black gold [+]
School of Education
School of Liberal Arts and Sciences
School of Nursing
200 133
American Indian or Alaska Native Asian
Male 23%
1% 10%
Black or African American 11% Hispanics of Any Race
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Race and Ethnicity Unknown
Two or more races
17-24 43%
Female 77%
25 and up 57%
MAJORS Biology (B.S.) Business Administration (B.S.) Criminal Justice (B.A.) Criminal Justice (B.A.S.) Elementary Education (B.A.) Elementary Education (B.A.) with a Concentration in Special Education Engineering Technology* (B.A.S.) with Computer Networking Option Engineering Technology* (B.A.S.) with Electronics Option Engineering Technology* (B.A.S.) with Telecommunications Option English (B.A.) Environmental and Resource Science (B.S.) History (B.A.) History (B.A.) with a Concentration in Pre-Law Interdisciplinary Studies (B.S.) Interdisciplinary Studies (B.A.) Law Enforcement (Bachelor of Public Administration) Management (B.A.S.) Mathematics (B.S.) Nursing (B.S.) Psychology (B.A.) Psychology (B.S.) Secondary Education (B.S.) with a Concentration in Biology Secondary Education (B.A.) with a Concentration in English Secondary Education (B.A.) with a Concentration in History Secondary Education (B.S.) with a Concentration in Mathematics Secondary Education (B.S.) with a Concentration in Physical Sciences Speech Pathology (B.A.) Visual Media (B.A.S.) Visual Media (B.A.) MINORS Biology Business Chemistry Communication Counseling Emphasis in Addiction Treatment and Prevention Criminal Justice Deaf Studies Education/Instruction English Entrepreneurship
Environmental and Resource Science History Law Enforcement Mathematics Professional Writing Promotion Psychology Social Justice Sociology Visual Media
*Only available to CSN students.
Thank you for reading the Black & Gold Annual.
A Nevada State College Publication
Your feedback and story ideas are welcome!
Please submit entries to: Sign up for the monthly Black & Gold e-newsletter: 1125 Nevada State Drive Henderson, NV 89002 (702) 992-2000 NEVADA STATE COLLEGE MISSION STATEMENT At Nevada State College, excellence fosters opportunity. Excellence in teaching leads to innovative, technologyrich learning opportunities that promote the acquisition of interdisciplinary knowledge and skills. Quality, affordable fouryear degree programs open the door to career success and enhanced quality of life for a diverse population of students. Our graduates, in turn, foster the greatest opportunity – the promise of a stronger community and a better future for all of Nevada. NEVADA STATE COLLEGE LEADERSHIP Bart Patterson President Dr. Erika Beck Provost and Executive Vice President Kevin Butler Vice President, Finance & Business Operations Dr. Edith Fernández Associate Vice President, Community Engagement and Diversity Initiatives Dr. J. Russell Raker, III Associate Vice President, Institutional Advancement Dr. Dennis Potthoff Dean, Education Dr. Andy Kuniyuki Dean, Liberal Arts and Sciences Dr. Neal Rosenburg Dean, Nursing Jennifer Haft Director, Office of the President and Strategic Initiatives
BLACK & GOLD ANNUAL EDITORIAL STAFF Managing Editor Yanné Givens Nevada State College Marketing & Communications Specialist Editor Robyn Campbell-Ouchida All Write Business Communications For information on donating to the college: Dr. J. Russell Raker, III Nevada State College Associate Vice President, Institutional Advancement (702) 992-2356 To share alumni updates or learn about the alumni association: Danielle Welch Nevada State College Alumni Relations & Development Operations Manager Design and layout by Laura Malmgren Freelance Graphic Design Professional Smudge Pot Creative Cover photo and additional photography by Ian Probasco, NSC Videographer. Additional photos provided by NSC vendors, employees, and students. Many thanks to all who contributed to the 2015 Black & Gold Annual.
Letter from the PRESIDENT It has been a terrific year full of firsts for Nevada State College, which are captured in our third edition of the Black & Gold Annual. This publication was developed especially for our NSC community—family, friends, future students, and alumni—to celebrate and acknowledge the outstanding happenings of the college. In July, the college completed one of its greatest successes and celebrated with a grand opening ceremony in September for two new campus buildings: the Nursing, Science & Education building and the Rogers Student Center. Since the opening of the buildings, we’ve had some star-studded
guests speak, including Rehan Choudhry from Life Is Beautiful and United States Poet Laureate Juan Felipe Herrera. More than 500 faculty, staff, students, and community members attended NSC’s first annual Scorpion’s
Calling event, hosted by NSC’s student government, NSSA. In October, NSC
hosted the Southern Nevada Diversity Summit, which drew more than 250 participants from NSHE institutions and the greater community. We are very proud of these accomplishments and look forward to achieving much more in the months to come. NSC conducted its first-ever organizational climate survey this year. We had great participation, with 93 percent of full-time faculty and 68 percent of full-time staff responding. We similarly conducted a student satisfaction survey earlier in the year. This survey data will allow us to reinforce what is working and identify areas we want to improve. This is part of the NSC culture of continuing to better address the needs of our students and, in so doing, be a top place to work and study. As we continue to focus on the student experience, our next exciting phase of development includes a planned significant expansion in our teacher preparation programs to meet the critical needs within the state. We are also exploring many game-changing projects, such as club sports, child care, international student programs, and residential facilities. All of these initiatives are geared toward significantly increasing student success in both retention and graduation. With the support of Glenn Christenson, we embarked on our first comprehensive campaign, with a goal of $15 million. I am proud to report that we have surpassed this goal and will continue to raise funds for the next eight months, which marks the closing of our campaign. We are grateful to our many wonderful donors and supporters. Be Bold. Be Great. Be State!
Bart Patterson President
Table of CONTENTS 4 8 12
A MOUNTAIN OF OUR OWN NSC continues to make its mark; community effort leads to federal recognition of Mount Scorpion
SCHOOL OF EDUCATION GEAR UP FOR COLLEGE Innovative program focuses on changing potential students’ beliefs about college possibilities
16 22
26 32
POETRY FOR THE SOUL The U.S. Poet Laureate graces NSC with his presence
38 42 46 50 54 64
COME ONE, COME ALL NSC hosts 4th Annual NSHE Diversity Summit, inviting educational leaders to campus
STUDENT LIFE LEAVE YOUR MARK ON CAMPUS Help provide our Scorpion with a unique home
EVERYTHING IN ONE PLACE The Marydean Martin Library is literally the most digital library around
NSC’s Inaugural Art Collection focuses on local art
A MOUNT NSC continues to make its mark; community effort leads to federal Nevada State College is proud of its burgeoning campus set against a breathtaking backdrop of desert and mountain landscape. Now, because of the efforts of persuasive NSC representatives, the distinctive mountain just behind the Rogers Student Center has an official name—Mount Scorpion. The story of the mountain acquiring its appropriate name began April 30, 2012, when Bart Patterson was approved as NSC’s president and representatives of the college informed the Board of Regents that they had claimed Mount Scorpion and intended to seek official federal naming of the geologic feature. Not too long after, President Patterson and then-NSSA Student Body President Deuvall Dorsey hiked to the mountain’s top, metaphorically paving the way for NSC. Although it would eventually be three years to the day until NSC received official notification that the U.S. Board on Geographic Names unanimously approved the naming of Mount Scorpion, the effort was well worth it. “We’ve claimed Mount Scorpion from the very beginning of NSC,” shares Dr. Andy Kuniyuki, dean of the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS). Dr. Kuniyuki helped tell the
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TAIN OF OUR OWN recognition of Mount Scorpion
FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [5]
Students, faculty, and NSC supporters participated in the annual hike up Mount Scorpion this October, the first hike since the mountain’s name became official.
“We’ve claimed Mount Scorpion from the very beginning of NSC.” – Dr. Andy Kuniyuki
story of NSC’s mountain in the 2012 student documentary The Brief History of Mt. Scorpion. Student leaders, faculty, and staff all felt that being able to name the recognizable landmark (part of the McCullough Range that overlooks the Nevada State College campus) for the school’s mascot would embody the tenacity and grit of NSC’s students and spirit. A tradition that continues to grow over the years is the annual hike up Mount Scorpion, which started in October 2012 with just 15 students. This fall’s hike, which took place October 24, included about 60 hikers, 20 of whom summited Mount Scorpion. In 2013, NSC’s student newspaper, The Scorpion’s Tale, referred to Mount Scorpion: “Where the path is faint, but grows with each footstep.” LAS Department Chair Gregory Robinson, who first hiked to the top in 2008, reflects, “Once you get to the top, it’s kind of neat because you can see over the school, and it’s nice to imagine what the campus is going to look like someday, full of students
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and buildings.” Now, with the two new buildings on campus, the panoramic view from the top is even more dramatic. Although the idea was first initiated in 2012, the naming project officially got underway in 2014 with a concerted effort by the Office of Community Engagement and Diversity Initiatives (CEDI). “The process involved several local, state, and federal agencies, and required getting letters of support from county and tribal governments,” shares CEDI staff member Amey Esparza, who managed the project’s communication. She continues, “We appreciated the help of Congressman Joe Heck, who offered his full support for the proposal to officially recognize what was then called ‘the unnamed summit.’”
For more information about Mount Scorpion’s history, please visit watch?v=ZVCMDrliTDo to view the studentproduced micro-documentary The Brief History of Mt. Scorpion (2012).
FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [7]
DENNIS POTTHOFF, PH.D. Dr. Dennis Potthoff fell in love with teaching more than 40 years ago. The ten years spent teaching middle school students was pivotal to a career that also includes stints in higher education at four institutions. Currently, Potthoff is especially fascinated by the topics of student engagement, collaborative teaching and learning processes, and the best models for preparing new teachers for work in schools situated within an increasingly diverse and technological democratic society. He is honored to serve as the Dean of the School of Education.
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Letter from the DEAN (SOE) is an exciting place to be! Current faculty, staff, and students are thrilled to have moved into our new home—the third floor of the NSE Building. Spacious classrooms, equipped with 21st-century technology tools, provide an outstanding environment for learning. The third-floor hallways are also teeming with energy as students take advantage of comfortable furniture for studying, collaborating, and resting. The collection of thoughtprovoking artwork adds appeal. Please stop by for a visit.
“We offer a mentoring program that provides NSC faculty-led seminars for recent SOE graduates in their first three years of teaching full time in K–12 school districts.”
I am pleased to report that the Nevada State College School of Education
The SOE offers teacher-preparation programs in elementary education, special education, and the secondary education subjects of English/ language arts, math, social studies, and science. Additional endorsements in the areas of autism, teaching English as a second language, and technology enrich the breadth of learning opportunities for pre-education, education, and post-baccalaureate students. SOE faculty aspire to provide students with an education that models a student-centered pedagogy, utilizes technology in ways that enhance learning, demonstrates commitment to inclusive strategies that facilitate the learning of students from diverse backgrounds, and includes a strong experiential component in K–12 classrooms. The SOE is also alive with initiatives designed to lend further support to students as they pursue their dreams of earning college degrees and beginning successful K–12 teaching careers. The SOE is moving forward with a special initiative that will enhance students’ preparedness for the first of three required nationally normed examinations. We offer a mentoring program that provides NSC faculty-led seminars for recent SOE graduates in their first three years of teaching full time in K–12 school districts. The visioning also extends beyond current programs; the SOE is currently exploring the potential for adding new licensure programs that would further expand the breadth and depth of our curriculum. This is truly an unusual time for the NSC School of Education. Employment opportunities for SOE graduates are outstanding. NOW is a great time to choose teaching—and if you choose teaching, we challenge you to consider also choosing the NSC School of Education.
Dennis Potthoff, Ph.D. Dean, School of Education FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [9]
In 2015, 60 NSC graduates received their degrees from the School of Education.
Alumni PROFILE Fabian Meraz began his academic journey in high school through our STEP UP program, a partnership between Clark County School District and NSC’s School of Education. This program aims to “grow our own” teachers who hail from and are dedicated to our local community and want to spend their careers teaching students just like themselves. Meraz began this journey while he was still in high school, taking high school and college courses together as he progressed toward fulfilling his dream of becoming a math teacher.
Meraz was active on campus, working with students in NSC’s Nepantla program, in addition to serving as a full-time tutor and peer mentor. His determination and commitment to improving mathematics education in our local schools as well as his ability to engage students in the classroom will surely lead to continued success as an educator in Nevada.
[10] black [+] gold ANNUAL
at the
MT. SCORPION CAFÉ Did you know you can now get food on campus? Check out our brand new dining services! *Located on the first floor of the Rogers Student Center
For hours and menu options, please visit
FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [11]
GEAR UP Innovative program focuses on changing potential “To be able to participate in GEAR UP was such a blessing to me.” – Nicholas Mathews
For GEAR UP Ambassador Nicholas Mathews, the educational program was a lifesaver in more ways than one. “As a student at Mojave High School in North Las Vegas, I saw students get into some pretty bad and dangerous situations,” says Mathews. “To be able to participate in GEAR UP was such a blessing to me.” Now, as NSC’s point person for this enlightening program, Mathews is sharing his positive experiences through GEAR UP with students in similar situations.
[12] black [+] gold ANNUAL
FOR COLLEGE students’ beliefs about college possibilities Over the years, Nevada State College
GEAR UP’s goal is to provide continual
has gained a reputation as a welcoming
academic support to first-generation college-
place for many first-generation college
going students throughout their middle and
students. One reason for that is the GEAR
high school years, preparing them to enter
UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness
and succeed in college. Nevada State
for Undergraduate Programs) program,
College’s GEAR UP program focuses on high
designed to increase the number of
school students and making them aware
income-disadvantaged students who are
that college IS a possibility, even if they have
prepared to enter and succeed in higher
never thought of it as an option. “The schools
education. This federal program provides
that I’m assigned to are near the Henderson
six-year discretionary grants to states,
area and have low-income, high-minority
including Nevada, as well as partnerships
populations,” explains Mathews. “I visit the
to provide community outreach services at
six high schools pretty regularly, as I want
disadvantaged middle and high schools.
the students to know who I am and feel comfortable with me. I want to open their
“As a high school freshman, I received
eyes to possibilities, like mine were.”
tutoring, support, and campus tours of UNLV, CSN, and NSC,” recalls Mathews. “I was very
Working with the GEAR UP Student-Parent
determined and had a goal of being one
Involvement Facilitators (SPIFs) at each
of the first black valedictorians at my high
school, Mathews helps students realize
school. Being selected to work with GEAR
their dreams and aspirations. Through a
UP definitely helped me reach my goals.”
combination of classroom visits, assemblies,
Mathews is now having that same positive
lunch rallies, and other outreach tools, he is
effect on his own cohort of GEAR UP students.
excited about the progress he sees. “I think
FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [13]
back to what has worked best for me,” he
She went on to say that Mathews helped Earl
says. “I started a mentorship group at Las
buckle down and focus on his academic and
Vegas High School for young men, and now
personal goals. “Before being introduced to
I would really like to get a group started to
him, Earl was in danger of not passing on to
teach parents about what we do…sort of a
the 9th grade. Today Earl is a freshman at
Parent University.”
Chaparral High School and is in the process of trying out for the high school basketball team.
