2015 Smurti Employee Handbook

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Introduction Welcome Note Contact Information Acknowledgment Receipt: Employee Relations Guidelines, Policies and Procedures Manual Brand Promise, Mission, and Vision

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Employee Relations Teamwork Theft, Language, and Threats Rules of Conduct Disclaimer Harassment Discrimination Conflict Resolution Off Duty Guideline

6 6 6 7 8 9 9

Policies Warnings, Discipline and Termination for Cause Grievance Procedures Attendance & Tardiness Uniform Standards Break Standards Personal Phone Calls Technology Resources Use Policy Violence in the Work Place Prevention No Smoking Policy Pay Policy & Payroll Calendar Federal & State Labor Laws

10 11 12-14 15-18 19 20 21-27 28-29 30 31-32 33-49

Mandatory Forms Forms W-4 I-9 New Health Insurance Market Place Coverage Employee Direct Deposit Enrollment Form Consent Forms Previous Employment Criminal Background Check, Driver’s History Check, Credit Check Employment Check, Education Check and References Check Drug Test Screening

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Introduction Smurti Corporation is a food service management company, managing food service locations at various campuses and cafeterias. Depending on the type of location or client, Smurti may be doing business as: Campuscafe (College Locations) Nutriservices (Daycare and Community centers) One Stop (Government Buildings & Courthouses) R U ServSafe (Servsafe Training Center) U Catering (Catering Division) Smurti (Corporate Office)

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Welcome to Smurti! Thanks for applying to join the Smurti Team. Before you complete this application, we want you to know a little bit about working at Smurti. As a successful team member, you will learn valuable job skills including:      

Technical skills (cooking, cashiering) Customer service skills (selling, problem solving) Social skills (communication, working with others) Business Knowledge (inventory, store operations) Organization and planning (time management) Responsibility (supervising, developing others)

As a Smurti team member, your most important job will be to satisfy Smurti guests. We satisfy guests by providing:  Fast Service: Our guests expect to receive their food quickly  Accurate Service: Our guests expect to receive exactly the items they order, served in the correct packaging  Clean Surroundings: Our guests like to buy their food in a clean, comfortable food service area  Temperature and Quality: Our guests want hot food served hot and cold food served cold. They expect orders to be presented neatly, with the correct portions of ingredients in each item.  Service: Our guests expect friendly, Courteous service. A smile and friendly greeting will encourage them to return to Smurti again and again.

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Contact Information CEO

Manoj Barot

MS (Foods & Nutrition) Mphil (Health Science)

Director of Operations

Rahul Patel

BA Finance, MBA

Area Manager

Karen Clark

AD in Culinary Arts CACFP Certified Child Nutrition Certified

Human Resources & Payroll

Olga Stewing

Support System

Raj Patel

Area Manager

Joe Yim

Area Manager

Chang Choi

BE Electrical Engineering

Area Manager

Shawn Lee

BA Hospitality

BA Mathematics

All correspondences regarding human resource information should be sent to the following: Attn. Human Resources, Smurti Corporation 2312 Peachford Rd Suite C Dunwoody, GA 30338 hr@smurti.com 770.783.2302 Page | 3

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Acknowledgment Receipt Employee Relations Guidelines, Policies and Procedures Manual I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Employee Relations Guidelines, Policies and Procedures Manual which describes important information about Smurti Corporation, and understand that I should consult the Human Resource Department if I have questions. I have entered into employment with Smurti Corporation voluntarily and acknowledge that it is for no specified length of time. Accordingly, either I or Smurti Corporation may terminate the relationship at will, with or without cause, at any time, for any reason or no reason. I understand that neither this manual nor any other Smurti Corporation policy, practice or procedure is intended to provide any contractual obligations related to continued employment, compensation or employment contract. Since the information, policies and benefits described here are necessarily subject to change, I acknowledge that revisions to the Manual may occur, except to Smurti Corporation policy of employmentat-will. I understand that Smurti Corporation may change, modify, suspend, interpret or cancel, in whole or part, any of the published or unpublished personnel policies or practices, with or without notice, at its sole discretion, without giving cause or justification to any employee. Such revised information may supersede, modify or eliminate existing policies. The Smurti Corporation appointed human resource officers shall have sole authority to add, delete or adopt revisions to the policies in this Manual. Any written or oral statement by a supervisor or department director contrary to the personnel policy manual is invalid and should not be relied upon by any employee. I understand and agree that I will read and comply with the policies contained in this Manual and any revisions, am bound by the provisions contained therein, and that my continued employment is contingent on following those policies. ___________________________________ Employee Name (Printed) ___________________________________ Employee Signature ____________________________ Date

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Smurti Brand Promise Mission Statement: Our mission is to make Smurti your preferred service management partner in all channels by delivering exceptional, trendy, innovative, and high value culinary services and provide guest experiences by consistently fulfilling our brand promise “It’s all about U”

Our Vision: To be that proud company which will fulfill its brand promise “It’s all about U,” at all levels and for those who come in its contact.

Our Core Mission for Our Clients: 

Provide quality, variety, nutrition and value dining services that meet the needs of our diverse clientele, promote healthy eating and a wellness life style.

Provide comprehensive and integrated dining services that increase student, faculty, staff, guests and visitors’ satisfaction and participation.

Provide quality dining services in compliance with appropriate safety, environmental health, sanitation and local, state and federal regulations. We make every effort to ensure that all foods and products are consistently prepared and served in accordance with recipes, portioning, cooking and serving standards.

Provide friendly, responsive, efficient, customer service for all customers.

Create a stimulating dining environment, and support the needs of your dining service in an appealing and well-maintained environment.

Foster nutrition education and healthful dining programs; and promote optimal personal wellness based on the vitalistic philosophy our diverse clientele.

Provide a flexible, creative, and tiered catering program that meet the client’s need for upscale, student group, as well as casual events.

Develop dining venues and menus that promote interaction and create a sense of Community.

Promote meaningful sustainable products, policies and programs to create a healthier planet.

