The Wayne & Garfield County Insider February 15, 2018

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Thursday, February 15, 2018

Issue # 1242

Wood Crafting, Weaving & Cultural Heritage

Wayne Community Dinner February 21 Will Explore Local Wood & Wood Crafting Heritage

Annette lAmb

Nicholas Mustoe, a forester at Fishlake National Forest, discusses tree rings with 4-H youth. WAYNE COUNTY Wayne County 4-H youth have been investigating the history of forests, wood, and crafting. Nicholas Mustoe, a forester at Fishlake National Forest spoke with 4-H youth about his work with the U.S. Forest Service. The youth have been learning about the dozens of historic and current sawmills throughout the county and how wood is harvested and processed for a wide range of projects from log cabins to art projects. Whether wood carving, wood burning, or building with wood, they’ve had experiences using wood in many different types of projects. On Wednesday February 21st at 6:00PM the entire community is invited to join in the fun at a FREE community

dinner at the Wayne County Community Center in Bicknell. The community night will include a free meal, historical perspectives on local sawmills, exhibits and demonstrations of locally made wood products, along with woodrelated activities. To register for the free meal, call the USU Extension/4-H Office at 435836-1312. Our next cultural heritage theme is baskets, rugs, and weaving. 4-H youth activities will take place February 22 & 27, March 1 & 6 at the Loa Civic Center from 3:005:00PM. All children grades 3 and up are invited to attend these free after school activities. Youth will be discussing how native peoples and pioneers wove baskets, rugs, and


Trump Wrongly Cut Monuments Central to Our Vision for Public Lands


by Stephen trimble

fter Donald Trump’s brief visit to Utah on Dec. 4, Patagonia’s home page declared, “The President stole your lands.” The outdoor company did not exaggerate. Trump’s proclamations whacked away at Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante national monuments, with no regard given to the careful deliberation in establishing their original boundaries. He revoked protections for land rich in fossils and archaeological sites. He opened ecologically rich wildlands to extractive industries. And he broke yet another federal commitment to Native America at Bears Ears, the first national monument dedicated to Indian culture. Utah congressmen introduced two bills the next day to codify the president’s executive orders. These bills would install local Utah county commissioners as managers at diminished monuments and at a newly created sham national

park. They would transfer ownership of public lands to the state and would escalate Trump’s rejection of sciencebased conservation. Full of poison pills, the bills will never pass. One aspect of this depressing mess has received little attention. National monuments like Grand Staircase and Bears Ears — managed by the Bureau of Land Management — have a different mission than national monuments or parks managed by the National Park Service. The Park Service has a challenging dual charge, conserving the land and providing for the enjoyment of the people. BLM land, defined as “multiple-use” land, gives equal weight to many “judicious” uses of “diverse resources,” though this does not mean using every acre for every use. Recreation is dispersed, with little infra-

other household items. They’ll learn about weaving tools and create woven crafts. Finally, they’ll play games exploring the wide variety of materials that are used for weaving from yarn to pine needles. The free community dinner event for the weaving theme will be held Wednesday March 14 at 6PM at the Wayne County Community Center in Bicknell. We’re looking for historic photos related to any of our themes. Right now, we’re particularly interested in people with experience in weaving that would like to share their expertise as part of the after school program or during the community event. If you’re willing to share, please contact Annette Lamb at info@ or call 435-425-3415. This project is made possible through a generous grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Entrada Institute. LIKE us at sparkinghumanities. —Annette Lamb, The Entrada Institute

Local Singer/Songwriter Mary Kaye to Offer "Super Power" Workshops at Wayne & Bryce Valley High Schools BICKNELL - There has never been a better time in history for independent artists who have music, art, humor or skills to share. The digital age has made it possible for an artist living in rural Utah to share their art with people from all over the world and earn a healthy living from their efforts. For singer/songwriter and Escalante resident, Mary Kaye, this is the reality she has worked for and enjoys. Mary Kaye Knaphus, known professionally as Mary Kaye, got a late start in music in what most would be considered an industry for the young. She was 39 years old and expecting her 10th child when she got her first guitar and started writing music about her life in the rural West. Eleven years later, she has garnered many awards including a Wrangler Award from the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum in Oklahoma City. Her work takes her to concert halls and festivals all over the world. Mary Kaye

has built a career with the help of her husband and manager, Brad, without the help of a label and is she is excited to share her knowledge with our communities in the next couple of weeks. As part of an educational

outreach program designed for Utah's rural communities, Mary Kaye will be doing two school assemblies at Wayne High and Bryce Valley entitled "Making Money with your SuWorkshops

Cont'd on page 2

CourteSy mAry KAye KnAphuS

Local songwriter Mary Kaye Knaphus has tips to help aspiring young artists launch their talents into viable careers.

"How to Run for Office" Campaign Training Workshop Offered February 24 BOULDER - “Civic engagement,” when we choose to do so, generally entails voting, writing letters to officials, making phone calls, maybe even marching to support or protest a policy. But how many of us have actually been involved in a campaign? Helped with fundraising? Knocked on doors or stuffed envelopes for a candidate? Been a candidate ourselves? The apex of civic engagement may indeed be running

for office. And yet, the mechanics of doing that seem so daunting that most people probably, at most, give it a passing thought, then move on. On Saturday, Feb 24, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., in the Boulder Community Center, curious bystanders or campaign-wannabees can hear firsthand “How To Run For Office.” This workshop is a series of training workshops conducted by the Utah Democratic Party across the

state. However, it’s not solely for Democrats. It’s an attempt to make this aspect of civic engagement understandable, reachable, doable for anyone. In addition to information on running a campaign, fundraising, and some of the specifics involved in campaigning for office, you can also find out about tracking bills in the Legislature, registering to vote, or signing ballot initiative/candidate petitions. —Southern Utah Democrats

Panguitch High Wrestlers Bring Home 1A Trophy

Public Lands Cont'd on page 2


THURS. FEB. 15 - WED. FEB. 21

PROSPECTS FOR MOISTURE look slightly better than last week. It'll be cloudy, anyway. Sunny-ish Fri/Sat with clouds moving in Sunday and continuing through week, with small chance of rain. Highs in low 40s, lows in teens & 20s this week.

CourteSy JAKe SChoppe

Proud wrestlers and Proud parents at the 1A Regional wrestling on Saturday February 3rd. Panguitch won the 1st place bracket and trophy for the 1A – Division B wrestling. —Jake Schoppe Love is metaphysical gravity. —R. Buckminster Fuller

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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