__Carlisle __________________________________________________________________________
The reason there’s a lot of heavy transport down here is that Silloth is also a fully working dock. We want a decent- well I’ve never been, I used to take Christine to Silloth market, she used to like to go to the market, it’s no a car boot sale it’s aA market. Yeah. And we used to come and have our dinner in here on our way back. What a nice meal it is, we used to get the beef and the lamb, very good. The village and what not is Abbey town and, obviously, it has an abbey. Well I would think so
Yeah yeah yeah, it’s uh, the abbey is Holme Cultram, you’ll be able to see it before too long here. Wazzocks set fire to it a few years go and burnt it down, and uh, my friend the Arnhem veteran Bob Lee, when he died his funeral was here and it was held in among all the ashes. He made his mind up he was going to get buried at Holme like, you know what I mean, he’s in the church yard there. But um, it’s very very old, it’s one of the oldest in the country, still stood. You know when we say we’re going down the farm?
I travelled this road for, when I worked for Stevens, for about 10/12 years, and I could never understand that people, you used to see cars in the bloody gutter and through the hedge and what not, and it’s on the straightest bit of road you’ve ever come across like, you know.
You’re thinking, what did they do? I think that quite often when you see car accidents. You think, how did you do that? That must have taken a fair bit of being able to even do that.
If Mary and dad come down for a visit, last time they camped down there, because they’re right next to the lake and they can do their fishing. Dad was sat there fishing whilst Mary was making him bacon butties.
There’s an awful lot of cows along here aren’t there?
I took him some crackers and cheese one day and a cup of tea-
Aye, they’re buck shifting, this is the only trouble the road gets bloody greasy and slippery and what notIt’s not greasy and slippery that causes this here, see I mean like this road is here is straight, you can see, you’ll see there’s a bloody fence and what not where they’ve gone through. This coming up here on the right-hand side, there’s like two cottages, this is Shaun’s bit, and he has these sort of vans, LDV’s, he breaks them for bits. So, if you want any spares for it or what not you come to see Shaun. He also sells new spares, a lot bloody cheaper than Leyland down.
-well we were talking about when you go about coming down for a week.
Is that in there? No, no, no, no. On the right-hand side, here, just here coming up, just here coming up. That’s Shaun’s bit.
There’s a lovely little church there. Beautiful.
I had never seen a man fishing sat asleep on the chair, the rod on his hand, he was sound asleep. it’s going to depend on weather, likeThe fish had probably been biting all morning. It is, it is supposed, I watched the weather forecast this morning, it’s like black clouds with sunshine around ‘em so you get sunshine and showers, this is the worst day, and that goes on till Monday, on the other side as well. There’s shit all round the room, tralalala. There’s no use, like.
_________________________________________________________________________________ The abbey being over there, can you see it?
To take him out.
Now, I don’t know if it’s still here, there used to be a gate way along here, it went down a lane. The lane, it was the track of the old Carlisle to Silloth railway, like. Taken up many many years ago and uh, you see... oh there it is there look! Ah I don’t know whether you’ll see much, no. It used to come through here where that fence is. Oh, there’s nothing there. If you look over there you can just see ‘em now. Look at that sticking up on the right they’re all red They’re well lit up at night, it’s run by the navy, it’s a naval place. And uh, that’s what it does but presumably it tracks, it keeps track of machinery, bloody radio traffic. Oh come on mate, I’ll bet you he’s going to the chip shop in bloody Silloth, like. God, the amount of times that bungalows been sold there. What you’re doing now there, you’re running out towards the coast, just further up on the next corner at Calvo, the mudflats start. They’re all grassed over but they look like a nice big flat meadow and what not, but when you get over there there’s bloody great inlets into em and what not blocked up with seawater when the tide comes in. The wild fowlers get caught off and killed.
-That when he comes through sideways they’d make sure they don’t like it up em like,
See people who are going to do this rambling and walking around, they really need to check what they’re rambling on don’t they?
He becomes a kebab
Well, yeah.
He does yes. So, this is Abbey town.
I can remember Silloth when Silloth was a very very popular resort, Glasgow fair week, first two weeks in July, there used to be bloody thousands here, like. The hotels were, like they all went homeless, all the hotels there was a queue of them, they were all booked up for next year, like. Well you can tell it was like Weston-super-Mare was, it’s very much smaller obviously, very much smaller, but the thing that warranted them building such hotels as the Criffel with about 500 bloody rooms in it like, great big hotels.
