The Wayne and Garfield County Insider 03/09/17

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Thursday, March 9, 2017

Issue # 1193

Following Landslide, Bryce Canyon and UDOT Work to Repair State Route 12

BRYCE - Those travelling State Route 12 through the northern end of Bryce Canyon National Park should expect delays, possibly lasting into the summer season. A recent landslide has forced the closure of the eastbound lane of the scenic byway between mile posts 14 and 15, resulting in the restriction of travel to a single lane managed by traffic lights. The park is working closely with the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) to assess the full scope and probable causes of this event. This latest occurrence was first documented on February 13th, when the highway shoulder and southern slope began to sag. Within six days, the same area had completely fallen away, leaving a nearly sheer escarpment between the roadway and the ground below. UDOT road crews continue to monitor possible movement in the area, but through their immediate response have successfully prevented further road damage. Delays to traffic travelling through this section of the park are between three and five minutes. The silty limestone and other relatively soft, and soluble layers of the park’s Claron Formation present a uniquely challenging environment for engineers. Residents of the

by Sarah Tal TORREY - In early 2016, received our letters of supColor Country Animal Welfare port from the five incorpo(CCAW) purchased a beauti- rated towns in Wayne County. ful 12-acre plot of land near Community support has been Torrey as the site for our fu- especially strong for doggie ture animal shelter, veterinary daycare and overnight boardoffice, and boarding facility. ing because tourists travelling The property includes a short with dogs are limited in where stretch of the Fremont River they can go on some public and boasts stunning views lands. We then were ready for of Boulder Mountain and the the next step: the beginning of Velvet Ridge. Lots of sore fundraising for the buildings. muscles and five dumpsters In September our first comlater, we’ve mostly cleared the munity fundraiser—Give Me old junk from it. CCAW Highlights The local zoning proCont'd on page 2 cess took some time, but we

CourTeSy naTional Park ServiCe

A sagging hillside on Hwy 12 has caused damage to the roadway along the area known as The Dump, just east of the Bryce Canyon turnoff. Expect delays on this section of roadway with single lane passage, and plan extra time for your trip. Reconstruction and traffic delays could extend into the summer. area and regular visitors to the us to the preservation and proTravel updates will be park are likely familiar with tection of the unique resources posted through the park’s Twitinstances in which the geol- of Bryce Canyon National ter account @BryceCanyonogy that makes Bryce Canyon Park, we share a commitment NPS as well as its Facebook famous has also threatened the with the Utah Department of page at integrity of its infrastructure, Transportation to address this BryceCanyonnps. Additional and this portion of State Route issue in the most effective way information about the park can 12 in the past. With these events possible” says Interim Superin- be obtained at in mind, the park and UDOT tendent Sue Fritzke. “What is brca or by calling the park’s are now exploring all possible important is not just restoring information line at (435) 834solutions. traffic to normal, but doing so 5322. “While our mission binds in a way that will last.” —National Park Service

Garfield County Tourism Awards $110,000 to Local Nonprofits PANGUITCH - Suzanne Catlett, vice president on the Escalante and Boulder Chamber's Board of Trustees, received $3,000 from Garfield County Office of Tourism’s Events Funding program for the 2017 year. Catlett has been on the board for three years, and this year marks the second time Escalante and Boulder has received the funding. “As far as I am aware last year was the first time an event funding request was made from Escalante,” Catlett said. “It is exciting to be one of the pioneers.” The Escalante and Boulder Chamber of Commerce is not the only nonprofit to receive funding from Garfield

County. Thirty-three other nonprofits were awarded funding, totaling in $110,000, to go towards the marketing efforts or event costs. “Community events serve as a valuable purpose for both residents and tourists,” Falyn Owens, director of Garfield County’s tourism office, said. “Not only do these events boost local businesses, but they also draw visitors throughout the year—not just during our peak season.” The county granted 21 organizations a total of $60,000 through its Event Tourism Grants Cont'd on page 3

Garfield County Establishes Public Hearing Protocol PANGUITCH - In an effort to promote orderly conduct and facilitate efficient communication, Garfield County has released a protocol for the public hearing scheduled at 11:00 am, Monday March 13, 2017 regarding modification of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument boundary. In an action approved earlier in the current legislative session, the Utah State Legislature and the Governor directed Garfield and Kane Counties to consult with the Bureau of Land Management

