January 12, 2012 Wayne & Garfield County Insider

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Panguitch • Panguitch Lake • Hatch • Bryce • Tropic • Antimony • Henrieville • Cannonville • Escalante • Boulder • Fremont • Loa • Lyman Bicknell • Teasdale • Torrey • Grover • Fruita • Caineville • Hanksville

Nominate Your Favorite Volunteer for the Governor’s Silver Bowl Award

Do you know of a special volunteer who should receive statewide recognition for their service in your local community? This is your opportunity to nominate them for the “Governor’s Silver Bowl Award”. This prestigious volunteer award honors one special volunteer (or volunteer group) from each county each year. The award receives its name from the beautiful silver bowls, which are engraved and provided to each winner. Since 1997, the Silver Bowl Awards have been spearheaded directly by the Utah Volunteer Centers Association, which now boasts 21 Volunteer Centers and satellites throughout Utah. The Silver Bowl Awards are sponsored locally by THE VOLUNTEER CONNECTION (Six County RSVP and the Volunteer Centers). Lt. Governor Greg Bell will personally present the Silver Bowl Awards at the statewide April ceremony in Provo. We encourage everyone to submit nominations for this volunteer award. Individual adults, youth, or groups may be nominated to receive the award. All nominations for Sevier, Sanpete, Millard, Juab, Wayne, and Piute counties need to be received at THE VOLUNTEER CONNECTION - Richfield office by February 2, in order for the review committee to select the winner. Nominations do not need to be submitted on any particular form, but they do need to contain the name and all contact information of the person or group being nominated - and name and contact information of the person making the nomination. The following information will be used as the criteria to judge the applications: 1. How long has the nominee been volunteering, and where do they serve? 2. What is the average number of hours donated by the volunteer, and what do they do? 3. What personal qualities make the nominee an outstanding volunteer? 4. How does the nominee’s activity affect the quality of life in the community? 5. What unusual problem/challenge has the nominee overcome (if any), and how has it affected his or her life? 6. Why does this nominee deserve the Silver Bowl award? 7. Please provide a one paragraph statement highlighting the nominee’s service in the community For more information contact THE VOLUNTEER CONNECTION at 893-0735 or 893-0737. Completed nominations may be mailed to, or dropped off at THE VOLUNTEER CONNECTION, 250 North Main, Suite 5 Richfield, Utah 84701 or e-mailed to sbastian@sixcounty. com by February 2, 2012. It’s easy to put your favorite volunteer forward for consideration for this special award.


Each year, the Utah Food Bank and local food pantries give out thousands of pounds of food during the Christmas season. Unfortunately, this leaves many local food banks in need in January. As a part of the RSVP program, we are holding a food drive in Iron, Beaver and Garfield counties. Our goal is 2,000 pounds of food collected and we cannot reach this goal without your help. Donations can be taken to the Panguitch Thrift Store and placed in the donation box. This will go until the 17th of January. Please join us in our efforts to re-stock the shelves of our local food banks! If we each donate a few cans and then invite three friends to do the same, we can easily meet our goal.”



Thursday, January 12, 2012 • Issue # 923

WALK-IN-ACCESS HUNTING OR FISHING (WIA) PROGRAM The Walk-in-Access (WIA) program provides opportunity for sportsmen and incentives for landowners. The WIA program monetarily compensates private landowners for public access to their property. Depending on the property and agreement with the DWR, the public may hunt, fish or trap on the property. In 2007 the DWR expanded the pilot WIA program from just the DWR’s Northern administrative region to include the Central and Northeastern regions. The WIA program is not yet available in all of the Southern or Southeastern regions.

The DWR is seeking landowners who own property in the participating regions to enroll in the program. (Region map and offices) Landowners interesting in more information about the program may contact the WIA program managers via the regional offices or through e-mail: • Clint Brunson, Northern Region • Steve Gray, Central Region • Amy Vande Voort, Northeastern Region • LeRoy Mead, Southeastern Region • Heather Grossman, Southern Region