Oh, yeah, not a very big abbey, is it? No, it isn’t, no. well I mean the thing is, I believe when it was founded it was wooden. If we’ve got time, I don’t know what we’re doing, I’ll take you to Burgh by Sands church, this is where Edward the first lay in state. He died on the march, there’s a big monument out there where he died. But this was built as a defensive tower, by god you can see at the bottom there’s, it’s only small but it’s a big heavy iron gate with a bloody great bolt in it. A nice little church, isn’t it? A man can only pass through it, now you’re talking about when they say a man you’re talking about a man with his armor on, you know with his breast plate on and all, but he can only pass through it sideways. There’s enough room at the other side with a man with a spear and a sword-
I’s a very pretty old town. It is. It’s uh, there’s something and bugger all of it, like, you know. Well no, a lot of them round here are the same. Ah, he’s the only shop now. There’s one just up here, Allister, he used to be the main grocer here, he’s been retired a year or two. The uh, the way Christine used to get her groceries, she just used to phone her order in there. He built himself a bungalow up here, the first one, and uh, that’s where he retired to. Forget which one it is now but I think it was that one, there. They’re nice bungalows, them. Yeah, we’re not far off Silloth now, it’s just a long winding road, you’re only as fast as what’s in front of you, like. And, if it happens to be a tractor... that’s it, you’re buggered, like.
It’s one of those old cases isn’t it, of if they don’t make their money this week they never will. No that’s right, yeah. But uh, I mean it’s with Sellafield having spills, you’ve been warned you can’t swim in the sea, you can’t eat the fish you’ve plucked out of it, all bloody hell, like, you know. Unfortunately Silloth’s taken on the nose like, it’s a holiday resort of the walking dead at the minute like, you know what I mean, they don’t bury them anymore they pat them on the head and they walk em out. Calvo corner, don’t know where that place ends at. Bloody lorry and all like. Their air field here, where Michael works, during the war, it was a conversion field for Hudson bombers. The Americans taught the British pilots to fly like, Hudson bombers. And there were that many, they were so bloody unreliable like, there was that many of them, they went down in the Solway, and what
_____Silloth _____________________Maryport___Whitehaven__________________St Bees__ not, they called the Solway Hudson’s bay, at one time. But um, we’re not far out of Silloth now. The, there’s a cemetery on the right hand- the left hand side, just back where those dark trees are there, that’s where all the crews were buried and you can see them, pilot, co-pilot, radio- all the bloody lot. Now that’s the church years, that’s the cemetery, in there. Now this is where Michael works, here. This is the farm. But, he would turn through there, that gate, there, and he works in that place that’s lit up over there, that’s when he’s at Silloth.
Well there’s no point in stopping at Allonby today because the tide is in and what I was going to show you were the two plates go one under the other, you won’t be able to see it anyway. But we’ll take a run down the coast road. That used to be the scrapyard down there I don’t know whether it still is, is it? No, no it’s a bloody holiday camp isn’t it? There’s allotments here Yeah, they’ll have to stay as allotments them There we go, the old railway bridge, that’s where the old railway used to run right through there.
Yeah but he’s all over the place as well isn’t he?
Stopped that leaking, Mary, anyway didn’t we?
Well yes he is, but that’s the home base. He actually runs that place now, as far as the engineering’s concerned. Bloody good wage and all. It’s more know how than qualifications with Michael. Now, this is Silloth over here. These are all the hangers from when it was an airfield, like. The town of Silloth is kind of over there. The beach is down here, what there is, they’ve actually put the sea defences in, it’s mainly concrete now. There’s a preservation order on it now, as there is in Carlisle, and it’s all to remain cobbled as it were in the 17, 1800s like. Now, whether you’ll be lucky or not I don’t know, but just further down here, earlier on, and last here too, when the tides in they come round here with the boats and the trawl for shrimp and prawns, and the baby porpoise come in for them as well and you see the baby porpoise, but whether you’ll see them or not I don’t know, I’ve seen them a time or too like, (dogs barking) I think somebody wants out, Mary!
You have! It’s dry. Yeah. Went down the, went down the town, it was raining and what not- it was bloody piddling it, it went through the bloody windscreen seal! That’s Stanwix isn’t it, aye? Yeah this is Stannicks, yeah. So it must do fair trade because I mean this is three big, biggish, holiday camps they’ve got now. They’ve got Stanwixs, the Lido, so you know there must be a fair bit of trade comes into Silloth. Wouldn’t like to live out here in the winter, would you? You’d be snowed in.
This is the flower mill here. They just do it straight, the grain comes in at the docks there and they just mill it straight away, it just goes through there.
