Panguitch • Panguitch Lake • Hatch • Bryce • Tropic • Antimony • Henrieville • Cannonville • Escalante • Boulder • Fremont • Loa • Lyman
Thursday, February 9, 2012 • Issue # 927
Bicknell • Teasdale • Torrey • Grover • Fruita • Caineville • Hanksville
Despite nearly a month passing since New Year’s Day, Panguitch’s Garfield Memorial Hospital welcomed its first baby of 2012 Monday morning. Logan Lee Elmer, was born January 30 at 8:53 a.m. in the hospital’s labor and delivery unit. Logan weighed 6 lbs. 4 oz. and was 18 ½ inches long. He was welcomed by his parents, Kayton and Tia. “We’re very excited to help the Elmer family celebrate the first baby born in our hospital this year,” said Alberto Vasquez, Garfield Memorial Hospital Administrator. Jade, Logan’s older sister, is very excited about her new baby brother. A number of generous community businesses donated gifts to Baby New Year 2012. Garfield Memorial Hospital, which is owned by Garfield County and managed by Intermountain Healthcare, had 41 babies born at the hospital in 2011.
- BLM, Color Country District- THE BIG PICTURE The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in partnership with Utah’s Watershed Restoration Initiative (UWRI) recently completed the second phase of the South Canyon Watershed Restoration project near Panguitch, Utah.
Phase two, which began in the fall of 2011, was designed to restore 1900 acres of rangeland using mechanical equipment and was reseeded with desired grasses and forbs. Landscape projects like this are implemented to improve wildlife habitat, reduce the risk of wildfire to nearby communities, and increase water yield and quality in the Sevier River Drainage. LOCAL ECONOMIC BENEFITS The South Canyon Watershed Restoration provided numerous benefits to the local economy of Panguitch and surrounding area. It employed 20 full-time individuals including contractors, sub-contractors, heavy machine operators, and oth-
er technical workers. Two of which were hired from the local community. Employment with this project provided personnel with good wages and valuable experience for the duration of this four-to-six month contract. By federal law, heavy equipment operators are required to be paid a minimum of $17.94 per hour. Compared to the average hourly salary of $12.88 in Garfield County, this opportunity provided good wages ( jsp/wi/utalmis/ Not only is this project providing work for many people, it generates a lot of other business for the local economy through the purchase of thousands of dollars in fuel, mechanical parts and ser-
vices, food, and lodging expenses. For example, Project Manager Shawn Peterson states that approximately 60 gallons of fuel is needed daily to operate each of nine machines for approximately 12 hours per day. “Fuel is purchased locally, adding about $1,890 daily to the local economy from fuel alone, which amounts to $170,000 throughout the 90 days of this treatment contract.” . Additionally, each machine that is utilized on this project is routinely serviced in the local area. Expenditures for replacement parts and repairs of the equipment provide significant revenue to the local auto parts stores and mechanic shops. In fact, national contracts are written to encourage contractors to support the local economy nearest to the project site. Cecil Swaggart of Swaggart En-
terprises and contractor for the project estimates that at least one out of the nine machines working on the project is in need of service daily. Local, Utah based companies are always given an equal opportunity to be “awarded” contracts, but due to the various rangeland health project opportunities currently available this fall and winter, most of the local companies were already working to complete other treatments. “Due to the BLM’s current contracting structure, we spend most of our money in the communities nearest to our work site. We pay rent, buy food, purchase fuel, and order equipment parts locally.” Cecil Swaggart, Swaggart Enterprises, Oregon ONLINE > Interested in seeing more treatments like this? Visit to view projects being implemented near you.
Back: Wyatt Moore, Locke Savage, Brendan Lee, Brandon Birch, Tom Adams, Kaden Figgin Front: Cherish Moore, Mrs. Adams, Avery Veater, Natalie Birch, Jaylee Breinholt, Kendra Sawyer, Shelby Leach, Chandler Campbell, Sierra Allen, Cianna Swartzmiller, Taylor Greene, Vince Hannah, Tyler Brinkerhoff, Chelsee Draper, Katelyn Peterson, Maryn Mooney, and Ms. Caine January 31, Panguitch High
School 21 FBLA students competed in Richfield at the Regional FBLA Competition @ Snow College. This group of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is one of the best prepared groups of students that the Business/Technology department at PHS has sent to a competition. Three students placed in their chosen business category: Maryn Mooney: Hospitality Management; Locke Savage: Entrepreneurship; and Chelsee Draper: Health Care Management. There were many business/technology categories that the students competed in and they made an outstanding effort representing the Business/ Technology classes at PHS making their teacher; Ms. Caine proud.
DAVCO BUILDING THE SNUGGLE INN......................................................836-2898 55 South Main, Loa ( ) Conference Rooms - meetings, socials, business, reunions, shower rooms, etc. TOSCONOS PIZZERIA.................................................836-2500 Hours: Open: Mon - Sat: 11-8pm ~ Closed Sundays. Sandwiches, Paninnis, Pizzas,Wraps, Salads, Pastas, Breadsticks, Cin-A-Stick w/Frosting, Smoothies and Specialty Coffees CREATIVE SPIRIT GALLERY & GIFTS..................836-2898 MANE-E-ACS HAIR SALON .....................................836-2602 Kimber Wood (Walk-ins, Hair Cuts, Perms, Colors, Pedicures, and Hair Extensions & Jewelry.) PACE TAX SERVICE.....................................................836-2218 Tax Preparations, Refund Loans, IRS E-Filing, and Tax Planning. THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER is owned and operated by Snapshot Multimedia and is distributed weekly to all of Garfield County. Its purpose is to inform residents about local issues and events. Articles submitted from independent writers are not necessarily the opinion of Snapshot Multimedia. We sincerely hope you enjoy the paper and encourage input on ideas and/or suggestions for the paper. Thank you for your support.
I believe that every human has a finite number of heart-beats. I don’t intend to waste any of mine running around doing exercises. Buzz Aldrin Wayne Phone: 435-836-2622 Garfield Phone: 435-676-2621 Fax 1-888-370-8546 PO BOX 472, Loa, Utah 84747 ALL content for THE WAYNE &GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE 5:00 PM to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.