Identify, develop and support dining venues and concepts, keeping in mind the clientele’s master plan, mission and vision.

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Employee Relations

Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishment toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. Philosophy We can believe in treating our guests and each other with respect, practicing open communication and creating and enriching work and dining environment for all.

Every job is important If an employee will not perform any job last of him or her, that individual must reconsider whether or not they belong there on our team.  The goal of dining service is that everyone works together as a team. Adopting this attitude ensures every person success  Dining service depends on everyone's cooperation and friendly disposition.  We are colleagues and appreciate mutual respect. Dining services is committed to providing a safe environment for both our employees and our customers. In addition to safety from physical hazards we have rules of conduct to assure a work environment that is emotionally gratifying, financially rewarding and vocationally satisfying for all.

Theft: The definition of theft is the wrongful taking and carrying away of goods or property of another. Any item taken from the dining center or consumed in the dining center that has not been paid for is considered theft. This applies to anything from an empty pickle bucket to a computer. Theft may be a discipline issue punishable up to and including termination and/or prosecution.

Language: Offensive language can be profanity or corrosive language that may be harmful to one person but not someone else. The diversity of our work please requires that all employees remain sensitive and considerate of all people they come into contact with. Profanity and/or intimidation language will not be tolerated.

Threats: Any employee who states an intention or determination to inflict injury or other negative action toward another person or business will be considered "serious" in their threat. Threatening behavior intended to harm, or intimidate a fellow employee or customer will not be tolerated and may be punishable by discipline up to and including termination.

While on the job, any violation of our rules of conduct may result in discipline up to and including discharge. Page | 6

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Human Resources Let’s work together www.smurti.com Smurti has a zero tolerance for Harassment. In order to prevent and respond to such conduct, university employees and representatives will: Work to prevent discriminatory acts from occurring through policies, statements, educational programs and courses, awareness-raising efforts, and training programs; Actively work to promote a campus climate and work environment that is open to and welcomes all persons; Promptly and clearly speak out against such actions when they occur; Model the type of civilized and respectful behavior that is expected of all persons employed by Smurti (e.g., supervisor to employee, coworker to co-worker, dean and chair to faculty, advisor to student leader student leader to student, student to guest); Resolve disputes and misunderstandings in a respectful and open manner befitting a university, through the use of discourse, mediation, and education where appropriate; Routinely record and publicize, within legal guidelines and with respect for privacy and confidentiality, all reported incidents of discrimination and harassment on the campus and at university-sponsored activities and facilities.

Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment is defined as: sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work.

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Human Resources Let’s work together www.smurti.com Discrimination: Smurti policy prohibits behavior based on another's status that has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. Status refers to age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Harassment and intimidation can impede an individual’s ability to participate fully at the work place. Acts of discrimination, harassment and insensitivity hurt and degrade all members of the campus community whether victim, perpetrator, or observer. Every member of Smurti is responsible for creating and maintaining a climate free of discriminatory harassment.

Complaints of Discrimination: All members of Smurti may raise complaints with the supervisor, Human Resources. To initiate a complaint, employees, applicants, and other members of Smurti may make an appointment to meet with Human Resources. lf the problem cannot be resolved informally, a formal complaint may be filed. HR will guide the individual through the procedures of filing a formal complaint.

Retaliations and False Accusations: An individual filing a complaint or grievance in good faith shall not be subject to retaliatory action. An individual found to have knowingly and intentionally filed a false complaint or grievance will be subject to disciplinary action.

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Human Resources Let’s work together www.smurti.com Conflict Resolution: When a person is passionate about something they may say or do things that, on the surface appear to be unkind or insensitive. As a result, conflicts can and will arise in a work situation. In dining services we are passionate about our food, our customer service and our skills and abilities. We have tools to avoid conflict, but if you find yourself in a conflict with a fellow employee or customer, our sincere desire is that you will be able to use all of these tools to avoid or resolve conflicts as quickly as possible. Conflict resolution will only occur when the underlying reason for the conflict is removed in there are no lingering conditions or antagonisms left to rekindle the conflict in the future. I'm doing a conflict should be resolved between the two parties involved in the location that is removed from any activity. A private office or quiet corner is the best choice. If the conflict cannot be resolved between the two parties then the supervisor should mediate. The rule of the supervisor radiator is to facilitate the flow of communication between the parties involved, not to take sides.

OFF DUTY EMPLOYEES ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DISTURB ON DUTY EMPLOYEES. Permission to come into the dining centers is granted, but not to linger and disrupt working employees.

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Warnings, Discipline and Termination For Cause Certain standards of performance and conduct must be maintained in any work group. These standards include the ability to adequately perform the duties of the job, appropriate attitude and professional behavior. Generally, these standards are recognized and observed by our employees without any need for action by the supervisor or Department Head. When an employee does not observe these standards, counseling or an informal reminder by a supervisor normally results in improvement. When an employee does not respond, more formal action may be necessary as follows: Ordinarily, employees receive a letter of warning before they are disciplined or discharged for cause. This letter shall outline how the employee has failed to meet required standards. The letter shall advise the employee of the possible consequences of continued substandard performance or conduct. A copy of this letter will be filed with the Human Resources Office. Disciplinary action may be taken without prior warning if immediate action is warranted. Included in any letter of warning will be a specific period of time that the employee will be given to improve his or her performance and conform to the required standards. At the conclusion of this period, there will be a review of the employee's performance with the Department Head. If performance is still unsatisfactory, the employee may be disciplined or dismissed. If termination for cause is required, two weeks’ notice of dismissal normally will be given, but this period may be reduced or waived in extreme cases. Discharge without prior warning may be justified for very serious offenses. These include but are not limited to theft, dishonesty, and conviction of a felony, willful damage of property, willful harm to an employee or similar offenses at the place of work or at client’s location or to the any of the client’s employees. Smurti Corporation is food service Management Company providing its services at Client’s location and Smurti and its employees are subject to following the policies of client. Nothing in this section should be construed to alter the Smurti Corporation’s right to terminate an employee at will at any time.