According to Joanie Mares, currently the
He has managed to stay out of trouble, while
GEAR UP SPIF at Chaparral High School, a
maintaining mostly A’s and B’s in his classes.
student named Earl was someone she had
Earl has said that Mr. Mathews helped him to
worked with previously at Mack Middle
focus on improving himself and to stop giving
School. “Before Earl met Mr. Mathews,
into negative peer pressure.”
he was traveling down a dangerous
“This program inspired me to look forward toward a bright future and motivated me to go to college no matter the circumstances.” – Brisa Perez
[14] black [+] gold ANNUAL
road. During the eighth grade, he was
This academic year, NSC has approximately
experiencing some rough times at home
20 students that are in college because of
and was starting to lash out at school,” she
GEAR UP. By maintaining a 2.5 grade point
recalls. “He was letting his grades slip and
average while taking a full credit load,
getting in trouble with his friends every other
students can take advantage of GEAR UP’s
week at Mack Middle School.“
scholarships, which average $2,500 a year.
“After Mr. Mathews started to work with Earl
For GEAR UP Mentor and NSC student Brisa
through our After School GEAR UP Club, Earl
Perez, the program has been a miracle. “I
started to focus on staying out of trouble and
have always dreamed that one day I will
his grades improved instantly.”
have a high-paying career, but being the
eldest of five siblings and coming from a lowincome family, I found it impossible to ever go to college,” she comments. “The GEAR UP program was a huge blessing in my life. This program inspired me to look forward toward a bright future and motivated me to go to college no matter the circumstances. GEAR UP has helped me pay for school and helped me achieve my goal of one day becoming someone important in life.” As for Mathews, GEAR UP continues to influence his personal, as well as his professional, life. This summer he had the opportunity to attend a weeklong GEAR UP alumni gathering in Washington, D.C., where he received professional development training and served as a team leader, even getting a chance to fine-tune his public speaking skills when he spoke at a Capitol Hill briefing.
To learn more about GEAR UP, visit gearup or contact Nicholas Mathews at
Nicholas Mathews connects with high school students during the 2nd Annual NSC STEM Conference, hosted by the GEAR UP office.
FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [15]
ANDY KUNIYUKI, PH.D. Dr. Andy Kuniyuki serves as the dean of Liberal Arts and Sciences. He received his B.S. (biology) from the University of Hawaii and his Ph.D. (genetics) from the University of California. His belief that biology is pre-eminent began with his study of the Hawaiian Drosophila and continued with his many research endeavors employing monoclonal antibody, tissue culture, oligonucleotide, and immunodiagnostic technologies.
Letter from the DEAN We in the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) are grateful to be able to serve our students and community. LAS continued to integrate hands-on learning opportunities, introduced new programs, and launched initiatives aimed at ensuring students’ success. Dr. Wendi Benson partnered with the Downtown Project to give students experience with real-world data analysis. Psychology students designed and completed research projects that were presented to the NSC community. The English program published the second issue of 300 Days of Sun, while visual media majors finished their second short movie under the guidance of Dr. Adam Davis. The Environmental and Resource Science faculty introduced a hydroponics project as well as a digital sandbox. Biology and chemistry students worked with faculty on research projects sponsored by an INBRE grant. Based on their research, Dr. Zachary Woydziak and two NSC students co-wrote an article that was published in the peerreviewed Journal of Chemical Education. LAS also introduced new programs: a Bachelor of Science in mathematics and minors in deaf
“The faculty and staff in LAS are thankful for the opportunity to help build NSC and contribute to our students’ success.”
Dear Friends,
studies and entrepreneurship. We launched applied majors in engineering technology and visual media to provide CSN graduates a seamless transition to a bachelor’s degree. NSC students entered the pre-medicine post-baccalaureate program in cooperation with University of Nevada School of Medicine to increase their chances when applying to medical schools. A number of initiatives in LAS focused on student success. Peer course assistants were integrated into key introductory courses in LAS to serve as role models for students just starting college. LAS faculty accompanied a group of students to our Graduate School Boot Camp, held on the UNR campus. Dr. Wendi Benson piloted a graduate school preparation course for students in biology, psychology, and business that resulted in their applications to graduate school. We thank the NSC Foundation for supporting this effort. The faculty and staff in LAS are thankful for the opportunity to help build NSC and contribute to our students’ success. We look forward to building a stronger future through the continued fulfillment of our goal of providing excellent instruction that expands the opportunities available to the citizens of Nevada.
Andy Kuniyuki, Ph.D. Dean, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [17]
Alumni PROFILE Ed Fuentes is both a nontraditional student and an unconventional one. Hailing from Los Angeles with multiple careers under his belt, including arts journalist, photographer, graphic designer, and digital muralist, Fuentes’ pursuit of education has added a whole new perspective to his wealth of life experiences. It didn’t take him long to excel in his coursework and become a treasured member of the NSC community. Fuentes has engaged in numerous activities on campus, including the student newspaper, The Scorpion’s Tale, and arts initiatives like the NSC Arts Council. His peers
and professors are not the only ones who have recognized his talents. Fuentes was recently awarded with a grant for his reporting on the arts.
In 2015, 200 NSC graduates received their degrees from the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Fuentes is still working with the college on various projects relating to the Office of Arts & Culture. He will be continuing his studies in graduate school.
[18] black [+] gold ANNUAL
New FACULTY Originally from Erie, Pennsylvia, DANIEL BERARDUCCI, M.A., CPC, obtained his undergraduate degree in psychology from Drexel University in 2003 before earning his master’s degree in mental health and behavioral medicine (along with a sport psychology concentration) from Boston University in 2006. His professional focus within the field of psychology has always been in the nature of the application of the field, within either therapy or performance-related issues. Practicing since 2003, he moved to Las Vegas in 2008. While living here, he has worked with specific concerns including trauma, depression, and anxiety. He became an adjunct instructor at Nevada State College in 2013, teaching courses that focus on the counseling minor. Outside of the college, he currently has a therapy private practice that he started in 2011.
the molecular mechanisms of temperature-dependent sex determination in freshwater turtles. She is specifically interested in epigenetic mechanisms and environmental factors, such as temperature and endocrine disruptors, that influence how genes are expressed in the embryonic turtle. She joined the NSC faculty after earning her Ph.D. from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and holding a position as assistant professor at Northland College, Ashland, Wisconsin.
DR. KAYLA BIESER, assistant professor of biology, is a molecular biologist with a research focus on
DR. CHAD L. CROSS, associate professor of mathematics, is a statistician and data scientist. He completed his undergraduate education at Purdue University and his graduate education at Old Dominion University. Prior to joining the NSC faculty, he was a tenured biostatistics professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and spent nearly a decade as a senior statistician with the federal government. His research interests focus broadly in applied statistics, where he works predominantly in the areas of medicine, biology, and psychology. He also applies his computer programming skills in the area of big data analytics.
FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [19]
New FACULTY (continued) LAURA DECKER holds an M.F.A in creative writing from Texas State University at San Marcos and a B.A. in English literature from Concordia University in Texas. She previously served as a member of a TRIO Student Support Services grant team at the College of Southern Nevada, assisting disadvantaged young adults in their transition to college. She has taught college composition and literature courses at Texas State University, McLennan Community College, Temple College, and the College of Southern Nevada. She has also spent time in middle school classrooms in a literacy and arts enrichment program teaching creative writing. Additionally, Decker is a doctoral student in literacy education at UNLV. Her interests include writing about writing, writing across the curriculum methodologies, Native American literature, disability studies in literature, and curriculum design.
SUMMER LIU joined Nevada State College in 2015. She received her master’s degree in TESOL from Northern Arizona University and is currently working on her Ph.D. degree in rhetoric, composition, and linguistics at Arizona State University. Her specialties are voice and identity in writing, theory, and practice in first-year composition, and second-language writing. She has taught writing and composition courses at Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, and Mesa Community College.
BRIAN MARTINELLI grew up in Southern California, where he attended California State University, Northridge and earned a B.S. and M.S. in physics. At Northridge, he worked in the Optical Properties of Materials Lab and developed a novel interferometer for the measurement of thin film thickness as his master’s thesis. He started teaching at NSC in 2007 after spending time teaching at CSN and UNLV. In his spare time, he enjoys running, cooking, brewing beer, watching hockey (Go Kings!), and playing games.
[20] black [+] gold ANNUAL
DR. SAMANTHA OLIPHANT, assistant professor of biology, received her doctorate through the Integrated Biomedical Science program at the University of Kentucky in microbiology and immunology. She studied the role of influenza as a virus on the neonatal immune response and has developed a veracious passion for infectious disease and the physiological mechanisms that impact survival. She joined NSC in 2015 and now uses her experience to study how phagocytes alter their differentiation state in an immune response and how pathogens escape detection by modulating immune cell function. Her research laboratory employs a host of techniques, including mammalian cell culture, imaging flow cytometry, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, intracellular and surface antibody staining, and functional assays.
intercultural communication from the University of Miami, a B.A. in political science from Yale University, and an M.A. in international affairs from The George Washington University. She will be co-developing the curriculum for the anticipated communication degree. Phillips is delighted to further NSC students’ academic and professional development.
DR. JASMINE R. PHILLIPS, assistant professor of communication, received her Ph.D. in
DR. RAUL TAPIA joins NSC this year from St. Edward’s University, where he was course coordinator and advisor for the accounting department. Tapia was involved with many university and community activities, including serving as advisor to Delta Sigma Pi, ALPFA, The Hispanic Business Association, and The CrossFit Club, and helping coordinate over 1,000 volunteer hours doing free tax returns for low-income families in the Austin, Texas area. His current research focuses on the subordinate/superior work relationship in accounting teams.
FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [21]
POETRY U.S. Poet Laureate “It is a privilege to be standing by when words of such power can reach a community.” – Bruce Isaacson
It’s not every day that a college campus has the opportunity to host the Poet Laureate of the United States, but, recently, Nevada State College joined the ranks of institutions that hold this rare distinction. On Saturday, September 26, the country’s first Hispanic poet laureate, Juan Felipe Herrera, made a visit to Nevada, which included a reading at NSC’s new 250-seat auditorium. Bestowed with the title by the Library of Congress in June, Herrera is the son of migrant California farmworkers. He holds a master’s degree from the prestigious Iowa Writers’ Workshop (1990) and has authored 28 books of poetry, novels for young adults, and collections for children. Herrera also earned a bachelor’s degree in social anthropology from the University of California, Los Angeles and a master’s degree in social athropology from Stanford University. He is the Tomás Rivera Endowed Chair in the Department of Creative Writing at the University of California – Riverside.
[22] black [+] gold ANNUAL
FOR THE SOUL graces NSC with his presence For his visit to campus, he read to the
Angela Brommel, NSC’s Director of the Office
packed venue from his newest book, Notes
of Arts & Culture. “I knew that Los Angeles
on the Assemblage. This bilingual poetry
and I think, Fresno, had poet laureates and I
tome incorporates themes of the migrant
wasn’t sure why we didn’t,” recalls Fuentes.
experience, art, the controversial deaths
“I jotted down some notes while in Angela’s
of black Americans at the hands of police
class and later, asked her what she thought of
officers, and many other current, and
it. She thought it was a great idea.”
sometimes provocative, subjects. Fuentes then approached Patrick Gaffey During one of his final poems of the evening,
of the Winchester Cultural Center with his
Herrera got the audience moving. For “How
suggestion. Gaffey responded by introducing
to Make World Unity Salsa,” Herrera asked
him to Clark County Commissioner Chris
those in attendance to “mash the pulp,”
Giunchigliani, who proposed the position
“put your hips into it,” and “Now throw your
to the County Commission. According to
head back twice,” and did they ever! Guests
Gaffey, “We put together a committee of
really enjoyed the participatory aspect of this
local poets, who made the inspired choice
particular poem. It was a great way to end
of Bruce Isaacson.”
the reading portion of the special evening, which continued with a reception in the
After going through the appropriate
Rogers Student Center.
channels, Isaacson was appointed as the first Clark County Poet Laureate by a committee,
How did such a visit come to fruition? It all
and began his two-year term June 1, 2015.
started when Ed Fuentes, Class of 2015, was
The Clark County Commission established
taking a creative writing course taught by
the honorary position to encourage poetry
FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [23]
as an art form in Southern Nevada and a
can’t overstate the importance of Angela
medium for inspirational public commentary.
Brommel in making that happen. We have
With the assistance of Isaacson, along with
all been proud to associate that event with
contributions from Clark County, NV Energy,
the fantastic new facilities at NSC and with its
Clark County Commissioner Giunchigliani,
mission of providing education, intelligence,
Nevada State College, and many others, the
and critical know-how to our community.
visit with Herrera was scheduled. In addition to
As a person who started humbly and
the poetry reading, Herrera also participated
reached constantly for better education and
in a workshop at the Clark County Library.
achievement, Juan was the perfect writer to honor that mission. He has subsequently
“It is a privilege to be standing by when
described the NSC event as ‘angelic’ and
words of such power can reach a
I know he was greatly impressed with the
community, such as they did when Juan
community being established at the college.”
Felipe Herrera read his poems at NSC,” says Isaacson. “I first reached out to Juan shortly
Fuentes concurs. “NSC was well-positioned
after he was named Poet Laureate because
to host Herrera and I’m glad the college was
I knew him in the 1980s when we were both
able to facilitate his reading. The fact that
younger poets in San Francisco’s Mission
the time when he was available fell during
District. A mutual friend recently reminded
Spirit Week just proved that it was meant to
us that we were both part of one of the first
be,” he says.
National Poetry Week events, which became today’s National Poetry Month. “As for NSC being the venue of choice, you
Juan Felipe Herrera kept the audience engaged with his lively reading and charismatic storytelling.
[24] black [+] gold ANNUAL
For more information on the Poet Laureate and the background of the laureateship, please visit
Selected Bibliography POETRY Notes on the Assemblage (City Lights, 2015) Senegal Taxi (University of Arizona Press, 2013) Half of the World in Light: New and Selected Poems (University of Arizona Press, 2008) 187 Reasons Mexicanos Can’t Cross The Border, Undocuments 1971-2007 (City Lights, 2007) Notebooks of a Chile Verde Smuggler (University of Arizona Press, 2002) Giraffe on Fire: Poems (2001) Thunderweavers (University of Arizona Press, 2000) Border-Crosser with a Lamborghini Dream (University of Arizona Press, 1999) CrashBoomLove: A Novel in Verse (University of New Mexico Press, 1999) Loteria Cards & Fortune Poems (City Lights, 1999) Mayan Drifter: Chicano Poet in the Lowlands of America (Temple University Press, 1997) Love After the Riots (Curbstone, 1996) Night Train to Tuxtla: New Stories and Poems (University of Arizona Press, 1994) Memoria(s) from an Exile’s Notebook of the Future (Santa Monica College, 1993) Akrílica (Alcatraz Editions, 1989) Facegames (Dragon Cloud, 1987) Exiles of Desire (Arte Publico, 1985) Poetry Rebozos of Love (Tolteca, 1974)
CHILDREN’S LITERATURE Portraits of Hispanic American Heroes (Dial Books, 2014) SkateFate (Rayo, 2011) Cinnamon Girl: Letters Found Inside a Cereal Box (Harper Collins, Joanna Cotler Books / Tempest, 2005) Downtown Boy (Scholastic, 2005) Cilantro Girl / La Superniña del Cilantro (Children’s Book Press, 2003) Grandma & Me at the Flea / Los Meros Meros Remateros (Children’s Book Press, 2002) The Upside Down Boy/El Nino de Cabeza (Lee & Low Books, 2000) Calling the Doves / Canto a Las Palomas (Children’s Book Press, 1995)
FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [25]
THE CAM NSC’s Inaugural Art Collection focuses on local art Curating a permanent collection over the past year that focuses on the work of local artists has been a labor of love for Director of Arts & Culture Angela Brommel. “For me, curating this collection was about gratitude. The collection celebrates the bold, generous hearts of our students who made the first gesture in financing the two new buildings when they voted for the building fee. How do you say thank you for a gift that serves generations to come? By focusing on the campus as a museum, we connected the stories of our students and our
[26] black [+] gold ANNUAL
FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [327]
community with local artwork. This focus also
The inaugural collection also received four
gave us the chance to thank our local artists
donations. Glenn and Ande Christenson
and arts organizations for their contributions
generously donated two glass and metal
to our community.”
sculptures by Jim Sammarco. Mr. Christenson is a member of the NSC Foundation board,
The collection, which consists of more than
its former chair, and the current chair of
55 pieces by 32 artists, is spread throughout
the Comprehensive Campaign. Regent
NSC’s buildings and is easily accessible to
Sam Lieberman and family donated an oil
the community as well as to NSC’s core
painting by Alexander Dawson. The Nevada
audience of students, faculty and staff.
