The Wayne & Garfield County Insider March 8, 2018

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Thursday, March 8, 2018

Issue # 1245

Park Service to Sponsor "Leave No Trace" Hot Spot Events

ESCALANTE - The public is invited to kickoff events being held March 5th through 12th for the Escalante Interagency Visitor Center’s designation as a Leave No Trace Hot Spot. The events are being hosted by the Interagency Visitor Center and its partner agencies, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (NPS), Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (BLM) and Dixie National Forest (USFS). The expanse of public land managed by these three agencies offers ample opportunity for a true wilderness experience for an ever-increasing number of visitors. The Leave No Trace Hot Spot Program

identifies areas suffering from severe impacts of outdoor activities so that these areas can thrive again with Leave No Trace solutions. According to Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Superintendent William Shott, “We’re thankful to have sitespecific, Leave No Trace tools in place, so our visitors become public land stewards. They then become the solution to resource impairment by helping to reverse damage and preserve a healthy ecosystem for use and enjoyment by all for many years to come.” Leave No Trace Cont'd on page 2

Courtesy National Park Service

Backpacking scenic Escalante area in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area.

WHS Participates in District Day on the Hill

Wayne High School Band and Choir Perform in Capitol Rotunda SALT LAKE CITY - Each year the legislature spends several months, during January, February and March, working on legislation to help improve the State of Utah. While in session many individuals and groups provide information to our Senators and Representatives. One opportunity our school districts have to provide information to our legislators is the District Day on the Hill. On this day districts have an opportunity to showcase some of the great things occurring in our district public schools. This year the District Day on the Hill was February 23rd. Wayne School District participated in the District Day on the Hill. Wayne School District was one of 13 districts that had a table display in the Capitol rotunda. Wayne’s display showed their use of 1 to 1 student computer devices, integration of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) into their curriculum, their outstanding graduation rate and the amount of money their graduates are receiving in scholarships for post-secondary schools. In addition to the table display, Wayne High School band and choir entertained the Capitol with a concert. Despite

Wayne County Hoolihans Set to Play Spring Gigs

First Show Saturday, March 17 at the Loa Civic Center

Photos Courtesy Jim Robinson

Wayne County Hoolihans, featuring Dee Hatch (right), will be performing locally on two upcoming dates. WAYNE COUNTY – Get out your dancin’ shoes, because the Wayne County Hoolihans, featuring Dee Hatch and the Barn Dance Band, are throwing a couple of spring dances. The first show will be Saturday, March 17, from 6:00 – 9:00pm at the Loa Civic Center (at 90 West Center Street). Jim Robinson, guitar and banjo player for the band, says this will be their “warm up” gig for their second “Cinco de Mayo” show at the Mill Lodge on May 5. The shows will have something for everyone. The Hoolihans, featuring a variety of seasoned players from around Wayne County and Salt Lake City, play traditional music, old time fiddle tunes, polkas, two steps and waltzes.

“ D e e Hatch is the focus of the project,” says Robinson, who serves as organizer for the band. Hatch plays concertina and harmonica, and, even at 98 years old, according to Robinson, serves as the driving force of the band. “He’s the one that wants to play three more when we’re all done for the day,” says Robinson. Hatch, a Piute/Wayne County native now living in Loa, grew up in Koosharem and has played traditional mu-


THURS. MAR. 8 - WED. MAR. 14

Sunny days for the most part are in our futures. Mostly sunny Thursday through Saturday and again Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Highs in 50s; lows in the 20s. Sunday and Monday we could see rain/snow showers. Highs in the upper 40s; lows in the 20s. Precipitation chance is 50%.

sic on the concertina for many decades, going back to the Poverty Bench Boys Band—a post-war (WW II) band active in the 1950s. He knows many old dance tunes that are unique to the area. The Hoolihans are seeking to keep this traditional music alive and moving forward for new generations. Robinson says he first met Dee Hatch when he moved to


