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Thursday, January 26, 2017
Issue # 1187
Discovery Road Presents New Episode “The Unknown”
Courtesy MPNHa
BRYCE CANYON/HWY 12 - The fresh snow made the hoodoos and spires near Mossy Cave stand out in a beautiful stark rainbow of sandstone. Mossy Cave is a short hike that is easy even in winter. You might have driven passed it a hundred times, but it is worth a pit stop. In the winter the mossy cave is full of huge icicles and in the spring, moss and gently dripping water. At first, this canyon known as Water Canyon. This is not a natural canyon. From 1890-1892 Mormon pioneers labored with picks and shovels to carve an irrigation ditch from the East Fork of the Sevier River, through the Paunsaugunt Plateau, into this canyon. Give it a try it is less than a mile with a gentle incline.
Glen Canyon Releases Off-Road Management Plan
Glen Canyon's Lake Powell with its famous bathtub ring. PAGE, AZ - The Nation- resources that make our park al Park Service announced special to them and millions last Friday the release of the of other visitors from around Off-Road Vehicle Manage- the world.” The plan compares the ment Plan and Final Environenvironmental impacts that mental Impact Statement for could result from continuing Glen Canyon National Reccurrent management strategy, reation Area. The plan anaor implementing any of the lyzes a range of alternatives four action alternatives. Afand actions for managing offter a waiting period of at least road use of motor vehicles as well as on-road use of off- thirty day, the National Park highway vehicles and street- Service will issue a Record of Decision documenting the allegal all-terrain vehicles. Glen Canyon Super- ternative that has been selectintendent, Billy Shott, said ed. The alternative that is sehe is excited that the plan is lected will then be adopted as a special regulation governmoving forward. “The Off-Road Vehicle ing off-road use of motor veManagement Plan, or ORV hicles, as well as on-road use plan as we like to call it for of off-highway and all-terrain short, has been under devel- vehicles at Glen Canyon. Garfield, Kane, San Juan opment since 2007,” Shott and Wayne counties coopersaid. “I am excited that the ated in the development of the plan is moving forward at Off-Road Management Plan this stage and I hope we’ll be and Final Environmental Imable to take action in the near pact Statement. Shott said he future to protect the exciting is pleased that the process to recreational opportunities ofdraft the plan was a collaborafered to visitors at Glen Canyon, while continuing to pre- tive effort that incorporated serve the natural and cultural input from multiple stake-
THE SUN WILL COME BACK. Thursday we should have clear, blue skies until Monday. Highs for the week in the mid 30s and high 20s. There will be a jump to the 40s on Tuesday and Wednesday. The lows throughout the week will be in the low teens and single digits. Thursday will drop to zero. Wind shouldn't be noticeable.
DaviD Mark
holders. “I’m very pleased with the response we’ve had to developing the Off-road Vehicle Management Plan,” Shott said. “We gathered input and comments from the general public at numerous venues, received input from the Bureau of Land Management, and had input from the Utah counties that border our park. I think the plan we’ve prepared together is very representative of the balanced approach we need to manage off-road use in Glen Canyon.” Shott said that the plan was prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act and would guide management of offroad vehicle recreation at Glen Canyon once a record of decision is issued by the National Park Service Intermountain Regional Office. Five alternatives were considered in the development of the plan. Alternative A, the "noaction" alternative, represents the continuation of existing management policies related to the use of off-road vehicles in Glen Canyon. Al-
ternative B, the environmentally preferred alternative, would only allow motorized vehicle use on existing park roads. Alternative C, the recreation opportunity preferred alternative, would expand recreational opportunities by increasing the number of offroad routes in the park as well as the expanding the types of vehicles that would be allowed on park roads. Alternative D would limit the number of off-road vehicle routes and areas and prohibits the operation of off-highway and allterrain vehicles throughout Glen Canyon. Alternative E, the National Park Service preferred alternative, designates a mixture of opportunities for motorized recreation on park roads and designated off-road routes, and certain shoreline areas, but