State Student Alliance (NSSA) commissioned a metal sculpture of the mascot, Scorpion,
The Arts & Culture Council — made up of
by Ramon Sanchez, and the Arts & Culture
faculty, staff, students, and alumni — sent
Council commissioned works by Joseph
out a call for art submissions in February 2015.
Watson and Jesa Simon.
In addition to hand-delivering more than 100 “calls for art” to local galleries and studios,
The next time you’re on campus, be sure
members of the NSC Arts & Culture Council
to seek out the unique artwork in each
distributed the call via various Listservs, social
building. Make an afternoon of it and enjoy
media, and contacts in Nevada, including
the art, in addition to NSC’s beautiful desert
the Nevada Arts Council, Clark County,
landscape views.
Boulder City Art Guild, City Lights Artists’ Co-op, and City of the World Art Gallery. It included opportunities for display in the new Nursing, Science & Education Building, and in the Rogers Student Center, both of which opened this fall. Individuals, artist teams, and organizations were encouraged to apply.
To learn more about contributing to the NSC Art Collection (either financially or with artwork donations), please contact Angela Brommel at (702) 992-2364 or
The council selected work from submissions, local galleries, and auctions.
[28] black [+] gold ANNUAL
1 Gig Depio Born Free 2015 2 Nate Clark Four by Fives 2014 3 Gig Depio A Requiem for Outsiders 2014 4 Joseph Watson Thirst, Enrichment, Thrive 2015
Current Temporary Exhibits COMMUNITY GALLERY Rogers Student Center, First Floor
K–12 artists. Susan LaBuda, School Programs Coordinator, curated
Ed Fuentes
MURAL GALLERY Rogers Student Center, First Floor
Paint This Desert
work from student artists at Foothill High School for our first exhibit.
photography 2014
Gig Depio A Requiem for Outsiders
Ed Fuentes, NSC class of 2015, is regionally known as an advocate
oil on canvas
for public art for his coverage of the art and politics of muralism.
Fuentes’ interests lie in enlarging an understanding of public art
On loan from the artist
in the West. As a 2013 grantee for The Creative Capital Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant Program, he started Paint This Desert
Gig Depio is a 2015 recipient of an artist fellowship through the
to survey the direct relationship between murals and public art, as
Nevada Arts Council. He graduated from Ateneo de Manila
well as the intersections with online media and culture in Western
University in the Philippines and worked for several years as an
apprentice to his father, Gig C De Pio. Depio is a painter and an advocate for public art in Las Vegas. He believes that it is an
ARTS EDUCATION GALLERY School of Education, NSE Building, Third Floor
artist’s obligation to give, that an artist must pay it forward to the community by striving to make great art — a heroic gesture from the humility of labor, through which large and difficult things
The Office of Arts & Culture is pleased to partner with City Lights
inspire people to work together to live better lives in their own
Artists’ Gallery on an ongoing initiative to feature the artwork of local
FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [29]
The 60,000 square-foot Rogers Student Center is home to the Mt. Scorpion CafĂŠ, bookstore, ballroom, library, and lounges.
The Marydean Martin Library holds the unique status of being the first completely digital library in the state with access to 1.4 million e-books.
James E. and Beverly Rogers Student Center [30] black [+] gold ANNUAL
BY THE NUMBERS Nevada State College had a phenomenal year with the opening of the James E. and Beverly Rogers Student Center and the Nursing, Science & Education Building. These new spaces added 132,000 square feet to the campus’ footprint, providing the necessary space for our students and staff to flourish. The success of NSC continues to grow and is demonstrated by the fact that this year, over 350 students completed their degrees. Keep watching to see what’s next!
Contemporary auditorium seats up to 250 people.
New parking lots offer approximately 500 additional parking spaces.
Innovative Nursing classrooms have space for up to 12 cadavers.
State-of-the-art Finance Lab features a 30-foot bank of stock exchange monitors.
Nursing, Science & Education Building FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [31]
NEAL ROSENBURG, PH.D., RN Dr. Neal Rosenburg earned an honors B.A in French from Saint Louis University and a B.S. in nursing, an M.S. in nursing (educator), and a Ph.D. in nursing (research) from the University of Missouri. He participated as a TL1 predoctorate scholar at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Mo. with the Department of Infectious Diseases/AIDS Clinical Trial Unit and has an active research trajectory in Cameroon, West Africa. His research interests include maternal/ infant HIV awareness and prevention via maternal feeding options.
SCHOOL OF NURS [32] black [+] gold ANNUAL
Letter from the DEAN The School of Nursing is revolutionizing nursing education through our innovative programs. At Nevada State College, the School of Nursing frames the curricula, in both the pre-licensure and the post-licensure programs, in the work of nurse theorist Dr. Jean Watson. Through the intentional structuring of the curricula and thoughtful reflection upon the caring sciences, the School of Nursing continues to build high-quality, rigorous nursing programs in Southern Nevada. Our nursing students glean the necessary components of “being with” and understanding “self and other” during their didactic, clinical, and community learning opportunities. Nursing students co-create the space for learning, sharing, and giving alongside their patients, instructors, and peers. Each nursing experience is a unique act that offers the undeniable space of healing to transcend between the patient and client. This humanistic approach, coupled with the rigorous general education and nursing prerequisite courses pulling from the liberal arts, truly sets our student nurses apart from their academic peers. The graduate nurse from NSC’s School of Nursing enters the exciting profession of nursing well equipped to succeed in the increasingly complex system of health care. As the only mid-tier baccalaureate-focused nursing program in the Nevada System of Higher Education, our nationally accredited program has expanded in size and scope within Southern Nevada. Since 2005, the Collegiate Commission on Nursing Education has approved the School of Nursing programs. Additionally, the Nevada State Board of Nursing has fully approved the nursing program at NSC. Nearly 1,000 students have graduated from the baccalaureate nursing program at NSC, many of whom have chosen to remain right here in Southern Nevada. Nationally, the nursing shortage continues to loom, and Southern Nevada is no exception. Nevada State College affirms its commitment to addressing this
“Nursing students co-create the space for learning, sharing, and giving alongside their patients, instructors, and peers.”
Welcome to Nevada State College and the School of Nursing!
concern by continuing to explore additional growth opportunities to better meet the needs of our students and their busy lives. I welcome you to come visit; spend some time with us at the School of Nursing. We would be honored to share our story of success with you. Kind regards,
Neal Rosenburg, Ph.D., RN Dean, School of Nursing FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [33]
Alumni PROFILE Shauna Wood is an August 2015 graduate of the Baccalaureate of Science of Nursing (BSN) program at NSC. Wood knew that she wanted to work with those affected by HIV since her third semester of the nursing program. On November 28, 2015, she departed for Malawi with an organization called Rafiki to spend a month working with orphaned children (mostly orphaned by HIV/AIDS) as a registered nurse. Following this one-month immersion in Malawi, she transitioned to South Africa for the Peace Corps service as a registered nurse with the “HIV Outreach Worker”
program to educate vulnerable populations regarding transmission and de-stigmatization of HIV. Wood’s commitment of service to the Peace Corps is 27 months in length, with a return to the U.S. in April of 2018. Wood is a very passionate, caring and driven individual, committed to helping others. NSC is proud to call her one of its accomplished alumni.
In 2015, 133 NSC graduates received their degrees from the School of Nursing
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New FACULTY DR. STEPHANIE L. DURFOR, assistant professor of nursing, has over three decades of professional nursing experience in post-surgical, trauma, and public health nursing. She comes to NSC from Southern California with 15 years of experience as nursing faculty at several academic levels. Her area of expertise is community health/public health nursing. For several years, Durfor was the volunteer director of the Women’s Free Homeless Clinic, a program of Doctors without Walls— Santa Barbara Street Medicine. As a result, she has dedicated her program of research to gaining an in-depth understanding of homeless women who have lived and slept outside for many years. She received her Ph.D. in nursing from University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, with a research focus on chronically unsheltered homeless women.
MITZY D. FLORES is a full-time faculty member in the School of Nursing. She earned both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Central Florida’s School of Nursing and was drawn to NSC because it prides itself on practicing Jean Watson’s Caring Sciences. Driven to make positive changes at the community level, she recently began serving as the interim president of the Nevada Chapter of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses. Among her goals are providing new and exciting opportunities for nurses, nursing students, and community members with interests in nursing and public health. She is also committed to opportunities that will foster a need for higher education within the Hispanic community. Flores is embarking on a path to complete her Ph.D. studies in nursing research.
BRET HESS, MSN, RN, graduated from NSC in December 2013, utilizing the RN to BSN program; immediately after, he enrolled in the MSN program at Grand Canyon University. Upon completing been a pediatric nurse for more than 25 years and has become passionate about education along with his love in caring for critically ill children. “This has been a natural process to embrace my educational roots and teach future nurses the world of pediatrics at an institution that feels like home,” he says. “At NSC, I am fortunate to help lay the foundation integrating caring
his MSN, he became an NSC faculty member teaching pediatrics and health assessment. He has
sciences into pediatrics, providing the passion and healing presence needed to care for the child of today and tomorrow.”
JANA NERZ has been a nurse for 12 years, graduating with her BSN degree from Creighton University and an MSN degree from the University of Phoenix. The majority of her nursing practice has focused on women’s health and the maternal child setting as well as in nursing education.
FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [35]
New FACULTY (continued) ROBERT REYNOSO, a Southern California native, began his health care career in the United States Air Force as a medic. Upon his honorable discharge, he sought and received his associate of applied arts and science in nursing from Shoreline Community College in Washington state and later graduated with a BSN (summa cum laude) and MSN/Ed through Kaplan University. Reynoso additionally holds board certification in emergency nursing (CEN) and, in 2008, was named Southern Nevada Emergency Nurse of the Year by the March of Dimes. Most recently, he served as the RN residency coordinator for the Valley Health System, where he managed the largest new graduate program in Nevada.
ANDRA SCANO, lecturer and clinical instructor in the School of Nursing, earned both her bachelor’s in nursing and master’s in nursing education from UNLV. Her areas of expertise include case management, chronic illness prevention, and community health. As a lifelong resident of Nevada with more than 20 years of experience in nursing, Scano is passionate about preventing acute and chronic illness in our community and improving access to care for vulnerable populations. As a member of Partners for a Healthy Nevada and other organizations that support wellness, she hopes to inspire future nurses to help eliminate health disparities in at-risk populations and to decrease co-morbidities associated with chronic disease.
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KATHERINE SPENCE, MSN-ED, RN is a lecturer at the School of Nursing. She completed her RN at Washtenaw Community College, BBA in health care administration from Cleary University, and her MSN in nursing education from Walden University. Prior to joining NSC’s faculty, she was adjunct faculty for NSC School of Nursing and CSN. She has 21 years of nursing experience, with particular interests in medical/surgical nursing, gerontology, home care, hospice, kidney/liver/pancreas transplants, gastrointestinal, and urology nursing. She has served in nursing management and worked at teaching universities, such as Scott & White, University of Arizona, and the University of Michigan.
DR. REGINA WILLARD is an assistant professor. Prior to NSC, she worked full time as a clinical assistant professor at Drexel University in the undergraduate, graduate, and RN-BSN online nursing programs. She holds dual board nurse practitioner certifications from the AACN in acute care and gerontology and specializes in the field of cardiology. She received her diploma in nursing from Muhlenberg Regional Medical School of Nursing in Plainfield, New Jersey, and obtained both her BSN and MSN from Drexel University. She holds a doctorate in adult learning and higher education from Walden University, Riley College of Education. Her research interest is in nursing simulation, with a focus on the debriefing process. She is a member of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, American College of Nurse Practitioners, Society for Simulation in Healthcare, and the National League for Nursing.
NURSING FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [37]
COME NSC hosts 4th Annual NSHE Diversity Summit, inviting educational Through the Diversity Summit, NSHE works to promote a campus culture that values diversity in all its forms.
One thing Nevada State College is very proud of is its determination to be an allinclusive educational institution. That purpose was reiterated on Friday, October 2, when the campus played host to the fourth Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) Diversity Summit. The summit was part of NSHE’s ongoing initiative to ensure Nevada’s educational institutions reflect the state’s increasingly diverse population while serving and graduating more Nevadans. The day’s events were preceded by a preconference film screening of the College of Southern Nevada’s documentary No Greater Odds and a panel discussion the evening before, which took place at the Desert Research Institute. Friday morning’s guests were welcomed by Dr. Linda Young, trustee of District C of the Clark County School District. After additional greetings from NSHE Regent Cedric Crear, NSHE Chancellor Dan Klaich, and NSC President Bart Patterson, it was time to get down to business. Guillermina “Gina” Núñez-Mchiri, the keynote speaker, immediately connected with the audience that gathered in the new theater on campus. Speaking about her migrant family’s humble beginnings in America
[38] black [+] gold ANNUAL
E ONE, COME ALL leaders to campus
FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [39]
was the perfect segue into her life’s work
and HSI (Hispanic-Serving Institution) initiatives.
and research. She specifically spoke about
Afternoon sessions included “The Value of
“Charting Pathways for Success: Latinas in
Leadership Development for Undergraduate
STEM Fields,” which led to many different
Women,” “Impact of an Aging Population on
thoughts on what she terms “aspirational
the Higher Education System,” and “Lost at
capital,” “creating affinity spaces and
Sea: Social Identity on College Campuses.”
communities of practice,” and the power of students’ testimonies, dreams, and inspirations.
The day’s events and information gained work hand in hand with NSC’s mission, which
A professor at the University of Texas, El
is to serve a wide variety of audiences,
Paso, Núñez-Mchiri has spent her career
including students who are single parents,
communicating to students that anything
those from lower socioeconomic status
is possible. By affirming and validating their
groups, students of color, and many who are
dreams, they can create opportunities for
the first in their families to attend college.
themselves that they never thought possible. She spoke about the importance of LOVE
“The summit allowed for all of us to reflect
(Listen, Observe, Validate, and Engage) as
on the diversity of our students and the
well as the value of practicing kindness and
strengths they bring to campus,” explains Dr.
gratitude in all we do.
Edith Fernández, associate vice president of community engagement and diversity
Diversity Summit participants roll up their sleeves for hands-on activities and networking.
[40] black [+] gold ANNUAL
After her inspiring talk, the summit’s attendees
initiatives. “It is important to have a collective
broke into groups for breakout sessions
space to share innovative strategies and
throughout the day. The luncheon included
inspire one another to develop plans for
topic tables where participants discussed
implementation. We need to be more
such subjects as men of color, gender identity,
collaborative and proactive in our approach
to diversity work. We owe it to our students.”
