be so difficult that they weed out the people who aren’t serious about the major and that grade inflation is more likely to occur in liberal arts classes. While a grade never goes to accurately demonstrate how much of a subject you came to comprehend, premed and engineering students often face the highest pressure when it comes to getting good grades (there’s a reason why not everyone gets into medical school) and some people simply might not think it’s worth it to continue advancing in a field where they’re convinced they have few career prospects. Personally, I resent this idea that we need people to choose between “science classes” and
“English classes.” I hate meeting engineers who can’t craft an expository argumentative thesis to save their lives and I hate coming across fellow liberal arts majors who can’t figure out how much to tip at a restaurant, nonchalantly claiming that they’re simply “bad with numbers” (imagine the double standard there too! I guarantee you we wouldn’t be so accepting of a response if the person claimed to be just as bad at reading). The world needs good writers just as much as it needs good engineers. While I don’t claim to know how to solve this disparity, I do know that addressing this nation’s problems with secondary education is probably a good way to start. We can’t expect people to be prepared for college level classes when so many public schools are pressured into giving obviously unqualified students passing grades. Educational reform, if we hope for it to have any sort of meaning, ought to occur from the bottom up. That might not exactly make the challenges of college classes less daunting, but then again, isn’t challenge exactly what we should be looking for? Brandon Bub is a sophomore majoring in English and edits The Daily Campus opinion column. He can be reached for comment at bbub@smu.edu.
Bieber is a valiant proponent of truth contributor
Part of me wants to vomit for writing an article on Justin Bieber, but I also find it equally nauseating to pass up an Michael Dearman opportunity to highlight the absurd state of American pop culture. Bieber, after a tour in Europe, is to take a paternity test to verify that he is not the father of Mariah Yeater’s baby. Yeater’s legal team is happy about Bieber’s willingness to take the test, but what is supposed to come of this? I’m going to jump the gun and point out that Bieber is probably not the father of this child, no surprise there. The point of this is clearly publicity, although there doesn’t seem to be much of a payout
from publicity unless you get your own reality TV show, legal settlement, or the like. Who’s to gain from such bogus claims that Bieber impregnated this woman? Obviously, pop culture media has profit to gain from readership. Whether or not any stories printed in the tabloids have merit becomes irrelevant when there are famous faces attached to them. Certain individuals want to buy magazines about famous people, but why? That seems to be a more difficult question to answer. What I know for certain is that there are complaints everywhere about the substance of the news, magazines, and other media, print or otherwise. Of course, people place the blame on the “media” as a whole, but perhaps there is not enough blame placed on readership. If you are more inclined to read about Bieber’s baby mama than the Greek debt
crisis, you could be part of the substance problem. Of course, where there is a demand, that demand will be met. What is more pressing than the issue of substance in media (sensationalism isn’t exactly new) is the lack of awareness about the issue. We can bandy about biased reporting, but when it comes down to it, people simply aren’t willing to change their demands, or they don’t care enough to change, or they simply don’t understand the impact of their demand. In turn, the problem is perpetuated through a series of articles concerning sensational rumors and half-truths in order to garner the attention of the masses. It works, and nothing is gained but profit for some pretty substance-less news sources. The rumors are perpetuated whether they are true or not. Journalists aren’t lying, they’re
“bullshitting.” The lauded philosopher Harry Frankfurt describes the phenomenon as having no concern for the truth, but instead has a motive other than perpetuating an untruth, which is exactly what pop culture media is fond of printing and what the public loves to hear. It appears we have a bullshit problem. Bieber, in this case, seems to be a proponent of the truth, so cheers to you, Bieber! As for the media, for Yeater, and for the general public, there seems to be too much allowance of bullshitting, which is the real culprit in the fight for substance in media. Michael Dearman is a sophomore majoring in English, political science, and philosophy (he would also like to add that he hates bullshit). He can be reached for comment at mdearman@smu.edu
Arts & Entertainment
The Daily Campus
Wednesday, November 9, 2011 •
Meadows percussionists hope to ‘snare’ audience in fall drum performance By ALLY VAN DEUREN Contributing Writer avandeuren@smu.edu
Courtesy of Micheal C. Foster
Amanda Passanante and Chet Monday in a number from “Rags,” Irving’s Lyric Stage’s newest show.