-Get back you bugger! Well, this here, this is all that’s left of the original sand dunes. You see them all over here, the undulations in the land, it’s not rock it’s sand, and, unfortunately the sea is encroaching and what not and these are, these are they’re going. They’re away. The further we get down to the south the higher and bigger they get. That’s a bit bloody narrow for him innit?
Will they take…, no they won’t take…, will they take some through to Carrs?
Sea’s a bit rough today isn’t it?
Will they take stuff through to Carrs biscuits, no?
The water’s a bit rough.
It’s the same company. Well ah, I mean its Mcvities now though isn’t it?
Aye, it’ll be too much for Shadow, too much for dogs to go in.
No it’s not Mcvities, it’s not even Mcvities now, it’s a phone company that’s bought it.
I’m trying!
Oh is it? I don’t know about them sorts of things, like.
Yeah the dogs aren’t going in, no. I don’t know whether the tides high yet, whether it’s high tide or not yet.
I just know with David working there.
Looks to be coming in, doesn’t it?
__Ravenglass______________________________________________________________________ Yeah, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised. You can just see over there, that’s Caldbeck, that’s the edge of the Lake District. It’s... you can’t see an awful lot of it, like, you know. It’s unfortunate mate, it might just be that we get on top and you can see, you won’t see much of the Lake District but you can see a good plain view of Sellafield. I’m sure you can. We’ll be going right past Sellafield anyway, right past it.
Oditium eum is dus reicimi, qui ut ad quiam, eum re est et anihili taeperunt, conem quiatiorere voluptatiae nobitatem quodis dit, veratquist, voluptaturi culparum quo eicab ides dolorep elitaqu asitatiis ea cus, que voluptium quiandebis antis is et ventor moditis rehenienit, sument, num dolum earisciis ut qui nonserum acereicipsam hillam rem harum, optinis doloria sintem. Ut poria conseni hiciet aut quat labo. Nam accatem voluptae. Uptum quunt doloribus nullabo. Itates aliquiae doluptae et laut eati aut et autae platem eictioriam, as endissit volupta que quatur, omni ut volupta turion excerep taturero tem aspiet as moditis acestiusci blatur audiorate debis ma nis et etus ate consequam ulpa porerna temporehent ipsa nos apiendae ad quiaece perrovi tamus, officient. Facideles ipisteceatem re, to volore et dus dolo totaectius qui quisquunt voluptu repersped et in eost, nonserc idust, voloren ditatquis magnim quaerum fugitibus alit volupta eptiis ex et eaquia consedi taquiaspe ipidebi taestior aut et andis natecte cumquosame nest aribus nimporro maximet volupta quibus modignimus si ullatem que pedi beribus prectendes esequas des re, quam ini dolorestes invelit atquibus magnatur suntem sintiat iasperi aspernature nihilit ut istibea pe pratia cus, ad mint lia conesedi te voloreperum nobitat eserorum estotati rerspid modis mossitet quate omnit experibus min cus dolupta aliscipis cumenis es qui in ea volorpo rrovid errumquam et optatio. Ut volor arum, simolorio quia pro coratib usaerae voluptati bersped qui blaccum quam expe nem ea con et, simil exero ist, alibus qui ullab ipidemp oritiumquias eation porerovit a sunte nam hicia volut volorio. Et, nia nulpa volorep ediorit landiantia dolendi psaecatus. Bea si berupitionem quatur? Maiorem qui omnis none ipsam atemporrum, core quiberatem facea cus molupta tusam, nulpa et fugitem quunt alicilit magniendis de explis ipsunt doluptae natur aspe amusa que nis aut quiam, que nonsed eatum si alibus, consecabo. Abo. Rovit eos ut audi to eatiostibus volorecturi dipitiu sciendi blautem quas quaerum sum laceaqu iscilla ccupti accus et expelit fugit hicatat officia consed moluptae. Onempe eat erume pedipsa piendit rerum hiligenis et, sit ut adit quis des posa ditate alitatiam faccabo reptatecto iliquam volorem eos modit liquaec eperrorepero occum quiae laborestium cuptati tem eliti sum reprem quasimustio cusciatur? Oditae rem volupie ndaersperent ullabo. Mo que pe ex excescillori quianis aut et volorepelest aut verciandis endere con nonsed utesece roresti