Keeble brown proposal

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Proposed By Shiv Mistry

Current Design

Header (company name) should be smaller and attract attention through bold use of colour or minimalistic page furniture such as boxes, lines and sub-menus.

The photoshop filter used on the images for the current website are ‘tacky’ and look unprofessional. It is also unclear why they have been used as the image style does not serve a purpose

Use of thick bold lines and boxes distract from the text within them.

Personally, the website resembles that of a blog and not a professional business website.

Use of various fonts (typefaces) prevents the webiste flowing within a general design.

The displayed information does not carry well with the eye and needs to be organised better.

Alternative Design

Key Points:

The following 6 pages contain examples for a minimalistic design to the current Keeble Brown website. The imagery has been replaced with original photo examples to emphasise client interaction with the website, creating a more visually open and non-restricting user experience. The sub-menus have been centered along with the text and header (Keeble Brown) to keep the attention focused in a specific area and to make the website more approachable and useable. A non-distracting link to Facebook and Twitter has been favoured in the form of the appropriate logos with the intention of linking the user to the Keeble Brown pages on the respected social networking sites.

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