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Thursday, March 2, 2017
Issue # 1192
Capitol Reef National Park Seeks Candidates for its First Artist-in-Residence Program
anita staChurski
The scenic entrance to Capitol Reef National Park serves as a harbinger of beauty. The park is launching its first Artist-inResidence program and is now accepting applications. CAPITOL REEF N.P. Application forms for Capitol Reef National Park’s 2017 Artist-in-Residence program are now being accepted. We are seeking applicants for the park’s first Artist-in-Residence program who will be able to express the park’s features and issues in a powerful and engaging way through
the medium of painting, drawing or photography. The goal of this emerging program is to present a new perspective and understanding of Capitol Reef’s effect on us, and of the challenges the park faces in this century. “This residency program is an exciting progression of our relationship with the artist community, and
will give visitors the chance to know Capitol Reef in a new and different way, through the eyes of an artist,” said Capitol Reef National Park former Superintendent Leah McGinnis. This first Artist-in-Residence is scheduled to coincide with the Fourth Annual Arts and the Park: Light on the Reef Plein Air Event, scheduled for May
30 - June 3, 2017. For those who are interested in applying, the online application is now available at www.nps. gov/CARE/getinvolved/artistin-residence.htm. Application materials must be received by Sunday April 5, 2017. For more information, please call 435-425-4112. —Capitol Reef National Park
Wayne County’s Health Maintenance Heroes LOA - Wayne Countians: Next time you venture to the county court house to take care of some “upstairs” business like registering a vehicle or checking tax records, you might do yourself a favor by venturing downstairs for a visit to the local branch of the Central Utah Public Health Department. Chances are you’ll find something at the CUPHD office that will help you, even if you don’t know what that is, just yet. There, Public Health Nurse TaLeah Moosman and Debbie Taylor, Community Health Technician, will guide you through the numerous programs and services they provide to the county, and the scope of it may surprise you. “We do quite a lot out of this little basement office,” said TaLeah Moosman. Most people probably know CUPHD best as the flu shot office, but their range of services in preventive health care and health management extend from pre-natal to senior care. These include prenatal counseling, 72 hour kits for newborns, breast feeding counseling, WIC and supplemental food program services, nutrition education, monitoring of infants and children for weight and hemoglobin, smoking cessation, hypertension and diabetes management, immunizations and TB screening, pneumonia and shingles shots, visiting home Health Heroes Cont'd on page 7
Canyon Creek Women's Crisis Shelter Hires New Staff and Expands Services CEDAR CITYCanyon Creek Women's Crisis Center has gone through a series of exciting changes expanding on a new vision brought to life over the last few months to address the rapid growth of the organization, as well as the need for expanding services in Iron, Beaver, and Garfield Counties. Among these changes are the announcements of newly hired Shelter Director, Linda Hahne, and Awareness and Prevention Director, Kait Sorensen. Linda Hahne brings years of experience and dedication to Canyon Creek. Her most recent position was as a Judicial Assistant in the Fifth District Juvenile Court but has years of previous experience running a diaper Courtesy Canyon Creek Women's Crisis sheLter bank in Nevada Linda Hahne, new Shelter Director at and as an Educa- Canyon Creek Women's Crisis Shelter tion Coordinator, (top photo), and Kait Sorensen, will be managing a pro- leading expanded prevention and gram that assisted awareness programming. women in receiving their GED. Linda has a vada. She said, “I’m thrilled to Bachelor’s Degree in Human be the new Shelter Director for Services with a Minor in Man- Canyon Creek Women’s Criagement from the University sis Center. CCWCC has been of Phoenix and is also a para- a force for good in Cedar City legal which she has used to do Women's Shelter free legal work for victims of Cont'd on page 3 domestic violence in rural Ne-
Op-Ed Grand Staircase: Our Home…
Wayne County's Central Utah Public Health Department Team: Mike Grimlie, Environmental Health Scientist and PIO from the Richfield office, with Wayne County office staff members Debbie Taylor, Community Health Technician, and TaLeah Moosman, RN, Public Health Nurse.
Sevier Valley Hospital is Accepting Applications for Kendall J. Willardson Memorial Scholarships
RICHFIELD - Sevier Valley Hospital is once again accepting applications as part of their annual Kendall J. Willardson Memorial Scholarship program. The program will provide two $1,000 awards to support high school students in Sevier, Piute, and Wayne communities as they further their education. Now in its fourth year, the scholarship program is held in honor of long-time SVH employee and friend, Kendall J. Willardson. “This scholarship is our
SUN IS ON THE WAY - Sunny or mostly sunny for the next week with just a few clouds hovering on Saturday and Sunday. Highs in the low 50s. The lows throughout the week will be in the low to mid 20s. Wind might get up to 18 mph on Saturday and Sunday.
way of remembering Kendall and all of the contributions he made – both to our hospital and to the community,” said Gary Beck, Sevier Valley Hospital administrator. “Our goal with this program is to give students who have interests and goals similar to Kendall’s, the opportunity to gain an education in healthcare and make an impact in the lives of others, the way that Kendall did.” To be considered for the scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria: Currently a High School Senior (at a Sevier, Wayne, or Piute County high school) GPA of 3.0 or Higher
Pursuing a Career in Healthcare through Higher Education Actively Involved in Community Service Actively Involved in Sports (High School or Other) Applications may be obtained at or from high school counselors. Completed applications, along with resume, and a 300-500 word essay must be scanned and emailed to brooke.heath@ by Friday, April 21, 2017. Questions about the scholarship program may be directed to Brooke Heath at —Sevier Valley Hospital
Land really is the best art. —Andy Warhol
by ConstanCe Lynn I’m feeling some confu- Ten years ago while living in sion as I listen to people on a small rural town in Central both sides of the debate around NY, outside oil and gas comGrand Staircase Escalante Na- panies came knocking on the tional Monument and ques- doors of the local farmers and tion the political forces that ranchers. Within a year, oilrigs are dividing us. As far as I can went up in fields and it soon tell, we the people have a lot became evident that the checks of common ground and that residents received didn’t comwe all love this place we call pensate for the destruction to home, whether we were born their land and polluted water. here or otherwise feel called to Last year my friend from there live here. visited and told me that her It’s time for us to be our family sold their land as those own leaders and take personal living around her became deresponsibility for our future. pressed and suicidal, addicted In my mind the questions to heroin and meth, after the aren’t about tourism vs. extrac- very quick boom and bust left tive industries and ranching, town. but about how do we come up The Boulder Skills Founwith economic solutions that dation, our local resiliency care for the land, care for the group, focuses on learning people, and provide a return and maintaining the skills it without destroying the place takes to live from the land; we love and our common hu- the cultural energy of which manity. is still embedded in the people Extractive industries and the place here. Currently such as the proposed coal, Grand Staircase carbon fiber and tar sands, Cont'd on page 7 are not long-term solutions. ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.