Breakout Sessions
This year’s summit hosted 250 attendees, who had the choice of attending a variety of 12 breakout sessions. Coordinated by the Office of Community Engagement and Diversity Initiatives, the Diversity Summit works with NSHE to promote a campus culture that values diversity in all its forms—through inclusive dialogues, experiences, appreciation, and value of others—to leverage people as a source of collective learning, campus unity, and institutional strength. Through this office’s collaboration with the community, NSC has hosted and participated in numerous events aimed at inclusion, acceptance, and increased dialogue regarding underrepresented and vulnerable populations. The 2015 summit was another successful event, with a social media reach of over 5,000.
To learn more about the Office of Community Engagement & Diversity Initiatives, please visit
Charting Pathways for Success: Latinas in STEM Fields Negotiating Access, Resilience, and Perseverance through Affinity Spaces and Communities of Practice Considering Diversity in Order to Foster a Good Organizational Climate Topic Table Luncheon The Impact of an Aging Population on the Higher Education System Perceptions of a College Going Culture in Nevada Expanding the Dimensions of Diversity: Comprehensive Internationalization A Community Cultural Wealth Approach to College Success for Latina/o Students The Value of Leadership Development for Undergraduate Women Intersectionality: Revealing Layers of Oppression Lost at Sea: Social Identity on College Campuses DRI’s Impact on STEM Education in Nevada and Beyond
FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [41]
[42] black [+] gold ANNUAL
ENT LIFE Ever changing and embracing new possibilities “We really want to link student life to the academic mission of our college and are looking for the best ways to do that.” With the addition of two new buildings on campus, Nevada State College is well on its way to building a community of culture for students, faculty, and staff alike. One person
who has had a recent major influence is Dean of Students Dr. Richard Yao. As someone who’s been a faculty member since almost the beginning of NSC, Yao has had lots of opportunities to observe what students want and need. “Although I’ve taught here for years, the dean of students position is fairly new on campus,” comments Yao. “I feel fortunate to provide guidance as to where we want to go as a campus and the feelings we want to inspire.” “Being a young educational institution means that we are open to many possibilities,” he continues. “When someone comes to us with an idea for a student organization, we take the time to evaluate what that will mean. We use data-driven decision-making and we have performance measures for all of our events.”
For more information on student life at NSC, Follow NSSA on Facebook and Instagram. NevadaStateStudentAlliance nscnssa
FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [43]
Students enjoyed games, music, fireworks, and more at the Scorpion’s Calling event, part of Spirit Week 2015.
Spirit Week 2015 food, fireworks, and fun! Student Life encompasses many areas,
Thursday included the State of the College
including clubs and service organizations,
Address and the grand opening celebration for
NSC’s NSSA (Nevada State Student Alliance)
the two new buildings on campus. Friday night
student government, career services, and
started the new tradition of Scorpion’s Calling,
special events on campus. Under the guidance
an outdoor evening on the plaza that included
of Dean of Students Dr. Richard Yao, there’s
food, fireworks, music, and fun! The event was
always something going on!
a resounding success and NSC looks forward to kicking off the fall semester this way each year.
A very special Spirit Week took place in late September. With events every day that week,
To wrap up the week’s events, Nevada State
students and faculty/staff alike were sure to find
College was honored to host a visit from
something that piqued their interest. The week
United States Poet Laureate Juan Felipe
kicked off with a Hispanic Heritage Celebration,
Herrera on Saturday night (please see the
followed by the Red Bull Air Race Flight
story on page 22).
Simulator the next day. Bowling with President Bart Patterson was available to anyone who dared challenge the administration and NSC also participated in a day of service.
[44] black [+] gold ANNUAL
For more information on the Nevada State Student Alliance, please visit campus-life/student-government-nssa.
2015–16 NSSA Executive Board Yesenia Cuevas President Umram Osambela Vice President Heather Phelps Secretary Desiree DeCosta Chair of Public Relations AJ Wagner Chair of Capital Improvement Charlene Stamps Chair of Programming
2015–16 NSSA Senators From the 0–29 credit hour group Luis Montanez Abby Mangubat Anabely Trejo From the 30-59 hour credit hour group
Academic-Based Student Clubs and Organizations:
Special Interest-Based Clubs and Organizations:
Yesenia Sanchez
American Sign Language Club
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Oxxyris Portalatin
Nevada State Society of Psychology
Pollen Partners
Society of Health Sciences
Kappa Delta Pi
Athletic-Based Clubs and Organizations:
The 5th Element
NSC Archery Club
Nevada State Psi Chi Chapter
NSC Soccer
Blue Marble Science Club
Student Nurses Association
Greek System Organizations: Cultural/International-Based Clubs and Organizations: Prism-Straight Alliance Latino Scorpion Club Black Student Organization
Interested Gentlemen of Lambda Theta Phi Multicultural Women’s Collective (interest group of Zeta Sigma Chi)
Monique Turbin
From the 60-89 hour credit hour group David Cortez-Lopez Daniel James Chapman Tyler Damiano Nanika Moseley From the 90 and above credit hour group Paula Parker Linda Cirillo Danette Barber Camille Cruz
FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [45]
LEAVE YO Help provide our Scorpion with a unique home As part of Spirit Week, Nevada State College recently unveiled its new iconic Scorpion statue. This finely detailed sculpture, crafted by local metal artist Ramon Sanchez, was commissioned by the Nevada State Student Alliance (NSSA) to commemorate the 2015 opening of two new buildings on campus, the James E. and Beverly Rogers Student Center and the Nursing, Science & Education Building. The Scorpion is now a welcoming presence on campus to students, staff, and visitors alike, but he’s not finished yet‌the area surrounding him will one day be filled with commemorative bricks.
[46] black [+] gold ANNUAL
FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [47]
From its vantage point in the center of campus, the Scorpion greets students and visitors alike.
“This statue is everything NSC is: It’s bold. It’s great. And now, it’s state.”
The Brick Fundraiser, which was established
– AJ Wagner
This project is a collaboration between the
earlier this year, is helping to offset the costs of this unique project. By purchasing a personalized brick for $100, donors can give the Scorpion the home he deserves. Nevada State Student Alliance (NSSA), the Office of Alumni Relations, and the Nevada State College Foundation. “We are excited about the possibilities the Brick Fundraiser brings,” says Alumni Relations & Development Operations Manager Danielle Welch. “This is another opportunity for our community to become involved with Nevada State College.” The Brick Fundraiser gives alumni, students, and the campus community, including faculty, staff, and friends, another way to support the future of Nevada State College, while commemorating its rich history. This public art sculpture is a part of the NSC Inaugural Art Collection, which opened this fall.
[48] black [+] gold ANNUAL
Sanchez, who owns P & S Metals, is a Las
Ramon Sanchez
Vegas-based artist who turns scrap metal and steel into creative pieces. You may recognize that the horses along some Southern Nevada freeways are his concepts, as are many pieces on display at the Springs Preserve Botanical Garden. His Scorpion is a tribute to the vision and resiliency of the College founders, supporters, faculty, staff, students, and alumni who dared to dream and build the first public four-year college in Nevada. “Ramon and his creative brilliance came through with a design we all loved,” expressed Senior AJ Wagner, Chair of Capital Improvement for NSSA. “This statue is everything NSC is: It’s bold. It’s great. And now, it’s state.”
You won’t want to miss your chance to leave a permanent mark on campus. Visit or contact Danielle Welch at or call (702) 992-2621 for more information today.
FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [49]
EVERYTHING The Marydean Martin Library is “Our digital collection provides access to an enormous number of books and journals… This allows us to maximize our space for students to study and engage with each other.” – Nathaniel King
Typically, when one thinks of a college library, it’s comprised of stacks and stacks of tomes on all sorts of subjects. Just as it’s revamped other parts of the dated college status quo, Nevada State College is proud that its library isn’t the “same old thing.” The Marydean Martin Library holds the unique status of being the first completely digital library in the state. The decision to make the library all-digital came from a collaboration between a wide range of stakeholders, including college supporters (like namesake Marydean Martin), administrators, faculty, staff, and students. According to Director of Library Services Nathaniel King, “We carefully examined the evidence on library use and it became very clear that our students have a strong preference for using online books and journals. We conducted focus groups and surveyed faculty and students to learn about how they use information in their academic work. After considering all of the evidence, it became clear that an all-digital collection
[50] black [+] gold ANNUAL
G IN ONE PLACE literally the most digital library around would have great benefits for our students
what they were trying to do thus far.
and faculty. Because of Marydean Martin’s
King comments, “Students love the new
generous support, we were able to put
Marydean Martin Library space, and they
together this important facility.”
are amazed at the depth of content in the digital library. In the library space, we
During the planning process, the group had
have significantly expanded the number of
two important goals: 1) They wanted to
group study rooms, with sixteen group study
provide students with the best of both worlds,
rooms in our new building. The rooms feature
immediate access to a world-class collection
collaborative furniture, large monitors, and
of electronic content, and fast, on-demand
ample power outlets so that students can
delivery of print content; and 2) By going
work collaboratively on course projects. We
the all-digital route, they could maximize the
have also significantly expanded technology
College’s ability to provide students with a
lending and services for students.”
large, welcoming, technology-rich library space for contemplation, collaboration, and
The library’s offerings are very convenient, in
that students can access the collection from any internet-enabled device. The collection
“Our goal is to be a national model for
can be accessed from on- or off-campus, at
college library services,” says King. “We
any time of the day or night, using students’
aim to be leaders in developing and
Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE)
implementing exemplary programs that
ID and a password.
other libraries can emulate.” One of the most advantageous facets of The planning team certainly achieved
the library is the amount of actual space it
FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [51]
saves by not having stacks of shelving filled
provide access to almost two million print
with books. “Our digital collection provides
volumes through our partner libraries in
access to an enormous number of books and
Southern Nevada,” he says. “Our system is
journals, without the space requirements of a
usually as fast as Amazon, averaging two
physical collection,” explains King. “This allows
days from the time of request to delivery.”
us to maximize our space for students to study and engage with each other.
This semester’s statistics reflect a large increase in use of the physical library. Visits to
“Our ebook collection, which is approximately
the space have increased almost 80 percent
1.4 million volumes, would occupy about
and questions asked of the service desk
140,000 square feet if it was a physical
have increased approximately 300 percent.
collection. To put that in perspective, that’s
In addition, King comments that there is a
about the same size as the average Costco
positive correlation between use of NSC’s
warehouse! On the NSC campus, it would
library resources and student GPAs.
completely fill the Rogers Student Center and the Nursing, Science & Education Building. If
While the core mission of libraries remains
the books were placed on one long shelf they
constant (providing and preserving access to
would stretch from the Las Vegas Strip to the
knowledge), NSC’s Marydean Martin Library
Hoover Dam at the Arizona border.”
also provides spaces for reflection, creativity, and collaboration as well as information
King also notes that while there are excellent
and technology services that enhance the
advantages to electronic content, many
success of the communities it serves.
library users continue to prefer print resources for specific types of reading. “For students and faculty with a preference for print, we
“Our ebook collection, which is approximately 1.4 million volumes, would occupy about 140,000 square feet if it was a physical collection.” – Nathaniel King
[52] black [+] gold ANNUAL
For more information on the Marydean Martin Library, please visit
The library lends and provides services for:
1 5 20 25 25 40
MakerBot 3D Printer Portable Chargers iPads Kindle Paperwhites Kindle Fires
Google Cardboard Virtual Reality Glasses
The unique digital collections allow for more configurable study space.
FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [53]
ALUMNI SCHOOL OF EDUCATION CLASS OF 2004 Milissa Avila Randy Barr Stacy Cohen Stacie Garrett Heather Irons Natalie Millis Jaren Payne Robyn Shipman Tina Williams Jennifer Wright
CLASS OF 2005 Aimee Arsenault Amanda Barnum Lana Fouad Germana Fullman Jeanette Gillespie Heather Hansen Lacee Jenkins Camden Kish Marcella Lange Brian Meuse Christina Miller Lisa Raso-Carillo Sharyn-Ann Stevens Tara Traynor Dena Wagner Terri Willis
CLASS OF 2006 Carlee Anderson Julie Barlow Sara Camper Tonya Carroll Kaylene Cole Amber Couch Berenice De Leon Duncan Deacy Sara Ford Scott Gillespie [54] black [+] gold ANNUAL
Shannon Gleason Sherrie Kaylor Robert Leete Amanda Malone Patricia Marruffo Michael Nicholas Amie Oden Sarah Pellett Lisa Presley Rocio Rivera Jenifer Rothgeb Holly Rupp Nikole Scheaffer Michelle Schramm Tamara Seaver Nichole Shaffer Jane Thurlow Kathleen Toannon Sherri Walton Jennifer Weitz Stefani Wells James Wright Tarena Zake
CLASS OF 2007 Sallie Acebo Lila Ansel Tanya Batdorff Rose Bellanca April Benamati Jacqueline Bennett Denise Bickmore Bonnie Bowler Heidi Carr Katia Cheetany Risa Clayton Dana Crampton Mindy Decosta Chris Deering Morgan Fenstermaker Amanda Friedman Pamela Gilson Dave Giorgi Joy Gravel Jeff Harvey Judith Henry Cory Hicks
Lisa Jensen Molly Jensen Muir Julia Kara Isis Lopez Frank Mariani Kristin Marsala Siobhan Mathison Damara Meraz Shannon Mueller Kristina Murphy Chemberyle Oelrich Brayden Olsen Katie Rasmussen Dawn Rhoades Jennifer Schwartz Michelle Segal Stephanie Sportsman Anna Stevens Danielle Summers Haunani Taylor Ellery Wagner Karen Walkow Jennifer Wolfe Melissa Yentsch Michele Young
CLASS OF 2008 Denise Ardizzione Miriam Arroyo Mikel Beardall Megan Belingheri Aimee Bell Kevin Cann Amber Cappellett Christine Crawshaw Sara Flannery Laurie Gascoigne Tammy Henderson Sophia Huss Kathleen Ingersoll Kathryn Johnston Sabrina Jones Kevin Kalua Rosie Laird Meghan Lee Karen Maccanello Kimberly Mclaughlin
Kelly Meek Evangeline Peralta Christine Pesqueira Holly Peters Amanda Reed Kevin Rice Natalia Rivera Jennifer Rogers Jennifer Siegfried Melody Simon Crystal Spielberg Ian Stratton Susan Thompson Leann Trousdale Annie Ward Terrie Watts
CLASS OF 2009 Karen Balke Lisa Beresid Ashley Betkowski Richard Boyer Casey Breymann Olivia Cooper Christopher Cox Meredith Davis Katherine Elles Audrey Frederick Lisa Gascay Rhonda Gonzalez Bernard Gravel Nanette Gromek Jennifer Hammack Berenice Herrera Kristi Howard Shelley Hulsey-pope Mary Jenkins Amanda Kelly Lucy Kinder Megan King Karlana Kulseth Sara Laca Greg Laurich Onnica Lee Kyle Love Ann Lyman Pamela Malone
Jacqueline Martin Monae Maruyama Megan Mcguinness Jana Mihelic Laura Morgan Jessica Naipo Kristi Newman Rebecca Ochoa Shelly Pagkalinawan Natale Peters-Mouer Janice Prince Cheri Rasmussen Christina Reilly Amanda Riney Crystal Rodriguez Elizabeth Rodriguez Casey Rumpel Jill Russell Rima Saikali Cydney Siegel Nicole Sims Joyce Strom Julie Suminski Stephanie Swango Jennifer Thorpe Cheryl Venturacci Catherine Ward Janelle Whalen Abbey Wheeler Brooke Wood
CLASS OF 2010 Morena Abrego-Bonilla Sandra Adams Jeanette Aguilar Stephanie Aiken Mandy Akers Crystal Angue Gary Armstrong Anne Badger Sandra Bergantz Crystal Bias Lana Bitz Ashley Black Destiny Bledsoe Shelina Bouthillier Angelica Brown
LISTINGS Nicole Bryan Kevin Chamorro Norma Chavez Kelly Chenin Erica Chevez Susan Denis Lauren Desander Cheryl Diarte Lauren Dunsmore Abra Eisenman Brittney Erickson Megan Farley Julie Foley Gabriela Foster Jamie Fowler Meghan Fraser Shella Gordon Rocio Gutierrez Courtney Hafen Sylvia Hawksley Stephanie Hazim Heather Hinkle Sun Oh Hwang Pedro Ibarra Arteaga Cindy Iberri Chrisie Jenkins Vera Jordan Amy Kilgore Jordan Krahenbuhl Rachel Kuhn Alexsandra Latimore Natalie Lieb Sara Lohmeyer Cassandra Lukes Jonathan Miller Alexia Monarrez Brittany Morgan Jazmine Morrow Linda Muir Nicholas Peterson Marlene Quijano Beth Robles Gloria Rodriguez Alexandra Rosen Anabel Sanchez Lawrence Scotti Robert Smith
Brian Todd Carla Vilchiz Raul Villanueva Brittany Wadas Bo Walker Danielle Welch Kayleen Wheeler Matthew Wheeler Kevin Wickware Deborah Wiley Tara Wolfley
CLASS OF 2011 Marianne Asistio Kristine Barbarigos Kelinn Beardall Rebecca Binder Elisa Calaunan Andrea Casali Raymond Cezar Cynthia Chavez Karen Collins Mayra Corn Christine Craig Jill Day Lysett Dominguez Jeremy Falconer Belinda Fello Roxanne Flores Eryn Forrest Elisabeth Fuller-Morales Sayda Galvan Richard Goldsworthy Jacqueline Hicks Lauren Hirsch Amanda Holzknecht Shalina Hubbs Linda Kile Teesha Knox Jessica Lane Tawny Lopez Esgar Loredo Jaime Marker Alba Martinez Francisco Martinez Yischeli Martinez Carrillo Dusty Masuch
Tabetha Medina Kayla-Rose Musante Aaron Nahinu Lisa Nelson Randalyn Orong Samantha Orr Joellie Perez Fundy Pierre-Louis Mindy Piro Jamie Pyle Chelsie Pyles Elizabeth Ridgel Susan Robbins Lilliana Robledo Teresa Rose Stephanie Ryne Kimberly Schaap Kirsten Shope Sally Spata Sarah Sunnasy Lauren Thompson Summer Thomson Kimberly Tucker Lauren Tucker Melanie Underwood Jose Vazquez
CLASS OF 2012 Nataly Abrego Hollie Acciari April Acosta Mysti Adams Elan Andruss Charissa Atcosta Aaron Bautista Nancy Benton Brettani Berry Joslyn Bomgaars Stephanie Boxler Beverly Braunstein Vicki Brumberg Anne Mariele Cabanban Christen Campbell Jasmine Cardenas Calise Cardin Stacy Carpenter Michelle Childers
Anthony Coffield Charlene Coleman Saundra Corinth Nicole Duffy Alysa Eberhart Allison Edmonson Ashley Feathers Aimee Fikkers Solomon Gamino Joshua Garcia Ciara Geiss Margaret Gurn Kelley Halford Kristina Hayes Magaly Hernandez Kayla Infantino Elisha Jennings Maria Jennings Erica Karstensen Danielle Koch Kayla Kreier Douha Kurdi Christina Lewis Richard Lorber Cherylyn Markovich Ana Martinez Brian Mc Allister Lorrena Mccallum Melissa Mingo Jessica Moore Persephoni Moore Tasha Moore Marcos Pacheco Magdalena Perez-Heywood Karissa Phillips Nina Phillips Brandi Pineda Melissa Ramirez Ashley Robinson Jennifer Robinson Nicole Rude Debbie Russell Laura Saldana Casey Sanders Daphne Sauceda Karen Saxton Diana Schmitt
Jenna Scott Richard Smith Heather Svihl Rosalee Swezey Rebecca Temple Melissa Tomola Eunice Vasquez Juana Villa Richard Villanueva Christina Villas Stacy Wald Tiffany Whiteaker Amanda Williams Janina Wilson Darren Yee
CLASS OF 2013 Lourdes Altamirano Ana Anaya Raina Anderson Alexandria Anthony Melina Arriaza Kaytlyn Ball Brittany Basile Catherine Bethell Kim Blackwell Samantha Bledsoe Sabrina Borden Jennifer Burnam Melisa Carmona Jennifer Carney Christopher Chong-Wong Denise Crosby Rhonda Darter Kristen Davis Irene De La Rosa Bethany Devaney Teresa Dhondt Victoria Diamond Anthony Egan Adilene Ellis Megan Feher Jasmine Franklin Denise Gennuso-Gunther Brandie Green Melanie Hadjes Aja Harger
FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [55]
Donna Herman Mayela Hernandez Adrienne Hutchinson Jacqueline Jackson Saqualia Johnson Vanessa Johnson Michael Kinkel Anielka Lopez Angelique Lord Alyce Mack Carla Macmillan Willy Martinez Perla Martinez-Gomez Dallas Mcdowell Jenny Mckay Meghan Mcquain Lewis Miranda Kimberly Nahinu Sandi Newling Travis Pearson Maria Reyes Lindsay Rice Jamilet Rivera Aliza Robinson Kayleigh Robinson Blanca Robles Dayna Rodriguez Karley Royal Cindi Solomon Jessica Solomon Dawn Sturgeon Michelle Verporter Kelly Waggoner Alyssa Walker Kelly Walls Justin Wass Jennifer Weber Grisel Weight Lynn Weir Rebecca Weiss Renee Whaley Serra Wheeler Angela Wilke Jennifer Worthington Regina Wyatt April Yost
Cara DeArmond Hoonani Dennis Kelli England Michael Feher Catherine Galvan Suzanne Garlick Taylor Gentry Killian Gordon Russell Hauck Corey Hendrickson Deavon Hinebauch Jamie Holst Pietra Jerome La’Quisha Johnson Melissa Lybrook Vannesa Macias Alejandra Martinez Raven Mccloud Patty Medeiros Marlene Medina Brittini Mrozek Jennifer Nelson Kristy Osborne Mikayla Ozaki Isis Palma Dale Poune Jessica Powell Elizabeth Prisbrey Lorae Qualls Tavane Rapp Nicole Remmer Martha Rendon Brittney Reyes- Villasenor Shelbie Rodgers Kriselle Sabio Christi Schlack Nicole Sheehan Tracy Sides Kirsten Simmons Marijean Smith Allysa Starkweather Michele Stering Danielle Stowater Kristen Strader Tenaya Watson Gregory Winiewicz
Brittany Akre Jessica Alisero Caitlin Andrews Stacey Ayala Stephanie Baker Angelina Basile Elyse Berg Angelique Bolognese Robyn Bolton Crystal Bonnetts Amy Branstetter Jana Cantos Breanna Cape Teresa Carey Sandra Carrillo-pinedo Alejandra Castellanos Tania Davis
Cara Andersen Melina Arguelles-Perez Michele Arnold Kristen Arsenault Jordyn Barber Patricia Beesley Breanna Borgen Ariel Borgman Marja Brooks Katheryn Brown Leslie Burns Mariah Busch Rebecca Call Aaron Clay Sarah Comroe Laura Comstock Taylor Conley
[56] black [+] gold ANNUAL
Kendra Cope Bobbi Curry Tracey D’angelo Rachel Douglas Staci Gengler Alexis Haefer Jennifer Hemsath Ashley Hewitt Christin Hodges Stacey Inouye Alexandria Kinney Allysa Kinzler Samantha Lohmeyer Lindsay Mann Mysha Mcclain Kristina Mehaffey Fabian Meraz Sandra Montgomery Zoey Moreau Tina Newmiller Nancy Olson Jennifer Palmer Carol Pavese Gabrielle Rabb Alexandra Reza Benjamin Rupert Bianca Saunders Kelly Schroeder Neoscary Sequeira Andrew Shealy Corrina Spidell Tylor Striegel Taylor Templeton Deborah Thompson Kari Todd Tobias Torres Brian Trenholm Michael Tribett Stephanie Vandyke Krista Varley Angelina Welch Jamie Williams Kelly Wolthers
SCHOOL OF LIBERAL ARTS & SCIENCES CLASS OF 2004 Charlotte Burford Brandi Clarkson Pamela Frazier Elizabeth Fulks Gwendlyon Fund Gabriel Garcia David Lewis Shawna Thompson
CLASS OF 2005 Stacey Adams Heidi Aker Steven Aronoff Daniel Bennett Carmen Berends Jutta Chambers John Frost Brian Godkin Stephanie Hamby Michael Herinckx Natalie Kelly Keith McKeehan Janell Mihelic Patrick Moers Trish Owens Matthew Petcovic Michael Proctor Martha Reyes Amy Rothermel Robert Shorback Brandon Stephens Tracy Styles Sam Ustrzynski Richard Welze Robert Woolsey
CLASS OF 2006 Lia Africa Erica Arias Tyler Barnum Nichole Boone Michael Bordallo Deborah Brown Quang Choi Christopher Crawford Susane Crawford Dino Davis Andrew Fletcher Gale Fraser Kelly Gamble Lindsay Grace Kristen Haws Michael Hull Lisa Kish John Leon Cathy Levalley Steve Lin Erika Melear Roya Omar Jessica Ordich Angelia Oswald Darren Paul Scott Paulissen Jorge Pierrott Marco Ramirez Christopher Rhodes Kristin Rosequist Matthew Sanford Jennifer Sneed Robert Stepp Jeffrey Stilson Michael Stroud Christiane Taubert Jennifer Weitz
Elizabeth Westenburg Derek Wise Donald Worth Monica Wright Jacquelyn Young
CLASS OF 2007 Chelsie Adams Rie Altz Christopher Ankeny Joanie Barangan Peggy Beecher Stacey Budd Andrea Castaneda Risa Clayton Tanya Cole Ketrice Evans Jennifer Fayle Anthony Filippo Christine Formica Amanda Friedman Shiri Fruchter De Mera Jeremy Gonzales Jared Hafen Troy Hallewell Jessica Hamer Stephen Hartnett Michele Hayden Vickie Henry Robert Horton Mary Howard Stan Jennings Nichole Koster Jamie Kramer Kimberly Lyons Connie Madziarek Richard Marshall Melvina Martens Mary Martin Matthew Martinez Jonnica Mcclure Bethany Miller Johannes Muije Osra O’Neal Erin Poston Gary Quesenberry Miriam Reyes Janice Runyan Sarah Simmons Russel Smith Jennifer Spivey Julie Terrault Andrea Todd Karen Watkins James White Sarah Yenglin Tamer Zaki
CLASS OF 2008 Lorinda Ahlgren Pasqual Alonzo Taryn Apollo Emily Bratton Danielle Brooks Jennifer Buchbaum
Taylor Carlson Tabitha Cavanaugh Melissa Chernoff Joseph Delgado Tiffany Doddridge David Evans Robert Fernandez Richard Forbus Stephen Foster Lashonda Gabriel Sara Gaethje Michael Garner Amanda Gentry Justin Georgilas Fred Haas Veronica Hartfield Elizabeth Hemphill Warren Hensman Darlene Hernandez Kelly Holtam Michelle Hooper Jayme Howard Stephanie Janes Samantha Jerger Jamie Jones Kevin Kalua Pauline Kolody Thomas Lawson Aniya Leftwich Althea Levell Emily Lewis Jennifer Lindebaum Chris Linford Gary Lovett Jeremy Martin David Maul Brandee Mayton Jeanne Mcguff Kelly Meek Tessa Merel Carol Meyer Gabriela Nava John Nicpon Nathan Nixon Holly Patterson Brandi Payanal Holly Peters Kirk Primas Anthony Provost Ashley Quinionez Jennifer Reidenberg Deanna Rilling Jennifer Rivera Jennifer Roberts Richard Rose Kerwin Sands Kirk Santiago Abbey Shaffer Jennifer Siegfried Melody Simon Raymond Spencer Sean St Marie John Trombley Michelle Vogel Stephen Votta
Charles Waddell Roger Williams Elizabeth Wilson Chandra Wolfe Mary Wood Joshua Wootton
