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Thursday, March 1, 2018
Issue # 1244
Just a Dusting...
Free Firewood Offered in Brian Head Burn Area
ESCALANTE - Last Thursday brought another small storm, which, while giving us a few inches of the pretty white stuff to look at in the morning, was all but melted off by mid-day. The Natural Resource Conservation Service snow report shows many of our areas in Wayne & Garfield counties hovering at 25-50% of average snow-to-date for this year. Mack Oetting says in his column this week that, "This Sunday the LDS faithful will be fasting for some moisture all over our area." Something we can all join in on. —Insider
Thanks, Dr. Jake, for Bringing Quality Animal Care Back Home
LYMAN - As many of us have experienced, life has a way of turning one direction when we are headed in another. That’s exactly what happened as Jake Van Dyke completed his veterinary training last year. He had always planned to return to Wayne County to start a veterinary practice after eight years of university training and clinical experience. He envisioned partnering with other veterinarians in the area for a few years while working toward a clinic of his own. But, when a building went on the market, a building that could accommodate an animal clinic, that was the unexpected but perfectly timed turn that led him to start his own private practice as Dr. Jake Van Dyke at the Fremont River Veterinary Clinic in Lyman. Dr. Jake, his local moniker, grew up on a dairy farm in Dry Valley. That meant he spent plenty of time around animals of all sorts. If you
Jake Van Dyke, DVM
From Wood and Weaving to Chickens: The Spark Squad Explores Cultural Heritage BICKNELL - Over 100 people attended the second Wayne County Cultural Heritage community dinner. This Spark Squad event focused on our heritage of wood and crafting. Thanks to the 4-H youth, families, and many other community members that brought their wood crafts to share including Carolyn and Richard Mattingly and Ryan Torgerson. Also, thanks to Boulder Innovations for sharing their wood products and providing door prizes. Rather than a speaker or other large group activity, these dinner events feature a variety of intergenerational activities, Spark Squad
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ImAGes Courtesy CoLor Country AnImAL WeLFAre
Fremont River Veterinary Clinic, in Lyman, offers veterinary services for household pets and farm animals in both Wayne & Garfield counties. check out the Fremont River Veterinary Clinic Facebook page, you’ll even see young Jake riding two horses at once, one foot on each saddled back. Many a calf started out with Daddy Jake as bottle-feederin-chief. Maybe these early experiences are what led to his pursuit of animal care as a profession. Once you meet Dr. Jake, you’ll discover he is passionate about his job. He believes keeping animals safe and healthy is a team effort because his patients are unable
IF WE'RE LUCKY we'll get some snow heading into the weekend. Mostly cloudy Thursday, building to snow showers (and wind) Friday. Highs in upper 30s; lows in teens, 20s. Saturday & Sunday partly cloudy & windy, highs in 30s. Sunny beginning of week with highs remaining in 30s, low 40s.
to speak for themselves. That’s why Jake works hard to listen to animal caretakers who are often the first to detect and describe problems. Jake explains that preventative care is extremely important. This includes vaccinations; heartworm, flea, and tick treatments; addressing diarrhea and air-borne diseases; nutrition and herd management; and annual checkups. Not only are these concerns important for the health of animals, they are also important to the health of people since some animal diseases can spread to humans. Dr. Jake
BRIAN HEAD - The open Monday through Friday Dixie National Forest, Cedar 8:00am-4:30pm, (435) 865City Ranger District is offer- 3200 and the Powell Ranger ing free firewood in a large District office located at 225 portion of the Brian Head fire E Center, Panguitch, UT; open burn area. Due to the size of Monday through Thursday the area burned in the Brian 8:00am-4:30pm, (435) 676Head Fire, the Dixie National 9300. Free firewood up to 4 Forest is offering this firewood free of charge to aide in the re- cords per household, per calhabilitation of the burn area, endar year, may be harvested improve aesthetic features of in the free use cutting area. the forest, and to benefit fami- The permit will include: a lies in the surrounding com- permit, free firewood tags, a munities. “This is a great op- map of the approved cutting portunity to help clean up after area within the Brian Head fire the fire while being able to gather firewood for personal use” says Veronica Magnuson, Cedar City District Ranger. Anyone who would like to harvest this available free Courtesy dIxIe nAtIonAL Forest firewood must obtain a per- The Forest Service is offering permits for mit with tags up to four free cords of firewood in the and designated Brian Head Fire area. maps which are given free of area, and permit conditions charge. These permits are of- and instructions. The person fered only at two of the Dixie that comes to pick up the perNational Forest District of- mit must also be present while fices. The offices are the Ce- gathering firewood in the dar City Ranger District office Firewood located at 1789 N WedgeCont'd on page 2 wood Lane, Cedar City, UT;
Annette LAmb
People of all ages enjoyed the “sink or float” wood activity during last week's Spark Squad event and Wayne County Cultural Heritage community dinner.
Garfield Memorial First Baby of 2018! PANGUITCH - Garfield Memorial Hospital’s 2018 New Year’s Baby was born on February 21, 2018 to Wyatt & Amber Barnson, of Junction, Utah. Reed Clyde Barnson made his arrival at 6:25 p.m. weighing 7 pounds 6 ounces and measuring 19 inches long. Reed will be welcomed home by his older sister and 3 brothers. The physician was Dr. Colin Marshall. Garfield Memorial Hospital would like to thank the following for their contributions to our 2018 Baby New Year: Yardley Insurance: $25.00; Panguitch Drug Co: Bibs, shampoo, and diapers; Smokin’ Hot Antiques: Baby Gift Basket & Stuffed Santa Puppy; C-Stop: C-Stop Special; Windy Mesa Studios 11 x 14 Canvas Print; Garfield Memorial Case of Diapers; Town of Tropic $100; Bryce Canyon Pines RestauCourtesy GArFIeLd memorIAL HospItAL rant Dinner for 2; Panguitch Lion’s Club Wyatt and Amber Barnson are the proud par$50 Gift Card to Panguitch Drug; Panents of Reed Clyde Barnson, Garfield Memo- guitch City 2- $25 Gift Certificates; Tom rial Hospital's first baby of 2018. & Kay Hatch $50. —Garfield Memorial Hospital
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Consider what each soil will bear, and what each refuses. —Virgil
ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.