Serving Wayne & Garfield Counties, Utah Loa • Fremont • Lyman • BickneLL • teasdaLe • torrey • Grover • Fruita • caineviLLe • HanksviLLe PanGuitcH • PanGuitcH Lake • HatcH • antimony • Bryce • troPic • HenrieviLLe • cannonviLLe • escaLante • BouLder
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Issue # 1185
BLM Seeks Comments on Escalante Communications Tower Proposal Would Increase Area Cellular Communications Coverage
KANAB - The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is seeking public comment on a proposal by InSite Towers Development to build a 60-foot steel self-supporting lattice tower at the Escalante Mountain Communication Site near Escalante, Utah. The new tower would replace the current 40-foot wooden mast at the site, which is on public land managed by the Kanab Field Office. The new tower and supporting facilities would accommodate two additional cell phone service providers in the area, with the additional height also increasing the quality and range of coverage. BLM is seeking input during the public comment period, which ends at the close of business on Friday, February 3, 2017. A detailed description of the proposal is available by contacting the Kanab Field Office at the email or telephone number listed below, or by visiting the office at 669 South Highway 89A in Kanab. The information is also available online on the BLM ePlanning website at: epl-front-office/eplanning/ Name=renderDefaultProjectS ummary&projectId=69605 Written comments should be addressed to: BLM Kanab Field Office (Attn: Escalante Tower), 669 South Highway 89A, Kanab, Utah, 84741; by fax to (435) 6441299; or by email to blm_ut_
Persons who use a telecommunication device for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 800-877-8339 to leave a message or question with the above individual. The FIRS is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Before including an address, phone number, e-mail, or other personal identifying information in any comment, please note that the entire comment, including personal identifying information, may
Wayne and Garfield Groups Encourage New Players
be made publicly available at any time. Requests to withhold personal identifying information from public review can be submitted, but cannot be guaranteed. The public’s interest in the management of public lands is appreciated and encouraged. If you need further information, please contact the Kanab Field Office at (435) 644-1200. —Bureau of Land Management
Wayne County Commission Meeting
Highlights: Public Defender Services; New gate for Hanksville Diversion; Airport; Bike path LOA - The Wayne County Commission held their regular meeting on Tuesday, January 3, 2017 at 10am. Commissioners Dennis Blackburn, Stanley Wood and Newell Harward were present, and commissioner Harward was sworn in for his renewed term by Clerk/auditor Ryan Torgerson. Afterward being sworn in, Harward commented genially that he would like to, “Thank everyone, whether you voted for me or not.” The agenda for the commission’s first meeting was not lengthy, and began with reviewing and approving an agreement with lobbyist Robert K. Weidener for $4,000 for his services for 2017. Commissioners then reviewed and discussed at greater length a contract for Indigent Defense Fund Ser-
vices, from January 1 through December 31, 2017. County Attorney LeEllen McCartney explained that according to Utah Code, the county is obligated to provide for the defense of an indigent adult or juvenile in criminal cases in the courts. The county is authorized to fulfill this obligation by appointing a qualified attorney. The proposed indigent services contract is with JoHanna Williams, who also worked with the county this past year. The amount is for $18,000, and commissioners noted that this is “a little more” than last year. Commissioner Harward noted that he is serving on the board of the Utah Association of Counties and that there is Wayne County Comm. Cont'd on page 2
BryceCon Board Gaming Convention Takes Over Ruby's Inn for Its 3rd Annual Family Friendly Event
Courtesy BryCeCon
The joy of winning and the agony of losing are all part of the BryceCon Gaming Convention at Ruby's Inn, Jan. 13 -15th. BRYCE CANYON CITY - Boardgamers from Utah and beyond are eagerly anticipating the start of the BryceCon Game Convention next Friday, held at historic Ruby’s Inn, near Bryce Canyon National Park. Now in its third year, BryceCon and Ruby’s Inn have continued to provide a long weekend
Local Pickleball Clubs Inspire Friendly Competition and Fitness
of playing the latest boardgames, as well as the classics, and winter activities in the beautiful Bryce Canyon area. The 2017 convention weekend boasts over 100 scheduled games, 24-hour open gaming, tournaments, a speed game design contest and a library of over 350 games. New to BryceCon this
SNOW IS COMING! There are some flurries expected on Thursday and Friday. The weekend will be sunny and clear. Some clouds rolling in early next week through Wednesday. Highs for the week in the low 40s and high 30s. The lows throughout the week will be in the teens and low 20s. Mellow winds throughout the next 8 days.
