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Thursday, February 16, 2017
Issue # 1190
Alicia Keller Receives Heroism Award from the State of Utah
Courtesy state of utah
ESCALANTE - Escalante resident Alicia Keller received an official citation from the State of Utah House of Representatives for acts of heroism during the Dec. 6th tragedy at Turn-About Ranch during which staffer, Jimmy Woolsey was killed. Keller put her life at risk and was severely injured while protecting students. In honor of her sacrifice, the Utah House of Representatives asked her son Jeffrey to lead the session in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. "This award won't bring Jimmy back. I am not a hero, I am only accepting this honor to remind people to act if they see the need. To get off your duff and do the right thing." Pictured, left to right; Matt Bartlett (Owner, Turn-About Ranch, Steven Elliason (Rep. R - District 45), Sherree Rechtsteiner, Alicia Keller, Alicia's son Jeffrey Rechsteiner (front), Myron Carter, (Manager, Turn-About Ranch), and John Webster, (Owner, Turn-About Ranch). —Insider
Wayne County Commission Reviews Hanksville Diversion Plans
LOA - The Wayne County Commission met during their regular meeting time on Monday, February 6 at 10am. It was a short meeting agenda, but two events made for a longer, in-depth meeting. First was a civics lesson with Mrs. Torgerson’s fifth grade class from Loa Elementary, and second was a project update on the Hanksville Canal Company’s engineering and upcoming construction of their new diversion project. Mrs. Torgerson’s class was seated and ready at the 10am start time. Mrs. Torgerson explained that the group is learning about history and government. They are planning a field trip to the state legislature in March, but they came to see first how things work at the county level.
Individual students asked probing questions of the commissioners: What made you want to be a county commissioner? What are some of your duties? What are the hardest decisions you have made? What changes would you like to see happen in the near future? Commissioner Wood responded that he was inspired to become a commissioner because he has children and grandchildren, and cares about their future. And that, “All the decisions are tough.” He explained that the commission has an agenda for their meetings that they need to follow. He laughed and said, “We can’t be doing this…you’re not on the agenda!” Commissioner Harward
described how each commissioner serves on boards beyond the county level, such as the School and Institutional Trust Lands board, “which helps the schools,” The Utah Association of Counties, Six County Association of Governments, and Central Utah Public Health board. “Other things we do, we lobby congressional leaders in Washington, DC and also state legislators—who you will see.” Commissioners said they would like to see children who grow up in Wayne County not have to leave the county to find work. Mr. Harward added that, “One of the hardest things is hanging on to our rural lifestyle. We Wayne County Cont'd on page 6
Kane County Commission Passes Resolution to Minimize Monument Boundaries
KANAB – Kane County’s, Monday, February 6 commission meeting was standing room only, and was moved from commission chambers to the largest available court room to accom-
modate the crowd that showed up to respond to Kane County Resolution No. R 2017-1. The resolution states Kane County’s “Intent to identify the minimum area necessary for
Kane County's commission meeting on February 6, 2017 was packed with citizens who came to discuss R 2017-1, aimed at reducing the size of GSENM.
Op-Ed Please Stop and Think!
by Keith Watts To my Garfield County cause of reduction in grazing Commissioners, will be reduce availability of Regarding your upcom- forage due to drought. ing Resolution to downsize Coal mines throughout the Grand Staircase-Escalante the West have been shut down National Monument (Grand because of the low prices of Staircase), I don’t think that you more efficient natural gas. Dehave fully considered its unin- veloping new coal mines on tended consequences. HCR 12 the remote Kaiparowits Plateau and your subsequent Resolution would be inhibited by the huge have numerous factual errors transportation costs and lack of that should be corrected before infrastructure. Coal is so 20th moving forward. The Truth is century because it is burned in that the Grand Staircase is not a 19th century manner. In the the cause of all our problems: future with changes in technolOperating under a pre- ogy, the vast coal deposits of the 1996 grazing plan, ranching has Kaiparowitiz might have more not substantially changed since value. We should leave it to to the creation of the Grand future generations to determine Staircase. The Monument Proc- how and whether to mine this lamation did not propose any coal; today it will simply not be new rules, but stated that exist- competitive. ing grazing rules and regulaOil exploration in the area tions would apply. In the future Stop and Think as in the past, the most likely Cont'd on page 3
A FEW RAIN SHOWERS IN FEBRUARY. Sunny Wednesday and Thursday. Showers expected on Friday the 17th, through the weekend with snow possible on Sunday. Highs for the week in the low 50s and high 40s. The lows throughout the week will be in the low 20s to low 30s. Wind picks up a bit on Saturday & Sunday.