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Grievance Procedures for Work Related Problems/Conditions A grievance is a work-related problem or condition that an employee believes to be unfair or inequitable. It is hoped that any such grievance will be settled informally in conversation between the employee and the Supervisor, Area manager, District manager or appointed Human Resource Services or Chief Operating Officers of the company (depending on the individuals involved). If informal methods do not resolve the problem, employees have the right to initiate formal grievance procedures. Complaints against any employee should be brought to the Human Resource Services or Area Manager or District Manager complaints against any colleague should be brought to your supervisor first. If requested, Human Resource Services or Area manager or District manager will provide guidance for employee in bringing complaints against other employee members. Grievance procedures will include written filing of the grievance, notification of and discussion with all persons involved, notification of dates and investigation processes if necessary, orderly presentation of evidence, and written notification of the grievance resolution. Decisions about complaints against employee will be made by the immediate supervisor, decision against supervisors or any seniors members will be made by the Human Resource Services, Area Manager or District Manager of the company. Complaints against the Human Resource Services, Area Manager or District Manager of the company may be brought to the Chief Operating or Administration officers and the investigation and decision will be made by him/her. Appeals shall be directed to the President or to the President's designated representative(s) of the company.

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Attendance & Tardiness Policy It is the responsibility of Smurti Corporation to provide excellent food service to its customer and clients. We need to do our best to provide the quality of service that they deserve and have come to expect. Every Smurti Corporation employee is an important part of our team and when ONE team member is absent or tardy for work the rest of the team must work even harder to take that person’s place. This is not fair to your fellow coworkers, nor is it fair to our customer, who may receive less than our best, as a result of your absence or tardy. Therefore, understand that your attendance is a very important part of business and the following attendance policy has been established to reflect what is expected: 1. All employees are to work the hours they are scheduled, unless their schedule is amended by management. 2. Employees are to punch in at their scheduled time, in proper uniform, and ready to work. Violation of this policy will be counted as a tardy. (0.5 occurrence) 3. All employees must request time off for things such as; doctor’s visits, appointments, personal situations, and anything else that would result in the need to be off of work at a specific date and time. These requests must be presented at least 10 days in advance of the requested date and in writing by using the Request for Time Off module on your employee page. Every effort will be made to allow excused absences for this requested time off. However, business needs may require that the “time off” cannot be granted. This is solely the decision of management and should a request be denied and the employee fails to report to work on that requested date, it will be counted as an attendance violation or occurrence. (1 occurrence) 4. The Call Out Procedure is: Any employee that will not be able to work that day’s scheduled shift, must call into management four (4) hours before the start time of that shift. If no one is available to take your call, you must leave a message in clear speaking voice, identifying yourself by first and last name and a phone number where you can be reached. If you had to leave a message, you must call back during the time for your scheduled shift and speak with a manager. Failure to follow the call out procedure will be counted as an occurrence. (1 occurrence) A call out utilizing the proper call out procedure will be calculated as a partial occurrence. (0.5 occurrence) Page | 12

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Attendance & Tardiness Policy Cont. 5. Failure to report to work for a scheduled shift or to notify management that you CANNOT work your scheduled hours is considered a No Call/No Show. Three (3) No Call/ No Show in any 365 day period will result in termination. These days do not have to be consecutive. However, three (3) consecutive work days recorded as No Call/ No Show’s will be considered a voluntary resignation and will be recorded as job abandonment. Each NC/NS will result in Disciplinary Action Notice. 6. Only YOU the employee, can call to report your absence, unless in the case of an emergency where you are physically unable to do so. Calls made by anyone other than you will not be accepted and recorded as a No Call/ No Show. This attendance violation will also be counted as an occurrence. (1 occurrence). 7. We reserve the right to require a medical excuse from your Physician or health care professional for any absence. Such documentation will be required when you are absent for three (3) or more consecutive scheduled shifts. 8. If something unexpected comes up and you realize that you are going to be tardy for work, contact your manger or supervisor as soon as you possibly can. Although your tardiness will be counted as a partial occurrence (0.5 occurrences) this courtesy will be appreciated by the rest of the team. It is our policy to count all occurrence and partial occurrence that have resulted from your absence or tardy. The following information and tables will define how these occurrences are counted towards your employment. -


All Call-outs will be considered an occurrence regardless of the nature of the absence. However some situation may be deemed excused by your unit manager on a case to case basis. Here are a few examples of situation that may be considered excused: o In the event of an emergency o A doctor note is provided as a partial occurrence. (0.5 Occurrence) All instance of tardy will be calculated as a partial occurrence. (0.5 Occurrence)

An occurrence of tardy may include, but are not limited to the following reasons. Employee arrives at work station later than scheduled time, late back from rest break and/or taking longer than the approved break.

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Attendance & Tardiness Policy Cont. All occurrences will be recorded and counted together based on the following tables. If employed less than 90 days: 1 Occurrence within a 90 day period 3 Constructive Disciplinary Action Form within a 90 day period 2 NC/NS within a 90 day period If employed more than 90 days: 3 occurrences within ANY 365 period 3 Constructive Disciplinary Action Form within a 90 day period 3 NC/NS within ANY 365 day period

Equals Equals

Disciplinary Action Form Termination



Equals Equals

Disciplinary Action Form Termination



At your request, attendance counseling's caused by serious personal or family illness/situations may warrant review by your General Manger. The G.M. has the authority to grant exceptions to the above attendance policy on a case to case basis.

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Uniform Standards Cleanliness: It is very important to project a clean and neat appearance at all times. This starts with the employee since appearance impacts our guests’ overall perception of Smurti Corporation. Basic personal hygiene should be practiced daily. Note: Culinary (Food Handling) Personnel are required to adhere to the following: 1. No jewelry can be worn with the exception of a single smoothed surfaced wedding band. 2. No fake or painful fingernails. Nails must not be long and must be neatly trimmed. 3. Hair must be off the collar or a hair net must be worn.

