The Wayne and Garfield County Insider 1/18/18

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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Issue # 1238

Torrey Earns Utah’s First International Dark Sky Community Designation

Free Community Dinner to Celebrate Cultural Heritage

Scott T. Smith

Last week, Torrey Town earned International Dark Sky Community status, for their efforts to promote fully-shielded nightsky friendly lighting, and preserve the community's ability to see the stars at night. TORREY - If an entire community could earn a gold star for good conduct, then the town of Torrey, Utah, has done just that. The International Dark Sky Association (IDA) awarded that star last Friday by officially recognizing Torrey as Utah’s first International Dark Sky Community. Only 18 communities in the world have achieved this distinction. An IDA International Dark Sky Community is a town, city, municipality or other legally organized community that has shown exceptional dedication to the preservation of the night sky through the implementation

and enforcement of a quality outdoor lighting ordinance, dark sky education and citizen support of dark skies. International Dark Sky Communities excel in their efforts to promote responsible lighting and dark sky stewardship, and set good examples for surrounding communities. Torrey is situated adjacent to Capitol Reef National Park, which was designated an IDA International Dark Sky Park in 2015. It is the first such U.S. national park ‘gateway community’ to earn the International Dark Sky Community designation. Torrey’s new status is therefore key to preserving abundant natural nighttime

darkness in Capitol Reef. “As Torrey joins the IDA family today, together we take a major step forward in achieving an important goal of the International Dark Sky Places Program to join parks and neighboring communities in dedication to preserving their shared night skies,” said IDA Executive Director J. Scott Feierabend. “Torrey has proven its commitment to protecting this resource for the benefit of both its residents and national park visitors.” The stars began to align for Torrey when Capitol Reef was designated an International Dark Sky Park. This prompted Torrey residents,

"When I Grow Up, I Want to Be President" Boulder Elementary Take Home Project Focuses on Foundational Skills by Jeff Sanders

Courtesy Elizabeth Julian

Boulder Elementary's Logan Navar presenting an item from his "Me Bag", September's Take-Home Project. The students decorated a paper bag and then placed five items inside that represented themselves. BOULDER - “When I grow up, I want to be President.” This ambitious statement is common among children. It has most likely started many a young person on a lifetime of learning and achievement, which can be a wonderful adventure for one’s life. Though only a few will

ever attain such a high goal as President of a country, the learning and preparation for such a goal provides benefits for all children. The monthly Take Home Project for Boulder Elementary School students provides valuable life skills whether the child’s aspirations are towards President


THURS. JAN. 19 - WED. JAN. 24

PARTLY CLOUDY, AGAIN. The rest of the week will be partly cloudy, with highs in the mid to high 40s, low 50s, and lows in the high 20s and low 30s. No precipitation expected. Wind on Friday the 19th could get up to 23mph.

of the Senior Class, President of a company or President of the United States. The skills necessary to become a president are varied, though some foundation skills are critical. Many successful people would put time management and organization skills, logical thinking skills and communication skills on the top of their list of foundation skills to learn. Research and oral presentations during early school years provides excellent opportunities for children to learn these skills. The children at Boulder Elementary School are given this opportunity every month in their Take Home Projects, during which the children research a topic, prepare a paper on the topic and present their topic with visual aids to an audience of students and members of the community. Starting the endeavor early in life builds habits that will increase a child’s probability of success in any ambitious path of life. Time management and organization skills are valuBoulder Elementary Cont'd on page 4

friends, and citizens from across Wayne County, Utah, to hitch their wagon to the International Dark Sky Park by working toward International Dark Sky Community status. In turn, the Torrey Town Council implemented an outdoor lighting ordinance, which requires street and building lighting to be shielded and directed toward the ground. “While those who came before us left us our dark night skies to love, now we leave a legacy to generations of future residents of this special place we proudly call home,” explained Torrey Mayor Scott Chestnut. “We've often been accused of being ‘in the dark,’ but now we're being honored for it!” In a partnership with the Torrey-based Entrada Institute, engaged citizens raised money to replace the town’s high-pressure sodium streetTorrey

Cont'd on page 2

To register for the free WAYNE COUNTY - For meal, please call the USU the past couple weeks, 4-H youth have been exploring Extension/4-H Office at 435the history of games in Wayne 836-1312 so we can get an County. On Wednesday Janu- estimate of the number of free ary 24th at 6:00PM the entire meals to prepare. This three-year cultural community is invited to join in heritage project is supported the fun at a fREE community through a generous grant from dinner at the Wayne County Community Center in Bicknell. The evening event includes inspiring conversation, live game demonstrations, a slide show of fascinating historical photos and stories, and fun activities for all ages. A free booklet will be available to extend the experience with friends and family. USU Extension FSNE Nutrition Education Assistant and local chef Kate Chappell will be serving a healthy, game-themed dinner, while 4-H youth, teen leaders, and local volunteers share our cultural heritage of games Courtesy Annette Lamb and gaming. Playing marbles. Come see children playing traditional games and join in for some cross-generational fun. the National Endowment for Let's re-engage the community the Humanities and matching in the traditional of fun family funds provided by the Entrada games we all grew up playing Institute. -—Annette Lamb, The like Button, Button, Who's Got Entrada Institute the Button?

Woman’s Body Found in Her Panguitch Home PANGUITCH - The Garfield County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the death of a 90 year old woman who was found on January 10, 2018 buried under a large amount of coal in the coal bin of her home in Panguitch. A granddaughter of the deceased woman, Roma Bowman, had received a letter from her uncle, Pete Marker, stating that her grandmother had passed away on December 25, 2017 and that he had taken care of the body. Concerned about the letter’s contents, Mrs. Bowman’s granddaughter took the letter to law enforcement in St. George, who contacted the Garfield County Sheriff. The Garfield County Sheriff and deputies entered Mrs.

Bowman’s home on January 10 and discovered her body there. According to Denise Dastrup, Public Information Officer for the sheriff’s office, 66 year old Pete Marker, Roma Bowman’s son, was in the home when the police arrived and voluntarily let the officers into the home. The Garfield County Sheriff arrested Mr. Marker, and he is facing felony charges of abuse or desecration of a dead human body and failure to report a dead body. Mrs. Bowman’s body was sent to the medical examiner’s office in Salt Lake City for evaluation. They determined that she did die on December 25, and that she passed away of natural causes —Insider

Henrieville Inducts Town Leaders

Courtesy Henrieville Town

HENRIEVILLE - Henrieville recently swore in their Mayor and two Town Board members. They also nominated a new Fire Chief. From Left to Right is Cliff Mathews, Town Board member, Jeff Johnson, elected to Town Board, Dale Pollock, re-elected to Town Board, Lisa Chynoweth, Town Board member, Scott Neilson, new Fire Chief, and Dave Roberts, re-elected as Mayor of Henrieville. —Marie Jaggar, Henrieville Town Clerk

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. —Aesop

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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