CLASS OF 2009 Kevin Abbott Kimberly Alfreno Devin Andreas Cristin Barron Michael Bitwinski Tiffany Boozer Cirpriana Bovill Richard Boyer Ashley Brown Rachel Brown Drew Bush Joseph Christopher Maricris Chu Rori Crook Flor Cruz Alas Linda Dale Andrew Davis Jessica Del Toro Jamie Dunkley Whitney Engels Marilyn Ennis Sophia Esfahani Lori Filippo Margaret Glad Gawain Guedry Randelle Gunderson Daniel Hadobas Deborah Hamiter Sandra Hatfield Mark Hermiz Nicole James Stephanie Jarrott Robby Jensen Kavon Jones Melinda Keck Shannon Leclercq James Liang Kenneth Lucas Anne Lucherini Sara Lum Anthony Macagno Ashley Maertz Gary Marshall Sabrina Martinez Jessica Marvin Josh Mateus Chad Mccullough Sara Mcgough Blanca Mendez Jacqueline Miller Rex Mitchell Matthew Morris Michelle Muro Karl O’Dell Erin Oleary Dennis Osborn George Pierce
Traci Polak Michael Rauschenberger Casey Reis Cameron Robinson Pamela Roche Daniel Schaefer Sara Schussler John Scott William Shirley Jeffrey Sloan Sherry Smith Mark Speranzella Paul Tagashira Jeannette Taylor Taras Tiutiunnyk Adrian Villegas Twylla Walker Prina Walters Robert Wamsley Jennifer Wardlaw Tanja Wasielewski Rhonda Watson Thomas Whitney Jazmin Williams
CLASS OF 2010 Mandy Akers Shellie Aparicio Ashley Avanzino Ashley Ayarza Jimmie Bacco Logan Battles Jessica Bennett Teara Berchtold George Bernabei Laurie Berry Marijke Blokker Jonathan Boado Oseya Bourne Carey Breymann Christy Brown Kacey Brunson Sarah Cairns Ashlee Campbell Andrea Castaneda Karen Castaneda Karie Castle Megan Cogliano Vickie Comrie Corinne Del Giudice Dustin Derhousoff Lauren Desander Doris Dippolito Abra Eisenman Jacqueline Evans Monica Fairbanks Sally Feldman Zhiqi Feng Schuyler Fitzwater Millicent Frehner Stephanie Gallardo Carolyn Golliher Carlos Goodin Brett Goodnow Debra Grisafe
Shereen Hawatmeh Sylvia Hawksley Michael Heuser James Holder Shari Horio Margaret Jones Jason Katrosits Anita Kelly Amy Kilgore Fred Kubus Jenny Lamb Raymond Larivee Chelsea Lessnick Cassandra Lukes Melody Lupinek Rebecca Markin-Newsome Krystal-Lynn Martinez Allison Mcmahon Peggy Melton Nicholas Miller Cara Morville Ashlee Nassiry Victor Nowak Michelle Pappa Clinton Ramsey Marlie Reaux Janice Ripalda Tori Ronzheimer Stacy Rosier David Rothenberg Sandra Sawyer Ann Scarff Alexis Scicchitano James Seebock Jacqueline Semana Stacy Sheridan Ethel Simpson Greer Sloman Ingrid Spielman Delma Stafford Renee Sweeney Shannon Teague Mike Thoen Jennifer Thompson Zachary Thompson Indiana Torres Wincy Tsang Joshua Waters Andrew Watrous Stephen Werth Velanie Williams Marie Wilson Matthew Winters Rachel Woolard Andria Zarza Ruzena Zatko
CLASS OF 2011 Christina Alemayehu Keoni Azevedo Christina Babcock Brandon Bell John Bennett Paul Blackburn Stephanie Bonnecarre
Michael Booth Nancie Bowen Brittany Cain Candice Casale Raymond Cezar Donald Chambers Richard Ciolfi Amber Clark John Clark Amanda Cluff Kaya Colin Ashley Compagnoni Allyson Corella Elia Curls Annette Dinkel Alexa Drews Timothy Eagar Brandie Etzkorn Chelsea Fagin Paula Fama Randy Fasano Jonna Shaye Fritch Luisa Garay Dennis Gegen Brittany Gilbert Catherine Godfrey Niggi Granado Solomon Hafeez Stacy Harbin Gerald Harrelson Bryan Hartshorn Ashkan Hashemisabour Joan Hokenson Tai Holly Dolores Huang Brenda Hughes Elizabeth Ibarra Michael Intinarelli Chase Jennette Alma Jimenez Kevin Johnson Angela Jordan Kenneth Kerby William King Melissa Koenig Ara Kreimeyer Tanja Lakic Shaye Lewis Joseph Licciardi Clifton Long Gabriel Lopez Frederick Lowe Casandra Luong Janna Machala Chantal Magaruh Eric Mason Aaron Mitchell Michael Newton Que Nguyen Guillermina Olmeda Nisha Patel Eric Paulissen Karen Pellouchoud Brianna Pergola Rachael Petrimoulx
FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [57]
Lindsay Petty Mary Pipes Christine Poganik Lisa Pope Nicholas Puglia Jorge Pulido Celerina Quiamjot Ana Ramirez Julian Ramos Stacey Rios Zetryana Rivera Lilliana Robledo Dennice Rojas Judith Rusch Adam Sanacore Laura Sandor Alexandra Sant Giancarla Santana Tricia Sarahs Rosita Shuler Jennifer Sims Randee Startin-Hall Fred Thompson Nenajane Trice Deena Usherson Alan Usi Julie Valladares Yvonne Vega Annette Vernieri Kathryn Wilson Kyle Wong Austin Wood
CLASS OF 2012 Brenda Acosta Kristy Albanese Elan Andruss Renee Antonio Monica Bajurin Elsa Barnhill Aaron Bautista Amy Bayouth Timothy Bayouth Nicole Blinn Brandalyn Brinkerhoff Brent Bucy Allan Butler Marisa Calderon Christopher Campbell Jessica Clark Amy Clatterbuck Stacey Cochran Shawn Coomer Saundra Corinth Eri Cronin Amanda Cummins Elizabeth Damian Jamie Dan Kenneth Davis Gregory Deaver Reid Devoge Kristi Dewey Jonnie Dooley Breanna Duran Corinne Eugenio [58] black [+] gold ANNUAL
Rebecca Ewing Michael Fairweather Melissa Fish Priscilla Flores Jennifer Franco Sebring Frehner Cathy Fry Solomon Gamino Kelly Garcia Cara Golbourne John Greenberg Maria Guzman Michael Hartwig Steffanie Helms Amber Hensley Lanee Hill Ashley Hix Julia Hopkins Robert Hughes Kayla Infantino Lori Jasa Lisa Johnson Christopher Jordan Lindsey Kincaid Cristina Kirit Danielle Koch Jamie Konops Jason Koroghli Karla Kwist Joseph Lawrance Shanna Leavitt Robert Levell James Lewis Codi Lingenfelter Michael Little Wendi Lougy Samantha Mackley Jason Malone Norlan Maltez Princess Matsuda Alison Mccoy Andrea Mceneany Dekesha Mcfarland Ronit Medicina Denise Moncada Somprasoung Mongkolsombat Harold Mulcahey Lydia Napa Johnsie Nelson Airalea Newman Cherryl Nickerson America Ochoa-Cabrera Brent Olson Timothy Olson Jazmine Orr Guilliean Pacheco Christi Passalacqua Laura Patterson Cao-Vinh Pham Brett Phillips Michael Quinn Cristal Reveles Adam Rice Enrique Rivera
Devina Robinson Ashley Ross Corey Roveri Joseph Royster Daphne Sauceda Michael Schwartz Jonathan Senda Gena Martelli Sicat Jennifer Steele Paul Sullivan Thomas Thompson Katrina Tomilloso Arturo Torres Margie Toves Tierra Tranquillo Juana Villa Mary Wall Mikayla Walton Michael Webster Christy Wells Scott Whitney Corey Womble Kristen Zeh
CLASS OF 2013 Jade Alfasi Jason Anderson Karasten Anderson Venesha Arberry Claudia Arevalo Erika Babbitt Melanie Baetz Cynthia Barritt-Stewart Joseph Barth Delano Bassard Tyler Bennet Krystal Berry Alexa Blaney Rachel Bowser Teralee Burbank Joshua Carlos Jena Carpin Joseph Casey Aimee Cerda Rebecca Chadburn Ramona Chao Christopher Chong-Wong Tamaula Coffin Karim Conedera Rishawn Conley Elizabeth Cross Denicia Crutcher Monique Dagel Ma Angella Dalit Elizabeth Danley Jena Day Irene De La Rosa Christina Delaberta Chase Dimarco Kyrra Douglas Krystalline Drowns Jany Duenas Anthony Duran Danial Durfee Chantel Dussett
Tatiana Erives Audra Evans Angel Favela Sarah Fayle Lisa Foreman Russel Franklin Charlene Freitas Alyssa Garcia Eduardo Garcia Samantha George Sean Gibson Shayne Glover Ailyn Gomez Brandie Green April Groce Roger Guzman Jeremy Hafen Charleston Hartfield Julie Hendrix Fatima Henriquez Thelma Hernandez Jennifer Hill Brooke Hoffman Angelica Holguin-Fileto Orson Homer William Jackson Elida Jaimes Jaroslava Johnson Tammi Jones Blake Kalmes Jami Kessler Joshua King Sathe Lamb Phillip Lamotte Christina Lane Lucero Lara Samantha Laratta Sheila Marie Laroza Qay Law Brendan Leake Philip Lewis Lashaun Limbrick Myicisa Limbrick Heather Locke Kurt Long Joseph Lopez Elizabeth Mabry Lazaros Manzur Nicole Martin Jennifer Matsumoto Kirk Matthews Tracy Matthews Cynthia Mccall Kayla Mcduffie Sheree Mclafferty Alexandra McMahon Dolly Mehta William Miller Elizabeth Misuraca Michele MontgomeryKelleher Delceta Morgan Lauren Morton Paul Muir Deanna Murray
Lisa Nance Christopher Odell Sabrina Ogle Christina O’reilly Jessica Ortega Precious Pettaway Miles Plannette Brianna Pullen Anam Qadir Darren Qi Sidney Quiroga Richel Ann Ramirez Jenny Reategui Daniel Rinaldi Peter Robbins Tahnee Roque Stephanie Ruiz Andrea Russell Jessica Salvador Kelly Sanders Janet Sandulak Erica Sapien Patricia Schrader Priscilla Scott-rojas Clarissa Siquig Ryan Smallfoot Hadley Snider Jessica Sorenson Anthony Stewart Christina Stewart Alexandrea Striegel Bahishta Tahmas Max Takahashi-Brummer Ross Takahashi-Brummer Trey Takahashi-Brummer William Teel Chloe Telles-gaches Stephanie Till Juliana Villavicencio Paul Vo Laura Wagner Timothy Wall Rebecca Weiss Jessica Westcott Sandra Westover Janava Whitmire-grigsby James Wood Ricardo Zavala Brennan Zinninger
CLASS OF 2014 Leopoldo Adaoag Angelia Alexander Jessica Alisero Luay Alkhouri Edward Allen Kaisia Amaya Susan Arguelles Suzanne Armstrong Devin Atkins Jodi Augustine Sara Ayasso Keri Bach Tiffany Baker Soraya Barati
Jessica Bargerhuff Elia Barrientos Kathleen Bates Dan Beauchard Yeimin Berbe Stanley Berry Lori Bocobo Shane Booth Hussayn Boumelhem Tavia Bowser Max Brewer Alekzandria Brown Demurtus Brown Lynda Burns John Busk Erin Buswell Stephanie Campbell Norene Chambers Cody Clay Jonathan Clayton Kyrstin Comito Cherie Cornelius Amanda Cortes Allwyn Coutinho Kalleen Creedon Sherry Anne Cruz Patricia Cunningham Daniel Davenport Nicole Decosta Christopher Delgado Donna Desembrana Nickales Desouza Patricia Digiacomo Emily Diller Deborah Douglass David Drury Vivian Duffie-Blair Kefty Eaton Aneesah El-Amin Toni Elmer Thomas Engel Melissa Euell Gloria Farr Somer Foust Luis Fregoso Aguirre Nnieka Gardner Samuel Goodrich Lori Grimm Cesar Guevara Jamie Gunderson Christy Gutierrez Bridget Hahn Gerald Harrelson Christopher Harrison Colton Haupt Olivia Henson David Hernandez Jorge Hernandez Stephanie Herrera Vicky Herrera Lindsay High Miriam Hill Tiziane Hill Deavon Hinebauch Beth Hoff
Kevin Hugins Haleigh Igert Jacqueline Innabi Alecia Jackson Laureen Jauregui Pietra Jerome Mark Jorgensen Jihoon Kim Breanna Koo Brittany Krabbe Stefano Lattino Tara Leung Christopher Leverett Taylor Lewis Jose Loera Katherine Lohmeyer Renee Losey Reggie Loyola Cesar Luna Amanda Mallick Christine Marland Diana Marmino Melany Martin Alejandra Martinez Andrea Martinez Sean Mcdonald Sha’Kira Mcdonald Lynnette Medina Valerie Medina Markos Mendoza Karla Mitchell Tammy Mongeon Alexes Morgan Melissa Moulton Edward Mullen Nancy Nader Rebecca Nevitt Carmen Newton Thu-thuy Nguyen Gene Oliverius Jessica Ommen Megan Oupatiga Thomas Page Jessica Pardinas Miloni Patel Nicolas Pellegrini Katrina Peninoy Josh Perez Michael Pionke Farshta Porter Ronnie Potts Jasmine Ramsey Josh Ranck Tavane Rapp Nicole Remmer Nicholas Roble Susan Rosales Gregory Ross Francis Rost Zachariah Russell Adam Salas Desirae Sanchez Dominique Scicchitano Nichole Selfridge Amanda Shock
Kirsten Simmons Lovepreet Singh James Smith Bernadette Stanton Allysa Starkweather Pamela Strand Samantha Straub Molly Swabb Praneeth Thadi Stephanie Theobald Danielle Thomas Temeka Towns Desiree Townsend Chrishelle Trevett Michael Tsegay Richard Urquidez Kahlia Vaillancourt Vanesa Vega Megan Vergith Nadine Vivarelli Adam Volker Karissa Wall Madeleine Wamsley Jasper Washington Veronica Weathers Jamieson Welsh Brandon Wingert Ariella Youdelman Summer Youngquist Lydwine Zamor Welles Zhuo
CLASS OF 2015 Linda Abrams-Bowie Elizabeth Adam Ariadne Alagar Rocky Alagar Linsey Anderson Elaine Arandia-kellerman Trevor Arevalos Melina Arguelles-Perez Ulises Arias Yolanda Arroyo Kristen Arsenault Fatimah Askia Capone Austin Ana Avalos Mayra Baca Craig Bailey Soraya Barati Nyisha Barnes Meghan Barron Samuel Bassong-Bassong Alezon Anne Bautista Christopher Bautista Patricia Beesley Christina Bemiller Jazmyne Booker Daniela Botal Erin Both Bradley Bowman Kristi Bradley Matthew Brew Natalia Brooks Ashley Brown
Jaymie Brown-booker Jasmin Brownell Ashley Bulosan Jill Burns Leslie Burns William Burrell Michael Calara Amy Camadeco Ainsley Campbell Sylvia Carbonell Valerie Cawley Kevin Ceniceros Melissa Ceniceros Connie Cheng Brittany Clark Travis Coles Wynda Collaro Sarah Comroe Quinetta Crawford Ryan Crowell Sergio Cruz-Cardenas Elisa Dahle Anthony Dare Robert Dawidowicz Maria De La Torre Martinez Christina Delanty Arben Dema Leslie Dieguez Johnny Dinh Maria Dominguez Rachel Douglas James Downing Jimmie Drowns Rachelle Dubin Lisa Dupont Brandon Durham Bonnie Erbe Rebecca Evans Mekia Farmer Brenda Favela-Belmonte Katie Fese Emily Fitzgerald Edward Fuentes Angela Garbarino Christopher Gates Ariana Gennaro Robyn-lea Gentile Nina Gioannini Angel Gomez Erika Gonzalez Silvia Gonzalez Yanet Gonzalez Shaylah Gray Asher Griffith Monsherad Gutierrez Paige Hall Maria Harbalieva Eric Hartung Rachel Hartwig Jean-Pierre HasenmayerTheodorou Talisha Haywood Berenice Herrera My-kel Hicks stephanie hicks