Uniform: Employees are required to wear a clean company logoed visor/hat, company logoed t-shirt/polo shirt/apron. Appropriate work clothing should also be worn. (See the Uniform requirements for each position) Leather shoes that are closed toe and heel with non-slip soles are required at all times. - A uniform with company logoed visor/hat, company logoed t-shirt/polo shirt/apron will be provided. - Employees are responsible for maintaining clean uniforms at all times. - All employees are required to purchase their uniform at the beginning of employment. The cost of the uniforms in $25 per employee. This amount would be deducted from your first paycheck. - If an issued uniform item becomes soiled or damaged due to normal work related wear and tear, employees may return it for a replacement. - Additional or replacement uniform shirts may be purchased for the cost of the shirt.

Management reserves the following rights: -

To send an employee home if they are inappropriately dressed. To prohibit the employee from working until they return properly dressed and to not pay them during their absence. - To allow or require exception for unit-specific events based on individual situations.

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Uniform Standards Cont. Smurti Corporation Uniform Standards: The nature of our work at Smurti often requires we work closely with our customers. Because we are committed to presenting to our customers and clients a clean and professional appearance that we take pride in, it is important that all our associates observe the following guidelines:

Uniform Standards for general Smurti employees - Issued company logoed visor/hat worn on head with bill positioned over eyes. - Issued company logoed T-shirt and chef coat if applicable. - Issued nametag with logo worn over left side of uniform shirt approximately 4-6 inches below the collar. - Black pants free from rips, tears, and stains (employee must purchase). No Black jeans, sweatpants or shorts are allowed. - Black belt, if worn (optional) - Issued black apron with company logo - Black slip resistant leather shoes, closed toe and heel (employee must purchase)

Uniform standards for Retail Platforms Note: If retail store does not provide any of the issued items, the employee will wear the Smurti uniform standard listed above. - Issued retail logoed visor worn on head with bill positioned over eyes. - Issued retail T-Shirt. - Issued nametag with logo worn over left side of uniform shirt approximately 4-6 inches below the collar. - Black pants free from rips, tears, and stains employee must purchase). No Black jeans, sweatpants or shorts are allowed. - Black belt, if worn (optional). - Issued black apron with retail logo. - Black slip resistant leather shoes, closed toe and heel.

Uniform Standard for Culinarians - Issued chef skull cap. - Issued Logoed Chefs Jacket. - Issued nametag with company logo worn over left side of chef's jacket approximately 4-6 inches below collar. - Black chef’s pants free from rips, tears, and stains (employee must purchase). No Black jeans, sweatpants or shorts are allowed. - Black belt, if worn (optional). - Issued black apron with company logo. - Black slip resistant leather shoes, closed toe and heel (employee must purchase). Page | 16

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Uniform Standards Cont. Uniform Standard for Managers      

Issued black visor/hat worn on head with bill positioned over eyes. Issued logoed polo shirt/T-shirt. Issued nametag with logo worn over left side of uniform shirt approximately 4-6 inches below the collar. Black pants free from rips, tears, and stains (employee must purchase). No Black jeans, sweatpants or shorts are allowed. Black belt, if worn (optional). Black slip resistant leather shoes, closed toe and heel (employee must purchase).

Jewelry (Prohibited)         

Watches Bracelets Earrings (All kinds loop, studs, etc.) Nose ring (All kinds loop, studs, etc.) Lip Rings (All kinds loop, studs, etc.) Engagement Rings Necklaces Fake fingernails Painted fingernails

Personal Hygiene (Mandatory)     

Staff will be required to shower daily and use deodorant. Male staff will be required to shave daily. Staff should practice daily oral hygiene. Staff will be required to keep fingernails short. Females will not be allowed to wear fingernail polish or fake nails. Long hair should be put up under hats or braided or somehow restrained in a hair net.

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Uniform Standards Cont. General Uniform Requirements: Staff will be required to wear pants/trousers as intended around our waist. In the even females elect to wear a skirt, hose will be required. Females will be required to wear brassieres while on duty. Males choosing to wear under shirts must be white and free from emblems, slogans, and logos. An associate whose appearance does not meet these guidelines will be given a warning by their supervisor; if the problem is not corrected by the associate’s next shift he/she will be sent home without pay. If an associate elects not to conform to the set uniform guide lines he/she will be subject to progressive forms of disciplinary action up to and including job dismissal. You will also be required to maintain your uniform in excellent condition. All uniforms must be cleaned, pressed, and mended with the same color thread.

Uniform and Shoes Agreement: I understand that I am responsible for the uniform I have been given. I also understand that I will have to buy my uniform and shall be responsible for them. I understand that safety shoes must be worn at all times while at work. These shoes must be approved slip- resistant closed toe and heel, and made of leather.

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Break Standards “Neither the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) nor Georgia law require breaks or meal periods be given to workers. However, many employers do provide breaks and meal periods. Breaks of short duration (from 5 to 20 minutes) are common. The FLSA requires workers be paid for short break periods; however an employer does not have to compensate for meal periods of thirty minutes or more, as long as the workers are free to use the meal period time as they wish and are not required to perform work during that time” – as stated on the Georgia Department of Labor Website Management will make every effort to provide breaks intermittently during your shift. Sometimes, no matter how we try, the business pace prohibits us from allowing breaks. Employees are not permitted to leave their work station during their active work shift without permission from the manager or supervisor on duty. If they are given permission to leave their work area, they must notify that same person upon returning. Employees are not permitted to leave their unit during a rest break and may be asked to return to their work station early. Rest breaks may not be combined or added to your meal period.

Meal Breaks Meal breaks will be approved by the manager or supervisor on duty at some point during or immediately after your scheduled shift. During busy periods, break schedules may need to be changed and/or missed entirely. We will all need to be flexible to the needs of our customer. You cooperation will be greatly appreciated. Below are some Meal Break Guidelines: -


Only employees working for more than 6 hours in a row are entitled. Employees must stay within the designated break areas. Employees may not leave their unit during a meal break; unless approved by management. It is the employee’s responsibility to punch out for meal breaks and punch in; However, before punching out for a meal break you must check with the manager or supervisor on duty and notify that same report upon returning. Breaks may not be combined, saved up or used to leave work early without permission from your Manager.