Current Properties participating from the Southern and Southeaster that are: SOUTHEASTERN REGION C Hunt: Located the northside of Hanksville. F & S Jensen: Located on the southside of Scofield. J Blankenagel: Located about 4 miles southwest of La Sal, and about 13.5 miles west of the Utah-Colorado border. J Jackson: Located approximately 2.7 miles northeast of Caineville on Highway 24. J Mooney: Located in Spanish Fork Canyon on Highway 6, approximately 23 miles north of Price. J Vaughn: Consists of a stretch of Cottonwood Creek just north of Orangeville. L Burnside: Located about 2 miles northwest of Huntington, and 3 miles west of Huntington Lake. L R Thayn: Located approximately 1.7 miles north of Green River. R & A Earley: Consists of two stretches of Cottonwood Creek just north of Orangeville on Mill Dam Road. R Pannier: Located on the southwest side of Scofield Reservoir. R Pannier property #2: Located near the northeast end of Scofield Reservoir, about six miles north of Scofield on SR-96. SOUTHERN REGION Kingston Canyon: This property is one mile west of Otter Creek State Park.


UTAH PRAIRIE DOG HABITAT CREDIT BANK ESTABLISHED BY RC&D The Panoramaland Resource Conservation and Development Council (RC&D) is pleased to announce the development of the Utah Prairie Dog Habitat Credits Exchange Program “UPDHCEP” and the establishment of a Utah prairie dog habitat credit bank which allows developers and private landowners to purchase habitat credits, permitting clearance in perpetuity for development or sale of lands encumbered by the Utah prairie dog, a species listed as Threatened under the provisions of the Endangered Species Act. The UPDHCEP is one facet of a multi-pronged effort working towards habitat and species conservation and future delisting of the Utah prairie dog. The UPDHCEP creates a market for the conservation of the species, speeds permitting time for developers and municipalities, reduces conflicts, and provides financial incentives for private agricultural producers to voluntarily preserve habitat through acquisition of conservation easements. These easements protect Utah prairie dog habitat in its current use as agricultural land and will sustain its continued use as pastureland in perpetuity. The current mitigation system is extremely limited and inadequate in its ability to provide sufficient and timely clearance to developers. This innovative market-based recovery credit system for the Utah prairie dog will substantially advance recovery prospects for this species by facilitating private agricultural producer involvement and assigning the greatest credit to habitats with the greatest contribution to recovery.

DAVCO BUILDING THE SNUGGLE INN......................................................836-2898 55 South Main, Loa ( www.thesnuggleinn.com ) Conference Rooms - meetings, socials, business, reunions, shower rooms, etc. TOSCONOS PIZZERIA.................................................836-2500 Hours: Open: Mon - Sat: 11-8pm ~ Closed Sundays. Sandwiches, Paninnis, Pizzas,Wraps, Salads, Pastas, Breadsticks, Cin-A-Stick w/Frosting, Smoothies and Specialty Coffees CREATIVE SPIRIT GALLERY & GIFTS..................836-2898 www.giftscreativespirit.com MANE-E-ACS HAIR SALON .....................................836-2602 Kimber Wood (Walk-ins, Hair Cuts, Perms, Colors, Pedicures, and Hair Extensions & Jewelry.) PACE TAX SERVICE.....................................................836-2218 Tax Preparations, Refund Loans, IRS E-Filing, and Tax Planning. THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER is owned and operated by Snapshot Multimedia and is distributed weekly to all of Garfield County. Its purpose is to inform residents about local issues and events. Articles submitted from independent writers are not necessarily the opinion of Snapshot Multimedia. We sincerely hope you enjoy the paper and encourage input on ideas and/or suggestions for the paper. Thank you for your support.

January 26 has been scheduled as a teacher inservice day and there will not be any school held for students. Typically this has been a half day but this year it is going to be a full day. Please “pass the word around to anyone that you know, no school on January 26.


The Wayne County Travel Council will be having their next board meeting on Thursday January 26, 10:30 a.m. at the Community Center in Bicknell. If you have any questions or concerns that need to be addressed please contact your town representative so it can be added to the Agenda. Fremont/Lyman: Troy Anderson, Loa: Francine Hallows, RaeLynn Cooper, Bicknell: Patty Krause, Howard Blackburn, Teasdale:Debbie Gates, Torrey: Kelli Hansen, Don Torgerson, Gary Pankow, Caineville/Hanksville: Forrest Sims, Mike Flanders, Thank you, Nycole Durfey - Director Wayne County Travel Council

An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory. Friedrich Engels Wayne Phone: 435-836-2622 Garfield Phone: 435-676-2621 Fax 1-888-370-8546 PO BOX 472, Loa, Utah 84747 snapshot@live.com ALL content for THE WAYNE &GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE 5:00 PM to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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