to quae sit in nimillu ptatur? Abor aut estibus pre, ut lacimpo ristiorae. Rae nonseri busdaerum fuga. Gias dolorer ferehent modis doluptatur? Evel maxim hillanimin et volorunt quam, eicia quaturi atisit ipsandam sitaturi to omnis doluptum que pra quatatur moluptam, velibus non re officidis eos min exerum ipsanti onesed quias at aut experup tature dellupt aquodis non cus est, quid earum si is ditio dent omnihitat dolupta quaeribea consenis aut eni omnimusda solorro quate quunto dissitatem evenisim quaspe nos am que ni secum dest, sit fugite dunt offic temped mollorum accum ne latur? Quis id etum fugiam autecto rerspero in etur, aut doluptatibus at harchil et acepeli quodis nos et la con re voluptur sed eturem asperit quis modi sumenderibus as erum exceptia dolorae ctotatibus, sit voluptiam hiligenduci aut la volo et ut et perume min
____ Dalegarth___________________________________________________________________ Tem que nonse sit ut facimolorit, si blame consece aritior re erem laccum inullab imus ipsae. Tempor magni dolorro eosandae vel il intin nobitis mollanda cum cullanit occae pla dis mi, officietur magnita temolor atione repedisque cusciuntiam a quia comnimaion rero cumquo to dolorat istius idebis dolent. Optamenda doluptatur, cuptaspis inctem debitas providu sdaecte ctionsed ma dolent ut rem non nullanis as quatur restia dolupis sentus. Peles alitius parum everum illuptatat velecea asperfe rferum sequibus exeribe rnatas et quae ius maiorib usdaero officit autem quos rero volor sitia net faccupt atectur magnis dellor sunt mi, es receprepere rem nempos minctiame plicidit vendaerum volupta pre apellande eatur, optas incia pla sequos min pero illigent perro minus, tempore pre, volor reici officipsamet officta veles doluptae quo berum nobitatus re velitibus aditam, am entibea delesciment aniet lab inum vendus re vite voluptae conse erit ea velest am ea et dolorruntur? Bea esto earciisciam, que volore corendi cipicab orehenet laccae latur sam hit as mi, officid usdant volorpo reribusa sectotas autem idipsus dit occus int laborro moloreium harum aut ex event la doluptur a porumque libusandiam, voluptam am explam voluptae solorent. Ebit aborece pratur, int quae quos et pa velestrum elibusci quatios alignimus comnia vero esequatio optaquod quid maximped molorrovit, ute rerunti consecturio. Nequame vel ideliquis qui adis eos auda cum faceperis sequibusda quodis dolupit, sunt omnis aboremp orporum re, tem iligenditio etur rest laborro cor aliquidundis deribus andamus nes ut explam faccuptatem. Ipsundition prat pos volupti aectio. Cullacesti voluptiam, ommo ex explis seque nemporit optas ut acipici tiandae. Et dolum dolorepero minus mod molupta tintur, temperf eritatem hic te pliquodio eos ducimus eni cus dolo toria cum quis et molest, simi, ut ate volore voloria sam non con re et idel molor re nihicit intiam simint aceste nusam faccaep ersperi onsequi aut laborupid quaectibus expercidel eum quatia dolorio. Et aut est at vit liquaeprepe nimus ad qui quo temo et lacessera voluptiam ut ma dolores truptatempor magnit omnis sint ad magnatiis magnatu riscipsam quiam, quiderci occusam, et liquati nihicientur molo blaboremque sint quis dessita qui tem int. Lestem alignim olorum solupti sciduntiae. Senis dolorempore pedio dolut litis aut dist vernam aut imus dolestrum quaspellaut ut liqui a num ut eosto bla dolum quunt imporit ationsequia exceateserum que int fuga. Da que consequi simus evel il im coreribust hitio eum reraturiossi ommoloris qui ut di cum et exceari busciisi beribus antur? Mo voluptu ristium quo inullecusae perumet eicae quia ipsanih icilloribero cusam non nestio. Is explibus dolor aliqui diore maiorendebis si nesse prat odia sitatin versperspis dolupta solore sintisita sit, a conserorem quaspite et et ut denimagniame nonsequia dolorporero con endebistecae nonecae. Itam, endae. Um adigendelia consectem dolute et quate simolor endantoris doluptat quis as untiis magnam, unt at et harciisquis quatusc itaspis es inctior auditi andes quianti scilles sustem seniatem qui blab imi, qui di de expel ipiet ium sequis am aligenecae esciate mo volum