Andrew Holbert Jonathan Holt Denise Hooks Deidra Hufnagle Kochana Jackson Jessica Jersey Justin Johnson Katelyn Joy Amber Kaaihue Kevin Kanowitz Greg King Bethany Kline Kristen Lalli Amy Lamouroux Jazmin Leal Marissa Leininger Andreana Leonard Lisa Linnell Winter Lipson Samantha Lohmeyer Leanna Lomprey Sierra Lomprey Jazmine Lopez Evonn Lowe Monnie Luna Mark Mapa Meaghan Marshall Tia Martin Jessica Martinez Julia Martinez Theophilus Mason Gabrielle Mccormick Destiny Mckeever Ann Meeks Ivan Mejia Ami Meyers Shelby Monday Brenton Montgomery Tori Moody Zoey Moreau Matthew Morgan Aura Munguia Donna Nellis Alyse Nelsen Kristin Nelson Joshua Neri Tina Newmiller Nancy Olson Veronica Paglio Summer Parker Domitilo Peralta Jodi Peterson Rajeev Peterson Cristina Petty Zandra Polard Gloria Pontejos-Morris Jessica Prentice Mario Pucci Laurita Rader Dustin Rains Nosherwan Raja Noyan Ramazani Tricia Ramos Vidosava Reljic Juana Rincon
FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [59]
Joshua Rivera Merissa Rocco Dymonde Rodgers Kari Rodowick Honey Rodriguez Marsella Rodriguez Lauren Rojas Wayne Rose Chenoa Rossi-Childress Emily Ruddell Benjamin Rupert David Ryan Elizabeth Sanchez-Mariscal Jacorie Sanders Marshawna Sanford Neil Sarahs Kenneth Satowski Krista Segura Lynnette Seimears Justin Semana David Seoane Margaret Sharp Andrew Shealy Kayla Soriano Lucas Staubin Danielle Stowater Richard Summers Brenda Swaim Robert Tarr Tito Tatis Talero Matthew Taylor Kari Todd Mary Rozelle Tolentino Johnathon Toston Stacie Townsend Marlon Travis Kathleen Trujillo Elizabeth Tucker Sein Tun Stephanie Vandyke Nancy Vargas-Cisneros Kari Vidacic Nicole Vita Cassandra Wagner Wendy Walker Matthew Ward Andrelle Washington Emily Waters Codi Weaver Amanda Wellman Shante Willis Vyshika Willis Lawrence Wolak William Wong Heather Woods Christopher Zahedi Cassandra Zavala Maya Zawlodzki Susana Zepeda Justito Zurbano
[60] black [+] gold ANNUAL
SCHOOL OF NURSING CLASS OF 2005 Navid Amirhosseini Christopher Andre Rosalie Aquino Robert Bardsley Deborah Booth Stephen Brandon Alissa Brooks Marianne Buck Myrtle Budnik Elizabeth Campbell Susan Candelaria Hector Condarco Phillip Connors Sonya Corrick Janice Coscolluela Suzette Cruz Kendra Curfew Anahi Delossantos Barry Drucker Mary Drum Nicole Evans Hazel Felix Lauren Fisher Chandelle Frost Tiffany Gates Cynthia Gorham Lance Graczyk Elaine Guiang Jennifer Hanners Jarvie Hansen Gina Hernandez-Daya Marisa Hester Tyler Hunt Joseph Jacquemoud Laura Jordan Martin Katz Hester Kerksiek Gabriela Khilnani Gina Lauricella Kristine Leavitt Ethel Leon Katrina Lewis Maria Lopez Eric Lord Ma-Aleli Malonzo Angelina Manchester Gail Manzano Natalie Mason Arlene Mayberry Marissa Maynigo Anne Mccormick Anneleisa Mcdonald Lora Mcmullen Redstar Mello Carl Miller Jaemaee Monahan Theresa Morgan Joshua Moyer Stephanie Murphy
Victoria Ndiaye Shannon Neely Akobundu Nwala Mary Ann Christy Ortigas Razel Joy Ortigas Beverly Ortiz James Otero Cynthia Pace Tonia Pappy Cathlene Pearce Belle pena Purificacion Placido Cherry Razon Allison Reynolds Christine Riordan Lucinda Roberts Denise Russo Debra Schiebner Anne Schwartz Danny Sessums Cheryl Shipske Katie Showalter Stephanie Skinner Kristina Snell Annabelle Socaoco Sarah Stuart Jennifer Sudario Ronald Terwilliger Shiela Teves Hilary Trumbo-Irmer Anna Ubias Alejandro Van Vliet Leslie Vaught Ronald Verano Edna White Brittany Willis Katherine Winkler Lisa Woolf Lauren Wroten Rona Cressida Yee Melissa Young Fatima Zack Ann Zitzer
CLASS OF 2006 Shree Adiga Yolanda Alaimo Joseph Alonsozana Susanna Andaya Diandra Andrews Nancy Andruk Joyce Arce Stephanie Bacus Ratsamay Barnes Kimberly Bennett Heidi Beron Quincy Bonella Royal Bradley Crystal Brown Shekela Brown Sarah Bruan Diane Burton Katherine Busby Jamie Catunto Teresa Cerjanic
Amy Chestnut Perla Cisco James Crossley Themis Deguzman Teresa Demos Tobyn Derby-Talbot Jill Desteunder Catherine Dullano Raul Ellazar Freddy Espinosa Desiree Espinoza Andrea Evans Emily Fell Tammy Foggia Michael Fuller Leonora Gacula Diane Graham Lynda Greatwood Carma Gruber Kathryn Havey Erika Hoffstetter Ruslei Marie Huyo-A Marina Iuli Marianne Jackson Loni Jones Kristin Kenyon Andi Kraft Brigitte Lacombe Diana Lara Andrea Leach Jerri Lewis Heather Liles Lacey Lisner Jeanette Long Natalie Luther Vernon Maniago Petal Martial Morgan Martin-Jarred Karen Matthews Kristen Mccann Marcus Mccomas Katrina Melear Gena Melton Reynaldo Mendiola Tracie Merriman Eudora Mordi Eleanor Mox Tiffany Neilson Michael Odonnell Crisandra Orme Gwendolyn Perrotti Bette-Ann Pierce Elizabeth Price Virginia Pusateri Joseph Queniahan Jingle Ramos Treva Reid Margaret Rios Milagros Rodriguez Sayma Salman Alicia Sandoval Dawn Scott Davette Shea Rebecca Smith Mary Spagnuolo
Gloria Stapleton Stephany Szczepaniak Moneera Tawfik Kayli Tenney Dave Terrault Nicole Thomas Christina Tolentino Tatiana Ulyanova Brandy Van Ausdal Cesiley Voss Chantal Whittenberg Bethany Williams Lynda Wilson Travis Wingo Beth Wood Samantha Zomar
CLASS OF 2007 Douglas Adamson Alexander Alzona Jennifer Anderson Jo Batchelor-Clark Lichelle Bevett Natalie Bina Edina Blaskan Shane Boxrz Jeanne Bradford Sarah Brauer John Buehler-Garcia Gay Butler Marie Lyn Cabusao April Lani Cadavona Siobhan Caffrey Kathleen Cannon Jack Causer Stacy Chavez Sarah Christie Tanya Cole Barbara Creaghe Shannon Crifasi Camille Cruz Jennifer Dada Taylor Dean Steven Donaldson Coleen Duncan Arlynn Mae Eugenio Cecilia Fleming Craig Foreman Norielyn Galang Jill Garvin Cheryle Gatewood Catalina Gonzalez Tami Graziano Hamor Gretchen Sydna Hammond Sandra Horna Amanda Hudson Vana Huynh Jonathan Hyatt Kevin Irons Kimberly Jacovino Katharine Jasonek Josie Jensen Alexis Johnson Brooke Jones
Amy Kosa Jocelyn Leavitt Amber Lee Charles Lee Hyunkyung Lee Hsiu-Ling Liang Roger Lim Rebecca Lippitt Celeste Liston Brittan Loftsgaarden Lindsey Lopez Lady Diane Macasieb Devin Maher Tricia Marte Melanie Maynigo Susan Mcdonald Juliette Myers Kelli Myers Serena Nielson Dominador Nonato Melanie Ocampo Jane Omosa Uju Onowu Christine Oshio Naquita Parker-Richardson Shannon Peralta Marita Perez Keely Ratajczyk Joanne Reyes Christine Roberts Tiffany Sand Vicki Schmidt Michelle Shaffner Jodine Sibbald Darian Smith Jacob Smith Jennifer Sorensen Andrea Strachan Elizabeth Thornal Paula Tipon Guinevere Torres Matthew Trumbull Monica Velasquez Leigh Villarasa Lisa Weinshenker Ticey Wilson Allison Zieglmeier Lyndsay Zimmerman
CLASS OF 2008 Lynn Alvarez Adrielle Armstrong Monika Asamaphand Timothy Broo Danielle Brooks Katrina Budway Ron Cajala Shannalee Canny Sherin Chakkalakel Juliette Cole Michael Dahle Brianna Donoghue Lindsay Eberling Sarah Fantauzzi Debralee Fernando
Laureenann Fiesta Erika Forster Jarred Frei Gian Fule Zelluyah Gaitho Matthew Gibe Janet Gray Morgan Gregory Lindsey Guidrey Stephanie Gutierrez Jennifer Gwiazdowski Elizabeth Hemphill Michelle Henry Donna Hines Michelle Johnson Nathan Kroegel Lourdes Lacza Johanna Lucia Nathan Lystrup Vivien Maliwat Kris Ann Mariano Sarah Mathis Tessa Merel Natalie Motta Rebecca Mudie Maricela Myers Danielle Norris Liza Ochoa Assemi Michelle O’Connor Teresa Okerlund Ludia Park Sarah Park Elaine Peneyra Adrianne Prosper Elizabeth Raines Azwell Melanie Ravara Maricel Raymundo Richard Reyna Laarnie Rice Jennifer Rivera April Roemer Katie Rogers Giovanna Santovito Rachel Schuster Elaine Schwartz Steffany Schwartz Shannon Scott Amanda Sheeran Gabrielle Skarpac Heather Sostarich Amanda Stallings Sarah Studzienski Sladjana Subotic Kathryn Tejero Kari Tepedino Kanyawe Thompson Sandy Tsai Cassaundra Veenendaal Nancy Venida Gerald Vergara Beth Vigil Antoinette Vita Natalie Walls Chandra Wolfe Jennifer Wood
Tiffany Wright Nancy Yazici Ericka Yelle Tannica Young
CLASS OF 2009 Vitalina Adamchevska Anne Apgar Megan Bacus Trisha Bais Brianna Baker Stephanie Barth Terry Bartmus Jeremy Batten Tania Boutte Emily Brown Jill Bruneteau Troy Castro Thomas Catalano Janelle Chavez Laura Child Dana Clark Patricia Clouse Alicia Cusumano Jennifer Danieluk Michelle Davis Tymeeka Davis Shawna Dewald-Mcfarlane Kamilah Engram Lindsey Enriquez Danielle Fabian Leslie Farmer Stephanie Frankowiak Lindsay Gambit Samantha Geller Stephanie Gorringe Rebeccah Gustafson Sarah Gustafson Krista Hamlin Lisa Hartman Celeste Hein Philip Higgins Megan Holtz Ye Huang Carrie Hulka Justinea Huynh Thienkim Huynh Elena Irmen Dawn Jollie Maureen Knell June Kozak Jeanette Ladanga Julie Laplante Alene Lewis Sara Lum Ashley Maertz Antoinette Martin Donna Mead Rebecca Messmore Jessica Morgan Mark Mostar Michelle Muro Laci Ortega Tammy Paarlberg Maria Pajara
Brian Palmer Sharlona Payne Nicole Penkalski Adam Perelgut Susana Perez-Rojas Inna Peter Crystal Phares Kathleen Ponferrada Maria Rodriguez Fabian Rosel Courtney Ross-Powell Rey Santacruz Elizabeth Smith Marisa Smith Amanda Smothers Denise Stahlbusch Laurie Steglich Patricia Strobehn Jennifer Suhr Julian Tuttle Karla Udvardy Nicole Villanueva Tiffany Walker Maya Washington Janelle Welch Rachel White Dominique Williams Lesley Yates
CLASS OF 2010 Rajee Abalos Katrina Agnir Breanna Anderson Lisa Arguello-Gillila Mary Talia Atienza Martin Babayev Johannie Badgewell Ana Ballesteros Gabriela Ballesteros Judith Bechler Jennifer Bertolani Ashley Buckenberger Maria Burgess Erika Cababe Danielle Cameron Kristen Carino Christen Carroll Brandy Chandronait Jennifer Cherry Erika Christensen Andrew Colburn Sarah Cox Jenna Curry Jessica Davis Colette Defilippis Christina Denny Gerri Dibartolo Sarah Marie Dickmeyer Tara Dillon Vera Dolpies Trina Dorn Tara Engmann Elizabeth Erb-Ryan Corinne Eugenio Kelly Evans
Maria Figgs Verenese Fillmore Kelly Fink Jocelyn Flores Joy Gabiana Maria Chaveli Garcia Leigha Gewerter Jazmin Gonzalez Karina Goodman Matia Guest Jenny Heng William Hines Fernando Hizon Tiffany Hjelm Marti Houck Kacey Howrey Kelli Isbell Lorretta Jennings Deisha Julick Michelle Kamlade Kenneth Kavanaugh Annella Kelsey Joshua Kinnunen Morgan Knowles Georgene Kreger Ruth Lewis-Reed Betty Livermore Amanda Long Samantha Marz Ashley Mathews Angela Mcallister Alison Murphy Jill Nessen Brandee Newsom Lisa O’Driscoll Susie Olivera Lorenzo Omandac Claire Ongna Brian Ottesen Natasha Amanda Pane Regina Panganiban April Paule Jessica Penman Connie Picardi Jennifer Poplawski Megan Pritchard Jenny Reategui Chelsea Record Donna Riggins Sarah Roberts Rachel Robinson Jenifer Rodriguez-Lopez Catherine Ross Ronna Sabol Louis Santos Simrit Saraon Jennifer Sellers Heather Sharp Lisa Singer Ashley Smith Michelle Spezialetti Jill Splinter Paul Sullivan Heather Tanner Samuel Taylor
FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [61]
Aileen Thompson Veronica Ubah Allan Valdez Joseph Vergara Ann Warren Jacqueline Washington Paige Whited Robin Wuebbenhorst Tiffany Young Marcie Zajac
CLASS OF 2011 Lorraine Abrego Jayson Paulo Agaton Reydel Alvarez-Epstein Michele Arce Christine Ballew Amy Bass Ben Bassat Rose Bayani Sarah Boling Joshua Bradford Maria Brubaker Tonya Bryant Gina Cheung June Cox Sylvia Cruz Carol Davidson Heather Davis Rosa Del Aguila Heather Del Toro Candice Desrosiers Veronica Dunn-Jones Stephen Edington Kari Euteneier Paula Fama Peter Fecurka Bibiana Flores Barbara Foxton Judd Frazier Christine Gelsinger Tirdad Ghader Karen Greenberg Emily Gubler Fabian Gutierrez Erin Hartung Heather Harvey Laura Havins Christie Hay Jennifer Haynes Ashley Herrold Diana Hoer Jessica Huebner Kelsey Inscore Leslie Kado Garrett Kakita Melissa Laginess Ann Lara Larissa Lemert Irene Ligsay Trent Lingard Edward Mallari Irene Manalo Wendell Manchester Angelika Martin [62] black [+] gold ANNUAL
Monica Martinez William Mckinney Yasmine Mohamednur Krista Molinaro Cindy Moore Patricia Murray Chukwuemeka Obilor Falisha Ollison-leffler Lisa Pacheco Kelly Pastell Tina Pedersen Barbara Perkins Nicole Puppos Reina Quitazol Ashley Rants Katie Ray Lindsey Rhodeos Stacey Rios Melissa Rivas Julie Robinson Sean Rodgers Trina Singleterry Brianna Smith Jennifer Story-Salacup Ernest Sutton Tracy Taylor Jessica Thomas Anna Trybus Danielle Tungol Jennifer Vanderhal Jennifer Warras Jennifer Westerdahl Mary White Yanet Worku Leslie Wulff
CLASS OF 2012 Dorothy Agdamag Regina Alvarado Kristin Andre Kindal Andrews Angela Baca Tami Basilio Leesha Bitto Annie Bracken Jeffrey Budnik Ashlee Bunker Sally Caruthers Brittney Castro Sheldon Cordero Shannon Cornford-Latham Marlon Cortes Mackenzie Courtney Amanda Cowan Nathalie Cruzado Madycyn Dang Sarah Day Lauren Dean Danielle Debenedittis Susan Doll Gemkki Ensign Catherine Ferguson Priscilla Flores Nathan Fowler Cathy Fry
