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Thursday, January 25, 2018
Issue # 1239
Torrey's Grace Christian Church Celebrates Three Years of Accomplishments
Courtesy Vivien Schuh
Leaders and organizers of Grace Christian Church, shown left to right are Pastor David Schuh, Vivien Schuh, Brenda Zirwas, and Mike Zirwas. TORREY - After three years we are so blessed and thankful to be a part of Torrey and the surrounding areas. We have made so many wonderful friends, new relationships and feel so welcome in this and the surrounding communities. We have been able to share and participate in the fun of Pioneer Days events, local Christmas programs, the Na-
tional Day of Prayer and were generously supported for our Candlelight Services and our own open house the first summer Grace Christian Church opened in February of 2015. We were also so excited to have the annual local quilt show in our church this past year!! Thank you to all who put on the showing and the layout was spectacular! The
Flu Season is Still Here WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTIES – If you haven’t had the flu this year you might think you’ve licked it, but local health officials say we’re not quite out of the woods yet on flu season. Josie Moosman, a registered nurse and clinical manager at Wayne Community Health Center, says that at the clinic they are still seeing influenza cases, and suggests that people continue to take precautions to protect their health, and also to get a flu shot if you haven’t had one, yet. “We encourage people that if they have not received a flu shot yet that they come in and get it,” said Moosman.
“People can still come in to get flu shots until the end of March.” “Also, wash hands and clean surfaces. And people who are sick, just stay home. These are general precautions that we take with the flu every year,” added Moosman. She said that WCHC’s recommended treatments for influenza and common cold include ibuprofen or Tylenol, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, zinc supplements, and rest. For some patients, Tamiflu is recommended. “Only for those who are over 65 or who are immune compromised, at the onset of
quilts, their family history, the people and stories from past and present were all so incredible and heartwarming. Thank you again for the opportunity to show this great history and family tradition. We have a consistent number of folks that attend church even in the cold of winter so we know that we are here for a reason. We are also so wonderfully blessed all year with visitors from all over the world. Some return every year to say hello and attend service even during their vacation time. We have met some wonderful people young and old from as far away as China, Australia, Iceland, Germany, Africa and from every corner of the USA. Some have even mentioned that this has been their first time to visit a small country Christian church in America. When we first started to revitalize the little Church building in Torrey, Utah in February of 2015 we were so excited to do some needed fixing up of the structure and the grounds. Since then there have been a lot of interior and exterior upgrades. Just cleaning up the outside has made a big difference in the appearance in a positive way. The old windows have been replaced, lawn and automatic sprinklers installed and the exterior of the building had a much-needed drink of colored wood preservative. Posts and privacy fencing have also been installed to define the area and match some of the other fencing in town. The interior had the carpet replaced, fresh coats of light color paint to cover the dark paneling, new wood trim Grace Christian Cont'd on page 3
Fishlake National Forest Receives USFS Chief's Honor Award
Courtesy Fishlake National Forest
Participants during USFS's Chief 's Honor Awards Ceremony: Back Row, left to right - Carlos Rodriguez-Franco, Deputy Chief for Research and Development; Victoria Christensen, Deputy Chief for State and Private Forestry; J. Lenise Lago, Ceremony Host; Antoine Dixon, Chief Financial Officer; Leslie Weldon, Deputy Chief for National Forest Systems; Robert Velasco, Acting Deputy Chief for Business Operations. Front Row, left to right - Tony Tooke, Chief of the Forest Service; Jason Kling, Richfield District Ranger; Nora Rasure, Intermountain Regional Forester. RICHFIELD The Chief’s Honor Awards, the highest honor in the Forest Service, are presented in Washington, D.C., each year. With these awards, the Forest Service celebrates employees who find innovative ways to embrace the goals of the agency’s strategic plan. Each of the nominees for the awards embodies one of the goals in the strategic plan: Sustain Our Nation’s Forests and Grasslands, Deliver Benefits to the Public, Apply Knowledge Globally, or Excel as a High-Performing Agency, as well as the Chief’s Honor Awards fifth category, “Fostering Volunteerism and Service,” that recognizes major achievements in building internal capacity to support volunteerism and community service. They all strive to meet “the greatest good of the greatest number in the long run.” This year the Monroe
Wayne Adult Education Honors Graduate
Flu Season
Cont'd on page 2
Garfield Memorial Hospital Announces Scholarship Program PANGUITCH - Garfield Memorial Hospital is pleased to offer a scholarship program to assist non-traditional students (past graduates of Panguitch, Piute, Bryce Valley, or Escalante High Schools and/ or Residents of Garfield or Piute Counties) in pursuing a degree in one of the following fields: nursing, pharmacy, imaging, laboratory, dietician, medical coding, clinical social work, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, or a medical degree. Two $500 awards will be given to residents of Garfield or Piute County. Eligibility requirements include the following:
1) Applicant must be and/ or current resident of Garfield or Piute County. 2) Applicant must be currently enrolled in college to pursue a degree in a health care related field. Applicant must complete and send in application, with official high school or college transcript and any other required attachments to be postmarked, delivered, e-mailed or faxed no later than April 15th, 2018. For application please contact Amber Matthew 435676-1262 or amber.matthew@ —Garfield Memorial Hospital
THURS. JAN. 25 - WED. JAN. 31
OK, IT's WINTER. The fruit trees are getting those necessary chill hours. High temps this week from low 30s to high 40s. Friday is scheduled to be coldest with high of 33 & low of 11. Warming slightly over weekend. Not much chance of precip this week. Slightly breezy.