the Grand Staircase – Escalante National Monument.” About 125 attended the meeting, with some saying it was among the largest public meetings they’ve ever seen in Kanab. This was despite that the agenda announcing the proposed resolution was posted only by mid-morning the previous Friday. Commission Chairman Dirk Clayson walked the crowd through procedures and the commissioners’ rational for the resolution. The resolution is stated as a joint request from Garfield County, Kane County and the State of Utah to the Kane County Cont'd on page 3
Escalante City Council Weighs Zoning Change Request ESCALANTE - The Escalante City Council chambers were packed for the February 6 council meeting. Topics of interest included a public hearing regarding a requested zoning change, the selection and swearing in of a new city council member, and discussion of street lighting. All current members of the council were present, including Mayor Melani Torgerson, Greg Hughes, Marlene Stowe, Louise Barnes, and Greg Allen. City attorney Barry Huntington also attended. A public hearing was held to review a request submitted by Dennis and Dana Waggoner, owners of Escalante Outfitters, for a zoning change on a property they are interested in purchasing behind their commercial Main Street business. On behalf of the current Escalante Council Cont'd on page 7
LOA - Kevin Hatch, president of Hanksville Canal Company, Lance Smith, civil engineer with NRCS, and Parker Vermicak, graduate engineer and Darin Robinson Principal Engineer with Jones and DeMille, made an hour and a half presentation regarding the Hanksville Diversion to the Wayne County Commissioners during their February 6, 2017 meeting. Construction is to begin this spring and will be the second replacement of the diversion following the 2006 flood.
Cross Country & Wrestling State Champion Accepts Full Ride Scholarship
PANGUITCH - Jonah Schoppe, one of the all-time great runners from PHS has accepted a full tuition scholarship including books to the College of Southern Idaho in Idaho Falls. Yesterday, surrounded by his parents, brother, coaches and PHS Cross Country teammates, he signed his name on the dotted line and made it official! In true Jonah fashion, he had little to say about his own accomplishments (which include a Cross Country State Championship and Wrestling State Championship) and just wanted to thank those who have supported him throughout his PHS running career. Jonah's mom, Natali Schoppe, says his running began in 7th grade in Miss Julie Chidester's P.E. class. He had been on a family vacation and his grade was so low that he was forced to either hit the weight room on his own time or come run with the Middle School Cross Country team. He chose the running and after a few practices, he told his parents that he thought he liked running and wanted to keep doing it. He placed 4th in his first race attempt. In his first year of high school cross country, he started out at the back of the pack and Courtesy PanguitCh high sChool then steadily made his way to the front. By the Jonah Schoppe, one of the all-time great state meet, he was the 5th runner for the Bobcats runners from Panguitch High School has and was able to contribute to their strong second received a scholarship to the College of place finish. Southern Idaho. Coach Danny Yardley who has been Jonah's Cross Country coach for four years and who has also assisted as his track coach, calls Jonah a team guy. "He is as interested in his teammates success as he is his own. He finishes the race and then he is back on the course cheering every runner to the finish." His Cross Country coach, Annie Anderson, says, "He is also a guy who comes to every possible practice, does every sit-up and every push-up and runs more miles than required." His track coach, Troy Norris, calls Jonah talented, but mainly a guy who works extremely hard and has a lot of heart. His wrestling coach, Colin Marshall, tells a story that not only illustrates Jonah's work ethic, but also his good heart. One day, Colin had the wrestlers up to his house for a strength work out where they were carrying heavy weights across his pasture. Jonah, knowing Colin was always hauling rocks off his field, suggested that they carry rocks instead of weights to help out. That's just Jonah for you! He shows up, works hard, cheers for everybody, helps out the coaches and then does it again the next day! He'll be a great asset to the CSI team, but he'll be forever missed at PHS. Fortunately, he still has the state wrestling meet this weekend and one last track season to compete for PHS and we wish him all the success in the world! He has earned it! —Annie Anderson
Did you ever stop to think and then forget to start again? —A.A. Milne
ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.