Janice Fujita Kelly Garcia Amanda Gilman Molike Green Dorothy Grillo Sarah Hall Steve Hamel Brian Hansen Stephanie Hardy Nicolette Harridge Veronica Hartfield Melody Havey Herlinda Hernandez Jamie Hickman Salima Hussain Christopher Ingham Maygen Jenkins Jaime Johnston Michael Kaplan Jill Kerr Tamara Kuhnwald Nicole Kwon Shanna Leavitt Susan Lewis Eva Lipschultz Diane Luna Timothy Martin Kimberly Mays Kimberly Mccombs Leah Mercado Adriane Miles Luis Monroy Natasha Montoya Cortney Morgan Cherryl Nickerson Kevin O’Connell Allison Palmer Josette Perrone Kalif Peter Jessica Phares Tavanee Pino Natalie Powell Cheryl Pulse Shkendije Rexhepi Christina Reyes Melissa Ridella Amber Riley Enrique Rivera Cynthia Roberts Magdalena Rodriguez Catherine Roma Sofia Sanchez Chantel Schaefer Jennifer Scott Michael Sieczka Germania Skidmore Ashley Smith Leslie Smith Vida Smittant Sharon Sneddon Diane Sommer Amanda Stites Cynthia Tancredi Michael Thomas Zully Torres
Shanna Van Aken Shalnah Velasquez Mary Wardle Anne Watts Deedee Webb Winnie Wegner Dawn Weislek Shantel White Stephanie White Christine Windle Brandi Wood Kristen Zeh
CLASS OF 2013 Jessica Aguilar Joseph Alatorre Christabelle Alquizalas Mario Alvarado Courtney Arvidson Abigail Atfield Sherin Babu Mildred Balotro Evelina Baltrune Kathryn Barbera-Milone Kellie Benway Ashley Bernard Courtney Bhame Jessica Bliven Khamphet Broening Ashley Brun Arturo Buen Maureenjoyce Buen Lavita Burnette Katie Callahan Sabrina Capannolo Heather Carman Melissa Ceglio Jessica Chandler Ramona Chao Kristin Citino Tammy Collander Allison Collier Jesse Collier Janine Conner Hong-kong Connolly Dana Crane Rachel Crittle Patrick Culbert Serena Cybulski Brad Danley Jena Day Leslie De Leon Tami Debonis Edna Delacruz Kathleen Devere Catherine Dewsnup Iboro Ekpoudia Alicia Fellows Marie Florendo Katie Garibay Dawn Gartley Holly Gerhardt Ailyn Gomez Danielle Graciolett Theresa Graziadei-Simon
Cathleen Greenwell Tiffany Hafen Michael Hager Kimberly Hallett John Han Jianhong He Christina Herrera Garrett Hess Michelle Hickey Julie Homer Adria Jackson Parizad Jam Shahida Khan Tina Kipp Lisa Kocourek Pamella Lantonkpode Yasemin Laudig Kori Leftwich John Lewis Xinyao Liu Lauren Lopez Bryan Luistro Marion Maniago Damaris Martinez Laura Matson Sheila McClelland Sarah Mccrea Amanda Mcdougall Casie Mcguire Megan Mckenzie Nicole Miller Ileana Miron-Yee David Moore Lisa Moreno Rachel Muhlenberg Hailemariam Murutse April Myres Shastilynne Nakamura Cedric Ojeda Olawale Olalere Joi Oliveros Andrea Pendleton Jennifer Peters Chelsea Petrizzo Diane Pham Pamela Phillips Joshua Pierce Kristi Pikyavit Melissa Pino Gloria Porciuncula Brenda Gaile Primero Diane Rabago Shannon Ravesi Lisa Reddick Laura Rich Alise Robertson Therese Rohling Benjamin Schwartz Andrew Screnchuk Aaron Semana Tessa Serrano Nichole Short Vince Simich Sarah Sorensen Rhacia Marie Soriano
Cara Swanson Kately Sylvia Pamela Tabique Cardinelli Tadique Nicole Timms Tammy Tushman Corine Watson Monica Webb Tara Weglarz Wendy Wilson Rachel Woolard Kathleen York
CLASS OF 2014 Felix Acosta Jennifer Adams Mary Adler Violeta Aguirre Tanya Aikens Mary Rose Alcantara Katelyne May Atijera Josef Aurelio Marilyn Ayars Prasanth Babu Myla Leigh Bagano Lisa Banach Tina Benavidez Heather Berringer Deborah Bertram Mayra Berumen Kimberly Blanchard Danielle Brennan-Difilippo Rochelle Bub Amber Calixto Abby Cantin Lissandra Cervantes Crystal Charles Stephanie Chen Marika Chunyk Michelle Conroy Jeffrey Corrales Kimberly Cortes Dithra Cotton Aaron Daciuk Annette Darden Ecaterina David Edwyn De La Cruz Estelle Deanne De Mesa Anup Desai Vincence Dinio Ghislaine Dongmo Kenfack Laurel Douglas Eva Duran Kahrenanne Dy-patacsil Michelle Elftman
Ashley Elias Ashley Elliott Chardinel Elliott Courtney Farese Gianpaolo Femino Shealynn Freeman Shannon Golightly Kaye Grossoehmig Christy Gutierrez Amy Hanson Steven Harker Jacqueline Harris Billie Hayes Natasha Heath Natalie Hornbeck Jessica Idica Jason Kattenhorn Ellen Kim Daniella Kinyua Kimberly Kujat Thao Le Shirley Levin Jamie Lloyd Keith Lobaugh Katherine Lohmeyer Brittany Loveland Chelsea Loyola Judy Madden Ron Maglalang Kathy Mai Danikka Mendoza Mary Moldowan Tammy Mongeon Alissa Morfin Saman Nazerimonfared Ryan Nelson Chelsea Newman Kelli Nissen Lindsay Ochs Morgan O’Hara Chin Oh-ciernick Gary Okumura Amber Patterson Melinda Petersen Colleen Petullo Melissa Plies Connie Puckett Geraldene Ralleca-llaguno Onyx Reed Kelly Rowe Natalie Sabado Warren Shadko Kelly Shue Sandra Sitter Stephanie Snow
San So Gina Staples Maurice Sterner Janet Strode Linda Terry Donia Till Lindsey Tompkins Melissa Vallo Sandeep Vashisht Jennifer Vazquez Jennifer Walker Karen Welch Roya Zamanian Cathy Zelaya
CLASS OF 2015 Simon Abraham Kritchadaphorn Acosta Maria Gina Agnir Tabitha Agnir Rafilya Ali Shellie Aparicio Ulises Arias Jennifer Baca Kristen Bagg Erica Bean Betty Beck Savannah Benyo Cheryll Bondoc Dino Brozan Stephanie Byrd Jordan Carley Katelyn Carnahan Daizy Chan Tetyana Chernyuk Jacqueline Colli Lorna Cosenza Jennifer Creque Kevin Dangler Marcia Davis Kassandra De La Pena Sunisa Dechasit Tonya Dedera Kenia Delatorre Megan Dempsey Mary Elez Daphne Engebritson Neil Everett Katherina Faustino Caitlan Feil Katriella Fernandez Matthew Ferrari Emily Fitzgerald Krystle Flores James Freed
Maria Freed Nancy Gonzalez Abigail Green Megan Gregory Asher Griffith Tessa Haas Heather Harris Felicia Haywood Chelsee Henderson Jordan Henzlik Jill Holsclaw Joy Hume Lori Jaeger Samantha Jones Burtson Katende Poeth Kilonzo Hannah Klug Mariya Kolibarova Judith Kuria Lovely Kurian Katharine Kussell John Michael Lapid Norman Vincent Lapitan Cori Lau Rhiannon Laviolette April Leblanc Berhanu Liben Jacqueline Likert Crystal Lippert Rosemarie Lizardo Carlos Llamas Edelaine Lucas Victoria Luna Erin MacKinnon Erin Madsen Kristina Martins Jennifer McCarthy Laurie Mccolley Theresa Mclaughlin Cole Medina Kenneth Meier Milen Minchev Christine Montenegro Lisa Moss Mayra Moya Alicia Mujica Scarleth Joy Mumford Angelica Musumeci Melissa Navarro Jeffrey Nelson Edward Nyame Gina Olson Tiffany O’Neill Kenneth O’Rourke Alyssa Palmer
Azita Pascoe Annabelle Pascual Diedreana Perez Preston Peterson Katherine Pfeifer Thanh Pham Brian Phares Rachel Pike Myacinth Pineda Damaris Pinto-Florez Jennifer Piscitelli Agripina Polushkin Robin Poyaoan Robyn Preston Michelle Radley Nicole Rappaport Paul Resulta Diana Rodriguez Samantha Sanford Megan Saum Sandra Scanlan Nicole Semana Maria Senda Yulia Shmatkova Oksana Skrypka Heidi Snoblen Sarah Sorrentino Alexis Stevens Harry Tate Rizza Tawatao Rachel Tielemans Jennifer Tingle Leah Torvinen Sharon Traver Mary Grace Valenzuela Brienna Vergara Daisy Verry Patrick Vides Katherine Viloria Jeraldine Virina Cherilyn Visarra Blair Vivirito Angelica Vo Hanh Vu Autumn Wake Carol Walsh Heather Wickware Bryan Wiederholt Amy Wisniewski Marta Womble Pia Wood Shauna Wood
All information is based on our records through November 19, 2015. If we have misspelled your name and/or a correction needs to be made, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations at (702) 992-2370. FALL [ 2015] Nevada State College [63]
New Faculty and Staff WELCOME TO NSC! Nevada State College is excited to welcome several new faculty and staff members to the NSC family. This list reflects faculty and staff members hired between December 2014 and November 2015.
FACULTY Daniel Berarducci Lecturer of Sociology
Dr. Raul Tapia Jr. Assistant Professor of Business
George Markarian Web Developer
Dr. Regina Willard Assistant Professor of Nursing
Krystal-Lynn Martinez Admissions & Records Asst III
Dr. Chad Cross Associate Professor of Mathematics
STAFF Matthew Andenoro Classroom Technology Coordinator
Nicholas Mathews Gear Up Ambassador
Laura Decker Lecturer of English
Taggart Archibald Associate Director of Recruiting
Dr. Stephanie Durfor Assistant Professor of Nursing
Jenny Ballif Laboratory Coordinator
Mitzy Flores Lecturer of Nursing
Justina Benner Admissions & Records Generalist
Garrett Hess Lecturer of Nursing
Elaina Bhattacharyya Events Manager
Tiffany LeMaistre Electronic Resources and Discovery Librarian
Jill Caldwell Administrative Assistant II
Sandra Patton Director of Resource Center for Students with Disabilities
Jessica Camacho Administrative Assistant I
Dr. Dennis Potthoff Dean of Education
Heather Christensen Instructional Designer
Ian Probasco Videographer
Alyssa Clark Admissions & Records Asst II
Paige Ribera Transfer System Analyst & Course Evaluator
Mellynn Corzine Administrative Assistant II
Cynthia Rispante Senior Accountant
Oscar Giurcovich Research & Instruction Librarian
Cheyenne Rogers Academic Advisor & Orientation Coordinator
Dr. Kayla Bieser Assistant Professor of Biology
Jianing Liu Lecturer of English Francesca Marineo Instructional Design Librarian Jana Nerz Lecturer of Nursing Dr. Samantha Oliphant Assistant Professor of Biology Dr. Jasmine Phillips Assistant Professor of Communications Robert Reynoso Lecturer of Nursing Andra Scano Lecturer of Nursing Katherine Spence Lecturer of Nursing
[64] black [+] gold ANNUAL
Betty Kim Human Resources Manager Marie LaCamera Personnel Technician I Janielle Losaw Nursing Program Progression Coordinator
Erin Matthews Recruiter Daniela Mihal Administrative Assistant II Elizabeth Moore Academic Advisor Penelope Morris Administrative Assistant IV
Frances Wilson Veterans Affairs & Scholarship Specialist Riann Wilson Accounting Assistant I
Nevada State College FOUNDATION BOARD OF TRUSTEES: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE David M. Grant Chair Attorney at Law & Partner Grant Morris Dodds Trust, Probate & Guardianship Attorneys Henderson, NV Kristi Overgaard Vice-Chair Executive Vice President of Awesomeness Supernap/Switch Las Vegas, NV Sherry Colquitt Secretary Civic and Community Leader Las Vegas, NV Dan H. Stewart Treasurer President/Owner Valley Construction Co. Henderson, NV Glenn Christenson Past Chair Comprehensive Campaign Chair Managing Director Velstand Investments, LLC Henderson, NV Mike Benjamin Past Chair CEO & President Benjamin Enterprises Reno, NV William E. Martin Past Chair Retired Bank Executive Civic and Community Leader Henderson, NV Bart Patterson Ex Officio President Nevada State College Henderson, NV BOARD OF TRUSTEES: MEMBERS Alfredo T. Alonso Principal Lewis Roca Rothgerber Reno, NV Michael F. Bolognini Market Vice President Cox Communications, Inc. Las Vegas, NV Hannah M. Brown Retired Airline Executive Civic and Community Leader Las Vegas, NV
Jeffrey L. Burr President & Attorney at Law Law Firm of Jeffrey Burr Ltd. Henderson, NV
Charles R. Rinehart Retired Bank Executive Civic and Community Leader Las Vegas, NV
Dane Carter Vice President Sletten Construction of Nevada, Inc. Las Vegas, NV Teressa M. Conley President/CEO of Rose de Lima Campus COO of Siena Campus Dignity Health/St. Rose Dominican Hospitals Henderson, NV
Tony F. Sanchez, III Senior Vice President/Government & Community Strategy NV Energy Las Vegas, NV
Thomas O. Cordy Retired Business Executive Civic and Community Leader Las Vegas, NV and Atlanta, GA
Dan K. Shaw President ShawJones Partners, LLC President Integra Financial Services Henderson, NV
William C. Wortman Principal Cannery Casino Resorts, LLC Daniel T. Gerety Las Vegas, NV Founder & Managing Partner Gerety & Associates, Certified Public BOARD OF TRUSTEES: EMERITUS MEMBERS Accountants Selma Bartlett Las Vegas, NV Private Banker Meadows Bank James B. Gibson Civic and Community Leader The Former Mayor of Henderson, NV Henderson, NV Civic and Community Leader Henderson, NV Randy A. Garcia Chief Executive Officer John R. Gibson The Investment Council Company Retired Corporate Executive of Nevada Civic and Community Leader Las Vegas, NV Las Vegas, NV Mark Howard The Honorable Andy A. Hafen Retired CEO Mayor of Henderson, NV Mountain View Hospital/Sunrise Health Henderson, NV Las Vegas, NV Civic and Community Leader Elaine Hodgson Cedar Hills, UT President & CEO Incredible Technologies, Inc. John Ritter Las Vegas, NV Chairman/CEO Focus Property Group Marilyn Jentzen Las Vegas, NV Former Senior Vice President of Finance, IGT Vicki Hafen Scott Consultant, Strategic Financial Services Hafen Financial Services, Inc. and Education Advocate Civic and Community Leader Las Vegas, NV Henderson, NV Alison Kasner Erik Sletten Educator President Civic and Community Leader Sletten Construction of Nevada, Inc. Henderson, NV Great Falls, MT and Las Vegas, NV Scott Raymer LIAISON Chief Executive Officer J. Russell Raker, III CRB Auto Associate Vice President Henderson, NV Office of Institutional Advancement Nevada State College & Foundation Henderson, NV
1125 Nevada State Drive Henderson, Nevada 89002
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