Cassadee Pope performs downtown
A look inside the makeup industry
The wussification of Football
Cross Country is AAC champion
november 20, 2013
Wednesday High 72, Low 50 Thursday High 73, Low 46
Think differently Education reformer Robinson discusses culture RAHFIN FARUK Contributing Writer If every person in the world was to consume the same amount of resources as a North American, the Earth could only sustain 1.5 billion people — about a fifth of its current population. Citing that urbanization and consumption continue to trend upwards, Sir Ken Robinson — a noted education reformer — argued that the answer to global troubles lie with culture and history in front of a full McFarlin Auditorium at SMU’s third Tate Lecture of the year Tuesday. “We are living in times of revolution. We have to think differently if we are to meet this revolution,” he said. “We have to do things differently.” For Robinson, the first step to solution creation is accepting the eventuality of change. Citing the decline of the seaport of Liverpool, England — in a witty, anecdotal style that has made him one of the most viewed TED speakers in history — he said that no one could have predicted the downfall of the British Empire. “If you go there now, you will see whole neighborhoods that were once tremendously wealthy,” he said. “The sun never set on the British Empire.” Just a generation after its peak, the British Empire collapsed, ridden in debt and a lack of innovation. Culture, according to Robinson, dictates a society’s surroundings, beliefs and frameworks. Culture, for example, designs a society’s school systems and industry. “The human world is created from the imagination of individuals
ELLEN SMITH / The Daily Campus
Moderator Jeffrey Engel speaks with National Security Agency Director of Compliance John DeLong and professors Jeffrey Kahn and Joshua Rovner at Tuesday night’s panel on intelligence and privacy.
Experts converse on NSA oversight, accountability Katelyn Gough Assignments Desk Editor
ELLEN SMITH / The Daily Campus
Sir Ken Robinson argues that global troubles could be answered by a better understanding of culture and history.
and communities,” he said. And, according to Robinson, that creates culture. While most think of culture as rigid, Robinson asserted that culture rapidly changes. Instead of thinking in terms of millenniums or centuries, people can think in even shorter passages of time. “So much has happened just in 10 years — no iPods, no Facebook, no Twitter,” he said. Technological change and cultural change go hand in hand. According to Robinson, change will continue to occur at an even more rapid pace. While technology is unpredictable, it can be enormously beneficial in solving society’s most difficult problems. By disrupting culture — the old ways of doing things — technology has the potential to create new solutions. “Technology enables us to do
things we couldn’t do before,” he said. As Robinson has argued worldwide, no system has more potential for reform than education. Much like the carrying capacity problem the Earth now faces, education has the power to solve societal problems. But, according to Robinson, this type of solution-making will not occur within the constraints of the current education system. “Education is an industrial system. Students are seen as just inputs,” he said. The current system limits creativity and stunts talent. Robinson remains optimistic about the future, however. “We have it within our reach to convert these systems,” he said. For Robinson, it’s just a matter of thinking differently — less about the past and more about the future.
SMU’s Tower Center took its turn facilitating the conversation around intelligence and privacy Tuesday. The Center welcomed the National Security Agency’s Director of Compliance John DeLong to join SMU professors Jeffrey Kahn and Joshua Rovner for a diverse panel on issues of oversight, legal interpretation and the essentiality of thorough intelligence gathering. While this past summer’s NSA leaks were clearly the igniting force for such a panel to take place, the discussion began far past defensiveness or blame on the incidents and aftermath that unraveled over the past months. Rather, moderator Jeffrey Engel, director of Center for Presidential History at SMU, opened by turning focus to the status of modernday war — one defined within cyberspace, not within lines of geographical territory. The technology that creates the cyberspace battle is precisely what dictates the need for the new generation of NSA surveillance
gathering — intelligence observation that DeLong said is a decision that starts with “law and policy,” driven by “foreign intelligence needs,” not ones of purely domestic origin. With concerns over citizens’ privacy and lack in Congressional oversight, DeLong emphasized the foreign focus of intelligence. If surveillance does move to a U.S. citizen, it is only after the gap has been closed “between foreign objectors…connecting the dots” back to the U.S. “There’s not an analyst at the NSA that wants to come across a U.S. persons [when investigating terrorism],” DeLong said. In his opening comments, Rovner outlined possible motivations behind the “strategic value in performing intelligence on one’s own citizens.” Counterintelligence can be a power’s greatest asset — terrorists and rival states alike perform intelligence against the U.S. As for the value of spying on one’s allies, Rovner cited one instance of seeing “just how vulnerable they are to espionage,” as well as identifying “what their bargaining positions are.” The costs are also great,
including loss of prestige and breaks in alliances when trust is broken. But Kahn made it clear that the NSA question was not one of liberty versus security because intelligence is not malice-driven. “[However,] to say there’s no malice is not to say there’s no bias,” Kahn said, speaking to institutional bias. He posed the question, “Do you want to be the analyst who makes the critical mistake?” The mistake in reference is not one of identifying a U.S. citizen as a surveillance suspect, but one of not identifying a possible terrorist because he or she is a U.S. citizen. The dissent surrounding congressional oversight was also a key point of contention throughout the panel. In Kahn’s words, “what’s oversight and what’s sufficient oversight is contested.” DeLong spoke to Congressional oversight coming from a multitude of government facets, pertaining to legal aspects, funding, et cetera. But Kahn begged the meaning of oversight when sectors of Congress see different aspects of