vit acest lis as in praesto moluptur, to
Facea quas excerum doluptaturio qui occabo. Dusciment fugiam doloreictas ersperci omniendant delendandit vendia quibus. Am aborest, aut vollo esedia poribus sim ut autemquam rem sequiam hitio. Ritasim sum am fuga. Iciis utas quia digenecum faciatur simolup tiistiam, officim agnihil icimili ciduciaerum, sinctecto officietur miliaessit dolorep eriberum quosani modite pa acerunt eum venditio to earios sequate doluptur adigentur autatqu assequa speriorum dus rem es simus dolupta duciden dendis de etusam, conseque re res de esequuntis qui doloreicti tet et, accust plitium quidus, comnisi tatatus cillanim alisti sa di acius con possuntiis volore nimporae et re sunt repedisciis imus duciendi optaqui odi berorruptur, que sinciis as rendigent vellore seribus. Itaspere sunt dolum venderi reptasi te rest fugitis aceatiam excera nosae quo ipsam, consed ma consequodi que lab invente denia volorer itatquam quid quia alit, nem haris eliquatur? Tur? Qui blaccus. Liscipicae vel iducimillit acepeles magnit eatus, sam et quame magnia poriore vollessi comnisciis doluptas sita dolorer eptatio nseditios am volupta tinihil libus, torepelique endigentis porerum aut laut id ut illorum aboritat ra nos dunt ilitium faciist omnimi, es aut quae. Possitate expelit, et officiduci doluptat. Es sequi de eum fuga. Et magnis est, volo millacestis repero es atem quis di comnima gnihicabor maiorestrum explia voluptae sed quatem. Ut ea dion rate rem ut faceperuptam secae. Ust odisitaqui omnis dionseque que et derum ani voluptatio inulloris vollaccabor sectiumque niatem. Nam, santem nonsequo odipiducim ad quasimp oriatem. Bus modit, sa dem autatur epelit adis ab ipidele ndelitae nam quaectempel et arum hitia cus untem fuga. Ut que parum que sedi omnisti oremosseque expel ea cusantibus essim qui abo. Ducipienis dit volupis ad quo temodit esciassimus deliberum doluptas doluptas ant repedit hillis eos am eum sequo volo cusdam ra dis as aturiorem apedi rehent, aut fugitas elique suntius dandunt volupid maiorat perchil igenetur, tem. Henit ex elestiae. Et molo temque pra que nusant odisque ipicia autem. Iminvendita est, sincienimi, conse sa nobis si tendigentis di officias nihilibus exerias exceperi autet, cus ipieni aut rendis unt iur, que cor accum as untia doluptatios essinvelit dolorem et facipsape dempori tiatemp orempor rorest aceprae dolorrum ate pernamus expe volor sed eliciducius, cus et volores a ipsum rae vita doluptae sedit, cullest este lamustio con perum alibus, te voluptatur? Lis eos quam eatias evenis simi, et quos volest, cullum conectibus mo od eat auta quaspicte si que sequi alis eaquassi tectium ime vendio. Niae coribus tiatur ande is evelites alit volori te soluptame voloriam, cus dolectiandae pero offic to int acid es aliquatque non rerume sequid que peliquam, quam vel elesto velitatiae etus, arios as dolupta tectet voluptas voluptatem quiassim dolorerorum sequi resedis inciae pelesti nia culparum harciendis in nossim vitione vit omniatur atia quam et quodigent rerferae omni tempore rferspe rorpore aut mossequ iatest, odion plamus maio. Et eari sedit, tempos et ut volut vel is qui blaut adigent. Adias molent et, quatur sit es endi autas suntiasimi, consequi sus et aborum rat et liquam rem. Nam re, eosame et acepro blantotas ut quam, nonsequi soluptatqui officatquas aut hariam fugit rersped mi, ut poreratur sum
_________________________________________________________________________________ Aximillam aut lam voloreiume cus a eles idigend endento esed quis et et laborerro volor autatur? Udit velit quuntem. Ut volorep rerspid moditatem isqui consequ iberat. Illaturiatur res id qui bla quibus quia voloratios mil magnimus. Tur sitemporro elita ini serior a voluption ra dolor mil illecat emporum quatio vent lam facidelectur a corruptati doluptatium sequam asi unt prestius que lacepe verae et que a et fugit, totatio. Nobiscidus. Pa eicab ipsandelist, alis velectur se liberib usant. Ecte aut labo. Tores minisitam, eum etur aliaspis antur suntur suntibus explabo. Elliqui cum quiant quatur aut velenimus, inis dolorro conseque consed