Smokers are not entitled to smoke breaks.

Break Standard Agreement: I understand and agree to fully comply with the above policy. Page | 19

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Personal Phone Calls and Cell Phone Policy Cell Phones and all other electronic devices are not allowed in duty areas and when punched in for work except for those carried by management employees or their designated support staff who must routinely use cell phones for business purpose. Cell phones and all other electronic devices must be stored with other personal belongings during working hours. The use of cell phones during work time and business phone for personal calls, without permission may result in disciplinary action form, up to and including termination of employment. Smurti employees should never use cell phones while driving motor vehicles on duty, while conducting non- phone customer interactions or for personal phone calls while on duty.

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Technology Resources Use Policy Policy restricting personal use of employer’s computers and systems

Purpose: 

To remain competitive, better serve our customers and provide our employees with the best tools to do their jobs, Smurti Corporation makes available to our workforce access to one or more forms of electronic media and services, including but not limited to: computers, software, printers, copiers, files, databases, cellular phone, pager, email, telephones, voicemail, fax machines, external electronic bulletin boards, wire services, online services, intranet, Internet and the World Wide Web. Smurti Corporation encourages the use of these media and associated services because they can make communication more efficient and effective and because they are valuable sources of information about vendors, customers, technology, and new products and services. However, all employees and everyone connected with the organization should remember that electronic media and services provided by the company are company property and their purpose is to facilitate and support company business. All computer users have the responsibility to use these resources in a professional, ethical, and lawful manner. To ensure that all employees are responsible, the following guidelines have been established for using email and the Internet. No policy can lay down rules to cover every possible situation. Instead, it is designed to express Smurti Corporation philosophy and set forth general principles when using electronic media and services.

Authorization: Access to the Smurti Corporation technology resources is within the sole discretion of the Company. Generally, employees are given access to the Company's various technologies based on their job functions. Only employees whose job performance will benefit from the use of the Company's technology resources will be given access to the necessary technology. Additionally, employees must successfully complete company-approved training before being given access to the Smurti Corporation technology resources.

Prohibited Communications: Electronic media cannot be used for knowingly copying, transmitting, retrieving, or storing any communication that is:

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Technology Resources Use Policy Cont.  

Discriminatory or harassing Derogatory to any individual or group

  

Obscene, sexually explicit, pornographic, defamatory or threatening In violation of any license governing the use of software Engaged in for any purpose that is illegal or contrary to Smurti Corporation policy or in a manner contrary to the best interests of the Company, in any way that discloses confidential or proprietary information of the Company or third parties, or for personal or pecuniary gain Protected by copyrights laws unless the employee has the author's permission or is accessing a single copy only for the employee's reference.

Professional Considerations: It is important to maintain a proper spirit and tone to your communications over the system. The following guidelines are suggested:  Make your communications positive, constructive, complete, factual.  Don’t write when angry and edit before sending.  Be careful with humor.  Always avoid sarcastic humor.  Never use all caps – that is perceived as “SHOUTING!”  Avoid belaboring disagreements in email – there is a time for face-to-face meetings.  Always guide your recipient in responding by stating what you need and by when.  Pay attention to grammar and spelling, both to protect your own reputation and intelligence, and to avoid irritating your recipients who are distracted by careless mistakes.

Personal Use: The computers, electronic media and services provided by Smurti Corporation are primarily for business use to assist employees in the performance of their jobs. As long as personal use does not interfere with the employee's duties, is not done for pecuniary gain, does not conflict with the Company's business, and does not violate any Company policy, occasional, or incidental use of electronic media (sending or receiving) for personal, non-business purposes is understandable and acceptable, and all such use should be done in a manner that does not negatively affect the systems' use for their business purposes. However, employees are expected to demonstrate a sense of responsibility and not abuse this privilege.

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Technology Resources Use Policy Cont. The Company assumes no liability for loss, damage, destruction, alteration, disclosure, or misuse of any personal data or communications transmitted over or stored on the Company's technology resources. The Company accepts no responsibility or liability for the loss or non-delivery of any personal electronic mail or voicemail communications or any personal data stored on any Company property. The Company strongly discourages employees from storing any personal data on any of the Company's technology resources.

Access to Employee Communications: Generally, electronic information created and/or communicated by an employee using email, word processing, utility programs, spreadsheets, voicemail, telephones, Internet and bulletin board system access, and similar electronic media is not reviewed by the company. However, the following conditions should be noted: Smurti Corporation routinely gathers logs for most electronic activities or monitor employee communications directly, be it:  Telephone Use and Voicemail: Records are kept of all calls made from and to a given telephone extension. Although voicemail is password protected, an authorized administrator can reset the password and listen to voicemail messages.  Electronic Mail: Electronic mail is backed-up and archived. Although electronic mail is password protected, an authorized administrator can reset the password and read electronic mail.  Desktop Facsimile Use: Copies of all facsimile transmissions sent and received are maintained in the facsimile server.  Document Use: Each document stored on Company computers has a history, which shows which users have accessed the document for any purpose.  Internet Use: Internet sites visited, the number of times visited, and the total time connected to each site is recorded and periodically monitored. Smurti Corporation reserves the right, at its discretion and without notice, to review any employee's electronic files and messages to the extent necessary to ensure electronic media and services are being used in compliance with the law, this policy and other company policies, or to investigate misconduct, to locate information, or for any other business purpose. Employees should understand, therefore, that they have no right of privacy with respect to any messages or information created or maintained on the Company's technology resources, including personal information or messages. Accordingly, if they have sensitive information to transmit, they should use other means. Page | 23

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Technology Resources Use Policy Cont. All messages sent and received, including personal messages, and all data and information stored on the Company's electronic-mail system, voicemail system, or computer systems are Company property regardless of the content. As such, the Company reserves the right to access all of its technology resources including its computers, voicemail, and electronic-mail systems, at any time, in its sole discretion. Passwords do not confer any right of privacy upon any employee of the Company. Employees are expected to maintain their passwords as confidential. Employees must not share passwords and must not access coworkers' systems without express authorization. Deleting or erasing information, documents, or messages maintained on the Company's technology resources is, in most cases, ineffective. All employees should understand that any information kept on the Company's technology resources may be electronically recalled or recreated regardless of whether it may have been "deleted" or "erased" by an employee. Because the Company periodically backs-up all files and messages, and because of the way in which computers re-use file storage space, files and messages may exist that are thought to have been deleted or erased. Therefore, employees who delete or erase information or messages should not assume that such information or messages are confidential.

