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Thursday, January 11, 2018
SUU Faculty Experts to Lead Expedition to Peru CEDAR CITY - Southern Utah University’s new community travel program, Community on the Go, will lead a group of 30 community participants on an expedition to explore ancient wonders of the Inca Empire of Peru in May. Registration is now open for travelers interested in an experience designed to be fun, educational and affordable. From May 28-June 6, 2018, SUU Community on the Go explorers will visit colonial era sites and dine at world renowned restaurants in the capital city of Lima. Participants will view ancient artifacts and contemporary crafts in Peru’s museums and markets, enjoy the colorful Corpus Christi celebrations in Cuzco, and visit the impressive Inca sites of Pisac, Ollantaytambo, and Machu Picchu in the Sacred Valley. Additionally, the group will take part in traditional Peruvian cooking lessons, textile
weaving and dancing events, and other culturally-immersive activities. SUU experts leading the trip are Dr. Emily Dean, associate professor of anthropology, and Dr. Iliana Portaro, assistant professor of Spanish. An archaeologist specializing in prehistory of the Andean region of South America, Dean has conducted both archaeological and anthropological fieldwork in Peru. Portaro, a native of Lima, Peru, received her Ph.D. in Latin American literature and cultures, and specializes in Peruvian literature and women’s studies. “While Peru is justifiably known for its amazing archaeological ruins, we also want to emphasize contemporary Peruvian culture on this trip,” said Dean. “One highlight for travelers will be the opportunity to take a cooking course SUU to Peru Cont'd on page 2
Chappells Named Conservation Farmers of the Year
Courtesy Iris Peterson
WAYNE COUNTY - Jerry and Dortha Chappell were given a Conservation Farmer of the Year award by the Fremont River Conservation District in a recent meeting. Jerry and Dortha were selected for this award for their many years of dedication to conservation and for their outstanding stewardship of the land. —Fremont River Conservation District
Issue # 1237
Escalante Moves Forward on New Community Center ESCALANTE – Embarking on a new chapter of modernization, Escalante City will soon break ground on a new Community Center at the corner of 100 North and 100 West. The new 5,200 square foot building, which is officially referred to as a MultiPurpose Civic Center, will replace the old Escalante High School building, which was originally built in 1938. In recent years, since the new high school was built out on Highway 12 in 1987, the old high school building had been owned by the city, and served to house civic functions such as the city library, the Care & Share and the New Escalante Irrigation Company office. Once the new Community Center is completed, the senior services will move from where they are now housed, across the street at the current Community Center, which is an even older building, constructed in 1928. According to Louise Barnes, Escalante city council member in charge of buildings, it was the age and conditions of each of the old buildings that has led to the capital improvement project. As Barnes explains, “[Mayor] Melani [Torgersen] has been working at the senior center for several years, and has been talking about conditions over there. As a council we really didn’t realize conditions were as bad as they are. There is rot in the floor boards in the dining area, drainage issues, sewer issues, and it’s costly to heat. The kitchen is too small for what they need to do. So they’ve really done the best they could over the years. Galley dining is not conducive to socializing. It’s flooded several times. The building has upkeep issues.”
Bryce Canyon National Park to Burn Debris Piles at Rainbow Point
BRYCE - Officials at Bryce Canyon National Park have announced that burning of debris piles created from recent fuel reduction treatment projects at Rainbow Point, in park employee housing areas, and in the park maintenance area are expected to begin January 8, 2018. Burning of the approximately 250 debris piles, which began last year, will resume only when specific weather conditions allow for acceptable smoke dispersal and little chance of fire spread. All burning activity will be done in such a way as to minimize impacts to the park’s resources, visitors and the surrounding communities. Rainbow Point is located at the south end of the Bryce Canyon Scenic Drive, 17 miles from the park visitor center. The goal of the 50-acre Rainbow Point fuel reduction project and the less than one acre park housing and maintenance area projects is to reduce the amount of hazardous fuels, both live and dead, that have
Above, Garfield County Commissioner Jerry Taylor, Senior Center Director Donna Chynoweth, Escalante City Recorder Stephanie Steed and Escalante Mayor Melani Torgersen work on kitchen plans for the new Community Center. Right: The old high school/city building. Below: Architectural rendering by Jones & DeMille of Escalante's new Community Center, to be located where the high school building stood. Harriet Priska
Jones & DeMille Engineering
“With those things in mind we thought it was time to get the seniors out of a moldy basement and into a brighter, airier, better place,” said Barnes. The city went before the Community Impact Board (CIB) and secured funding and loans for the project, which is expected to cost $1,320,000.
Plans for the new Community Center have been completed by Jones & DeMille Engineering, and the logistics of moving the civic services housed in the old building have been completed. The old high school/city building was demolished this past Monday morning. Removed were the fire station building on 100 North
and the city-owned building on the corner up to and including the bathrooms and hallway of the “old gym.” However the gymnasium itself—which is still owned by the Garfield County School District--remains intact. The old high school Community Center Cont'd on page 2
Sevier Valley Hospital Welcomes First Baby of 2018! Courtesy US Forest Service
Fuel reduction to reduce the amount of hazardous fuels, both live and dead, that have accumulated due to forest overcrowding, blight, and lack of fire. accumulated due to forest overcrowding, blight, and lack of fire. This resource management practice greatly minimizes the risks from potential wildfire to structures and visitor facilities. The fuel reduction project was accomplished using mechanical methods such as chainsaws and other hand tools. Once collected, debris was then placed into piles away from structures and trees to be burned by park
THURS. JAN. 11 - WED. JAN. 18
PARTLY CLOUDY IS THE NEW NORMAL. The rest of the week wil be partly cloudy, with highs in the mid to high 50s and lows in the high 20s and low 30s. No snow predicted for the next 7 days. Winds low, between 4 -10mph.
personnel when weather conditions permit. Smoke from the fuel reduction burns may be visible to park visitors and local residents, but should produce only minor, localized impacts. The piles may smolder for a few days after ignition, but fire staff will closely monitor them until declared out. Additional information can be obtained by calling the park’s information line at (435) 834-5322. —US Forest Service
RICHFIELD - Sevier Valley Hospital welcomed their first baby of the new year on Wednesday, Jan. 3 at 11:41 p.m. Matias Maldonado, a baby boy weighing five pounds 14 ounces and measuring 19 inches long, was born to Soraida Perez and Henry Malanado of Mayfield. He was also welcomed by big brothers, Henry and Santiago. Dr. Daniel Smith was the delivering physician. As the first baby of the year at SVH, Matias and his parents will be presented with a gift basket of prizes, checks, and gift cards donated from the hospital and generous local businesses. —Sevier Valley Hospital
If you do not change your direction you may end up where you are heading. —Lao Tzu
Sevier Valley Hospital
Brothers Henry and Santiago Maldonado welcome the newest additional to the family, Matias, Sevier Valley Hospital's first baby of 2018. ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.