‘Compendium’ is designed to be a labyrinth of brief information concerning the instrumental involvement of Kew’s Herbarium and Fungarium in building the British empire, the lasting influence of geopolitics, and significance of taxonomy.
Compendium noun, plural compendiums, compendia [kuh m-pen-dee-uh] 1. A brief treatment or account of a subject, especially an extensive subject; concise treatise.
Cruickshank, D. Cruickshank on Kew: The Garden That Changed the World. 2009.
Kew’s Herb from an ex having gai and resear to aid in cu again save the rubber after great spearheadi mass produ of rubber. at the Herb in controll warming, y
1. The study or the application of the influence of political and economic geography on the politics, national power, foreign policy, etc., of a state.
The organi storing pla is not dete marketing.
Latin: that which is weighed together. ‘Compendium’ is designed to be a labyrinth of brief information concerning the instrumental involvement of Kew’s Herbarium and Fungarium in building the British empire, the lasting influence of geopolitics, and significance of taxonomy. ‘Compendium’ can be read as a photo-narrative series in three directions. Firstly, as presented to you in numerical or vertical order [1]-[25]. Secondly, in horizontal order. For example; [1], [6], [11], [16] & [21]. The series comprises of five interchangeable sets of five ‘Compendium’ can be read as a photo-narrative images, which in turn can be read individually or as part of series in four directions. Firstly, as presented the Thusyou meaning the grid of images can be read in either rows, columns, or as sets of five images. Of course, in numerical or vertical order [1]-[25]. Secondly, in each images with it’s accompanying captions may stand horizontal order. For example; [1], [6], alone. [11], [16] & [21].
And finally, the series comprises of five interchangeable sets of five images, which in turn can be read individually or as part of the sequence. This would be either; [1], [2], [3], [4], & [5] with image [6] begining a new set to be read individually, or; [1], [6], [11], [16] & [21], with image [26] begining a new set to be read individually. Thus meaning the grid of images can be read in either rows, columns, or as sets of five images. Of course, each image with it’s accompanying captions may also stand alone.
2. The combination of geographic and political factors influencing or delineating a country or region. Country of origin: Germany
The interaction of people with plants & the study of fungi; a division of botany that deals with the utilization of plants.
“There is s malaria wa the UK, th occurring, is contribu Global wa variety of e probably b malaria.”
Welsby, P. present, an
noun [Biology]
Red deman fro classific marketing.
The branch of science concerned with classification, especially of organisms; systematics.
Sir Joseph director of George III, responsible botanical n note after h pride regar
An extensive group of states or countries ruled over by a single monarch, an oligarchy, or a sovereign state.
© 2016 Lisa Richards. All rights reserved.
Kew’s Herbarium was once saved from an extreme cut in funding having gained merit for importing and researching the plant which was to aid in curing Malaria. It was once again saved from a budget cut when the rubber tree was discovered and after great effort imported, thus spearheading the Victorian era mass production and utilization of rubber. Ironically, researchers at the Herbarium play a vital role in controlling the effects of global warming, yet again face budget cuts.
William Thistleton Dyer, former director of Kew.
The British empire nearing the end of the 19th century was reliant on Kew’s discoveries and the importation and cultivation of plants of economic value. Having not yet invented the wardian case, the transportation of such plants was of equal value to the plants themselves. As was the strategical building of Kew’s famous glasshouses, which ranked them above other botanical gardens of a the time and gave them the benefit of the housing the largest collections.
Rubber: the seeds of steam. Prior to the invention of the wardian case rubber seeds were to be transported in mass as the were to be a pinnacle of the empire, however the methods of transportation of the time were inferior and thus creating the need for the speed over quality. Unbelievable quantities of rubber seeds were rushed to Kew using steam boats, steam engines and horse and carriage. Wardian case: a glass-sided airtight case used for growing ferns or other plants indoors or for transporting living plants over long distances.
The organizational system of storing plants and fungi specimens is not deterred nor influenced by marketing.
The Herbaria collections first began to please King George III, and after his death the collections proved instrumental in serving the financial needs of the empire, however since the urgency of collecting has lessened the focus of the Herbarium at present day is on watching vegetation and preventing the extinction of species.
Plants of West Africa, 1996. Of French origin. These specimens are dated over a century after Bank’s day, and the Berlin-Congo Conference, yet speak truths about the unforeseen realization of his futile efforts at creating a botanical network.
Congo Red, often referred to as king of the dyes. A quick domination was in part due to it’s marketing which was to promote images of the ‘Dark Continent’, Africa. It’s ingredients however are found to be 100% or German origin, as well as the company who produces it. This marketing decision was to follow the Berlin-Congo conference in 1884.
“There is strong evidence that malaria was once indigenous to the UK, that global warming is occurring, and that human activity is contributing to global warming. Global warming will have a variety of effects, one of which will probably be the return of indigenous malaria.”
The Victorian age in regards to the botanic empire existed primarily to give power to the empire. How so? Through their wealth of live specimen collections.
The newest wing of the Herbarium is kept at a constant temperature of 15°C to keep away the Herbarium’s current biggest threat, the Herbarium beetle. Not quite the enemy’s of the 1800’s.
Now more than ever there is an influx of specimens, which are vital to the economy and well being of the planet, however the funding for the Herbarium is not as it used to be due to ‘discoveries of the new world’ not being of priority, regardless of all the other research conducted at the Herbarium.
Such wealth in the 21st century means very little.
Welsby, P. Malaria in the UK: past, present, and future. 2004.
Red demands attention, red is used fro classification, red is used for marketing.
‘Kew’s preserved plant and fungal collection is still growing by tens of thousands of specimens each year, which means that every 40 years or so we need more space’
The largest, most widespread, and most taxonomically complex genus in the Zingiberaceae, ginger family of plants. Also known as 89. 22.
The realization of Bank’s vision some 200 years later. Not quite the network of dreams.
Hopper, S. Current director of Kew.
Sir Joseph Banks, the unofficial director of Kew appointed by King George III, was said to have been responsible for the British sense of botanical nationalism after leaving a note after his death proclaiming his pride regarding Kew gardens.
Joseph Banks as described by Robert Hay, the permanent under-secretary at the colonial office. As the Herbarium stands today it depicts a reality beyond the ambitions of Banks.
Imperialism; noun a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means.
The network of botanists, which never amounted to much in Bank’s day, was intended as a compliment to King George III and endeavoured to procure vast and rare plant collections in his honor, however the network did not have a great deal of sucess. Yet, during the Victorian era due to Bank’s prior efforts correspondence between botanical gardens globalized and such formed a version of his visions, only it was to Queen Victoria’s benefit. ‘The Bounty’ is also the name of the ship Bank’s first sent with Captain Bligh on a voyage to deliver breadfruit to feed slaves after a wheat shortage, however the ship was taken as a result of mutiny, due to Bank’s inability to transport the breadfruit properly.
[26] Compendium noun, plural compendiums, compendia [kuh m-pen-dee-uh] 1. A brief treatment or account of a subject, especially an extensive subject; concise treatise. Latin: that which is weighed together.
ŠLisaRichards2016. All images and text are copyright of Lisa Richards unless otherwise specified on pages 64-65. All rights reserved.