Courtesy Wayne Adult Education
Mary Bray, Wayne High School Principal, Wayne Adult Education Program's newest graduate Citlali Juarez-Moreno, and Peggy Chappell, Wayne Adult Education Director pose together after the recent graduation ceremony. WAYNE COUNTY In a graduation ceremony on Wednesday, January 17, Wayne High School Principal Mary Bray presented a high school diploma to Citlalli Jarim Juarez-Moreno upon her completion of all high school requirements through the Wayne Adult Education program. Congratulations to this fine young woman for the hard work and determination she demonstrated in achieving this goal. Wayne Adult
Education is sponsored by Wayne School District. Adult education empowers individuals to become self-sufficient, with skills necessary for future employment and personal successes. We strongly encourage any who may need high school classes or credits to call today. Come, and finish what was started. For more information, or to ask questions call Peggy Chappell at Wayne High School (435-425-3411.) —Wayne Adult Education
The greater the doubt, the greater the awakening; the smaller the doubt, the smaller the awakening. No doubt, no awakening. —C.C. Chang
Mountain Aspen Ecosystem Restoration Project Interdisciplinary Team was selected in the category for “Sustaining Our Nation’s Forests and Grasslands.” On December 7, on behalf of the Fishlake National Forest and the project’s Interdisciplinary Team, Richfield District Ranger Jason Kling accepted the award at a ceremony held at the Department
of Agriculture building in Washington, DC. In accepting this prestigious award Ranger Kling said, “Thank you to the entire Interdisciplinary Team, Chief Tooke, and the Executive Leadership Team. Thank you to the entire Monroe Mountain Working Group for you willingness to work in collaboraChief's Honor Cont'd on page 3
Garfield County 4-H Member Attends National Western Roundup by Callie Ward Utah State University Extension, Garfield County DENVER - Kathleen Sullivan of Panguitch competed at the National Western Roundup in Denver, Colorado, the first week of January. There she competed against other 4-H members from across the county in the Fashion Revue Contest. She represented Garfield County amongst the 53 delegates from Utah. Kathleen competed and won the Smart Shop Challenge last year at the Utah 4-H State Contests, which qualiCourtesy USU Extension fied her to compete on the national level. We Sullivan competed at the 4-H Naare proud of the great tional Western Roundup. efforts and preparation Kathleen put into this contest. At the National West- dustry, education and the arts, ern Roundup, the delegation and share personal experiencattended workshops, contests, es with others through things tours, and the National West- that have been meaningful to your growth and development. ern Stockshow. Utah 4-H State Contests Attending the National Western Round Up, the del- will be July 9th- 11th and if egation also can establish new open to 9th- 12th grade youth, friendships with fellow 4-H held on the beautiful Utah and FFA members and leaders, State University Campus in participate in social and edu- Logan, Utah. The Utah 4-H cational programs by being a State Contests is a competiparticipant, not a spectator, ex- tive showcase of youth talent perience and develop greater throughout the state. Utah 4-H personal growth, continue to Seniors gather at State Condevelop leadership and citi- tests for a chance to win the zenship skills, reach for new state title. There are a variety career ideas and cultural deWestern Roundup velopment in areas of busiCont'd on page 3 ness, agriculture, science, inALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.