The Wayne & Garfield County Insider February 1, 2018

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Thursday, February 1, 2018

Program to Help Veterans Remain at Home Now Available to Six County Veterans RICHFIELD Six County Association of Governments Aging Services announced it is working with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to bring the Veteran Directed Home and Community Based Services (VDHCBS) Program to Rural Utah. This has been a long time coming for Veterans of all ages to receive an opportunity for benefits and services beyond the Wasatch Front. The VA has worked to expand the VDHCBS program throughout Utah and is now available in all but three counties in Utah. Veteran-Directed Care is for Veterans who need skilled services, case management, and assistance with activities of daily living such as bathing, getting dressed or instrumental activities of daily living such as fixing meals or taking medicine; and are isolated or their caregivers experiencing burden. The Veteran themselves choose who they will hire to provide needed services which could be a family mem-

ber or neighbor. Six County will provide a Case Manager to work with the Veteran for them to self-direct the care. This program can be used to help Veterans continue to live at home or in their community. Veterans and their caregiver have more access, choice and control over their long term care services. The Veteran decides on services that will best meet their needs and may purchase items and services that will help them live independently in the community. Since Veteran-Directed Care is part of the VHA Standard Medical Benefits Package, all enrolled Veterans are eligible IF they meet the clinical need for the service and it is available. Additional program information and other in home programs available within the Six County region is available through Six County Aging Services (435) 893-0736 and the U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs. —Scott Christensen, Director of Aging Services, Six County AOG

Community Dinner Celebrates Cultural Heritage

Issue # 1240

SUU Opens Capitol Reef Field Station at Loa's Road Creek Inn LOA - Road Creek Inn, located near Capitol Reef National Park, Fishlake National Forest, Canyonlands National Park and the Grand StaircaseEscalante National Monument, is a historic hotel in Loa, Utah that now serves as Southern Utah University’s Capitol Reef field station. The current building replaced the Loa Co-op originally built in 1904 that was destroyed by fire on Dec. 11, 1911. A fresh water pipeline supplying Loa with water from nearby Road Creek was finished in 1911, unfortunately, a fire hose had not been constructed yet or the old building might have been saved. The new Loa Co-op building would go on to house many merchants, including being a part of the Zion's Cooperative Mercantile Institution (ZCMI) from 1912 to 1920 managed by W. Scott McClellan. Others operating in the mercantile business after McClellan were Loren Webster, Nelden Ellet and Reed Brian from 1920-1928. In 1928, a Jewish immigrant from Russia by the name of Isaac Wachs, later changed to Wax, purchased the Loa Coop store, at the time known as “Ikie’s Store,” and managed it from 1928-1940. Wax and his wife, Sadie, had four children; Harry (1906), Yetta (1908), Ida (1913), and Morris (1920). In 1945, after completing his military service, Harry bought Field Station Cont'd on page 2

Courtesy southern utah university

A current photo of Road Creek Inn in Loa, Southern Utah University’s new Capitol Reef Field Station. The acquisition of Road Creek Inn in further solidifies Southern Utah University’s title as the official University of the Parks.

Ruby’s Inn to host 33rd annual Bryce Canyon Winter Festival

Adventurers are invited to take advantage of free events and activities

Courtesy annette Lamb

USU Extension Agent GaeLynn Peterson shares the Cat’s Cradle game. WAYNE COUNTY Over 80 people participated in the first of six Wayne County community dinners this year focusing on local cultural heritage themes. USU Extension FSNE Nutrition Education Assistant and local chef Kate Chappell prepared foods that Wayne County pioneers would have eaten this time of year including beef and wild rice. The appetizer course was traditional Johnny Cake (cornmeal flat bread) with smoked duck. Pioneers would have been eating smoked meats this time of year. The cornmeal flat bread was a local family recipe. Kate stated that she'd "served the smoked duck as part of a healthy living snack during one of the afterschool youth activity. Although kids thought they'd hate it, most of them loved the smoked duck." Participants enjoyed a healthy meal, played games, and shared their memories of

game playing. Children shared games they had invented and challenged adults to checkers, chess, and other traditional games. Participants could vote for their favorite board game, traditional game, outdoor game, and video game. Games including Jacks and Yahtzee along with conversations cards were placed on each table. These cards included memories of local residents, lists of games, and other discussion starters along with questions to jumpstart conversations. Those competing a series of activities were awarded a special prize. During the month of February, Wayne County 4-H youth will be exploring our cultural heritage of wood and crafting through four after-school programs (Feb 6, 8, 13, 15). Activities include exploring how native peoples and pioneers used Community Dinner Cont'd on page 2



SUNNY. WARM. Consistently sunny to mostly sunny throughout the week with highs in the 50s, lows in the upper 20s, low 30s. A little breezy with winds 8-11 mph. Not a drop of rain or snow in the forecast.

BRYCE CANYON CITY - Ruby’s Inn is set to host its 33rd annual Bryce Canyon Winter Festival, which will be held President’s Day weekend, Feb. 17-19. The event will feature several free and paid family-friendly clinics, demos, tours and activities, including a balloon glow after dark—an activity that was introduced at last year’s festival. “One reason we hold the Winter Festival is to provide opportunities for visitors to enjoy the beautiful winterland of Bryce Canyon Country,” Deanna Moore, Winter Festival director at Ruby’s Inn, said. “The festival is a great yearly tradition that has seen a lot of success—it not only gives our guests dozens of great activities to participate in, but also showcases the unique winter scenery of Bryce Canyon.” “We’ve had several people ask if we are still having the festival with the low amount of snow, but I tell them that 90 percent of our activities are not dependent on weather, so plan on coming.” Moore said. Some of the outdoor activities included in the threeday festival schedule are cross country ski tours, archery clinics, snowshoe tours and ski clinics. In addition, the festival highlights several indoor activities for those looking to stay out of the cold. These activities include photography

Courtesy ruby's inn

Bryce Canypn's 33rd annual Winter Festival, Feb. 17-19, will have scores of activities for all ages, regardless of the weather. clinics, dance instruction, pottery making, photo contest, crafts for kids, kayaking demos, watercolor painting, cookie decorating and family history clinics. Adventurers will also find several other activities at the Winter Festival. “We want everyone who attends to feel like they have plenty to do,” Moore said. “The various activities ensure that kids, teenagers and adults will all be entertained.” Aside from the activities available at the Winter Festi-

Space isn't remote at all. It's only an hour's drive away if your car could go straight upwards. —Fred Hoyle

val, Ruby’s Inn also provides additional adventures that are available all winter long. These activities include outdoor ice skating, horse-drawn sleigh rides, horseback riding and cross-country skiing. Depending on weather conditions, events at the Winter Festival are subject to change; however, the event will still be held regardless of snow levels. Those wishing to sign up for competitions or who are looking for more information on the event

can visit or call 1-866-866-6616. Since 1916, Ruby’s Inn has been making it easy for visitors from around the world to experience the epic scenery of Bryce Canyon National Park. Ruby’s Inn is located at the entrance to the park and offers the closest lodging with everything from luxury hotel rooms to RV parks and campgrounds. —Ruby's Inn

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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