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EDITOR'S NOTE It has been a great experience covering the events of the Singapore Model United Nations 2014. I've never felt pressure as intense as the 12am deadline for articles each day but I've had amazing people who stepped up and joined the press team during the conference itself. I would firstly like to thank Secretary-General Cheryl Ko for giving me the honour to lead the publications team. Consequently, the people of the various committees for assisting me and my team in many ways – giving us ideas and inspiration for the publication, providing us writing material for when we were shorthanded and simply for being an audience to our publication. Also, shoutout to my press team for being an awesome bunch to work with! Lastly, to you readers! It really means a lot to know that you guys have been reading the publication religiously. I hope that SMUN 2014 has been an enriching one for each and every one of you. Let this publication be a means of treasuring the moments as memories that all of us can revisit anytime. Thank you and I hope to see all of you in future MUNs!

Regards, Editor-in-chief

Nisa Suhaimy

TAKE NOTE OF THIS From Day 1, The Press Team requested the Chairs to forward to us any interesting notes being passed around during committee sessions. Ranging from eyecandy swooning to death threats, we were pretty much entertained by them.

From: Sudan To: Arab League “Can you not stare at me, I find it hard to concentrate. You are so attractive�

To: Bangladesh From: Pakistan “You are as cute as my little toe. I want to bang you on every furniture.”

“I like your dress.” “Thanks yo.” “GAME ON.”

To: ROK From: Sweden “OMG China is hopelessly cute. This sounds gay but yeah” “I know right! I squeal. Can'r even blame her for stealing my trade secret”

From: UAE “Vote for not against!!! I'm going to kill you! This is a death threat”

21 TYPES OF PEOPLE YOU WILL MEET IN MUN by The Press Team 1. The Timid, Quiet Mouse Remember (you probably don't) the quiet delegate that often hides in the shadow of others, blending into the background. The one who never speak up, unless under the discretion of the Chairs.

2. The Know-It-All The guy who seemed to rattle off dates and facts from the past like he lived in that era. This guy has lived through WWI and WWI and knows random history facts off the back of his hand.

3. The Story Teller Here's the guy that can't seem to stop talking, even way after his speaking time. He would spend the first 30 seconds thanking everyone and peppering his speech with flowery language throughout, while the Chair will have to repeatly ask him to end his speech. By the time his story comes to an end and the Chairs request to wrap up, he's lost the whole point.

4. The Tounge-tied The delegate that stutters when he speaks, especially when he is unprepared, having been called to speak by the chair. Favourite catchphrases: "ummmmm, umm, um......yeah... thank you.�

5. The Daydreamer The delegate that wears a permanent blank look on his face during moderated caucus. There will always be this one person in the council who isn't interested in the ongoing debate, who rather dream about his perfect speech by building it in the air or what he would prefer to eat for lunch.

6. The Hungry One The first to call for lunch and to complain that he's hungry. Favourite catchphrases:"This delegate would like to call for motion to adjourn debate for lunch break." or "Point of Personal Privilege: May I know what time will lunch break be today?" That's the most you'll hear from him.

7. The Experienced MUN-ster You can tell. He's comfortable in his own skin and carries his own weight while speaking. He's also familiar with ROP and at ease while debating.

8. The Promising Philosopher-to-be (Most Retweetable) This is the guy that has a million and one quotes to use during his speech, with funny references to fictional characters or deep insights from famous, dead people. He is the guy that you will want to retweet the most if he is on twitter, or be flooding his timeline with retweets on quotes. Also an analogy machine, he doesn't have to try hard to parallel resolutions to interesting analogies.

9. The Action Star The gesturer, he talks using his body during his speech, doing hand exercises with big movements while those besides him try to avoid being hit (more than twice). You would've probably missed his point because you're too occupied with the theatrics.

10. The Bully You probably can spot him from Day One, as he is loud, obnoxious and not afraid to corner other delegates into giving him what he wants. You can't help but shiver when his next target is, you.

11. The Eyecandy This delegate is Mr. or Ms. Popular, constantly being voted as the most handsome/beautiful delegate during superlatives discussion. They are the ones that keeps you coming back to Council the next day, even if you aren't interested in the debate. Also, the target of informal notes telling them how cute they are.

12. The Typewriter She will be found at the back of her room, busy researching, typing and drafting working papers on her laptop. You probably can't see her during unmoderated caucus, having been surrounded by all the delegates with a common goal - to pass a resolution.

13. The BS-er With no concrete ideas in his speech and lots of fluff, the delegate tries to convince the room with his ridiculous ideas, with a 50% success rate, depending on how experienced he is. Beware: usually glitters his speech with bombastic words to anchor his point, which does not exist.

14. The Fashion Model Dressed from their favourite branded from top to bottom, strutting into the room like they are on America Next Top Model runway, they are fashionistas rocking the Western Business Style, with short skirts and tight pants, together with well-fitted blazers. In line for Best Dressed delegate. Also, takes the 'M' in 'MUN' a little too literally. Favourite Hashtag: #OOTD.

15. The Fierce Chair In every council, there would be a fierce chair that is strict with the delegates during council but fun-loving and crazy outside of it. The one that we all fear, yet respect. Delegates would sometimes be a bit apprehensive to approach them outside committee sessions but please don't fear them, they're actually really nice people who just want you to unleash your potentials.

16. The Invisible Delegate Like Sue Storm from The Fantastic Four, this delegate is invisible to the untrained eyes during role calls, and is never present for council session. These delegates are usually Suddenly Absent or Just Coming into the session late. Usually busy bees who have lectures or council meetings to attend but oddly, show up for the socials and whenever there's food.

17. The Social Butterfly Seen flitting around the different blocs during unmoderated caucus, he is the guy that is friends with everyone, even if they are on opposing teams. His name will be on either the sponsor list or as one of the signatories. You can't seem to hate him, no matter how hard you try.

18. The Hippie The peace-loving guy, he prefers using peaceful means to achieve his goals, always the first to propose a peace treaty talk between two enemies in a crisis, even if they had a long standing history of hate. Usually proposes Maple Syrup as a gift to spread the love and mend ties.

19. The Joker The mood maker of the council, he will always be making jokes or funny comments to ease the tension in the room, making the room erupt with laughter, just by being himself.Calls for motions are usually entertained with ridiculous ones or requesting for points of information with redundant ones, usualluy dispelling the tense mood in the air.

20. The Blur One Though they might be following the debate religiously, they are often unable to be up-to-date with the on-goings of the debate and caught asking their neighbours to explain what is going on. Especially when called out by the Chairs, they would usually start their speech with, “Ummmmmmmmm�. Favourite hangout place: The island of Lost.

21. The One That Declares War Firm in knowing what he wants, he will be the lone ranger trying to convince the council and sway them in his favour, despite things not going his way. Like a time bomb, when all else fails, he will threaten to declare war on any countries in his way.


Some find resolutions a little too funny

What even.......


All smiles at the social!

All hyped up at the social

We'll leave it to Ingmar himself to do it best


(L-R): Shaun Tay, Laura Goh, Nisa Suhaimy, Regina Tan, Patrick Ong

Our Sponsors We would like to thank our

Gold Tier Sponsor

Institute of Southeast Asian Studies

We would also like to thank our

Silver Tier Sponsor

Lee Foundation

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