year are a series of Utah State Championship tournaments, the winners of which will go on to compete in the Western Regional Championships at SaltCon in March. “The first year attendance was almost 3 times our expectations and it has continued to grow” says Gary Tanner, convention organizer. “Holding BryceCon in this location has drawn guests in from not Bryce Con Cont'd on page 2
Escalante Saturday morning pickleballers pictured are: Laura Lantz, Sage Sorenson, Eddie Young and Frank Venuti. E S C A L A N T E / B I C K - ple to try it out,” said Soren- as doubles or singles. PickNELL - Maybe you made son. “If a person’s played any leball paddles are inexpena New Year’s resolution to kind of a racquet sport--tennis, sive—you can buy your own change things up in your life, table tennis, racquet ball, they paddle for about $35—but and then again maybe you would pick up this game re- players in both Wayne and didn’t. But in either case, this ally quick. And if they haven’t Garfield counties have extra winter might just be a good they’ll still figure it out. It’s a paddles available for people time to check out the sport of lot of fun.” to use to try it out. pickleball. Sorenson added, “It’s a According to the USA Whether you live in pretty injury-free game. The Pickelball Association, it is Wayne or Garfield counties, only injuries I know of are one of the fastest growing there are groups of pickleball pulled muscles. It teaches sports in America, and it is players ready to welcome you sportsmanship, and eye hand even becoming a world sport. to the game. coordination. And it’s a lifeOn the USAPA website, Sage Sorenson, an enthu- time sport… don’t let infirmi- their story of the history of siast of the sport, considers ties hold you back. You can pickleball goes like this: “In himself a “pickleball ambassa- play it your whole life, from 1965, after playing golf one dor” for the Escalante-Boulder as soon as you can walk, and Saturday during the summer, area, and says the Escalante people play in their 90s.” Joel Pritchard, congressman Sports Club--as they call Pickleball is played on a from Washington State and themselves--is actively re- badminton sized court with a Bill Bell, successful businesscruiting new players to join net, set at 34 inches high. And Pickleball the game. it is played with a paddle and Cont'd on page 3 “We’d like to invite peo- a whiffleball. It can be played
MPNHA Recognizes Diverse Audiences and Communities MANTI - Several episodes of the Mormon Pioneer National Heritage Area’s TV show Discovery Road have been forwarded for consideration to be included in a new National Park Service publication to be published in early 2017. If they are approved, “Engaging Diverse Audiences and Communities in the NPS” will include references and links to those episodes along with information about MPNHA programs. In “Paradise on the Prairie,” viewers learn about Clarion, a lost Jewish colony from a century ago. In “Wasatch Academy,” they meet the Rev. Duncan McMillan, an educator who clashed with the Mormons, and in “Native American and Sacred Water,” they learn the history of a small-town hot springs connected to ancient Native American culture. These episodes highlight the diversity of the heritage area and allow the public to engage with a historic corridor of Utah that was critical in the shaping and development of the state as it is today. Other stories told in the Discovery Road TV series include “Blackhawk War,” a
In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer. —Albert Camus
conflict that grew out of tensions between Mormon pioneer settlers and Native A m e r i cans, which included members of the Ute, Paiute, Apache, and Navajo tribes. I n 2015, the MPNHA Courtesy MPnHA sponsored a two-day Historian Donna Glidewell at Wasatch Acadevent, “The emy. Glidewell is an expert on the Rev. Duncan Soul of McMillan. the Native “Discovery Road” adAmerican Artisan,” which highlighted the artistic talents dresses and shares differing of David K. John, a local Na- viewpoints than those typically seen, such as the reverence vajo artist. The history of Butch Cas- that Native Americans show sidy and his relationship to the for natural resources, such as area is explored in the episode water, which is highlighted in titled “The Apostle and the the episode, “Native Americans and Sacred Water.” Outlaw.” The MPNHA relies heavIn addition to relationships with Native Americans, ily on input from its Native “Discovery Road” has pro- American ombudsman and duced episodes with other Utah’s director of Indian afgroups, including African fairs to address issues with MPNHA Americans in “The Black ExCont'd on page 2 perience.” ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.