CCAW Posts 2016 Highlights

and create mapping of the minimum acreage necessary to protect antiquities identified in the presidential proclamation creating the Monument. Garfield County has scheduled a public hearing to obtain citizen input on a resolution implementing that directive. Kane County passed a resolution similar to the state directive in early February. The public hearing protocol will be posted on the County’s website at least 48 hours prior to the hearing. —Garfield County



A CLOUDY WEEKEND - Clouds will roll in on Friday and stay for a few days, letting up on Monday. Highs in the low 60s and upper 50s. The lows throughout the week will be in the low to mid 30s. The wind will be high, around 19 mph, from the South and West starting on Sunday and lasting through Wednesday.

CourTeSy Color CounTry animal Welfare

CCAW sponsored a Pet Show at the 2016 Wayne County Fair. Last year's successes have the organization poised for continued growth of services and new facilities.

WCHC to Host Health Fair March 17

University of Utah Pharmacy Students to Present Community Health Event BICKNELL - On Friday March 17th at 7:00 PM, pharmacy students from the American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Student Pharmacist (APhA-ASP) Chapter at the University of Utah will be holding a community education presentation and health fair at the Wayne County Community Health Center. The event will be open to the public and focused on improving your heart health

and lowering blood pressure. The mission of APhAASP is to be the collective voice of student pharmacists, to provide opportunities for professional growth, to improve patient care, and to envision and advance the future of pharmacy. Our chapter at the university of Utah is dedicated to improving the health of our community with the knowledge we obtain. APhA-ASP Rural Out-

reach Coordinators, who are pharmacy student at the University of Utah, Kaitlyn Holyfield and Christopher Joos are responsible for planning outreach trips to rural areas of Utah to help provide healthcare services to communities that may have limited access or resources. These trips also serve the dual benefit of allowing student pharmacists to practice their communication and clinical skills with

patients. Students will be exposed to pharmacy practice in a small-town environment and the unique challenges associated with rural medicine. The student pharmacists from the University of Utah have collaborated with the Director of Pharmacy Services at Wayne Community Health Center, Donovan Smith RPh. to organize this outreach trip. Health Fair

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Robust WHS Choir to Cap Season with Upcoming Events BICKNELL - This year Wayne High School restarted its choir under the direction of Joni Taft. The choir started out with about 15 students and grew to 38 by the Christmas Season. Many of these students have gone out of their way to come early to school and during their lunchtime to work on learning and practicing their songs. As Joni has built a fun and talented choir, they have performed throughout the county. They have performed at the Sr. Citizens dinner, PIE Night, Thurber, Fremont and

Hanksville Wards, Bicknell Town Council Christmas Party, Thurber and Lyman Ward Relief Society, the Inter-faith Christmas Program, and the Loa Stake Choir Christmas Program. The community has been very grateful and has made donations to support their program. South Central Communications, the Ito Foundation as well as other community individuals have awarded the choir money. The choir students and Joni have made hundreds of loaves of bread to help finance

their choir outfits. The Wayne County School Board has been very supportive towards the program. We appreciate all the support financially and otherwise that we have received from this community. We have received many, many compliments and positive comments about how nice it is to have a Wayne High Choir. The choir is now working on our Family Night on Broadway, which is scheduled for Monday Night May 1st and will feature the Wayne High Band as well as the Choir per-

forming selections from Les Miserables. The choir is also working on '50s selections in preparation for the Preference Ball, which will be a '50s theme. We are grateful to Joni Taft for her dedication and spirit that has brought this great choir to our community. We are especially grateful for our talented students who are providing such a wonderful service. —John Fahey, Wayne County School District Superintendent

CourTeSy Wayne CounTy SChool DiSTriCT

The Wayne High School Choir will cap a successful year with a upcoming spring performances. "Family Night on Broadway" will be held on May 1, in concert with the Wayne High School Band. The WHS choir and band will perform selections from Les Miserables. Also stay tuned for the "Preference Ball," with a 1950s theme. To me, old age is always 10 years older than I am. —Bernard Baruch

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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