The Wayne and Garfield County Insider 01/19/2017

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Thursday, January 19, 2017

Issue # 1186

Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Artist-In-Residence Program Seeks Photographers gram during the 2017 Amazing Earthfest!. The artist will serve as an ambassador for GSENM and will also conduct a community service project during the residency. Work created during the residency may be used by program sponsors for interpretive, educational, and promotional efforts. Applications must be received by midnight on February 12, 2017, to be eligible. For addiJames aNd JeNNy tarPley tional details Sunset Arch, photograph was taken by GSENM's Artists in Residence 2016, James and Jenny Tarpley. about applying, KANAB - Grand Stair- February 12, 2017. portunities to promote a deeper please contact Allysia Angus, The purpose of the Artistcase-Escalante National Monuunderstanding of the natural, GSENM Artist in Residence ment (GSENM) in partnership in-Residence partnership be- cultural, and historic resources Program Coordinator at 435with Glen Canyon Natural His- tween GSENM, GCNHA and on GSENM. The residency pro- 826-5615 or —Grand Staircase-Escalante tory Association (GCNHA) AEF is to promote awareness vides an opportunity for learning and Amazing Earthfest! (AEF) through landscape photography and dialogue about the value of National Monument is seeking applications for the of the exceptional natural and the National Conservation Lands 2017 Artist-in-Residence – Pho- cultural treasures preserved and and their connection to the local tography Program. The residen- protected by GSENM. The pro- communities. It allows unintercy is scheduled for three weeks gram aspires to share the scenic rupted time in a stimulating and ending on May 21 to coincide beauty and unique stories of rugged environment for artists with Amazing Earthfest!. This National Conservation Lands to pursue their work and share it residency is limited to photogra- with the public through artistic with the public. phers over 18 years old who are expression. The selected artist will reThe residency provides ceive housing assistance, a stiUnited States residents. Deadline for applications is midnight, artistic and educational op- pend, and provide a public pro-

Garfield Memorial Hospital Designated as a Critical Access Hospital PANGUITCH Garfield Memorial Hospital has now been designated as a Critical Access Hospital. This designation comes from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). CMS has created a category of hospitals they label as Critical Access, which means they cannot be closer than 35 miles to another hospital, must be located in a designated rural area, and also must be 25 beds and under. The designation provides additional funding to help support the vital hospital services needed in rural areas. Garfield Memorial Hospital Administrator Alberto Vasquez said, “The reason it’s important to have received this Critical Access designation is it provides the hospital additional funding from Medicare. They reimburse the hospital 101 percent of costs associated with providing care to Medicare patients. For Garfield Memorial this equates to approximately one million

dollars annually. But the designation in no way changes the care our hospital provides. This Critical Access Hospital status will help provide additional financial stability for the hospital so Garfield Memorial can continue to support the citizens of south central Utah.” Once this certification process is complete, Garfield Memorial Hospital will be a 15-bed Critical Access hospital. The hospital’s current long-term care unit is undergoing certification to be designated as a 21-bed nursing home. Garfield Memorial Hospital received the 2016 national HealthInsight Quality Award for providing exceptional quality of care. Garfield Memorial Hospital had approximately 600 admissions this past year, provided over $500,000 in charity care, and has 120 employees. —Garfield Memorial Hospital

The New Year's First Babies

Leah McGinnis, Capitol Reef Superintendent Takes Position at Saguaro National Park brings great experience leading and working with teams at Grand Canyon and in interim superintendent assignments in several of our Arizona NPS sites,” Masica said. “Her management and leadership background in building partnerships between parks and communities make her ideal for this key position.” McGinnis Courtesy NatioNal Park serviCe became superinLeah McGinnis, superintendent of the tendent of CapiCapitol Reef National Park, takes a potol Reef in 2013 sition as superintendent of Saguaro Naafter serving as tional Park. chief of staff at CAPITOL REEF - Leah Grand Canyon National Park. McGinnis, a 28-year veteran She spent 12 years at Grand of the National Park Ser- Canyon, first as fee program vice (NPS), has been named manager and then in managesuperintendent of Saguaro ment posts including assistant National Park in Arizona by to the superintendent, chief of NPS Intermountain Region partnerships, and supervision Director Sue Masica. McGin- over employee safety, public nis, who recently completed affairs, workforce diversity, a four-month stint as acting leadership development and superintendent of Saguaro, the park’s volunteer program. is superintendent of Capitol “Saguaro National Park Reef National Park in Utah. is such a magical place. BeShe will begin her new as- ing nestled against a vibrant signment the week of Feb. 19. urban center, it offers count“Leah is certainly no less opportunities to collabostranger to Saguaro. She also rate and make partners in the



SNOW OVER THE WEEKEND. There are some flurries expected Thursday through Saturday. And then again on Monday and Tuesday. Highs for the week in the mid 30s and high 20s. The lows throughout the week will be in the low teens and single digits. Wind will be moderate but will pick up to 14 mph on Saturday.

community.” McGinnis said. “I look forward to re-joining our amazing Saguaro team and being part of greater Tucson and all that it and the park have to offer.” Her previous NPS Arizona assignments also have included interim superintendent of the three Flagstaff area national monuments (Sunset Crater Volcano, Walnut Canyon and Wupatki), interim superintendent of Tonto National Monument near Phoenix and interim deputy superintendent of Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in Arizona and Utah. She joined the NPS in 1988, working in the communications center in Yellowstone National Park. In 1993, she was promoted to dispatch supervisor at Glen Canyon. McGinnis later set up that park’s fee collection procedures under the NPS’s Recreation Fee Demonstration program, which directed most revenues from increased entrance fees back to parks to cover higher operating costs because of rising visitation. McGinnis, a native of Montana, earned a bachelor’s degree in business management from Montana State University. She will move to Tucson with her husband, Mike, who was deputy chief ranger of Grand Canyon before retiring from NPS. Their adult son Justin lives in Tempe, AZ. —National Park Service

GUNNISON - Gunnison Valley Hospital is pleased to welcome Sawyer Henry Fillmore to the world. Sawyer is the first baby born at Gunnison Valley Hospital in the new year – born on January 2nd, 2017 at 6:15 PM weighing in at 7.7 lbs and 21 inches long. Congratulations to Kaylin and Ross Fillmore for the new little addition to your family. RICHFIELD – Sevier Valley Hospital welcomed their first baby of the new year on Monday, Jan. 9 at 7:58 a.m. Adalynn Broadbent, a baby girl weighing six pounds seven ounces and measuring 19.5 inches long, was born to Cassandra and Nate Broadbent of Salina. Dr. Jennifer Parker was the delivering physician. As the first baby of the year at SVH, Adalynn and her parents will be presented with a gift basket of prizes, checks, and gift cards donated from the hospital and generous local businesses – valued at $1,000.

Darken your room, shut the door, empty your mind. You are still in great company. —Austin Osman Spare

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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