‘Rags’ cleans up well By ALEX HOSKINS Contributing Writer ahoskins@smu.edu
“Rags” isn’t like most coming -to-America stories that we have come to know. Instead of painting pictures of freedom, glory and patriotism, “Rags” stages the lives of Russian immigrants, who, after venturing to America, are treated like garbage. “Rags” is a based on a book by Joseph Stein. It’s music and lyrics comes from artist Charles Strouse and Stephen Schwartz respectively. The story focuses on Rebecca and her son David, two immigrants struggling to find a place in this new world full of purported promise. As Rebecca searches for her husband and tries to keep things together for her son, she must prove that she is more than just a pile of rags on a boat from the east. “Rags” opened on Broadway in 1986 and was nominated for multiple Tony Awards, including Best Musical. This cast was bursting at the seams with talent and heart. Kristin Dausch did a fabulous job as Bella, a friend of Rebecca’s who yearns to leave her room and explore her new world, against her father’s wishes. Actually, Dausch did not act out the role of Bella, she was Bella.
Every action had purpose, every emotion was genuine, every ballad was pitch-perfect and every moment was one of discovery. Dausch’s moments on stage, particularly her reprise of “Rags” and scenes with her love interest, Ben (Jonathan Bragg), were magic. The onstage chemistry between Dausch and Bragg was phenomenal: not only does the audience believe that they’re in love, but they also desperately want for them to be happy together. There is a fine line between acting a character and embodying one, and Dausch’s performance soars above the latter. The entire house owed a tremendous amount of applause to Amana Passanante as Rebecca, as she carried the show. Rebecca is in almost every scene, every song and has more than enough solo ballads. What shines about Passanante’s performance is the fire in her eyes. Rebecca’s chief concern is the care of her son David, and every action the audience sees is so visibly and authentically driven by the love she has for her son. She seems on the verge of giving up her life for him, desperate in every scene, and it is that beyond-the-text investment in her character that makes her so believable.
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Rebecca is the backbone of the show, and Passanante carries the weight with grace, skill and tremendous passion. Jackie L. Kemp as Avram, Bella’s father, fills the stage with the warmth and feeling of community as he defends his family traditions against the assault of his new environment. When Avram lost something, you could see the loss in Kemp’s eyes. Brian Hathaway as Saul, Rebecca’s new love interest (though she still searches for her husband), is charming, playful and exciting. The audience sees Saul just as Rebecca sees Saul, and that drives the audience to become emotionally invested in him just as Rebecca does. Bragg could not be a more perfect Ben. There’s an innocence and a sense of trust Bragg conveys in his performance and his final speech with Avram is one of the more powerful things. However, the show is not without it’s faults. The stage is very large and often completely empty with the exception of a few actors. A similar staging problem arises when Rebecca sings her ballads. Each one is staged exactly the same, with Rebecca standing in the middle of an empty blue-lit stage singing to the audience.
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By Michael Mepham
Why there is no variation in these songs in terms of staging is a mystery, but an added prop or set piece would give Passanante something to work with during her song. All of her songs all feel exactly the same. A few key characters dropped or changed their accents through the show, but Rebecca, Saul, Bella, Ben, Avram, and other principles, did not. However, these issues are few and far between, particularly in the second act, and director Cheryl Denson should be proud of such a moving production with such a powerful, well-conveyed message. “Rags” features a 35-piece orchestra that is superbly led by Jay Dias. The orchestra swallows the room from the moment the curtain rises and doesn’t let up until the last note is sung. The staging issues aside, “Rags” is a fantastic show. The actors’ performances not only draw you in, but also truly endear you to the character. It is this audience-actor chemistry that is so crucial for a story to be effectively told. The audience does not just see immigrants on stage off a boat, a bunch of rags, as the Americans do, but they see them as people fighting for a new life.
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ACROSS 1 “60 Minutes” correspondent 6 __ Helens, Wash. 10 Setup punch 13 Pump option 15 Tad 16 L.A.-based oil giant, familiarly 17 Get there 18 Flea market cousin 20 Soccer VIPs? 21 Source of lowalcohol wines 23 No longer newsworthy 24 Mickey Mantle or Mark Teixeira, notably 27 Diet successfully 28 Counsel 32 “__ Gold”: Peter Fonda film 35 Helper: Abbr. 38 Lobbying gp. 39 Fill in at school 43 Modern __ 44 Friend’s pronoun 45 “Then ...” 46 Karate instructor 49 Glued to the tube, say 51 Currency differential 57 Shoelace protector 60 Smack back? 61 It’s wet in Oaxaca 62 Commercial imbalance 64 “The Sound of Music” quintet 66 “Awesome!” 67 Botanical junction 68 Golf commentator Pepper 69 Poet Lowell 70 Texter’s sign-off 71 Many Miley Cyrus fans DOWN 1 Sends unwanted e-mail 2 Road sign symbol 3 Nuclear pioneer Enrico 4 Bible letters
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Seven students in the Meadows Percussion Ensemble will delight audiences with sounds in their fall concert in Caruth Auditorium this Wednesday at 8 p.m. The concert will be under the direction of Jon Lee, the director of the Meadows Percussion Ensemble, as well as an adjunct lecturer at Meadows School of the Arts’ music program. Wednesday’s performance features several famous works, including pieces by two PullitzerPrize winning composers, Christopher Rouse and Jennifer Higdon, as well as a piece by George Hamilton Green, an icon in percussion music. “It has a wonderful variety of very high-quality pieces of music,” Lee, who has taught at SMU since 1995, said. “Every piece is radically different from the piece that comes before it.” The second act of the show features Paul Lansky’s legendary 2005 composition, “Threads,” which Lee considers to be the anchor piece of the concert. “All of the different sounds that percussion instruments are capable of you can get in this one piece,” Lee said about “Threads.” He explains that the sounds range from intense and brutal to soft and quiet; from angry and forceful to lush and beautiful. In addition to using typical percussion instruments to produce sound, such as drums, marimbas, vibraphones, xylophones, and more, Lee explains that in one movement in “Threads,” his musicians incorporate different melodic sounds found in items such as glass bottles and flowerpots. In another, they will use all metals. The show in general runs the gamut in terms of utilization of instruments. “They’ll play it all,” Lee said. Other features are Christopher Rouse’s “Ku-ka-llimoku,” an intense piece that is a sonic representation the Hawaiian god of war, and Jennifer Higdon’s
For solutions to our Sodoku puzzles, checkout our website at www.smudailycampus.com/puzzles. © 2011 Michael Mepham. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.