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a snow storm, the Choir and Band left Bicknell at 5:30 in the morning and drove up to the Capitol for their concert. Joni Taft started with the choir singing 2 songs Photo Courtesy Wayne County School District “Fly Away Medley” The Wayne High School choir and band entertained the public in and “The Rising of the Salt lake City's Capitol Rotunda during District Day on the Hill, on Moon,” to the delight of February 23. the whole building. Following the Choir, Lori Chap- and band were able to watch School Band and Choir. Thank pell directed the band with a the house of representatives’ you, Joni and Lori, for what rendition of several inspiring debate and pass bills. This was you are doing for our kids. —John Fahey, songs that filled the Capitol a great opportunity that was Superintendent, Rotunda with sweet music. made possible by the outstandWayne School District Following the songs, the choir ing students of the Wayne High

Turnabout Journey to Fish Lake, Youth Utah’s Fishing Gem and “Runners” Home to "Trembling Giant" Commit Car Theft, Burglary ESCALANTE – On Thursday, February 22, Escalante resident Stephanie Minnaert, woke up to find her car gone. Two male youths, students at Escalante’s Turnabout Ranch, a facility that treats 13 to 17 year olds with emotional and behavioral problems, had gone missing the previous day. Around 7 a.m. Minnaert called the Garfield County Sheriff’s Department, reaching Deputy Sheriff Ray Gardner, to report her car missing. “Ray said the two Tournabout kids went missing the previous day. They were covering their tracks, people were looking for them,” said Minnaert. Everyone soon put twoand-two together and determined that the two youths had likely stolen the car. “But the thing I knew is they couldn’t make it very far because my gas light was on. I’d made a conscious decision the previous day not to get gas, but I did leave my keys in the car,” said Minnaert. Having stolen a car with a shortage of gas, the youths ended up on what was apparently a minor odyssey, driving to Boulder and allegedly borrowing and returning a gas can to a Boulder man who helped the youth with their gas problem, and also breaking into Hall’s Store in Boulder for cash and provisions. “They broke a window to get in,” said Gladys LeFevre, who owns Hall’s Store. “And they did each get a toothbrush. I think we got most of the cash back except for what they used Car Theft

Courtesy Fishlake National Forest

Southern Utah University's Road Creek Inn now serves as a gateway to many outdoor activities near Utah's Capitol Reef National Monument. LOA - Located just 22 miles from the historic Road Creek Inn in Loa, Fish Lake is Utah’s largest natural mountain lake offering trophy fishing and bird watching opportunities, as well as a variety of outdoor recreation including remote country backpacking, horseback riding, and off-highway vehicle use on designated trails. Located in the Fishlake National Forest in central Utah, Fish Lake is known as the “gem of Utah” for their Mackinaw lake trout that grow to more than 50 pounds. Rainbow trout, tiger muskie, Splake and yellow perch are also common catches by anglers on the waters that are also popular for ice fishing in the winter. Although Native Americans had used Fish Lake for centuries, in the early 1800s the lake was also a favorite for early Spanish/Mexican traders, American hunters and trappers, and the occasional outlaw hiding in this pristine, isolated part

of Utah. In 1873, a delegation from the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints negotiated rights with Ute elders to hunt and fish the lake. All Ute water rights to the lake were sold to the Fremont Irrigation Company in 1889, “for nine fine horses, 500 pounds of flour, one good beef steer, one suit of clothes, and the right to fish the Fish Lake outlet forever,” according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) website. President William McKinley created a forest reserve that included Fish Lake in 1899 with a proclamation giving ownership of the lake to all Americans. Fish Lake’s oldest resident is known as the Trembling Giant, or Pando, Latin for “I spread.” Pando is a clonal colony of single male quaking aspen. In the early 1970s, Uni-

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Anything that works against you can also work for you once you understand the Principle of Reverse. —Maya Angelou

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.


Fish Lake


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