The Internet And On-Line Services: The Company provides authorized employees access to on-line services such as the Internet. The Company expects that employees will use these services in a responsible way and for business-related purposes only. Under no circumstances are employees permitted to use the Company's Technology Resources to access, download, or contribute to the following:         

Gross, indecent, or sexually-oriented materials Sports sites Job-search sites Entertainment sites Gambling sites Games, humor Illegal drug-oriented sites Personal pages of individuals Politically-oriented sites or sites devoted to influencing the course of legislation or public policy

Additionally, employees must not sign "guest books" at Websites or post messages to Internet news groups or discussion groups at Websites. These actions will generate junk electronic mail and may expose the Company to liability or unwanted attention because of comments that employees may make. The Company strongly encourages employees who wish to access the Internet for non-work-related activities to get their own personal Internet access accounts. Page | 24

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Technology Resources Use Policy Cont. Participation in Online Forums:  

Employees should remember that any messages or information sent on company-provided facilities to one or more individuals via an electronic network – for example, Internet mailing lists, bulletin boards, and online services – are statements identifiable and attributable to Smurti Corporation. Smurti Corporation recognizes that participation in some forums might be important to the performance of an employee's job. For instance, an employee might find the answer to a technical problem by consulting members of a news group devoted to the technical area.

Software: To prevent computer viruses from being transmitted through the company's computer system, unauthorized downloading of any unauthorized software is strictly prohibited. Only software registered through Smurti Corporation may be downloaded. No employee may load any software on the Company's computers, by any means of transmission, unless authorized in advance Smurti Corporation’s system administrator.

Security/Appropriate Use: 

   

Employees must respect the confidentiality of other individuals' electronic communications. Except in cases in which explicit authorization has been granted by company management, employees are prohibited from engaging in, or attempting to engage in: o Monitoring or intercepting the files or electronic communications of other employees or third parties o Hacking or obtaining access to systems or accounts they are not authorized to use o Using other people's log-ins or passwords o Breaching, testing, or monitoring computer or network security measures No email or other electronic communications can be sent that attempt to hide the identity of the sender or represent the sender as someone else. Electronic media and services should not be used in a manner that is likely to cause network congestion or significantly hamper the ability of other people to access and use the system. Anyone obtaining electronic access to other companies' or individuals' materials must respect all copyrights and cannot copy, retrieve, modify or forward copyrighted materials except as permitted by the copyright owner. The Company has installed a variety of programs and devices to ensure the safety and security of the Company's technology resources. Any employee found tampering or disabling any of the Company's security devices will be subject to discipline up to and including termination.

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Technology Resources Use Policy Cont. Encryption: Employees can use encryption software supplied to them by the systems administrator for purposes of safeguarding sensitive or confidential business information. Employees who use encryption on files stored on a company computer must provide their supervisor with a sealed hard copy record (to be retained in a secure location) of all of the passwords and/or encryption keys necessary to access the files.

Confidential Information: The Company is very sensitive to the issue of protection of trade secrets and other confidential and proprietary information of both the Company and third parties ("Confidential Information"). Therefore, employees are expected to use good judgment and to adhere to the highest ethical standards when using or transmitting Confidential Information on the Company's technology resources. Confidential Information should not be accessed through the Company's technology resources in the presence of unauthorized individuals. Similarly, Confidential Information should not be left visible or unattended. Moreover, any Confidential Information transmitted via technology resources should be marked with the following confidentiality legend: "This message contains confidential information. Unless you are the addressee (or authorized to receive for the addressee), you may not copy, use, or distribute this information. If you have received this message in error, please advise immediately at hr@smurti.com or return it promptly by mail."

Violations: Any employee who abuses the privilege of their access to email or the Internet in violation of this policy will be subject to corrective action, including possible termination of employment, legal action, and criminal liability.

Procedures: Procedures for accessing the Voicemail, Email and Internet system, as well as the guidelines for how to properly send and retain information, may be obtained by contacting your supervisor or by contacting Human Resources. The Voicemail/Email/Internet policies and procedures should be reviewed by each employee on a semiannual basis. Questions concerning the use of the Voicemail/Email/Internet system should be directed to the systems administrator. Questions concerning the improper use of the system should be directed to the employee’s immediate supervisor, and if not satisfied with the response, to the systems administrator. Page | 26

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Technology Resources Use Policy Cont. Employee Agreement on Use of Email and the Internet: I have read, understand, and agree to comply with the foregoing policies, rules, and conditions governing the use of the Company's computer and telecommunications equipment and services. I understand that I have no expectation of privacy when I use any of the telecommunication equipment or services. I am aware that violations of this guideline on appropriate use of the email and Internet systems may subject me to disciplinary action, including termination from employment, legal action and criminal liability. I further understand that my use of the email and Internet may reflect on the image of Smurti Corporation to our customers, competitors and suppliers and that I have responsibility to maintain a positive representation of the company. Furthermore, I understand that this policy can be amended at any time.