“Splendid Wood,” a work for three rosewood marimbas. In addition, Jamal Mohamed arranged a piece by Mahmoud Sharif called “Ya Hassan” that all the students will play together at the very end of the concert. Three graduate students and four undergraduate students compose the overall percussion ensemble of seven members. Although the percussion ensemble may be small, the seven percussionists are strong and passionate about what they do and hold their own on stage. “It’s amazing with only seven members that we can perform a full concert show with intermission,” Lee said. Lee gave his students the music for these pieces at the beginning of the semester, and the group has been working hard ever since. The percussion ensemble has one major show per semester and they also perform outside of SMU at local venues throughout the year. Although every member of this year’s group is a music major, anyone at SMU has the opportunity to audition to be a part of this elite ensemble. Before being accepted, auditioners are asked to play on various percussion instruments to show that they have the skills necessary to be in the talented group. Lee explains that a few years ago, there was a pre-med major who was accepted to become a part of the percussion ensemble. This year, he says there is a piano major in the group. “There’s a level of aptitude that [auditioners] need to bring that we expect because the performances are professionallevel,” Lee said. The concert is called “An Evening of Percussion,” but the possibilities are endless as to what the concert has in store for its audience. “I would love for the university to come and see what’s happening in percussion here in Meadows. They’ll hear some sounds that I think that they’ll just find to be entrancing,” Lee said. “You’ll never hear the same thing twice.”
By Pamela Amick Klawitter
5 Toyota __4: SUV model 6 Peruvian volcano El __ 7 Namely 8 Ticketing place: Abbr. 9 Danced like Bojangles Robinson 10 Stereotypical diner name 11 Forest choppers 12 Unit of computer memory 14 Slangy assents 19 Sportscaster Albert 22 Knife holder 25 Budgetary concern 26 British art institution 29 Apple touchscreen computer 30 Anatomical pouches 31 Return from a cave? 32 Finds a purpose for 33 Dangle a carrot in front of, so to speak
Monday’s Puzzle Solved
(c)2010 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
34 “My Country” author 36 Seek damages 37 Buffet heater 40 Suffix with meteor 41 Finish line indicator 42 Play break 47 Watermelon bit 48 Magnitude 50 “... ‘What __ boy am I!’”
52 Exciting 53 Adrien of cosmetics 54 Colorful quartz 55 Shroud city 56 Lets up 57 Name on a razor 58 Fat measure 59 __ Luck 63 Understood 65 Heavy drinker
Can’t wait until tomorrow for Crossword solutions? For solutions to our Crossword puzzles now, checkout our website at www.smudailycampus.com.
• Wednesday, November 9, 2011
The Daily Campus
Nonpartisan organization approved By PATRICIA BOH
Associate News Editor pboh@smu.edu
Meadows Senator Roza Essaw promoted a new SMU organization, ONE, during the Student Senate meeting Tuesday. According to its website, ONE is a “grassroots advocacy and campaigning organization” that “rights extreme poverty and preventable disease…by raising public awareness and pressuring political leaders to support smart and effect policies.” Bono, the artist from U2, and other campaigners co-founded ONE. ONE is nonpartisan and works closely with African policy makers and activists. “What makes ONE unique from other organizations on campus working on these similar human issues is that we are dedicated to working as a collective ONE group,” Essaw said. “We want to bring the talents, voices and ideas of all students in different organizations to achieve the purpose of creating a better world.” ONE is a national college-wide competition that every three weeks issues a challenge for students to combat.
