The Wayne and Garfield County Insider 02/02/2017

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Thursday, February 2, 2017

Issue # 1188

Wayne Schools Take Three of Top Five Spots for Winter Reading Contest

Cindy Wilkins from the Hanksville School accepts the Winter Reading Contest certificate for Wayne School District Superintendent, John Fahey. WAYNE COUNTY Over the Christmas Holiday the Central Utah Education Service (CUES) sponsored a Winter Reading Contest. The contest was open to all seven school districts in our region. The Winter Reading Contest was designed to encourage the students to read during their Christmas break. Prior to the break each school spoke about the importance of reading and helped students check out books on the CUES OverDrive system. OverDrive is our elec-

tronic book library system that students use on their iPads. The Winter Reading Contest went from December 1st to January 15th. When the contest results were announced Wayne School District had three of the top five reading schools in the region. Hanksville elementary was the top reading school with the students checking out an average of 3.68 books per student. Wayne Middle School was second with an average of 2.98 per student. Loa Elementary was

fifth with an average of 1.66 books checked out per student. The top four schools received a Kindle Fire, which means that Hanksville Elementary and the Wayne Middle School were each provided with a Kindle Fire to be used as a student incentive. The success of our students during this reading contest shows that our students understand that reading is essential for a their success. Why is reading is fundamental to functioning in today's society? Reading is a vital skill in finding a good job, is important because it develops the mind, it is how we discover new things, it develops the imagination and develops the creative side of people. We had great participation and I hope students enjoyed reading during the Christmas break. I want to say, ”Great Job Everyone!” I would encourage students and parents to visit the online OverDrive library and review the available books. If you have suggestions for books we can add to the OverDrive library let me know. —Dr. John M. Fahey, Superintendent, Wayne School District

Two Openings on Utah Wildlife Board SOUTHERN UTAH The group that has the final say about hunting, fishing and how wildlife is managed in Utah has two openings it needs to fill. Applications are being accepted to serve on the Utah Wildlife Board. The board makes the final decision regarding the management of deer and other wildlife in Utah. In August, John Bair and Mike King — two members of the Utah Wildlife Board — will leave the board after six years of service. Gov. Gary Herbert appoints members to the board. The governor is looking for the following: At least one person from southeastern Utah to take King's place. Bair's vacancy can be filled by anyone who lives outside of southern Utah. Not more than two people can serve from a single Division of Wildlife Resources region, and the Southern Region already has two representatives on the board. Staci Coons, board coordinator for the Division of Wildlife Resources, says the Utah Wildlife Board consists of seven citizens from different parts of the state. To help manage wildlife in the state, the DWR has divided Utah into five regions. State law requires that every region have at least one representative on the board. "We need at least one person from southeastern Utah," Coons says. "The other spot can be filled by anyone outside of the Southern Region." To serve on the board, Coons says you need to have a strong interest in wildlife and wildlife management in Utah. You also need to be committed to serving and representing the

people of the state. Applications to fill the two positions will be accepted starting Feb. 1. To apply or for more information, visit wildlife.utah. gov/board-rac.html. Applications must be received by March 15 to be considered for a position. The Utah Wildlife Board Nominating Committee — an 11-member committee appointed by Gov. Herbert — will review the applications and select candidates to interview. Then, the committee will forward its recommendations to the governor. Gov. Herbert will make the final decision about who fills the vacancies. The members the governor appoints will serve for one

six-year term. Coons says board members attend six to seven wildlife board meetings in Salt Lake City each year. "They're also encouraged to attend monthly Wildlife Regional Advisory Council meetings in their regions," she says. "Some overnight travel is also required." If you're interested in serving on the committee that nominates the board members, read more online. The committee has two openings, one for a locally elected official and one for a specialist in range management. —Utah Division of Wildlife Resources

Op-Ed Homeless Shelter Secrecy Earns Salt Lake City Leaders the Black Hole Award By The Utah Headliners

On Dec. 13, Salt Lake City Mayor Jackie Biskupski and the seven council members stood before journalists and made an announcement impacting city residents and the entire state — the location of four new homeless shelters. It was the culmination of… well, we aren’t sure what. Whatever process led to the announcement that day was closed to the public. It was only after the announcements that the city held public hearings on the chosen locations. The entire matter was so opaque that the Utah Headliners Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists has



RAIN OR SNOW ON FRIDAY. Rest of the week should be partly cloudy or sunny. Highs for the week in the mid 40s and high 30s. Tuesday and Wednesday might get as warm as 48 or 49 degrees. The lows throughout the week will be in the high teens and 20s. Wind will be picking up towards the middle of the week.

chosen to give a Black Hole Award to Biskupski and the City Council — James Rogers, Andrew Johnston, Stan Penfold, Derek Kitchen, Erin Mendenhall, Charlie Luke and Lisa Adams, in Districts 1 through 7, respectively. The Black Hole is given to agencies or officials who show disregard for transparency in government. Utah law allows for the closing of government hearings and the sealing of government records when that government agency is seeking to purchase real estate. If Salt Lake City’s elected officials had confined their opacity to the parcels it was considering purchasing, The Headliners wouldn’t have conBlack Hole Award Cont'd on page 3

Escalante High School Homecoming

ESCALANTE - Last week's Moqui Homecoming game against the Milford Mustangs was a great time, in spite of the Moqui's loss to Milford. Escalante Homecoming Royalty - Photo Above (left to right): Duchess- Chessney Steed, Duke- Bracken Lyman, Queen- Fabiola Plancarte, King- Jaden Young, PrincessMillie Knaphus, Prince- Oakley Haw . Photo at Right: Moquis Boy's Basketball players Klace Lyman #11 (senior) Kai Griffin #31 (senior) valiantly go for a basket. Photos Kobbi Scott Smith

GSENM Advisory Committee Meetings February 2 & 3, 2017 KANAB - The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Advisory Committee will host a meetings on Thursday, February 2, 2017, from 10 6 p.m; and Friday, February 3, 2017 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Agenda topics include: the ongoing Livestock Grazing Management Plan Amendment and Associated Environmental Impact Statement (LGMPA/AEIS); the Skutumpah Terrace Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat Restoration Project; GSENM division briefs, a tour of the GSENM Paleontology Lab

and off-site tour of dinosaur track site; future meeting dates and other matters as may reasonably come before the GSENMAC Those attending in person should meet at the Bureau of Land Management Administrative Headquarters, located at 669 S. Highway 89A, Kanab, Utah. The committee will hear public comment from 5 to 6 p.m. on February 2; and from 12 to 1 p.m. on February 3. For additional information, contact Larry Crutchfield at 435-644-1209 or Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf

(TDD) may call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339 to leave a message or question for the above individual. The FIRS is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Replies are provided during normal business hours. All meetings are open to the public; however, transportation, lodging, and meals are the responsibility of the participating public. —Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument

Utah Delegation Holds Reception During Inauguration Week

WA S H INGTON, DC Jason Chaffetz, U.S. Representative from Utah's 3rd Congressional District, and Utah Senator Mike Lee are shown at right during a luncheon reception held in Washington, DC, on Thursday, January 19, and hosted by members of the Utah congressional delegation. Representatives from the Escalante Chamber of Commerce were in Washington during inauguration

Joy in looking and comprehending is nature's most beautiful gift. —Albert Einstein


week and had the opportunity to have substantive meetings about economic development issues with

each member of the Utah congressional delegation and their staff members. —Insider

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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