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Thursday, January 5, 2017
Issue # 1184
Results of the 2016 Escalante Christmas Bird Count
ESCALANTE - On 14 December, Escalante took part in the 117th Christmas Bird Count. There were a record 38 participants, including birders from Boulder, Cannonville, and even Cedar City. First-time Christmas counters among the Escalante residents were Bob and Lisa Hartman, Page Wizdam, the 5-person ERWP crew (Brad, Hannah, Alex, Tabitha, and Aaron), and Gus Waggoner, who is by far the youngest participant we’ve ever had. Lack of snow cover gave us access to all areas of our 150 square-mile count area, both by car and by foot. As a group, we spent over 51 hours driving 235 miles and 23 hours walking 26 miles. Our 5 dedicated and several part-time feeder counters spent over 33 hours at their task. The Mosiers, Susan Nelson, Brigitte Delthony and Larry Vensel logged most of the feeder-watching time. Due at least in part to the mild weather conditions prior to the count, birds had been scattered far and wide, not concentrated in favorable areas as they are in snowy years. Those of us who keep careful watch on our home feeders had noticed a paucity of both species and individuals for many weeks. Fueled by Janalee’s and Jean’s scones and muffins, however, our hard-working count personnel managed to ferret out 3987 individual birds representing 67 species on count day. The record high number of CBC species recorded in our area is 75 (2014 and 2015); the highest number of CBC individuals so far recorded is 6111 (2012). Two species new to the count were seen this year: Sora Rail (thanks to Jeff Lauersdorf) and Swainson’s Hawk (thanks to the Robinsons
A Spotted Towhee strikes a pose for Deborah Savage as she takes a picture during the 2016 Escalante Christmas Bird Count. and Adam Grimshaw). Our (24), Redheads (17) and Gad- there were also 5 Ferruginous, cumulative count species list, walls (14), and a few Northern a single Rough-legged (thanks amassed since the 1998 season, Shovelers (7), Common Gold- to the Tolbert/Young/Bernardo/ eneyes (7), and Common Mer- Hall group), and the previouslynow stands at 123. It was interesting that some gansers (7). A single Northern mentioned Swainson’s Hawk. species were represented by Pintail was spotted. There were Northern Harriers (4) were many fewer individuals than no rare ducks or grebes. Coot more numerous than usual they usually are on count day numbers (187) were down com- and, among the Accipiter-type and some by more. Among the pared to last year’s 800(!). Sora, Hawks, there were 4 Cooper’s, waterfowl (censused by the Lau- mentioned earlier, is a coot rela- one Sharp-shinned, and one ersdorf/Savage and Sorenson/ tive. The only shorebirds seen immature Goshawk. American Kestrels (4) were the only falcon Munthe groups), for example, were 3 Wilson’s Snipe. There were no Merlins, spotted. There were 2 species of only 4 individual Canada Geese were seen, whereas they usually Prairie Falcons or Turkey Vul- owls seen: 1 Great-horned Owl occur in large flocks. Mallards, tures this year, but representa- (thanks to Susan Nelson) and 3 as always, were most numer- tives of all other raptor spe- Pygmy Owls. In the woodpecker family, ous among the ducks (302), cies seen on previous counts but Ring-necked Ducks (180), made appearances. There were Northern Flickers (48) were less Green-winged Teal (92), Lesser 2 Bald and 8 Golden Eagles, numerous than they have been Scaups (60) and Ruddy Ducks all adult or nearly-adult birds. in some years, but Hairy and (60) were more numerous than Red-tailed Hawks (13) were, Bird Count in most years. There were decent as usual, the most numerous of Cont'd on page 2 numbers of American Wigeons the Buteo (“typical”) hawks, but
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell and U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack today joined tribes, members of Congress, state and local officials, and local business and community leaders in applauding the President’s designation of the Bears Ears National Monument in southeastern Utah and the Gold Butte National Monument in southeastern Nevada. Representing the best of America’s natural wonders, today’s designations complete what tribes, members of Congress, state and local officials, and local business and community leaders have sought for decades, but Congress failed to take action. The new monuments protect approximately 1.64 million acres of existing federal land in two spectacular western landscapes – 1.35 million acres in Utah and nearly 300,000 acres in Nevada. Both areas contain land sacred to Native American tribes, important cultural sites, and fragile wildlife habitat. The monu-
ment designations maintain currently authorized uses of the land that do not harm the resources protected by the monument, including tribal access and traditional collection of plants and firewood, off-highway vehicle recreation, hunting and fishing and authorized grazing. The monument designation also does not affect valid existing rights for oil, gas, and mining operations, military training operations, and utility corridors. “The rock art, ancient dwellings, and ceremonial sites concealed within these breathtaking landscapes help tell the story of people who have stewarded these lands for hundreds of generations,” said Secretary Jewell. “Today’s action builds on an extraordinary effort from tribes, local communities, and members of Congress to ensure that these treasures are protected for generations to come, so that tribes may continue to use and care for these lands, and all may have an opportunity to enjoy their beauty and learn from their rich cultural history.”