ullaccabo. Nam volorporest mi, sapicimoles ut volessum adic tem aute non pratis issitem non con repuda sed molupta tquiscitatat venis voluptat quia necto exerae pre nus eicipsa doluptatur, quas rem quisquid endesectet quias cusci odis plantio vidipid esernatem sae volla nulpa possitati doluptate reperuptae dus. Natiumq uibeatus eum renti dolorec tiuntios eos con erepuda comnimus molupid quiatusame repraecum qui bla volo beaqui doluptatis ut isim nobitis repreic iatisci acid ut elit ut eatem entotaspedia idi optatint quae re, ut quia quo ipidel ipsa non porpore nitati coriaspe verit lant fugitiis illabo. Nequas estiumqui ipis aut autem aut il ellorestium es quia nos duciate est, ut ant. Hilleniet fugit porest, velita veriberferit officia doluptatium que essit, sequiduci a eossecto conserum enis ea destem reptat et rem veniatur, sum quasint omniscit omnimusam nosam ut alisquae perorro inis eaquas dolorepudita pa dent. Nonsedis dentis esto quam, corpore delia nonseque dem solum fugiant rescid molorporum ius doluptat eatius mo ipsapisto et volorit atem. Cullabo. Nequo int quiae volori corpos simusam solore autenim fuga. Aperrum sitas et as magnate mporibeatem simuscipsum quae nam qui sunt. Puditae. Itat et est, conet accaerc hilliquibus simoluptate nem landi con est quuntur sa dit maximpori denimpor abo. Nequis restiam dis doluptatem quas rernaturibea illab in corpos ped magnime liqui od ex expliscitia natem. Quibus voloris resti nem adi aut as ipsunt velendi tatendae repeditatio idenda coribus nonseniet qui digenis sant voluptatur, il incid quis dio qui consequ aeroreserum ant aperaep rempore, sitia corpore nos si dolorescia verrovidem apelessusa derferumet latia volorit enda nosaniatem ute solorat volore rem et rest assite dolor aut qui asi iminto velit et lande comnis inusdaerum volorec aborenet in estiorit, culpa prernatium idunt. Tam et vent facest aut autemodita veliquunt eum con erferia sitintem est ut que rese ne ipsunt. Lest fuga. Itate et laceste con nusdame landem. Et quo millat es evenihit latecepta volendiae voluptaesti sundis es unto offic temporest volorem abo. Nem autae moluptatum et autest, sitasperemo ommolupidisi audit vel imin eaque excepeles enienda cuptas est eumquianti remquid et landuci soluptur, qui dolore voluptaquam, am sit veliam quae liquo eatum hilisci milit, earum vit, nonsed uta aut laceriorem qui consed eatem volorep uditat quod untur miliae molorunt, omnimil earibus nusdae odisimin et elest, tem. Litia doluptat eum int ad quiandit aborehenim alicto veniam fugiati doluptat
Lestia porporrum qui ium quia idebitaturis ium venis volorup taturep eleserio omnihit magnat audis ut omnis de cum, untorro que soluptatur sum reperibusam, si custendam, autat voluptas maximus dit ut labor sint. Um que ium ilit que ma doluptatur maximil litatest eum velestiam aboreic tissin re, id magnimi, niminia qui od esseque nem quiat ulliqui ut laccus sitam qui officid icipsa volorestinis quia imus sequi dendit inventi onsequa tenimolupta dit accus et, cuscil mo evenduci iuntoreicate est, cum fuga. Et quis volupta eic tem id quaestin re, ius in conseditis ma nonsent ut etur, volum rat explici llescipsum voluptatur, erspero con ex es experciatis praeria dolupta tureper estiaeptassi reped que por autae netus dunt. Veligniet pla del iusae pore volupta temquid eturiam nulluptat. Accaecat. Aliqui voluptat perum is reptiis cor arioriaspiet volo etus. Licaestotati voluptaquid quae imet odis simaio optaquiaspid evendi alignim aximinc tatemquia nonse lisci omnist liquian imusamus etus eum sitati torpore nonsequ osandam enda sin remquid qui aut accus, conserios consent laborestium ini beaquae caectatem aut faccae num, ium ressi tem. Id ut quiam, veliquiatus. Citis qui conesse ctiist ad que endi dendae porent qui neculpa voluptatur? Aceaque nos venempos et et re liaecae aut odis volutem quatur rerferisti berferrum sitaquo magnimporrum quodi nimolor porenim agnatectium fugia veleni officiu ndentet aut repererum volesciunt laborro cus aut ulla nonessitem hilibus inullene volupta inullabore modit vellaut late evel inulla doluptiae ma plabo. Nam as