The Wayne & Garfield County Insider February 22, 2018

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Thursday, February 22, 2018

Issue # 1243

Forever Resorts Leads the Way in Garkane’s Renewable Energy SHINE Program

Courtesy Garkane enerGy

Garkane Energy CEO Dan McClendon recognizes Forever Resorts and their contribution to Garkane's SHINE program. Their participation led to Garkane's ability to build its first solar facility in Kanab. KANAB - Forever Resorts received recognition from Garkane Energy CEO Dan McClendon for its ongoing commitment to advancing renewable energy as part of Garkane’s SHINE program. CEO Dan McClendon commented, “We wanted to recognize Forever Resorts for its major contribution to Garkane’s renewable energy Shine program. The Kanab solar pavilion was made possible largely because of their

participation, and it demonstrates their continued commitment to the protection and preservation of the natural environment.” The SHINE program was designed to provide Garkane Energy members the opportunity to contribute to renewable energy projects by purchasing power in 100 kWh blocks from renewable power resources. Forever Resorts high-level participation in the program allowed Garkane to build its

first solar facility in Kanab, with two other solar facilities planned in other communities. Headquartered in Scottsdale, AZ, Forever Resorts owns and operates 85 unique vacation and entertainment properties located near national parks, recreation areas, and national forests across the United States, Europe and Africa. With 5 resorts located within Garkane’s service territory at the Grand Canyon Lodge, Parry’s Lodge, Den-

ny’s Wigwam, Red Canyon Village, and The Lodge at Bryce Canyon, Forever Resorts is happy to contribute to the local communities of Kane and Garfield Counties. For information on how you can contribute to the renewable energy SHINE program, contact James.clegg@ or call 435-6445026. —Garkane Energy

BYU students, lawmakers prioritize environmental care by Jenna alton, Byu Capital West neWs serviCe

Courtesy Capital West neWs

BYU students Zach Clement and Anne Thomas hold the banner for the BYU Earth Stewardship club. The club’s mission is to increase awareness of environmental issues on campus. (Josh Ellis) BYU freshman Zach Clement still remembers feeling upset when he couldn’t ride his bike while growing up in Utah Valley because of heavy air pollution. Clement, along with other Utah residents, said the government needs to be involved to make lasting changes to improve environmental quality. This year, the Utah Legislature has responded to the call. At least 15 bills address environmental quality in the

2018 general session, and so far, lawmakers have not killed any of them. “For a long time, Utah’s kind of ignored the environment and treated it as something that needs to be exploited,” said Clement, an officer in the BYU Earth Stewardship club. “But I think that we need to treat it as something that needs to be protected.” One example is HB331, introduced on Feb. 6 by Rep. Michael Kennedy, R-Alpine. The bill would require driver’s


THURS. FEB. 22 - WED. FEB. 28

WINTER-ISH. Highs in the low 30s to low 40s and lows in the teens and 20s this week. Possible snow showers Thurs/Fri and then clearing to sunny/mostly sunny Saturday through Tuesday, then clouds and maybe some snow moving in Wednesday.

education programs to teach drivers how they can help improve air quality and about the harmful effects of vehicle emissions. The bill would also require the Drivers License Division to provide educational information on emissions to applicants for driver’s licenses. Kennedy said the inspiration for HB331 came from a constituent who bought a more fuel-efficient car after he realized he could do more to reduce air pollution. “After that experience, I realized that information actually changed behavior,” Kennedy said. “I started to think of ways that we can better educate drivers about what they can do to decrease emissions.” HB331 passed in House committee on Feb. 13. SB15, passed by the both the House and Senate, clarifies qualifications for the state environmental health scientist, who is responsible for enforcing state and public health laws, including laws on air quality and hazardous waste disposal. The bill also extends the position until 2028 at the request of the Utah Department of Health. While air quality is a recurring theme among the 2018

legislative session, it’s not the only environmental issue lawmakers are addressing. HB27, passed by both the House and Senate, aims to fix underground petroleum storage tanks that leak into Environmental Care Cont'd on page 5

Brian Head Hosts Two Day Hands-On Grant Writing Workshop BRIAN HEAD - National Scenic Byway, Utah’s Patchwork Parkway, is hosting a two-day workshop on grant writing, March 15-16, 2018. Participants will receive practical hands-on training on how to research and write grants that clearly state the purpose; have clear and measurable goals, objectives and outcomes; and have realistic justifiable budgets. Each afternoon, there will be panel discussions and one-on-one meetings with potential Funding Source Representatives. Training will be given by grant writing professionals. Participants will bring a project to the workshop that by the end of the workshop they will have identified at least 2 funding sources and will have written a draft grant proposal outline for that project. The Two-Day Workshop is opened to any community organization, government entity, non-profit/for-profit organization, or individual that seeks funding from governmental agencies, non-profit or-

ganizations, and private corporations. Seating is limited to 20 participants. Workshop will be cancelled if less than 10 participants register for the course. Registration fee includes classroom instructor, binder, and continental breakfast and lunch for both days. If registering before March 7, 2018, the fee for one person is $175.00. Registration after March 7, 2018 is $200.00. Cancellations made by this same date may receive a refund, but will incur a $25.00 handling fee.

For additional workshop information, please contact: Nancy Dalton, Byway Coordinator – 435-463-3735 or visit www. —Utah Byway 12 Committee

Love the Escalante Farmers Market?

Coordinator Position May be Right for You ESCALANTE - The growing season is approaching fast and the Escalante Farmers Market is seeking a Market Coordinator to oversee market operations for the 2018 season. This position requires a commitment of four hours on Saturday mornings from mid-June through mid-September plus up to four hours each week leading up to the market. The perfect candidate will recruit vendors and volunteers, promote the farmers market through marketing and advertising, as well as be on-site to oversee each market day. This is a voluntary position, however candidates 55 years old and over may qualify for paid part time salary through a collaboration of Envision Escalante and the Easterseals-Goodwill Northern Rocky Mountain's Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP). We are starting our search within the 'Friends of the Escalante Farmers Market' community. If you know someone who would be perfect for the position, please share this email with them. For more information including the full job description and requirements for SCSEP, please contact: Sheridan Wilder at —Escalante Farmers Market

Enjoying the Moment...

Courtesy Jake sChoppe

RICHFIELD - Panguitch wrestlers, coaches,and cheerleaders enjoy the moment. Panguitch wrestlers took 2nd place as a team last week at the state 1A wrestling tournament. Monticello came in first with Wayne taking third place. —Jake Schoppe

Blessed are the young for they shall inherit the national debt. —Herbert Hoover

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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