Deborah Savage
BLM Seeks Public Comment on Calf Creek Improvements KANAB - The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (GSENM), has prepared an environmental assessment (EA) to evaluate the environmental effects of the BLM proposal to make improvements to the Calf Creek Recreation Area. The recreation area is located along Highway 12 between Escalante and Boulder, Utah in Garfield County. The project area is approximately 20 acres, includes the Calf Creek Campground and Day Use Area, as well as the Lower Calf Creek Falls Trailhead. This developed portion of the Calf Creek Recreation Area is the most visited site on GSENM. The EA includes two action alternatives for consideration that include the following improvements: increasing parking and camping capacity, moving the day use area and constructing new shade shelters, repairing the suspension bridge, replacing the low-water crossing with open-bottom box culverts, replacing the toilets, improving access to the water play area, and installing tent pads in all campsites. During construc-
tion that could begin as early as fall 2017, the recreation area could be closed to the public for overnight and day use activities, including hiking the Lower Calf Creek Falls Trail, potentially for several weeks at a time when the ground is not frozen during fall and winter months (September through March) to prevent impacts to migratory birds and the hummingbird monitoring study. When it is possible for the public to safely access the site during construction, it would be allowed. BLM has released the EA for a 35-day public comment period ending on February 1, 2017. The EA describes the affected environment and discusses potential impacts of the project on the human environment. A copy of the EA (DOI_ BLM-UT-0300-2015-0040-EA) is available on the BLM project website ePlanning, eplanning/nepa/nepa_register. do Select “NEPA” for Type of Project and then select the “Text Calf Creek
Cont'd on page 2
Conservationists Urge Trump to Remove Walls for Wildlife
Secretaries Jewell, Vilsack Applaud President’s Designation of New National Monuments
THE WEATHER OUTSIDE COULD BE FRIGHTFUL. There are some flurries expected on Monday & Tuesday. The weekend will be cloudy with a chance of rain or snow on Sunday. Highs for the week in the low 40s and high 30s, lows around the single digits on Friday, rest of the week lows, in the teens. Windy on Monday!
CourteSy uSDa
The White Canyon is home to the one of the largest and most complex canyon systems on the Colorado Plateau. “Utahns of all creeds are rightfully proud of the spectacular Bears Ears landscape, treasuring the opportunity to recreate, hunt, ranch and engage in their traditional cultural and spiritual practices. Rather than closing off opportunities to continue those uses, today’s announcement
is a recognition that those activities can continue, and the natural and cultural resources the communities prize are worthy of permanent protection to be shared with all Americans,” said Secretary Monument
Cont'd on page 3
Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. —Carrie Fisher
The protected Sage Grouse in flight. SALT LAKE CITY - As list after a conservation stratthe Obama administration pre- egy was forged between private pares to hand over the reins to landowners, 11 states and the President-elect Donald Trump, federal government. The plan the Endangered Species Coali- has ruffled feathers in some red tion has produced a a Top 10 states, and Congress has introlist of at-risk species in need of duced measures that would alprotections. The greater sage- low governors to override progrouse, the centerpiece of an on- tections. The coalition also is urggoing federal effort to conserve more than 60 million acres of ing the Trump administration to build no new walls along the western lands, made the list. Hailey Hawkins, the South- U.S./Mexico border, which it ern Rockies field representative said would threaten the jaguar for the coalition, said the iconic and other species, and to replace bird's populations have declined existing metal walls with barriby 97 percent because of clear- ers that allow wildlife to pass. cutting and oil and gas develop- Hawkins said jaguars used to roam across the U.S., but only ment. "We are asking the next six are known to have lived in administration to vigorously Arizona and New Mexico since oppose any Congressional at- the mid-1990s. "You know, our wildlife is tempts to discard the federal conservation plans," she said. part of the public trust, meaning "More than 350 dependent spe- they 'belong' to all of us, and I cies will also suffer if the grouse don't see anything more American than protecting that," she isn't strongly protected." The U.S. Fish and Wildlife added. —Eric Galatas, Utah News Service decided not to put the Connection bird on the endangered species ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.