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Violence In the Workplace Prevention Policy This company has a policy of zero tolerance for violence. If you engage in any violence in the workplace or threaten violence in the workplace, your employment will be terminated immediately for cause. No talk of violence or joking about violence will be tolerated. Violence includes physically harming another, shoving, pushing, harassing, intimidating, coercing, brandishing weapons, and threatening or talking of engaging in those activities. It is the intent of this policy to ensure that everyone associated with this business, including employees and customers, never feels threatened by any employee’s actions or conduct.

Workplace Security Measures: In an effort to fulfill this commitment to a safe work environment for employees, customers, and visitors, a few simple rules have been created. These are:  Access to the company’s property is limited to those with a legitimate business interest  All employees and employee vehicles entering the property must display company identification  All visitors and visitor vehicles must register and display identification while on property

All Weapons Banned: The company specifically prohibits the possession of weapons by any employee while on company property. This ban includes keeping or transporting a weapon in a vehicle in a parking area, whether public or private. Employees are also prohibited from carrying a weapon while performing services off the company’s business premises. Weapons include guns, knives, explosives, and other items with the potential to inflict harm. Appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination, will be taken against any employee who violates this policy.

Inspections: Desk, telephones, and computers are the property of the business. We reserve the right to enter or inspect your work area including, but not limited to, desks and computer storage disks, with or without notice.

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Violence In the Workplace Prevention Policy Cont. The fax, copier, and mail systems, including email, are intended for business use. Personal business should not be conducted through these systems. Under conditions approved by management, telephone conversations may be monitored and voice mail messages may be retrieved in the process of monitoring customer service. Any private conversations overheard during such monitoring, or private message retrieved, that constitute threats against other individuals can and will be used as the basis for termination for cause.

Reporting Violence: It is everyone’s business to prevent violence in the workplace. You can help by reporting what you see in the workplace that could indicate that a co-worker is in trouble. You are in a better position than management to know what is happening with those you work with. You are encouraged to report any incident they may involve a violation of any of the company’s policies that are designed to provide a comfortable workplace environment. Concerns may be presented to your supervisor. All reports will be investigated and information will be kept confidential.

Incident Management: In the event of a major workplace incident that affects, or has the potential to affect the mental health of our workforce, we will provide initial counseling and support services to you and your immediate family members. As the crisis passes and support systems are put into place for individual affected by the incident, the company will make every effort to return to normal business operations. A reasonable effort will be made to notify employees, customers, stockholders, and other who need to know of the status of business operations directly whenever possible. In cases, where direct contact is not possible or practical, an effort will be made to communicate through the news media and other available resources.

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No Smoking Policy Smoking In the Workplace: Because Smurti is a private building not open to the general public, smoking at Smurti Corporation is not governed by state law or local ordinance. Smurti Corporation does not permit smoking in any of their offices. Employees who share offices must refrain from smoking in the office if any employee in that office objects. Smoking is not allowed inside of the Office; however, smoking is allowed outside, away from the building.

Non-Discrimination: What the employee does outside of working hours and off Smurti Corporation's premises will not be the basis of any disciplinary action by Smurti Corporation. Nor will Smurti Corporation pursue a policy of discharging employees or refusing to hire applicants because they are smokers.

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Pay Policy Every employee of Smurti Corporation is paid bi-weekly on Thursday 2PM 

Employees who are scheduled to work on a pay day shall be issued his/her paycheck only AFTER their shift is over, but not before 2:00 P.M.

No employee shall be permitted to leave his/her work station in order to pick up a pay check.

All checks will be dispersed on Thursday after 2:00 PM with exception.

If an employee’s last scheduled shift before a pay day falls on Thursday, and the employee’s unit is CLOSED on Friday, the employee may receive his/her pay check after the worked shift ends on Thursday.

Allowing another person to pick up your pay check is strongly discouraged. However, if the need arises you must provide us with written authorization to release you check to anyone, and I.D. may be required.

NO EXCEPTIONS should be made to the guidelines listed above!

Please refer to payroll calendar posted at each location or ask your supervisor for specific dates.

Please note that the company will be making payments through direct deposits as mandatory for all employees starting April 1, 2013. Please make necessary arrangements for having a bank account.


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2015 Payroll Calendar

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Overtime Policy Overview/Policy Statement It is Smurti Corporation policy to pay nonexempt employees at the rate of time and onehalf for all time worked in excess of forty hours per week unless state law requires otherwise. Managers should approve overtime only in situations where doing so will be essential to meet established deadlines. Managers and employees are responsible for adherence to company policy. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. For Exempt or Non-exempt status Smurti follows US DOL Fact Sheet #17C: Exemption for Administrative Employees Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Rationale Wage and hour laws require that all nonexempt employees be compensated for overtime worked. Smurti Corporation complies, while striving to limit occurrences, and therefore costs, of overtime. Scope This policy is applicable to non-exempt employees in all the locations of Smurti Corporation. Applying the Policy  All overtime work must receive the manager's prior authorization; Approval to Work Overtime Form. Please see the attached Over Time Approval Form. (Attachment)  In the event Non-exempt employees must have to work over time or off the schedule hours in the event non-exempt employees are supposed to record all hours worked and get it approved by reporting to their supervisor within 24 hours.  Smurti Corporation reserves the right to take disciplinary action for any overtime worked without prior management approval.  Paid or unpaid time away from work is not considered time worked.  When traveling, non-exempt employees may be eligible for overtime pay if the total time worked and traveled, including weekends, exceeds forty hours per week (unless state law requires otherwise). Contact Smurti Corporation HR Service Center for guidance. Page Page || 50 33

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U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division (Revised July 2008)