prohibits such use in areas where natural or cultural resources may be at risk. The National Park Service preferred alternative, Alternative E, maintains many of the off and on-road recreational opportunities that are currently available at Glen Canyon, though some routes and areas not designated under the plan will be closed and restored. It also includes provisions to develop a comprehensive communication plan that will improve signage and route markings, inform visitors about park regulations concerning off-road vehicle use, and educate visitors on the unique resources in the park and ways they can help protect them. A permit system will be implemented to facilitate communication with visitors, and recover costs associated with monitoring routes, providing visitor safety, and mitigating damages to natural and cultural resources. To seek additional information, obtain a copy of the plan, or provide comments, please visit —The National Park Service
It is an easy thing for one whose foot is on the outside of calamity to give advice and to rebuke the sufferer. —Aeschylus
Charlene Heaton (left) and Renè Bona Clarke set off on a trek to find their ancestors. CAMP FLOYD - Little cords were kept of the dead is known about the soldiers and the fact they were burof Johnson’s Army sent to ied in the camp cemetery, no Utah in 1858 to quell what records were made of which turned out to be a nonexistent graves held the remains of specific soldiers. Today, the “Mormon rebellion.” In “The Unknown,” Dis- landscape is spotted with covery Road, the educational scores of graves carrying TV series produced by the nothing more than the word Mormon Pioneer National “Unknown” on their headHeritage Area (MPNHA), stones. While much is known tells their story. The soldiers stayed three about the soldiers and their years in what became known brief sojourn in Utah, little as Camp Floyd, “observing” is recorded about the cithe Mormons but during that vilians, especially those time left a lasting mark on who left Fairfield and other the town of Fairfield, Utah Utah communities for other County, and the surrounding climes. “The Unknown” then area. While there was no conflict, soldiers died and were shifts gears to focus on Daburied during those years. vid and Ann Bona, 1853 Since the Army did not have Mormon emigrants from any cemeteries, they were Swansea, Wales, who, after buried by their comrades in Discovery Road arms in a makeshift cemetery Cont'd on page 2 on camp property. While re-
Escalante City Council Meeting ESCALANTE – The Escalante City Council met on Tuesday, January 17, 2017 during their regular meeting time at 6pm. Mayor Melanie Torgersen, and council members Louise Barnes, Marlene Stowe, and Guy Graham were present. Representing the Garfield County Office of Tourism with a update on tourism in 2016 for city council was Tourism Office Executive Director Falyn Owens. She spoke about new software that was being used to monitor online rentals in the area to ensure taxes are being paid where due. In about a month, cities in the county will be given information that is collected using the software. Owens also discussed the new brochure which includes five locations in the area for tourists to visit: Burr Trail, Escalante River, an ATV attraction, Red Canyon for mountain biking, and Bryce Canyon National Park. Louise Barnes discussed the christmas light agenda item. Last year’s christmas lights didn’t ship in time for christmas so the company the lights were ordered gave the city a credit. The council authorized the purchase of 10 snowflake christmas lights for $1,500.
The last agenda item was the new community center and senior center which council member Barnes also discussed. The existing community center is not to code and would require millions of dollars in order to bring it up to code. City council plans to build a new community center and new senior center to better meet the needs of the growing senior population in the town. These buildings are being considered to be located on city property just north of the gym. Engineers are drafting plans now and once finished funding and grants will be pursued. City Council finished by going into an executive meeting to discuss employees. Next City Council meeting is at 6pm Tuesday, February 7, 2017. The agenda includes a public hearing regarding a proposed zone change from Multi-Family Residential District (R-M-7) to Residential/Commercial District (RC) for property located at 265 West 100 North (E61) and the proposed Grand Staircase Resort Subdivision Preliminary Plat for property located at 680 West Main (E-325). —Kelton Manzanares
ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.