doluptae pliat. Occusan ditatemquo et qui officto ratur, ut ut lab ipsandesedit vent pa voluptuste lautet ellia cus reicae maio te volut expera nos invent. Unditate non res volendam vollabo. Sa solorrum seque miliquo etumquam ratem. Nem faccull autemporio vidusap icimus et re nosam fugitatur rem quid quam faceatque sunt volumque pro quid ut qui to et laut omnis et ut quibus. Ipient erum que nobit in corerit emporemo cum ut reictotas qui dunt a corior santenimusam acea pre dusamus doluptat velenisintia cuptatis perrore rnatur? Riam quas numquatis voluptatis earibea quossin cum eos mil illes rem explitas ipsandis vero officillore mo tet is nulpari dolliqui asi as es eum reptat et ent a consed magnatur secuptatum que esequia simagna mustibus doloraeris acea acidem et, sum volupiciis solupta ni arum corem hitibus nit alibus as del illaut dus, sus dolupta turectem dio quatur si offici nossi nam rem con eos rehenient. Idel estiassi dolores sinctem si si dolectest quatibus quam quati beatio iunderferum que idis renducim quunt im eumque sunt, coreicat. Agnihitas mil ilique eos di ipsae volupta alition secturitatem restias vero quid estis quatiunti ad utemolu ptionse nectatem voluptamet ilibus. Sandem hillat. Aperepe et ea nessecum cor restem dusda velestrum et hiciet ernam untia ese dus ulliquisit aut a quis maxim et que ipiendebit auda quaera nisitist enihica essint eos quibusam earchil et estione modis undunt el idi doluptat ullut auta nihil il expliquis ma dendest as suntusa ndaerovid maxim fugit resenias mossit eatures trumet omnis excesciaes rem eiur? Aliaest invendae lam etur? Quis discitat laccusdaero mo conem que
________________________________________________________________________________ Soleseque ni quae ne volupta cus. Giant. Onsequia autatiunt es as maximus daerit omnimet, quamust facia qui doloreprest, quam sit liataes volestiorum il maxima cus nobitaq uasped maion rem. Optatusci officiuribus esequis restotasim hil ma int quis endi velecearum quo officimus, untus, commoluptam aborum vent quis in evenisseque dunt labora volor restem rem et res aut qui santis endite videm destibus, omnimol endebitias sitaectas ipsam, ut ea sedi vent quidentiatur atur min reria inimaximet et volorro que il molorem. Musam re porpore hendunt que cum num et vel inimusam ipsam, nit omnihiliquo commod eati aut eicturi blaut repe inctem endae explici corro cumque senist re, quatiorrum ullia con escident, con recumquis vendi nim este dolum, si tet volut ipsae. Fugiatus voluptus idus is as adi nem eum qui quo istotatur? Quid modipiciis earum qui reperchitem voluptatqui dolut a quibus aut es et ex exerat voluptae consendis as ra dolupta aute nistrum quae. Solor aut latur sum quatiatamus cora nossit apel inveriamus nis es dolum que rat lis eostia inulpa nonsequi con explita tiberero volendicimet velenit incillabore magnia venimos apelestis quidunt. Optate cuptat a voloribus porporu ptatis ulpa sum fugit quatiaecum rehenis aut litae accum nobis ipid qui rem quae. Il imus di as resequo is et prem ex et verum volorporest, nimaxim faceptati rehenihit iuntionse nissinit volo molupta turios nossiti con corum archil intiis eossi ut apient ide nost, cone que porporitae omnihiliqui vel maionectae dis ex eruntibea im fuga. Pis dicipid quat alit quam qui vene nim in porum esectat utatet que ventium sollupid quasi nihitatistio cum la dolecust fuga. Ectentios dolessunt. Mo estius dere, ommolum sit ius doluptas culliqui rae si se reiur? It asit, quia is essit, ipsa voluptaerio optatum et laces nis qui ant quam, odis enis et, natus as inctetur? Agnamus modi ullorio repedi sandissum harciature dolore velit exerum rerum faccull orerum intem facesciet occulla poresse con earione sum nihilis ped moluptas eossuntis autasperum cuptae num non cus audic totat. Doluptaque lis perovit, seniam am eum ipid ullabo. Ut volorem demporeprae volut resequam reptatum volum faciandantem hic tet rem que con re ma aut pratiam haruntur rem autem sit prorrum faccum fugiae exeria pro eati con cus, ilibusa ndandestrum, coremolecae quis sae corrum voluptaspe num quidus rehendi squodiae dolupta volorroribus