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L ega L N otices

Bid For Stage At Town Park Bicknell Town

Bicknell Town invites bids for a stage at the town park. The town park is located at 100 N. 200 E., Bicknell, Utah, 84715.


Bidding documents and specifications may be obtained from the Bicknell Town Hall at 64 W. 100 N., Bicknell, UT 84715, beginning February 9, 2023, at 10:00 am.

Sealed bids will be received at the Bicknell Town Hall, 64 W. 100 N., Bicknell, UT 84715 on or before February 23, 2023 at 2:00 pm. Bids will be publicly opened and read at the Town Council Work meeting February 23, 2023 at 7:00 pm at the Bicknell Town Hall, 64 W. 100 N., Bicknell, UT 84715.

Published in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider on FEBRUARY 9 & 16, 2023

Notice Of Intent To Appoint Trustees

Wayne County Water Conservancy District

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at its regular meeting on Monday, June 19, 2023, the Wayne County Commission will appoint (or re-appoint) six trustees to the governing board of the Wayne County Water Conservancy District.

Trustees representing the divisions of Lyman, Hanksville and At Large will be appointed for a three year term and trustees representing Torrey, Teasdale and Loa will be appointed for a 2 year term.

Anyone interested in serving on the Water Conservancy Board should send a resume and cover letter to the Wayne County Commissioners at PO Box 189, Loa, UT 84747 by5:00 PM Friday, May 19, 2023. For additional information, persons may contact John Jackson at 435456-9121.

Published in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider on FEBRUARY 16 & 23 and MARCH 2, 2023

Notice To Water Users

The applications below were filed with the Division of Water Rights in Wayne County. These are informal proceedings per Rule 655-6-2. Protests concerning an application must be legibly written or typed, contain the name and mailing address of the protesting party, STATE THE APPLICATION NUMBER PROTESTED, CITE REASONS FOR THE PROTEST, and REQUEST A HEARING, if desired. Also, A $15 FEE MUST BE INCLUDED FOR EACH APPLICATION PROTESTED. Protests must be filed with the Division of Water Rights on or before Mar. 15, 2023 either electronically using the Division`s on-line Protest of Application form, by hand delivery to a Division office, or by mail at PO Box 146300, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6300. Please visit waterrights.utah.gov or call (801)538-7240 for additional information.


89-1714 (a49919): Theron D. Rose propose(s) using 15 ac-ft. from groundwater (South of Henrieville) for DOMESTIC; IRRIGATION; STOCKWATERING.

61-2879 (a49932): Jeffrey A. and Shellie E. Field propose(s) using 0.5 ac-ft. from groundwater (4.5 miles NNE of Hatch) for DOMESTIC; IRRIGATION; STOCKWATERING.

61-2758 (a49939): MV Water Co., a Utah non-profit corporation propose(s) using 0.0351 cfs OR 3.4938 ac-ft. from groundwater (6 miles SW of Hatch) for DOMESTIC; IRRIGATION; OTHER: Guest cabins (0.1768 AF), greenhouse (0.459 AF), and evaporation (0.4194 AF).

61-2852 (a49950): Stephen J. and Mimi Cook Hall propose(s) using 0.0078 cfs OR 0.5 ac-ft. from groundwater (12 miles west of Hatch) for DOMESTIC; IRRIGATION.

89-1683 (a49953): Jeffrey Cantin propose(s) using 1.45 ac-ft. from groundwater (12-mi. E of Henrieville, Utah) for DOMESTIC; IRRIGATION.


61-2816 (a34505): John and Peggy Ellenburg Living Trust, State of Utah Board of Water Resources, West Panguitch Irrigation and Reservoir Company is/are filing an extension for 0.45 ac-ft. from groundwater (6 miles North of Panguitch) for DOMESTIC.



61-2557 (a28347): Mark Adair, Abdallah Alaoui, Russell Brown, Michael J. Carr and Raelene Carr, Jackelyn Choto, William L Bernard Trust Agreement dated October 19, 2005, Alexander Neville, Dianna M. Gyke and Ralph E. Sr. Fyke Family Trust, Mark E Cline and Scarlet E Cline, Chuck Crew, Josh Davidian, and Anthony Pallante, Brittany Pacini, Driscoll Eric, Pensco Trust Company, Aziz Zhari is/are filing an extension for 1.0112 cfs OR 78.5 ac-ft. from the Boiler Spring & Stream (2 mi. E. of Cedar Breaks N. M.) for DOMESTIC.



95-5234 (A77994): State of Utah School & Institution Administration is/are filing an extension for 1.5 ac-ft. (9 miles SW of Hanksville) for STOCKWATERING. Teresa Wilhelmsen, P.E.

State Engineer

Published in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider on FEBRUARY 16 & 23, 2023

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