Fact Sheet #17C: Exemption for Administrative Employees Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) This fact sheet provides general information on the exemption from minimum wage and overtime pay provided by Section 13(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act as defined by Regulations, 29 CFR Part 541. The FLSA requires that most employees in the United States be paid at least the federal minimum wage for all hours worked and overtime pay at time and one-half the regular rate of pay for all hours worked over 40 hours in a workweek. However, Section 13(a)(1) of the FLSA provides an exemption from both minimum wage and overtime pay for employees employed as bona fide executive, administrative, professional and outside sales employees. Section 13(a)(1) and Section 13(a)(17) also exempt certain computer employees. To qualify for exemption, employees generally must meet certain tests regarding their job duties and be paid on a salary basis at not less than $455 per week. Job titles do not determine exempt status. In order for an exemption to apply, an employee’s specific job duties and salary must meet all the requirements of the Department’s regulations. See other fact sheets in this series for more information on the exemptions for executive, professional, computer and outside sales employees, and for more information on the salary basis requirement. Administrative Exemption To qualify for the administrative employee exemption, all of the following tests must be met: • • •

The employee must be compensated on a salary or fee basis (as defined in the regulations) at a rate not less than $455 per week; The employee’s primary duty must be the performance of office or non-manual work directly related to the management or general business operations of the employer or the employer’s customers; and The employee’s primary duty includes the exercise of discretion and independent judgment with respect to matters of significance.

Primary Duty “Primary duty” means the principal, main, major or most important duty that the employee performs. Determination of an employee’s primary duty must be based on all the facts in a particular case, with the major emphasis on the character of the employee’s job as a whole. Directly Related to Management or General Business Operations To meet the “directly related to management or general business operations” requirement, an employee must perform work directly related to assisting with the running or servicing of the business, as distinguished, for example from working on a manufacturing production line or selling a product in a retail or service establishment. Work “directly related to management or general business operations” includes, but is not limited to, work in functional areas such as tax; finance; accounting; budgeting; auditing; insurance; quality control; purchasing; procurement; advertising; marketing; research; safety and health; personnel management; human resources; employee benefits; labor relations; public relations; government relations; computer network, Internet and database administration; legal and regulatory compliance; and similar activities. FS 17C

Employer’s Customers An employee may qualify for the administrative exemption if the employee’s primary duty is the performance of work directly related to the management or general business operations of the employer’s customers. Thus, employees acting as advisors or consultants to their employer’s clients or customers — as tax experts or financial consultants, for example — may be exempt. Discretion and Independent Judgment In general, the exercise of discretion and independent judgment involves the comparison and the evaluation of possible courses of conduct and acting or making a decision after the various possibilities have been considered. The term must be applied in the light of all the facts involved in the employee’s particular employment situation, and implies that the employee has authority to make an independent choice, free from immediate direction or supervision. Factors to consider include, but are not limited to: whether the employee has authority to formulate, affect, interpret, or implement management policies or operating practices; whether the employee carries out major assignments in conducting the operations of the business; whether the employee performs work that affects business operations to a substantial degree; whether the employee has authority to commit the employer in matters that have significant financial impact; whether the employee has authority to waive or deviate from established policies and procedures without prior approval, and other factors set forth in the regulation. The fact that an employee’s decisions are revised or reversed after review does not mean that the employee is not exercising discretion and independent judgment. The exercise of discretion and independent judgment must be more than the use of skill in applying well-established techniques, procedures or specific standards described in manuals or other sources. Matters of Significance The term “matters of significance” refers to the level of importance or consequence of the work performed. An employee does not exercise discretion and independent judgment with respect to matters of significance merely because the employer will experience financial losses if the employee fails to perform the job properly. Similarly, an employee who operates very expensive equipment does not exercise discretion and independent judgment with respect to matters of significance merely because improper performance of the employee’s duties may cause serious financial loss to the employer. Educational Establishments and Administrative Functions The administrative exemption is also available to employees compensated on a salary or fee basis at a rate not less than $455 a week, or on a salary basis which is at least equal to the entrance salary for teachers in the same educational establishment, and whose primary duty is performing administrative functions directly related to academic instruction or training in an educational establishment. Academic administrative functions include operations directly in the field of education, and do not include jobs relating to areas outside the educational field. Employees engaged in academic administrative functions include: the superintendent or other head of an elementary or secondary school system, and any assistants responsible for administration of such matters as curriculum, quality and methods of instructing, measuring and testing the learning potential and achievement of students, establishing and maintaining academic and grading standards, and other aspects of the teaching program; the principal and any vice-principals responsible for the operation of an elementary or secondary school; department heads in institutions of higher education responsible for the various subject matter departments; academic counselors and other employees with similar responsibilities. Having a primary duty of performing administrative functions directly related to academic instruction or training in an educational establishment includes, by its very nature, exercising discretion and independent judgment with respect to matters of significance. Highly Compensated Employees Highly compensated employees performing office or non-manual work and paid total annual compensation of $100,000 or more (which must include at least $455 per week paid on a salary or fee basis) are exempt from the

FLSA if they customarily and regularly perform at least one of the duties of an exempt executive, administrative or professional employee identified in the standard tests for exemption. Where to Obtain Additional Information For additional information, visit our Wage and Hour Division Website: http://www.wagehour.dol.gov and/or call our toll-free information and helpline, available 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in your time zone, 1-8664USWAGE (1-866-487-9243). When the state laws differ from the federal FLSA, an employer must comply with the standard most protective to employees. Links to your state labor department can be found at www.dol.gov/whd/contacts/state_of.htm. This publication is for general information and is not to be considered in the same light as official statements of position contained in the regulations. U.S. Department of Labor Frances Perkins Building 200 Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20210

1-866-4-USWAGE TTY: 1-866-487-9243 Contact Us

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Drug Testing Policy and Consent Form I agree, fully and voluntarily to submit a urinalysis or blood test conducted by the medical professionals selected by this Smurti Corporation dba Campuscafe location, for a drug screen as a condition of my consideration for employment, advancement or promotion. I understand that failing to meet the standards established for this test may result in the disqualiďŹ cation of further consideration for my application. Lastly, I understand that these results will be used only as the basis for an employment decision and will not be shared with any individual or organization outside the company. Additionally, I understand that I may be part of the random drug testing program and that I will be required to pass a drug test to be promoted within the company.

The undersigned represents that he or she has read this information in its entirety and understands it.

Employee Signature


Employee Position


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