The Wayne and Garfield County Insider 02/23/2017

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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Issue # 1191

Overtime Victory Nets First Ever State Championship for BVHS Girls' Basketball

Garfield County Commission Passes on Monument Resolution Vote Public Hearing scheduled for March 13 PANGUITCH - The Garfield County Commission met at a re-scheduled time on Tuesday, February 14, 2017 in the commission chambers in Panguitch. At 10am they held an “Elected Official/Dept. Head” meeting behind closed doors, and at 11am they emerged into commission chambers and were greeted by a room filled with about 75 constituents who came to discuss item six on the day’s agenda, “Monument Resolution.”

The commission members continued with their regular agenda, as individuals stood to turn in written statements. Following adoption of the agenda and minutes approval, commission members gave brief board reports with commissioner Tebbs discussing P-J treatment areas and forest service meetings in which timber sales were discussed. Commission members discussed Tourism Day on the Hill and Rural Day on the Hill and noted it is

“good to see our tourism office functioning.” Commissioner Taylor discussed the event on the Hill honoring Alicia Keller and that he attended a Five County meeting. “As you know, Garfield is in charge of Five County, now,” said Taylor. County Engineer Brian Bremner came forward for the public works report, and said, “Because of the state law that has passed, we have drafted Garf. Commission Cont'd on page 2

courtesy Bryce Valley HigH scHool

The Lady Mustangs celebrate their overtime victory for Girls' Basketball A1 State Champions, holding their trophy up as emotions ran high! BRYCE VALLEY - The exhaustion manifested itself clearly when Bryce Valley senior, Danielle Brinker-

hoff's free throw didn’t even hit the rim as her team clung to a one-point lead in overtime. With two of the seniors

Local Eagle Scouts Soar

courtesy PeNNi torgersoN

LOA - Ruger Torgerson and Ethan Lee received their Eagle Scout awards in a ceremony that took place February 9th, at the annual Blue and Gold Banquet in the Thurber Ward, in Wayne County. Ruger is the son of Ryan and Penni Torgerson. Ethan is the son of Mike and Patti Lee. PANGUITCH February 12th was a special day for one of Panguitch’s finest of young men. Christopher Parkin was awarded the coveted Eagle Rank. Several other scouts also received awards and rank advancements in Unit 681, sponsored by the Panguitch 3rd Ward. C h r i s t o p h e r, 16, is the son of Shawn and Vonnie Parkin, two of our great leaders in the 3rd Ward and some of the finest examNorm mcKee ples of adulthood Christopher Parkin is awarded his Eain our community. gle Scout. Chris’s Eagle ProjCameron, who recently entered ect involved some much need- the ward boy scout troop. ed work at the firewood storage We salute Christopher area near the Panguitch Stake as he joins an elite group of Center. He is a junior at Pan- scouts and former scouts who guitch High School. His job have earned this special disnow is to continue as a good Scouts example to his younger brother Cont'd on page 2



PARTLY CLOUDY MOST OF THE WEEK - Sunny on Friday. Snow showers expected on Tuesday, the 28th, with sunshine to ring in the first day of March. Highs for the week in the mid 30s. The lows throughout the week will be in the low 20s and teens. Wind might get up to 18 mph over the weekend.

who helped the No. 1 Bryce Valley Mustangs make it to State Champs Cont'd on page 2

Suspect in Garkane Transformer Shooting Indicted

WASHINGTON, D.C. - A Grand Jury has returned an indictment charging an individual with destruction of an energy facility. Charges are related to an incident that occurred September 26, 2016 that knocked power out to Kane and Garfield County residents for nearly 8 hours. The Kane County Major Crimes Unit, the FBI, as well as other County and Federal agencies investigated the case. Because members of the Terrorism Task Force are investigating the case, the U.S. Attorneys Office will prosecute it. Garkane would like to thank all those involved in bringing this case to prosecution, especially the Kane County Sheriff’s Office for providing many hours of dedicated resources to this particular case. For any questions please email neal.brown@garkane. com or call 435-644-5026. —Garkane Energy


Garfield County residents filled commission chambers on February 14 to discuss a proposed "Monument Resolution," but that discussion didn't take place. A public hearing on the issue is scheduled for March 13, 2017.

Love Was in the Air

BICKNELL - Wayne High School had an interesting Valentine’s Day this year. Three incredible young men came together and bought all the girls in the high school roses. Tava’e Pei, Wade Jeffery, and James Oldroyd, came to school dressed in shades of red and black and went from classroom to classroom handing each young woman and female teacher a rose with her name attached to it. They spent countless hours plucking each thorn from the roses and used their own money to complete this project. When asked why they decided to do this Tava’e Pei said, “We wanted to prove that chivalry isn’t dead. We also wanted to start a tradi-

Op-Ed What's Next with the Monument Controversy? by NormaN mcKee

The Grand Staircase/Escalante National Monument is now 20 years old. It was proclaimed by President Clinton with great controversy, which still exists. Having spent much of my career as a state wildlife biologist on most of the lands encompassing the Monument, I also had mixed feelings about some of the lands encased in the new Monument. However, over the past 20 years, I have come to really appreciate the Monument and the values and goals it represents. Recently, the Utah State Legislature passed a resolution to shrink the size of the Monument. If

done, a Bureau of Land Management Field Office would manage the lands taken from the Monument. The Monument is somewhat unique, as it was the first to be managed by the BLM, not the National Park Service. It was also to be managed under the multiple-use option. Thus, hunting, fishing, and grazing have continued mostly unhindered. Even the oil field near Escalante continues to operate without much change. Other possible oil What's Next Cont'd on page 3

People exploit what they have merely concluded to be of value, but they defend what they love. —Wendell Berry

tion in this school. That all girls shall receive flowers for Valentine’s Day no matter if they’re single or with someone.” These men have proven that the beauty of kindness can make anyone feel JasmiNe WilsoN loved and Kierra Winchell and Kayla Batty receiving cared for. flowers from several fine WHS young men. Thanks you for making a day about cou- preciated and acknowledged. ples celebrating each other —Jasmine Wilson, Wayne into one where girls can be apHigh School Badger Times, Editor

Wayne County’s Sixth District Court Hears Gravel Pit Case

LOA - The Honorable Judge George M. Harmond, who normally serves on the Seventh District Court, came to Wayne County’s Sixth District Court on Wednesday, February 15, to preside over a bench trial in which plaintiffs challenged Wayne County’s decision to approve a Conditional Use Permit for a gravel pit in Teasdale. The case has generated a great deal of public interest, and the court room remained relatively full of county residents who observed the trial during the four-plus hour proceedings. Presented as a property damage case, attorneys rep-

resenting plaintiffs Charlene Van Dyke et al. argued that Wayne County failed to correctly follow county statutes when granting a CUP to Brown Brothers Construction for a proposed gravel pit on a 130 acre state-owned School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration parcel in Teasdale. Recapping events of the past year, plaintiffs’ attorney Eric P. Lee outlined how, in correspondence that took place between SITLA and Wayne County, it was discussed that Wayne County would work through a public

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.


Gravel Pit


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