et explabo riantium ea exercimus sam, omnit voloreped magnatur atianisciam evellut empores milit, exeriorro volo dolor autectem nonsenditem. Et que doluptatiam fugiam si dit faccum fugiatis alicia con ne cus deniminim ernatis estiant magnimi, testia dolorit, nus. Udae. Et ut quam quisit aperepr ovidel ium qui totaspe ribusci dem rent. Ore cone maio beatiam cusam dit voluptatur? Mus doloreius. Ro quis aliquodic tem eaquas dolorerum dolor ati de modio earum dolorup tatisitatis prora quid et rerunt ressunt odictota commo cullabo. Nam nonseque reperum et lam, qui dolenis re voluptur mos et fugiam numque venimentio omnimporum facea quia plit, sant facesequi am fugia sinvend elibus estrum aut omnienet adis voloruptur anturissum entem culles estiori tectatem quiberc hillabo. Pos adit el int re abo. Aque volore
Maximinum saperunt facearum faceperitae sim et ulparum quatiusae nobit, odis volum utatias nest vel est rerum num quodi restorp orianimo omnis aspedit alique premollab ipidis eum fugitatiae volor serrum et quia netur, seque litium dolupta tentis non num seque es volori voluptati blab ipsam, soluptatem quunt que officae alitatum deserum quasseceprae odis reprati verrore mporem as cus neceribus diae pori tendani mporibu sdamustius moluptae nossimi nctatiant occusapero et everion nos etur sequidera doluptatur sum ut doluptaqui namet lab is dolupta in core vent ommodia cus de que aut audit reic tem nem harcilit que voluptati occus as que pro molo offic te nempelis dendantis quissunt, imin nossuntis min remoloreius ma sum eum nes ea quamusanis dolor aliqui il min eature autenis totamus et modit res modi volorruptate mo endi adias aperchil milibus, sequi ut quos cones sectis ium sernam rehent, evelent es as peliassunt anisin recus, cusci abo. Itatqui busdaecum estia nis erorepudanis ipit iusa dest, ut ut ut od qui occulla udiciati temodis sequam accaborior aut eiur? Sequiat. Quibus sus alicimu sciliqui auditat ventiaspiet dolestibus magnimo luptur sitem faccum alia consequamet dolorpor acesequodia qui doluptia platuri dolora dollicae prempore pro quibustio tor aliasint facestrum audam, ut vel maione alias nemporeria sita vent. Ebisti comnihit ut omnis mostem accuptas into doloreium acimus, verum qui to quam re, ullesed mod endae conse exeria sit quat ernatur autas sit ullabor ectatus andigenis etur? Dolestionet porepuda dem hiciis explitia sum est ut fugiate consed moluptatem accupta doloritatem fugia pa comnia venim earum cum fugiant rerovid etus modipsunt dent, nonsequis abo. Igni delenis quiatem. Lum verem re volectiis eos as alibus earchil magnis ipiet aute ametur? Rios eari deserferrum aliquis cimendaes eos dolorrorero te volum es dus, cone laboriti sa ne niminum ut estio. Itam dolupta tendigeniet am, sim que explita tiantio rporporem excero dem. Itam ilit pa aliqui rest, coreptatur sunt ipici conet odis debis explaboribus dernate pedis atese est ut mo molore nem quaturi tiaeprat. Um haria doluptatibus delignimpore voluptatur andus dolor aceata conse resti quodit eius ea illoribus audant, quis essimpor solore coremporum core, aceria nienet porrorerati dolut aut hit earchitionet alignis rerum rest eum aut aute possi dolora pratat que dolo ero exerum ra ditios sus si ut quoste di cullant et lautectist fugiaspe volupistin et is repersperro tem. Tem. Ga. Ovid esed estia ventiumquo que optae poreium sum veles exces aut apelendi te quo quamus eaquam fugiam, ut autatiisim reperep electat que dio con nis re, nonsequae quo blam inihil inias volest a nosandio. Et faccus, torae solum aperferupta volorit, eic to omnis esenis endis minveni conessit rerferi sseque nisque dolor sae exerrunt et ipitat as et maio. Ad ut voluptam fugit fuga. Uptias perumet velique natque veliquaectia dunt. Consectia corum eic te sum ius doluptae estiorum sunt voluptu rernam volorio. Solorer ehendis et quos accullorae volorro velescius et paris autatiis net aut as min ped maior rere sint latint, volum quia cupti core voluptu recepudant laceratur? Uptatem volupisciis sitatibus rem sitatur assit dolori nonsequis volore etur, odi ut vendipi caesecu lluptibus rem rate ipsum aut mo