ONE at SMU competes against 2,581 other schools. Currently, students involved with ONE are working on preventing budge cuts relating to the state and foreign operations budget. This budget allocates funding to programs that support education, HIV/AIDS and agricultural development. “I want SMU to lead the movement in human rights initiatives and to compete with these other campuses and work toward a ONE common goal of helping the less fortunate,” Essaw said. Due to ONE’s efforts, nearly
4 million Africans have access to AIDS medication, Malaria-related deaths in Africa have been nearly cut in half and 42 million more children are now going to school. Also, Student Body President Austin Prentice announced that he will send out one more Senate update this semester. Prentice sent out an update about the Senate that summarized its activity this fall “in order to continually promote transparency.” The Finance Committee has funded 38 organizations $32,115 this semester, and Spring 2012 budget allocations have been posted on the
Senate’s website. Also regarding Senate funding, 22 undergraduate and graduate students received a scholarship courtesy of the three Senate Endowment funds. Another highlight of the senate this semester was surprise guest former Secretary of Defense, Dr. Robert Gates, who talked about the responsibilities college graduates have regarding leadership. The Senate has passed legislation regarding increasing game day recycling on the Boulevard, creation of more outdoor study facilities, emphasizing more “appropriate” timing for lawn-care; and “honorariums” for Fred & Judith Banes and Clarence Perkins & Alphonso Buchanan. Finally, Prentice indicated the Senate is currently discussion how to increase student participation in athletic events, unifying the undergraduate and graduate student populations, and prompting senate transparency through electronic voting mechanisms. Also, Prentice inaugurated new Cox Senator Jason Carlson. Carlson joins fewllo new Dedman II Senators Matt Alexander, Hiba Ibad, and Meadows Senators Meredith Tavallee.
SEX: Shocking trade stories shared
Photo Courtesy of Panasonic
Panasonic’s new Toughpad is specially designed to resist fire, water and heavy impact. In addition to its durability, the Toughpad, which launched Monday, will feature many new hi-tech features.
TABLETS: Claims to conquer iPad ‘problems’ Continued from page 1
are able to accomplish their necessary goals. This tablet has a 5.0 megapixel high-resolution front camera complete with LED flash, as well as a 2.0 megapixel highresolution camera that faces the tablet screen. This addition allows for the latest in video conferencing, as well as obtaining high quality photos. Toughpad also has a solution for when sunlight makes it hard to view the screen.
The tablet has anti-glare and antireflective sensors. Companies that are interested in becoming more mobile with a tablet that is durable and reliable are the target market for the new Toughpad. Though the price point is slightly higher than an iPad, Panasonic intends to counter with better support for technical issues (with a customer support wait time of less than 30 seconds) and a product that should have a longer life of approximately three years.
Continued from page 1
discussion featuring three local professionals working with human trafficking relief organizations. Justin Dillion, the director of the film, was first exposed to human trafficking on a trip to Russia when his young female translator told him about an opportunity she was given to move to the United States. The opportunity turned out to be fake and just a ploy to enslave her. Disgusted and uninformed, Dillion made it his mission to get educated about human trafficking. Being a professional musician, he
decided to create a sort-of benefit concert through a documentary. He got various musicians to perform on camera, then when the film got momentum, he interviewed journalists, politicians, actors and professionals with a background in human trafficking. Drugs, weapons and humans are the three largest trafficking cartels in the world, and human trafficking is the largest and fastest growing of the three. The movie shows footage of people around the world enslaved in
various trades of human trafficking like sex, domestic servitude and manual labor. Virgins are the most valuable commodity in the sex trade, and this is exploited as much as possible. For example, a girl as young as five or six is sold to a man for a week where she will be raped by up to 40 men. Then, her pimp will pay to have her hymen sewed up and she is sold again the next week. The next men will see the young girl bleeding and in pain, believing she is losing her virginity for the first time. Shocking, but true
stories like this one were showed and explained throughout the movie giving a deep insight into the world of human trafficking. If you see or know of someone being trafficked and you want to help, contact a human trafficking hotline. “Do not engage and try to get them off the street right then and there,” Tammy Wagler, panel member and director of DFW Hope Springs, said. “It will do more harm than good for the people being trafficked.”
BOOK: Immigration examined Continued from page 1
Today the issue of immigration is larger than it has even been and people are unsure about what side to take on the issue. “States from Arizona to Alabama are locked in a gridlock about immigration control,” Hernández said. “Neither walls nor amnesty will resolve the crisis we confront.”
Following Hernández’s 40-minute lecture, the floor was opened to a question and answer session. During the Q&A, Hernández revealed her views about the immigration issue. “We are not criminals, we are humans,” she said. “We must take on the system to truly be able to find something called freedom.”