NSA page 3
Leaders discuss parking, basketball, transportation
‘Movember’ team raises money, grows beards
Katie Ballard Contributing Writer Student Senate met Tuesday to discuss a hefty amount of campus legislation, including taking action to get SMU students to the Curtis Curwell Center in Garland, Texas for the upcoming men’s basketball games. President Ramon Trespalacios, along with Dedman Senator John Bonadelle and student Billy Nayden have arranged for a bus to take students from campus to the game against Texas State University on Wednesday at 7 p.m. The bus will leave campus at 5 p.m., and students interested in joining should RSVP to jbonadelle@ If student demand is high enough, Senate will arrange for more than one bus to transport students in the future. “We are focusing on community and we believe that athletic events are a great way to foster community between different spheres on
campus. There is a lot of excitement around the basketball season, and Senate feels the need to support the student needs everyday,” Trespalacios said. The front offices on campus are supportive of these efforts and have provided funding for the buses. The Senate, which meets every Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. in the Hughes-Trigg Student Center forum, also discussed the everpressing issue of campus parking. A parking task force has been created within the Senate to present recommendations from the student body to the parking offices on campus. The task force, headed by Dedman Senator Zane Cavender, works with Mark Rhodes, director of Parking and ID Card Services, to create solutions. “Virtually we’re losing every on campus parking lot that isn’t a garage in the next five to 10 years,” Cavender said. Solutions to fix the parking issue included eliminating first-year parking options, parking counts on the outside of garages, and differentiated a.m./p.m. parking. According to Cavender, Rhodes is proactively trying to fix the parking issue, and encourages students to contact him with suggestions and concerns.
SENATE page 3
Adam Grosbard Contributing Writer Most people are familiar with the efforts to spread awareness for breast cancer through the use of the color pink. Anyone who watched a football game any Sunday during the month of October saw pink shoes and gloves on their favorite players. What most people are not familiar with is growing a moustache to advocate for men’s health. Movember is a movement that is spreading across the country to raise funds for prostate cancer research. To show their support, men grow a moustache during the month of November. For the first time this year, SMU has its own Movember team. “Going into Movember I didn’t really have an expectation for how it would be received on campus, just because there is already so much going on, and people are very involved with their own organizations,” SMU Movember Team Captain Jacob Conway. “That being said, I think it has done very well. Word of mouth has been very helpful in getting the message out, and people have been very supportive, especially for this being the first year. Despite what some girls may say, I think most people find the idea of growing a moustache for a whole month kind of fun.” Conway was introduced to the
Courtesy of Paige Thelen
Senior members of Phi Gamma Delta Will Marston, James Mangum, Corbin Blount and Niko Lundeen participated in Movember, growing out facial hair to raise funds for prostate cancer research.
movement by one of his friends on campus. “Madeline Herskind told me that her dad had become a very active representative for the Movember movement in Dallas,” Conway said. “He was looking for a student to bring the organization to SMU’s campus and asked me if I would like to help. I told him I would be glad to help, and slowly but surely, more and more people have become involved in the campaign.” The Movember movement is also taking foot in the local Dallas community. “This year [the movement began with] a kick-off happy hour at The Green Room in Deep Ellum, held a benefit concert at Granada theater with two local Dallas bands, and is wrapping up the month with a party at Hotel Zaza, one of the Dallas Movember partners. It’s a fun way to bring everyone supporting the
movement together,” Herskind said. One thing that drew Conway to this cause in particular is what it does beyond raising money for research. “I also really like Movember’s advocacy for overall men’s health. You hear a lot about how important it is for women to routinely go to the doctor to make sure they are healthy, but it not as much for men. It is nice to let men know that going to the doctor isn’t a matter of pride, it’s a matter of living a healthy life,” Conway said. In its first year at SMU, Conway is working through the growing pains that come when any new cause is introduced but he hopes that Movember will one day turn into a campus-wide tradition. “The greatest challenge about helping with Movember has been having to be patient. Right now it is important to spread the message, raise awareness, and build a strong
base of supporters and the larger events and additional supporters will come as the organization grows on campus in the coming years,” Conway said. “Hopefully in the future student organizations will have their own teams to raise money, and it can be a campus wide fundraiser and friendly competition. [For now] most involvement is coming from individuals who are passionate about the cause and want to show their support.” One such individual is Student Body President Ramon Trespalacios. “I look forward to growing a ‘stache from now on every November and expect my fundraising goals to keep increasing throughout the years,” Trespalacios said. “More importantly, I expect to see SMU students supporting Movember, either by growing or supporting the ‘stache. ‘No Mo, No Mercy!’”